Fusion Asylum

User: jayxxbear
Fusion Asylum
Jesslyn a teenage boy with a horrific past is at the most dangerous insane asylum there is...will he make it out with his sanity still in tack?....

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thanks for the advice but i realize its not well detailed but i just wanted to test the waters and see what people think so far i was going to go back later and add much more trust me i have a lot of plans for this story :) i want it to be utter gore with lots of horrific details but that will come in much later but again thank you so much for your time and advice <3 !

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ︀>>>>> WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?jayxxbear_1355351996.3761100769


Howwww you gonna leave us hanging !!! I need to know moreee

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So far i like it but i dont really like the way you worded it. What i mean is, a story about a kid in the most insane asylum, i think, should've started off with a bit more detail or when he's standing in front of the director(in my opinion). Dont rush. Take your time to write it out. Like when your describing him, write a few sentences on his apperance, just enough for the reader to get a clear visual image. Dont tell the... mehr anzeigen

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