The Ice Princess

User: sereni
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

First thank you for the star, they say to me a job well done. When I wrote this the weather was so cold and I thought of someone with a cold heart who was hurting and wanted others to feel her unending pain. Serena

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Beautiful words and description of a heart that has turned to stone because of a lover unfaithful. The title of this is very appropriate and fitting for someone who has built a wall around their heart. Once again, another job well done.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I did this because it fits the weather right now glad you liked it. Serena

Wichtiger Beitrag

First, your cover is stunning. How thoughtfully you choose them for all your books!
The Ice Princess is a "chilling" little vignette. I hope there is a follow up in the works. Loved it.

1 Kommentar

Thank you in some cases I find the cover first. Serena

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