Love like Knives

User: Sarah
Love like Knives

Erina Nakiri hates when her cousin comes to stay because then she can't keep anything a secret and this time is no different except that she has a big secret she doesn't want anyone knowing especially her nosey cousin.

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Chicago, IL

The severe and extensive character flaws of Donald Trump were well known and
extensively reported upon prior to the 2016 election. No voter can honestly
say that they were unaware of them. But, in spite of this, a large portion of
the electorate saw fit to elect him and still supports him. Even a large swath
of women and Hispanics voted for him.


Donald Trump's election is a punishment visited upon the ruling... mehr anzeigen

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you spelt princess wrong the second time you wrote it, but other than that, I love this book and I hope that you decide to continue it.

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