
Chapter 1

Erina's POV

"SOMA YUKIHIRA" I yelled storming into his class "Miss Nakiri I must ask you to refrain from yelling in my classroom please" the teacher asked me "send him out then" I snarled turning on my heel and storming back out "Mr Yukihira out now before Miss Nakiri comes back in" he said and a few seconds later Soma stauntered out "what's up ice princess" he asked smirking at me I felt my heart speed up when he called me princess and I could swear some had set my cheeks on fire "n-n-n-nothing" I stammered before turning and running away "NAKIRI WAIT" Soma called after me I just kept running until I had to stop to catch my breath "you know you should really make sure no-one is following you next time" Soma said coming around the corner I was hiding behind I tried to run again but I tripped and fell Soma tried to grab me and stop me from falling but all he did was twist me around so I landed on my back in turn pulling Soma down with me I felt my cheeks heat up with a heavy blush "why are you blushing I'm the one that likes you" Soma said with disbelief "you like me" I said in the same tone "well duh what's not to like you're really gorgeous and smart not to metion you are the best cook I know" he said quietly I leaned up and kissed him after a few seconds I felt him start to move his lips against mine I softly moaned and he pulled away "sorry" he said going to get up "i'm not" I replied pulling his lips back to mine "Erina where are you" I heard my cousin Alice calling me "come on let's go" I whispered pulling away from Soma I stood up and we took off running towards the door once outside we slowed to a walk breathing heavily from our makeout session and running "um where are we going" Soma asked through fits of laughter "uh I don't know, let's go to the Nakiri house my grandfather won't be home and Alice knows better than to go there during school hours" I said giggling I didn't hear Soma answer straight away so I glanced over and seen him staring at me "what is it Soma" I asked stopping outside the house door "you laugh sounds really nice" he said "thanks" I said blushing Soma reached his hand over and tucked some of my hair behind my ear and then leaned forward to press his lips against mine once again "come inside" I said before pulling him through the door and up to my bedroom "um Erina what are you doing" he asked me "relax let's watch a movie" I said laughing and pointing to a plasma screen TV with a blu-ray DVD player on a shelf under it "oh right okay what do you want to watch" he said blushing scarlet "haha had you worried for a bit didn't I" I teased ducking out of his reach and over to my bed when he tried to grab me "mmhmm yes you did and now you have to make it up to me" he said slowly walking over, "oh yeah I will but nothing to bad I mean we are still in highschool" I said "okay do you have Star Wars movies" he asked going over to the shelves next to the screen "yeah all eight and Rougue One why" I stated "cause I love those movies" he said "fine" I said shaking my head laughing and laying back on my bed he put the movie in and came and laid next to me about halfway through I started to get tired so I curled into Soma's side he went stiff for a second before relaxing and wrapping his arm around me as I fell asleep.


Soma's POV

I glanced down at Erina who was now sleeping "god you're so beautiful" I mumbled pulling her closer I reached for the remote and turned the movie off before falling asleep myself.


"They look so cute" I could hear someone whispering from the door I opened my eyes a bit and looked over seeing Alice and Ryo standing at the door looking at us I pulled Erina closer to me and tried not to wake her "hey what's up" I asked the two at the door they shook their heads and walked away I looked after them confused for a moment before the strawberry blonde next to me woke up "hey" she said quietly "afternoon" I said tilting my head down to softly kiss her.


Alice's POV

"Come on i'm bored" I said pulling Ryo behind me as soon as I closed the door to my bedroom he kissed me slowly working on the buttons on my blouse I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him better


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2017

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