Cospa's Mercy

User: sarbear
Cospa's Mercy
Three young elves try to find the Seven Leafs of Cospa after they're village is burned down, so they can bring down the greatest evil of all.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Cospa's Leafs"
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Cospa's Mercy
Beiträge und Kommentare
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bookzilla, thank you very much. This is not edited at ALL. I'm having my sister edit for me right now. She's giving me tips and stuff. I didn't think I had that many spelling errors. Their names count as misspellings but I'll check my spelling again but I'm pretty sure I spelled most of it right. Thank you for your compliments! This is my first book in a VERY long time. I spent about half a year on this. I had some serious... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

you're a great storyteller, you are able to write about several characters having adventure in a really interesting way.

the one problem is that you need somebody to edit your work. there are lots of spelling/grammar mistakes that are kind of distracting. if you can fix these mistakes, your story will be way more readable.

also, you should try introducing the physical features of your characters a little later - you have them... mehr anzeigen

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