
Chapter One

“Fogwen!” shouted my friend Ravoneth. I looked down from the tree branch I was sitting on.
“What is it?” I called down.
“Hador is coming back!” she cried. I smiled and climbed down. I was five foot ten with thick flaxen hair and I was very petite but knew how to use a staff. I had marble white skin and huge green eyes with specks of gold. My friend Ravoneth had fragile features as well but was more muscular then me. She had brown hair put in a braid that brought out her huge blue eyes. I was wearing a sleeveless dark brown tunic with brown leggings.
“Come on!” she said. She started running and I shot after her. We arrived at the inn breathless. We burst inside and collapsed into a chair breathless. Glasdis walked up to us.
“Hello girls.” she said. She was elderly with wrinkles lining her face. She had gray hair that was loose and down to her hips. She smiled at us.
“Would you girls like something to drink?” she asked.
“We would love to Glasdis.” I said smiling. She left us and returned with a refreshing glass of mamba juice from The Exalted Vale.
“Diola lle.” I said thanking her. She nodded. I took a sip and shuddered as it put chills into my skin. I smiled.
“So when is Hador coming?” I asked.
“He’s almost here.” said Ravoneth. Hador was a young but very skilled warrior. He had silver hair which he kept loose and had beautiful silver eyes. He was fighting in the Crown Wars which was a war between two kingdoms. It had been going on for many moons. Hador was very kind and everyone loved him.
“He’s in The Mountain of the Fiendish Fallen?” I asked. Ravoneth nodded while drinking.
“I need his abilities.” said Ravoneth. I chuckled. Ravoneth dreamed of being a warrior on the battlefield of the Crown Wars but she wasn’t a great warrior. She was a great archer but was very strong. I heard a horse coming toward the inn. Ravoneth and I exchanged looks and grinned. The door opened and Hador walked in.
“Hador!” I cried. He smiled at me.
“Hello Fogwen.” he said. I ran to him and hugged him.
“Hador, you remember my friend Ravoneth.” I said.
“Welcome back Hador.” she said.
“Ravoneth.” he said nodding at her.
“Hador!” cried Glasdis. She ran to him and hugged him. Ravoneth and I stepped back to give them a moment alone. Glasdis was Hador’s grandmother. Hador’s mother and father had been killed when Hador was seven. Glasdis had raised him and they were very close. I saw the sun setting.
“I have to leave.” I said.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” she said. I hugged her and stood up.
“Glasdis, Hador, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said.
“Come tomorrow for breakfast.” said Glasdis.
“I will.” I said smiling. I hugged Glasdis and Hador and left. I felt as though something was different. Instead of the usual chill in the night air it was warm. I sighed. This was a pleasurable change. I walked slowly to my home where I lived alone. I had a wooden fence around a small garden and I lived in a three room house made of wood with a straw roof. I walked inside and looked around. I had a fireplace in the corner and a table in the corner. I had a bathroom and a bedroom and that was all. I walked into my room. I had a large bed with a red satin bedspread. I undressed and pulled on a cotton nightgown. I looked at my father’s staff Heavenly Fate. It was made of wood and never had to be enchanted. It’s was made of simple oak but Heavenly Fate’s orb was covered in gold leaf with a lion engraved on it. My father had been killed in the Crown Wars and my mother died of sickness. I blew the candle out and was immersed in darkness. I climbed into bed and drifted in a sleep haunted with dreams of fire and screams.

Chapter Two

I sat up and looked around. It was still dark but I saw bright flames. Something was wrong. I leapt out of bed and undressed. I pulled on a tunic and leggings and grabbed Heavenly Fate. I placed Heavenly Fate into my belt and ran out of my house. All the houses were on fire except for mine. Suddenly a ball of fire hit my house making it explode into flame. I was thrown forward and hit the ground skinning my arm up. I heard screams and cries. I saw shadows streaking across the ground. I saw the inn explode into flame.
“Hador, Glasdis!” I cried. I looked around for Ravoneth. I saw her streaking toward the inn her hair blowing behind her. I ran after her till I stopped in front of the inn. Ravoneth saw me beside her.
“Fogwen, Hador and Glasdis are inside!” she shouted over the flame, her voice hoarse from the smoke. I nodded.
“Go help the others. I’ll get Hador and Glasdis.” I cried. Ravoneth nodded and ran off. I saw an opening and raced for it. I leapt through the window with my arms in front of my face to shield me from the glass. I hit the floor and surveyed my surroundings. I was surrounded by fire. I raced to the bedroom and knocked the door down. I looked but didn’t see them I went through every room but couldn’t find them.
“Hador, Glasdis!” I cried. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Hador, his face black with ash. I gasped with relief and hugged him.
“Where’s Glasdis?” I asked. Hador looked down.
“Oh Hador, I’m so sorry.” I said. He nodded.
“Come on. We have to get out of here.” he said. I nodded. We ran down the stairs as they crumbled behind us. We climbed out the window and looked around. The sky was thick with smoke and my lungs hurt when I breathed. I saw someone coming in the smoke. It was Ravoneth. She nearly collapsed but she managed to stand.
“There’s no one else.” she said. I saw black shadows streaking across the ground leaving a trail of flame.
“They’re Alarrh!” I cried.
“We have to get to the Springs.” said Ravoneth. We nodded and took off toward the woods. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the Alarrh.
“They’re coming!” I yelled. We put on an extra burst of speed and just made it into the woods. The Alarrh couldn’t come into enclosed spaces such as woods. We walked to the Springs and collapsed to the ground exhausted. I panted and gasped for air. My hair was black from ash and my clothes were singed and black. I heard the crackling of flame at the village. I sighed and unhooked Heavenly Fate.
“Did you get Windcutter?” I asked Hador. Hador nodded. Windcutter was Hador’s sword.
“What about Blessed Destiny?” I asked Ravoneth.
“I shoved it under the Tree of Kala.” said Ravoneth.
“Ravoneth! That tree’s holy!” I said.
“Yeah! Blessed Destiny is holy to! She’s made from the Tree of Kala.” she said. I nodded in agreement.
“Where’s Windcutter?” I asked Hador.
“Uh, under the Tree of Kala.” he said blushing.
“I know this isn’t a good time to bring this up, but, that tree had been there for five hundred years!” I said.
“As have our weapons.” said Ravoneth. I shook my head. I had never seen Ravoneth’s bow. She always hid it from me but I didn’t press the issue.
“We better spend the rest of the night here before we head back.” said Hador. Ravoneth and I nodded. While Ravoneth and Hador made some makeshift beds I collected some nuts and berries from the trees surrounding us. We had a mid-night snack and lay down. After two hours, I stood up. I walked silently to a cave. I walked inside till I reached the center. There was a huge fissure in the ceiling that let in the moonlight. The moonlight was shining on a medium lake, making it shine brightly. It was absolutely silent. I sighed with relief at the quiet. Suddenly I thought I heard a whisper. I glanced up but no one was there. I heard footsteps behind me. I glanced up and saw Hador walking toward me.
“Hello Hador.” I said.
“Fogwen.” he said.
“Well this is upsetting. Your first day back and our village get burned down.” I said smiling.
“This isn’t funny Fogwen. My last living relative if dead! You don’t understand what that’s like.” he said angrily. He stood up and left, his loud footsteps ringing through the cave. I looked down sadly. I stayed there for about an hour and left when I saw the sun starting to rise. I walked silently back to my makeshift bed. I lay down and drifted into a light sleep plagued by whispers and screams.

Chapter Three

I was shaken awake by Ravoneth. I sat up and looked around.
“Fogwen, we have to go back into the village to get our weapons.” she said. I nodded and rubbed my gritty eyes. I stood up and placed Heavenly Fate into my belt. We ate some nuts and destroyed our campsite. We walked out of the woods and back to the village. There was ash drifting through the sky and they ground was covered in dead plants. It was absolutely silent. I saw the crumbled foundation of houses and crumbled corpses on the ground. We Walked to the Tree of Kala. I saw the temple of Kala.
“I’m going into the temple.” I said. Ravoneth and Hador nodded. I walked inside and looked around. The ceiling had some small holes in it but it was mostly intact. My sounds echoed through the temple. Suddenly the floor collapsed underneath me. I screamed as I hit the ground. There was about six feet of space and it was lit with Light Crystals. I stood up and walked down a lit path. I walked until it sloped downward. Suddenly I slipped on mud and tumbled down the path. I hit the bottom and sat up. I was covered in dirt and scratched. It was a huge cavern. There was a stand in the middle with a scroll. I stepped toward it and picked it up. I unrolled it and studied it. There was a brown haired girl with a bow, a silver haired boy, a black haired boy and red haired girl. At the very front was a girl with blond hair and green and gold eyes. It was Ravoneth, Hador, a boy and a girl and I. I heard Ravoneth and Hador’s cries from far away. I grabbed the scroll and ran back. They pulled me up and let me rest. I saw Hador’s sword Windcutter but I didn’t see Heavenly Destiny. I showed them the scroll.
“In the name of Kala!” cried Hador.
“I know what this is. It’s Cospa’s Leafs.” Said Ravoneth.
“What?” I asked.
“Cospa’s Leafs. It’s an ancient tome predicting the destruction of a village. It predicts that five heroes will find the Fragments!” said Ravoneth.
“The Fragments?” I asked.
“The Fragments are seven objects scattered around the kingdom. They were first a sword that was given to our kingdom of Artwold. This infuriated the kingdom of Wathorp so they stole it from us! We got upset and tried to take it back but that started the War of Corpses because thousands were killed over this sword. Eventually the sword was destroyed and the seven fragments were spread out across the kingdoms.” Said Ravoneth. Hador and I glanced at each other.
“The sword was called Cospa’s Mercy.” Said Ravoneth. We nodded.
“Well, that’s us.” Said Hador. We all nodded.
“Finding the Seven Fragments of Cospa? That’s a little heavy.” I said.
“But we can’t avoid it. It’s Destiny.” Said Hador. Ravoneth and I exchanged looks. Destiny was not something to be trifled with. If you tried to avoid Destiny, it would take you. We didn’t want to try our luck.
“Ravoneth, let’s get your weapon.” I said.
“Right.” Said Ravoneth through her teeth. We walked out of the temple and to the tree. The trunk was ten feet wide and ten feet tall. Ravoneth reached her hand under the tree root and pulled out a bow. It was made of smooth wood and had a crest on it which Ravoneth hid with her hand.
“Ravoneth, can I see your crest?” I asked.
“Why would you want to?” she asked.
“Well I’ve never seen your bow.” I said. She scowled and shoved the bow into my hands. I saw a circle of dark wood. Instead of Artwold’s crest carved in it, a swan, there was a dragon shooting flame. I tugged on Hador’s sleeve and showed him the dragon. That was the crest of Dragonvale. Hador’s eyes widened. We glanced at Ravoneth who was leaning against the tree of Kala, her face covered in guilt. There was a reason Ravoneth was feeling guilty. We were fighting Dragonvale in the Crown Wars.
“Ravoneth, I pray to Kala that this bow was made in Dragonvale.” I said. Ravoneth shook her head.
“Fogwen, I’m from Dragonvale.” Said Ravoneth. I sighed and looked at Ravoneth in disappointment. Hador looked down and shook his head.
“Oh Ravoneth.” I said sadly.
“Well, when I came here, I met you and I said I was from Artwold and by the time we became close friends, you hated people from Dragonvale because they killed your father and I couldn’t tell you!” said Ravoneth. I scowled and turned away from her.
“Where should we go?” I asked Hador.
“Why don’t we go to Dragonvale?” asked Ravoneth.
“No way!” we cried. Ravoneth sighed and sat down.
“Well, I read that there was a fragment in the Mountain of the Fiendish Fallen.” I said.
“Let’s pack up. Meet here when we’re ready.” Said Hador. We nodded and left. I walked to my house and sighed. The walls were barely there and my garden was burned. I walked inside and looked around. The walls were black with ash and the floor was shaky. I walked to my room and tried to salvage some clothes. I salvaged a blanket and a few tunics but everything else was burned. I walked back to the tree and saw Hador and Ravoneth waiting.
“You ready to go?” I asked. Hador and Ravoneth nodded. We started heading east. We walked until we reached a huge meadow. The sun was setting so we made camp. I was still upset at Ravoneth but we were speaking. We ate some nuts and berries and then retired for the night.

Chapter Four

Ten Days Later

We were climbing in the mountains through the freezing snow. We were covered in snow and chilled to the bone. We were coming up on a tundra village. We walked for a little while more till reached it. There were clusters of igloos and not that many people out. A tall petite girl with blue hair and bright yellow eyes ran toward us.
“Who’re you?” she asked smiling.
“I’m Fogwen, this is Ravoneth and this is Hador.” I said.
“I’m Glosswen.” She said smiling.
“Glosswen? I remember you!” said Hador excitedly.
“Oh yeah. I haven’t seen you in days.” She said.
“You know her?” I asked. Hador smiled.
“Yeah. We used to court. I had to leave and come back home.” Said Hador.
“I sooo missed you!” she said.
“Well, why don’t we catch up?” he asked.
“I’d love to.” She said smiling. I scowled.
“I’m going for a walk.” I said.
“Be back soon. There’s a snowstorm coming.” Said Glosswen. I rolled my eyes and left. I sighed and walked as far as I could. The wind howled and the snow poured down. I could barely move so I dug a hole and curled up. I looked out the front at the snow. Suddenly the snow around me collapsed. I gasped and looked around in the darkness. I shivered and tried to tunnel out but my frozen hands couldn’t. I screamed for help but no one heard. After two hours of freezing cold, I started to black out. Suddenly I heard scrabbling outside. The sun burst in and there was a wolf staring at me. I froze. It had yellow eyes and black fur. It grabbed my collar and dragged me out. I tried to back away but it wasn’t useful. The wolf transformed into an elf boy. He had short black hair and yellow eyes.
“Um. Hi.” I said.
“Hi.” He said.
“I’m Fogwen.” I said.
“I’m Felanir.” He said.
“Uh, thanks for saving me.” I said.
“Welcome. Are you from the village?” he asked.
“No. I’m from Artwold.” I said.
“Neat. Are you staying in the village?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said.
“I’ll take you back. Get on my back.” He said. He morphed into a wolf and waited for me. I had a better look at him now. In wolf form he had rippling black fur and was muscular. I climbed on and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaped forward and dashed through the snow. I shivered as snow hit my arms and the wind stung my eyes. A few minutes later we arrived at the village. Felanir morphed into a human.
“Well, it was nice meeting you.” He said. I remembered the black haired boy from the scroll.
“Wait! I need to show you something.” I said. I raced to my bag and pulled out the scroll. I ran back to Felanir.
“Look.” I said shoving the scroll into his hands. He opened it.
“Huh. That’s me.” He said.
“Yeah! We’re searching for the Seven Fragments of Cospa! If you’re on this scroll, then, we need you to come with us.” I said.
“I don’t know.” He said.
“Please Felanir! We need you.” I said.
“Who’s we?” he asked. Just as he said that an arrow shot past Felanir’s head. Felanir morphed into a wolf and leapt in front of me to protect me. I saw Hador running toward me with his sword drawn.
“Hador stop!” I cried. Felanir pushed me back and growled at Hador.
“Felanir, Hador! Stop!” I cried. Ravoneth ran to Hador and pulled her bow back.
“Everyone back away!” I cried. Hador and Ravoneth refused.
“In the name of Kala put your weapons down!” I said. Hador and Ravoneth agreed. Felanir morphed into a human and glared at Ravoneth and Hador.
“Ravoneth, Hador, this is Felanir.” I said.
“Vedui.” He said greeting them.
“He’ll be joining us to look for the Seven Fragments of Cospa.” I said.
“What? No!” cried Hador.
“Be silent!” I cried. Hador scowled.
“We’ll stay in the village tonight, stock up in the morning and leave in the afternoon.” I said. Hador nodded grudgingly.
“Felanir will stay with me. You and Ravoneth can stay together.” I said frowning at Hador.
“What? Why?” cried Ravoneth.
“Because I can’t trust you or Ravoneth to be alone with Hador! He’ll stay with me.” I said. They nodded. Glosswen ran up and hung on Hador’s arm.
“You just ran off! Where were you?” she asked. Hador glanced at Felanir.
“Felanir? What in the name of Iriel are you doing here?” she asked angrily. She gripped the staff in her hand, her knuckles white and the crystal at the end glowing.
“I’m not in the village Glosswen. I’m outside the village.” He said rolling his eyes.
“Shut it! You were exiled!” she said angrily.
“What?” I asked.
“Yeah! You’re boy Felanir here was exiled!” she said.
“Why?” I asked.
“He’s a mix!” she said.
“So?” I said.
“Well if you’re with him, you can’t stay here.” She said.
“We’re staying here.” I said. I started to push past her.
“Khelek hurro!” cried Glosswen. I glanced over my shoulder and saw icicles forming around Glosswen and streaking toward me. Felanir morphed into a wolf and leapt in front of me. The icicles hit him and he hit the ground. Glosswen smiled.
“Loomi en gurth!” I cried swinging my staff at her. A cloud formed around Glosswen. When it dispersed, Glosswen collapsed, blood running into the snow. Hador and Ravoneth looked at me in shock. I placed my staff in my belt.
“Shut it!” I said. Felanir wasn’t moving and I didn’t see breathing. I ran over and shook him.
“Felanir?” I said. He didn’t respond.
“Ram en' naur!” I cried waving my hands over him. Light shone from my hands healing his wounds. Felanir opened his eyes and looked at me.
“Greetings.” I said smiling shakily. He sat up and rubbed his head.
“How’re you feeling?” I asked.
“Sore and my chest is tingling.” He said.
“Come on. Let’s go to our rooms.” I said. Hador and Ravoneth scowled at me and left. Felanir and I left to a shop to stock up on food and other items. I was browsing the shelves with Felanir at a shop.
“So why are you searching for the Seven Fragments of Cospa?” he asked.
“Our village was destroyed and I found the scroll and we decided not to try Destiny and to find the Seven Fragments of Cospa.” I said.
“I wonder why I’m on there.” He said.
“Well, you’re special.” I said.
“How so?” he asked.
“Well, you can transform into a wolf.” I said.
“I try to ignore that fact.” He said.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because that’s what people focus on.” He said.
“What does that mean?” I asked picking up a bag of Goji berries.
“They don’t think about my personality. They just think about my monster side.” He said.
“Well, you’re a really nice guy.” I said. Felanir smiled. We got food and water and left. The inn was a single story stone-walled building, with a white tile roof and unusually high ceilings. The accommodations consist of a ten rooms with two wooden cots. I saw the stone walls of the inn in the distance. I saw people staring at Felanir. I dragged Felanir into the alley.
“I need to make you invisible. People recognize you!” I said.
“Alright.” He said sighing. I took a deep breath and waved my hands around him.
“Quella!” I whispered. Felanir disappeared.
“Uh, Felanir?” I asked.
“I’m here.” He said.
“Follow me.” I said. We crunched through the snow to the inn. Before we entered the door I stopped Felanir.
“Do you want me to perform an Incognito spell or would you like me to leave you invisible?” I asked.
“Incognito please.” He said.
“Quella Reverse!” I whispered. Felanir appeared looking pale.
“Alright, let’s see if I remember this.” I said. I took a deep breath.
“Nurta I' fea!” I whispered. Felanir’s black hair changed to an icy blue and his eyes turned black.
“Do I look different?” he asked.
“Definitely.” I said. I opened the door and stepped inside. The first thing I saw was a woman with dark purple hair. She was wearing a black robe and a dark purple satin cloak trimmed with white fur and had a beautiful staff encrusted with gems. She had thick black eye shadow on and was drinking a cup of water. A young woman with blond hair tied back into a ponytail came to us. She was wearing a brown cotton dress with puffed sleeves and a white apron.
“Welcome to The Fool and Candle.” She said smiling.
I smiled. She had long pointed ears and was wearing a gold cuff at the tip of her ear. Her long blond hair swept the ground.
“Would you like a room?” she asked.
“Yes please.” I said. She nodded and got us a key.
“You all look hungry. I’ll get you some dried trout and blue cheese and a tankard of bitter ale.” She said.
“Thank you.” I said. A woman burst into the inn sobbing and crying. Sabeth looked up and gasped.
“Edemes, what’s wrong?” asked Sabeth.
“Glosswen!” screamed the woman. I stiffened.
“What about Glosswen?” asked Sabeth. The woman collapsed to the floor screaming and shaking. Sabeth put the plate down and rushed over. She helped the woman up and placed her in a chair. She gave her a glass of water and tried to calm her down.
“What happened?” asked Sabeth.
“She’s dead!” she screamed. Sabeth gasped.
“Who killed her?” she asked. The woman burst in a fresh round of sobbing.
“Felanir! I saw him leaving after he killed her!” she screamed. Felanir and I stiffened. We exchanged looks.
“Felanir? My son Felanir?” asked Sabeth. Felanir choked. I gasped.
“Are you sure? What did he look like? She asked.
He had black hair and ice blue eyes.” She said shaking.
“That’s my Felanir.” Said Sabeth sadly. Sabeth stood up and gave us our food. Felanir looked down.
“You all can go eat in your room if you would like. Please forgive Edemes. Her cousin Glosswen was just murdered.” She said. We nodded and went to our room.
“We’re murderers!” said Felanir.
“So, Sabeth is your mother?” I asked. Felanir nodded.
“When I was exiled, my mother was out at The Flint Bluffs. When she came back I was gone. I haven’t seen her in five years.” He said.
“Well go see her.” I said.
“I can’t. She thinks I killed my own sister!” he said.
“Glosswen is your sister?” I asked. Felanir nodded.
“Then, why did you take the hit for me and stand by when I killed her?” I asked.
“Because I don’t consider Glosswen my sister. She was always cruel to me and actually suggested my exile.” Said Felanir. I gasped. I heard footsteps outside our door. I cracked the door open and saw Sabeth going into her room.
“Please go see her.” I said.
“No!” he said. I scowled and grabbed his arm. I pulled him to Sabeth’s room and knocked. Sabeth came to the door with red eyes.
“Yes?” she asked.
“May we come in?” I asked. She nodded. Felanir and I stepped inside. I saw Felanir flinch when Sabeth looked right at him and didn’t recognize him.
“I heard that you knew Felanir.” I said.
“Yes, he’s my son.” She said.
“I don’t know how to tell you this but well, Nurta I' fea Reverse!” I said. Felanir glared at me as his hair turned black and his eyes turned icy blue. Sabeth gasped and backed away.
“Felanir?” she said. He looked down.
“Hello mother.” He said.
“Oh Felanir.” She said. He started to leave when Sabeth grabbed his arm.
“You’ve grown so much.” She said crying. She hugged him. I walked out of the room and went to my room. I sat cross legged on the bed and ate my tuna. Today was the last day of full daylight. During the day now, it would look like the sun was setting. I waited till late in the night till Felanir came back. He stepped inside quietly and shut the door.
“Put the spell back on.” He said. I nodded.
“Nurta I' fea.” I said. His hair turned black and his eyes turned icy blue. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. I leaned Heavenly Destiny against the wall.
“How’d it go?” I asked.
“She said she loved me but she wants us gone by morning.” He said. I sighed.
“We better get to bed. We’ll leave at dawn.” I said. Felanir nodded. I walked to the washroom and changed into a long white gown. I walked into the room. Felanir had climbed into the other bed. I blew the lantern out and drifted into a deep sleep.

Chapter Five

I pulled on a deep red tunic and brown leggings. I grabbed my staff but there was no space in my belt.
“Bragol!” I cried. The staff shrunk and I placed it into the bag. I could perform low level spells but I wouldn’t be able to perform combat spells without it. Felanir was waiting for me outside. He had paid the fifteen copper pieces and left. I slung my bag over my shoulder and left. I saw Ravoneth and Hador waiting for us. Ravoneth hugged me and I shook hands with Hador.
“Let’s go.” I said. We left into the vast land and fell into silence. About four hours later we were shivering and could barely move. I looked around and didn’t see Ravoneth.
“Wait! Where’s Ravoneth?” I cried. Everyone stopped. We looked all around but didn’t see her.
“Ravoneth!” I screamed. I saw her bow lying on the ground. I ran over and started scrabbling away at the snow. I saw Ravoneth’s braid caked with snow. I started digging the snow away but I could barely with my frozen hands.
“Help! She’s over here!” I screamed. Hador, Ravoneth and Felanir raced over. We dug her out. Her face was pale and she wasn’t breathing.
“Ram en' naur!” I cried. Nothing happened. Felanir pushed me away. He rolled her sleeve up. There were two tiny holes but around them the skin was puffed and purple.
“She got bit by a snow snake!” said Felanir.
“Why didn’t my heal spell work?” I asked.
“It has Dark Magic. Spells don’t work on it.” He said.
“Well, what do we do?” I asked panicking.
“We have to use poison berries.” He said.
“Um, isn’t that going to kill her?” I asked.
“It might but it could draw out the poison and save her.” He said.
“What’re the chances?” I asked.
“Seven out of ten chance she dies three out of ten chances she lives.” He said.
“Back away from her!” cried Hador. Felanir pushed Hador away and pulled out some bright red berries. He crushed the berries in his hand till it was a paste and placed it on the bite. I held my breath waiting. A breath ensued from her blue lips rising into the air in a white cloud.
“Alright, she’s breathing.” He said. He wiped the paste off her arm. He reaching into his backpack and pulled out a length of cotton. He wrapped her arm up in cotton.
“Alright, try the spell now.” He said.
““Ram en' naur!” I cried waving my hands over her. Her face started recovering some color. Fifteen minutes later she sat up shakily.
“Ravoneth!” I cried. I grabbed her and held her close, tears streaming down my face. Felanir sat up and dusted his hands. Suddenly Hador tackled Felanir, knocking him to the ground.
“Felanir!” I cried. Felanir got up staggering. Hador grabbed his sword and glared at him.
“You could’ve killed her!” he cried.
“I saved her life!” cried Felanir.
“Hador stop!” I cried. Hador swung his sword at Felanir. Felanir dodged. Hador pulled his sword back, slicing into my arm. I froze. There was a searing pain in my right arm. Felanir’s eyes widened but Hador didn’t notice. Silently I fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from my arm. The snow was red with blood.
“Stop!” cried Felanir. Hador charged toward Felanir. Felanir scowled and punched Hador right in the face knocking him to the ground. Felanir kicked him in the back.
“Fool! You cut Fogwen!” he cried. Felanir ran over to me. He knelt beside me and took my arm in his cold hand. He touched the skin around my cut making me cry out in pain. He grabbed more cotton and tied it tightly around my arm but blood still poured from my arm. I started feeling light headed and blacked out.

Chapter Six

I saw Fogwen collapse into the snow. Hador and Felanir were being fools and had harmed Fogwen. I thought she was fine till I saw the blood pouring out of her arm. Felanir punched Hador and ran to help Fogwen. I ran over and grabbed her hand. Felanir had wrapped a bandage around her arm but blood was still pouring onto the ground. She was unconscious but still breathing.
“There’s a village in a valley about ten days from here.” Said Felanir.
“What? That’s too far!” I said.
“It’s our only choice! There are no healers in the other village!” he said. He lifted up Fogwen and placed her on his back. We started out on our journey to save her life.

Chapter Seven

I woke up in a bed and saw Felanir sitting in a chair beside the bed. I sat up and looked at my arm. My wound was wrapped tightly. Felanir glanced up and gasped.
“Fogwen!” he cried. He sat beside me and hugged me.
“Uh, good morning.” I said. Felanir released me and sighed.
“I was so worried!” he said.
“You were?” I asked.
“You were asleep for fourteen days!” he said.
“I was?” I asked. He nodded.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Hador sliced your arm open when he was trying to kill me.” Said Felanir. I sighed.
“Please forgive Hador.” I said.
“It’s alright. I know I’m not welcome.” He said.
“No! You are welcome! Ravoneth and Hador are stupid and rude to outsiders!” I said. Felanir smiled and squeezed my hand.
“Where’re Hador and Ravoneth?” I asked.
“Probably in some corner locked in each other’s lips.” He said frowning.
“They’re together?” I asked.
“Yes. While you were comatose they decided to put their differences aside.” Said Felanir sighing. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“Bestead. We have to leave tonight.” Said Felanir.
“Let’s just say Hador over stayed his welcome…” said Felanir slowly.
“Uhg. Help me up Felanir. I want to look around.” I said swinging my legs onto the floor. Felanir grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. He helped me balance myself and then let go of my hands. I swayed for a second before I started to collapse. Felanir grabbed me and pulled me up, a wide grin on his face. He picked me up like a child, my knees draped over his arms.
“Come on Felanir! Let me down!” I laughed.
“No way! You wanted to see the village so I’m taking you.” He said, though he barely could through his laughing. He carried me down the stairs and out into the cold. Snow covered the ground and was falling from the sky. No one was out so it was silent except for the whispers as the snow fell to the ground.
“It’s pretty quiet here. Hador and Ravoneth have been at the taverns for the past few days however.” Said Felanir looking disapproving.
“Are we all stocked up for the journey?” I asked.
“Yes. While the others were off drinking, I bought coats and food.” He said smiling slightly.
“Let’s go get the others. I want to leave right away.” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
“We have one more person to find. I want to find her as soon as possible so we can find the Sword of Cospa.” I said. Felanir nodded and carried me down the road to a tavern. Loud noises were coming from inside and I could see Ravoneth and Hador arguing with someone.
“Do you want me to get them?” asked Felanir.
“No. You stay out here while I go get them.” I said. Felanir nodded and set me down.I staggered as I regained my balance; Felanir looking worried nearly grabbed me.
“Felanir I’m fine.” I said smiling. I opened the door and walked in. I frowned as the loud noise engulfed me. I pushed and shoved till I reached Hador and Ravoneth. Hador was yelling at a dwarf man and pounding his fist on the table while Ravoneth was trying to stop him. The dwarf man sighed and told Hador to leave him be. Hador threw the table aside and charged at the dwarf.
“Hador stop!” I screamed jumped in front of him. He didn’t recognize me in his drunken rage and punched me in the face. He knocked me down and kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over coughing out blood.
“Hador enough!” screamed Ravoneth trying to pull him off as he continued to hit me. Suddenly somebody grabbed Hador and pulled him off of me. Ravoneth helped me up and put my arm around her shoulder. I could barely breathe as she helped me outside. My vision was blurry and I was dizzy. The cold air started to bring me back around and I could see. I could hear Felanir screaming at Hador in the back of my head. I stood up shakily and staggered over to the two.
“Stop you two!” I cried.
“Stay back Fogwen!” cried Felanir.
“You can’t tell her what to do!” yelled Hador as he shoved Felanir. Felanir jumped back and morphed into a wolf.
“Felanir don’t!” I cried. Felanir ignored me and lunged at Hador. Felanir pinned him down and bared his teeth.
“Felanir!” screamed Ravoneth running over to him. Felanir lifted a giant paw, claws unsheathed.
“Felanir, you can’t do this!” I yelled. Ravoneth lunged at Felanir and knocked him over. As Felanir fell over his claws caught on Hador’s throat and slit it open.
“Hador!” I screamed. I ran over and shook him. Felanir morphed back into a human and raced over.
“Fogwen I’m so sorry! I didn’t want to kill him! I just wanted to scare him!” cried Felanir running over. Blood was pouring out of Hador’s neck and onto the snow dying it red.
“Tanka harwar!” I cried, slamming my hands onto his chest trying to heal him. Nothing happened. “Tanka harwar!” I screamed. Hador’s silver eyes stared blankly ahead. “Tanka harwar!” I sobbed. Tears dripped down my cheeks as I tried again and again. Felanir grabbed me and pulled me away from his limp body. I tried to pull away from him but his grip on my wrist was that of iron. Sobs shook my body as I looked at his dead body. Felanir held me close, his arms warm and comforting. I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed. He stroked my hair and squeezed me tight. I finally stopped crying but I felt drained. Felanir helped me up and walked me over to Ravoneth.
“Take Fogwen back to the inn. I’ll bury Hador and then we’ll get going.” Said Felanir. Ravoneth nodded and helped me back to the inn.
She set me down on the bed and sat beside me. Suddenly I realized something. Cospa’s Leafs…I jumped up before Ravoneth could stop me and grabbed the scroll.
“Fogwen, what are you doing?” questioned Ravoneth confused.
“Ravoneth, we thought this was Hador.” I said pointing at the silver haired boy.
“What if it wasn’t?” I asked shaking.
“What do you mean?” asked Ravoneth slowly, her brow furrowing.
“If that wasn’t Hador, then Cospa’s Leafs obviously didn’t want him, but we brought him along anyway. We might’ve brought someone not meant for this journey and those that are not meant for this journey must not be worthy. Ravoneth, Hador might have died because of us.” I said softly.
“Oh no…” whispered Ravoneth.
“Hador’s dead because of us…” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. Felanir walked in and saw us but decided not to ask.
“We better head out.” Said Felanir, slinging the bags over his arms. We got up and left, Felanir paying the inn keeper. The night was eerily silent, Hador’s death all on our minds. We had all lost a dear friend tonight…

Chapter Eight

Eight Days Later

We woke up to another cold day, tired and hungry. We were low on food and were all irritated. I slowly sat up, rubbing my arms trying to keep them warm. Felanir was already up, his face pale and drawn as he shook Ravoneth awake. I stood up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get the exhaustion out of my body. We had been sleeping on the hard snow and ice and we were all sore and exhausted. Ravoneth stood up and folded up her blanket and put it into the satchel along with ours. Felanir took it and slung it over his shoulder.
“Let’s get going.” Said Felanir. We all sighed and started to walk. We walked in silence for hours until we reached a large expanse of ice.
“Careful. We don’t want any broken bones.” Said Felanir, treading carefully. Ravoneth walked beside him while I walked right behind him. We were halfway across it when he heard cracking.
“Nobody move.” Said Felanir quickly. We all stood absolutely still till it stopped.
“Phew. That was close.” Said Ravoneth smiling. She took a step forward. As she did, th ice cracked underneath her.
“Ravoneth run!” yelled Felanir. Ravoneth looked at us terrified right before the ice fell out from underneath us.
“Ravoneth!” I screamed trying to grab her arm. I grabbed onto her wrist and tried to pull her up but couldn’t
“Felanir help me!” I cried. I couldn’t lose Ravoneth. Felanir grabbed my waist and started to pull me out when we heard more ice cracking. Suddenly the ice fell out from under us and we plummeted down to the ground. We hit the bottom about fifteen feet below. I slowly got up and looked around. The walls were completely smooth so there was no chance of us getting out by climbing. Felanir struggled to his feet and groaned in pain.
“Everybody fine?” I asked. I heard a muffled groan come from Ravoneth. She struggled to her feet and joined Felanir and I. Suddenly, we heard whispers coming from beside us.
“Did you hear that?” asked Felanir warily. Ravoneth nodded and looked around. Felanir morphed into a wolf, his fur on end as he growled at the invisible threat. Suddenly someone dressed in a black cloak grabbed Ravoneth and pulled her away.
“Ravoneth!” I screamed, shaking as she disappeared. Suddenly a tall woman walked toward us. She was dressed in long purple robes decorated with gold.
“You’re friend here is interesting.” She said pointing at Felanir. He growled at her, his yellow eyes showing that he was ready to kill. She smiled and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, people dressed in black jumped out, grabbed us and knocked us out.

Chapter Nine

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a stone dungeon, mold on the walls and water dripping down the ceiling. I sat up, my head aching. My eyes slowly started to adjust to the pale light, the torches providing almost no light. I could see Ravoneth in the cell to my far left, and two shapes huddled together in the cell in front of me. I crawled to the bars and threw a pebble at them. It missed and hit the wall. The taller one looked at me and crawled over. She had bright purple eyes and dark red hair.
“Who are you?” she whispered.
“I’m Fogwen. What’s your name?” I whispered back.
“I’m Riroswen. This is my brother Rindes.” Said Riroswen softly. Rindes crawled over. He looked young. He had misty blue eyes and silver hair. The red haired girl and the silver haired boy.
“Are you two elves?” I asked.
“No. We’re sorcerers. I can perform high level spells while Rindes has” Said Riroswen.
“Have you heard of the Seven Leafs of Cospa?” I asked.
“Yes. We were searching for it before we got caught. We found a scroll that had been passed down through our family. We’re still searching for the other three. We’re moving slowly because Rindes is blind.” Said Riroswen looking at me curiously.
“I’m blind not deaf!” snapped Rindes.
“We are searching for the Seven Pieces ourselves. Our village was burned down and I found the scroll. We’ve been travelling for almost a full moon now and we still haven’t found a piece.” I said bitterly.
“I know where you can find one!” said Riroswen.
“What? If I get you out, will you help us?” I asked.
“Of course! We’ve been in here for almost two moons! I would give anything to get of here!” cried Riroswen.
“Be careful with your words sister.” Said Rindes looking straight at me with his blank eyes. Suddenly, a door opened and the woman from before strolled in. She walked over to my cell and smiled at me.
“Your friend is incredible. His powers are amazing.” She said chuckling.
“What did you do to him?” I screamed, clawing at her through the bars.
“He’s fine.” Said the woman smiling. She snapped her fingers and two tall muscular men walked in. Felanir’s short black was matted with blood. His shirt was off and I could see pale scars all over his stomach and back. They threw him into a cell and left. She reached through the bars and pushed my hair out of my face. Suddenly, I grabbed her arm and pulled hard. She screamed and tried to pull away but she couldn’t. I placed my palm onto her face.
“Estolada sinome!” I cried. She screamed as her face suddenly stared to age rapidly till she dissolved into dust and bones. Riroswen looked terrified as I grabbed the keys from the dust of her bones and unlocked my cell. I unlocked Ravoneth’s cell. She was unconscious. I unlocked Riroswen and Rindes and ran to Felanir’s cell. I unlocked it, hands shaking. I nearly tore the door off its hinges as I raced inside. I knelt beside Felanir, his eyes closed and breathing shallow. I could feel despair welling up in my chest. He couldn’t die. Not now. Tears dripped down my cheeks and onto the ground, spotting the cold stone.
“Felanir please wake up!” I sobbed. Suddenly, Riroswen pushed me aside. She placed her hands firmly onto his chest.
“Fogwen, I can save him but I need you to take the wounds he’s suffered.” Said Riroswen urgently.
“Why me?” I asked puzzled.
“Not now! He’s slipping away! I’ll tell you later.” She said, her purple eyes softening. I nodded and placed my hands over hers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Elen sila lumenn omentilmo!” she chanted. Suddenly, I could feel red hot heat coming from his body. I refused to move my hands, even though Riroswen pulled away. A bright light enveloped him and I, and everything else disappeared.
I saw Felanir still lying there but I could sense that we weren’t alone. I stood up and tried to protect Felanir. A woman emerged from the bright light and smiled gently at me. She had long cascading hair, blue as the ocean. Skin white as snow. Her dress red as the flames that burned and her eyes green as summer grass.
“Greetings Fogwen.” She said, her sweet airy voice echoing.
“Who are you?” I asked, staring at the woman. I felt no fear, just, peace.
“I am the goddess Cospa.” She said. I gasped. Cospa. I knelt down to one knee and bowed my head. She walked to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Rise young Fogwen. Have no fear. I am here only to help.” Said Cospa softly. I stood up, daring not to gaze upon her.
“Your friend is very special.” Said Cospa, smiling at Felanir.
“He is.” I said smiling widely.
“He’s suffered through many an ordeal and he bears the scars for it. Are you willing to take those scars for him?” she asked.
“I would do anything for him.” I said, clenching my fists. She closed her eyes and smiled.
“You have a kind heart. Here, take this as a gift.” She said. She held her hands out and they started to glow. Slowly a long staff materialized in her hands. It was made of twisted, gnarled oak and had a bright blue orb captured in its claws at the tip. Smiling, she handed it to me. It felt light and graceful in my hand.
“This will replace the one taken in exchange for your friend’s life. Remember, you shall bear his scars for eternity.” I nodded and placed it into my belt. She knelt over Felanir and traced his scars with her fingers.
“Cormamin lindua ele lle!” she cried. The scars slowly started to vanish from Felanir. Suddenly I fell to my knees screaming as it felt like a million knives were cutting into me. I could see memories. Blood. Screaming. Pain. I clenched my fists, trying to hold on for Felanir. Tears dripped down my cheeks and I could see blood dripping onto the floor. I shrieked louder, writhing in pain. Then, everything went black.

Chapter Ten

Riroswen, Rindes and Ravoneth watched in horror as Fogwen collapsed to the ground screaming, long slashes appearing everywhere on her body as the scars slowly disappeared from Felanir’s body. Blood dripped onto the floor as her loud piercing shrieks cut through the silence. She finally collapsed as every scar had disappeared from Felanir.
“What did you do?” cried Ravoneth, turning upon Riroswen.
“This was not my doing!” said Riroswen shaking. Suddenly Felanir sat up and looked around.
“What happened?” he asked, his eyes blurry as he looked around. He saw Fogwen, collapsed on the floor beside him in a pool of her own blood. Her face was snow white and her eyes staring vacantly ahead, her breath almost nonexistent.
“What happened?” he yelled.
“Fogwen took your scars so you would live.” Said Riroswen softly. Felanir picked up her limp body and held it close.
“Do something!” he yelled at Riroswen.
“I can’t! My powers were drained by my last spell!” she cried.
“Fogwen no! You can’t die!” cried Felanir shaking her.
“We have to get out of here! Leave her Felanir there’s nothing we can do!” sobbed Ravoneth.
“No! I’ll never leave her! She never left me!” Said Felanir. He placed her onto his back and morphed into a wolf. He broke through the door and out into the palace. A guard tried to stop him but Felanir ripped his throat. Felanir fought his way out of the castle, Riroswen, Rindes and Ravoneth hot on his trail. He burst out onto the ice and bounded away, determination blazing in his yellow eyes. Finally he stopped and morphed into a human. Fogwen’s eyes were closed and he didn’t see her breathing.
“Fogwen don’t die. I would give anything to have you back.” He cried.
“Be careful with your words.” Said Rindes from behind him. Felanir turned around and glared at him.
“What do you mean?” asked Felanir.
“You can get Fogwen back. You just have to do equivalent exchange.” Said Rindes. Felanir looked at him confused.
“Fogwen sacrificed herself so you could live. You don’t have to do that, but your powers are quite valuable…” said Rindes softly.
“What?” asked Felanir, looking quite shocked.
“Give your powers to Fogwen and she shall live.” Said Rindes, his blind eyes staring straight at Felanir.
“How do I do that?” he asked.
“I’ll take care of that. Are you sure of this?” he asked, taking a necklace out of his shirt. Dangling around the necklace was a rainbow gem that was glowing brightly.
“I’m sure of it.” Said Felanir firmly. Rindes nodded and placed the stone into Felanir’s hands.
“Cormamin lindua ele lle.” Chanted Rindes slowly. Felanir started to glow and radiated a warmth. The light left him and wrapped around Fogwen. The wounds started to close leaving only scars. Felanir handed the stone back to Rindes and cradled Fogwen in his arms.
“Wake up Fogwen!” he cried. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him.
“Felanir…” she whispered. Felanir smiled and held her close.

Chapter Eleven

I threw the blankets and food into the bag and sighed. We were leaving camp. We had rested in some woods that we found after we got off the tundra for a moon or so but now it was time to leave. Riroswen had her long red hair drawn back into a pony tail and Rindes was beside her drawing in the dirt. Ravoneth’s dark hair was braided and Felanir was tugging on it playfully.
“Gather round companions!” I called. Everyone grumbled and walked over to me.
“We have gone through a lot but now we must start the true journey. Where are we headed?” I asked Riroswen.
“Dragonvale.” She said promptly. Ravoneth looked down but I ignored it.
“Hands in everyone!” we all piled our hands together.
“To Dragonvale!” we cried! I gazed at their eager smiling faces. We would do this, no matter what…

Authors Note

Hi everyone. I would like you to know that this version is not edited. I'm currently having my sister look over it and I will hopefully have it posted soon. For now, please just let me know through comments. Heart my book and I will friend you and send you a notification when the next book is available. I am worked on the sequel right now.


Texte: This is the property of Sarah Berry. No reproduction or distribution is allowed.
Bildmaterialien: I do not own any rights to these photos. I edited it but other than that it's not mine.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.07.2012

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