Who am I?

Who am I?

“So I find myself in front of a computer, head on the desk wondering how I got here. As I look around nothing is familiar to me, all seems to out of place. Was I just sleeping? Why do I not remember where this is? I look on the desk in front of me and find it is almost empty of personal items just a computer and stuff to write a note or two with. Is this my home office or someone else’s? Wait, who am I? What is my name? This is not right, why is my mind so blank? I must find something here to tell me what is going on. I will just look around this room for a clue or a picture that will jog my memory. “

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Please finish it! I can't wait to know where you go with it. It's definitely interesting and exciting. Good luck with it! I'm on the edge of my seat. Have you ever heard of "Devil's Breath"? One thing which came to mind while reading, it's not a suggestion. Godspeed!

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