
User: ichigo513
"I didn't expect any of this. Not the car crash. Not being kicked out by my bipolar mom. And by far I didn't expect meeting you."

Allie had a fairly normal life. That is until her mom ships her off to California to live with her brother Tyler. After Allie meets Rebecca, Tyler's live in girlfriend, she witnesses several strange things but shakes them of as nothing special. Then she befriends on of her male classmates, Alec, who is extremely talented but a little odd. But after Tyler get's into a fatal car accident, that almost ended his life, she discovers San Francisco's secret.

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I hope there will be an update on this soon. I was really getting in to it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

hearted. saved. and shared. this is a book worth reading. can't wait for the story to really get going!!! good luck!!!!

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