Darkness And Light

Darkness And Light
Two half brothers, Lysander and Mason live in a large empire. When one night, their mother is killed, the brothers slowly drift apart. One brother will be in charge of the empire, Mason will do anything to get the title. While his brother Lysander, is the opposite and takes care of the weak. And refuses to take the title, even if he is first in line. A stranger wanders into town, they are spreading around a deadly disease and plans to have some fun playing with the brothers. Lysander swears to protect his sister, even if it means he may be killed. Mason has plans of his own.


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I like the concept of the book. The layout confuses me a bit... When you leave big empty spots on the page I thought they were new chapters (and some quiet short) until I realized that it was just a change of scenes. Instead of leaving big blank spots on the pages you could leave a couple of lines blank and add some ******. It would make it easier for readers to understand. I do think this will be a great book when you add... mehr anzeigen

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