Degraded Angels

Prologue Von:
User: roza.amel
Degraded Angels
Michael, the angel of faith, is now being tested. After the 2012 war ended Michael must face the harsh reality that God isn't as holy as he says he is. But, we all make mistakes.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I will deffinately keep you updates. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, since I'm in school and am totally swamped but I'll try as often as possible.

Wichtiger Beitrag

A few typo's. Which can be easily fixed.
Ultimately, I found this story to be very intriguing & interesting.
Please keeep writing.

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Gelöschter User

I love your idea to use the 2012 scenario. The whole idea is incrediable. Keep me updated:)

one little note though the fonts a bit small and a bit difficult to read

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