

I walked around the streets of the former big city of Los Angeles. I could see nothing but grey skies when I looked up and smog all around, at night when I slept on the roof tops I couldn’t even see the brightest star in the entire world. Everyone that once lived in this once thriving city is now dead. Along with most of the world.
Last year was 2012, now it’s 2013. Happy December 21st everyone. It’s been exactly one year since the end of the world came about. One few were able to hide and live, and now we’re slowly being killed off, one by one by the angels. We’re expendable to them, but to the rest of humanity we’re the future.
As I walked to the Wal-mart store I heard a huge gust of wind and a low laugh. Actually, there were a few laughs. Crap! I ran as fast as I could, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. It never did. If anything, it just made it more fun for the angels that were once sent to protect us and are now killing us.
I felt my heart pumping, everything felt so slow as adrenalin pumped through my veins, carrying me through the twists and turns of the LA streets. The laughs got louder and louder as the angels got closer, the winds from there wings flapping created gusts of wind. My mind was racing, trying to figure out if I could out-smart.
Their was an angel that landed in front of me, I skidded to a halt. My eyes wide, I turned to run the other direction, but I saw there were angels on all side of me. “Well look here, brothers. Looks like we have a little human that hasn’t gotten killed yet.” The angels wings were pitch black, if you looked hard enough you could see little sparkles, they almost looked like the stars at night. Gosh how I missed the stars.
“Should we keep her alive and kill her slowly, or shall we be nice today and end her worthless little life like that?” The angel snapped his fingers, glaring at me, his wings closing at his sides. My eyes were wide with fear, there was no way I’d be able to fight all of them, maybe one, but not all.
I felt a tear sting my eyes, I watched my family starve them telling me not to get caught or I would end up like them. I couldn’t believe it, I just broke my promise. They slowly got closer, my eyes watching them all. The obvious leader growled a curse at me and made every one stop for but a minute. “Do you have anything to say worthless human.” He said ‘human’ as if it stung his lips.
“Why? Didn’t God teach to love all? You’re all just breaking his wish…” I said, as tears fell from my face. The leader lunged for me, his teeth bared, a wild look in his eyes when a white light shined upon me and a loud voice echoed from the heavens.
“Stop!” Yelled a voice, the beholder of the voice was slowly floating down, his wings shining bright gold and a halo unto his eyes.
I dropped to my knee’s along with the other angels. My mouth was open and I was completely awed. “This girl does not deserve to die. The Lord has seen the good in human kind through the few that survived. One woman found a baby crying, one not her own and saved it from the angels coming to kill it, by giving her own life.” The angel stopped and looked at me, “And this girl showed the Lord they do listen.”
And that’s all I remembered from that night, all I know now is that I am now fast asleep in the arms of God as two weeks after that attack I blacked out and starved. I now look down at the humans, tears in my eyes and remember that dark place I called home.

Chapter One

People say that smiles can show emotion, as can the eyes, but when people see me smile they see emptiness and longing to be set free. Free of what you might ask, free of love we claimed to have, free of the evil doings we had been doing for a year, and free from the price most will have to pay.
I sit on the empty streets, a throbbing pain in my back from where my once all mighty wings once were. I felt the pain going through my back and slowly becoming numb. “It was what you told us to do…” I said quietly, not to anyone in particular. The year, for humans, was 2014. It was January first, 2014. The extermination of the humans ended only a few short days ago, and now all that interacted in it were being punished.
I could remember the days of the angels, when angels were the most feared creatures in the entire universe. When we would fly above the stars, looking for the unholy, unworthy souls who wandered out into the open air, letting all see those who walked free from fear.
It was one girl, one little girl that stopped the extermination and showed god that us ‘angels’ were the ones doing bad when all we did was listen to his instructions. Instead of taking the responsibility he should have he blamed it on us, his servants, the ones who only did his biding even after we had told him he was going to regret it sooner or later.
I smiled as I saw a little girl walking around in the streets, in the old days we would have killed her on the spot. But now we were content with just watching. The human’s could see us, they could see the mark burned on our arm stating that we once killed a human. Those who were the main killers, such as myself, held a little mark on the back of my neck, stating each human names I’ve killed, forever bearing the mark of the killer as well on my arm. The little girl turned to me, she smiled, poor little girl didn’t know she was probably smiling at someone who killed her family.
“Don’t cry little girl don’t you fear
God is gonna save all your tears
As love is love and gone is gone
Angels that killed are done, done, done,
Try and try as they might
Little girl, they’re going to lose this fight”
An angel with black wings soared down gracefully landing in front of me. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, the light from heaven shining down on her black elegant wings, and her voice as she kept repeating the song of The Bad was eloquent, it reaching notes only some angels can reach and still sound as if she was putting no effort into it at all.
“What do you want Peri?” I asked, she was the most beautiful fallen angel in the history of all angels. Few humans’ have seen her, it is because when most do they think her a goddess because of the way she glows and how awe strikingly beautiful she is. It seemed she showed up just to give us, those who served under the name of God even when we knew it was wrong, the messages from his Holiness.
“Michael,” She put a strong accent on my name, “God has that the worst offenders against his holy name are to walk among the earth until He see’s fit to forgive you all.” Her voice, a combination of harps and sharp pointy pins rolled into one.
Peri smiled at me, her teeth amazingly white. “Good luck in life Michael. You’re going to need it.” With those last words I watched her fly away, the little girl still looking at me and where she was standing.
I buried my face in my hands and just sat there, thinking. “Mister? Are you okay?” The little girl stepped closer to me, a look of innocent worry on her face. Now that I was looking at her, really looking at her, I noticed how pretty she was. The girl had blonde hair with a slight curve in it, her hair framed her face and her eyes were an innocent greenish color, her skin pale from not seeing the sun for a little over a year.
I looked at her, “Where’s your parents?” I asked her, no little girl should be out without her parents anymore, even if the extermination was finished. There were so many people looking to kill everything they see because of the pent up anger created by the angels killing every human they saw. And this little girl, this innocent little girl, who’s eyes told a story of sweetness and rainbows, would be the perfect target.
She looked down, her eyes slowly going to a darker place. “My daddy, he died a couple years ago in the war, and my mommy” Her voice trailed off, her eyes looking distant, “she didn’t wake up this morning.” She told me, her voice quivering a little.
We both knew what she meant when she said her mother didn’t wake up. It was a terrible thing, to watch someone’s parents die, but it’s torture for the child to find the parent die. She looked at me and asked almost inaudibly, “Do you have any food mister?” I looked into the sky and back down at her.
“No, but I’m sure we can find some.” With that I stood up and picked her up. The girl was light, she was about fifty pounds, and I knew she hadn’t eaten in a while. I thought ‘I can’t believe we went through will killing humans… some are so innocent. But we listened.’
I remembered the first human I killed on the orders of the Lords extermination, the woman was about twenty-three years old. She had black hair and dark brown eyes. She was outside, trying to get her daughter to come back outside. I made the child watch, I felt bad about it, but I thought it would scare the rest of the families. I never wanted to kill, something in me always said don’t do it. But I listened to Him. No one else, but Him…

Chapter Two

The little girl looked up at me as if I were an angel sent from heaven, which I kind of was, but in this new dawn of light I was the last thing from an angel. I was more like the devils apprentice. It was kind of odd, of all the angels God sent to go kill humans there was one who never did get sent to kill, Azreal, the angel of death. Most would think he would be the first one to be sent out to kill, but for some reason no one knew why. Not even him.
“My name is Lizzy by the way.” The little girl looked up at me, her eyes shining, “What’s yours?”
“Michael.” I told her looking down, she had a grip on my hand, and her eyes were filled with faith. A faith I did not rightly understand. As the angel that always fought for faith, most would expect me to know what I was fighting for, but most of the time I went with my gut instinct; once in a while I did make a few mistakes and those are the mistakes that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
“I want some McDonalds.” She said, looking around. “Can we get McDonalds please?” This girl, she had some of the most well manners I’ve seen in a long while. I didn’t get a chance to answer though, because when I opened my mouth she looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. “You’re bleeding!” Tears were flowing down her cheeks, “You’re going to leave me too.” She sat on the floor and started sobbing. I looked at her and wondered what she was talking about and I realized where my wings had once been were now bleeding.
Although it was impossible for an angel to die, she didn’t know that I was an angel. So of course, she thought I was dying. I crouched next to her and made her look up at me. “Lizzy, I promise you, by the name of God himself, that I won’t leave you.” I picked her up and held her in my arms. I could see the bags under her eyes, she probably hasn’t had a decent nights sleep in a year and it was most likely because of my kind.
She linked looked up at me through the tears and wiped them away, her eyes shining as bright as they had before. It was almost like the most beautiful stars were seen in her eyes. I opened my mouth and started to sing to her an old Jewish lullaby I once learned long ago.
“In dem bays hamikdosh,
In a vinkl chayder
Zitzt di almone bas Tziyon aley.
Ir ben yochidl Yidele vigt si k'seyder.
Numi, numi yaldati,
Numi, numi, nim.
Numi, numi k'tanati,
Numi, numi, nim.”
Which meant, “In the room of the temple/ In a cozy corner/ There sits a widow all alone/ With her only little child she rocks gently/Sleep, sleep, my little girl/Sleep, sleep/Sleep, sleep, my little one/Sleep, sleep.” I kept repeating the verse over and over again, quietly looking around for a place where I could set her down and find her a place to sleep.
“Where did you learn that song?” She asked, I only looked at her.
“I learned it a long time ago my little girl.” I said moving her hair out of her face. It was true, it was so long ago that I learned that song; I learned it in ancient Islam. The man who taught me it was named Damen, he was a strong man, with a beautiful wife, and a gorgeous daughter. What I wouldn’t have given to trade places with him, especially at this time. He was the man most wished they could be, strong, loving, caring, and never a push over but would do whatever he could to make his wife and daughter happy.
I remember the day, clear as crystal when him and I were walking around the fields at night, and I heard him softly crying while sing that very song. “What is wrong?” I had asked.
He looked at me with such faith and hurtfulness in his eyes that I could tell something very wrong was going on. “Michael, my wife, Levana, she is sick. Sick with something I have never seen before.” I heard him crying, sobbing actually. “Last night she stayed up singing to my daughter, she has the most beautiful voice… But last night, after Hannah had fallen asleep Levana told me she was dying.” He sat by the tree, all I could think was, Why did Azreal have to take such innocent people?
That was the last time I saw Damen, he was such a good guy, but his tears hurt me so much, he could have been a saint if he wanted to but he always said ‘Why be something if I know I’d fail.’ That saying always stuck with me. Why be something if I know I’d fail. It repeated over and over again in my head, why was I protecting this child? Finding her food, a place to sleep, trying to make her live, I was going to fail. I fail a lot, it seems.
I looked at the child that was asleep in my arms and sighed, you are so stupid! You’re going to ruin her life, we both know that. I thought to myself. I sang the song once more, and shut up after finding a motel. Although it was a roach motel, it was a motel none the less. I grabbed a keys, ever since judgment day everything was a low price of nothing, and walked to the room. I checked the room and saw that it had two bed. I set the little girl on the bed and looked in the shower. For a roach motel, it had a pretty nice bedroom and bathroom. Plus it still had hot water.
I went to check on Lizzy and when I saw she was asleep, I decided to go take a shower. I jumped in the bathroom and took off my shirt. I looked at my back in the mirror, my wings were ripped out, a scar went down my back where the demons scratched me. “Damn…” I said quietly, looking down. I turned on the hot water, not making any contact with the mirror anymore, what I had seen was too terrible. My blonde hair was a mess, my normally perfectly white body was torn and scarred, my eyes looked broken, I felt broken, and I broke a little more when I looked at myself…

Chapter Three

When I got out of the shower I quickly dressed and walked outside, Lizzy was awake, watching the open air, whispering something that was unable to be heard. “Hey,” I said, her head snapped to the direction I was in and her eyes, her eyes were black and soulless, the happiness gone from them, not a drop of a soul left to be seen. Then she let out a piercing scream, I jumped back and noticed the way she was moving, it looked uncomfortable and clumsy, something the girl was not when I first had seen her.
"Michaaaeeelll," It said, drawing out my name, the voice was of a demonic power, something no human would be able to take without trembling with fear, but I had stood there, ready for a battle. I'm not sure what kind of battle, or if I would win, but I would try to save that little girl from being that demon's host. "the rightful Lord, Lucifer, wants me to make you an offer you could not refuse. He wishes you to become his... Assassin, I guess some would call it. He said when he takes over the Heavens he would make you the top angel, the Angel of Lords, all for one little signature." The demon said, I felt my hairs standing on edge.
I smiled a sad smile and spit at the girls feet, which she was not really a girl, but I think you all know what I mean. "Shed," I said using the Hebrew name for 'demon'. "I would not make a deal with him if it were the last thing I could ever do on this Earth, Heaven, or Hell." I knew, even as I was saying it, that I just said the wrong things, but at that point I really didn't care.
"Michaaaeeelll, your Lord does not love you, can't you see? He banished you here, as a punishment for something he sent angels to do. He thinks you are expendable, nothing more then a pawn..." Shed said, "He's going to make you live out the rest of your life as a hated person in the soon to be growing population. He hates you."
I looked at him, my feelings a little hurt that he said that about the Lord, was it true, was I nothing more then a pawn? Was I just here to take the fall for the Lord Almighty? These thoughts swarmed in my head as I watched the demon inside the little girl squirm. "Is it a deaaaallllll Michaaaeeelll?" I almost punched the girl in the face, the way the shed said my name annoyed the hell outta me, but I was guessing that wasn't the smartest thing to do.
I looked at him solemnly and nodded my head up and down, "Fine." A scroll appeared in his hand, and a skull pen appeared in his other hand. He layed the scroll on the table and handed me the pen.
"I, Michael Arie-hangel give my allegiance to the rightful Lord Lucifer decadere, and promise to serve under his supervision as The Devil's Assassin. I will not go against Lucifer decadere or I will spend the rest of my days in the fiery pits of Hell when Lucifer decadere takes over with the rest of the unworthy.
Signature x. Michael"
I signed my name, and handed the scroll back to the demon but as soon as it touched his hand the scroll vanished and I could tell his evil presance was gone. Lizzy fell to the ground, and was on the floor crying, I picked her up gently, rocking her back and forth. Trying as hard as I could to get her to relax. But all she was doing was holding onto my shirt for dear life, not letting go. Her tears soaked my shirt as she cried and cried, I held her gently sitting on the bed.
"What happened?" I asked her, rubbing her back gently.
"I-i-i-i saw my MOMMY AND DADDY

!!!!" She wailed, I looked down at her confused and she explained guessing my thoughts. "T-th-they were in a place made of fire and they kept on screaming!" She told me, hugging me. I understood now, she switched places with the demons body while the demon was in her body. Her parents were in Hell.
I held her as she cried into my shirt, sobbing, and finally she fell asleep. But no matter what I did, she would not let go for me to go into my own bed, so I layed down next to her and tried to get some sleep.
* * * *
I was in the streets made of gold, as I looked around I remembered this day. The clouds were gray, there were thunderclouds rolling in, the wind was strong enough to pick up a grown woman and make her fly. I felt my wings on my back, they fluttered in the wind. It was December 20th, 2012 11:40 PM. My eyes went wide as I saw angels fly above head, heading towards the gate to the Earth.
My eyes went wide as I realized what this meant, a small little angel girl appeared in front of me, and said with an innocent little voice. "Sir, the Lord wants to see you." She said and flew away, I flew to the Lords office and sailed into his window, pearching until he told me to come in.
"Michael," He told me, "it's time you knew, we're going to start over on Earth. The Human race does not pay attention and does not understand what power I have and that I am the King of Kings." He told me, I nodded, "I want you to be head of the armies, Michael, I think you would be the most useful to it all."
* * * *
I woke up with a start as I looked at the little girl who was still asleep next to me, 4:38 it read. Damn, it was early. I got up and walked around a little, soon noticing the little note on the desk. I picked it up and looked at it. It read,
It's P., I just wanted to let you know that your now damned in the eyes of the Lord... Sorry brother.

Chapter Four

I smiled a smile that only showed sadness and pain, luckily little Lizzy wasn't awake to see the single tear slowly sliding down my cheek. I couldn't help it, I had made a mistake, but so had He. It's His fault for the predicament I am in now. I lifted my hand and wiped the tear, I looked at my hand, the tears were filled with millions upon millions of little stars in it. The tears of an angel were so powerful they could change the weather by a single wish of an angel. They had the power to make or break people.
Lizzy stirred in her sleep and slowly her eyes looked up at me. "Michael," She said, "I hungry." I nodded and helped her out of the bed. She looked into my eyes and touched my nose. "Michael, why are your eyes black now? They used to be blue." I looked at her as if she were crazy. My eyes have always been blue like the sea. They were the most the purest blue of all in the realm of angels and the last angel that had black eyes was Lucifer when he turned against God completely.
I walked to the mirror and looked into it. Sure enough my eyes were now black instead of blue. I sighed and walked away, “It doesn’t matter Lizzy.” I told her picking her up, wondering where in the abandoned world we would get food for this child. She nodded and relaxed against my chest, listening to my faint heartbeat. All the while I was thinking, I’m damned if I did, and I was damned if I don’t. The thoughts that were swarming in my head never seemed to cease. What was I to do when I had to go kill something in front of this little girl? Michael, you are a monster as ugly and bad as Lucifer himself.
I felt the little girls eyes watching me, damn it to hell. I felt as if this little girl, one who could not be any older then seven, could see into my soul. It wasn’t right, it just felt wrong. “What do you want to eat?” I asked her, trying not to show her how uncomfortable she was making me by watching me unflinchingly.
Her eyes seemed dazed, she kept watching me, god those eyes watching me. “I don’t know Michael. Maybe food?” She asked, it seemed impossible but it seemed when she said my name I remembered her. It was like I went back in time, to three months ago. I remembered her, her mother, her brother, and her grandmother.
It was the middle of a night; I heard a little girl’s cry and a mother trying to shush her quietly. Looking down into the streets I saw movement; I swiftly swooped down and landed next to them. My eyes were as cold as stone, but what they don’t know that inside it was killing me. I opened my wings; the white feathers catching the little light and making it bounce into the human’s eyes.
The mother fell to her knees, she was looking up at me, she was silently begging me to let her and her family go. The look of hopelessness was apparent in her eyes, it seemed to be the only damned thing that showed through a mothers hard mask. “Please.” She whispered it so silently I was sure I was the only one to hear it.
I shook my head, my eyes saying a silent sorry for her. I launched into the sky, my eyes picking a target. The thirteen year old boy seemed to be the best target. I felt my wings tighten closer to my body, then suddenly opening at the last minute, me picking up the boy and flying gracefully upwards as I heard the boys screams for mercy.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get those screams out of my head. Please, please, please. Have mercy! The words of a thirteen year old boy begging me to spare his life and I couldn’t even do that much.
I looked back at the little girl, tears in my eyes. “Is something wrong Michael?” God damn it man, pull your god damned self together. Or we’re both screwed. Yelled a voice in my head. I mentally shook myself, I already sold my soul and damn it, I’m not letting this little girl down if it’s the last thing I do in this god forsaken place.
I smiled, and gave the girl a light hug, “No Lizzy, everything is perfect.” I gave her a charming smiled and started to walk out, still holding the little girl protectively.
* * * * * * * * *
After walking for an hour I finally found a store, Annabelle’s Market. I read it out loud, hoping to the Lord himself that no ‘Angel Hunters’ as we’ve learned to call them, were in there. They could spot an angel a mile away and still be able to hit the angel with a special made bullet with enough force to stop a train in it’s tracks.
I opened the door cautiously and quietly walked in. The little girls eyes were wide with amazement at all the food that surrounded her. She started fussing, looking at all the food and in the silence I could hear her heart beat increasing rapidly. We both heard her stomach growl, and we both laughed lightly. “Freeze right there.” We heard at once. I turned with lightening speed, and was looking face to face with a rifle in the hand of a red neck hick in the country. I swear, this guy was wearing jeans too big, a loose white shirt with big old stains down the front. He was the classic look for a country bum-kin in the 21st century.
“Listen, sir, I just want some food for the girl.” I said trying to persuade him to put the gun down. I felt his eyes drop from me to the girl and back up to me. He was weighing me up and down, I felt like I was under scrutiny of the highest level.
“What’s yer name, fella?” He asked, dropping the rifle slowly to the ground. Did he just really call me ‘fella?’ I wondered. God this guy was the biggest hick in all of the world now.
Michael, this guy is crazy. We should just leave. He’ll probably go ape shit on you if you say the wrong thing. The inner voice inside my head told me, and for some reason this time I didn’t want to obey the bossy little voice in there. “My name is Michael Arie-hangle.” (Arie-hangle is how you pronounce arch angel in Russian). The guy smiled and dropped the gun, for a bum this guy had a perfect smile, and his teeth were as white as my wings once were.
“Well nice to meet ya Michael. My name’s Brutice.” He extended his hand I shook it, he had a strong ass grip might I add. His eyes went from me to the girl again and he bent down to her eye level and spoke in such a tender voice I thought impossible for a man his size and strength. Lizzy hid behind my leg, looking curiously at the stranger but at the same time with fear. “Hiya darlin’, my name’s Brutice. What’s yours?” He smiled at her, and I could automatically feel the change in her grip on my jeans.
She looked up at me and I nodded, “My name is Elizebeth, but everyone calls me Lizzy.” She told him.
I saw the look in his eyes, something had hit a nerve. “I used to have a daughter named Elizebeth, she’d be just about your age, but then I went to Iraq. . . I never saw her again, but I don’t think she’s dead. I also had a boy, about 14 this year.” He told her, the gentleness still in his voice. The girl nodded, and smiled at him.
“I used to have a brother, but mommy never told me what happened to him.” She told the man, the man straightened up and looked at me.
“You’ve got a nice daughter there Michael.”

Chapter Five

I felt myself smile inwardly, but not a happy proud smile, a sad lonely smile. The sad lonely smile was caused by the effect that in my life I’ve had one daughter, half angel, half human, and I’ve never been able to meet her. Her name Stefani, she had beautiful curly brown hair, green eyes, she would be about 7 this year. I loved her, but because of whom I was I never got the chance to meet her.
I know she’s still alive, but I know her mother was killed by my best friend. Alec Arue. He killed the mother, Annie, and forgot about the child. And for that I am grateful, another woman, kind and gentle found my -Stefani- and is currently raising her.
I turned to Brutice and looked him in the eye, “She is not my daughter, I don’t know my daughter.” I told him, the cold look in my eyes. He stepped back, his eyes wide with fear. The look in an angels eyes are so powerful, so strong, that they can make a human fall to there knees with a quick glance.
He gave me a look of fear, “Y-your one of t-t-them.” He stammered, the fear in his eyes snapped me back to what I was. I took a step back and looked at him, sorrow quickly filling every inch of my body. My heart turned cold as I realized he is in fear of angels still.
I reached out my hand, but he just fell on the floor trying to get away from me. Fuck! I thought to myself, “Brutice, I’m sorry. Listen buddy, I just came to find the girl food. I saved her. I’m not like the other angels anymore.” I sighed looking down, tears flooding to the brink of my eyes as the screams and words of my previous victims fled back. His lip trembled, I reached out my hand but he just kept stepping away.
Lizzy stepped forward and looked at Brutice. “Uncy Brutice, Michael is good.” She said, her voice quiet. I looked down at her, as did Brutice. She reached out her hand to him and he took it cautiously, never ripping his eyes from me.
“How do I know you won’t kill me?” He asked, I looked at him sadly. The life I’ve been given has been tough, I’ve always been the one to restore faith in human kind and humanities faith in the Lord. But now I had to restore there faith in me. Great, even if I’m not an angel of God I still have to do my old job.
“Because if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead…” I told him almost in-audibly. He looked down at the girl and gave her a brave smile and slowly stood up. I could tell he was still very wary of my presence, but it was a cautiousness I would be used to sooner or later. I had to learn how to control my anger if I was going to survive in this world with the humans. I mean if I met an Angel Hunter I would be dead in two minutes tops.
I looked around and remembered Lizzy was hungry. But for some reason Stefani would not get out of my mind. “Lizzy go look for something to eat, kay?” I told her, she nodded and left to go look in the store for something to eat.
Brutice’s eyes went wide and I didn’t know why “You shirts turning red…” He said, moving closer.
“Fuck. I thought that I healed those.” I growled. Brutice looked at me shocked at my language.
“Turn ‘round son. I’m one them trained EMT’s” He told me quietly, I looked at him shocked and took off my shirt. He gasped and said, “Holy mother of Jesus.” He said, his eyes wide. “Son, that there blood ain’t from losing your wing.” I could hear the worry in his voice. “It’s writing and it says ‘damned if you did, damned if you don’t’.”
I turned on him, my eyes wide. “What?” I practically yelled. He took a step back, obviously he believed the rumors that when an angel, of any status, got angry the lost control.
“Please don’t hurt me!” He pleaded, he was trembling with fear. The fear in his eyes were apparent. It was like it was plainly written on his face. I took a deep breath and looked around. Maybe there was some bandages in this abandoned store. Maybe, just maybe, this place would have clean clothes, and maybe they had a bible. Yes, even after everything I still would read the bible. Not really for the biblical meaning, but because the bible has always calmed me down.
I looked into his eyes, and saw that something else happened in his life for him to be so afraid of an angel that has done nothing to show him that I was to harm him. “What happened?” I asked quietly, studying his face. This man was a complete mystery with me and yet I kind of trusted him. Maybe if something had happened to me he could raise Lizzy… The thought crossed my mind and immediately I felt my blood boil. No! You will not leave another child to the hands of another! My inner self yelled to me. I couldn’t leave Lizzy like I had left Stefani. I just couldn’t, I would literally go insane if I ever thought of doing that.
Brutice gave me a look of fear that slowly turned into compassion. “Turn ‘round son, I can fix them up fer ya.” He told me confident in his abilities. I nodded and took off my shirt once again. He walked around the store and soon found the stuff he was looking for. “Yer gonna die if I don’t stitch up them wounds.” He told me making me sit down, I nodded and then I felt a stabbing sensation in my back. Each time he put a new stitch in I almost yelled with the pain.
Sad, huh? That a grown angel can watch death around him spring up and be perfectly fine, can have something like the wounds happen and not really care, but the minute I get stitches it ends up making me want to scream. I glared at the floor, wishing this pain would subside. But I knew it wouldn’t until he was done. “I’m almost done, son.” Why does he keep calling me ‘son’? I mean I was over two thousand years older then him, and he calls me son. It seemed a bit backwards, but who was I to complain.
I stood up gingerly when he told me he was done, it seemed he was laughing at how weak I was to pain like that. His eyes gleamed with a sort of kind mischief that most replace for old kindness. “Don’t worry son, in a couple of days you won’t feel a damn thing.” He said with his little drawl. I tried to give him a big smile but it only came out weak. And that’s when I heard it, the scream. Oh Lord, the scream.
I took off as fast as I could to where the scream was from. The scream came from Lizzy, the sound was sort of saying ‘If I don’t get help, I’m dead.’ I ran and ran, I couldn’t let anything happen to her, she had to stay alive. Keep her alive, keep your damn promise Michael. You’re going to be a failure if you don’t keep her alive. The words kept repeating in my head, the promise I made myself to keep her alive seemed more important then anything in this world.
I got to the spot and that’s when I saw them, the demons were crowding around Lizzy, it seemed like they wanted something that she had but I didn’t know what that was. “There he isssssss.” The obviously leader lisped out. It seemed like the creature had a hard time talking, I could kind of understand why, if they spent too much time in the human world then something, I don’t know what, would happen to them.
I looked at them, they seemed to be watching my every move. “Here, tem’bel” He said, it was kind of rude how he called me ‘idiot’ in the Hebrew language. I sighed as he handed me a note, the envelope had a stamp on it that said ‘Open in private. –L.’

Chapter Six

I excused myself silently after the demon’s disappeared, I went into a bathroom that marked men’s. I looked down at the note, ‘Open in private, -L.’ I kept reading those words over and over again, the scrawl on the envelope was beautifully written, a little familiar, but for some reason I couldn’t place my finger on who the mysterious ‘L.’ was. I opened the letter, everything went dark, I could hear the screams of the burning and I knew instantly who L. was. Lucifer.
I looked down at the letter, there seemed to be a red glow that was illuminating the letter. In the beautiful hand writing, it said:
Your first assignment should be easy, I want you to find a Mr. Jacob Gonzales. I want you to kill him, and make sure he can never, under any circumstances, come back to life. He was a bad man, one who doesn’t seem to die all that easy. I hope you won’t let me down, Michael.
My eyes kept reading over the letter, over and over again the name of the man was sticking out to me. Who was he? I asked myself, what did he do to make Lucifer want him dead so badly? I got up and went outside, Brutice was sitting with Lizzy, trying to calm her down. Tears streamed down her face, and when I came in she just looked at me.
“What happened, Michael?” Brutice asked, “One minute you and I was talking, the next you take off after hearing this little girl screaming your name. But boy, I’ve never seen someone move as quickly and efficiently as you did then.” He let out a low whistle. I looked at him and just felt like I didn’t know what to do. There was no way I could take Lizzy with me, but a part of me didn’t want to leave her. Maybe, just maybe, Brutice wouldn’t mind coming with and watching Lizzy?
He was studying me, and finally he put a hand on my shoulder, it was light to the touch, but it held so much power. “What you thinkin’ about, son?” He asked, worry lit his eyes and I just shrugged him off. I would rather not talk about any of this in front of Lizzy.
“Can we talk… Alone?” I asked, looking at him. I needed him to come, I just had to. Even though I had just met the man, I felt like I could trust him. But I couldn’t make him come if he didn’t want to, I knew that.
He nodded and followed me as I walked to a place where I knew Lizzy wouldn’t dare come near. The boys’ restroom was a pretty clean place, I’ll admit it. “What do you need to talk ‘bout son?” He asked me, seriously. I gulped down the lump that had just formed in my throat and was thinking on how to word this right.
“I need someone to come and watch Lizzy while I do stuff I need to do.” I told him with a serious cold voice. I just needed him to come, not only for Lizzy, but because when he was around I felt kind of protective over him even though he looks like a good ten years older then my present body.
He nodded and smiled, “Yes’sir.” He said and walked off, I couldn’t make myself tell him what stuff I needed to do, it just made me seem all the more evil though keeping something like that from a nice, understanding man like him. I shook off the feeling and walked towards to where Lizzy was sitting, combing a dolls hair.
Watching her sit there, so calm, and still having a child hood made me remember what it was like to watch my Stefani grow up. Through my time, it was my favorite past time. I didn’t need to sleep much to function properly but when my body says I’ve had too much sleep I used to watch her. She loved playing with Barbie dolls. She loved dressing them, brushing there hair and acting as if they were real. Her playing always brought a smile to my face on the worst of days. But it killed me knowing that she would never have a dad.
I remembered the night me and her mom made love, our relationship started as a friendship, but over time I grew to realize I loved her. But one night, and I was never allowed to see her again, or to put it in more correct terms, she was never allowed to see me again. I was allowed to watch her, as long as she never knew I was there. But whenever I watched Jaine, Stephanie’s mom, sleep, she would whisper my name.
Oh how I wanted to tell her I was there, but I couldn’t I just couldn’t or she would have to be killed along with Stefani. I guess Lizzy was a replacement for the Stefani I never got to protect but I don’t know, it seemed like I was meant to protect Lizzy.
I shrugged this off and sat down next to her. “Hi Michael.” She said to me with a huge smile. “You wanna play dollies with me?” She said it with so much enthusiasm I couldn’t say no, so I nodded and she handed me a doll.
Her and I played dolls for about an hour before she got hungry. I smiled and picked her up, she always seemed to get hungry for stuff that was decently healthy for her. She smiled up at me and pinched my nose. I wrinkled my nose and pretended like I was going to lick her. She squealed and tried to get away but was laughing too hard. I smirked and found her something quick to eat.
She ate it furiously, I didn’t think a girl her size could eat so much so quick. I grinned at her and took a bite of my little snack.
* * * * * * * * *
After we ate we both fell asleep on the floor, I know it might have been disgusting but in a small store such as this one I don’t think there’d be any better place to sleep. I felt something gently cover me, and suddenly I felt very warm as Lizzy curled up next to me.
I know to some me and Lizzy would have probably looked wrong to some people, but I swear to the Lord himself that she just reminded me of my daughter.
* * * * * * * * *
It was a beautiful day, the birds were out chirping, the wind was in my hair, and something else just seemed different to me. I seemed, well, happy. I looked around and noticed a little girl running towards me, she looked about twelve or so and she came up to me and yelled “Daddy! Come play tag with me!”
I grinned and nodded and started chasing her, playing around. I tagged her and started running, she was a fast girl. And she was also very beautiful. She had wavy blonde hair, vibrant green eyes, and she looked so familiar but I couldn’t find her name in my mind.
“Daddy!” She yelled, laughing when I tackled her and tagged her. It’s like my mind went into hyper mode, this girl is not your daughter Michael. Stefani is your daughter. Said a little voice inside my head.
I shook myself and looked at the girl. “What’s your name?” I asked her. She looked at me like I had lost my mind and just turned away.
“It’s Lizzy.” She told me. I stopped in mid stride and looked at her. Wait a damned minute here, she called me ‘daddy’ like she thought of me like… like a father! But I only wanted to be a father to one girl and that was my daughter.
I looked at her and said “Elizebeth, come here!” I said, an authoritive tone entering my voice. Wow. She turned around, there were tears on her cheeks.
“What do you want!?” She yelled as more tears spilled over, I suddenly felt like a total ass for not realizing who she was.
I went over to her and hugged her, “I’m sorry Lizzy, I had an old timer moment.” She just cried into my shirt as I rubbed her back. “Why did you call me that?” I asked her, not being able to say the word.
She looked up at me and looked at me quizzically. “Called you what? Did I call you Demon?” Her voice changed, as did her eyes. Everything around us started changing into a fiery pit of hell, a whole new look over took her eyes and the smile she gave me probably frightened me the most. She had a smile of no soul, it scared me. Then a different voice took over her, she said in a language I had no clue of, but for some reason could under stand. “Michael, hurry up or you will be the head angel of Hell and you’ll spend all eternity there.” An evil laugh racked through her body.
* * * * * * * * *
I sat bolt upright and looked back down at Lizzy, my heart was beating rapidly. I couldn’t believe the dream I had just had…

Chapter Seven

I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night, the images, the way her voice changed; we had to get out of there, and fast. I couldn’t believe in my dream someone called me ‘daddy’, it just seemed wrong not coming from my own flesh and blood. I didn’t care though; I cared about getting my job done and getting those things, the sheds, away from Lizzy.
I gently picked up Lizzy and went to go find Brutice. It was still dark outside and I felt if we didn’t leave now, we never would. I could feel the nights without a lot of sleep affecting my brain, my body felt so lethargic. The store was quiet, but in the same note it was also elegant. It had the small town feeling, while having an air about it saying ‘I’m here to stay.’ I smiled to myself, no one in particular really.
I smiled down at her, and gently moved her hair out of her face. I saw a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she cuddled closer into my chest.
I heard a step, it wasn’t a heavy step like Brutice has, no, it was a light, soft step. Like the person was trying to make sure no one heard him or her. I spun around to where I heard the noise, I set Lizzy down as gently as I could and out of the way. I ran to where the noise was, I sensed him before I saw him. His eyes were blood shot, his crystal blue eyes were also glazed over.
His magnificent white wings stretched out; there were little spots of black here and there, but nothing major. I studied his movements, they were jerky and quick. His movements reminded me of someone who wasn’t sure of what to do, and acted on impulses. I smiled, “Hello brother, how are you this beautiful night?” I asked, in a mocking tone. His eyes were glued to me, I watched him move as if he were in slow motion as he lunged for me.
He knocked me down, we were rolling, trying to see who had the bigger will to win and fight. Before I knew what I was doing I saw my fist go up and hit him squarely in the jaw, he flew backwards, his jaw was popped out. Not the prettiest site, but at the moment, I really could care less. In less then a second I was on my feet, running towards where he was just barely getting up. He turned his back towards me and opened his wings.
Taking off towards the ceiling, I felt his strong wings push the wind towards me, hoping to slow me down. I must admit, it slowed me down, but just a tad. I jumped up on to the shelf and tried to give myself as much momentum as I could to reach him. I was running, the still air was going through my hair, and then I was air-borne. The feeling of the air around me was exhilarating, oh how I missed the wings I had taken back from me.
I grabbed around his waist, his weight combined with mine was too heavy we started going down. I felt my legs dangle. Damn, Michael, c’mon you can do this. You can do this. I said, bending my knee’s making sure not to lock them. I gritted my teeth as we both landed, he made a grunting noise and was looking at me. He bared his teeth at me, and lunged again, but this time I was ready. I ducked under him almost a second too late, almost. I knew we were making a lot of noise but neither Brutice nor Lizzy woke up.
He let out a high pitched squeal as his wings tagged along my foot. I let out a gasp in pain, one thing I forgot to mention is that the bottom of an angels wings are that they are sharper then a lot of things, just a small touch can rip open your skin pretty easily. “You bitch.” I said, it’s eyes went wide, most angels weren’t used to cussing, but I had been through a lot. So I did cuss.
“God damn you to hell Michael Arie-Hangle, God damn you.” He said, his voice didn’t sound evil nor mean, in fact I recognized it. But his voice, oh his voice, it was the sweetest but the most cruelest sound I had ever heard.
“Gabriel? Brother, why?” I asked him, he was Gabriel Arie-Hangle. Also known as Gabriel, the messenger from God.
“You should know why, you traitor. You work for Lucifer, He is more disappointed in you then you will ever know.” Gabriel said, how did I not recognize my own brother, my own flesh and blood. His eyes held something I had never seen once in my life, they held something almost incomprehensible. But at the last moment I recognized it to be something horrible, something that showed me he really has given up on me, to turn my own family against me: Disappointment.
I went up to him, his jaw was still pretty messed up but it was healing in place. I lifted his head, Gabriel was younger then I, he was my little brother. It was understandable why I had this small bit of compassion for him even after he tried to kill me. “Come here, Gabriel. Let me fix your jaw.” I said, lifting my hand to his jaw. He flinched as I barely touched the skin. I cracked the bone once more, resetting it into it’s rightful position.
“Why did you help me? You’re the devils minion.” He asked me, looking down.
I sighed, a long desperate sigh. “Gabriel, I might work for Lucifer but he does not own me. I am my own and I chose to do as I wish.” I looked at him; his eyes were brimmed with unshed tears. “I had no choice but to join with Lucifer; the Lord made me.” I said more to myself then to him. “He sent me to be with the people who would do anything to get there hands on an angel, he said it was all my fault. I had heard him myself.” I was in a glassy state now. I couldn’t believe it was real, the Lord still tried to make me the bad guy.
He shook his head and walked out, taking flight immediately after he set foot outside. I sat down against the wall as sobs racked through my body. It was getting bad, but this was only the beginning, I had hit the lowest of all time, fighting my brother who was out to kill me for something I had no control over. He who was supposed to protect all his children made family go against family. It turned my blood cold, the faith I had always had that at some point He had a plan finally disappeared, turning into nothing but a bunch of fake little beliefs that used to be.
I didn’t even notice the foot steps that were coming near, tell you the truth, the only thing that told me of someone’s presence was Brutice’s big hand falling lightly on my shoulder. I turned towards him, and wiped my eyes. “I heard everything, son.” He told me quietly, like he didn’t want to believe what he had just heard. “And even though I am still part of the Lords chapel I don’t believe in letting his real close children going off an’ doing somethin’ stupid without at least one other person there to take the blame.” He said standing up. He offered me his hand, but I didn’t grab it. I just stayed where I was.
“The weight of the world may be on your shoulders, Michael, but always remember, faith is what brings you through it all.” My father had told me that when I was no more then eight years old. And here I am, suddenly realizing he was wrong for once in my life. My father was wrong.

Chapter Eight

Brutice, Lizzy and I set off that day. Lizzy was singing 'Ole McDonald' a tune I did not really care for.
Most people would think that I would only like 'Worship' Music, but in fact I liked a lot of songs. They had a whole lot of different meanings, one could often tell my mood by what I was listening to. One of my favorite songs when I'm sad over something is '100 In A 55'

by Pop Evil. It's one of the few things that reminded me of Stefani's mother and the few other 'lovers' I've had over the years.
It's kind of weird how when people think 'angels' they think holy people with wings and only do good. Now, while that may be the case of most, a lot of angels still have to deal with human affairs and many have learned to accept human qualities such as music and movies. But anyways, as we walked we noticed a couple of clouds that would disappear, letting a few strands of light from the sun be seen.
I could see the longing-ness in Lizzy's eyes as we passed a park, but I just couldn't afford to stop. I mean, we did have to go and find this guy. I knew Lizzy didn't have any idea on what we were going to do. Brutice would make sure she never found out. And I was glad that he was here.
"Boy, I haven't seen sun like 'dat for a long time." He said quietly. The whole appocolypse thing has taken a tole on all the humans and a lot of the angels. But I'm very glad that Brutice didn't have a problem with angels.
"Yes, it's quite beautiful." I said, reminicing. I remember once, I had to watch this kid for a while, he was losing faith, but he lived in this little town called Lone Pine. Timothy Butcher was the boys name, he was one of the most innocent, but at the same time wisest boy alive. But anyway, back to my point, the sun was always so bright there, most towns there were overly done to where they looked, well to be frank, fake. But in all reality they were all natural.
I heard Brutice hum 'Ole McDonal' with Lizzy and my mind started to drift.

Everything was slowly darkening, I could scarcly see any of the furniture in the room. I fumbled around, trying to find a seat. It was about Seven o'clock at night. We were all exhausted after a day of walking non-stop.
Lizzy was curled up on the couch, her snores lightly filling the room. Brutice was passed out on his bed. I could hardly believe I was actually making a journey to kill a man who I've never even met, let alone had a problem with. But I made a deal, and I must stick with my commitments.
I settled into my bed, and turned over, thoughts running through my head. 'You're going to kill a man who did nothing to you.' 'Does the Golden Rule mean nothing to you anymore?'

I felt as if I was doing something so wrong that it was eating me up inside, but tomorrow we would have a long day as well. So I had to try to get some sleep. Whether I would be able to or not would be a total mysterty to me...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2011

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I'd like to dedicate this to my friends and family who always believed in me. I'd especially like to say thanks to my best friend and guy I love Jake.

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