The Chosen Ones

She is Chosen Von:
The Chosen Ones
This story is about a girl that came to a all girls college. Her name is Kathrine Marie Homes. She is one of the chosen ones. Will she sevie

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And tahnk you too Lions :) and the reason why it was like that is because I had to leave because the liberty closes at 5 yesterday and today it closes at 6 lol. But I'll keep it up thanks

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Tahnk you Genh888tzu, the reason why i missed spelled survive is becasue it wouldn't let me go feather because you can only have 140 words. But thank you :) I'll try my best to spell better :)

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Gelöschter User

read your start page. Well, you got it launched, but I'll need more story before I know if I'm hooked lol :)
keep at it and happy writing rose

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