

"Have a good first day of school Katherine. I'll be here around 4 to pick you up from school and take you home, because tonight I might have to work over time at work. So I'll be be here at around that time.' My sister Sarah said smiling at me. She had long beautiful hair just like mothers and her eyes were so green and her skin was just like mothers all smooth and tan.She was about 22 and she was about five foot seven, but her smile reminds so much like mothers smile all warm and friendly. Then there is me. I have long red hair, I'm nineteen years of age and about five foot five, wear glasses and my skin is whiter then my sisters. I looked up at my sister and smiled back,'Katherine everything will be alright. Stop worrying too much, because you know what mom......' She cut off looking down. I could see she was hiding the tears from me. So I leaned closer to her and kissed the tear drop on her cheek. She looks at me and crys into my chest as I held her close to me, trying to calm her down. She always gets this way when she talks about our mother.'Everything is going to be alright Sarah, I miss her too, but we got to be strong for mom's sack. She taught us better than that, but I have to go to school. You can sleep in my room with me tonight if tha twill make you feel better. I love you Sarah. Just stay strong.'I said holing her tighter as she got relaxed. She loked up at me and I could tell she was getting better.'Thank you Kathrine. You're right she did teach us better then this. So I'll see you around 4 alright.'I looked up at her and smiled.'Yes I'll see you around that time."

I got out of the car and got my backpack and suff out of the back seat. I had my shoulder bag on my shoulder, a notebook and a pincil so I can write the notes down because I'm in the middle of the first sumester so I have a lot to catch up to do. I never like being left behind in school because I'm just goingto say it I'm a geek alright. My best subjects are Math, History and English. Then I shut the back door and walked off and smiled at Sarah through the close window and she smiled back and left. My name is Katherine Marie Homes and my family is a wealthy family. Yeah, yeah I'm lucky right, but I'm not. I saw my own father Murder my mother when I was seven and my sister Sarah was 10. Sarah was at a friends house while I was at home with my mother. That night changed everything for me and Sarah.

Me and my mother were in the living room because I just got done with a bath and mother was brushing my hair humming my lullaby she always sings to me when she does my hair and when I go to bed. Everything was fine until my father came home drunk off his ass that night and started to talk real bad about mother at how she wasn't a good mother because she wasn't home to take care of us like she used to do before she was hired as a teacher for the Frist grade. When I saw my father that night I knew I would never forget that night. He hit my mother across the face as she fell to the ground holding her face crying because he has never been this way before and he kept hitting her and hurting her. Try to imaging a younf little girl watching this scared for her and her mother's life.
Well I was that girl and I couldn't stand hit hurting her likethat and i got in front of mother before father could hit her again saying, "Stop hurting mommy daddy! She hasn't done anything wrong! Please daddy stop hurting mommy!." But that was a mistake. My father took out a kife and I was so close to him that he cut open my chest with all his force and I fell down crying and then I felt something warm on my hands and when I looked down I saw red on my hand and I knew at that moment I was going to die. I was bleeding so much that I started to get light headed headed and that I couldn't breathe because of the pain. Then at that moment mother got in front of me and father before he sould finsih me off. She said," You will not hurt our daughter while I'm here or anytime. I will protect her with all my life if it depended on it. You will not hurt my Katherine!!"

Mother turned to face me amd put me in her embrace to protect me, her daughter. That's when all hell broke lose. I looked around my mother and I saw father pull out a gun and pointed right at mother and pulled the trigger and shot my mother tree times. One bullet hit her in the shoulder while another hit her in the back and the last one into her chest. I saw the pain and fear in her eyes, the tears running down her face, blood at the corner of her mouth and falling to the ground halfway dead and half alive. I looked up and saw my father pointing the gun to his head and I saw him pull the trigger and killed himself while his blood hit mr in the face as he fell to the ground dead. I could still see her breathing slowly. I got beside her and turned her over to her back so I could see her face as I held her hand crying as I had my other hand over my bleeding chest.

"Mama, Mama, please dont be dead. Mama please come back to me.*crys harder* Mommy! Please wake up please! PLEASE! MOMMY! WAKE UP!" I said. I ws just a little girl when this happened. I was scared, afraid and sad. That's when I saw mother barely open her eyes.

She put her hand on my cheek wripping my tears aways and she smiled and then she coughed and blood came out while she was coughing. I found my towel that I used just a couple minutes ago and put it over her mouth while she coughed again. I wripped the blood off her mouth and face. Then I put it over her chest to stop the bleeding and put pressure over her chest to keep her alive just for a while longer. Mother looked at me with tears running down her face and in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from your father Katherine*coughs* I should of been stronger instead of standing around while you got hurt*coughs* You have to live to forfill your destiny KAthrine. I promised you that I'll be there to protect you all the way till death.*coughs as she looked into my eyes* KAthrine you're differant from any other girls hunny. You're still too young to figure it out yet. Kathrine, promise me this. You will protect this picture of me and you and protect this necklace I'm giving you*she took the necklace off and put it around my neck* Never let anyone take it away from you. My dearest Kathierne it's your destiny to keep this safe without a doute. You have to protect your sister and yourself lives from now on. Someday you will find your one true love with the same necklace as this one. You and that someone will have a long jurney ahead of you. Katherine I love you with all my heart and soul and I hope one day you will forgive me of not always being there for you and your sister.... I'm sorry I failed you. Tell Sarah that I loved you both very much and hope to die andwith all my heart and soul. I love you girls so much*coughs* that it pains me to have to leave you guys like this. Remember what I said. Protect the necklace like your life depending on it and never forget how much I lvoe you both. Kathrine I Love......You....."

That was her last wish for me to protect this necklace and my sister. When I stopped crying I called 911 and told them that my father just killed my mother and then killed himself while I was trying to stop the bleeding from my chest and when I couldnt stay awake much longer I passed out with 911 on the line. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed and found that my necklace was still around my neck and I uncovered myself and I was all wrapped up. Ever since that night the pain in my chest would never stop and I was stucked with this scar for the rest of my life and I cried in that bed.
Flashback ends

Chapter one The New Student

I put my hand over the necklace because it ws all I had left to remember my mother who protected me and gave her life up just for me and Sarah to live. The last couple of years have been tought for me and Sarah and I live with her becasue we had no other family. Everytime I had a nightmare I would go to Sarah's room because I was scared and slept with her, but now everytime she has a nightnare she sleeps with me because she knew I would protect her just like mom told me to do. Anyways can't think about that now I have to go to class.

I walked into the school that was for girls only and it was bigger then my other school I went to in New Jersey. I went to the office and waited for my schedule. They told me to go into the bathroom and put on the HIgh School Uniform and so I did. It just felt wired wearing a uniform because I never had to wear it before, but on the other hand I it felt goo to wear it.
When I got back into the office they gave me my schedule and told me to find my locker and they gave me a late slip just in case I'm late for class. I said thank you and bowed because because I was in Japan after all. I was going to a English School here and I had a Japanese class so I could know how and to learn Japanese traditions. I left the office and walked through the hallways and there were sp many students that it was hard to walk.

I finally found my locker and opened it to put my stuff in when someone slammed it shut and I looked up and it was a girl with long blonde hair, her eyes were bluer than th ocean and sky put together, and her lips were so soft and shiny and I could tell she was maybe around five foot seven and I was guessing she was about seventeen or eighteen years of age. I could tell she was popular because she had two other girls that look kinda of like her. The girl looked at me and smiled evilly and started to play with my hair.

"Well if it isnt hte new girl in around town and a very beautiful girl at that. My name is Kelsey Lee Barrel and I knida of run this school, no let me refese that I do run the whole school because my daddy owns it. So try not to get in my way got?' I nodded my head' Good than. See you around freak." *She said walking away laughing as at the same time one of her friends knocked my book and papers for school out of my hand as they fell to the ground and then went to follow her demon leader*

I got down to pick up my things when I heard somebody get beside me on the floor and I said looking down, "If you're here to make fun of me then go right ahead, but other than that leave me alone"* When I went to pick up my book the perason that was helping me already had it in her hand already and our hands touched. Her hand was so smooth and soft. So I took my hand away from hers and got up as she got up with meand handed my stuff. I finally for the first time I looked up and I saw the most beautiful girl I ever set my eyes on. She had long beautiful hair that when the light hits it, then her eyes were the deepest brown eyes I have ever seen that looked alomst golden, and her lips were so full and beautiful that they looked like they have never been touched before. SHe made the uniform look wonderful when she ws wearing it. I could tell she was about five foot five, her body ws slender and beautiful and she could be eighteen years of age. I looked down and bowed to tell her thank you for helping me.

"Are you alright Katherine?' *When she said my name her voice was just like an Angel singing, but wait how did she know my name? I never said my name.* 'Katherine I said are you alright?'* she puts her hand on my shoulder and just the way she touched me I got shiver going down my body. Then my necklace felt like it was getting hot, but I was just imagination.*' Katherine? Did they hurt you?' *She said worried this time. Why couldnt I talk? Why couldn't I move? Then I felt the tears go down my face but I didn't know why. So I wripped them away with my hands and looked up trying not the pain of the lost of my mother, "Yes. I'm fine. They didn't hurt me or anything. Thank you for helping me pick up my things. Bye." I said bowing and ran to the bathroom.

I went into one ofthe stals and put the seat down and sat on top of it crying. I missed my motehr so much that it hurts my heart and my scar becasue mother wasn't around anymore. I missed her so much. Then I heard the bathroom door open, but I didn't care I just wanted my mother with me. I cried and sniffed and than someone opened the door and it wasn't the girl that helped me it was another girl. She had really long brown hair and her skin was a beautiful tan and around five foot four and about maybe seventeen. She got close to me and put me in a hug and I cried into her shoulder because I couldn't hold it in anymore and I just let it out.

"Are you going to be alright Sweetie Why are you crying? Everything is going to be alright sweetie everything will be alright' *She said in a country accent and witch she must of been from Tennessee. She held me tightky trying to calm me down and I kept crying.* 'What's your name suger?'*I looked up at her and she wripped the tears away from my face*' My Katherine Marie Homes.' *She looked at me adn smiled as she let out her hand so we could shake hands and I did.* The Newbie huh. Well my name is Kathlyn Ann Moore. I see you had a bad time just a while ago from Kelsey huh? Well let's just say she's the bitch around the school. Just becasue her daddy owns the place she thinks we should treat her like a fucking princss. Ha yeah right. Just don't let her ger to you arlight hunny. Where is your first class Katherine?' *I looked at my schedule and my first class was Geometry class*' Gerometry' I said not srying anymore and she smiled and I knew I met a new friend. I left the bathroom with her and we talked and then we went to first class witch we were in the same class. She got there before I did andsat in her seat and I came in late but I had my late slip ready and the teacher looked at it and smiled.

"Mrs. Homes welcome to Geometry class. I am your teacher Mrs. Johnson. Why don't you sit by Jordon Lee Miko. I'm sure she'll be more welcome to help you catch up. You two are going to get along and you'll be partners for the rest of the school year alright." She pointed me towards my seat.

When I looked up I saw the girl who helped me pick up my stuff and her beautiful smile made me blush. Why do I feel this way when I see this girl and why does my necklace feel like it's getting hot when thinking about this girl. When the sun hits her she shines like a star. I then started to walked towards her and sat down beside her and I took out my pencil and opened my book and notepad and started to write the notes down Mrs. Johnson wrote on the board and I noticed tha tthe problem she was doing she had it mixed up. So I started write it my own way and I got the answer and I rised my hand. Mrs. Johnson looked at me and smiled.

"Yes Katherine you have a qustion?" *She looked and smiled.*"Yes. Dont you think that the formule that you're using isn't all that correct. May I show you how I did it please?" I said a little embarrassed and I got up. She looked at me with a smile and I knew it was a fake one but I had to tell her she was wrong."Sure, go right ahead. If you got the answer" She smiled at me again.

So I went up to the board and I wrote in my own way and everybody was looking at me like they were impressed. Even Kathlyn was impressed and I looked at Jordon and she was smiling at me and I was done with the formaula and sat back down beside Jordon and she gave me a smile that made my heart race and then Mrs. Johnson loked at me like she was upset or something.

"Mrs. Homes I want to see you after class so I can have a talk with you. Becasue it's very important and that you need to know what your up against. This isn't like regaulr school Katherine because you can get hurt one of these days in this school and you won't know what it'll take you. So after class." She looked at me like an evil person.

I knew I did something wrong so I kept my problems to myself. As Mrs Johnson continted to tell us about wht I did like she did all the work when I could do it much more faster then she can. I should be the teacher here not her. Well I said that to myself. Then Jordon grabbed my hand and put a piece of paper into my hand and when she grabbed my hand i felt safe when I was with her but I didn't know why, but it was good to have someone there for you when you fail. Then she let my hand go and I took the piece of paper and opened it and it said.

"Meet me at the flower bed when lunchcomes. I'll be happy if you did. Another this is I have something to say to you, but I don't know if you'll say yes or no so plese meet me there alright my Katherine."I smiled at the note and was thinking about what she wanted to ask me becasue i didn't know. s oI said, "Alright. I'll be there promise" I gave it back to her and she smiled and winked at me and I hid behind my paper to hid the blush.

Class ended and hour later and everybody went to their second period class while I had to stay after class. While Jordon put her hand on my shoulder and kissed the top of my head and I smiled and I felt more relax and then she left as did Katlyn but she smiled at me and I smiled back and then they left. I got up and I walked up to Mrs. Johnson.

"Have a seat Katherine.*I sat down* You kinda of embessed me in front ofthe whole class today and on your first day of school too. I don't know where you came from or what they taught you there but you're in a differant country now Mrs.Homes, but you will not do tht again or I will fail you and give you an after school detection. You understand me Katherine?' She had my hand and she was crushing it with all her force and I cried out in pain and begged her to stop.* 'You understand what I mean when you better not no it again right?'*I shook my head no*'Well I'll show you.* She grabbed mme by the caller of my shirt shirt and slammed me intothe wall. She started to hit me and punch me and I cried out for help.*'Now do you fucking understand me Katherine?'*As she kept doing it and I nodded my head


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2012

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