Hope Is A Very Mysterious Thing

Hope Is A Very Mysterious Thing
This is my entry for the Mystery contest. The detective's name is Hanna Brennan, a spunky young girl with a love for her grandmother. But when she dies after sending Hanna a letter, Hanna knows that something's wrong.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Mysteries at the Museum"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Hope Is A Very Mysterious Thing
Beiträge und Kommentare
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1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It is unique, creative, and nicely put together. Your descriptions are awesome and the ending provides a shocking twist. I hope you'll write more mystery stories, because you clearly display a natural talent for it. Your original character, Hanna Brennan, would make an excellent detective for a series. I love the title of your book. It is a very nice motto. The picture of the diamond is beautiful, too.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Not bad. An interesting story :) It was kind of cool, and I like the idea you put into the book.

I do, however, have some critiques:

In the prologue, or introduction, I noticed one sentence that seemed out of place. Let me show you:

"Most people thought it was the curse of an Indian Goddess causing the bad things to happen."

When you say 'bad things' that brings the mood from serious to playful. And I assume your introduction is... mehr anzeigen

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