
Almost everyone knows the story of the mysterious Hope Diamond. How it went from person to person, leaving a trail of misfortune in its wake. Most people thought it was the curse of an Indian Goddess causing the strange occurences to happen. Though what if it was not a curse that caused all of the suffering? What if instead it was a person, or a group of people who wanted the diamond for their own gain? Just think of all the people they would have had to get rid of! People like Marie Antoinette, Lord Francis Hope and James Todd! Only a group of horrible and malicious criminals would do something like that. Maybe, if they had done all of that since 1793, they would try to steal the diamond again. And if they did, they would again kill anyone who got in their way.

Chapter 1
Hanna Brennan was sitting in her room, minding her own business, when a paper airplane sailed through the window and hit her in the head.
“Yow!” she cried. Then Hanna ran to the window and yelled, “Tanner Hasbro, there had better be a good reason for this!” Hanna slowly bent down and picked up the airplane that had fallen to the ground. When she unfolded it, Hanna was surprised to find that it was not Tanner’s writing on the note. What was even more surprising was what the note said.
Dear Hanna Brennan,

I need your help. You must stop them from getting the Diamond. They cannot have it! You're the only one I would trust to do this. I am counting on you, Hanna, to save the world from evil. You must guard the Diamond with your life, just like I always have. I have faith in you, Hanna Brennan. I will miss you the most.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Hanna whispered to herself. "What does she mean by this anyway? Suddenly, Hanna’s mother burst into the room.

“Hanna, I have terrible news.” She said. “Your grandma has just passed away.” Hanna looked up at her mom, tears filling her eyes,
“You mean that Nana is dead.” She replied.

“Yes honey, Nana is dead.” Whispered Hanna’s mother. "Honey, I am so sorry." Then Mrs. Brennan sat Hanna on her knee and watched her cry for the next hour, comforting her as she did.

The next day, the entire Brennan family attended Nana’s funeral. Hanna was up at the front, a sad look on her face. She reached down to touch her grandmother’s heart. As her hand reached the spot where Nana’s heart should have been she gasped. She then decided to go investigate later, since there were so many people around.

Soon the funeral was over and everyone started heading home. Hanna hid in a curtain, knowing that her parents would not miss her. As soon as everyone had left, she strode over to the coffin and peered inside. Her grandmother was lying there, quiet and serene. She then softly put her hand on Nana’s chest. As she laid it there, she could feel the little hole that was right where Nana’s heart would have been. Immediately, Hanna knew what had happened. Her grandmother had not died of natural causes! She had been murdered!

Hanna then remembered the note. She gasped. Her grandmother must have died getting this note to her! Hanna gritted her teeth in anger. How could someone do this to her poor Nana?

“Nana, I will do anything in my power to keep the people that did this to you away from the Diamond. I swear that on my life.” She said. Then Hanna slowly walked away, even though she thought she saw a smile light up her grandmother’s face.

Chapter 2

“Morning Honey!” called Hanna’s mom as she walked up the steps.”Guess where we’re going!’

“Where are we going?” asked Hanna glumly.

“We’re going to the Smithsonian! Your grandmother gave us her house to live in when she…died. And as it happens, her house is inside the Smithsonian Museum!”

“Fine, I’ll pack my things.” Sighed Hanna.

Soon the entire Brennan family was pack in the car and ready to go. When they reached the museum, the Brennans were greeted by an over-excited tour guide named Leslie.

“Welcome to the Smithsonian!” she said. “How may I assist you?”

“Could we please see a certain exhibit I had in mind?“ Asked Hanna’s mother. She then went over and whispered in the guide’s ear.

“Excellent choice.” Whispered Leslie. She then led them through the hallways, towards the very back of the museum. Hanna wondered what they would be seeing. Would it be a camel, or a cave painting? She didn’t know what to expect in this place. Then she saw it. It was the most beautiful diamond in the entire world, the Hope Diamond. The diamond’s amazing blue color cast light all around the room. It was breathtaking.

Hanna looked over for her mother, but found she was not in sight. Hanna looked around, but couldn’t find her anywhere. She then shrugged her shoulders and walked on with the rest of the family.

As soon as the family reached Nana’s room, Hanna noticed the sign above her grandmother’s door. It said, “Hope is a very mysterious thing.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Hanna asked herself. Then she walked inside the house and fell asleep on her grandma’s bed.

Hanna awoke at around ten o’clock that evening. She quietly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. On the wall was the same message that was on the front door. As Hanna studied the message for a minute, something in the words kept on nagging at her. Then she found it. It was the word hope. Instantly, Hanna knew what the Diamond was. It was all in the name. The diamond that her grandmother had protected all those years was the Hope Diamond.

Suddenly, Hanna heard a loud crash resound from the back of the museum. Someone was trying to steal the diamond! Quickly, Hanna ran through the dark hallways of the Smithsonian. As soon as she reached the display, she saw a figure cloaked in black trying to cut through the glass.

“Stop right there!” shouted Hanna. She watched the figure stop and slowly turn around. She was amazed when she saw who it was. Then she put the impossible into words.


Chapter 3

“Hello, Hanna.” Replied Hanna’s mother, lifting up her mask so that Hanna could see her face.

“Mom, why are you trying to steal the Hope Diamond?” asked Hanna. “Why couldn’t you just buy a fake one from the gift shop?”

“Because, Hanna, It was my mission.” Said Mrs. Brennan. “I am part of a secret organization called E. A. I. or Evil Artifacts Incorporated. My mission was to steal the Hope Diamond and kill anyone that got in my way.” Sudden realization dawned on Hanna’s face.

“That means you killed Nana! Mom how could you!” she said.

“It was part of the job I’m afraid. Nana got in my way, so she had to be disposed of.” Hanna’s mom replied.

“I promised Nana that I would protect the Diamond with my life. And I’m not planning on breaking that promise any time soon.” Hanna said, placing herself in between her mom and the Hope Diamond.”

“Well, then I guess that means you’ll have to be disposed of too.” Replied Hanna’s mom casually. Hanna watched as her mom pulled out a Berretta M9.

“Say goodbye, Hanna Brennan.” Said her mother. Then she shot.

Quickly, Hanna leapt up and grabbed the bar above her, getting out of harm’s way. But sadly, the bar couldn’t hold her weight, and soon she crashed back down to earth. The pipe had come with her though, giving her a weapon. She brandished it threateningly. Her mother just laughed.

“Silly child!” she hissed. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying ‘Never bring a knife to a gunfight.’ before?” Her mother then shot the gun again, aiming for Hanna’s heart. Hanna ducked, and then blindly swung her pipe, trying to hit her mother’s legs. Surprisingly, that’s exactly what happened. Soon, Hanna’s mother crumpled to the floor. Hanna then hit her bar over her mom’s head, knocking Mrs. Brennan out cold. Hanna then took her mom’s cell phone, and dialed 911.

“Hello, police.” She said. “I have a criminal here for you; she tried to steal the Hope Diamond.” Then she hung up the phone and went back to bed, not ready to face the morning.

When Hanna awoke, everything outside the house was in chaos. Reporters and Photographers were closing in on all sides, trying to catch a glimpse of the Brennan family. When one reporter caught sight of Hanna, he walked over and held a microphone up to her face.

“Hanna Brennan, what do you have to say about this situation?” he asked her. Hanna immediately knew exactly what to say.

“Hope is a very mysterious thing.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2012

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