User: robastor
The Federation Of Free Planets is fighting piracy while trying to maintain peace with the powerful Eusian Empire. Raven Spade and his son Evan begin to uncover disturbing clues as to who is heading the pirate organization that leads to the discovery of a concentration camp and genocide.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
iluvtwilight73 vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Great story, Rob...

So sorry, hon, it's still saying I've already voted for this one when I haven't, and I know this is the one you really wanted nominated. I'm doing this over the phone with Russ and our theory is that it goes by IP addresses, so even though it's different accounts, it still knows it's me. So sorry.


Wichtiger Beitrag
stevienicksfan vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Hi Rob, your story Leviathon was very action packed and well-written, I liked what I read, keep up the good work.


Wichtiger Beitrag
zackster vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

This is a great read. There's a lot of action and adventure and exotic locations. The story touches on issues of today and the past. It's very professionally written. You're missing something if you don't take the time to read this on. I was really impressed.

Wichtiger Beitrag
zackster vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

This is a great read. There's a lot of action and adventure and exotic locations. The story touches on issues of today and the past. It's very professionally written. You're missing something if you don't take the time to read this on. I was really impressed.

Wichtiger Beitrag
george g asztalos vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Altough I'm a infrarealist writer I am a fan of science-fiction to. Leviathan is a good read, enjoyable to the last word. I will be back for more. Thanks and good luck!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

I like this story the best. Very readable and sustains the attention with lots of event and action to move the story forward at a tension filled pace. Excellent work.

Wichtiger Beitrag
BookRix.com vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Thank you for participating in our
fiction writing contest "My Best Fiction".

BookRix - your place to read, write and
network free literature on the Internet.

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