
A Woman's Choice Von:
User: gourgot
"I’ll do it. Just promise me things will look and be the way they were before. That I won’t bring any shame to my family because of what has happened to me."

Zaphyra had to make a choice.
A choice that not only changed her life, but saved it.

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Wow, this was different! If only women could have their virginity restored after rape...but then again, why would they want to go through the pain all over again? A thought provoking question.

As far as your word structure and use is concerned, it would appear English is a second language and some words were a little inappropriate or too flowery. Nevertheless, congratulations on writing in another language and doing it so well.

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You have written a very interesting and thought provoking story about tragedy and choice. I enjoyed your story.

Great writing!

Wichtiger Beitrag

As read from the viewpoint of an entirely different culture, with mores nearly 180 degrees away from the culture in your nice little story, I found the ending fascinating.
You did a good job of writing a rather intense story. Yes, I enjoyed it!

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