Care To Dance?

A Vocaloid LukaxGakupo Fanfiction Von:
User: Reylinn
Care To Dance?

Luka works at a small diner. Gakupo is popular, rich, and owns an Italian resturant downtown. One day, Gakupo stumbles into Luka, and it's love at first sight. But what happens when multiple people try to get in the middle of their relationship? Can they bear it- or must they go their seperate ways?

Vocaloid, romance, drama, Comedy
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Sascha SaGth

Such an amazing book I like it so much and what I like the most is it's a Japanese history ^^ keep writing I want to read more of your books

2 Kommentare

Oh, why thank you o//-//o I plan on writing more so eh.... stay tuned.

Sascha SaGth

I will ^^

Wichtiger Beitrag
Nala Darkwing

Oh my god. I love it so far! keep up the amazing work girly.

4 Kommentare

Really? Lol I didn't really think it was that great---- YET. It shall get better :3

Nala Darkwing

hay can you go to the other communications between us, and check it please? I will be sending you something.


Yeah totally.

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