
The First Look

"Why are people so messy? Is it really that difficult to clean up after yourself when you are done eating?" Luka grumbles to herself while cleaning off one of the tables in the diner she works at. She hears a giggle behind her and looks over her shoulder. Luka's best friend, Miku, tries to conceal another giggle with her hand, brushing some of her teal hair out of her face while she sprays some cleaner on the table behind Luka. She looks up and locks eyes with Luka for a second, before they both burst out laughing.

"It's not funny, Miku! People are seriously gross!" Luka says, still laughing lightly.

"Oh, come on, Luka. Lighten up. You work at a diner, for god sakes. Get over the messy people! Because there is a lot of 'em!" Miku says, grinning while she cleans. Luka looks back down at her table, going over it with her rag one last time.

"Yeah, I know. But you would think they would have a little consideration for the people who have to clean up after them." Luka replies, standing up straight and wiping her hands off on her stained, white apron. Miku shrugs and gets back to her work, after one last giggle and shake of the head. Luka walks past her, pulling her long, thick, light pink hair up into a pony tail. She sighs as her bangs fall out and fall around her face. She pushes hair out of her eyes and walked behind the counter.

"Hey, I am going on lunch break, could you handle my shift for about ten minutes?" A girl with short brown hair and a red shirt says, running up to Luka. Luka sighs softly and shrugs.

"Sure Meiko, why not? Not like I have anything better to do, like wait on the people in my section." Luka says. Meiko squeals, obviously not catching Lukas sarcasm.

"Thanks! You're a life saver!" She says, running out of the back door. Luka walks back into the kitchen, rinses her hands at the sink, and then grabs her small notepad. She spots three guys sitting down at Meiko's section and she rushes over to see if they are ready to order. As she walks up, she realizes that one of them is the owner of the famous Italian resturant about a block away. His long purple hair is in it's usual pony tail, and he let's out a deep laugh, apparently finding something that one of his friends said humorous. Luka takes a deep breath, then walks up to the table.

"Hello, my name is Luka, and I will be your waitress! Can I get you something to drink?" She asks in the fake, peppy voice she uses with customers. Two of the guys quickly order beers, barely glancing at Luka, but the man with the purple hair stares at Luka, a look of awe playing across his face.

"Sir? May I get you something?" Luka repeats, her phony smile faltering. 'Jeez, this guy is kinda creepy.' Luka thinks to herself.

"My name is Gakupo, and I would be honored if you could get me a Cola, please." He says. His voice is deep, soothing, and soft. The other two guys give Gakupo weird looks, their features twisted into confusion.

"Yo, Gakupo. You okay buddy? What's with the whole 'I would be honored' thing? She's just a waitress. You don't even know her." One of the guys, a man with dark blue hair and a matching scarf, says. Gakupo faces his friend and sighs.

"S-sorry.... I must have lost myself for a second." He says. Gakupo looks back at Luka.

"A Cola, please." A light blush brushes across his face, and Luka finds herself smiling.

"Two beers and a Cola, coming right up." She says, turning on her heel. She walks behind the counter and into the kitchen, walking towards the fridge in the back.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Who in the world is the hottie at the table you are waiting?" Miku whispers loudly, running up behind Luka.

".....which one?" Luka asks.

"The one with the dark blue hair!" Miku replies. "I am gonna have to get his number." She says, talking more to herself than to Luka. Luka rolls her eyes and grabs two beers and a Coca Cola, placing them on a tray. She grabs the tray and walks out of the kitchen and back behind the counter. She sets the tray on the counter top and leans over the counter, staring at the guy with the purple hair. Gakupo.

".......You like Gakupo, don't you?!" Miku says, her voice getting all high pitched. Luka's face gets red, and she shakes her head.

"Absolutely not. He creeps me out a little." She says indignantly Miku smiles.

"He likes you. It was obvious. Ask him out!" Miku urges Luka. Luka sighs heavily and picks up her tray.

"No. He is rich. Popular. And way better than me. He doesn't like me. He just thought I was hot. Most guys do. That's all they ever see." Luka says. "Now, I have to go give them their drinks."

Luka walks out from behind the counter, leaving Miku alone with her day dreams about the blue haired man. She makes her way over to the table and bites her lower lip. I don't like him. Do I? No. I just met him. But maybe..... Luka fights with herself in her head all the way to the table. The blue haired one and the other one- who was blonde- take their drinks thankfully. Gakupo takes his drink, and when Luka starts to pull away, he grabs her by the wrist. His hand is warm, and Luka feels goosebumps spring up all over her body.

"May I ask you a question?" He asks.




(A/N: I feel as though this chapter was slightly lame. *sighs* Way to start off a fanfiction. But everyone who proffread it said it was great so.... leave me reviews in the comments and tell me what YOU think. Thanks for reading, guys~ Chapter Two should be out within the next day or two.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid, Miku, Luka, Gakupo, Meiko, Kaito, or Len. I just like using them and all other Vocaloids in my fanfictions.)

The Accidental Date

 Luka looks into the violet eyes of the man who just stopped her.

"What is it, Gakupo?" Luka asks, her voice sounding quieter than usual. Oh no. He is going to ask me on a date. I am going to have to break his heart.... or say yes. Luka thinks to herself. She braces herself for whatever comes next.

"Do you have any straws?" Gakupo asks, his eyes wide and innocent. Luka, shocked, laughs nervously.

"S-straws? Oh of c-course we have straws? I mean, who wouldn't have straws at a diner? I'll go get you one, hehe." Luka babbles. Gakupo raises an eyebrow at her, and the blue haired man chuckles, glancing at the blond boy who sits next to him. Luka quickly walks away from them, working her way back to the kitchen, where she leans against a counter and sighs heavily.

"Smooth, Luka. Real smooth." She mutters to herself. Miku skips into the kitchen, then stops when she sees her pink haired friend sighing gloomily.

"I just got the blue haired guys number! His name is Kaito, and he is super dreamy. And I think he likes me! H-hey, something wrong, Luka-chan?" Miku asks, cocking her head to one side. Luka shakes her head.

"I am fine. I have to go figure out what Gakupo, Kaito, and that blond kid want to eat, though, so I can go home and drown myself in anime." Luka says. Miku stops her.

"Wait! You should come to the party I am throwing tonight! Please. I know you don't like parties, but it will be fun. And besides, you need to stop being such an introvert and go make some friends." Miku says. Luka shrugs.

"I..... I don't know. Maybe." Luka says, walking away and leaving her friend behind. She grabs her small notepad and walks back to Gakupo's table.

"Are you ready to order?" Luka asks, looking down at her notebook. When she looks up, though, all the boys have left. She picks up a rather generous tip of thirty dollars and stares at it for a minute.

"Well I'll be...." She whispers to herself. She stacks their cups together, puts her tip in her pocket, and walks back behind the counter. Lost in thought, she sets the cups down in the sink, hangs up her apron, and then grabs her hoodie from the coat-rack by the door. "Okay guys. I'm leaving for the night! Bye!" She yells to her fellow workers. A chorus of "Good-bye's" answer her, and she pushes the door open, walking outside into the cool, autumn air. Then she hops in her car and drives home.






Luka stands in her walk-in closet, her head cocked to one side, her arms crossed, and her face pulled into an expression of deep thought. She decided that Miku was right- she should go to the party.

"What should I wear?" Luka says aloud, flipping through her clothes. Her hand lands on one dress, and she grins. She takes the dress off the hanger, walks back into her room, and slips into it. It is a clingy black dress, with spaghetti straps. It stops right above her knees, and makes her look sexy and classy. She smiles at herself in the mirror and pulls her hair out of the high pony tail that she wears to work and school. Her hair billows down around her, and she brushes a comb through it a few times, smoothing it down. She pulls on a pair of black shoes with a small heel, grabs her jacket, and the runs out the door.

Once safely inside her car, she pulls down the visor, opens the little mirror, and applies black mascara, silver eye shadow, and light pink lipstick. She puts the visor back in place, and then heads to the party.






"Oh my gosh, Luka! I didn't think you would come! You look amazing!" Miku announces the moment she opens the door. She wears a teal party dress with a black sash around the waist. Luka smiles graciously and nods.

"You look like a million dollars, as well, Miku!" She says, stepping inside. The music is loud, with bass that practically shakes the house. The house has very dim lighting, with many colored strobe lights that flash on and off repeatedly. Luka walks over to a table that has assorted snacks and drinks on it and picks up a Cola can, popping it open and taking a long drink. Meiko walks up next to her, wearing a very short red dress and drinking what Luka believes to be a bottle of sake.

"Oh Luka. I wanted to..... I wanted to th-thank you for taking my sh-shift today. You're a great friend, you kn-know." Meiko says, some of her words slurring together. She is obviously intoxicated already, and Luka hides a smile with her hand.

"Ah, it was nothing, dear friend." Luka says, walking backwards, away from the drunk, scantily clad woman. She back up into someone, and a small gasp escapes her mouth.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-" She says, starting to turn around. She stops when she sees just who she bumped into- Gakupo. His dark purple hair is still in a pony tail, although he is dressed in a black t-shirt, a bow tie, black jeans, and sneakers.

"It's okay, I can forgive you." He says, one corner of his mouth turning up into a smirk. He sticks his thumbs into his front pocket. "You look great." He tells Luka. Luka blushes lightly and grins.

"You too. Never been to a party like this, huh?" She says, gesturing to his bow tie. He laughs loudly, and Luka finds herself laughing in response to him.

"It's that obvious? Ha, well, the parties I usually go to are a bit more formal than this, I guess. Kaito and Len brought me here. Your tealette friend invited us. I'm not really one for loud music and strobe lights, though." He tells her. Luka nods and sighs. "Yeah, same here. Miku wanted me to come, though. I wanted to go down the street to this little hang out and sing karaoke, but Miku insisted that I should come here instead." She says, laughing lightly.

Gakupo gasps. "The place only a block from here? That has a skating rink and everything is kind of anime themed, including all the karaoke songs?" He says. Luka looks up at him, her eyes wide.

"Y-yeah. You know it?" She asks. He nods enthusiastically. "I was going to go there tonight! But Kaito insisted I come here! Would you..... would you want to ditch this place and head over there for some karaoke with me?" He asks, a slight blush creeping up into his cheeks. Luka glances over at Miku, who is obviously busy flirting with Kaito. Then she looks back at Gakupo and nods.

"Why not? I don't think they would care. Let's go!" Luka says. She and Gakupo go outside and start walking down the street, talking about anime and video games that they both have interests in. Once they both get to the hang out, Gakupo holds open the door.

"Ladies first." He says, smiling. Luka walks inside and finds the karaoke machine. Gakupo comes up behind her.

"Hey, wanna do a duet?" He asks.

"Sure, why not?" Luka says, and they both find an anime opening and start singing, their voices melting together into perfect harmony. The other people there all clap, whistle, and some even shout for an encore. Luka and Gakupo laugh, jumping off the stage. They find a seat and sit across from each other. After a moment of silence, Luka looks up and locks her eyes with Gakupo's. Luka's stomach gets all fluttery, and she looks away, flustered.

"It's getting late.... I should probably get home. I have work tomorrow." Gakupo hesitates, and then nods.

"Yeah, of course. Same here. I'll walk you back to the party and to your car?" He asks, standing up.

"Sure..... I guess." Luka says. They walk outside into the chilly night and start walking back up the street, in complete silence.

"Hey..... this wasn't a date, right?" Luka asks awkwardly. Gakupo stares ahead of him for a minute, and then finally looks at Luka.

"I guess not. I suppose it could be classified as an accidental date, but no. I don't think it was a real date. It wasn't planned or anything. Right?" He says, shoving his hands into his pants pockets and looking ahead of him again. Luka bites her lip.

"Yeah. Totally." She laughs softly.

......An accidental date......




(A/N: Well, I think this chapter is a bit better than the last one. Kinda cute, if you ask me ^.^ I know the chapters are kind of long, but I just have so much to write, so bear with me! Remeber to leave reviews~ And keep reading!)

The First Kiss

Two weeks had pass since Miku's party. Since Luka and Gakupo's "accidental date". Since then, Gakupo had come into the diner Luka works at almost every other day. Luka and Gakupo talked constantly, and texted whenever they weren't face to face.

"Why don't you just ask him out?!" Miku exlaimed, plopping herself down on one of Luka's overstuffed bean bag chairs. It was Saturday, which meant no work.

"I don't know, Miku. I don't think I am really into him like that...." Luka lied, a light blush creeping across her face. Miku rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Don't even lie to yourself like that." Miku says. Luka climbs onto her bed and lies down on her stomach, burying her face into her pillow.

"Fine." She mumbles.

"Fine what...?" Miku asks, texting on her phone and not even bothering to look up at Luka as she replied.

"I'll ask him out. I guess." Luka says, still keeping her face in her pillow. Miku looks up at her friend and widens her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, really?!" Miku squeals. Luka sighs, looks up at Miku, and nods. Miku stands up and lets out a high pitched scream of joy. Luka nods again, letting a small smile play across her face. Miku runs to Lukas closet and pulls open the door. Luka, slightly confused, pushes herself off of her bed and curiously walks into her closet. Miku is flipping through all of Lukas clothes, muttering things like "Too pink, to ugly, too flashy, mmmm sexy but not good for a first date." Luka crosses her arms and cocks her head to one side.

"Miku?" Luka says. "What, may I ask, are you doing?"

"Mmmmm? Ah, I am picking out your clothes for you. For your date." Miku says inncoently. She begins lying dresses across her arms. These dresses are apparently ones she deems suitable.

"Aye, this is gonna be a long night." Luka sighs, leaning against the closet door frame.






Next Day

"Hey, Gakupo? Yeah, it's Luka. Would you.... would you like to go bowling tonight?" Luka's voice sounds a little shaky, even though she is trying to sound confident.

"Yeah! Totally!" Gakupos enthusiastic voice rings out over the phone. "See you at.... 5?"

Luka smiles. "Yeah. See you then." She says. She hangs up her phone and looks at Miku through her mirror. Her grin streches from ear to ear.

"Two hours. We have two hours to make you look good. I think we are going to need music for this to be possible." Miku says, going over to Luka's music player. She turns on her song "Rolling Girl" and picks up the outfit Luka and her agreed on last night. It consists of black jeggings, a black speghetti strap top with light pink stripes, and a black jacket. Luka pulls on the clothes and a pair of light pink converse.

"What should we do with my hair?" Luka asks Miku, running her hand through her long, pink and thick hair. Miku grabs a comb and starts combing through her friends hair.

"It looks great down. What we really want to worry about is your makeup." Miku sets down the comb and picks up a tube of mascara.






"He's here! Oh my god he's here!" Luka whisper yells to Miku when she hears a knock on the door. She wears pink lipstick, black mascara, and black eyeshadow that was applied lightly with pink and silver sparkles. Zipping up her jacket a little and running her fingers through her hair one last time, she runs down the stairs, Miku follwing close behind. She opens the door and Miku stays to the side, smiling. Gakupo wears a pair of nice jeans and a black hoodie. His hair is up in it's usual pony tail. He pulls a bouqet of white roses out from behind them and gives them to Luka with a shy smile.

"I remember you said they were your favorite. You look.... fantastic, by the way." Gakupo says, his smile becoming wider. Miku giggles in the background. Luka thanks Gakupo for the flowers, hands them to Miku, then follows Gakupo out to his car.

"Nice car." Luka says as she gets in, her hand running over the leather interior. Gakupo flashes a bright smile.

"Thanks. It's my pride and joy." He starts the car and starts driving down the street, his fingers tapping the steering wheel. After a few minutes, Gakupo pulls up into the parking lot of the bowling alley. He gets out of the car and hurries over to Luka's side to open her door. Luka steps out.

"My, my. What a gentleman you are." She teases. He laughs heartily and bows to her. They walk into the bowling alley and get shoes.

"I'll pay for you." Gakupo says. Luka shakes her head.

"No, no. You don't have to." She says, diggin around in her jacket pocket. Gakupo grabs hand.

"I want to." He says. He stares deeply in her eyes, and Luka feels it again. In the pit of her stomach. A light fluttering. A yearn. An urge to be closer to this handsome, soft spoken man. Luka quickly looks away and laughs lightly.

"Okay. Go for it." She says. Gakupo quickly pays for her and they go sit down at one of the open lanes.






After about an hour and a half of bowling, talking, flirting, and snacking on junk food, Luka stretches back in her chair.

"Are you about ready to go?" Gakupo asks, popping a french fry into his mouth. Luka nods.

"Yeah, probably. I have work tomorrow." She says. Gakupo sighs.

"Well, we are going to have to do this again." He says. Her eyes flick up to his face, but before they can make eye contact, she laughs and looks down at her hands.

"For sure. Next weekend?" She asks. Gakupo leans forward and rests his arms on the table.

"Sounds great. We could.... go to the park? Around seven? Next Saturday?" He suggests. Luka finds herself nodding.

"Yes! That sounds fantastic." She says.

They get up and return their bowling shoes, then head out to the car. As they drive back to Luka's house, the conversation stays constant, with light flirting here and there. Gakupo pulls up into Luka's driveway, and Luka sighs with a slight feeling of sadness. She gets out of the car, and Gakupo follws her up to the door. Once at the door, there is an awkward silence. Then, Gakupo leans forward slightly and places one of his hands on the side of Luka's face.

"I had fun tonight. I like you, Luka Megurine. I really, really do." He says. Luka blushes and smiles sheepishly.

"I like you, too, Gakupo." She confesses. Gakupo smirks and then leans closer. His lips press against her, and Luka's eyes flutter close. His mouth is warm and melts perfectly against hers. She wants nothing more than to stay with him, just like that, his lips against hers, his hands on her body. He pulls away, and Luka opens her eyes. Gakupo smiles again, then turns away and walks back to his car. Luka leans against the door and watches him. Before getting inside his car, Gakupo turns and looks at Luka.

"You're amazing, Luka! You're beautiful, and funny, and a great person all around! And you're a really great kisser! I hope I didn't ruin this night with my clumsy personality!" He shouts at her. Luka laughs, and Gakupo climbs into his car, starts the engine, then pulls out of the driveway.

And you, Gakupo, are one Hell of a guy yourself. Luka thinks to herself. Then, she opens the door and goes inside.





(A/N: This is by far my personal favorite chapter. I know it was super long, but I think it was worth it. The end is the best ^///-///^ I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. Leave comments~! And keep reading!)

Annoying Flirts

 "Oh my gosh I wish you would have told me sooner! You should have called me like, right after the date!" Miku whisper yells to Luka.

Both girls were behind the counter, talking. There had been a lull in service, so they were taking a small break until there were more people to wait on.

Luka shrugs, stifling a small giggle.

"Sorry, I was just so dazed. I just went upstairs and sat on my bed and texted Gakupo for the next three hours." She giggles again and sighs. "God, I feel like a young school girl. I need to get a hold of myself." Miku shakes her head.

"You two are adorable. You deserve each other. You don't need to get a hold of yourself or anything. You just need to let love run it's course." Miku says, grinning. Luka tosses her head back and lets out a loud laugh, causing a few of her other co-workers to glace her way.

"Love? Oh no, Miku. Not love at all. Just mere attraction. He and I probably wont last long, anyhow." Luka says, laughing again. She hears the front door open and walks out from behind the counter in time to see Miku's brother, Mikuo, walk in. Luka sighs heavily. Mikuo has the biggest crush on Luka, and is always trying to charm her with stupid pick up lines and stares he deems to be seductive. He struts over to Luka and Miku and smiles.

"Why hello there, my beautiful Luka flower." He says, his voice low and cool. Miku rolls her eyes and socks Mikuo in the head.

"Beat it, fat head." She growls. Mikuo glares at Miku.

"Excuse you. Me and my future bride were trying to have a discussion." He tells her, then looks back at Luka. Luka sighs and laughs lightly.

"Mikuo. I am not interested in you. And-" She starts to say, but Miku butts in.

"She has a boyfriend! And there he is!" Miku squeals. A look of jealousy and confusion crosses Mikuos face, and Luka grins. Gakupo walks straight over to Luka and hugs her. He is wearing a purple muscle shirt that matches his hair, and a pair of black straight leg jeans that are slightly worn. He has a grease smear on his face, and smells faintly of gasoline.

"Sorry I was late. I was planning on being here around lunch, as planned, but a friend needed help with their car." Gakupo tells Luka, pulling away from her slightly. Luka smiles and kisses the tip of Gakupos nose.

"It's okay. I wasn't holding any grudges." Luka replies. Mikuo clears his throat in the background, and Gakupo looks at him, pulling the rest of the way from Luka.

"Oh, hi there. You a friend of Luka and Miku's?" He asks, smiling brightly. Mikuo crosses his arms and looks Gakupo up and down, an air of arrogance surrounding him.

"I am Luka's other half. The love of her life. I have known her years longer than you have, and I know everything about her. I worship the ground she walks on. And you? What the hell are you? A dirty, ugly, messy man who thinks he can steal my woman from me?" Mikuo says, cocking his head to one side. Gakupo wipes the smile from his face and stands taller.

"Alright, you little twerp. Luka is mine. I don't care how weird you are, and how much you worship her. She is mine." He growls. Luka feels her face get hot, and she smiles shyly. Miku giggles, and Mikuo narrows his eyes at the taller man.

"We'll see about that." He says. Then Mikuo pushes past Luka and Gakupo and storms out of the restaurant.

"I am so sorry about him. He is my little brother, Mikuo. He has a slight thing for Luka, if you haven't noticed." Miku apologizes. Gakupo laughs and his smile quickly reappears.

"It's alright. As long as he doesn't get in my way." He says. He gives Luka a quick hug.

"Hey, I gotta go. But I'll make it up to you. Want to go to the park tonight? Say around.... sevenish?" Gakupo asks. Luka nods.

"Sevenish sounds fantastic." She says, grinning.

And with that, Gakupo left, leaving Miku and Luka behind, giggling like young girls.




(A/N: Shorter chapter today, guys. Hope you enjoyed the light humor and bit of drama ^.^ There is much more to come, though. Ah, and I wanted to thank all of you for reading. You have no idea how much it means to me~ Anyhow, keep reading, leave reviews, download, and favorite!)

Close Call

 It's 6:15 p.m. Luka and Miku sit on Luka's bedroom floor, clothes lying about all around them. Luka picks up a pink blouse and holds it up to her chest. Miku shakes her head, he teal pigtails swaying back and forth.

"No. That looks like something my grandmother would wear." Miku decides. Luka sighs and throws the shirt behind her. Both of the girls set out to finding the perfect outfit for Luka's date tonight. Miku throws a pair of cut off shorts onto Luka's bed. Luka throws a button up shirt at a wall. Clothes fly everywhere, until finally Luka picks up a pair of dark denim boot-cut jeans.

"Perfect!" She says, pulling them on. Miku picks up a white cami and a dark grey, light weight cardigan with sleeves that stop just above the elbow. Luka grabs them, grinning. She quickly puts on the cami, followed by the cardigan, and claps her hands.

"Alright! I think I am just going to leave my hair down, though. It's just a walk in the park, right?" Luka says, looking at her best friend through the mirror. Miku jumps onto Luka's bed and chuckles softly.

"Yeah. Sure. Just a walk in the park." She says, winking at Luka. Luka widens her eyes and shakes her head at Miku.

"No. Nothing is going to happen. I don;t even know that I want to kiss him again." Luka says firmly. Miku sighs.

"Why? Just make sure he doesn't take off your clothes, and you will be fine!" She exlaims. Luka groans and turns around, facing Miku.

"I am just going to try and avoid anything that may lead to sexual activities of any sort." Luka says. Miku shrugs and slides off of Luka's bed.

"Whatever. That isn't the fun way to live though." Miku mutters. Both girls jog downstairs and sit at the little marble island in the middle of the kitchen, sipping cokes and talking about whatever comes to mind. After a little bit, Luka nervously glances at the clock. 6:55 p.m. Luka bites her lip and stares into her coke, knots starting to form in her stomach.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Miku asks when she notices her friends odd behavior. Luka shrugs, avoiding the question. The doorbell rings, and Luka laughs lightly. Saved by the bell. She thinks to herself. Miku stays seated, while Luka runs to answer the door.

"Luka! You look great. Ready to go?" Gakupo asks when Luka opens the door. Luka blushes and nods, pulling on her favorite pair of combat boots. Miku walks up to the door, as well.

"I should probably get going, too." She says, pushing past Gakupo and Luka. "Have fun!" She yells as she walks down the street. Gakupo smiles, and Luka rolls her eyes. She knows exactly what Miku thinks fun is- and she is not interested in that kind of fun. Not yet, at least.

Gakupo and Luka start walking down the street, awkward silence filling the air around them. Luka tries to think of things to say, but words fail her. Finally, they approach the park.

"You know, I hear the park is even more magical at night." Gakupo says, looking ahead of him and smiling. Luka nods.

"Yeah. I bet." She says softly. They enter the park and walk around a bit, chatting here and there about life.

"Is something wrong?" Gakupo asks suddenly. He stops walking and looks at Luka seriously, his head cokced to one side. Luka shakes her head and starts walking again, but Gakupo grabs her wrist. Luka breaks out in goosbumps, and she hopes Gakupo doesn't notice. He turns her around and looks deep into her eyes. Luka feels her face get hot, but luckily it is too dark for Gakupo to notice.

"Do you want to go home?" Gakupo asks, his voice low. Luka shrugs.

"Sure. It is getting a little dark, I suppose." She says. Luka looks up at the clock tower in the center of the park. 7:36 p.m. They haven't even been out for an hour. Luka sighs. Miku is going to be so pissed.

Gakupo walks Luka back to her house. When Luka turns around to say goodbye though, she sees sadness in his beautiful eyes. She takes a deep breath, grabs his hand, and says, "Gakupo. Would you like to come inside?"

Almost instantly, the sadness in his eyes vanish. He agrees, and together, they walk inside. Luka takes him into the living room, where he sits down on the couch.

"Want anything to drink? I'm going to get a coke, if you want one." Luka asks.

"Yeah, sure, that would be great." Gakupo replies. Luka leaves and returns, holding two cokes. She hands one to Gakupo and sits down next to him. She turns on the TV and they start watching some old black and white horror movie. After a few minutes, Luka feels Gakupo slide his arm around Luka's shoulders. After a second of hesitation, Luka leans against him, her head resting on his chest. Luka smiles, inhaling his scent. Even though she was trying to avoid contact, this feels nice. Warm and safe. Luka snuggles a little bit closer to Gakupo, and he wraps his arm around her tighter.

When the movie ends, Luka sits up. She looks at the circular wall clock. 8:02 p.m. She looks back at Gakupo. Gakupo smiles at her.

"I thought you fell asleep." He whispers. Luka shakes her head, smiling.

"Nope. I thought about it, though." She chuckles. Gakupo's smile fades away a little, and he leans in close to Luka, his lips brushing gently against hers. Chills run down Luka's spine, and her cheeks become red. Luka presses her lips against Gakupo's, and Gakupo returns the kiss. She closes her eyes and snakes her arms over his shoulders, pushing him back onto the couch. Gakupo's hands slide up the curve of Luka's body and rest there for a second. His tongue flicks against hers, and he feels himself becoming firm. Luka blushes heavily and slides her hands down his chest, fingering the hem of his shirt. Gakupo's hands come around to the front of Luka's body, lying on her breasts. Luka pulls away from Gakupo for a second, to catch her breath, but immediately returns to him, and new fire burning inside her. She wants him. She wants to be one with him. Luka's hands slide up his shirt, her fingers lightly outlining every detail of his abs. Gakupo roams Luka's mouth with his tongue, while his hands roam her body. He pulls off her cardigan, and when the cold air of the room hits Luka's skin, she snaps back into reality.

She pulls away from Gakupo, her hands leaving his shirt. Gakupo looks at his hands. One holds the cardigan, and the other is inside of Luka's shirt, holding one of her breasts. He quickly removes his hand from her and drops her cardigan, his face flushing white.

Luka jumps off of Gakupo's lap, biting her bottom lip.

"Luka.... I am so sorry. I should have controlled myself." Gakupo apologizes, standing up. Luka shakes her head and closes her eyes.

"No, it's my fault. I knew this was going to happen. I let it happen. I should have..." Luka feels hot tears flood her eyes, and Gakupo sighs.

"I should go." He mutters. He starts walking to the door, and Luka follows him.

"Wait, Gakupo.... I..." Luka struggles with finding the right words to say. Gakupo looks deeply into Luka's eyes.

"I'll see you later." He says quietly. Then, without another word, he leaves. Luka leans against a wall and takes a deep breath.

Idiot. She thinks to herself.




((A/N: Well guys. This was interesting (for lack of a better word) to write ._. Yeah. Um. Okay. NO there will not be any lemons in this fic. So chillax. Anyhow, I am sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I hope this made up for it, hehehe.))


 The next day, after the date with Gakupo, Luka comes into work late.

"Oh my gosh, Luka, are you okay?!" Miku instantly explaims when Luka walks in through the front door. Her hair is a wild mess, her make up is smudged, and her clothes are wrinkled. Luka rubs her eyes and yawns.

"I am not sure. I visited Heaven last night, regretted it, and ruined everything." Luka sighs. Miku looks at her friend curiously.

"What happened?" She asks. Luka grabs Mikus arm and pulls her to the back of the resturant where nobody else is. Taking a deep breath, Luka tells Miku everything that happened with Gakupo. Once she is finished, Miku stares wide-eyed at Luka.

"Wow. And he just left? Have you talked to him since?" Miku asks. Luka shakes her head.

"No. He wont respond to my calls or texts. I think he is ghosting me." Luka replies. She bites her lip and stares at the floor. Miku wraps her arms around Luka, hugging her tightly. Luka smiles weakly and hugs Miku back.

"It'll be okay. You will find someone else if he decides to jump out of your life." Miku assures Luka. Luka laughs softly and pulls away from her optomistic friend.

"Yeah. I know. I just probably wont find anyone like him." She says. Miku sighs and bites her lip. Together, the girls go back up the the front counter and stare out at all the tables. The restaurant is filled with the sounds of people talking, glasses clinking, and laughter. Today is a busy day. Luka runs her fingers through her hair and tucks her shirt into the waist of her jeans.

"Alright. Back to work." She mutters to herself. Miku glances at Luka and nods.

"For sure." Miku agrees. Just then, Mikuo happens to stroll in through the front doors. He walks right up to Luka, grabs her left hand, and kisses it gently.

"Hello, my beautiful Luka-flower." He says, his voice sounding uncharacteristically deep. Luka rolls her eyes and pulls her hand away from the small pervert.

"Can I help you?" She asks him. He smiles softly.

"I can't help but notice that your man-child isn't here today." Mikuo says. Luka looks down at the ground and shrugs.

"He's... sick." She mumbles. Mikuo throws his head back and laughs. Luka looks up and glares at him.

"Is that so? Hm. Well, if he is sick for longer than a couple of days, you know where to find me." Mikuo says. Miku and Luka both cross their arms. Before Luka can do anything, Mikuo leans across the counter and kisses Luka, right in front of everyone.

At that exact moment, Gakupo walks into the restaurant. The first thing his eyes land on is Mikuo- who's lips are pressed against Luka. Luka pushes Mikuo away from her just in time to see Gakupo turn on his heel and run out of the restaurant. Luka slaps Mikuo, then grabs her jacket and starts running after Gakupo. She starts jogging down the street and she spots Gakupo's long purple pony tail. Quickly, she runs up behind him.




(A/N: Short chapter, guys. I feel SO bad about not updating. I am such a slacker. And this chapter probably isn't even any good either. I have recently caught a cold so I am not feeling all that great but I TRIED so yay~! Hope you guys kinda enjoyed this chapter. And PLEASE, if you have any indeas for what should happen next, drop a comment or PM me. Cause honestly I dunno.))


"Gakupo, wait!" Luka yells, crashing into Gakupo from behind. He stumbles and turns away from Luka, crossing his arms. "Listen, it's not what you think. That worm pushed himself towards me!" Luka tries to explain. Gakupo sighs heavily and looks up at the sky, his face completely blank of all emotion. Luka moves in from of Gakupo and tries to look him in the eyes, but he looks away.

"I want to believe you, but I have been hearing a whole Hell of a lot of rumors about you and Mikuo. And you and Rei, too!" Gakupo says, finally looking at Luka. He looks tired and confused. Luka takes a deep breath.

"Yes, Rei and I used to have a slight.... 'thing', I suppose you could call it. But that was foever ago! And I can't stand Mikuo, so I don't know what trumors you heard, but they were all lies." Luka says.

"Can't stand Mikuo, huh? It didn't look like that back at the resturant." Gakupo replies, his voice full of spite. He glares at Luka and his eyes become slightly foggy with tears. He quickly looks at the ground. Luka looks around, trying to find the right words to say. Trying to figure out how to make Gakupo believe her.

"You can ask Miku, Gakupo. I swear, I would never in a million years even dream of kissing Mikuo. The only guy I am interested in is you. I don't know why you wont believe me." Luka says softly. Gakupo hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"Alright. I will believe you. But if I ever catch you with another person again, especially Mikuo, I am not forgiving you." Gakupo says sternly, looking back up at Luka. Luka nods and hugs Gakupo. He gently hugs her back.

  "Okay. I swear you will never catch me with another person. And about the other night...." Luka trails off, feeling her face get hot.

"Don't. No need to say anything about that. I am sorry I ignored you. I was mad at myself for losing control. That will never happen again unless you tell me that it's okay." Gakupo says. Luka nods, relieved that she doesn't have to speak of that night again. "Tell you what. Tonight, you and me should go some where. Somewhere nice. How about it?" Gakupo asks, grinning. Luka laughs.

"Yes. Absolutely." She says.



((A/N: Sorry about not updating in forever. Been busy. ;-; Buuuut I will be updating more now. ))


Texte: Reylinn Sutcliff
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Erik Powers and Raven Henry
Übersetzung: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.08.2015

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This Fanfiction is dedicated to Cynthia Martinez~

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