Ramm Zee's 7 KINGDOMS [Book One]

The Scrolls of Acesar Von:
User: Ramm Zee
Ramm Zee's 7 KINGDOMS [Book One]

Welcome to Ramm Zee’s 7 KINGDOMS. The world where seven island nations are hanging on to a thin thread of peace.

The world where seven island nations are hanging on to a thin thread of peace.


When young Prince Zahn's crowning parallels the prophecies of the kingdoms greatest Seer Acesar, two leaders of the Seer Factions strikes out to prevent another bloody war based on their religion.
They seek out the original scrolls that were buried in the tomb of the great seer centuries ago.
What they find inside is something so devasting it may not only lead to an all-out war between the 7 kingdoms but also the complete destruction of their spiritual faction.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "7 KINGDOMS"
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Ramm Zee's 7 KINGDOMS [Book One]
The Scrolls of Acesar
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