

Lantia Kingdom

Lantis Providence - Lantis City

Castle: King’s Dressing Room


No matter how hard Zahn looked, he only saw his father’s features staring back at him. He turned to his profile, and there were his father’s chin and bone structure. Zahn stood forward and straight there were his father’s broad shoulders and sharp eyes. He wondered how he’d ever gain respect as the new king of Lantia when all anyone would ever see in him is his late father. Queen Mother observed him from a chair on the other side of the chamber. She rose and came over to him.

“You will be a great king and a legendary ruler,” she assured him as she bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Zahn smiled up into his mother’s warm eyes. He returned his focus to the full-length mirror. He noticed Lisa, Queen Mother’s aide in the mirror’s reflection. She too was watching him from across the room. “And you will make a beautiful husband.” Queen Mother’s tone told Zahn, she noticed him as he looked at Lisa his true love.

Queen Mother exited the chamber. She knew Lisa would be right on her heels. Lisa flashed him a smile before she followed Queen Mother out. He was aware that Lisa found all this fussing about over him silly. As far back as their early schooling Lisa made it very clear she adored Zahn the person; and not the Prince of Lantia.

Zahn was to become the youngest ruler in the history of the Lantia kingdom at the tender age of fifteen. If only his father had lived until his 25th birthday, he would have been free to take Lisa as his bride.

“Curse those bloody Durks,” the young prince shouted. His outburst surprised the four handlers getting him prepared for his crowning ceremony.

Stuart, the High Seer of Lantia entered the dressing chamber. Four of his temple guards escorted him. The temple guards wore full-length tunics bearing the green and white colors of the Lantia flag. Their head and faces completely covered by a hood and mask. They each carried the Ufearian G3 repeating rifle, a small yet effective weapon. The G3 rifle was five generation behind what the standard military currently used. The Temple Guards are a defensive unit so no kingdom felt the need to donate their best weapons to the faction.

“My Lord; the callers, reported the Ufearian fleet reached the harbor. We will be ready to begin first thing in the morning.” The young prince nodded and returned his attention to the mirror.



Lantia Kingdom

Lantis Providence - Lantis City

Royal Docks:


Lord Robert refused the Lantian deck hand’s help as he struggled off the boat. “I’m fine,” he insisted.

Robert noticed a young messenger standing by on the dock with a sealed message in his hand. “Please tell me you don’t have a message for the Queen before we even got to our chambers?” he growled.

“No, sir Salem, I had a message for High Seer Hoffman from High Seer Stuart,” the messenger explained.

“Hoffman get out here!” Robert ordered back into the boat. “There’s a message here for you from his highness, Stuart.”

The dock workers disapproved of Robert’s description of their spiritual leader.

Hoffman waddled up the ramp and onto the dock. “Fine - that will be all right.” He said to the messenger after he read the note. Robert stared at Hoffman waiting for him to explain the message.

“Oh, some minor temple business.” Hoffman brushed past Robert. He followed Queen Antonia and her entourage up the docks. Six field beasts driven transports were standing by to carry them to the castle grounds.



Lantia Kingdom

Lantis Providence - Lantis City

Lantis Castle: Cosova Kingdom Chambers


Christine, the appointed foreign ambassador of the kingdom of Cosova, entered the chamber. King Jackson had not moved from his chair since she came by over an hour ago.

The twins, Prince Virgil, and Prince Anderson sat with their father. The King was taking the death of his good friend, King Hamah IV very hard.

Christine made her way over to Prince Anderson. “Salem, the Ufearians has finally arrived,” she whispered to Anderson. “The ceremonies should begin at first light.”

“Curse Robert and Princess Savannah.” Virgil, the elder son and heir to the throne of Cosova said to Christine. “Cosova is twice as far as Ufearia, yet we had been here an entire day.”

“Virgil, show respect in your father’s presence!” His uncle William demanded as he brought the King a drink.

“It is fine Will,” the aging king placed a hand on Virgil’s arm. “Virgil is only expressing aloud the feelings shared by us all.” King Jackson obtained control of one limb at a time and with William’s help struggled to his feet. Anyone within eyesight of the king also rose to their feet.

“Let's prepare for the ceremonies?” King Jackson suggested.

“Prepare the King’s royal garbs!” shouted Anderson to the King’s handlers standing by in the next room.





The Seers faction's known as the Origin of the Seven Kingdom. The oldest records explain how men and women left the Kingdom of Sufearia to explore the world. Only two of the seven kingdoms, Cosova and Kabri was not established by the Seer faction. For many Sufearians growing up and discovering new lands became a lifelong ambition. Within twenty years of the first exploration, all seven continents were discovered. All the animals referenced, and all the mountains mapped out.

Generations passed and many kingdoms ceased following the principles established by Sufearia. This led to several wars as the young countries fought for their place on the political food chain. A young Sufearian name Sol was the first Seer to venture out into the other kingdoms for the sole purpose of seeking peace. He reminded them that they were from one place, and all one people. The teaching of the young Seer spread and hundreds would come to hear him speak.

Sol’s popularity grew so large he needed soldiers to help him navigate through the streets of the larger cities. While speaking in the kingdom of Lantia, several soldiers got killed when a riot broke out. Lantia was at war with Kabri and Ufearia. Many officials claimed Sol was an agent out to weaken the support of the people. The king ordered the immediate arrest of Sol and his execution.

Over four hundred commoners stormed the castle and freed Sol. This group vowed loyalty to him and traveled with him as his personal protectors. They also made sure no other civil unrest happened in a city while he was speaking. The leader of Sol’s guardians was a small man with a very tiny voice. He found it took a lot of effort to get his orders relayed through the group. So he took a whaler’s spear and dipped it into molten gold. The golden spear tip would shine in the daylight and glimmer in the night fires. The group was soon titled The Golden Spear.

Several other Seers over time taught the aging Sol's one world, one people philosophy. The greatest of these would begin teaching centuries after the passing of Sol. Acesar was also born in the kingdom of Sufearia. He left his home at twelve and traveled to the capital city of Angolia, to study under the Seers of his era. He soon started teaching, and his name spread throughout the seven kingdoms. Like Sol before him, Acesar was often offered wealth and power by the leaders of the countries. but he lived only off of what people donated to him and his guards during their travels.

King Hamah III honored Acesar by building the first Seer Temple in the seven kingdoms. This gave the faction a place to call home, a place to teach and train on a grand scale. Acesar was hesitant in accepting the gift from the king. He explained to the royal court, how the teachings must be free to flow throughout the seven kingdoms. They couldn't have the people perceived them in allegiance with any one government. King Hamah III agreed and ordered the temple built far away from the capital city of Lantia. The King decreed that the Seer faction would govern the temple grounds.


Lantia Kingdom

Lantis Providence - Lantis City

Acesar Temple: High Seer Stuart’s Private Room


High Seer Stuart’s senior aide, a young Lantian named Regina escorted Hoffman into Stuart’s private sitting room. Stuart was having a drink while he waited. Hoffman has been envious of Stuart since their early schoolings back at the Great Temple. The Lantian High Seer was a tall statue of a man compared to Hoffman’s own short, round body. Stuart also married a beautiful, wealthy woman. This was a bonus since the faction forbids from seeking personal monetary gain. A rule even before the time of the great Seer, Acesar.

The High Seer of Lantia, was a position of honor, and prestige. The High Seer also carried an enormous amount of political power. In Ufearia many viewed Hoffman as a symbol of a silly, useless religion that time had long passed. Hoffman believed Lord Robert wanted Queen Antonia to dissolve his position. She would if not for the international disorder it would cause. Now Stuart’s bloodline was about to join the royal family. His daughter Vivian was the one chosen to marry the young prince Zahn and become the new queen.

Regina poured Hoffman a cup of wine and left the room. “I was anticipating this meeting, but I didn’t think it would happen before the festivities,” Hoffman said after tasting the wine.

“Well, I thought we should get this out of the way as soon as possible. We must prevent any rumors that may place a dark cloud on this happy occasion,” remarked Stuart.

“I wouldn’t think the death of your king would be a happy time, especially a king as great as Hamah. Then again, your daughter Vivian is about to become queen. So here’s to you, Salem.” Hoffman raised his cup in a toast. “May Acesar’s spirit shines blessings on you and your house?”

“Thank you, my dear friend. Can we got to the issue at hand?”

“Yes, the Prophecy of Acesar. It is a blessed time for us all,” Hoffman stated with glee.

“I’m not convinced that this is the time of Acesar’s prophecy. That is why I wanted to speak to you before any official statements get released.”

“I do not understand your reasons for doubt, Stuart.” Hoffman quoted the passage from the Acesar Scrolls.

“The father will fall to his enemies surrounded by water. The child will become king before he reaches the age of reasoning. In his lifespan, he will lead the seven lands back to one unified kingdom.”

“Yes, yes, I know the verse. Yet, the age of reasoning has changed several times throughout the centuries. And let us not forgot the Acea Conflict.” Hoffman and all the students of the Acesarian teachings knew well The Acea Conflict.

Two centuries ago when the teachings of the great High Seer Acesar were more prevalent. A band of pirates killed the Prime Minister of Acea while he was at sea. The Prime Minister’s son was only a toddler at the time. Many in the kingdom believed the great Seer's prediction was coming to fruition. Once that spread several felt the Prime Minister’s family would use Acesar’s Scrolls. Transforming their government from a republic into a monarchy or dictatorship.

Civil war broke out and lasted until the Prime Minister’s son public and brutal assassination at the age of ten.

“Listen, my friend,” continued Stuart. “I don’t want this to be another situation where the Acesar Temple gets blamed for bloodshed.”

Hoffman nodded in agreement. They sat quietly and finished their drink. Stuart called for his aide who entered and refilled both of their cups.

“Then there’s only one solution,” Hoffman said after he emptied his second cup. “We learned from scholars who themselves learned from scholars, correct?” Stuart nodded. “But none of us or any Seer in the last two centuries has ever laid their eyes on the actual scrolls written by Acesar.”

“This is true,” answered Stuart.

“So we should go to the tomb and look upon the scrolls ourselves,” suggested Hoffman.

A smile crawled upon Stuart’s face. He lifted his cup in Hoffman’s direction and finished his drink.


Lantia Kingdom

Lantis Providence - Lantis City

Lantis Castle:


The Lantia transition of power after an unexpected death of its king was a unique experience. During the relay of the news, the Lantia kingdom was still under the reign of the dead king. All government issues are frozen, and the military placed on its highest level of alert. No unmarried person could take the throne thus ensuring the continuing of the royal bloodline. If the heir to the throne is not of the age of reasoning (currently 25 years old) and able to select his/her mate. They must marry the oldest daughter/son of the family with the highest political status.

The day of the transition of power was a whirlwind for Zahn.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-0194-3

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This series is my attempt to follow in the footsteps of authors like J.K. Rowlings and George R. R. Martin. Thank you all for bringing us the... Harry Potters, Game of Thrones, and Lord of the Rings stories.

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