You Are The Music In Me

--- Von:
You Are The Music In Me
Molly Rose Taylor was just your average teenage girl in need of something to keep her occupied over the summer.

Justin Drew Bieber was just a normal teenage boy who'd been offered a summer job at camp by a family friend.

Justin and Molly both didn't expect much when they arrived at Lake Louise Summer Camp 4 Kids but what little expectations they did have were by far exceeded.

Join Molly and Justin as a strong friendship grows, unforgettable memories are made, once in a life time opportunities arise and two young teens find love.

Story better than summary - I promise.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "You Are The Music In Me Series."
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
You Are The Music In Me
justin, bieber, friends, camp, love, unfamous, music
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