
001: Welcome To Camp.

“Are we there yet?” Cassidy, my younger sister whined for what seemed to be the millionth time in the past hour. Last toilet break I was tempted to leave her there and drive to camp alone, maybe pick her up at the end of the summer. Then I realised that’s probably illegal.

“5 minutes, Cass. Just 5 minutes can you last or are you walking?” I questioned, raising my eyebrow slightly as I glanced up into the rear view mirror to see her sliding down into her seat once again. Good choice.
As I turned off the freeway exit and headed down the dirt road towards the newly painted camp sign I wasn’t sure what to expect for the summer. Ryan had been asked to help run the camp over the summer as a friend of his had apparently bought it not long ago. As he was in need of a help, I’d offered to assist as one of the junior counsellors and of course, Cassidy wanted to come along as well to attend the camp.

I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t want to be at home with our mom either. Mitch, our older brother, had recently joined the army and had been working long hours training, so Cassidy would’ve been stuck at home alone most of the summer.

As I turned the corner into the gravel car park I immediately noticed Ryan’s spiky hair which has never seemed to change much over the years, as well as a boy who looked around my age if not older, he had sandy brown hair and was dressed simply in a plain black V neck and cargo shorts which hung low exposing the top of his grey underwear. Whether he was cute or not was hard to tell as they were a few metres away. Standing beside the teenage boy was a young woman who would’ve been in her early thirties around the age of 34; she was shorter than both Ryan and the boy who remained unknown, she wore a pair of denim jeans and patterned tank top, her hair piled atop her head in a tight bun a wide smile spread across her face as she chatted between the two.

As I climbed out of the car I’d received in celebration of getting my driver’s license not long ago, Ryan grinned excusing himself briefly as he jogged over towards Cassidy and me scooping Cass up into his arms as she ran towards him.

“Molls, it’s great to see you again!” He beamed as he pulled me towards him embracing me in a tight hug.

“You too Ry, now let me go unless you want to see me explode.” I breathed out causing him to chuckle slightly and loosen his grip before letting go entirely.

Ryan was like a second brother to Cassidy and I, he’d been there since I was a baby as he and Mitch have been best friends since Kindergarten almost 17 years ago.

“C’mon I’ll introduce you to Pattie and Justin, Justin’s the other junior counsellor I was telling you about, Pattie’s his mom.” Ryan smiled as he led Cassidy and I towards the pair.

“So, Justin this is Molly the girl I was telling you about earlier, Molly this is Bieber.” Ryan said gesturing to the boy with amazing brown eyes and beautiful smile I’d noticed upon further glance.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” He grinned, holding his hand out for me to shake which I of course accepted.

“You too, this is my- Ry, where’d she go now?” I questioned as I looked around for the small blonde girl finally spotting her climbing a tree over near the lake.

“Hold on, I’ve got to get her… She’s accident prone…” I explained as I was about to run off towards Cassidy before Ryan stopped me, assuring he’d get her.

“You’re probably more accident prone than she is, I’ll get her before she hurts herself…” He laughed causing Justin and Pattie to smile.

“Sorry, anyway I’m Molly.” I smiled, introducing myself to Pattie.

“It’s lovely to meet you Molly; I’m Pattie Justin’s mom.” She smiled once again.

After Ryan rescued Cassidy from falling out of the tree she’d decided to climb, we introduced her to Pattie and Justin and took a quick tour of the camp before Pattie had to head back to Stratford, where she and Justin lived.

Pattie was lovely, so sweet and Justin was definitely a nice guy who I knew I’d get along well with over the summer. As well as being hot for an added bonus, he was funny and seemed like a genuinely decent guy – Something rare in Toronto, where I’ve lived my entire life.

“Molly, can I go swimming in the lake?” Cassidy questioned giving me the puppy dog face I found so hard to resist.

“Not yet, you’ve got to help me get your stuff out of the car and pack everything away in your cabin.” I replied, causing her to huff and glare at me.

“I can help you with your bags, your cabins across from mine isn’t Ryan?” Justin offered.

“Surely is, and I’ll take her to the lake if you want?” Ryan volunteered, now I had no reason to say no.

“Fine, but don’t do anything dangerous.” I warned as she and Ryan made a dash towards the lake leaving Justin and I to unpack mine and Cassidy’s belonging from my car.

“So how do you know Ryan?” Justin asked as we reached my car.

“He’s my brother’s best friend; I’ve known him since I was born,” I laughed, “What about you? How’d you meet him?” I inquired as I pulled out one of my purple bags.

“He’s my dad’s friend’s son, I’ve known him since I was a kid.” He sighed, “The things he got me to do, were just… cruel half the time.” He laughed.

“Ah yes, I’m familiar with the devious plans he comes up with. At one point he had me believing that if I went to the toilet a monster would come out and pull me in and eat me… I was petrified to use the toilet for like months!” I exclaimed causing Justin to laugh hysterically.

“Because I was so much younger and I was an only child for so long, I used to look up to him and follow him around pretty much everywhere… And one time he said we’d play hide and go seek or something and our house backs onto a forest and I hid behind a tree out there, and Ryan never came and I was stuck out there for like hours… My cousin found me that afternoon when we started playing in the morning….” He sighed letting out a few chuckles while I giggled uncontrollably as we walked back from Cassidy’s cabin and towards mine.

“So if Ryan was so cruel to you when you were younger, what made you come out to this camp?” I smiled as we stepped into my cabin.

“I needed something to do over the summer because my best friends were going on family trips and I get paid… Seemed like a good idea.” He smiled, placing my bags on one of the beds.

After unpacking my things and reminiscing of old memories and times Ryan would terrorise us throughout our childhood, Carin and Alfredo, two of Ryan’s close friends who Ryan had also conned into helping out over the summer.

Time passed quickly after we ate the dinner Carin had cooked everyone, we all departed for bed as tomorrow was sure to be a busy day with orientation for the campers who’d be arriving as early as 8 in the morning. I had no idea what Ryan has planned for this summer but I know it’ll be interesting for sure and with Justin here? I’m looking forward to it.


Texte: All publicly recognizable characters, setting ect. are the property of their respective owners. No money is being made. No copywright infringement intended.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2011

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Dedicated to all those Beliebers out there.

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