Engaged to a jerk. and the biggest jerk at that ! ! !

Engaged to a jerk. and the biggest jerk at that ! ! !
Kirsty hates her garden mum. most kids complain that they want this and that right! well not her for she gets everything she wants without asking. just the way she doesn't like it. one day after being totally humiliated at school by one of the schools 'cools' she come home where a bomb shell is dropped! she's getting MARRIED ! ! ! to none other than Mr-Popular-Pants-Who-Has-To-Be-Better-Than-Everyone-Else.
isn't life wonderful ?

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Christiana Hinojosa

Update please

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update soon please

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I've alwas been interested in arranged marrages.Why dont they freak out when they find out about it(most of the time)?Why dont they run away or something like that?Why are there less and less arranged marrages now-and-days(not that I suport it)?What if the girl is a lesbian or the guy is gay(that would make a interesting book)?What if one of them has already found love and what would they do for the relationship with that... mehr anzeigen

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you should write more soon it's really good

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i want to know what happens

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