

Agh! That stupid alarm! Every morning it wakes me up. 6:30 on the dot. I rolled out of bed. I HATE mornings. Mornings are always cold, and they make me want to sleep for another six hours.
Rolling out of bed i turned of the alarm and waited. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. "Kirsty are you up yet ?" my foster mother called up the stairs.
"yes," i screamed at the top of my lungs. she annoyed the hell out of me. she believed that just because she was rich and my legal guardian she had the right to control my life. well she was so wrong! its not even like she earned the money. my parents left half of their buisness profets to her and the other half to me when they died so we both got a few billion pounds each. yes they were the sixth richest people in the world.
"good honey because you don't want to be late for school!" AGH! i would have murdered her by now if it wasn't for the stupid thing called law! it was always 'don't be late for school honey' or 'don't eat too many carbs honey' or even 'honey you need to be back by eight you need your beauty sleep. you don't want to have wrinkles at your age your sister never did' . i hated it when she brought my sister into things. she WAS popular, she WAS a cheerleader, she was the prettiest girl in school and she was the favourite out of the two of us, but not since seven year ago when she was hit by a drunk driver and was killed, but don't get me wrong i loved her and she loved me but i was always been compared to her. that's why i didn't let anyone at school know we were sisters. i would never get an hour of not been compared to her.
i was pulled out of my silent ranting by Sammy shouting that i was going to be late for school.
"all right, all right I'm coming," i shouted walking into my walk in closet and pulling out my favourite skinny leg trousers and long sleeved top. i hated this closet. you could never find anything. Sammy believed that you should only wear something once and then its out of fashion, but i disagreed. i liked what i wore and wore what i liked.
i ran down the stairs as fast as i could. right into sammy.
"K, dear your going to break a limb if you keep running around," she said
"are you listening to me?"
" no sorry i find your voice very boring," i replied walking out the house to school.
time for the second torcher of the day.
i got to school exactly two minuets before tutor. i had Mrs Betrute for my tutor. "Right. who's off and who's skipping?" she asked and about ten hands when into the air
"Thomas, Matt and Brad are skipping and Joey and Sam are off," little-miss-perfect-cheerleader-who-has-to-be-the-most-popular-girl-in-the-world called, a smug look on her face.
"Thankyou, miss Jones," the teacher said. it was obvious that she hated princess as much as the rest of the female population. i mean who would call their only daughter Princess ? ? ? "Does anyone know where jack is?" she said looking at me. jack was my BFF.
"Three, two, one..." the door burst open and jack ran in "there he is miss Betrute!"
"I'm really really really sorry im late," jack gasped a little flushed running over to a seat next to me "hi," he wispered for only my ears as the teacher started speaking about somthing.
"Hey," i wispered back "you wanna do something after school, Sammy's getting on my nerves. she keeps on going on about how im to enagetic and stuff?" i asked.
"Yeah, that would be cool, where do you want to go?" he replied a little over infusiastic. jack had always had a crush on me but i had made it very clear over four years ago that i only wanted to be friends "we could go to the movies or something if you want. they have that new romantic commedy on, whats it called again? you know the one im on about!"
"Jack, you know i don't care as long as im out of the house and away from Sammy!" i stated.
"OK, alright i will pick you up at seven ok. look its time to go. i got history first with Jeffrey's so i will meet up with you outside your maths class ok?" he asked getting up to leave.
"OK," i replied.
maths is one of my worse subjects. how am i ment to know that YxM=YM or if the square rute of 36 is C-2 then C is 8. i don't think it would be that bad if MR. Sage didn't make it so boring. he always use a monotone voice and had his back to the class most of the time, and he wondered why half the students skipped. altogherther though maths when pretty quick. when i was let out Jack was stood outside with a smile on his face.
"what?" i asked suspisious "what? do i have something around my mouth or something? OMG i don't have spots do i?"
"No, no," he said laughing "you know Sven, the biggest jerk in school?" he continued when i nodded "well, he is in the biggest hissy fit in the world," he laughed "you should see him. gess why though"
"give me three guesses. one, lauren hardy broke up with him," jack shook his head "two, someone wrote he was a jerk, a player, a girl and a sissy in lipstick on his car window again?" jack shook his head and i frowned. "he was walking to school and broke a nail?" i was desprate now, but jack continued shaking his head "what was it then MR-no-it all?"
"Well you know how his family is one of the richest families in the world?" i nodded "well it is their families tradition that the eldest son of the tee-thirty company owner is to have a arranged marrage to one of their closest family friends!" he said smiling. then it hit me.
"OMG jack tissly are you telling me that Sven McVent AKA the schools biggest player slash jerk slash everything else has got to get married to some rich bird he has never met!" i asked
"yep i am," he said "but do you want to no the best bit?" i nodded " his farther says that if he cheats on his new wife then he will not enherite the company or ANY of its money when he's twenty-one. he is doomed," he said with an even bigger smile on his face.
after that me and jack had the rest of our classes together and pretty soon it was time to go home. on my way to the parking lot i heard snickering around my car. here we go again i sighed to myself.
"what do you want Sven, Cane?" i asked the two boys leaning on on my car.
"we where just descussing how lucky Sven is here," Cane smirked looking me up and down.
"yes i guess you heard about the marrage," Sven said "we where saying that at least i get to marry some good looking rich chick that is experianced then a poor virgin tramp like you!" the next thing i realised was Sven grabbing me by my hair and cane getting a pen and writing on my forhead. i was on the other hand very aware of the laughing crowd surronding me. "carefull Sven, i would let go of her now if i were you!" one of Svens friends yelled smiling.
"and why is that Ben?" Sven and Cane askes together,laughing. "Well, you wouldn't want to get a desiease from the tramp now would you?" everyone started laughing now. Sven droped me to the ground. and pause looking like he was thinking. "your right. i will catch a desiease from tuching a piece of garbage like that." he pointed to me.
humiliated i ran into my car and drove home.

>***< 2

Have you ever had that feeling, when you know you shouldn’t do something but you really want to? That’s how I felt, staring into Sammy’s eyes while she blocked the doorway. I just wanted to hit her.
“Kirsty what are you doing back from school so early?” she asked in her overly high voice while biting her newly manicured nail. Grrrr now I wanted to hit AND kick her.
“It’s half 3 three, school ended 10 minutes ago,” I replied in my sweetest voice as I stuck a plastic smile on my face.

I was glad I had arranged my fringe so you couldn’t see what Sven had wrote. She would go mad; and not at Sven. She’d give me a lecture about how I shouldn’t let people push me around and how my sister never let anyone push her around. Stupid guardian. “Did it? I swear it finishes at half 4 not hal…”
“Sammy!” I shouted getting her attention “was there something you wanted or can I go in now? It’s getting pretty cold out here.”
“Oh yes there was something VERY important I wanted to discuss with you. Okay just hear me out and keep an open mind for the love of our family" Can you do that for me honey?... Yeah Sammy sure I'll here you out on whatever you have to say.
Okay let me just start off saying that me and your farther really do love you no matter how we treat you, but your farther and I had some financial Problems and we had a little help from some friends.

Alright what does this has to do with me?... Well in order for them to help us out they said they wanted you to marry there son when you both turn eighteen or seventeen- WHAT! how could you do that to me damn I've been putting up with your shitt for the longest but this is just too much !...and I don't want it! Kirsty! wait there's mor- what is it the Sammy!?! Um...there...coming tonight.
I couldn't even look at her she just pissed me off, I turned around and ran to my room as I felt my eyes burning for the tears forming in my eyes. I sat there on my bed just thinking of a way to get out of it but it seems that it didn't work I knew I could not get out of this not even if I wanted to.
Around 8:00 I started getting hungry so I went Downstairs to the kitchen, with all my luck maybe Sammy wouldn't be there. Too bad I was wrong she was sitting at the table reading some romance book called Beauty &'d Power By T.I, It's actually a good book I've read it once or twice. Hi Sammy" Hello dear how are you feeling? I'm okay......... I decided to brake the silence` So what time are these people coming over?... She look at me with an shocked expression. You'll do it !?! Yeah I kinda figured these's no way for me to get out of this one at least not for a long shot. Aww thank you! thank you! thank you! Yeah Yeah so what time? Ohh they'll be here by 8:30" What! I have to hurry up and get dress I said running up stairs to my closet to find something to wear.

The Big Evening!

Looking at my reflecting I noticed how the dress hug my curves and I loved it but still I was sad and nerves because for one I'm giving up my own life for something stupid my parents did in the past and it sucks !
........Well here we go I said as Sammy called me from down stairs telling me our guest where here. Coming Sammy ! I shouted looking at my self one more time then headed down stairs.
As soon as I get down stairs my mouth dropped ...No no no no NO! Sammy looked at me shocked and confuse "What's wrong sweetie?... I couldn't even answer here by my shocking shock at who I'm looking at in front of me.....W-what is he doing here I said pointing at Sven. I'm sorry do you guys know each other the lady next to him asked looking a lot like him I asum that's his mother. Um-Ah... Sven step in to say but thing just went quiet with his head down, I turned to look at Sammy with a pleading look in my face. Please tell my he's not the one I'm marring please anyone but him please ! I cried to Sammy but she had a sorry face expression I turned around and ran to my room and locked the door to my room. Why him out off all the men in this stupid world why him!?! I Could Have Told Sammy Why I Reacted the way I did but I could't I Just Don't Know What To Do.
KNOCK KNOCK! The sound of the door cut me out of my thoughts`
Who is it?! Seven...
Seven? ..
Seven!?! Why Is He At My Door!?!! ..Probably came to tell me off about this marriage.
...Come In!
Kirsty look I know you don't want anything to do with me and trust me the feelings mutual so get off your ugly ass and go greet my parents
He said pulling my arm roughly towards my bath room door
Clean yourself up first I won't br having my fiancée looking worse then she already is. !

Hearing door slam brought me back into shock as too what just happened. Gosh I really Fucking Hate My Life I Thought Going Into The Bathroom To clean myself up like seven just shouted at me to do, but just to be far IM doing it because i don't want to look like a cow in front of people .


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.05.2012

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