
"Entertain is something I do for a living, it's not who I am"
When Sweetie was just a litle girl, her father left her and her family to face the difficult and cold streets of London. Having a mother who is always out, and a big brother in prison, Sweetie has to find a way of making her own way through life the hard way. But lately she has been getting signs that remind her of her dad. Will she ever find him again, will she ever break free from the dangerous life she is living and finaly make something of her name. Sweetie.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Great start so far. Sweetie seems like an interesting character. As the chapters go by I have no doubt that you will deliver a great story. Keep it up!

1 Kommentar

The book will be completed soon.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ryan Harker

This is a good start to what is turning into an interesting story. A few grammatical errors but a good rough draft. Won't be hard to polish up. I hope you write more of this. :)

1 Kommentar

it will be completed soon

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