The Hunchback of Hollywood

The Hunchback of Hollywood
New Hollywood transforms Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

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An enjoyable short read good job

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Petra, as usual, you've given us the gift of entertainment. This was a delightful story, and the pictures complemented the story perfectly.
Good luck,

Wichtiger Beitrag
petra michelle

hahaha, Chachaneen! The Hunkback of Hollywood is such a great title! Lurve it! :))

Hi Ategic.ny28! Am so happy you enjoyed the flight! ;) Thank you! :))

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm going to call your end result... The Hunkback of Hollywood! ha ha Lurve your twist on this classic story Petra!

Wichtiger Beitrag
petra michelle

Hi Tipper! Thought the photos would add that extra something! Thank you, Tipper! :))

Hi Patricia! Funny, I'm the type to accept one as as they are and LOVE the Hunchback. But in Hollywood, anything goes! LOL

Thank you for adding The Hunchback of Hollywood to your favorites, Anitah! :))

LOL Selivia! The prenup? ;)

Thank you for adding The Hunchback of Hollywood to your favorites, Paige. :))

Hi Linda! Am so glad it entertained and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

....(don't want to give it away :)
You crack me up. Great pictures to go along with your neat little idea for a current, prevelent Hollywood theme - and I can't think of a better client,other than maybe...."Frankenstein"?
Great one Petra!

Good luck in the contest,


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