Demon Day
Rae Wilder Novels: Book Two.

Rae is falling into darkness. Grieving the death of her friend at the hand of dark magics, she is full of hate and vengeance. Tracking Devlin and his followers across demon territory, she is forced to turn to the local shifter pack for help. Tricked into rescuing the Pack Alpha’s daughters from the Temple, she learns there really is no place more dangerous than home. Breandan the fairy is done being patient. He wants Rae to stand by his side and refuses any claim they are not destined to be. Unsure, Rae denies him the right to have her, but will the urges of her nature and the strength of their bond allow her to walk away? Then there is Tomas, the alluring vampire who needs her help. But what exactly does he expect of her, and is the cost of helping him worth turning her back on life itself? Courted by the dark, and in love with the light, Rae must choose her path, or face the burden of Rupturing the world once more.

Young Adult: British English (BrE).

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Rae Wilder Novels"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Demon Girl
Demon Day
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If you want to download the full ebook,, i have it so might as well share to you guys.. you can download the full ebook here:
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[Awsome!!!] You rule!

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That was amazing cant wyt to read demon dark when is it coming out??! your writing is fantastic!!

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I really love your books!! I couldn't wait to read the second one! I don't know If i like the first or the second book better but I hope the third one comes out soon! I can't wait!! Thanks so much for writing them I truely love them =)

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