Dear Future Wife

A time capsule letter from a Stand-Up Comedian to his future wife. Von:
Dear Future Wife
Dear Future Wife,

At 1:52pm on 25th February 2012, I was sat in a room at the Holiday Inn in Southampton. I was watching "Scooby Doo". I put up a Facebook status addressed to you explaining my love for the cartoon. That started off a whole 24 hour period of sporadic messages aimed at you.

I ended up writing 130 messages which people enjoyed and encouraged. I agreed to write 120 more and put them in a book. Here they are. I have done my best not to alter them as tempting as it may be, so you can see it as real and raw as possible.

I'm still not quite sure what exactly to say this book is, except honest.

I'm sorry if you're upset about the public nature of this medium, but regardless of who reads this, it's still for you.

Love from,

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Beiträge und Kommentare
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Rebekah Wave

if you have free time how about you read this science fiction book? It's really good and the writer will be very please if you do! If you haven't got an account you can create one or login with fb. It's free. If you enjoy the book leave a comment and favorite it. Cheers x

3 Kommentare

hmmmm will try

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i think your mini booklet thing is HILARIOUS OMGSH Lol!!
i also saw the video on youtube - Hilarious again- but making that fart face you made will chase any girl away lol
i hope you go on to do well with the whole comedy thing

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