
User: ninjajinx
You know those cliché stories where the popular guy gets the nerd. Where they go through all this crazy drama, with orange bleached blondes and face a life and death situation. Where the guy proposes his undying love and then they run off into the distance?

Well what happens if I told you that this nerd was my best friend and this popular guy was the bad boy who put his act together. Or that the nerd turned beautiful and turned her back on me. Changing herself to someone who she wasn’t. Changing into the ‘fakes’ who we always made fun off.

No one of course noticed these changes till it was too late. Gone was the shy quite and feisty nerd, and in her place was this crazed power hungry girl, with two sides. It wasn’t long before she started sleeping around the football team. Before the bad boy returned and stirred trouble.

Thus this cliché story which was the envy of many turned into a disgusting fantasy. And I unfortunately had a front row seat in watching it all play out.

Now you’re probably really confused in how I come into this. Well I was a bystander, a friend and companion who went to the nerd’s house to give her a shoulder to cry on when the bad boy ‘supposedly cheated’ on her, you know the usual. However if I had known she would have turned into a backstabbing bitch, I would have slapped her and left her to rot.

Don’t get me wrong, I love, no adore my best friend, but all the cruel things she’s done drew the line. Like the time she poured milk down Barry’s back. Poor kid was only a little overweight and had to face her wrath because apparently, ‘he was being to fat’, which was against the popular’s rule book.

I don’t even get that. It’s absurd and weird, but that was high school. And this is my story. (Wow talk about cliché)

Oh wait did I mention it all started with “I’m pregnant”….

humor, crazy, pregnant
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this is a good book please let me know when you write some more.

Thanks :)

1 Kommentar

Hey! Just put up chapter 9!
Thanks for adding this book ;D

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