

You know those cliché stories where the popular guy gets the nerd. Where they go through all this crazy drama, with orange bleached blondes and face a life and death situation. Where the guy proposes his undying love and then they run off into the distance?


Well what happens if I told you that this nerd was my best friend and this popular guy was the bad boy who put his act together. Or that the nerd turned beautiful and turned her back on me. Changing herself to someone who she wasn’t. Changing into the ‘fakes’ who we always made fun off.


No one of course noticed these changes till it was too late. Gone was the shy quite and feisty nerd, and in her place was this crazed power hungry girl, with two sides. It wasn’t long before she started sleeping around the football team. Before the bad boy returned and stirred trouble.


Thus this cliché story which was the envy of many turned into a disgusting fantasy. And I unfortunately had a front row seat in watching it all play out.


Now you’re probably really confused in how I come into this. Well I was a bystander, a friend and companion who went to the nerd’s house to give her a shoulder to cry on when the bad boy ‘supposedly cheated’ on her, you know the usual. However if I had known she would have turned into a backstabbing bitch, I would have slapped her and left her to rot.


Don’t get me wrong, I love, no adore my best friend, but all the cruel things she’s done drew the line. Like the time she poured milk down Barry’s back. Poor kid was only a little overweight and had to face her wrath because apparently, ‘he was being to fat’, which was against the popular’s rule book.


I don’t even get that. It’s absurd and weird, but that was high school. And this is my story. (Wow talk about cliché)


Oh wait did I mention it all started with “I’m pregnant”….


The really long prologue....

The really long prologue….


Ok how do you start a prologue?


What’s even the point of them?


Frankly I think there a waste of time. Like what do you write, how do you start, where is the starting point….You know what, how about we get down to business instead? I’m going to have to start from the start; it’ll give you a background.


Is that was a prologue is?




 It started as any day had…for me that is. I woke up to birds chirping and the sun streaming through my curtains, the smell of freshly made pancakes drifting to my nose. It was heaven- wait hang on. You seriously didn’t believe that crap did you? Are you high? Who wakes up to that perfection?


Ok this is how it really happened.


I wake up to underwear on my face. Yes, you heard it (or in this case read it) I woke up to the fresh smell of dirty underwear. Superman underwear to be exact. And it certainly wasn’t mine!


So whose may it be, you ask? Well my dear idiot-of-a-loser brother, Jon. It was an ordinary three letter word name, simple so my brother can spell it. He was stupid of course, and had the brain of a pea, and the looks of an ass. So I guess mum must have known when he parachuted out of her, that he would need a simple name.


It’s beyond me how girls, and I quote, find him “to die for”, and “sexy as hell”, when he couldn’t even do simple math’s and had to repeat a million times. They must be stupid, and blind, and stupid…oh and did I mention stupid. Because all he knows is how to color coloring sheets, and even then he can’t color in-between the lines! It’s sad, wait no, unbelievingly sad, cause truth be told he doesn’t even have a mental disability!


However either than the sad case, our family is pretty average; in my terms that is. Everything you expect a typical family not to be. One my mum is always bent over the computer and typing away on, I have no clue about. And my dad is frying away on the stove top in his frilly pink apron. He says it’s ‘very now a days’, whatever that means. So really the roles are reverse with them.


Oh and me, well I’m just your typical nerd. Ok, no I’m not. Yes I’m smart, and yes I wear glasses, but isn’t that normal after you read ‘how to kill a mocking bird’ about a billion times in the dark? Really I only got my glasses three weeks ago, and it’s my entire dad’s fault.

He went into this mode, where he does crazy things. It’s like a mood swing, but can last about a month or something. And when you don’t do what he wants, well let’s just say he goes into a pregnant women slash period era, and hell it gets ugly. So the best thing to do is follow the instructions to avoid bloodshed and world war 3.


For example, last time I didn’t he went into a full on hissy fit with his hands flying everywhere. Then he burst into tears and ate, no devoured our chocolate pile! And if we tried to save some, he would bitch slap us to China and back.


So like I said, I was wearing glasses because apparently he wanted to ‘save the environment by not consuming any energy’. That meant no electricity after 9pm and no air conditioning in the summer! It was above forty in the damn house, that I could have fried eggs and bacon.


Torture, pure torture.


It also was because of him I got an ‘B’ instead of an ‘A+’. Stupid man. (Though if he’s reading this, all I have to say is “sorry”)


Now where was I in the story; sorry I seem to get carried away sometimes. One of the many downfalls of me.


Oh yeah, so like I was saying. I woke up with two thoughts in my head.


1)      Why the hell was there underwear on my face


2)      What was for breakfast

Ok so the second thought wasn’t important, but living with my family this becomes a daily occurrence. So just brushing of the item of clothing from my face, I got up and stretched.


I would like to say I was average in height, but I, being only 5’2 at the age of 17 would make that complete bullishit. And I don’t want to lie to you, because we all know lying in a no-no.


So like I was saying, I went through my daily routine of having a 3 minute shower (another thing my dad restricted), brushed my hair and grabbed my water proof, seal tight, black, $39.99 bag. If I’m going to be nerd, might as well act as one, right?


If you ever come to my house and happen to walk out of my room first; for some weird reason. Then the first thing you would notice was the state of it. It wasn’t covered in grim and looked like a tornado hit it, then a monkey came with an ape friend and pooped all over it.


Truth be told, it was clean as a hospital.


White walls, white tiles, white flowers, and even a damn white cat! It was all white. No color. No pictures. And it was a wonder how I haven’t gone crazy yet! You would have thought that, with an artistic dad and all, the walls would be covered in…in…something!


But my mum’s the man or she-man of the house and governs everything. This was the only thing she puts her foot down on. Says something about ‘keeping appearance’ and all that shit. Doesn’t make sense to me… 


I walk downstairs, combing my hair with my fingers and balancing my bag on my shoulder while holding my shoes, textbooks, laptop and a…sock?


You know how I said that the house was freakishly clean, well implied it. Well my room is like a tornado hit it, followed by a nuclear explosion from Hitler and a strip dace from my brother. And this ‘sock’ was one of the many I had lost.


See not all nerds are clean, and keep tags on everything with those weird stickers stuck onto diaries!


I grab the piece of offending cloth and put it in a hamper which my mum leaves downstairs, ‘cos apparently she predicts that I’ll always come down with a piece of clothing stuck to my ass’. (Mind my French)


Maybe she’s right. Ok, she’s always right. She’s one of those people who knows what to say all the time. Gets annoying sometimes because rarely anything leaves her speechless, unless of course it’s the new harry potter book.


Leaves her so excited she could pee her pants. She’s a secrete fan.  Has all the movies on blue ray and video, and even has her own costume with the wand and broom stick. She even tried making me a fan! Of course I saw the effects and refused.


I’m not saying the books or movies are bad. In fact there good, that sometimes I invite Sarah to come watch them. We have a marathon with chips and the usual junk food. That was before everything spiraled out of control of course. When we were still friends…


So as I said (or wrote) I put the ‘sock’ in the hamper and walked into the kitchen, where my dad was preparing his special. Wait for it… ‘Eggs with soya sauce, grated cheese and olives. Burnt bread (says it gives a sweet bitter taste) with jam and sugar, and a glass of milk.


Thinks he could win a cooking title with that…a… ‘Thing’ of a creation. He probably could, but a title of the worst cook. He doesn’t get that he can’t cook to save his life, or that he would get us all sick if we ate that.


And truth be told it happened to Jon once. Stupid boy ate dad’s creation, and was rushed to hospital and put in intensive care. Was knocked out for three days from food poisoning. So mum sneaks us some money to go to the coffee shop down the street and buy some edible things. Though Jon just goes to the shops and buys some cigars. Makes him look ‘cool’. Bullshit.


For one, he doesn’t even use them and just gives them to his mates, who give them to their mates. It probably gets passed on, like pass the parcel. Till of course it reaches the schools bad boy. The ultimate dark horse or black stallion of our school. The hottest of the hot, the devil in all his glory, the dark angel from hell, the…you get the point.


The point is he’s feared, envied and lusted over. Ok, I admit it, for one time in my short life, I liked him. But gosh if you were to ever see him; either on the street or something, you would too! It’s a normal female reaction, and luckily I got over him a day or so later. After of course he destroyed the school science lab, stopping me from finishing my project which was due. Getting me another BIG, FAT ‘B’ (instead of an ‘A+’). It sucked, and my day was ruined.


Anyway here I was looking at the death trap in front of me, debating on how I could dispose of it without anyone knowing, when Sarah stumbled in.


Ok for those of you who are wondering who she is, well let’s just say she’s the main character in the fairy tale. The nerd.


Though truth behold she wasn’t really a fully classified ‘nerd’. Because she sucks at school work, and test, and exams. She has a long line of ‘C’s’ or ‘D’s’. See not that good, not in my standards that is. The only reason she carry’s this title is because of the way she looks.


She has those thick black glasses which covers half her face and orange freckles the size of mars. Her hair was frizzy and a mousy brown, her eyes a drab black and her skin pale and green. It was weird, but it was the thing that brought us together. Because ever since I was a tiny little girlie she was always ‘that’ outcast down the street who lived in a pale blue house and had no life.


I, being the friendly being, was the first person to make contact with her life form. Everyone was talking about how ‘brave’ I was and all that jazz. To be honest I was shit scared that she would contaminate me with her genes, but then I came to realize she was really cool. So our friendship blossomed like a flower on spring morning.


We stuck together like glue sticks to paper (but I guess not strong enough), and we did everything together.


 I would say I would have had a normal and average life, just blending into the background and having a close knit group of friends if I didn’t become her best buddy, and really it would have happened. But I was loyal, and I really was close to her. She knew all my secrets and I knew hers. So I stuck, we stuck.


She damn sure was a feisty little thing though. Her attitude was like a bulls (has the temper span of one seeing red) and sometimes she could be really bipolar. I guess that happens though. If you’re treated and talked about behind your back, while you know it’s happening.


We were treated as the ‘teenage outlaws’, not that it bothered me. In fact I was pretty cool with it. No one to disturb me and I liked it like that. Must have been mums genes in me.


But I knew it bothered her. Even though she tried to hide it, I could see it. She wanted to be known, and not in the way she was. She wanted, no dreamed about being popular. I didn’t let that thought bother me though; I just thought it was an everyday thing with people like her.


Oh and before I get back to my story, just to let you know, she was the only one immune to the bad boy’s charms back then. I don’t know must have been a ‘nerd’ thing.


So here she comes, walking in like she owns the bloody place (after stumbling). Her head held high and her glasses crooked, with her mismatched socks and clothes. Today it was bright neon purple with yellow.


Remember when I said she wanted to be noticed, well this was one way she tried…though I think it’s having the opposite affect….


I looked at her as I pushed my food away and grabbed my bag and binders from the table, noticing the smudged makeup and frizzy hair in a scrunchy. Ok something was up; she never wore makeup, only when her grandma died of obesity or something…


“So what’s the occasion?” I asked as I swung my bag on my shoulder. She gave this very-very creepy smile that would have murderers running across the country and screaming bloody Mary. Though I was used to it, seeing as I see it every time she had a stupid idea.


Though- don’t tell her this- I’ve had nightmares of it at first. Crazy dreams, where she held a bazooka filled with banana peels and was riding a tricycle. It made me nearly pee my pants in bed…


“You know”.


I looked at her funny, with what I picture as a ‘what the hell look’ or ‘your high’.


“It’s valentine’s day silly!”


Oh that. That day where you get pointless letters of undying love and proposal’s and stuff. Useless. That’s all it was to me.

Yes I have gotten a few roses. I wasn’t complete freak. However they were from weirdoes and perv’s who think I’ll be horny at this time; since I’ve been getting no ‘action’. Now there’s your freak.


“So?” I asked as I cocked my head to the side and stared at Sarah with utter confusion. “So” she said slowly, “I have a feeling loves in the air…”


Oh God she’s winking at me! I know I said I was ‘best friends’ with her, but I wasn’t interested in her that way. Jeez how do I put her down softly? I don’t want to break her heart…


“Look Sarah…this is really uh awkward…but”


Yes, I was going well. I just need to get it out.


“I’m not looking for a relationship with anyone…I’m sorry”




She was looking at me funny. Like I have a bird crap on my head and a parrot on my shoulder.


“What? Is there something on my face?”


Then it was literally like a light bulb went on in her head, and her face contorted into a one of disgust.


“No you idiot. I’m not interested in you. I mean what the hell? I meant I have a feeling today is going to be special! For ME!”


Oh right….


I signed in relief and laughed as I scratched my head. “Yeah I see now…what kind of special?”


She shrugged her shoulders.


“Something big!”


And damn straight was it something big. So big in fact, that sometimes I wished I changed the course of the world…





Ha thought that was the end? Well it’s not, so keep reading….


Ok so like I was saying, we went to school in Sarah’s neon ‘Pink’ convertible; which honestly I hate, because it’s such an attention grabber and personally I like to keep a low profile and all.


But anyway she parked it like at the other side of the world and made me walk the distance to the front door of the school, and that may seem like nothing to you but I am one lazy person. So here I am being dragged by her as the sun was beating down on me and the stupid smell of roses was shoving up my nose when she stopped and began staring at ‘Mchottie’.


That one word describes all, so there’s really no reason for me to waste my breath explaining, and anyway he’s not really ‘that’ important to this epic recount. So she just stares at him, entranced by his utter beauty as he flicks is hair to the side and acts scandalous. “Hubba-Hubba is it hot in here or what” she asks as her eyes traced down his form. ‘Yes’ I wanted to reply, ‘because it was bloody 50 degrees out here.’


Anyway I’m not sure about you but I hate watching my friend get all hot and flustered in front of me, especially when she’s wearing what she is. In fact when you stare at her your eyes start to bleed because she’s beaming, and not in those ‘I’m so hot’ ways. “Ok Sarah you’ve had your daily fill of him so now it’s time to move on” I said as I shoved her forward.


“Just a little more” she begged and I looked at her firmly. Signing in defeat we began walking towards the front door. This was like a daily routine for me, she stops and stares while I push her forward when she gets too hot and bothered.


When we entered the school hall, it was like a switch went off and people began whispering about us or should I say Sarah. It wasn’t me they were interested in; in fact I could be a wall for all they care.


It was Sarah.


Sarah was the attention grabber, she always was. She liked and craved all attention even if it’s bad; she just wants it so bad. And sometimes I wonder if she has a problem and all. But it’s not hard to see she gets hurt when they say mean stuff to her face. And so that’s when I come in and be a good best friend and defend her. It’s hard to understand the workings of her and you probably think she’s delusional, but like I said we go way back.


“Belly do you think I can come over to your house today?” Sarah asks as she shifts her bag higher onto her shoulder. “Sure” I replied as we began walking down the hall. We fell into an easy silence after that. And that’s another thing about us both, we don’t need to speak or fill any silence. Truth be told I don’t think we’ve ever had one of those major awkward silences.


So let’s fast forward through the day and get to when ‘it’ happened.

It was after school and exactly 3:45pm and Sarah and I were exiting the building. No one was around except those few stray students, and nothing had happened so far at school. I had gotten a single rose from some perv, but that’s about all.


Then the ‘something big’ happened, and it wasn’t a bang or an explosion and there wasn’t fireworks, but it changed everyone’s lives. Because Sarah tripped on air and fell into the arms of ‘him’.


Do you remember the ‘the ultimate dark horse or black stallion of our school’ that I was talking about earlier, the one Sarah seems unaffected by. Well she fell into ‘his’ arms. Then just like that he dropped her and things went from there. If you don’t know what I mean, go read a cliché story and see. And if you’re too lazy I’ll give you a rundown.


Well first they fought after she was dropped, and then the bad boy took a sudden interest to her fiery spirit and ‘quirky’ style; though personally I think cupid was hiding in the bushes and was drunk when he struck him with a love arrow. Then he wouldn’t leave her alone and inevitably she fell in ‘love’ with him and they began going out. Thus for this drama was brought in with back stabbing bitches and ex’s.


You would have thought that Sarah would have broken down after so much drama, but she called me after a huge confrontation with one of his ex, and told me how exciting living as a popular was and how she always seemed to be living on a high. Like I said before, Sarah craved this attention ever since she was little, and now that she was getting the spotlight, she couldn’t leave it. So that’s what made her change her appearance.  


She couldn’t begin to fathom the thought of losing the limelight so she bought beauty products and did plastic surgery to become the symbol of perfection. She began to mingle with the fakes and we stopped hanging out. Slowly our friendship was crumbling but I stuck by her, even if I didn’t know her. That was her first mistake.


Then that epic twist came where there’s a misunderstanding of sorts, where the girlfriend thinks her loving boyfriend cheated on her. She broke up with him and came to my house where she pigged out. We watched movies and I felt wanted again. We hadn’t done this in a long time. I thought that she needed me, but boy was I wrong.


Because the next day she was gone. She up and left and that was truly the last I talked to her. She never called and soon at school it was heard that she had slept with another guy. I felt so bad for the bad boy right then. You should have seen his face; he looked like someone had told him his dog was murdered. He fixed himself up, changed himself and she betrayed him. I wish I could say that she was drunk, but it was daytime and she wasn’t. To make it worse it was with McHottie.


From there she became to queen bee, the selfish prick everyone adored or hated but were too scared to stick up too. I guess the fairy tale was too good to be true, just wish I could have stopped the story from happening. Then I could have stopped so much heartache and pain.


Oh and your probably curious what happened to me? Well no one really knew me, and as I said before, I never made contact with Sarah after that whole drama. I just became one of those bystanders….and that’s the end.


Just kidding. That wasn’t even the beginning of the story. This is….

Chapter 1: I don't really care...

“I’m pregnant”


These were the first words I heard when I opened the door. It wasn’t what you would always hear, especially coming from your ex-best friend, but I warned you at the start. But that wasn’t much of a surprise considering she had been whoring around a lot (no offense). Now I would like to say my response was highly intellectual and advanced but that would be lying. Because really the only thing that came out was “huh?”


Yes, so incredible, I know. But you get put in this situation and see what you come up with. It also didn’t help that it was a Saturday and I was wearing ratty PJs and eating Captain Crunch.


“Well can I come in?” she asked, and it was then I registered that she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. She looked like she had been crying for hours and she looked horrible. She even had a tissue paper stuck to her shoe. I being ever so generous said…




Then I shut the door in her face and sauntered off. Suck that you fugly person. After all she left me, and from past mistakes I learnt she only comes to me if she’s desperate. I don’t want to be used then ditched. I have a life I felt like screaming. Just thinking of what she’s done makes me so angry. All the times she’s bullied those around her and thinks she’s so superior. Uh makes me so mad.




And anyway she lies 24/7; this might be one of her excuses to crash at my place for free after a night of intense partying. Someone told me that she made this lie where she was stuck on an island and that’s why she couldn’t come home for two weeks. Bullshit if you ask me. But Sarah became really persuasive over the years and could charm her way out of anything.



Moving on….

There was a constant knocking on the door and I was glad my family wasn’t home to answer it. “Please Belly” she cried as she kept banging. Ignoring her I switched on the T.V and began watching SpongeBob. Ah SpongeBob, how you make me laugh. “Belly” she whined.


“Please this isn’t some hoax and I really need you. Did you not hear what I said! I’m pregnant” and then she gave this ear piercing cry that could probably be heard from the Artic. Now I was getting annoyed and I toyed with the thought of calling the cops.



Signing I got up and walked slowly to the front entrance, with my phone clutched in my hand and the police on speed dial. Even though she’s done all this shit, I couldn’t turn my back on someone who may be pregnant. Keep in mind people that the key word is ‘may’.


 “Try anything and I’m calling the cops” I said dryly as I leaned against the door frame. She looked at me through a tear stained face and crumpled to the ground. “Please Belly you got to help me. I just-”. “Don’t call me Belly” I snapped, “you lost those rights ages ago”.


There was this moment of solemn silence as we studied each other. “So do you want me to give you a wad of cash or something?” I asked harshly, a little harsher than intended. Sarah looked away then whispered, “Bel-Isabel I know we don’t have a good relationship-”. I couldn’t help but snort, “You got that right”. “But I really need your help”.


Ok now I am getting really annoyed. “Look Sarah, just because we were ‘best friends’ doesn’t mean you can use me as you please,” I said as I began to inch back to shut the door. I so wanted to hurt her, slam the door on her face for all those who have been discarded and disregarded by her. She saw what I was doing and reached out like a beggar. “Isabel I can’t go home ok!” she howled. “Then it’s your fault for whoring around!” I screamed.




“Please” she whispered. “Please let me stay for one night so I can figure things out”. I bit my lip as I thought about the pros and cons. “Why don’t you go to one of your other best friends” I said, emphasizing the ‘best friend’s’ part. She looked at me hesitantly and muttered “because they won’t help me. I know it”.


“Fine” I mutter. “Only for today and tonight. But try anything and you’re out, got that” I demanded flatly. She nodded as she entered my house. “You can sleep in the guest room. And don’t bother me” I said as I walked down the hall. “Aren’t you curious about how I got pregnant?” she enquired. I shot her a sickly sweet smile over my shoulder, “I don’t give a shit about you”.


Chapter 2:The awkward encounter and secretes revealed

Chapter 2: The awkward encounter and secretes revealed


Ok maybe I was a little mean, but trust me it was so hard to have a decent conversation with her. So there I was lying on the couch and watching reruns and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. It also didn’t help that I could hear her cries of anguish and sorrow. And even though I said I wasn’t curious and didn’t give a shit, I really did. Nothing like juicy gossip.


Sitting up I switched off the TV and made my way to the fridge. Time for some ice cream. Grabbing two spoons I made my way towards the guest room with some fuzzy blankets I found. I was just too nice sometimes.


“Sarah I’m coming in” I called as I nudged the door open. I peeked inside to see her painting her nails neon pink while snot was running everywhere like a stream and her hair was covering her face. “I was expecting you” she said as she placed the cap back on the nail polish and turned to me.


I screamed.


That’s right I screamed. It was a dimly lit room with the curtains drawn and it had a freakishly demonic girl sitting there. Her eyes were so red and her face was glowing with tears and snot. Wait was that a wig?


Wow now you gotta step back.


“Why are you screaming?” she yelled and it was only then I realized I was still screaming like a rapist was chasing me. Slowly it died down and I stared at her. “Uh yeah, this is awkward” I muttered as I made my way towards her and sat really, really far from her reach. You know just in case she’s possessed and she wants to eat me. Or is that zombies?


“B-Isabel, I know we aren’t on good terms but you got to help me. No one knows me better than you”. ‘Well duh’ I thought ‘I was your best friend’


“And this is really hard on me, because I don’t know what to do” ‘No shit you don’t’


“So please I beg you help me” ‘Na I think it’ll take too much effort.’


“So what do you want me to do? Be your slave?” I asked as I gave her the stink eye.


“No, I just need you to be there”.


I studied her for a moment and signed. “I can’t lend you some clothes because you’re too tall, but I can go to your house and get some. So you should just stay here and have a shower, because you look horrible”. She gave me a thankful smile and I wanted to gag, because I swear some snot went into her mouth. Sarah was never the delicate crier.


“Thanks Isabel” she hollered. Grunting I walked out, leaving the tub of ice-cream on the bed.  I entered my room which was right down the hall, and picked up some clothes and my car keys and walked into the bathroom where I changed into some black shorts and a tank top.


 The hot sun was beating down on me when I left the house and I cursed Sarah silently. “Stupid Sarah” I whispered as I got into my beat up truck. “Always being a pain in the ass”.


It wasn’t long before I reached her house. Considering it wasn’t that far from ours, and it was practically right down the street. I parked the car opposite the house and got out, placing the best enthusiastic smile on my face; which probably looked like I was constipated. Walking up to the door felt like it took years and I could feel the sweat already flowing down my back.


Ding Dong.


I rang the bell and waited. There was a thump then I heard someone curse before the door was swung open revealing Mrs. Tucker. And boy was she a mess. She had her hair sticking up everywhere and her lips were all swollen and red. She had half her boob sticking out and her pencil skirt was hiked up. Now I guess you can guess what they were doing, and I swear right then that our relationship will never be the same.


“Hi Mrs. Tucker” I said over the really uncomfortable silence. “I’m just here to pick up some clothes for Sarah….”. “S-sure honey” then she gave this really high pitched laugh and let me through. “You know where it is, right?” “Yeah” I answered back as I tried so hard to look away from her. I waited till she left then I practically bolted up the stairs.


“What the hell was that?” I stuttered as I burst through her door and began picking up random articles of clothing, and stuffing it into a duffel bag I found in her cupboard.


Everything was so messy, dresses and shoes were everywhere. ‘She must have gone to a party…I wonder what I’ll have for lunch, maybe some-wait is that a dead rat! Oh gross…wait a minute….why am I having a conversation with myself? I must be loco’.


I swung the bag onto my shoulders when I was done and grabbed a pair of sandals from the floor, and listened for any movement from downstairs. I felt like I was robbing the damn place. I snuck out using my epic ninja skills, and I even tried rolling on the floor, but boy was it an epic fail.


“Ok bye Mrs. Tucker” I whispered quietly, because I don’t think I can face her after I know what she’s done. Cue the winking people. But of course this is Mrs. Tucker where talking about, the lady with inhuman hearing. She can hear anything, and I mean it. “Bye honey. Oh, and can you tell Sarah to come home, it’s been three days” she screeched. “Three days” I mutter, “I wonder what she was doing” I whispered to myself. “What?”


‘Oh yeah, inhuman hearing. Forgot’.


 “Nothing Mrs. Tucker just singing” I screamed back. ‘Wow, aren’t I just smooth when it comes to making excuses’. Note the sarcasm people.


I bolted out of the house and toyed with the thought of telling Sarah’s mum that Sarah was pregnant. After all, this really did cause a lot of stress for me. Na, it’ll be better if I don’t. Even I’m not that cruel, and I suppose I still want to be Sarah’s friend….deep down.


I unlocked my car and swung the bag into the backseat, the car creaking and complaining under the sudden weight. “Shush up” I muttered, “you can’t complain now, we have a pregnant woman on the loose”.


It gave another loud groan as I got in and I hit the dash board, “you calling me fat” I shrieked mockingly. And yes my car and I have a very tight bond; I’ve had it for ages.


Like I said before, the trip wasn’t that long, and by the time I was at the front door I got this bad feeling in my tummy. It was like a washing machine and I clutched the duffel bag to my chest more securely.


“Oh shit, why is there a bitch in my house?!”


Ok, let’s take a breather people. I wasn’t talking about a Sarah or anyone else. No what I meant was that there was a legit bitch in my house. You know those hairy creatures that bark a lot. Yeah that’s what I was talking about.


Anyhow back to the story. So there I was staring at this beast; which might I say was eating what looked like brains. And I nearly shat myself. ‘Oh my god, what if what it’s eating is actually Sarah?’


This beast thing committed murder, and I’ll be charged of felony!

Holy mother of Jebus. 

Cue the music. ‘Dan Dan duh’.


“Oh Sarah I should have come home sooner. Now you’re just a pile of ugly intestines” I wailed as I fell to my feet defeated “and I wasted petrol”.

 The dog turned its hideous face to me, and I knew at that moment it was my end.


Au revoir world, it’s sad to see I’ll never get to finish watching Avatar. Its eyes lit up and were glowing a bright red. Oh shit it’s a demonic dog.


“Isabel…why are you on the floor?” I heard a voice call from above.


Looking to the ceiling I called “Holy fudge monkeys is that you SpongeBob?”


“Huh?” was the bright reply.


“Oh now I can die a happy women”


“Wait what”


“I just wish I had been able to save Sarah and the baby then-”


“But I’m right here”


“Then it all…wait what”


There was silence as I saw someone descend the stairs.


“Isabel I don’t know what’s going on”


Oh would you look at that, Sarah seems perfectly unscathed…ha, ha, ha. Laugh it off Belly….

But then the dog….


“Oh my God Sarah don’t come any closer. There’s a demonic dog that’ll eat your brains! So stay back” I bellowed.




No! The dog must have gotten her.


“Isabel this is scruffels, he’s my dog…”


Oh shit that ‘thing’ was her dog. Thatblading demonic fiend. Wow, what is the world coming to?


 “Oh right I knew that” I muttered lamely as I got up and dusted fake dust particles. Sarah had the decency to not comment on my epic fail, because if she did, I’ll probably punch her and send her to heaven.


Ok, I’m not always violent, it’s just you mess with my pride, you mess with me. I have a huge ego and mum says it’s from dad. I guess you could relate him to me in that aspect, but I’m more of a mother’s child.


“Did you bring the clothes?” Sarah enquired as she petted the dog’s head. “Yeah here” I said as I handed her the bag, “and that thing stays outside”.


She pouted her lips as she gave me her biggest eyes, and it truly made her look like her eyeballs were going to shoot out of their sockets. “My house, my rules.”



Few hours later


“Sarah how did you get ‘pregnant’ in the first place?” I inquired as I sat cross legged on the bed. There was a mumbling on the other side of the door, before she opened it and sauntered out in some jeans and a tight black shirt. Was it just me, or did she look a little bit fatter?


She flopped down on the bed and I tumbled forward. Yes, I’m not exactly the strongest and heaviest person in the world. “Well, how should I begin?”


“You could start from the start” I said impatiently. Because seriously I am really curious, and the suspense has been killing me.


“Fine, well at first I had started vomiting and I thought I was sick of some yucky disease, but then I didn’t get my period and I was like ‘oh my god’. So I went to the pharmacy or whatever and got one of those tests, and went into their bathroom. Then when the thing was revealed I was like having a break down. I was pregnant. It was like my world was crashing down on me. My fame, my life, everything. So I came here, because this was where I knew my saving grace was”


Saving grace my ass.


“Who’s the father” I asked and the silence which befell us was like…….


She cleared her throat awkwardly and shifted in her spot. Oh no, this is not going to be good.


“The principle…”


Oh shit people, call 911, I just had a heart attack.


Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in….




“I-it w-was”. Yeah bitch stutter all you want, but I am not letting this go.


“I-I m-mean, it was the only way to get him to let me have a perfect report!” she wailed.




“I was failing all my classes and mum said if I failed this term she’ll said me to a nunnery”.


“So you slept with the principle”.


Meekly nodding her head she wiped her eyes, and I felt defeated at that moment. Why was I helping her?


“And any way, I wouldn’t have done ‘it’ if he wasn’t good in bed” she whispered timidly. 


Oh my god, this isn’t the first time. Ok now I’ve been sent to heaven.


“Sarah, what are you going to do” I said as I fell on my back. Shrugging her shoulders she looked at me, “that’s why I came here” she said brightly.


How is it me that’s the most disturbed by this? Grrr, stupid youth.


“Does he know that you carry his child?” I asked.


“No. I haven’t told him….”


“You should” I muttered. “But this is your problem, so you take the next steps”.


Stretching as I got up, I glanced at her to see that she had tears filling her eyes.


“I’ll just help”.


She smiled gratefully as she rubbed her hand soothingly against her bump.


“Are you going to keep it?”


“Yeah.” She said gently, and for a moment I saw a different side to Sarah. Maybe this baby could help her see the world in a different light….


“But do you think I’m going to put on some weight?”


Just kidding.



Chapter 3: the hunger games

Chapter 3: The hunger games


“Oh my god Isabel, I am so hungry!” Sarah cried as she raided my cupboards and stuffed her cheeks. “No shit Sherlock” I muttered darkly as she ate my food in front of me. “I can just die of hunger. I mean no offense but-”


Ok time to tune her out.


Signing I grabbed the TV remote and flipped through the channels. News, cartoon, ad, news….holy cows, the Looney Tunes. Step back people because Bugs Bunny is entering the ho- “Isabel are you even listening to me!” Sarah screeched as she flung herself on the sofa. “I’m bloody hungry and-”


“So? What do you want me to do?” Ok, yes I know she’s pregnant, but no one gets in the way of the classic cartoons. “I want you to get your ass to the market and buy me some bloody food” she screamed. Ok crazy women holding a bar of chocolate in her hand and beating the crap out of the cushion. “Ok calm down Sarah” I said soothingly, “put the weapon down and step away from the cushion.”


“Ha, ha, ha never you mongrel. This is the end; prepare to meet your doom!”

Cue music.


Wait, what am I doing! And what’s with these lines, I mean talk about cliché.


“Fine, I’ll get you some food. Just don’t burn the house down and don’t bring that dog in”.


 If it is a dog…


“Yip-yip, food.” What the hell was that noise….


“What do pregnant women want anyway?” I groaned as I got up and made my way to the door.


This is so tiresome, and here I thought I could spend my time blissfully enjoying the holidays….


Grabbing my car keys and my purse I made my way outside and into the hot summer day. Where the sun was whipping at my back and beating the air  out of me. I was so grateful to reach my truck and I nearly sang and praised the Lord.



But of course nothing goes my way, and the car just happened to ‘break down’. Though I have my suspicions that a greater power is at work here. Or some hobo used some magic and murdered my car. Ah, imagine the headlines. ‘Hobo who kills cars, could your car be next?’

Snorting I leaned my back against the exterior and stared blankly at my house. It was an average two story complex and was painted a pale blue. The front lawn had a random fountain at the front, which was right in the center. And the flowers surrounding it were all withered, but that’s to be expected from this heat.


Ok, well I can’t really enter the house or I’m sure to get skinned alive and hanged from the washing line. And I can’t really hitch hike because I may be gagged and raped. So the only option is to walk. Oh my god, shoot me now. Either way, I’ll probably die of thirst and starvation before collapsing. But it’s the only option I have.


After walking the grueling path to the shops


I made it! And it’s so good to feel the cool air after entering the market. But I can’t savor the moment for too long, because Sarah might do something rash if I don’t come home with food. Ok, what to get.


Looking around I realized I should have asked Sarah what she wanted. I tried calling her, but she didn’t answer. Oh no, she’s probably lying dead on the floor with her cheeks sunken in and her body deprived of nutrients. What have I done!


I grabbed a trolley and began walking down the aisle, as I grabbed random things of the shelf and placed it hastily in the trolley. Pizza sauce, Pads, deodorant, chips, cat food. Don’t ask why. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never taken a class for pregnant women. Oh shit, I knew I should have listened in sports.


“Ah, why do you have a plant in your trolley?” a guy’s voice called.


“Oh because I h-wait a plant!”


Ok, now I really don’t know why I have a plant. And anyway where did it come from?


I placed the plant on the floor and raced out of there. That was embarrassing, and I didn’t even get a look at the persons face…oh well, I just hope he wasn’t hot….


“Check this out really fast,” I yelled. The elderly lady looked at me oddly. “I have a pregnant woman at home who may be dying of hunger!” Ha, that got her starting. “Oh dear, you better get there ASAP then love”. I nodded my head vigorously as her hands moved at the speed of light. Wow, just watching her go hurts my eyes. I can’t even see her hands anymore! For an old lady, she sure does move fast…


“There” she said as she lifted all the bags and placed it in the trolley. I don’t even know if that was humanly possible…


“Thanks” I replied as I threw notes and coins and fled out of there, racing towards my street.




After the grueling path home.  


“Sarah” I called as I slammed the trolley into the house, “I’m home”. No answer. Did I make it in time? I crept quietly to the living room and nearly screamed. Sarah was lying on the floor; with her limbs all stretched out and drool dripping from her mouth.


Who could have done such a horrible thing?


“Oh my gosh Sarah. If only I had come sooner…” I wailed.


Sarah Tucker was d-


“Isabel! What took you so long?” Take that back, she was still breathing.


“It’s a long story. A story that should be kept for a-hey Sarah you can’t just go eating the sauce like that!”


Few hours later


It was awhile after I could get Sarah to put her clothes on and step down from the table. I had to use my very persuasive skills and bribery of chocolate to get her to stop her strip dance. It was a disturbing sight and thank god I closed the curtains. I had a grandma living right next door, and gosh she hates me. She’ll use anything to bring me down. And I really don’t have time for that, after all I need to go shopping and get disinfectant or I am never ever eating on that table again.


Ok, you’re probably wondering what happened in those few hours? Well let’s rewind….


After Sarah had finished slurping the sauce she had targeted the pads. Now, I really didn’t know what she was going to do with those, but I knew it wasn’t going to be good. We had both launched at the same time, and fortunately I reached it first. I grabbed it and threw it out the window; yeah I don’t know why I did that. But Sarah got really depressed and she began balling her eyes out, because apparently she wanted to use them for her ‘artwork’. So then I told her I’ll get some more, because she was annoying the hell out of me and left the room for two minutes. After my return I realized two things, one SpongeBob was on, and two Sarah was missing. Now the latter wasn’t that important so I chose to ignore it and watched some very serious PG rated SpongeBob.


Ok, I may have watched about ten episodes before I began to worry about Sarah. So being the good little angel, I went to search for her and boy you would never guess. I found her in the next minute pealing of her clothes and giving me a strip show on the dinner table. If mom was here she would be blessing the table and pouring holy water in my eyes.


So that brought us back to the present, where Sarah is happily devouring a chocolate bar and sitting Indian style on the floor.


“You know Isabel” she asked as she wiped her mouth on her top, “we should totally go out”.


Yeah s-wait what?!


“We can go to the movies and the….”


Oh my god, I knew Sarah said she wasn’t into me like that, but that was about 2 years ago. People change, things change, and Sarah’s interested in me.


Better put her off nicely, after all she’s pregnant and could probably kill me with a pen.


“Sarah how many times do I have to tell you, I am not interested!” Ok a bit harsh….  




“Well I don’t want to go out with you.”


A look of understanding dawned on her face and I couldn’t help but feel this was like de ja vu. “Isabel I meant as friends”.


Oh, right….


“Anyway I was thinking tomorrow we could go baby shopping and then maybe catch a movie.”


“Nope not going to happen.”


“Wait, why?” she whined.


“Like I said, just because you’re staying at my house doesn’t mean where friends. You have to prove your loyalty.”


There was a moment of absolute silence and I swear I could hear the grandma next door snoring away. Lazy ass.


“Yeah, right…”


“Well, I’m going to go get the pads from outside….” I replied awkwardly. Good work Belly, you really know how to make an awkward situation even more awkward

Chapter 4: What is with this story?

Chapter 4: What is with this story?


There are moments in life that you wish you can erase. Like the time your mum walks in and you’re doing something you shouldn’t; now people, no wrong thinking. Tsk, tsk.


But the point is I really wish I could have taken back what happened to me. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life and just thinking about it makes me blush. Well let’s go back into the not-so-long-ago past and view what occurred on the fateful day.


I had gone outside to grab the pads that, let’s just say ‘slipped’ out of my hands when all of a sudden the devil appeared. Yes in all its glory. Its hair was whipping in the wind and its red nails dripping with blood. Its eyes were glowing and its fangs were drawn to rip my insides out. But never fear because I, the great heroine, defeated the beast with my great courage and determination. Showing her who’s the boss of this area.


“Hi miss Knight, is there something troubling you?” I inquired as I stuck a radiant smile on my face.


Yes, so courageous, but if you ever meet this women you’ll be shitting your pants. She was demonic, and I swear she kills young children at night by beating them with a shoe.


“Hello Isabel, what do you have there?” she asked as her eyes zoned in on the pads. Oh god I am doomed. Good bye world, good bye sweet home, oh how I’ll miss you dearly. I cleared my throat nervously and cast my eyes downwards.


Ok think Belly, think!


“Oh wow would you look at this….pads in my hands…from my lawn…I wonder who put them there?”


‘Who put them there’, are you serious, is that the best I could come up with? No one stupid enough would believe that-


“Belly, how terrible! Someone placed pads on the lawn? I mean this is revolting, despicable, and unforgivable” she thundered.


“Yeah, I know. Disgusting, how could they vandalize my home!” Ok time to stop Belly, just leave while you can. Whatever you do, don’t pour more fuel into the conversation…but it’s me where talking about…


“I mean, I feel so vandalized and hurt. And why would they commit such a crime! It’s outrageous. ”


The old hag nodded her head in understanding. “We should take this to the police; maybe we could get some fingerprints”.

“Yeah we should-wait what?”


“The police Belly, they’ll help us-”


“Ha, ha, ha, no need for extremes Miss Knight. Anyway they won’t help”. And to emphasize my point I began flapping my hands.


“Don’t worry I have connections”.


Oh holy fudge, was that an evil glint in her eye? Don’t tell me she knows. Oh well, then I won’t let her win, I won’t admit it, that I was the criminal. And anyway, how could she possibly have ‘connections’, it’s probably just a bluff.


“Ok Miss Knight, if you insist. But I don’t know if it’ll be helpful, after all it probably came from a store and has a lot of finger prints…”


“Oh no worries dear, I just want to make sure my neighbors safe since her parents are out and about”. Why does she make that sound so bad?


“We can go in my car”. No I’ll rather just stay home I thought bitterly.


“Maybe we can even buy something after”. I don’t want to eat things with the likes of you.


“Then you can tell me how you’ve been”. Stop prying old hag.


“We can even feed the fish and go to the zoo”. Can I throw you into the lion’s den?


“So let’s go Belly!” she called, and then grabbing my hand in a death grip she dragged me to her car. Is it just me, or are all old lady’s really strong?


“I just had a new paint job done on my car; you’re going to love it”.

Love it my ass. When I saw it I nearly went blind. It was a bright neon yellow bug that seemed to glow. How the heck was I meant to ‘love’ it, when it was the brightest thing in the world that I could barely see it? I wouldn’t be surprised if a car crash happened when where driving past.


“Yeah, I totally dig its new look. It’s just so out there” I said as I threw my hands out to get my point across.


She cackled like a witch and practically flung me into the front seat. “You’re so funny dear”.


Is it just me or does she sound like she’s possessed?






At the police station.


It turns out that the old hag was actually telling the truth when she said she had connections, and holy fish I was scared. I was waiting for them to walk in and arrest me on the spot, then throw me in jail with she-men; which are women that look like men.


So when the detective came in, I was about to cry out my plea and beg for holy forgiveness.


“We have some news. Now I need you to remain calm-” how are we meant to remain calm after you said that?


“But it seems the pads have the fingerprints of-”, this is the end, take me away…


“A wanted criminal!” Oh I-come again?


Is this for real? A wanted criminal was touching pads? Where the hell is this story going towards? What kind of plot is this?


I heard a gasp. “Your saying there was a criminal”, pointing at me, “in her yard?! And”, now she got down low as if she was going to tell a secret, “possibly acting as a peeking tom?” Ok no need to get ahead of yourself…


“Possibly, and what I’m about to tell you is for your ears only, understand?” he asked, and at that moment I felt like this was a total set up. “This criminal isn’t your everyday petty thief; this is a murderer who killed a lady in an alley and all the evidence we have of him is a candy wrapper.” Where the hell does the candy wrapper fit into the crime scene?

“He’s been on the run and he’s highly intelligent, so we think he may be targeting Isabel”. Wait could that guy at the shop be him…? Na, it’s probably just paranoia, they can’t be serious.


“I am completely serious.” Wait did he read my mind?


“No, I did not read your mind. It’s just your face holds a lot of expression”. I’m not sure how I’m meant to take that


“What do we do?” the old granny asked. Yeah what?


“Well we’ll send a police escort to be stationed outside your house. For safety precautions and such.”



But don’t worry, I have a baseball bat under my bed, and anyway he didn’t actually ‘put’ it on my lawn. That’s what I want to say. However instead I say…


“That’s perfectly fine”


“That’s good. Anyway thank you for your time ladies, but I have other things to attend too, so have a lovely afternoon”. We both stood and he bowed deeply before winking at the old hag next to me and slapping her on the butt when he passed us. What the hell! She giggled shyly and twirled a piece of hair on her finger….ok this is getting awkward…so when he finally left the old hag grabbed my hand and said, “Don’t worry dear; I’ll be right next door…”


What was that suggestive look on her face? And why was it directed at me…


Ok now I’m more worried about the old lady than the actual murderer.


After returning home and away from the demon lady


“Isabel, where were you?” Sarah’s voice called as she walked up to me. “I was worried sick.” Worried sick? When was she ever worried about my wellbeing? Must be the hormones. “I went to the police station” I answered dismissively.


I glanced at her as I removed my slippers, and her face was contorted with a look of shock. “What!”


“Ok calm down, it’s not what it seems like. You’re misunderstanding the situation.”


“What is there to misunderstand” she cried.


“You remember those pads I threw out” I asked, and she nodded her head. “Well if anyone asks, say I never threw them and just say it was on the lawn all along.”


“Huh? What the hell is going on?” she said as she grabbed her hair and massaged her temples. “Long story short, apparently those pads were touched by a very wanted criminal. So now they think that he’s after me and they’ll be sending a police escort to stay outside till they catch him.” I could totally feel for her when she shot me a very confused look. “I know, but just bear with it”.


There was a moment of silence after my story and then we both disappeared into our own la la land.

‘Hmm, I wonder what we’ll have for dinner. Maybe cheese pizza with bacon and anchovies or we can pig out on green tea ice cream…I wonder if SpongeBob’s started….oh, I have to study….my glasses are misty….’


“Well I’ll just go and order some pizza and then-” I began but was cut short by constant bangs on the door. “Oh my god Isabel! It’s the criminal. Quickly call 911” Sarah whisper yelled as she latched onto my arm like a leech. “Sarah, the murderer wasn’t actually the one who put the-”


“What are you waiting for, there’s a killer outside and you’re standing there like an idiot. Hurry up!”


“Sarah” I said soothingly.


“Don’t Sarah me” she snapped.


“But those pads weren’t-”




“You know what forget it. There was a murder outside.”


“Oh Isabel, can I come in?” a sickly, honey coated voice called. Where have I heard that voice before…?


“Isabel I know your there”.


“Holy shit! Isabel, you didn’t tell me the murderer was an old grandma! This just makes it all the scarier. She’ll be like those possessed ones with a bendy back”, Sarah said.


“No, that’s the old hag from next door” I stated firmly as I detached myself from her.


I slowly walked towards the door and prepared myself for the conversation ahead. Oh I really don’t want to talk to her. Especially after that suggestive gesture she shot at me…


“Well are you going to answer it? She’ll break down the door if you don’t. But don’t let her in. I can’t let her find out I’m pregnant.” Oh darn I forgot about that. Sarah doesn’t want anyone finding out, and it wouldn’t be good if this witch found out, or she’ll spread it like wild fire.

 I looked over my shoulder and said “go hide somewhere then.” She glanced around and then I heard what was a door been opened. Sarah widened her eyes and threw herself into the cupboard next to the stairs.


“Isabel why didn’t you answer the door?” Miss Knight asked as she entered as she twirled her hair around her finger.


I scratched my head and looked around for an excuse. The cat food I bought earlier! “Sorry I was feeding the cat?” Though it came out more as a question.


“Oh you have a cat? Can I see it?” she asked flirtingly as she looked over my shoulder. Ha but there’s that evil glint again! Evil witch, I know what she’s up to. Trying to corner me, well I’m not going to let you win that easily.


“Ha, ha, ha well the funny thing is its really shy around people, and I won’t say it’s my ‘cat’. I just feed it once in a while. Ha, ha, ha”.


“Oh, a stray cat. Well you should be careful dear; those animals can get very ferocious.” Why is she winking at me? Is this a game of charades?

“But I thought I would have known if a cat lived here…I must be getting old…”


Lady if you think I’m going to comfort you then think again.


“Yeah, well I better get back to doing what I was doing before…” I said awkwardly.


“Oh”, pouting she looked at me through her lashes.

What was with this old grandma?

“I just came all this way to check on you, I was hoping for at least a cup of coffee…but you’re probably busy with being young and youthful. So I was wondering if you’ve informed your parents about the current situation,” she asked brightly.


“No Miss Knight. But I didn’t want to trouble them,” I said instead.


“Oh dear, I think it wouldn’t trouble them at all. After all if you were mine I would always be worried about you…”Ok, I’m kind of scared about the way she keeps staring at me. And what was with this ‘mine’ business?

”If you want I can call them an-”


“No need for that. It’ll be really bothersome since there in Africa and all. You know how it is, helping those in need and stuff.”

In Africa? When did I come up with that one?


“Oh wow really?” she asked in disbelief. “Yeah really” I muttered.


There was a moment of silence, and then she said in defeat “well I should go now then. I’ll see you later Isabel, send good wishes to your family.” Why did she sound like the world was against her?


I laughed nervously and waited till she left before I walked to the cupboard and dragged Sarah out. “That was close” Sarah breathed. I couldn’t agree more. “But how the hell did she open the door?”


“She must have the spare key or something. Mum probably gave it to her right before she left”.


“Well that makes me feel insecure. That lady is shit scary, I mean even I could feel her stare. And what the hell! She was totally flirting with you.” Groaning I said “You noticed that too? I was hoping it was all in my mind…”

“I think I’m more scared of her than the criminal”. Exactly my thoughts.



Dinner was uneventful, and Sarah and I just had pizza while watching some cartoons. “We should go somewhere,” she said as she bit into her slice. “I’m not going to have a dam fine body forever you know.”


I pushed my glasses further up my nose and stared at her through the corner of my eye. “We should just stay home, and who ever said you have a good body?” Before I would have told her how true and beautiful her figure was, but I’m a changed person. And anyway I still have my suspicions she’s into me.


“Really” she cried as she held onto my arm and stared at me. “You think I’m ugly?”


“I never said that” I stated as I tried to focus on the TV. “But you never said I was pretty” she replied, and then the next thing I know, there’s pizza on my boxers. And these were my favorite one! SpongeBob ones to be specific. “Oh my god” I yelled as I removed the cheesy slice from the clothing. Now there was this yellow stain at the front that made it seem like I peed my pants. “Look what you did”.


“I am so sorry. I was only meant to bump you, I guess I miscalculated.”


I gave her my best evil eye, and stood up. “You know if you weren’t pregnant I would be beating you senseless right now” I mumbled. “I really am sorry Isabel” Sarah called as I walked to my room. You better be, I thought darkly.


Wow I sound really bitchy.


I sulked into my room and rummaged through some random clothes on the ground, before I found some red track suit pants. And as I was about to go into the toilet, I swear I saw someone through the window. It was like a figure was standing on my balcony and staring at me. And under further investigation I swear I could tell you the culprit. Miss Knight from next door. Trust me, I could tell by the way she stood and the way her eyes glinted. Oh that glint, could probably tell it’s her from a mile away.


But that’s not the point, the point is that she’s on my balcony like a stalker and it would be no surprise if she pulled a knife out of her dress. “Isabel what’s taking you so long-aw holy shit why’s there a granny on your balcony?!” Sarah’s voice yelled.


I shoved her back into the hallway and slammed the door. “Let’s pretend we never saw her” I whispered. “Why? What was she doing and how the hell did she get on your balcony?” Sarah screeched. I could tell from the sweat beads that she was nervous. “I have no idea, but this is Miss Knight where talking about. She can do anything”.


I slowly opened my door and took a peak through it to see no one. I was about the breathe a sigh of relief when




And then the lights went out and we were plunged into darkness. “What the hell!” Sarah cried. “I feel like I’m in some kind of horror film” I said. The wind was beating the windows and the rain was thundering outside. No seriously, where the hell is this story heading towards?

 “Do you think that lady’s going to come for us?” Sarah asked.





Another boom of thunder echoed and I snatched Sarah’s hand. “Don’t worry” I whispered, “we’ll be fine”. We had to be, I was too young to die. Pushing my glasses higher up my nose I peeked through my lashes at Sarah.


What the hell!


“Where did you get the banana from?!” I yelled.


Sarah clamped her hand on my mouth and gave me a stern look. “In these situations” she began, “I like to eat bananas. They help me find my Zen mode.” Can I shove that banana down your throat?


She slowly peeled it and started to chomp away as the lightning illuminated her face. “I can’t see you that well Isabel” she muttered. No shit, there was barley any light.


I heard what sounded as creaking coming from the stairs and short puffs of breaths. I held onto Sarah’s hand more tightly. I could hear her chewing faster.


“Is this like the movies to you? Why are you eating so fast like this is exciting?”


“I can’t help it, I’m nervous.”


I shook my head and nearly gasped when the creaking began coming closer. “Sarah this may be the end” I said solemnly. “We may never get to see your baby and be-”


“Oh hell we will” she bellowed, “I’m not going to let this stop me”. And then just like that she pulled out a pan from under her top. I didn’t even want to know how she fit that inside there. Soon I felt her standing up and throwing the banana peel away, and at that moment she looked like one of those fictional characters you find in fantasy books. “This mother fudger isn’t going to touch my baby” she yelled and then she was flying through the air with a great war cry. “DIE DEMON”.


It was all in slow motion, the light from the sudden burst of lightning enlightening the battlefield. 

I gasped as I heard something clash and then something heavy fall onto the ground. Sarah!


The lights flickered on and I heard the front door being banged open. “Isabel?!” Miss Knight’s shrill voice rang out. Wait if she was down there, then who was inside the house…?

My eyes trailed down to see a middle age male lying on the floor with a huge lump on his forehead while he held a candy wrapper in one hand. Oh shit, could this be the murderer?


I heard thundering footsteps before the officer that was meant to keep watch and Miss Knight were storming in. The guy with the gun took one look at the guy on the floor before he had him pinned down. Though he was already out like a flame…


“The criminal! Just as I thought, trying to sneak in while this maiden is poor and defenseless. How dare you!” he cried. Wow, could he be any more dramatic? I mean what is with this dude?


“It wasn’t you though who took him down it was” and I pointed in the direction of Sarah to only see she had disappeared. “It was who dear” the old grandma asked worriedly. “Ah…it was me”.


Miss Knight laughed and began beating my back. “Such a brave girl” she said, and then she glanced at the officer and raised an eyebrow. “You should learn from her”. Ok, maybe this old hag wasn’t that bad after all.


He muttered curses under his breath as his cheeks colored a bright pink. “Well I’ll be taking my leave ladies” he uttered. I wanted so bad to laugh at him, but being the angel I am I held it in.


“Miss Knight” I said. “Hmm” she mumbled as she fixed her clothes.

“What were you doing on my balcony?” I blurted.

She let a big boom of laughter. “I had a hunch something was going to happen, and I thought I saw someone sneaking onto your balcony. So I went to investigate”.




“B-but how did you get onto the second floor balcony?” I asked in disbelief.

“Isabel, I was the state champion in Gymnastics. No one was better than me”. Conceited much.


“Oh wow” I said.


She laughed as she began walking towards the front door. “Better see if he’s handling the situation right” she said. My view has just changed about this woman. I have more respect for the old hag next door.  Then she turned back and looked at me through lowered lashes, “Isabel, I love when you wear those track suit pants.”

I take that back. I totally despise this old perverted hag.


“Isabel” a muffled voice called, and I nearly shat my pants. Could this be a ghost? “Isabel let me out”. Oh no it wants me to let it out so it can haunt me!


“Isabel! I can’t get out”. Sarah?


“Sarah is that you?”


“Of course it’s me you idiot. Now let me out.”


“But where are you to begin with?” I asked as I looked around.


“In the cupboard.”




I walked towards the cupboard and swung the door open to see Sarah cramped inside with her knees shoved up her mouth. How the hell did she manage to get in here? And why is she always in the cupboard?


“Sarah what the hell are you doing inside the cupboard?” I asked.


She mumbled something into her knee and looked at me. I think she was trying to convey some sort of message. Oh right, she probably wants me to take her out. He, he, he, maybe I should just leave her?


She must have seen what was going through my head, because the next thing I knew her hand slithered out and latched onto my arm. “Don’t dare leave” she uttered, “I saved your life remember?”


Oh right, damn I owe her.


Gently I gripped her upper arm and tugged her out. She gripped my arm as she stumbled out and when she steadied herself she gave me the stink eye. “Why were you in the cupboard anyway?” I asked.


“Well I couldn’t let them see me, I don’t want them to know I’m pregnant…just not yet” she whispered.

“But how did you get inside so fast…” I muttered to myself.


“Pardon?” she asked as she fixed her top and pulled down her jeans.


 “We should head downstairs; we still have that whole movie to watch” I said as I gave her a bright smile.


“Right,” she giggled.


Ever since Sarah’s come back into my life everything seems to have changed. Though I’m not sure for the better or for the worse…


Chapter 5: The crazy not girlfriend

Chapter 5: The crazy not girlfriend


My parents called me the next day. Apparently they got a call from Miss Knight about last night’s incident. They kept blabbering away about how worried they were, and why I didn’t call them. My mum even asked if she should come home, but in the current situation with Sarah I couldn’t allow that. It’ll just cause too much drama if people were to find it out by accident instead of the person telling them directly. Though I kind of feel bad about being so frank that I didn’t need her, I think I may have hurt her feelings…


Anyway Sarah’s also been acting up; she just always seems to be overly depressed or happy. I don’t know how long I can handle her constant complaints and hugs.  Oh, and Miss Knight won’t leave me alone. I guess after yesterday’s incident she thinks where ‘best friends’. Well it’s either that or she thinks where something deeper, and I don’t even want to consider that thought.


I looked outside and into the hot summer day while playing on my DS. “There’s a party tonight Isabel. We should so go” Sarah said as she sauntered up to me. I still hadn’t forgiven her for ruining my boxers. “Please” she whined as she snatched the DS and held it above her head. I got up and stretched to reach it, cracking my spine in the process but in the end I guess I was too short.


“Give it back” I said, my voice coated with irritation. “And anyway, you’re pregnant now and you have a baby to think about.”


I was expecting a snarky comeback but not the sad smile she shot my way. “That’s the thing” she said quietly, “this may be my only chance.”

Signing I looked at anything but her. One thing I could not take is someone this depressed. I guess I still cared for her…deep down.


“W-well I have nothing to wear” I muttered in defeat. I really do give up easily. She looked shock for a moment and then she was prancing around and squealing like a lady on drugs.  


After her little jumping marathon, she clutched my hand and pulled me up. “This is going to be so fun Isabel. I going to show you how to look like a girl.” I wasn’t sure if I was meant to take that to heart or not.


 I raised my eyebrow and looked at my clothes. I wasn’t a total lazy ass who didn’t care what I wear. I actually spent few minutes a day deciding. Ok, yes maybe it may seem like I wear the same things every day, like a uniform, but that’s only because all my clothes look the same. All I have in my cupboard are jeans, shirts, tights, shorts and combat boots. The slippers I wear aren’t really mine but my mums. Mine broke ages ago but I was too lazy to actually go buy another pair.


When we arrived at my bedroom door, after Sarah had pushed me up the stairs, she shoved me inside roughly and slammed the door behind me. “Hurry up, get dressed,” she said excitedly. I felt like Cinderella or Fiona from Shrek for being locked up in my own room.


I huffed a breath out and began rummaging through the books on the floor for yesterday’s shorts. I was too lazy to go downstairs again and get the new pair from the cloths line, and anyway Sarah would probably beat the crap out of me.


Lazily I grabbed a white tank top and quickly dressed into it, while I tried to brush out my hair using my fingers. I threw on my combat boots and pocketed my purse and phone. All set for the world ahead.


“Hurry up you fatso!” Sarah called.


Rolling my eyes I ran towards the stairs and tripped over nothing but particles know as atoms, before falling to my doom. I heard a scream before I was tumbling down. “Belly!”


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Don’t worry people, this has happened before. Sarah wasn’t the only clumsy one around here, in fact if anyone could match her; it would have to be me. “Belly”, Sarah called as she knelt before me and held my hand, “did you break your phone?” Wow, I just fell down the stairs and that’s what she asks me.


“No, I’m perfectly fine, thanks for asking” I said sarcastically as I got up slowly. Sarah looked at me stupidly like I was the one that was acting inconsiderate. Shrugging her shoulders she picked up my glasses and handed them to me. I inspected them for any cracks and when I deemed it un-cracked I placed them on my head. “Belly” Sarah whined as she snatched my arm and began walking outside, “hurry up, you’re so slow”.


When we arrived into the hot summer’s morning, I could already feel the weight of the suns radiant light. “Well anyway, Isabel for the dress I was thinking about this-”


“Isabel!” a voice called. Oh, what now? Can’t these people leave me alone?


We both turned towards the source of the sound and I nearly gagged at the flouncing girl which was heading towards us. How can she look so happy-go-lucky in this weather?

“Isabel!” she called again as she waved her hands above her head in excitement. “Oh Isabel”.


“Who is that?” Sarah asked peeved as she squinted at the person.

“Some person?” I answered equally as peeved. I really didn’t know who that person is and how she knows my name.

When she finally came to stand before me, I studied her attire and appearance from top to bottom. She wore a frilly pink skirt with a white sequenced top that hurt the eyes. “Ow” I muttered as I focused on her face.


I Hate Scary Clowns.


And this person resembled one, with all the makeup. Her eyes were rimmed in a thick coat of black and her face was so pale that is looked like she poured a whole bucket of self-raising flour on her face. “Why are you wearing flour?” a voice asked from next to me.


Her face contorted to one of hurt, before she thrust her hip out and placed her hand on my arm. “Isabel I was calling you for ages?” she said. Yeah and I wish I never turned around. I felt like I was going to pee my pants.


“Ah who are you?” I asked bluntly. No point beating around the bush.

For a moment she looked absolutely devastated then she placed another brighter smile on her face and squealed, “Your brother’s girlfriend!”


Come again?


“My brother doesn’t have any girlfriends” I stated in suspicion. Even though he may be stupid, we still tell each other if where going out with anyone. It’s the rule, the way of life, the law of the universe. “I would know” I said as I removed my glasses and wiped the lens.


“H-he probably hasn’t told you yet” she stuttered, her voice rising by an octave. Sarah looked at her skeptically, even she didn’t believe this bums story. Shaking my head I gave her sad smile and patted her on the arm. “It’s ok; you’re not the first fling”. Though why he had a fling with you is beyond me…no offense.


Tears welled up and her eyes became focus on the house behind me. “Jon” she yelled, “tell her I’m your girlfriend!” she screamed. “JON!”

No answer. And soon she was waving her hands desperately and jumping on the spot. Why did he have to sleep with her?


“He’s not here” I began, but she pushed my aside and snatched my purse with my house keys inside. “Hey” I yelled as she sprinted to the house. Wow, she’s fast.

Sarah and I began following suite as she shoved the key inside and slammed open the door. “Jon!”


When silence met her she flared out her nostrils and went inside. “Help, rapist!” I yelled as she slammed the door. Both Sarah and I banged into it and collapsed to the floor as we tried the handle. It was locked.


“Stupid ass locked me out of my own house” I said as I banged ferociously at the door.

There was a loud crash from inside and both Sarah and I stared wide eyed as other crashes followed. “At this rate, she’s going to break everything” Sarah said in panic. I couldn’t help but agree. “There’s only one way” I muttered.


Standing, I inspected the lawn for something to throw. When I found a good sized rock, I clutched it tightly in my hand and took a deep breath. I really didn’t want to do this…




I opened my eyes to see the rock had hit the window and shattered it. “Come on” I called as I ran towards it and began to break of the left over shards. I couldn’t help but feel happy that I got a direct hit instead of sending it flying somewhere else.


When all the shards were gone I clambered inside and looked outside to see Sarah close behind me. “She could be dangerous” she whispered. I couldn’t agree more. If this mad woman was crazy enough to steal my bag, I wouldn’t put it past her to kill us both. “Stay outside. If you hear me begging for help, call the police” I said deeply. Sarah nodded her head as I bent down and sneaked through to the kitchen where the bang was heard.


I saw the crazy lady as she rummaged through the cupboards for something. “Hey” I yelled. She turned around sharply and my god was she scary. She could be Samara Morgan from the ring. Her hair was covering her face and it didn’t help that her red lipstick was smudged. “He loved me” she wailed as she walked towards me. Oh Holy Squid ward this lady is going to kill me with a tissue box!


I opened my mouth to scream but stopped short when she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. This is worse than I thought. She’s going to kill me with a snotty tissue.


“I thought he loved me…” she whispered pathetically. Oh, right she’s just depressed. Why does love have to be so complicated?


Signing I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. “I know this is hard” I said “but you have to move on. There’s no point crying over spilt milk”. She looked at me as she blew her nose. “I j-just t-thought” she stuttered as her eyes poured out more tears.

 “I’m sorry” I whispered, “he’s a jerk and he’s too good for you.”

She wailed when I said that and I tried to cover up my error. “I mean you’re too good for him”.

“No, I know, I’m not what he deserves. I mean he’s so smart and good looking, I’ll never live up to his standards,” she stated. Smart? Who ever said he was smart? He can’t even tell left to right.


“Hmm, I so feel for you” I said, “but you can’t just break into my house, it’s against the law…however if you pay for the damages I’ll let you go.” Looking around I saw that she had been smashing plates on the floor. Oh man, and that was my Winnie the Poo one! Now I felt like slapping her senseless. One for breaking my plate, and two for falling in love with my brother. I mean come on, how can you fall in love with a person like him?


“I am so sorry” she said, “I’ll pay you latter”. Sniffing she began walking towards the front door. However before she left she turned to me and sent me a sorrowful smile, “can you leave a message for him?” No, I wanted to answer, leave it on the phone. “Can you tell him that I’ll always be waiting…and that night was something I’ll never forget.”


Ok, ewe, I’m his sister and I don’t want to know what he does in his spare time or with whom. I forced a smile, and I think it came across like I was in unbearable pain. “Sure” I bit out tightly.


When she had left, Sarah came inside with her phone clutched in her hand. “Wow, she looked scary”. I couldn’t agree more. I looked tiredly at the mess and groaned. Why is today becoming such an effort?


“Help me clean this up” I muttered.


At the shops after stabbing myself with plate shards…


“What are you going to do about the window?” Sarah asked as we walked around the mall. I really didn’t know, but I sure was going to give an earful to my brother. “I don’t know” I said as I stared ahead blankly. I heard a sign before my hand was grabbed and I was being dragged towards the elevator. “I usually go shop around there” I stated, and then I pointed to the area where a cluster of shops were located. “No wonder. Those shops have no spice” Sarah huffed. I didn’t know how I was meant to take that…


“Where going over there” she said as she pointed upwards, “prepared to be amazed”.


When we got onto the elevator and I began moving up I couldn’t help but think about the money I’ll be spending when I could be buying some food. I really don’t get the workings of a girl. Why buy a dress if you only wear it once in a blue moon?


The elevator doors dinged and opened. It was like neon lights were flashing and I had to squint because everything was so radiant here. People were glowing and flaunting in there Prada’s and there designer attire. If this was heaven, then I must have been living in hell…


“Come on” Sarah giggled, then I was being pulled forward and I entered the forbidden land. It was like I entered Narnia. “This is going to be so fun. I’m going to give you the total makeover.” Oh no, what have I gotten myself into.


After walking for hours and spending money on useless things.


It was hours before Sarah let me rest in the food court. My feet were aching and I was hungry. Who knew shopping takes out so much? I could see Sarah in the distance chatting up some guys. Wow, she has a baby on the way and she’s flirting with guys.


I took out my wallet and nearly fell to my knees when I saw I had a few bucks left. Hurray, I can buy some food! I was about to bolt out of there and go to the Hot dog stand right in front of me, when I realized with regret that I had a whole pile of bags to keep watch. Anyone can steal them…


Signing in defeat I examined the bags strewn across the floor. They were mostly cocktail dresses for me and some designer shirts, since I already have a lot of bottoms. As I knew it, it was a waste of money. The only good thing that came out of it was that I was able to buy another pair of combat boots with flames.


Tapping my foot impatiently, I waited for Sarah’s return. She said there was still one more stop to make, and what that stop is, is beyond me. We both probably cleared the whole building.


Sending Sarah a text to get her ass back, I watched the passerby’s. I felt like a pervert for watching them. I hate when you have nothing to do but watch other people, and then they give you this stare when the catch you.


“Some ones impatient” a voice said from above. I peeked up to see Sarah standing above me with a smug smile as she waved a piece of paper in the air. I wasted my time so she could get a number, though I shouldn’t be surprised…


“We have one more stop” she said, her voice coated with excitement. “Then we can go home and get ready, I mean I can do you’re….” At that moment I tuned her out. I couldn’t really care less, I just wanted to eat and laze around. I hadn’t even realized we had been walking and that we had entered a shop, or to be more specific a barber.


“No way” I said as I shook my head and tried to escape Sarah’s death grip. “I like my hair the way it is.”


“Come on, just some highlights” she asked, “I mean no offense but your hairs so bland.”

My hair is not ‘bland’; in fact it’s a very beautiful midnight black. Narrowing my eyes I looked at her and I hoped I got the message across that she pisses me off. “Please Isabel”.


Cue the groan.


“Fine, but only one streak” I muttered darkly. She squealed so high that I nearly lost the gift of hearing.


Damn girl.



Chapter 6: Grand theft auto

Chapter 6: Grand theft auto


We were kicked out.

From that god forsaken place and it’s just because I couldn’t stay still. It wasn’t my fault they couldn’t stop tickling me.

After I had gotten my streak, Sarah insisted, no forced me to get a manicure and a bikini wax. Sheesh those waxes hurt like hell, and I think the lady doing it hated me, because she practically ripped the thing off. Though it was my fault for kicking her in the face when she tried to apply nail polish onto my toe nails. It was just an instant reaction, and I have very sensitive toe nails.


“I can’t believe you” Sarah fumed, “you got us kicked out of the best place in here!”


Ok angry person coming through. I actually wanted to laugh and say that it served her right for making me go through that hell, but I kept my mouth sealed shut or Sarah would be convicted of murder.


“But it doesn’t matter now. I get to still look forward to the party”. Wasn’t she depressed a moment ago?


“Yay, the party” I said with overly fake enthusiasm. My feet are going to be bleeding latter. And it also didn’t help that the bags we have were starting to cause a constant ache to my arms. How come I was the only one carrying the most?


When we arrived at my old beat up truck, I could see Sarah turn her nose up in disgust. I heaved the bags into the back and wanted to sign into her face. What, you think that bright pink car you have is any better?


Sarah took out her phone and glanced at the screen for a moment before she said, “holy shit, give me the keys”.

I looked at her stupidly before she attacked me and snatched my purse from my reach. What is it with today and people taking my things?

She flung the bag back to me when she had the keys firmly in her hand and ran to the other side of the truck and towards the drivers end. “Get in Isabel, hurry”.


It was so sudden that all I could do was get in dumbly and fasten my seatbelt. “What’s going on Sarah” I asked as she revved the engine and made it purr. “Where late” was all she said before we were flying through the car park and doing a 360 in the middle.


Screaming I latched onto the handle bar as we jolted forward with the tires squealing. “Whoop whoop” Sarah yelled as we entered the road and took an illegal U-turn so we were heading towards a back street. What the hell! I feel like I’m in Grand theft auto or freaking James Bond movie.

I half expected Sarah to pull out a gun from her bra and begin shooting civilians. Is this what she did when she became popular? Am I in a car with a potential weirdo? Wait she was always weird…but this is just extreme!


“Sarah!” I screamed as we headed for a ramp. “Don-” but I was cut short when I was defying gravity and watching the road disappear from beneath us.


There’s an old lady crossing the road!

 I squinted my eyes as we fell onto the road and began heading towards her. “Sarah!” I yelled, but then the seatbelt was jabbing into my chest and the breath was knocked out of me as we came to a standstill.

The lights cast a glow around the lady and the white strands of hair that fell into her face. She stopped in the center of the zebra crossing and slowly began turning towards us.

Was that a nose piercing and a face tattoo?  

She gave us a grimace and shot us the middle finger. What the hell?

Sarah revved the engine and inched forward. “Hurry up old grandma” she called, her blonde locks falling into her eyes.


When the old lady had moved to the side, Sarah practically rammed straight on. I was plunged back and deep into the cushioned seat as we were once again racing across the abandon streets. I didn’t even know this place existed…


It was probably only just a few minutes before we reached my house. I practically threw the door off its hinges and collapsed onto the pavement like a lump of poop. I am never going to let her drive again. I army crawled towards the bushes where I threw up all I’ve eaten. I heard a gagging sound from behind me as I wiped my mouth and stumbled towards the front door.


I reached for my purse; too only see it was in Sarah’s hand with all the other bags. She trudged forward slowly and heaved a deep breath of air as a vain popped in her temple. I wasn’t bothered to get up as I leaned on the wall and watched her through the corner of my eye. When she finally came to stand before me with the keys in her hand I said “don’t ever do that again”. It was the only thing I could get out before I felt like I was going to hurl again. I think I died in that car and resurrected.


She laughed in joy as she unlocked the door and threw the bags on the hallway floor. “Sorry. It’s just that we’ll have no time to prepare for the party with the rate we were going”. She killed me because of that? Oh, I swear one of these days I’m going to force feed her carbs while she’s tied to a chair and watching play school.


I tumbled inside as Sarah held my hand. “Come on Isabel, it’s time to party!” Sarah squealed. I mumbled curse words under my breath cursing her to the bottom of the sea. “Go wash yourself; I’ll put the clothes for tonight out in the bed.”

She gave me one final shove up the stairs before she disappeared back into the hallway singing a horrible pop song. My ears are bleeding, I’m probably going to die from blood loss…


After the shower and gulping down half the bottle of mouth wash, I entered my room with the towel wrapped firmly around me. I crept to the window and peeked out at Miss Knights house, because ever since I know she can scale buildings I’ve been scared shitless. I shut the curtains and it was then that I noticed the bag on the bed and the combat boots on the floor. Walking cautiously towards it with my heart racing, I poked it with the antenna I found on the floor. It’s safe to say that this isn’t a bomb.


I looked inside and took the piece of articles and placed them on the bed laid out. It was a simple flowing black dress with a red bow tied at the bodice. It wasn’t what I was expecting Sarah to give me; in fact I had been preparing myself for something overly skimpy. Though she probably knows that if she gave me something too revealing I would beat the crap out of her.


Oh is that a sweet in a very suspicious place. Should I eat it? I mean, what harm can it do? I placed the sweet into my mouth and savored the taste. Banana.


I clipped on my bra and let the dress flow down my body. It was so soft and it felt like I was going commando. Who knew there were dresses like these? I grabbed the new combat boots with the flames and placed them on, signing with happiness. When I looked into the mirror I nearly gasped. I wonder if that was why Sarah made me get a ‘red’ streak. It was like she planned this….


“Isabel, I’m coming in to do your makeup” Sarah called from behind the closed bedroom door.

Wait, did she say makeup. Oh no, I have very bad experiences with those tools of doom. I tried it once and I stabbed my eye and dropped the whole makeup bag on my toe. I barricaded the door with my weight as Sarah tried to open it. “Let me in Isabel” she said tightly.

“Never” I yelled. There was a moment of silence before I heard retreating steps. Did she already give up?

I relaxed my tenses muscles for a second before I was flying through the air. Why do I always end up flying?

I landed with a thud on the floor, with my limbs strewn all over the place. I looked up to see Sarah standing there with a smile of victory. “Isabel I’m the state champion in martial arts”. Huh? When did this happen…and why do I feel so dizzy. “I knew this was going to happen” I heard a distance voice say, “so I drugged you with the sweet”. I knew there was something odd about it…

She then pulled out a leopard stripped bag from behind her back and a long piece of rope. “This is for your own good…”



Holy shit…






Chapter 7: Tied down

Chapter 7: Tied down


I opened my eyes only to be met by darkness, and when I tried moving my hands I realized that I couldn’t. What the hell, what happened? All I remember is being on the floor and-



All the events came rushing back, the sweet, the ninja kick, passing out and Sarah’s confession. Oh when I get my hands on her, I’m going to slap her to mars. “It’s about time you woke up” a voice said as a bright light flashed onto my face.

“I was worried you would sleep through the night”.


“Sarah” I yelled, and when I licked my lips and I tasted strawberries. Is this lip gloss?

“What have you done to me?” I yelled with my tummy churning.

“There’s nothing to fear Isabel” she said as she appeared in front of the un-earthly glow. I squinted my eyes when she came into focus in front of me. In her hands she held my glasses and placed them on my face gently. “It was all done for you”.


“Like hell it was!” I screamed as I tried to break free from the bindings. Was this some kind of action movie I was starring in? She let an ear piercing laugh and twirled a piece of my hair in her long fingers. “But look at the product” she whispered as she brought out a hand mirror from behind her.


I felt a scream about to rip through my throat as the mirror inched closer, however it was cut short when I saw the girl in the reflection. Now don’t get me wrong, I was scared but the shock was out weighing it by a million.

Because the person in the mirror looked like a…

“DEMON!” I screamed as I thrashed wildly around.

“ISABEL!” Sarah yelled in my face.

“It’s a Demon! Get it away from me!”

“Isabel this is you” she said as she grabbed my upper arms and began shaking me. “It’s you, and you’re beautiful”.

“That’s the thing! I can’t be that pretty.”  Call me weird, but hey what can I say?


 Sarah rolled her eyes as she walked towards the light and flicked the switch off. “Don’t be so dramatic” she said. Oh, I was dramatic. Says the one that tied me to a bloody chair!

The bedroom lights flashed on and Sarah walked towards me where she began untying me, “don’t hit me ok” she said. “I had to do it, or you’ll never let me”. I guess she had a point; I’ll let her go this time…


“Then don’t do that again” I said with menace. She shrugged her shoulders like all had been forgotten.  Why you-


“Isabel, there’s no point complaining over spilt milk” Sarah replied dismissively as she picked up two purses. “I’ve fully equipped these purses with makeup, phones, your house keys, girl stuff and” now she began to move her eyebrow up and down, ‘you know what…”  If you don’t get that, then god bless you.


I stood up and stretched as I finally got a good look at Sarah. Her bleached hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she wore a tight pink dress with 3 inch heels. I don’t even know how she walks in those death traps…

Her skin was unbelievingly tanned and I bet if I ran my finger over her complexion, the spray paint will come off. How she had time to do that is also beyond my comprehension. I guess her sense of style for herself will never change…


We both exited the house after locking it and duck taping the hole from earlier. It was only a temporally measure, though I was sure Miss Knight will handle any intruders with her freaky skills.

“Let’s go to my house and take my car” Sarah said as she flicked her hair. “Because no offense but your car is so old”. How am I not to be offended by that?


“No” I said as I crossed my arms and froze in front of my truck. “I am not getting in your hideously bright pink car”.  She looked offended for a moment, before she sneered and began walking in the direction of her place. “Fine” she snapped, “I’ll just go get my car and use it myself”. Wow, someone’s crabby…


“Fine. And don’t have any alcohol” I yelled with equal annoyance and crabbiness. The only response I got was her rude finger.


I opened the door to my car and got into the driver’s seat, relaxing into the comfort of the worm out leather. Huffing out a breath I realized one thing that could cause serious problems. I didn’t know the address…

Embarrassed, I began pondering about just ditching and staying home. Sarah probably wouldn’t mind, right? I mean I don’t owe her or anything…but she did put a lot of effort and….no I don’t have to go….still I’ll feel bad…Ah!

In the end I decided to go but I didn’t want to hurt my pride by calling her, because to me that would be like waving a banner and singing I’m inferior to her. No way was I going to do that, call it nerds pride or whatever. So I just stuck to driving aimlessly around the streets.

I suppose part of me wished that I’ll never find it and that it was like in Mexico, but another part of me, the more sensible side told me I had to go. Because Sarah was pregnant, and I couldn’t have her endangering herself.


It didn’t take long to locate the place, with all of the lights and pumping music. Even in the car, parked 10 meters away I could feel the vibrations. I sat there numbly and couldn’t help but feel a bile rise up. I’ve never done this before, I’ve never been to a party and I’ve never give a damn. But here I am, sitting a few minutes’ walk from it. It also didn’t help that this party wasn’t just a small gathering but a whole mansion rocking, music pumping and grinding body’s party. Just imagine what’s going to happen on the dance floor. I’m winking and raising my eyebrows people.


Taking a deep breath, I began doing math’s equations in my head. It’s something I tend to do when I get overly nervous, and especially in situations like this. I’m not really that much of a known person among the student body and thus for this I don’t really get invited to the ‘it’ party’s. Or if I am, I tend not to go.


Signing I looked into the review mirror and gave myself a self-talking. You can do this…you’ve come this far, and Sarah needs you. Who knows what she’s doing in a time like this….


I took a deep fortifying breath and opened the car door, my heart thumping in my chest like I was going to rob a bank. This is it. Slowly, but surely I made my way towards the grinding bodies at the front and the people making out. It was a wonder how the neighbors never complain, because if Miss Knight was making this much noise, I’ll have an officer waiting outside her door. Though it is Miss Knight…


I took a breath as the strong stench of beer wafted up my nose. Oh I can’t do this. I’ve always been a mummy’s girl…but Sarah. At least I have to find her then I can leave. Yes, that’s it. I’ll just find her and then take her home, even if I have to gag and drag her.


With this new thought in my mind I took one last cleansing breath and clutched my purse tighter, before pushing my way through. I felt hands trying to grab me as I made it into the large sitting room, a Katy Perry song vibrating through the house. Sticking to the corners like a ninja I crawled through the shadows. I didn’t want to be noticed.


I stopped in the farthest corner and peered over the heads, going on my tepee toes and trying to see Sarah. I looked for her bleached blonde hair and unmistakable pink dress but I couldn’t find her. Signing I made my way towards the kitchen, where the smell of alcohol was stronger.



 Yum. Walking towards it I picked one up but something seemed odd. Then when I placed it into my mouth I knew it was spiked. Gagging I spat it out and into my hand and began coughing madly. Some people stopped to give me odd looks but I ignored them and made my way towards the tap. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard I filled it with water and gulped it down in one go. Damn, I forgot they spiked the food…


What a waste of food I thought with great regret.


Giving up on the search downstairs I began to feel the urge to go to the toilet. I looked around with uncertainty and wondered around aimlessly for the cubicle to pee. When I found one, there was a long line of girls with miniskirts and cropped tops waiting. I bet they didn’t even want to go to the toilet but just use the mirror. Rolling my eyes I knew there was no point waiting here when the line seemed to be getting longer.

There’s an upstairs toilet right? This is a freaking mansion and I may come across Sarah…


It was good thought and leaving the line behind I located the stairs and climbed to the second story. People were dangling of the railing and making out, and some girls were even pole dancing. Yuck, have some decency!


I stuck to the edge and managed to squeeze my way through, barely avoiding being squashed by a couple having intercourse. Though it was a relief to be upstairs. There was less people here and only the few scattering of couples. Most of the bedroom doors were locked shut and noises came from behind…I don’t even want to think about what they’re doing.


It was also more dimly lit here with more shadows, and as I walked further into the house I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching me. But I was probably acting paranoid…I hope. When I turned yet another corner, I knew I was lost. How could this house be so BIG! And what was with these turns?


It was ages before I found a bathroom, and I wanted to sing because I thought I was going to pee in my undies. Going inside I did my business and looked at my reflection. I didn’t look any different from when I left the house, only a bit more flushed because of the heat. I opened my purse and was going to suck up my pride and call Sarah when there was a sudden knock on the door. I placed the phone back as the screen flashed on and signaled I had a message from Sarah. I wanted to check it but I couldn’t as the knocks began becoming more insistent. “Ok” I called, “I’m coming”.


I turned the lock and opened the door only to be grabbed and shoved back roughly. I didn’t even have time to respond or scream as the person clamped a hand over my mouth and pushed me against the bathroom wall. I thrashed out as I dropped my purse and glasses before my eyes widened as a guy’s face leered at me. Oh my God, help me.


I felt tears blur my vision as the person forced their lips onto my neck and began sucking harshly. I cried out into his hand as I tried to hit him with my hands. But he was built like a brick house and I was built like a baby lamb. I was defenseless and he knew it. Why did I have to go to the toilet?


I could tell he was getting annoyed with the fertile attempts made by me, as he pushed more forcefully that my back was flat against the wall. Please, I wanted to cry, stop!

I could smell the staleness of beer waft up my nose as he laughed in my face and began feeling me up. He grabbed my butt and squeezed and I couldn’t help but think I hate parties and this was why I never came. “Come on, don’t be like that baby” he cooed in his ruff voice as his lips brushed my forehead.


I prayed to every living thing I know and promised I’ll be nicer to Sarah if I make it out of this, when I saw my opportunity. His hand had slackened around my mouth as he tried to remove my clothes, and biting really hard on his hand, he let go enough for me to scream. I screamed like I never have before, more than I screamed when I broke my leg in fourth grade or when a spider was sleeping next to my face.




My head crashed to the side and bounced of the wall as the stinging sensation formed pin pricks against my skin. I knew there was going to be a bruise and my head began to painfully thrum. “You shouldn’t have done that” he muttered into my ear with menace that I felt shivers run up my spine. I knew tears were streaming down my face as I realized the hopelessness of my situation. No, I screamed internally, please stop, when he grabbed my neck and began squeezing.


I felt Goosebumps rise on my skin like pimples as I stared blankly ahead when he began kissing my throat again. He bit hard onto the tender skin and I whimpered pathetically. Forget pride, I would scream and run naked down the street just to get him to stop.


He was going for it. His hands moved to take of my dress but before he could he was flung to the side. I crumpled the floor without the support and began coughing violently as air rushed back to me. I stared to the side to see a muscular back beating the shit out of the guy. His muscles rippled in the navy blue shirt as he kept pounding away. Even though I knew the guy deserved it, I couldn’t deal with a blood bath. I reached my hand across and touched the guys back gently. He jolted forward as he glanced back. “Stop” I whispered and even though I couldn’t see him because of the tears, I thought I saw his face softened.


The guy on the floor scrambled up in the distraction and bolted out of there. I thought he sneered at me and made a nasty comment before he disappeared with a limp behind the door. I sat silently as I picked up my glasses and wiped my eyes, drying them on my hands which were shaking. I placed the glasses firmly on my face when I was sure the tears had stopped and looked up to see the guy inspecting me from across the toilet.


He was hot.


He had shaggy blonde hair and pale blue eyes. I could see that he was well defined and lean and he gave of that aura of ‘I don’t take nonsense’.


“I should have used my ninja skills” I blurted out. Right of course that’s the first thing I would say to a guy who saves my ass. I stood up slowly, my throat burning and my cheek flaming as I grabbed my purse from the floor.

He looked at me strangely as he followed suite. He was also tall, somewhere around 6 foot or something. I stared up at him and felt my cheeks get hot. “T-thanks” I stuttered. What was wrong with me?


“How can you be stupid enough to go into a place that’s practically deserted?” he asked, “I mean it’s common knowledge that something’s going to happen”. He raised his eyebrows mockingly as he pushed past me and made for the door. “You’re probably stupid and an attention seeker”.


Oh no he didn’t. No one calls me stupid! I still have my ego to protect.


“Well, how come the sky is blue?!” I yelled at his retreating back. He laughed mockingly and replied over his shoulder, “The sky is blue because of the way the Earth's atmosphere scatters light from the sun”.


Shit he’s smart.


“Well”, now I ran up to him and had to jog to keep in step with him. “What did the scientist say when he found 2 isotopes of helium?”

Looking at me strangely he walked faster. He was probably just ashamed he didn’t know the answer. Suck that you smarty pants!

“HeHe” I answered.


“Ha, ha, ha” he said sarcastically, “so funny”. I kept throwing jokes about chemistry at him and I could tell he was getting annoyed. That should teach you, you big fat jerk!


When we finally stopped it was at the stairs leading to the party. “Goodbye” he said quickly as he disappeared among the bodies. I tried to grab his shirt, because for some reason I didn’t want him to go. I actually enjoyed his company, even though he is a self-centered dick. But I was too late and he was gone. I signed miserably as my thoughts drifted towards who he was. I’ve never seen him, so he must be new or from another school…or from planet hotness. Phew, did you see that body-


Wait! I have no time to be thinking about him. Sarah. She’s the one I should be thinking about! I took out my phone and opened the text message.


‘Hey Isabel, I decided not 2 go. LOL see u 2moro’.


What the hell!

Oh when I get home I’m going to pound her face. She made me go through all that and she didn’t even turn up! I shoved the phone back into the purse with my nose flaring angrily. I pushed past people and made my way towards the front door, there complaints filling my ears. “Shove of” I said when a guy made a grab for me. I was pissed. Who writes ‘LOL’ after they say ‘see u 2moro’? That doesn’t even make sense…


When I exited the mansion I made my way towards the car, my feet stomping on the ground. I slammed the car door open and got inside before cranking up the gears and racing out of there. I couldn’t go home because I was so angry, so I decided to drive aimlessly with no destination in mind.


Then it all came crashing down on me. I stopped the car on the side of the road and screamed into my hands. I just got assaulted. This wasn’t like staying in at lunch time or getting an afternoon detention, this was a serious crime. I felt tears blur my vision and I knew the only way to make me snap out of it was to get something to eat. I stepped on the gas and sped down the road towards Wal-Mart.


 Parking the car in a rush, I dashed out and ran like a mad woman towards the entrance. I sprinted in and grabbed a random trolley. Wheeling it I began making my way down the aisle, a sense of de ja vu coming over me.


I walked into the sweet section and grabbed chocolates of all kinds, and then I went to the freezers and got three buckets of ice cream. I decided I may even pig out on some salty chips and I bought abundant amount to last a month. Pushing the trolley, which was piled up with food, I made my way towards the front where the counter was. The lady popped her bubble gum and looked at me in disgust. She rolled her eyes as she scanned everything painfully slowly and placed them in plastic bags. I glared at her annoyed and finally after decades of waiting, with a beard growing and bushy eyebrows I slapped some money onto the counter and left. It was a mad dash to get home and I rammed into the front door and up the stairs. Sarah called out to me from the living room but I ignored her and barricaded myself inside my room.


I switched on my laptop and flipped to the latest movies before dumping all the food onto my bed and ripping all the packets open. I stripped out into my underwear and put on a baggy sweat shirt before lying across my bed and immersing myself in the cartoon. “Isabel is something wrong?” Sarah asked as she tried to open the door, “I can’t seem to open you door”. I threw a pillow at the door and told her to go away. “Isabel if this is about the party, I’m sorry.” I signed as I rubbed my eyes and stuffed my mouth with chips. “It’s nothing” I said, “I just want to be alone”. There was a moment of silence before I heard footsteps retreating. “Ok, I’ll be downstairs,” she called. 


Chapter 8: Help, I’m dying!

Chapter 8: Help, I’m dying!

I woke up with a taste of saltiness in my mouth. My head was pounding and my cheek was flaming as I held onto it. Yesterday’s events came rushing back to me and I groaned as I rolled off the bed and slammed onto the floor. Sweets and chips fell onto my back and my phone crashed onto the floor. I reached over and peered at the screen. It was past 12 and groaning I crawled towards the door. I need water. I licked my lips and nearly gagged as I unlocked the door and army crawled downstairs.


I felt bile rise in my throat when I reached the kitchen and I retched into the bin. I opened the tap and gulped water like I was a dying person, and felt intense relief when the water touched my wounds. “Isabel is that you?” Sarah asked as she walked towards me. I felt a hand touch my bare shoulder and I shuddered. It felt so cool against my skin. “Isabel you’re burning up!” Sarah said as she grabbed me and turned me around. I felt so weak that I flopped into her arms as she crouched down and felt my forehead. “This is bad” she muttered. Her eyes trailed down my face and froze on what must be the bruise. “What happened?” she asked panicked. My eyes became unfocused as I leaned my head against her chest. “I feel so hot” I muttered.


“Yeah obviously, you have a fever. We should take you to the couch. Come on” she said as she wrapped her arms around me and heaved me up. She half dragged and half carried me towards the lounge where she laid me down. Then she walked away before coming back with some blankets and an ice pack. “I’m going to go to the pharmacy and get some medicine,” she said as laid the cool cloth on my head and covered me in some blankets. “Then tell me later what happened to your face and why you came storming in”. I murmured something into the blanket and drifted off to a deep troubled slumber.


After that everything was disorientated. I remember Sarah coming home and giving me the medicine before she left, then waking up later that night to see she still wasn’t home. I didn’t feel that bad and I was able to flip on the TV. I did puke about 3 times however, and I had to drag myself back and forth between the bin and the living room. The stench was horrible, and after I felt a little more empowered I cleaned the mess up and used a whole bottle of fragrance to get rid of the disgusting odor. I even managed to clean myself up a bit. My makeup was all smudged and I looked like a raccoon with my knotty hair. It took some time to get myself looking decent, though I was too lazy to go upstairs and there were moments where my mind went fuzzy. My face stung and I could feel I bruise forming on my head. Touching it sent shock waves of pain.


It was around six when the doorbell rang. Getting up from the sofa I walked towards the door, not really caring that I had no pants on. The baggy shirt was already like a dress which reached mid-thigh, and if it was anyone that was at the door, it had to be Sarah. I called out drowsily as I wiped my face, when another wave of dizziness came over me. I stumbled to the door and swung it opened to reveal…


The guy from before!


I was speechless. Utterly speechless as I stood there and stared at him. It was like we were having a staring contest before he blinked in surprise. “Figures you’ll be the neighbor” he muttered dryly. The moment was broken as his eyes trailed down my body and studied my attire. I felt a hot blush spread through my cheeks and I covered my face using my hands. I felt like I was going to collapse.


“I’m here to deliver a message from-” but before he could finish I had already leaned forward and collapsed into his arms. “Hey” he stuttered as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Get a hold of yourself”. I murmured into his shirt as I inhaled the spicy aroma of herbs. Was he cooking? Now I want food…


I felt a warm hand touch my face and I heard a loud curse. “Can’t you take care of yourself” he said as he pushed me inside and carried me to the sofa. “Where’s your parents?” he asked as he placed the ice pack on my face. I mumbled as I stretched and felt my shirt ride up. I thought I saw him blush as he threw a blanket over me and glanced away. Hmm, some ones embarrassed. Wink, wink.


I was about to drift into the dream world that waited, when I felt a hand brush my face and then harshly probe at my bruise. I cried out as I swatted at his hand and turned so my back was facing him.


Go away…  



























Ok, this is not the end of the chapter. I repeat this is not the end of the chapter.


After I had cooled down and regained some form of reality, I just laid there and stared at the boy who sat across from me holding a wash cloth. He looked annoyed.


There was no sympathy in his eyes and he looked pretty pissed off. It looked like he didn’t even want to be there, helping me. In fact he looked like he wanted to strangle me using gummy worms. “What?” he asked as he placed the cloth on my face and sat crouched in front of me. “Is there a reason you keep staring?”


I looked away quickly and sat up slowly, my eyes straying to the clock on the wall. It was 9:00pm, and I was alone with a boy…

If mum were here she would be checking him out while dad would try and act like a mafia boss. Jon would just sit there and be sexting, not giving a shit. I cleared my throat and pointed out the obvious, “you’re in my house.”


“No shit” he muttered as he got up and stretched.


Hubba-Hubba, did the temperature just rise? Because that’s one fine babe in front of me. I let my eyes linger on his abs which were outlined by his white shirt. This was probably the only action I would get in my life. I’ll probably grow old with a beard and live with cats and be like those creepy old ladies down the street.


I tore my eyes away before he could see me checking his oh so perfect body and stared blankly ahead. Where was Sarah?

 I felt my tummy rumble and I clutched it. “I’m so hungry” I stressed before I tumbled off the couch and onto the floor. There was a thud as I began rolling towards the kitchen. “Um, what are you doing?” a voice asked. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Duh” I replied, “I’m going to the kitchen”. There was a moment of silence as I turned a corner and entered the kitchen.

“You’re so weird” he muttered and I shot back, “no I’m just bizarre.”

“What’s the difference?” he asked as he looked down at me. He was so bloody tall. My god he was like Jesus. Don’t know how that had anything relating to him being tall….

“Bizarre is unusual. Weird is suggesting something supernatural”. I looked this shit up people.

“Right” he said, dragging out the ‘r’. Dick.

I stretched out my arm and looked at him expectantly. “Help” I whined. He rolled his eyes and wrapped a hand around my arm, before heaving me up.

“You’re so lazy”

“I know I am, but what are you?”

He frowned and leaned back against the granite counter. I shrugged as I began raiding to the cupboards, my eyes scrounging for something to eat. “Come out, come out wherever you are” I muttered as I stretched and felt the top ride up. Forgot I wasn’t wearing anything but a top and my underwear. I felt a blush rise on my face as I quickly fell on my knees and covered my face. So embarrassing…


“Now what” a voice enquired. Hmm, his voice sounds like—No, he’s a dick. His voice sounds like something out of a horror movie.

“It’s nothing” I hissed as I stood up. I didn’t want to turn around; after all I was nearly butt naked.


I glanced back to see him slumped and looking at his phone. “I think I should leave now” he said as he scratched his neck. Ah, he looks so cute. I mean look at the way his hair fell into his eyes and his pursed pink lips. So pink and…


Wait! Forget I even thought that. Stupid brain. Must be the hunger. Makes you do crazy shit. Awkwardly I stated, “sure , thanks for your help and all….” There was a moment between us where we didn’t know what to do, and I turned around and busied myself with trying to find some food.


Then it came to me.  


It was better than the cure to cancer, the first landing, the first making of ice-cream…no scratch that, the making of ice-cream was a world changing event. Cookies and cream, chocolate, vanilla, Black Licorice—the point is my idea was awesome.


Clicking my fingers I began waddling towards the basement door at the side of the hallway. Don’t ask why I was waddling like a penguin, I just felt like it. “Where you going?” I heard a voice ask. Ignoring it I opened the door to the basement and looked down. Shit, it looked like something out of a horror film. With its creaky looking stairs, moldy wood and dim lighting.


I flicked the switch on and the dim light cast around the room. Signing I peered deeper down the stairs and wondered if it was still there. Because back in the day I used to have an old donut maker. I liked my lips at the thought of the donuts and I carefully took a step forward, testing the stairs. So far so good. I took another step forward.


“What are you doing?!” a voice yelled.

“Its fine”, another step, “see—Oh SHIT!” I screamed, and then I was falling.


I opened my eyes and groaned as I slowly sat up. “You idiot” a voice said. I looked up and rolled my eyes. “Thanks for asking, I’m totally fine”. Bastard…though it was my fault…    




I grabbed my throbbing head and removed my hand quickly when I felt something damp.

“Oh my GOD! Call the police, the Swat team, anyone. I’m dying of freaking blood loss.” Ok, maybe it wasn’t that much blood, but still. I saw the guy above roll his eyes and glare at me. “Whose fault is this?”

I innocently looked up, “pardon?” I got up, the wood crunching underneath as I looked around. I nearly shit my plants when I looked around. The place was exactly like out of a horror flick.


“You!” I whisper-yelled. “Get me out of here”. I cast doubtful looks around the dark corners. Did something move over there?


“Na, I think I like seeing you panic”. I laughed without humor as I walked closer towards the hole and looked at him. “Not funny” I said. He shrugged and I jumped up, trying to reach the jagged edges to heave myself up.


He rolled his eyes again and laid on his tummy, his hands reaching down and wrapping around my hands. They were so big and I shivered at the warmth. He heaved me up and I swung my legs awkwardly to the side, latching onto the side.


When we were both away from the door and back into the hallway, we just stared at each other. “Sup” I said. He shook his head and his hair flew into his eyes. “What’s your name anyway?” I asked as I titled my head to the side. Bits of wood and plaster falling into my face and eyes. Ow, that hurts.


“Hunter” he replied.


“Well my names Isabel” I said.


“So, I don’t care”. Jerk.




He shrugged and began walking away. “Bye” he said, and I looked at his back stupidly. “Aren’t you curious why I went to the basement?”

“Don’t give a shit” and then the front door was slammed shut.


What just happened?


Chapter 9: The underwear of embarrassment.

Chapter 9: The underwear of embarrassment.

My parents called.

They called the next day and said that they won’t be home because Jon caught a serious case of constipation. That he was suffering and it was like he was shitting bricks. They even said that they had to stock up on air fresheners.


I told Sarah and she began laughing her ass off, and then she wouldn’t shut up after 10 minutes, so I decided to tape her mouth. She got so pissed that she chased me around the house with a loaf of bread and a fork. After our little cat and mouse chase we both collapsed onto the floor like a sack of potatoes.


“Where were you yesterday?” I asked. Because after Hunter left, Sarah never returned till latter the next day. I was worried sick and could barely sleep. I even thought about camping outside so I would see her if she returned.


She shrugged her shoulders and looked towards the roof, her eyes going glassy as if she was remembering something. Something was up…

 “I went to the principle to tell him…”

I was shocked. I didn’t know she would actually tell someone, let alone the principle. “He told me to piss off and slammed the door onto my face”. That was not the reaction I was expecting.


“I plan to tell my mum and dad soon,” she continued, her fingers playing nervously with her top. “I think I’m going to need their help and support to get through this”. Hell you would.


I nodded my head and laid my hands gently on her tummy. “It’s going to be fine Sarah. If you want I could go with you”. She cast her eyes towards me and smiled gratefully.




We sat in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. “I don’t know how to take care of it”, she said, breaking the silence. I stared at her and replied, “We can always look it up”.


It wasn’t long before I got up and stretched lazily. I began making my way towards the kitchen and paused at the door towards the basement. Memories flashing through my mind as I blushed crazily. “I know that look!” Sarah said as she paused behind me. “That’s the look of someone who’s in L.O.V.E”


“WHAT! No way” I yelled as I waved my hands around. I mean, how can I even like that jerk of a boy. He has the ego of a football field and the attitude of squidward. Even though his eyes were a beautiful blue and his lips were the most—NO! Stop it you stupid brain.


I stomped forward and into the kitchen where I grabbed a glass of water and poured it on my face. I only did that because I felt like my cheeks were on fire and my brain was overheating.


Sarah came in and stared at me strangely as I placed the cup down and picked up an apple. Biting into it I let the juices drip down my face and said “sup?”

She shook her head and turned around, throwing a comment behind her. “I’m going to the library”, before I heard the slam of the front door. What is it and people slamming the door?


I began cleaning up the mess I made, my hair sticking damply to my face and my faded top clinging to my body. I ran my hands across my face and threw the apple core into the bin. After the water had been wiped up, I made my way towards my room. And that’s when I saw it.


Remember that demonic demon that Sarah calls a ‘dog’? Well it was in my room and it was going through my underwear drawer. Ripping them to shreds and destroying it.


 “Stop…no not that one—drop the underwear and step back” I yelled as I inched forward. “Do not touch that—actually you can destroy that one” I said as I saw him snatch the pink frilly underwear. I hated that one. Dad picked it out when he saw it on sale for half price.

I swear I saw the ‘thing’ smile, and it was that oh-I-have-a-epic-and-evil-mastermind-plan smile.


I saw him walk forward, coming towards me. That thing was grinning….and I don’t like when it grins…

Then it was launching towards me and I fell backwards as the air was knocked out of me. For a tiny dog, it sure can pack a punch. Then it was running across me and I felt its paws squash my face. If it was anyone else I would be laughing my ass off, but since it was me I was severely pissed.

I looked down at my top to see four tiny dog prints directly on my boobs. I screamed in annoyance as I heard it thunder downstairs.

“Come back!” I yelled as I got up and chased after it. When I arrived downstairs I saw it shoot outside to the backyard. I slipped on the carpet as I slammed outside and into the heat. My heart thrumming from the chase as I zoned into the fact that it was sneaking under the fence. Oh no you don’t you little bitch!


I ran after it and made it just as it slithered through to the other side. I didn’t have time to go to the front of the house so I decided on the second best thing. Quickly heaving myself up using the bin I swung myself over, however my top got caught on the wood and I ended upside down. I kicked my legs furiously as I tried to untangle myself but it was too no avail. I peered at the dog who sat wagging its tail and holding the underwear in its mouth. “It’s your entire fault” I whispered and shifted when the wood jabbed into my butt. This is awkward…


I don’t know how long I stayed upside down with my legs in the air and the blood rushing to my face. But when I looked again at the demonic dog I saw what seemed to be shoes standing next to it.

I followed the shoes up the jean clad legs and toned body, then to the face of a handsome man. Hunter.

Why does he always find me in these situations?

I saw him bend down and snatch the frilly pick underwear from the dog.

“Seriously?” he asked.

I fought to get down as I said “it’s not what it looks like”.

“No, what it looks like is that you like wearing frilly underwear and hanging upside down while chasing innocent dogs.”

“First, that dog is not innocent, and second my dad bought that”.

He rolled his eyes and said “how does that make that any better?”

It didn’t. In fact it made the situation sound worse.

“J-just get me down!” I yelled, “Or I’ll pass out from blood loss”.

“Na, I think I like this view”.

I felt a hot blush rise onto my cheeks and paint my face a bright tomato red. Jerk.

After a while of wildly thrashing around I heard what sounded like tearing, before I was slipping towards the ground. Shit.

I quickly latched onto the wood with my hands, but it was too late. I was falling onto the really hard looking concrete. This was the end.

But I never hit the floor. Yes, you guessed it. I was caught by Hunter and the most cliché part of my life happened. You know with that whole eye looking, heart stopping, and shiver starting moment? Though it was ruined when the ‘thing’ barked and peed. I swear the pee went over in an arc and landed right across from me.


Chapter 10: She's gone


Chapter 10: She's gone


Tap, tap, tap.





“Sarah I swear if you don’t shut the mother fudge up, I’ll feed you to the librarian then resurrect you before skinning you alive and giving your bones to nemo” I sassed, crossing my arms around my chest and jutting out my hip.


“What’s up your ass?” Sarah asked as she stopped the tapping of her very annoying hello kitty frilly pen. Oh she did not just go there.


“What’s up my ass? Hmm let me see” I hissed. But before I could go into a very detailed description of my embarrassing evening yesterday with the dog from hell who was the devils dog, Sara had to cut me off with a “oh did you hear?”


Yeah thanks Sarah for listening, feel the love (note the sarcasm people)


I huffed and pursed my lips as I didn’t want to rise to the bait, however being the very nosy person I am I couldn’t help but do exactly that. “What?” I asked my eyebrow raising.


“Well I found him and he is like OMG” she giggled. Huh?


Who’s he? Wait what? I am so confused…and my confusion must have been plastered on my forehead with bright PINK letters because Sarah just gave me another one of her annoying high, blackboard witch laugh; if you can call it that.


 “So I won’t need to stay here anymore!” was all I heard after I zoned out, her smile stretching across her face like she struck gold.


“Sarah do you even know the guy?”


She signed and with a groan and began waving the pen at me, the hello kitty bobble head bobbing up and down like a druggy. “What is there to know? I met him at a bar yesterday and we just were like OMG”. Ok, seriously women stop with the OMG comments because I swear I’ll call Chucky on you. And then shit will hit the fan.


“Sarah” I said in a voice that I thought sounded somewhat soothing but orderly, however turned out more bitchy than I wanted, “you can’t just go and stay with random dudes. Who knows he may be hiding a chainsaw in his garage and be a serial killer. Finding love takes time and you can’t let his ding dong lead you everywhere.”


“I do not” she shrieked with a look of total horror before enquiring stupidly “do I?”

I could only nod as I got up from the table and walked to the kitchen, my eyes scanning for some food. Halleluiah mother tuckers I found some whipped cream! Now all I need is fish fingers….


“Bitch put the whipped cream down and step away from the counter” a voice warned from behind me. I could practically feel the gun pointed at my head and I gulped to look behind me and see Sarah with narrowed eyes glaring at me. Holy mother of plankton, I knew she was the devil in Prada! But what was up with that look. I mean I swear I didn’t do anything…


Wait—is that a paintball machine in her hand (don’t ask how she got that, because Sarah is a very special child) “Sarah, ok calm down. I mean I know your pregnant but to go to these lengths?” Well maybe I might do the same, but this is Sarah, the chick who counts her calories and whines about shit like carbs.


“Don’t Sarah me you little bitch. I know what you’re trying to do. When I find total happiness in a guy you try to take him away!”


I thought we were talking about the whipped cream?


“So what? Just because I have a whale starting grow in my stomach you can shag all the guys?! I saw the bloody look you gave him!”


“Sarah I wasn’t even there….” I trailed off. Wrong response. Because the next thing I saw Sarah was aiming at my weakest point. My boobs.


So being the smart and amazing nerd I am I took the whipped cream in my hand, before it was a whirl wind of flying colours and white cream. It was a total battlefield and it was like world war three began. Even the dog from hell came along and started shitting dog shit everywhere.


We were covered in white, pink, purple, blue, red, yellow—and you get the point, when we finally finished. And I think Sarah had on what suspiciously looked like dog poop on her face.


“What the hell?” I asked after I finally registered what happened, my body quaking with pain. Chick can shoot.


“I am so sorry” Sarah wailed, and I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to cry like she did, I mean the kitchen was practically flooding by the time she stopped. Can you imagine me, a small blonde paddling in a boat wearing a yellow raincoat?


I signed, “Sarah its cool, just your hormones”. And it was true, Sarah had been becoming more like a crazy individual who needed to be locked up in a mental facility that a normal being. She was eating, screaming, crying, laughing, dancing (stripping on the table) and even singing when she was in the toilet peeing. How awkward to hear piss and someone singing Michael Jackson thriller. Especially after walking past and glancing into the toilet since the door was opened. It sure was a ‘Thriller’ alright….


She nodded and just walked away, her slumped figure walking up the stairs as whipped cream dripped onto the floor. Well better get the freaking cleaning supplies and I couldn’t help but feel that this was going to be one heck of a long day.


After cleaning the whole kitchen and making everything shine, I finally was able to collapse onto the warm and comfortable sofa, my legs flopping up and a smile stretching tiredly over my face. Then of course I came to a sudden realization. A realization so BIG that I fell of the couch and face planted onto the floor.


I quickly scrambled up, my legs and arms flying as I scattered upstairs. “Sarah?!” I screamed but I didn’t get a reply, because Sarah was gone….



Chapter 11: Random filler....


Chapter 11: Random filler....


Sarah was missing.


She was gone, just like a poof of air or a fleeing thought, and god was I worried that I nearly let a nervous fart. I was panicking and jumping from foot to foot trying to grasp the situation in my much unorganized thoughts. It was like those times before a test where I try to cram everything at once (even though I study three weeks before hand) or when the star trek ship is going to crash. How does SpongeBob do it when he has so much fat customers?


The point is I was so nervous and I was about to pull my hair out so I ended up with a bald patch like Mr. Leicestergher ( I don’t even know how to say his name). I clambered downstairs, only stumbling ten times and hitting my head till I was sure I was going to get a concussion and loose a thousand brain cells. I would end up like those really dumb blondes who asked where the library was and if there butt cheeks were the same size.


Clutching the phone I stabbed her number, which I happened to memorize in case of an emergency, and waited for her to pick up the damn thing. It was probably ringing for about million years where I ended up with a beard and a white fat cat on my lap, before her voice mail came on.


“If I don’t know you piss of and go die. If I do know you, leave a message” her high scratchy voice rung out. Damn girl!

I stumbled outside and looked around, the whipped cream and deflated boob (she popped it when she hit me) hanging on my clothes. I glanced through the broken window and caught a glimpse of myself. I looked like the girl from the ring except way scarier; I think I even heard a dog whimper….


Running down the path with my hands raised above my head and my legs flying everywhere I sprinted towards my truck. I was reluctant to get in so I decided to place a plastic bag that I found on the seat. Sue me, I’m cheap.


The leather was squeaking and I could feel the food seeping into my underwear. I also felt something poking my boob so I reached within and voila I found a cookie. Wow, talk about awkward especially since the old hag from next door was eyeing me strangely as she over flowed the water beds with her little metal can. I would have laughed, but once again it wasn’t funny because I was the one suffering through the embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks on fire as I stepped on the pedal and gunned out of there.


Sarah was my first priority and I began imagining her lying on the cold street as people mobbed her, or worse she was watching play school while being forced to eat broccoli! Oh the horrors!


I had been driving for what could only be minutes but felt like hours before I pulled up to MacDonald’s drive through. Trust me I was hungry from the hours (minutes) of searching and since I hadn’t gotten to eat lunch.

The lady at the window when I pulled up was half way in between shock and horror. She looked like pee was running down her pants when she saw me as her face turned downwards. “Turn that frown upside down” I said brightly as she handed me the paper bag filled with a little or in this case a lot of food, with three double cheese burgers, 2 happy meals (I liked the toys), a sundae and a huge cup of coke. Hmm the best.


She kept giving me the look that said ‘she’s such a fatso, bitch eats a lot’. I raised my eyebrows in the air and gave her annoyed look. As I snatched the bags from her thin ugly bonny hands I revved the engine and flew the bird and threw my sundae in her face. I took great happiness when she shot me a surprised look as the white goo dripped down her face, hopefully into her bra. No one messes with a stressed out nerd.


Ok, maybe I took it too far….


Because the next thing I knew some guy with a bulging stomach and grisly beard was chasing me, holding up a hamburger and having the golden sticker saying ‘manager’ stuck on his man boob. Guess I won’t go there again….

Chapter 12: Getting told off...

You wouldn’t believe my utter surprise when I sauntered onto the front porch of Sarah’s house only to see her mother waiting for me in her pristine suite.

“Ah hi Mrs Tucker” I stuttered out like a idiotic fool as her eyes swept over my deranged image. “I have something to tell you” My voice drifted of and silence was what coated the front yard with the distant roar of and engine.

“Sarah she’s—“

“Pregnant?” she answered in her clipped voice and my jaw just dropped and fell to the floor as my eyes widened. “I know and I’ve been expecting you.” Creepy…

“Come inside, we’ll talk over coffee”.

I nodded meekly as I scurried after her long strides past the door and into Sarah’s house, the inside appearing like mine. I mean they even had the same coloured walls and everything.

I huddled into the living room and sat down on the worn sofa as Mrs Tucker laid out a tray of biscuits, the thing she did before you had a deep and meaningful conversation.

“Tell me” she said as she stirred her metal spoon in her Coffee and took a sip, “when did you find out?”

I swallowed like a lump or a rock had been forced down my throat as my eyes widened in fear. Keep calm I kept repeating in my head as I sipped the hot beverage in an attempt to push back this conversation.

I sighed as the ticking of the clock rang around the house and placed the coffee cup down on the table. “She came to me for help. I mean at first I didn’t want too but then she was really persistent and—“

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked calmly while cutting me off with her sharp and accusing eyes. “I thought you were the more mature teenager”. I was I wanted to retort, however Sarah was bringing this outrageous side of me out.

“Sorry Mrs Tucker but—“

Once again she raised her hand in a silencing motion which was personally starting to piss me off. “This is the fault of your parents leaving you to go on that trip. I mean what were they thinking leaving a child alone. Such pathetic people really. And your brother, wow, failure doesn’t even describe it, he’s just like Sarah—“

Ok, no one messes with my family I fumed as my hands slammed down on the oak table and something in me snapped.

“Mrs Tucker, my family is the bloody best family in the world and it pisses me off when you talk of them like that. In fact you’re the failure. Sarah is your responsibility not mines, so you’ve failed as a parent to not notice this. She’s your daughter and thus you’ve failed in life. So my parents are the best, because I’ve come out in every test as the top, not you or your daughter.”

I’ve wanted to do that to Mrs Tucker forever as she’d always been ranting about this and that. I mean accept it this is life.

“Good day” I said as I picked myself up and walked out of there with pride puffing my chest until she stopped me.

“Please, I’m sorry and I might have been a little out of line…” I nodded my head and was prepared to forgive her when she continued.

“But it’s true, everything I said and you have to accept it. So now go find Sarah because I have to go to work and—“

“You go find her” I said as I brushed past her so she fell back slightly in her forty foot heels.

“But Winter” she whined and I glared at her as I swung the door open and stormed out like a rapid beast.

Chapter 13: We meet again part 1

Ok, even though I had stormed out and left with this huge bang, I was still really worried. Because the truth was Miss Tucker would never look for her daughter and would probably leave to catch some booze after she finished work. But that was just her personality and I as I paced the street, mind you still in my clothes, I couldn’t help but feel hopeless.

“Hey” a voice called and my head snapped up only to catch sight of Hunter and my face went red as I remembered our last encounter.

“Oh hey?” I called out before stopping and realizing the state I must appear in. Well there goes my chance of ever being asked out, not that I wanted too of course.

“Why do I always find you in these situations?” he asked as he jogged up to me in his clinging top and basketball shorts. Damn who turned up the heat?

“Well” I said in a shaky voice, my brain trying to come up with a witty comeback only to remember Sarah and the way she may be dying pregnant in a ditch. “Well...Oh God I’ve lost her!” I cried as my hands flew up and I admitted it to myself. I mean if I had never taken my eyes from her then maybe she would still be up in her room or we would still be watching a movie, because in these past few days I’ve come to deeply care for her.

“Lost who?” he asked seeing the panic on my face and grabbing my shoulders, the cream smearing on the palm of his hand.

“Sarah, who else?!”

He gave me a confused stare and I nodded in understanding after a moment because technically he was a stranger, a hot one, but one none the less. “Right you’ve never met my pregnant ex-best friend who back stabbed me and left me. The one who later came for my help because she got banged up by the principle and…you know what can you just help me?” I pleaded.

There was this moment of silence as we both stared at each other before he sighed and nodded as if I were the GREATER problem, which I wasn't.

“What’s with the sigh mister” I sassed out as I put my hands on my hips and glared up at him. He looked at me innocently and shook his head, “I think we have more pressing matters right?”

Damn he was correct and quickly I turned around and began to walk, trying to escape, becasue in these situations it was better to walk away. “Do you even have a game plan?” he asked as he tailed me like the stalker he was, I mean forget that I ever asked him for help.

“Game plan?” I asked, “What you think this is a game?”

I looked behind me to see Hunter giving me strange look as whipped cream squished in my shoes. “Stalker” I muttered.

 I heard him snort and this angered me beyond words. “Just a moment ago you were begging me for help Frills” he stated and I gasped at his nickname.

“Frills?” I asked in horror. “What, you in grade school?”

“Ha, says the girl that lets her dad buy her underwear. What? Does he also buy your clothes?”

“NO!” I hissed but the truth was he did, as embarrassing as that was. “Let’s just find Sarah”


Now I would like to say that I had a tracking device inserted into Sarah’s brain so I would always know where she was, but I didn’t so Hunter and I just had to stick with asking random people about her, even if they did give me strange looks. So when night was falling and we bumped into this guy, you wouldn’t believe our surprise when he said she was staying at his place because they were in, and I quote, ‘in deep and utter love that butterfly’s don’t compare to her beauty’. Ok, he was stoned. A drunken and stoned bastard who was making his way home after smoking pot.

“Just take us to where she is” I said in annoyance and he just raised his fingers up and did the sign of the peace before stumbling down the street. So maybe it wasn’t safe to trust a dodgy looking bloke, but I was tired, smelly and anyway I had a very capable fighter who I was willing to sacrifice known as Hunter. If all turned bad then I would just throw Hunter and bolt with Sarah. Perfect plan really.

“Are you sure this is a good idea Frills?” he questioned and I snorted.

“Scared are we?” I asked cockily as I sauntered after the stumbling stoned man.

“No, but I wouldn’t want you to get hurt” and as I was about to go ‘aww’ he had to ruin it by saying “because I think you’ll be too heavy to carry home”.


chapter 14: Part 2

Chapter 14: Part 2

To say I wasn’t impressed would be like saying my brother was a cross-dressing nun. The truth was I was appalled by the state of the room Hunter and I stood in. I could actually distinctly smell the urine, vomit and dirty socks which wafted through the place, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a dead rat’s nest in here. Of course that would entitle me to go through all the clothes piled high on the couch crammed to the side and it was something I was hoping never to do.

“Where is she?” Hunter asked as he took a step closer to me, his face contorted into something, well, weird and odd.

“Who?” the man asked as he took a long drag from his cigarette and I was starting to wonder if this was such a safe idea, especially since Hunter looked as if at any moment he would snap the guys neck off. I was more afraid for the stone dead guy than us at that moment.

“Sarah” I said in a ‘duh’ tone, my gag reflex instantly turning on as the smoke infected my innocent lungs untainted from smoke and drugs.

“Oh, that chick” he said as if by sudden realization and I felt like slapping my forehead and face palming. “Yeah, she’s in room moaning about another chick called Whinny or something”.

Who the hell was Whinny? I thought as the guy pointed us in, what I thought to be the room’s direction. Following my instinct, Aka Hunter we both entered an adjoined room covered in darkness. It took a long time for my eyes to adjust but by then I realized that that heap I thought before to be a pillow was actually a person who was starting to shift around. Of course, I thought it was a person…

“Hello?” a groggy voice enquired and the breath I had been holding either from the smoke or smell was let out that it was audible.

“Oh my god Sarah?” I called but was only met by silence that I thought she had passed out or worse died.

“Who, I'm Tim?”

Now we cue this really long silence where both Hunter and I don’t know how to react. I mean come on; we were prepared to meet her after this whole goose chase only to find that ‘Sarah’ is this random Goth dude. Unless she performed an operation and did a complete 180 in her gender then this wasn’t her and we had just been dragged up here and into someone’s strange home.

“You’re not her” I accused rather stupidly because I felt the need to fill in the silence and the guy just shrugged helplessly. Again with the huge silences I thought as it descended awkwardly on us and it just became a whole new awkward as a random girl came up from the bed. I squinted for a moment thinking and praying it was Sarah only to realize it was one of those plastics from school. So she was moaning another girls name?

Wow how embarrassing for her I thought, to be caught doing the dirty deed by the school nerd while moaning a completely different name than the one in the bed I thought and then I felt a warm hand in mine. It was big and quickly glancing back to confirm I wasn’t being raped I saw Hunter sending me the look of ‘let’s get out of here’. And I totally agree because this whole plot just went totally of story.

Chapter 15: Knock him out

Where the hell was that girl? Was she even thinking on how worried I would be when I came to find she was gone like a poof of air. She was pregnant for bloody's sake with a baby that was the principles!

I understood quite well that this story was very messed up and wasn't even making sense anymore but god damit I was pissed. First she came to me for help and then pranced of like a stupid blue smurf.

"Calm down Isabel" Hunter said (did I even tell him my name?)

He raised his hands up like I was a crazy person on crack, which I may as well be becasue I was walking around still in my clothes.

"First lets get you something else to wear, so lets take you home" he said and I looked at him completely and utterly bewildered.

Take me home?! There might be a rapist on the loose with a machine gun and an elephant thats going to harm Sarah for all I knew, and HUnter wanted to go home? Was he crazy? This was a life and death sitaution, never mind the fact that I didn't even know if Sarah and I were even friends. I felt more like her mother than anything.

Ok, so maybe I was a little bit crazy for what I did next but I have a jolly good reason. Hunter was about to take the car keys from my hands and I knew the moment he took me home he would probably lock me up in the basement till morning. So being the utterly smart and yet stupid girl I am I decided the only course of action is to whack him in the face with a punch so he was kncoked out cold. I was probably going to end up in high securoty jail with grey walls as I dragged him into the backseat. People were going to send the SWAT and FBI on my ass for what could be called kidnapping. But don't worry I wanted to tell them, I didn't plan to do anything feel his abs.

That's not the point though, the point is, after I had more or less dumped HUnters knocked out cold body in the backseat I took the drivers side and floored it. I was planning to look this whole area from top to bottom until i found Sarah, even if I had to force myself into some houses just to see if she wasn't being held hostage.

Just imagine the headlines when I saved her, 'girl kidnapper saves prganant hostage' and maybe then I wouldn't go to such a horrible jail and rot with hunger.

"Ah" HUnter said as he stretched behind me and I gasped. And here I thought I whacked him good and clean.


"Why did you hit me?" he asked as he sat up and I tensed. Was he going to attack me while I drove? OMG, how did the kidnapper become the hunted?

"If you hurt me, i'll fling this car over the cliff and we'll both die...."

"Why would I hurt you?" he asked and I gasped.

"I don't know. Aren't you pissed I hit you?" I looked in the review mirror and saw him shrug his very broad shoulders.

"This is you where talking about, the girl who wears weird underwear. Sometimes I even wonder if you are a girl..."

"HEY!" I cried. Yes, I knew that in these past days I have been acting quite strange and crazy but Sarah was rubbing off on me. And anyway Hunter just always caught me at the wrong time. So why, when he said that, did it hurt so much?

Was HUnter becoming more than a hot body to look at? But thats impossible, I barley even know him and-

"Hey why are we driving on a cliff?" HUnter asked and I shrugged.

"Sarah might of been kidnapped by a cult orginasation and might be sacrificed to the demon gods"

"Don't you have to be a virgin?"

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing. They may think that she's a virgin since they can't see she's pregnant"

"Actually no virgin dresses up like her..."

I glared at him.

We were going to see anyway....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2013

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