Yoga, Love and The Wild Life

The merry way to happiness, enlightenment and self-realization Von:
User: yoginils
Yoga, Love and The Wild Life

This is the true story of a yoga teacher. He danced with the life und the love. He got many humorius adventures. First great love. Angelika, the vacation-flirt. Liiselotte with the man-problems. Petra, the artist. The organic woman. The sex goddess.

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Yoga, love, Humor
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

This cover is dishonor our god and goddess, so i request you to remove it and if not so what you feel if we dishonor your god in any sex related books and display a wrong message of god. So like a good human being and respect others religion remove this book or change the cover and also warn the author of the to don't do this again.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

The cover page of the book is very wrong and in this cover its our god and goddess, remove this book from all your stores like google books, amazon and apple store unless for this we'll take a serious action and file a complaint in our court.

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