

First Great Love

Nils and Evelyn

Rock and Roll 


Angelika, the Vacation-Flirt

Liselotte with the Man-problems

Yogi Nils

Petra, the Artist

The Organic Woman

Yoga Teacher

The Sex Goddess

The Yoga Woman

Dissolving the Relationship-Addiction

The Enlightened Being

Interview of a Psychology Student

Sun Meditation

First Great Love


The year was 1968. In Germany, the student movement had begun. University students demonstrated for peace, love, and democracy. It was a time where the ideals and values of the western world had started to change. Even high school students began to organize and hold school-based demonstrations. Nils was involved in the midst of it. He was a socialist at the time, which for him meant that he wanted all people to live in peace with one another. He wanted a world where riches and luxury are shared fairly and that all people have enough to eat. He wanted to change the world. On his backpack he had written, in big letters, “ Make Love Not War!”

On a personal level though, Nils still had some difficulties regarding love. He still didn't have a girlfriend. But that changed in 1970. Nils was now 18 years old. During the summer break, an international youth meet took place in Berlin, which included social work, meetings, conversations, and a lot of parties. Nils made his way to Berlin.

Young people from all over Germany flooded into Berlin in the summer of 1970. As the spirit of things was that all people are free, the same, in a brotherly sense, they all slept together on air mattresses in the same room. Boys and girls, group leaders and group participants all shared the same space.

The group leaders were called Teamers. Nils developed a crush on a female team leader named Helga. She was a student in university and wanted to earn some money toward school.

Nils was a pragmatic person. He wished for a long term relationship. There were a lot of friendly and attractive women at the youth meet. There were several good-looking French women. But there were only two women from Hamburg, the city where Nils lived. One of the ladies was not a good match for Nils. So Nils went for the other lady. That wasn't so very easy, because Nils was still in high school and Helga was a highly respected university student. But Nils was clever and smooth. He struck up laid-back conversations that made it obvious that he found Helga likable and friendly.

Really, it wasn't that difficult. Helga didn't have a boyfriend, and there were plenty of parties providing the opportunity to get to know each other better. Every evening there was some event. With candles and red wine, and mattresses to sit on, there was good music, and lots of fascinating conversation. Discussions were on topics like politics, about the state of things between men and women, and thounsands of other interesting things.

Helga thought it was wonderful how she could easily talk about psychology and politics with Nils. Nils had the ability to see things very clearly and always seemed to know where things were headed. Helga didn't know at all. She was lost in the tangled web of the many psychological and political theories. She enjoyed the fact that Nils always had a clear point of reference to present. Nils knew so much. He had thought about everything thoroughly and had confidently found his own line of thinking, all of that although he wasn't yet in university.

Despite all of that Nils was rather inexperienced regarding love between men and women. Here, Helga was at an advantage, and had much to contribute. It was a highly dynamic connection. Romantic tension was in the air.

Helga and Nils got closer and closer to one another. They were mutually attracted to one another. When night came, they put their mattresses next to each other. Nils lay down under Helga's blanket, and they began to kiss and so on. Then Helga felt like having sex. Nils wasn't exactly sure how to go about that, but with some help it worked out well enough.

The dance began. Every night they slept on Helga's mattress. A large amount of love energy developed between the two. Nils thought Helga was wonderful. She was the most beautiful and amazing being on the earth.

The days passed by in a daze of love and music. Nils opened his heart chakra so wide, that he entered a dimension of all-encompassing love and happiness. Everything was full of light, and Nils had his first enlightenment experience which lasted for days.

Nils noticed his special state of consciousness for the first time as he went into the subway in Berlin. Before that time, he had concentrated completely on Helga and hadn't noticed anything else. Then, in the subway, Nils came to a relaxed state of observation where he noticed the world around him. It seemed so different from before, the whole world was full of light. The whole subway was full of light.

Those who are enlightened see the energy waves of God in the world. The enlightened one sees this as lighte, and at the same time a feeling of unity with the entire world emerges. One is in harmony with the self and the world. The enlightened person is happy from a deep place. The world is full of light, love, and harmony.

Everything in the world radiates from itself. Everything is experienced in a very intense way. In Yoga, there are many tales of enlightened persons who can not get enough of just looking at the new beauty found in the world. This was how Nils felt at the time. He was full of amazement and joy to observe the light in the world, whenever he wasn't paying attention to Helga.

Nils and Helga weren't the only couple at the youth meet. There were many couples, in fact. There were many people who had their first experiences with love and were intoxicated with the intensity of their feelings. The statement “Make Love Not War” was taken very seriously. People were constantly talking about and making love there.

After Nils and Helga had spent three weeks full of love and happiness in Berlin, they travelled together back to Berlin. Helga had a small student apartment in the middle of Hamburg. This became the second home of Nils, as they met often and talked about various topics of Helga's life. They listened to good music and made love in Helga's large bed. Most of the time, Nils went to Helga's directly after school. Then they embraced happily and talked more, and made love more.

Helga's parents had a house on the North Sea island Sylt. Nils and Helga spent a wonderful week together there. Helga introduced Nils to her parents. Helga and Nils took walks on the beach, made love in the dunes and partied in Helga's little room. Life consisted only of going for walks and sex. Nils could have continued forever that way. But he had to go back to school and Helga had to return to university.

There were days where they couldn't meet. On such days, they wrote lengthy messages full of longing to one another. “My dear Nils. Many kisses. It's horrible that you aren't here. I wish that you could always be with me. I like you so very much.- Helga”

“My dear Nils. I am still very excited and happy about the card and beautiful flowers you sent. They are playing “Revolution” by the Beatles on the radio. Yesterday, I went to the cinema, where I cried a lot. I probably just wanted that you were there with me. “

“By the way, I've been very relieved since yesterday. I wanted to go to the doctor, because I had convinced myself I felt sick in the morning. Right after that I felt sick again. Some clothes of mine are starting to feel tight around the waist. But I've just discovered it was all only a false alarm.”

“My dear Nils. You know that I just wish you were here with me. It must be very difficult for you when I seem to change my mind and feelings so often. Often it's just that I take out aggressions onto you that are just the result of me being dissatisfied with myself. Every time I'm so mean to you, I feel bad afterwards. I'm so sorry, and love you. Your Helga.” Helga was a very emotional woman.

“My dearest Nils, I feel so alone. Whatever I look at, I only see my inability to work consistently and systematically. I would like to call you, but in the same moment I know that is no use. It's no use when I always look for help from others. I have to find my way myself, I have to develop strength in myself. I don't want to end up in an endless cycle, in that I will just get more and more dependent on you.” Helga was looking for her own way. The ideal of the student movement, was the ideal of an independent, self-confident and emancipated woman.

Helga experimented with Free Love. In a pub, she met another man and slept with him. This way wasn't for Nils, though. It hurt him too much. After some dramatic discussions and reconciliations, they broke up.

For Helga, a long time of chaotic relationships had begun. After some fifteen years, Nils and Helga met by coincidence in a department store. Helga was pushing a baby carriage. She said “at some point, it has to go wrong once with contraception.”

Nils needed a long time to get over the loss of Helga. He fell into a black hole of depression. The relationship had lasted 8 months. Afterwards, Nils was very sad for half a year. He needed a total of 12 years to overcome the pain of losing Helga. At that point he had a dream, in which he let go of Helga. After that, he was somehow freed from missing his first big love.

After splitting up with Helga, Nils had the feeling that he needed a happy relationship in order to have a happy life. Without a close relationship, he felt empty inside. Nils was lacking the wisdom of inner happiness at the time. He didn't know that through spiritual exercise you can get rid of dependencies upon other people. He didn't know that you can find happiness within yourself. He didn't know the way of spiritual self- development yet. So he quickly started to search for a new girlfriend.

In a discotheque, he met Marion. Marion was small and had long brown hair. She worked as a book keeper for a construction company. There were a lot of men who worked there, who wanted her. But Marion was not interested in typical construction workers. She admired sensitive intellectuals. A girlfriend of hers had a university student as a boyfriend. Marion wanted such a boyfriend as well.

Nils appeared at exactly the right time. He was still a high school student, but he looked like a university student. He talked like a university student. He talked about psychology, leftist politics and about saving the world. Marion was very impressed. She took Nils home right on the first evening.

Marion lived with a girlfriend of hers in a little apartment in the middle of Hamburg. Her roomate was not home at this time, which proved very convenient. Nils and Marion got right down to business. They didn't waste much time with any clever conversation. Nils kissed Marion. Marion kissed Nils. She showed Nils her bed. Then they took off their clothes.

Now Nils was impressed. Marion had a great body. It was just as beautiful as he could have imagined. Marion let Nils touch her breasts. Then there was no more fuss, they slept together. Now the world was right again for Nils. He wasn't as in love with Marion as he was with Helga, but he was satisfied. He had what he needed to be happy.

And Marion was happy too. They met often. They made love often. Conversations were the only somewhat difficult thing. Marion came from the working class. She saw things simply and directly. Nils tended to see things differentiated and in a more complicated way. A longer conversation was barely possible. Nils could also easily talk to himself. But he sometimes wished for more resonance.

Nils was glad that he had found a more solid character in a girlfriend after Helga. Marion was much more stable, she was simple, clear and trustworthy. The relationship could have lasted, if only a small sexual problem hadn't appeared between them.

They should have talked about this problem, then they could have solved it. But they couldn't talk about it. They weren't practiced in the art of positive communication as a couple.

They were both too shy to directly address the problem. When you can't talk about conflicts in a relationship, then even little problems can turn into large problems. You break apart over the little things that would actually be really easy to handle. You lose a relationship that would otherwise have a good chance for the long run.

Couples' therapists say that two thirds all separations could be avoided if only the couple had learnt a positive outlook for their relationship. At best this should be learnt in school before one tries to establish a relationship. But happiness isn't a subject in school either. That is a large error on the part of the currently dominant cultural politics.

So the relationship of Nils and Marion also ended. They separated, and were very sad because they were actually a rather good match.

Nils and Evelyn

Nils met Evelyn in a dance club in 1971. Evelyn had blond hair and large breasts. Nils paid more attention to the outer appearance than the inner quality of women back then. Evelyn’s looks were very much to his liking. Evelyn was searching for happiness in the context of a relationship. She was searching for the man of her dreams. For a time, she thought Nils could be just that man. Nils also tried to fulfill this expectation, but became overwhelmed after a time when attempting to live up to Evelyn’s idea of a perfect relationship. It’s hard to believe, but Nils wasn’t perfect. He was particularly inattentive when it comes to external things, and that annoyed Evelyn after a time.

Evelyn studied to become a foreign language correspondent. She had a difficult family life growing up as her parents had constantly quarreled with one another. She wanted love, affection, and a feeling of security. She hoped to find these things with Nils that she had lacked in her family and herself.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Bildmaterialien: Image source Wikipedia, WikiHow and own pictures
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.11.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-5518-2

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