A test of Love

sequel to all signs point to you Von:
User: brandy83
A test of Love
Two years after leaving Hampton Virginia, Jordan returns with more than one expectation.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Williams"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
All Signs Point to you: Part One
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A test of Love
sequel to all signs point to you
All Signs Point to You Part Two
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Beautiful! I love a good love story and to feel the emotions the characters display in the story. That's how I like to write as well! I enjoyed reading it brandy83, great job!!

4 Kommentare

Thank you. I think any writer who is able to convey emotion in their writing has something going for them.


I concur! Keep writing my friend!


Did you read all signs point to you? I am publishing it and as soon as it's published, I need people who have read it to review it. Would you mind doing so?

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow! Well, the first book made me want to continue on to the second, and well, I am sucked in to this one as well. Thank you for sharing your work, I am really enjoying the good read. Keep it up!! :)

2 Kommentare

Thank you, I try to write each story so that they can stand on their own if need be. The third one has proven to be a little bit trickier. Creating new characters and different characteristics is challenging. Not falling back into the old story is also difficult.

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Just read a few paragraphs of "A Test of Love" just to get a feel for your writing. From what I can see, you have a lot of talent. I look forward to reading more of your work soon. Good luck on your writing career.

Gelöschter User

Oh. Okay. So then it's a series. Probably be better if I read them in order then. Are they numbered?


Yes. There is All signs point to you and then A test of love and the final one is Broken.

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Gelöschter User

OMG! You write some of the hottest love scenes that I recall. Wow! ...back to the book. (pg. 83).


Well, actually none of this has ever happened but I treat my characters as if they are real people and I like for the readers to see that they have feelings and emotions they can relate too and I also like for them to understand the depth of what I write. The characters are a... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Yes, I just noticed it has only 6 chapters (98 pages). Perhaps I will let it go for now and work on some of mine. By the way, I tried my hand at a screen play, for kicks, and it became an epic. Dang! They just keep growing and growing, don't they? It started as one and ended up... mehr anzeigen

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great book!!!!! beautiful story :)

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Thank you for catching those mistakes. I'm sure that my novel is not perfect. No one's work is a hundred percent perfect. I have edited the novel; believe it or not. However, I wasn't aware of the mistakes that you caught until now. The novel was way worse than what it is now. Sometimes when you write, you don't really think about the errors just the idea,until you read over it and realize, hey- there's an error or that... mehr anzeigen

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i only read through the first chapter because there are too many mistakes. i think the story is really interesting so far, but i can't read a 350 page story with so many errors.

for example:
here are the mistakes just from page 9
"seventy five degrees out that after noon" should be "afternoon" - one word

"walmart" should be capitalized "Walmart"

"He wiggled his toes from on the inside the shoes" doesn't make sense...

"third chess... mehr anzeigen

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