

Jordan Williams sat in seat 4b staring out of the window of the plane, watching it taxi the runway. He couldn't believe after a year and a half of being away from home that he was going back. He cleared his throat and sat back in his seat and buckled the belt that was attached to it. It had been around seventy five degrees out that after noon allowing him the option of blue jean shorts and a white polo t-shirt. A pair of brown rust colored men's sandals that he'd gotten from a Walmart in Chicago encased his feet. He wiggled his toes from inside the shoes and glanced down at his laptop. He was playing a chess game over the internet. It was his turn. He checked to see exactly where he could move a pawn, just so he could get into his opponent's domain. After some decisive thinking, he moved his pawn to the right of a third chess peice on the board.

Jordan pulled up to his old house, staring out at the home, not really sure he wanted to proceed to its entrance. There were so many memories there that left a familiar pang in the center of his heart. He wiped his eyes and swallowed back the pain. He remembered learning to ride his tricycle out on the sidewalk at two years old. His dad had bought it for him; his first bike. He could see the tall, rail thin, two year old with equally long arms and legs little boy he'd been. During that time, he was going through his superman phase and had worn a blue superman outfit he'd gotten that christmas while he was riding. A smile formed across his face as he remembered the wind blowing across his body, giving him the feeling that he was flying. Inhaling sharply, he could hear the sounds of the little horn on his handle bar, warning the invisible villains to get out of the way.

Jordan laughed softly at this nastalgia and turned off the ignition. He opened the door to his rental vehicle and exited. Closing the door and locking it, he stepped over the curb and walked up to the house. Unlocking the door, he listened as it creaked open. The creaks were from its lack of use. Pushing it completely open, he went inside and then closed it. He walked down the hallway, noticing that the floors looked amazingly clean for having not been walked on in two years. He entered the living room. The blinds were still closed the way he'd left them, leaving the room dark and impossible to see into. He went over to the mini blinds and twisted the rod, allowing light to flood the room. When it did, he stared out in surprise at the neat condition the room was in. The furniture looked as if it had recently been polished, the floors were mopped, and the throw rug that sat underneath the coffee table looked as if it had been vacuumed. He didn't recall leaving the living room like this. He hadn't. A frown took over and he went through the living room to the kitchen. Even that sparkled, shined to the best of its ability. It was like his mother had never passed. The brass knobs on the cabinets gleaned with brightness. The gass stove looked brand new. Even the table looked as if it hadn't been left in chaos upon him leaving. Taking a deep breath, he walked past the back door, not bothering to check to see if it was locked and up the stairs, feeling odd.

When he entered the hallway, his heart seemed to stop. He recognized the scent of lilacs immediately. Sighing, he wondered if she was the one who'd been doing this. Of course! His mind screamed. That's why he was smelling lilacs. He glanced into the hallway bathroom. It looked just as immaculate as the rest of the house. He stared in admiration, a smile forming. He would have to find out where she was and thank her. He walked past there, to the master bedroom where his mother things were. Opening the door, he noticed all of her things had been in the same order he'd left them in. Nothing had been disturbed. He nodded, understanding why she would leave those undone. He closed the door and went to his room. He glanced around, seeing that the bed was made, the floor vaccummed, and even the clothes were folded neatly in the drawers. The only space in the room untouched was his dresser. He glanced over at it and looked down.


Denise stood outside the house, wondering if she should go inside. She knew that it would be trespassing and should any officers find out, she'd be given a fine. She sighed and as usual, ignored that nagging plea to not go inside. She couldn't help it. Ever since he'd left, she'd felt as if it was her responsibility to take care of this house. She'd promised Mrs. Williams that she would. She twisted the knob and opened the door.

Jordan paused when he heard the creak from downstairs. Nervously, he walked out of his room, went to the hallway closet and grabbed a bat. Although he'd love to say that it was Denise, he couldn't be too sure. That's how he'd ended up on his back with a concussion in Chicago. When he had been staying with Andrew, he'd come home one evening, thinking whoever was in the house had been Andrew and he'd been rewarded with a tko on spot. He swore he'd never make that mistake again. Pulling the bat to his shoulders, ready for aim, he took the stairs slowly; making his way to the kitchen.

Denise closed the door behind her and turned around to turn on the lights.

Jordan came down the last step, gripping the bat tightly in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he said in a clear, calm, voice. "Stop right there!"
Denise stopped, feeling her heart beat accelerate. He wasn't supposed to be here. How'd she manage to miss his car? 

Jordan turned on the switch next to him, light flooding the room. Immediately, his heart jumped out of his chest and he felt even more anxious than he had before grabbing the bat. "Denise."


She stood there not moving or saying anything. He could imagine the thoughts going through her head and began to speak what ever tumbled out of his mouth. "I parked out in front of the curb. You wouldn't recognize the car. It's a rental."
Denise stiffened. Jordan's eyes scanned over her body, running along all the curves. He stood there for at least two minutes before walking over to where she stood. She took this time to turn around and stare him in the eyes.



"Hi. What are you doing here?"

Denise pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. When his eyes went to them, she pushed it back out self consciously, stuttering. "Well...I..I"
Despite the circumstances, Jordan found a smile forming. She was flustered. He watched as she stumbled over her sentence. "I...well, your mom...I just wanted to know, since promised your mom that I would."
Jordan pulled himself off the wall, allowing her room to move. "Thank You."
Denise put her hands in her pockets, anxious. Taking in the short cropped hair, which now looked straight and the beautiful green eyes, she couldn't believe he was there. He had on a white polo shirt with a collar to it and a pair of blue jean shorts with sandals. She couldn't help but notice the nice bulge in his shoulders and legs. Even his face looked fuller in its heart shaped form.  He'd grown a gotea right below his lips; Very sexy it was.
She stood there as he walked to the kitchen table and took a seat. Glancing up at her, he stated, "Have a seat."

Denise stood there, unable to will her feet to move. He exhaled sharply, his eyes on her. "Suit yourself." His gaze went over her form, taking in the pastel pink muscle shirt, pencil leg blue jeans and a matching belt secured around her waist. He let his eyes run all the way down to her tennis shoes and then back up to her face. Looking her in the eyes, he smiled, "Still beautiful. You look good." This caused her to divert her eyes away from him and to the left where the cabinets were. He was reminded that he hadn't asked her if she wanted anything to eat.
"Are you hungry?" He inquired, excited.
Denise cleared her throat. "You know, I think I need to go. I should go." She turned and opened the door. He watched with curiosity as she ran out of the house.

Chapter One

Chapter Two:


Jordan laid there in bed, thinking of all the stuff he'd endured the past two years. His mother's passing, his own son being born and then leaving this world as well. He remembered not being able to close his eyes at night the first three months he'd been away from Hampton. Guilt, anger, pain and frustration had all managed to lay claim to him during those times. Sometime during the ninth month, he began to feel the emotions let up one by one, until finally, he'd started working again, moved out of Andrew's and Tanya's place and got his own home. Two weeks after moving, he'd been going through his things and found quite a few stuff that Denise had given him over the years. These things of memorabilia, held fast to his heart, reminding him of the one sentence letter he'd written her telling her that he'd be back for her. Although he'd wanted to come back, he'd felt unsure as to whether or not she'd want to see him. After deliberation, he bought a plane ticket and here he was, back in Hampton.

Inhaling sharply, he sat up, and put his hands to his face. He'd also come back because he had some unfinished business to take care of. Getting up, he walked out the door and to his son's room. Everything was still in its proper place. Nothing removed. As he cut on the light, he saw dust mites lingering over the furniture, in the closet where the clothes still hung. Staring around the room, he inhaled sharply as the recollection of the little boy he'd once held in his arms surfaced in his thoughts. He went out into the hallway to the linen closet, reached up on the top shelf and grabbed some cleaner, where he took it back to the room. Bit by bit, he disassembled everything.

The following morning, Denise awoke with a bright disposition. She glanced over at the clock, reading that it was nine o'clock in the morning. Throwing the covers off of her, she stretched her limbs, turned to the left and then right to get the creaks out of her hips. Grabbing her clothing out of the closet, she went for a shower.
An hour later, shower done, downstairs for breakfast and then off to work at Yaal, Denise's attention focused on Jordan and why he'd come back to town. A sigh escaped as many possibilities running through her head. Even one she didn't want to admit. Things like that never happened in real life. Guys never came back to the girl they'd first loved. It was preposterous to even think of such an idea. Two years was definitely enough time to get over a high school sweet heart, right? She cleared her throat, pushed the thought aside and then grabbed her keys off the table.

Jordan watched with amusement as she came out of the house, keys in hand and made her way to a car. Since when had Denise gotten a car? When he'd left, she'd been using her mother's vehicle to go to the store, now she was driving a ninety seven Nissan Altima. He walked up to the end of the drive way, stopping right behind her car. When the car began moving, he wondered how good of a driver was she? Just as he thought this, the car came to a complete stop. Looking out of the window, she raised both brows. "Would you like me to hit you?"
He let out a laugh, "Would you like to?"
She smiled back, "Tempting offer, but it's against the law."
He shook his head, feeling light hearted, "Do you always have to go by the book?"
"I was told it was safer this way."
He nodded. "Oh, really?"
Denise sighed, "Yeah." Her gaze went down to her watch, "You're making me late for work."
He nodded, "I'm sorry." Denise waited for him to move. When he didn't, she cleared her throat, "I would like to get going, it's going to be a long day."
Jordan nodded, "I suppose you would like me to move?"
Denise laughed, "That's the idea."
He smiled at the sound of such sweetness. "Beautiful music."
She narrowed her brows, confused. "What?"
"Your laugh, it's beautiful music." He stated.
Denise glanced out of the windshield and then turned her gaze back to him. "Thank-you. I really have to go right now." She was pressed for time. Jordan sighed, knowing his time was up. "Ok." With that, he moved out of the way. Denise continued parking out of the driveway. When she waved at him, his eyes went to hers and she calmed the excited beat of her heart.

The last thing Jordan expected, watching her car go down to the end of the road and then stop at a light, was for it to turn back around. Well, it did. She turned back around and he watched as the car came back his way and then stopped in front of him. She leaned over the driver's side. "Are you busy?"
He shrugged, "No. Not at the moment."
"Do you have a lot planned for today?" She inquired, her gaze on him.
He narrowed his eyes and stared at her, perplexed. What was going on here? Was God trying to tell him something?
Denise cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
He sighed, "Let me be the judge of that. What were you asking?"
Denise sighed, "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to go visit YAAL with me. I don't think you've ever been."
Jordan shrugged, "Alright."
Denise nodded, "You'll be there till I get off work." She stated with a smile. Jordan felt a jolt in his heart. He wanted to take his hand and run it along her face. He'd missed her smile.
"Ok, we can do that." He stated, his eyes beginning to lighten up at the idea. Denise inhaled, put the car in reverse, backed back till she got to her driveway and then turned into it to make a right turn back down the street.
Jordan watched as she drove the car. Her hand seeming to be at ease on the wheel. Her feet perfectly aligned to the breaks. He had to admit, she looked pretty comfortable. His eyes took in her outfit, the white blue jean Capri pants, mauve colored t-shirt that covered her body very nicely and matching sandals. His eyes went to her hair. He noticed that she'd straightened it out and now it was down past her shoulders, held back by a red pin. He nodded silently to himself and then turned to look out the window. After a minute of silence, he glanced over at her. "Why'd you invite me along?"
She shrugged, "I don't know. I thought it would be a nice experience."
He raised both brows, "Really?"
"Yes, why not?"
He smiled, repeating her last words. "Why not?"

One they reached YAAL, The Young Adult American Leadership Program, Jordan stared up in amazement at the building. It was a three story building, with glass windows sectioning off the rooms in the building. Jordan followed Denise into the building. There was thin carpeting inside the lobby, located on the first floor. Denise held out her pass to the receptionist. The lady scanned it and then looked over at Jordan, expecting his. Denise sighed, "He's with me, Terry."

The lady named Terry smiled and nodded, allowing them to pass through the metal detectors. Jordan sighed, "Wow, De-De, Quinton's not playing about this place, is he?"
Denise smiled, "Nope. He says he wants the children safe at all costs."
"What goes on here?" He inquired, his gaze roaming around the building.
"Well, it started out as just a reading group off of Dunlap and Bakersfield, but now, there's a computer lab, several tutoring classes as well as a cafeteria, and added on reading groups, for the younger kids. This year, they are going to add a couple of activities for the older kids they'll be accepting."
Jordan sighed, awed. He followed her down the hallway and into a room, located at the very end. She opened the door and went inside. It was a nice size office with a computer, filing cabinet, a desk and chairs which the computer sat on and a coat rack for jackets. Jordan looked around, "This is your office?"
Denise smiled, "Yes, I am now the Historical Coordinator for field-trips that the students take."

Jordan was flabbergasted, "How old are you again, Denise? Nineteen, Twenty?"
Denise smiled, "I just turned twenty this fall."
"That's a lot of responsibility for a twenty year old." He stated.
Denise smiled, "Well, I did the reading groups and scheduling of activities for the group for two years before I was made the Historical Coordinator. Let me tell you, there's a-lot more dough coming in from when I first started at fifteen."
"You've been working here since you were fifteen?" Jordan inquired, shocked.
Denise nodded, "Yep, mom signed my work permit and off I went. I started out making six dollars an hour."
Jordan laughed, "Nice chunk of change."
Denise laughed, "Yeah, but not as nice as it is now. I'm making at-least thirteen dollars an hour."
Jordan raised a brow, "Wow."
Denise sighed, "Yeah." Her gaze stayed on the twinkle in his eyes and a beautiful smile. She was drawn back to the day at the pond, when he'd thrown a pebble in and they'd watched it come out on the other end, bounce off a rock and then plop back into the stream. She felt her face flush, remembering that day.
Jordan watched her expression, feeling his heart beat accelerate and palms go sweaty. She was so beautiful, the brightness of her brown eyes, magnificent.
Denise's eyes flickered to her desk, glancing at the paperwork there. Grabbing the stacks, she cleared her throat, "We should get started with our day."
Jordan nodded, "Yeah."
Denise held the papers up to her chest and took a step toward the door. In taking that step, her hip grazed the papers that was left and sent them tumbling. Mumbling under her breath, she whispered, "Dangit." Leaning down to gather those, the ones in her hands were sent flying too. She closed her eyes. That's what she got for not paying attention.
Jordan stooped down to help her retrieve the papers, a smile on his face. "How'd you manage to do that?" Denise glanced over at him, her eyes meeting his bright green ones. "It was an accident."
He grinned, "You were paying attention were you?"
He watched as the glow began to manifest in her cheeks and then spread throughout her face in embarrassment.
She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Whatever."
This made him laugh harder, causing her to pull away from personal space. He sighed, "You are beautiful, you know that?"
She cleared her throat, "You always say that."

 Just then a knock on the door sounded, causing them to look up. Denise cleared her throat and began pulling the papers into a stack. Jordan helped her and withing thirty seconds the papers were in a neat pile against her chest. Another knock at the door, and Denise went to it. Quinton was on the other side, "I was wondering if you'd gotten in or not."
Denise nodded, "Yep."
Quinton laughed, "Derek said he wants to stop by and grab lunch with you at one thirty, if that's alright."
Denise gave a tight smile, running a nervous hand through her hair. "Thanks."
Jordan's eyebrows raised in speculation. Who was Derek? Denise glanced at him, feeling awkward, slightly embarrassed.
Quinton narrowed his eyebrows. He could tell by her demeanor that someone was in the room with her. Pulling the door all the way open, he stepped into the office. His eyes got big, "Do I know you?"
Jordan's gaze broke with Denise's and he smiled at Quinton. Quinton gasped, "Oh man, I'd know that smile anywhere. When did you get here? "
Jordan shrugged, "About three days ago."
Quinton nodded and came into the room. He grasped Jordan's hand in a firm shake, "Welcome back, man."
Jordan sighed, "Thanks, I'm only back for the summer."
Quinton raised a brow. "Not for good?"
"No, I got some business to take care of. Then I'll be heading back to Chi Town."
Denise felt her heart sink at this acknowledgment, but then told herself she shouldn't feel that way because she had Derek. She and Jordan were of the past. Surely he wasn't coming back for her. No way.
Jordan's gaze slid back to Denise's, watching the expression presented. The look of confusion was evident. He inhaled and then turned back to Quinton, "So, how long have you been running this place?"
Quinton smiled at him, "Come on, I'll explain while I give you a tour."
Jordan's gaze went back to Denise. She held up her papers, "I have alot of work to do, go ahead."
Smiling at her, he turned his eyes back to Quinton and together, they left the room.

Chapter Two

Derrick came to pick Denise up around one thirty as promised. When he knocked on the door to her office, she was organizing the files in her cabinet to update the years. The last time she'd taken them out had been a year earlier, pulling kids files who had graduated the program.

Derrick entered her office upon reply, greeting her with a kiss. Denise smiled up at him.
"Ready to go?" He inquired.
She glanced into warm brown eyes. "Yeah, just let me get my wallet."
He shook his head, putting a brown hand over hers, "Let me get it."
"No, I have the money, I can take care of things myself." She stated, going for her desk drawer.
Derrick stopped her. "Why don't you let me do it?"
Denise sighed, Derrick and she had been friends for almost a year now, and he was pressing for her to go out with him. He did it so subtlety, that she, for the most part was never annoyed. Glancing into sincere brown eyes, she felt sympathy for the look of admiration in them. She hated that she couldn't return his feelings. He was such a nice guy it was unbelievable. She'd told him no, because she'd never wanted him to think there was anything between them but friendship.
Quickly, he backed up this thought, by patting her hand and saying, "I understand we're only friends. I can handle that, Denise. It'll just be lunch between friends, no expectations."
Denise exhaled a long thoughtful breath. "Alright, Derrick. Let's go to Lunch."

As they pulled into the Pomatoc Cafe, Denise opened her door and stepped out of his 2000 Mini Cooper. She closed the door behind her as he came and met her around the front entrance of the restaurant. Derreck grabbed the door for her as she entered the building. "Thank-you," She responded politely.
Derrick smiled, "You're welcome."
As they entered the lobby area, a greeter extended them a welcome, "Table for two I presume?"
Denise nodded, "Yes, please." They followed the waitress as she took them to a section of the restaurant. When they were seated, Denise looked up at him with a cordial smile. "How are things going with you at work?"
He smiled, "Pretty good. Intelligent Corp is thinking about hiring me on permanently." He stated. Denise nodded, "That's nice. Have you thought any more as to whether you wanted to go for post graduate status?"
Derrick sighed and glanced down at his menu. "Yeah, I think I'll be doing my program online, that way it'll make things easier."
Another smile, and then, "That's good. I hear that's the thing now, going to school online."
Denise watched as he shrugged. "Yeah, it beats being in a classroom any day."
Her eyes went to his hair, dark curly brown hair, a deep mahogany brown complexion, a lightly trimmed mustache and no beard. She remembered that he had deep set brown almost opal colored eyes, and nice eyebrows that at times were drawn to a uni brow. She thought him to be really handsome. He was slightly thin, with a graceful build that was perfect for his five foot eleven inch frame. Sighing, she glanced back down at her menu.

"I didn't know you guys were here." The tone of Quinton's voice brought Denise's head up from her choices. She looked up into bright hazel eyes, "Hey, what are you doing here?" She greeted him.

He laughed, "Well, Jordan and I decided to drop in for lunch. Fancy meeting you here." He stated, his eyes suspicious looking. Quinton had long since let go of weight lifting, but still managed to hold onto a nice stack of muscle. He stared at her with broad shoulders and a slim waist line. His hair become longer, which he'd dreaded a couple of years ago. The long locs hung right at his shoulders, giving him the attractiveness of a straight man. He walked straighter than he'd had in high school and he'd long since given up the boy persona for the man. He looked every inch of man, with his voice, his dress and his attitude. Because of the way parents had responded to his flamboyant mannerisms of the feminine sex, he'd learned to tone it down drastically, not mix his life style with his business.
Denise nodded, "Yeah, I know, right? We just came here, because it's one of our favorite places."
Quinton nodded, "favorite places huh?" He nodded knowingly.
Denise laughed, "It's not like that."
"She won't give me the time of day," Derrick stated, standing up. He shook hands with Quinton.
"Hey, Derrick." Quinton greeted, returning his hand shake. Derek smiled, "Have you gotten your table yet?" Derrick inquired.
Quinton shook his head no. "I'm waiting for Jordan to come out of the bathroom."
"Oh, is he a new prospect?" Derrick asked with a suggestive tone.
Quinton's eyes flew to Denise's just to take in her reaction. The gleam in her eyes spoke of her anger toward this remark, although she laughed it off uncomfortably.
"I'm not gay." A deep toned voice came through, sending red flags to Denise's mind. Derrick watched as the guy named Jordan came forward. He glanced up into dark emerald eyes, unwavering. Derrick pushed aside the chills of discomfort and extended his hand, "I apologize about that."
He stared at the young man dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts, tennis shoes and a yellow and white striped polo shirt. When their hands made contact, the handshake was brief. Clearing his throat, Derrick glanced over at Quinton, "Would you two like to join us?"
Quinton raised a brow, sensing the hostility between the two men. He said, "No, that's ok, we'll go..."
"Hey, I say go for it, he asked." Jordan stated, his eyes on Denise. Quinton glanced over at him. "Jordan, if they want to be alone..."
"No, it's cool let him, I'd like to hear how you met." Derrick stated, making room for both Quinton and Jordan. He went and sat next to Denise, who scooted closer into the booth.
Derrick’s gaze flickered over Jordan again, just staring distastefully. Jordan's eyes went to his, meeting his gaze with a blank stare. When Quinton cleared his throat, he glanced down at the menu on his side of the table, "So, what's recommendable here?"
Denise was sitting there thinking this was a dream. It couldn't be happening. No way.
When no one said anything, Quinton cleared his throat. Derrick glanced at him. "Scalloped shrimp and mashed potatoes."
Jordan's gaze went to Denise's, checking out her reaction. He couldn't seem to get past the poutiness of her lips.
"So, Jordan, how long have you and Quinton been friends?" This question caused Jordan's gaze to transfer to Derrick’s.
"Since high school."
Derrick nodded, "Did you work for him too?"
Jordan shook his head no. "No, I went to school in South Hampton."
Derrick’s eyes went to Denise's and he asked, "Did you know him too?"
Denise's gaze went to Jordan's and she just stared.
"Yeah, we knew each other." Jordan stated, his tone soft. Denise turned back to face Derrick. She couldn't believe this was happening. Why here, now?
"Ok." Derrick raised an eyebrow at her and then turned back to Jordan. Jordan gave a tight smile, "We dated back in high school."
Denise's eyes went wide with shock and she turned her attention back to Jordan. That was none of Derrick’s business.
"Oh, really? For how long?" Derrick’s arm went around the booth behind her. Jordan's eyes went cold. "Four years."
Derrick raised both brows shocked and glanced over at Denise. "You never told me you had a boyfriend in high school."
Denise shrugged, "I wasn't aware that I had to tell you." She stated, her tone a bit nipped.
Quinton began shaking his head, knowing this was going to be disaster.
Derrick sighed, ignoring the irritation in her voice, "Well, it would've been a nice thing to explain, since you obviously don't have an iota of attraction to me." His tone was so smooth and deceptively soft, that because everyone at the table felt the tension building, they could hear the pain.
"I never said I didn't have an attraction to you." She hissed, her gaze turning to his. "I just want to be friends with you. Is that a crime?"
Jordan's gaze went to Derrick’s, hating him for even being here. He had no idea how close to Denise's heart he was. The further at arm's length he was kept, the closer to her heart he was. He waited for Quinton to finish picking his order, because he didn't want to look as if they were together. This sent chills down his spine.
"Geez, I feel great." Derrick replied sarcastically. Jordan glanced at the suit and tie, curly hair, long thick eye lashes and couldn't stand him even more. He could tell that he was just Denise's type. She'd always go for the brother in the suit before any other man. This caused him to glance down at himself and feel embarrassed. He was dressed in attire associated with people who were lazy, didn't work or anything. This caused a waft of disgusts to float through the air. Getting up, he said, "Excuse me, Quin."
Quinton stood up and moved out of his way. They watched as he left the restaurant, not really saying anything. Denise felt a tug in her heart to go help him. She stared after the door he'd gone through. Quinton glanced at her, and then stood up, he went after Jordan. Derrick sighed, "Ok...interesting." Denise, not able to hold back that feeling to go to him any longer, stood up too. "Excuse me."
Derrick glanced up into her face, "You're joking right?"
Denise exhaled, "Move, please."
Derrick stood up, shaking his head, "What ever, Denise."
"He's still my friend, Derrick. I care about him."
Derrick sighed and watched in frustration as she made her way toward the exit of the restaurant. Flustered, Derrick glanced down at his watch. He hoped this wouldn't take all day.

"Since when did you start smoking?" Denise inquired as she watched Jordan light up a cigarette and put it to his mouth. They were standing away from the brick structure, shaded by some trees that were covering the restaurant, giving it a nice cool feeling.
"I only do it when I get stressed out." He stated, starring up at the sun.
Quinton was standing in front of the building, watching him, not saying anything. He hoped Denise was sharper than she'd been in high school. Intellectually, she was awesome, but when it came to emotional availability, she had serious problems.
Denise swallowed softly, "What's wrong?"
Jordan focused his attention on her. "Nothing."
Denise smiled, "You always say that."
Quinton raised a brow. Was that a twinkle in her eye? He stared over at Jordan, who'd inhaled another puff of cigarette and was staring at her with a bemused expression. Judging by his demeanor, he could tell the smile Denise had thrown his way was a turn on for him. He'd switched his weight from one foot to another and was starring at her mouth. This caused another brow. He wondered how long it'd been since Jordan had had sex?
"I mean it to. I just needed some fresh air." Another exhale, calming effects the cigarette had. Denise shrugged, "Ok." For a few minutes, the both of them stood there starring at one another, communicating with their eyes, not with words.
Quinton narrowed his brows. "I always hated when you guys did that." He stated.
Denise's gaze broke from Jordan's and she turned her face to his, "Do what?"
"Talk with your eyes. I can't ever get a word out of what's being said."
Denise raised a brow. "Talk with our eyes?"
Quinton laughed, "Yeah, you always seem to be having a conversation without saying much. That gets annoying after a while."
Jordan inhaled sharply, flickered the cigarette on the ground and cleared his throat, "Maybe you shouldn't be so nosey then." He stated. His gaze immediately flickered to Denise's. A smile captured her face as she read the expression in them. Jordan stared, his eyes glazed. Subconsciously, Denise's hands went up to her arms and she began to run them over the goose bumps she felt.
Quinton cleared his throat, "Yeah, well maybe if you didn't make it so obvious that you haven't had sex in quite a while, I wouldn't be so nosey."
If it wasn't for the tips of red on his ears, Denise would've thought Jordan wasn't affected by his words. Turning his eyes to Quinton's he said, "Would you mind giving me a lift home? I'm not in the mood for lunch."
Quinton reached up and pulled his ear, suddenly scratching an itch. Denise's head turned and she watched as Derrick made his way toward them. When he reached her side, he inquired, "Are you guys ready to order?"
Quinton sighed, "Jordan and I are going to leave. I have some business that came up at the office."
Derrick extended a hand to Jordan, "Nice meeting you." Jordan grasped his hand. Derrick’s fingers gave a firm handshake. Overly firm. "Yeah, nice meeting you too." Jordan quickly pulled his hand out of the man's grasp. Looking him in the eyes, he told him to back off. Derrick held his gaze, telling him to back off. His arm went to Denise's shoulder and he glanced down at her. "Are you ready for lunch?"
Denise wasn't in the mood for lunch anymore. She wanted to see to it that Jordan was alright, but he'd brought her out for the occasion so why not? Sighing, she looked up at Jordan and with tender eyes, she smiled, "See you later, Jordan."
Jordan shrugged his shoulders, "See you later, Denise."

As they walked in separate directions, each thoughts was filled with the other. Jordan wondering why he'd even come back. He told himself maybe he should just focus upon taking care of business with the house and leave things between them the way they were. Obviously, she was in the process of moving on.

Denise felt the strangest tug in her heart. It whispered to her, told her things. Things she didn't really believe. Her heart told her he still loved her and she still loved him, and although that may be true, they were not the same as they'd once been. He was a smoker. She wondered if he still drank? Probably. Another thing her heart told her was that she'd never be more than friends with Derrick. He was a great guy, but she'd never been stirred to feel anything out of the ordinary with him. Glancing up at him, she studied him, wondering what was wrong with her. Why not him?

Chapter Three

Denise inhaled a deep breath and got through her lunch with Derrick. Although she tried to focus, she couldn't help but hope that Jordan would be alright. That he would be ok. She half listened, until Jordan's names fell from his lips. This caused a pause in her thoughts. She focused in on what he what saying.
"...and with the clothes he wears, you could tell he grew up out here, I mean with that accent, he can't be from anywhere else." His gaze turned to Denise, "You actually went out with him?"
Denise brows rows, "What's wrong with him?"
"He just doesn't seem like your type, that's all."
"What do you mean, Derrick?"
"You know, he's..." Derrick racked his brain for a word to describe him, but came up empty. "I don't know. He doesn't even look like your type. His clothes was less than fashionable and what's with his hair? The creepy eyes."
Denise smiled, "Are you jealous of him, Derrick?"
Derrick cleared his throat, "No, I just can't figure him to be your type, that's all. I mean, he's not even doing anything with his life."
Denise's smiled dropped, "Some people have it a lot harder than others, he's had some pretty hard times over the years."
"Well, I think it's time for him to get up and start living." Derrick opinionated.
"And I think you need to stop right there before you put your foot in your mouth." Denise stated, her tone firm.
Derrick shrugged, "All I'm saying..."
"And what I'm saying is mind your own business. What happened with him is none of your business." Denise replied gruffly.
Derrick stared at the fire in her eyes, "Sorry."
Denise held a protective gleam in her eyes.
Derrick took a swig of the drink he'd ordered, "So, how serious was your relationship in high school?"
Denise glanced down at her half empty plate. "Serious enough."
"Did you guys stay together the whole four years?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Denise stated, her heart speeding up a bit, remembering those years.
"Aw, come on Denise, I want to know about the man who claimed your heart." He teased.
Denise looked up at him with a sigh, "I'm ready to go." Signaling for their waiter, who'd just put in a order for two guys at the bar next to their table, she asked for the check.

Jordan gazed around Nicholas room, staring at the stark white walls, cleared out floor that had been swept and vacuumed, along with the clothing cleared out of the closet, he felt the emptiness float over the room and work it's way into the crevices of his heart. He already missed the hazel eyed little boy. Swallowing, he flickered off the light to the room and turned toward his room. Glancing over at his mother's door, he stared. He wasn't ready for taking her things up to the attic. Inhaling sharply, he made his way to his room and laid down in bed, closing his eyes. His thoughts drifted back to Chicago.

"Who's Denise?" Carene inquired, as she glanced over at him, her pupils red from the weed they'd smoked. Jordan laughed, finding this the funniest question in the world. "Who's Denise?" Jordan inquired a glaze in his eyes, the smile relaxed on his face.
"Yeah, who is she?" Carene whispered.
"Why?" He pondered curious, staring at her sad looking face. He hated to say it, but Carene was one ugly chick. Big dough like gray eyes, a spacious gaps separating her teeth in every corner. Although she had a honey toned complexion, it was more than flushed out by the freckles that littered her body like dots. There were many times when he played connect the dots, just for the fun of it; just because he could. Her nose was way too big, taking up more than half of her face. This caused him to laugh. God, she was hideously ugly. If it wasn't for the fact that she was "loose" not really caring about whether he came or went, or the indifference in his attitude, he would've passed her up. Plus, she wasn't too bad. She did enough to distract him for the time being, at-least that's what he'd thought until she'd brought up her name.
"So, are you going to tell me who Denise is," she inquired, drawing circles over his back.
"Why? Did I call her name out while we were together or something?" He inquired.
She shook her head, "No, you did in your sleep though. I was just curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat." He stated.
"I think you killed my cat." She whispered, a blush forming on her cheeks." For a split second, this caused his heart to skip a beat. Something in her voice reminded him of Denise. That's why he'd even talked to her.
"You think I killed it huh?" His voice was low and husky. This caused the girl's eyes to gather dark storm clouds, "Yeah, I think it needs an examination."
He gave her a seductive smile, causing her to forget about Denise, which was his intent. For a second time, her legs opened, inviting him in, and for a brief moment, he was appeased.

Jordan's eyes popped opened and he stared up at the ceiling, his heart grieved. He couldn't believe he'd used her. Not just her, but April, and Phyllis too. All three had been good girls, and even reminded him of Denise in someway, but after Carene clinginess, which left him feeling suffocated and April's bossiness, which left him feeling dominated over, and then Phyllis promiscuity, going from one man to the next like they were part of a freight train, he couldn't handle it. He needed to get away from them. All of them were nerve wrecking in their own way. He sighed and thought of himself silly to think that all those girls would feed the broken heart inside him, but they hadn't. He'd thought the weed would, but after Carene started lacing it with PCP and left him doing crap even he didn't understand, he'd quit. He had a hard time believing any body would sell him anything that wasn't laced. Swallowing softly, he turned to his side as he pushed aside the familiar ache in his heart. She was moving on, therefore, he needed to as well.

Denise flickered her light on and woke up around three o'clock the next morning. Going to the same desk that had been hers since she'd moved to Hampton. She'd found it at a local garage sell and fell in love with the oak wood material, that was shelved by a pin board, small loading shelves for books and then a bigger area in front, that was deep enough to settle her computer in. Sighing, she reached into a drawer, pulled out her diary, she wrote inside:

I know this is silly, considering I'm twenty years old, and have gone through two of these books by now, but I can't help it. I need to write down my thoughts, my ideas, my feelings, everything in my life needs to go onto a piece of paper. I've found that to be very therapeutic over the years. Tonight, I'm going to explain to you what's going on in my heart, not thoughts as usual, but feelings...

I feel as though every part of me is going to burst open and I'm going to be left as splatter on the wall. That's how bad the ache for him is inside. I thought I'd settled that, but obviously no. Ever since the moment he's gotten here, I've been feeling like that young fifteen year old I was the moment I first saw him standing across the cafeteria watching me. It's kind of ironic how life plays out I believe. It's weird that when you first meet someone, you don't understand the force or full effect they will have on your life at that time. But, here it is four years later and I think I've grown to love him more than I had that day we were down in the basement. That day is among many that stick out in my mind. Is it possible to love someone even more than you did when you were together? Is it possible to want someone even more than you did the first time you ever were intimate? Is it possible to want to be with that person so much, that the ache in your heart makes everything else seem dull. The only time there seems to be any life in my heart, is when he near. The only time there seems to be any flow is when we are in close proximity to one another.

Even earlier today, as I watched him smoke that cigarette and the fire teasing in his eyes, I wanted to feel his mouth over mine. I wanted to be the instrument that he played. So, tell me Diary, why do I want to be in his presence? Why do I want to be where ever he is? I don't get it. I wonder if he'll ever get tired of me?

He seems so different than what he was before. He so much quieter than he used to be. He's not as dare I say- passionate as he used to be. Did I really suck the life out of him? Was the fact of him mother dying, and Nicholas death really kill who he used to be? I saw it in his eyes yesterday, that he felt inferior to Derrick. If there's anything I can say that hasn't changed, it's his eyes, the windows to the soul. He always allowed his emotions show through his eyes, so his body could be completely still, just as it had been at the restaurant, and I could read every emotion. With the exception that he gets severely pissed and then his eyes just cloud over with rage. That's one of those looks I wouldn't care to see ever again. I don't think I'd ever seen him as mad as the day I told him I was leaving.

I mean, the Lord knows, I'd gotten him really angry plenty of times before, but the storm that raged within his eyes during that moment turned them black. It got me so scared, I swore that was going to be the last time I'd ever breathed. But, no, he didn't kill me, he just provoked me by hitting me. If there is one thing that could shatter any fear, it was being hit. I had allowed myself to be controlled and abused by Lamont earlier in those years, but when I broke free, I promised to never again allow a man to yield that kind of power over me. It was in that moment I saw red and felt a pain that no matter how many times Lamont had hit me, it'd never come to the pain I felt when he hit me that one time.
Well, I know this is kind of an interrupted entry, but I must go, it's three thirty right now, time for me to go to bed, desperately.
That's all,

Chapter Four

Two days later

Jordan awoke Thursday morning and went into the kitchen to roam the fridge. Leaning down into the icebox, he rummaged around to see what was available. Seeing that there wasn't much, he grunted and opened the freezer, it was equally bare. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he closed the fridge and thought of what he would eat. He didn't have much money, considering the fact that after paying his rent for that month, and the month that he would spend down here, he had bought a round trip plane ticket, leaving enough for the car rental. He was an idiot for paying the two hundred sixteen dollars for the car for the full week and insurance that cost an extra forty dollars to cover.

Now as he thought about it, he could have taken the bus system from Richmond to Hampton, hitch hiking in any areas he needed to. He made a mental note to file that away for next time he came to visit. Sighing, he glanced up at the clock. It was seven thirty in the morning, there was plenty of time for him to get to the store and back. Running up to his room, he opened the closet, pulled down a small leather pouch and opened it. He took out the twenty dollars he had left over, wondering what could he possibly get that would last while he was here. Peanut butter, Jelly, Bread, and sandwich meat. Although he didn't enjoy balonga too much, he'd have to make due. Sighing, he zipped the pouch back up and sat it back on the shelf in the top of his closet.

When Jordan made it to the supermarket, he parked his car next to a gray Toyota. Going inside, he glanced around to see all kinds of specials going. It was just his luck, that piggly wiggly was having a sell. Cruising the isles, he pulled off a pack of generic cheese for a dollar in the mini dairy section. Next to that, he pulled out a pack of hot dogs that were also a dollar, he pulled two packages of meat. Going to the milk aisle, he saw that the half gallon jugs were a dollar a piece.

Denise pulled into Piggly Wiggly, cursing her mom for making her get up this early in the morning on her day off and go to the deli, just so she could get some boar's salami and goat cheese. Sighing, she stepped out of her car and walked up to the sliding doors that were electronically activated. Stepping inside the cool air, she headed straight for the deli, fuming the whole way.

Jordan stopped at the deli, checking out all of the meats in his section. He could really go for some peppered turkey right about now. He hadn't had any since he'd left. No coleslaw, or anything that was native to his southern roots. Lingering just long enough to think about trading in a few miscellaneous items, but not wanting to completely starve, he moved on away from the section.

Denise arrived at the deli, just as Jordan was getting ready to turn up the nearest aisle. "Can I get three pounds of boar's head salami, a pound of goat cheese, and..." Now that she was here, she couldn't help but salivate over the Peppered Turkey. Along with the American Swiss cheese. She grabbed three pounds of peppered Turkey, and an equal pound of American Swiss. Sighing, she waited for the man to calculate her order, wrap up her package and hand it to her. Content, she walked up the aisle closest to her. A price tag catching her eye, she notice that a whole gallon of milk was at two for three fifty. Grabbing those, she took them with her. Five minutes later, she glanced at the items in her hands, knowing she needed a basket, but was unable to walk. Looking down one end of the aisle and then back up the aisle, she didn't see anyone who could offer help.

Jordan counted the items in his basket, taking the bare necessities, and wanting to put the others back. When confronted with the option of grilled cheese or milk to drink, he chose the milk. Getting irritated, he left the line and went to put the cheese back. Grilled cheese would have to wait another day.

It seemed the more Denise tried not to move, the harder it became to steady the items in her hand; milk, a jar of pickles, cheese, and etcetera. As she was counting the items, the jar of pickles slipped from her grasp and went to the floor with a loud crash. This caused the other items to loosen and slip as well. As she was trying to catch a loaf of bread, the cheese slid out from underneath and fell to the floor.

Jordan heard the glass break as it hit the floor, walking around the corner at break neck speed, he came to the visual of a woman kneeled down, her long hair falling over her shoulders and chocolate toned arms reaching out to catch them. A smile went to his face, as he walked faster to get to her before she lost everything.

Denise felt a hand reach under her, grab the items from her hand, mainly the heavy stuff, and take hold of them. Although this sent the other stuff toward the floor, she was able to catch it with free hands before it even hit. Inhaling sharply, she pushed herself up using her knees. Glancing down at her pair of brown Capri pants, she stared at the splash of pickle juice that had landed on the very bottom of them. "Great, now I'm going to smell like pickles."
"Are you alright?"
Denise glanced up at Jordan's face, a smile taking over. "Hey."
Jordan smiled back. "Fancy seeing you here."
Denise sighed, "I had to get a few things for my mom and got greedy."
Jordan laughed, referring to the mess, "I suppose that's what happens when greed takes over."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, come here to do some shopping too?"
Jordan nodded, "Just a few things." He nodded toward the items in his small basket. He didn't want to draw too much attention, so he pulled them away. Denise picking up on this, said, "I was just going to get a basket for my stuff."
"You didn't get one before you started?" Jordan inquired as they walked toward the baskets.
Denise shrugged, "No, I wasn't planning to get anything else, however I couldn't resist the sell; so now, I think I may as well get some other stuff while I can."
"Alot or little?" Jordan wondered.
"Alot I guess."
"Well, in that case, you're going to need a buggy." He stated, walking past the baskets and out to the buggies that were lined up against the store front. Denise pulled the buggy alongside her. Jordan took the other side, going along with her. "what about your stuff?" She inquired.
"They're already in the car. I just came back in to exchange the cheese."
"You don't have anything out there that's likely to spoil, do you?"
Jordan shook his head no, not wanting to leave just yet. Denise nodded, understanding. "Alright, well tell me something about yourself."
Jordan raised a brow. "But you already know a lot about me."
"That's from when we were in high-school, I'm positively sure you've changed."
"Not that much."
Denise pulled a package of cookies from a shelf. "Well, let's see when you left, your hair was long, you come back, it's short and spiked, you've grown a little goatee and not to mention the smoking habit."
Jordan sighed, "I started smoking because it helps me relax. I'm really tense a lot of the time."
Denise sighed, "Oh, do you still work out?"
Jordan glanced over at her, "You're really curious. I thought for sure you'd be mad at me."
Denise sighed, "Well, I was at first, but I realized that you were going through a lot and having been there through it all, I realized I should have been more understanding due to the circumstances. So, do you still work out?"
Jordan sighed, "Yes, at times. So you've decided to be nice to me because you suddenly realized I was dealing with a lot?"
Denise shrugged, "Jordan, I know sometimes I was confused about whether or not you loved me back then, but after a time of realizing it, I decided yeah, you were worth it. I could forgive you. After all, it wasn't your fault things happened this way, so why hold it against you?"
Jordan narrowed his eye brows, who was this reasonable girl? "Ok."
"So, what did you do these two years?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity. She pulled a pack of shells off the shelf. Jordan glanced into the cart, wondering exactly how much of this stuff they actually needed at her house.
"Do you always have to ask questions?" He pondered, bemused.
Denise grinned sweetly, "Am I being intrusive?"
Jordan laughed, remembering the first time he'd told her that. They'd been sitting in a coffee shop.
"Yes, you are."
She laughed, "I'm sorry, I just want to know that you're ok, that's all."
Jordan nodded, "Well, that's fine. I'm doing good. I think the pain's starting to dim a bit."
A nod, allowed him to see that she got his drift.
"So, what about you? How have you been doing ?"
Denise cleared her throat, "Pretty damn good if I may say so."
Jordan smiled at her choice of words. "Oh really?"
"Yeah, since I'm not angry at you anymore, and I'm working, I'm doing good."
"Did you ever get your scholarship back?"
"It slipped out of my grasp. A partial scholarship to NYU, gone."
Jordan swallowed and glanced over at her again, "That's my fault, I'm sorry."
Denise shrugged, "It's not your fault, it's because of choices we both made. Not just you. I mean, I was really selfish. Maybe it's good I didn't get it."
"You're really good at Hstory, Denise, you could have made it."
Denise laughed softly, "What do you mean made?" She put her hand on her hips, "I'll still make it. I'm going to go there this fall, I may be a little set behind on my schedule, but it's alright, I'll achieve."
Jordan stared at her, quite impressed with how much she'd come to terms with in the last two years. His heart swelled with pride. He had always known there was more to her than brains.
"What?" She asked, her gaze meeting his.
"You're so beautiful, even more than you were in high school."
Denise cleared her throat, "Really?"
"Yeah." His tone was barely audible. Somehow, without noticing, they'd both made their way to the checkout line.

They said goodbye to one another, once outside. He got into his vehicle and she got in hers. Denise cut on the radio, to the nearest soul R &B station. A song by Tamia was playing. Her smooth sweet deep vocals always seemed to calm Denise. Tamia had to be her absolute favorite, outside of Toni Braxton. It seemed like the older she got, the more her taste in music changed. When she was younger, a kid, the only thing she would listen to was hip-hop. After her best-friend Stacy died in seventh grade, she'd slid toward more soulful ballads and now, as an adult, she'd become completely immersed in soul, including some old jazz sounds. Sighing, Denise pulled to a stop at the town's light, once it turned green, she continued on moving toward her house.

After unlocking the door, Denise's gaze flickered to her nineteen year old sister, who was attending her last year at the local community college. She was going for an Associate degree in Business first and then go back to school to get a degree in fashion management. "Get up and come help me with the groceries."
"I don't recall mom asking you to buy the whole store," Vicki stated, her gaze glued to the television.
"She didn't, but I thought maybe we could use some of these items, because they are on sale, now get your butt up and go out there."
Vicki ignored her, "You can't tell me what to do, I'm not a kid."
Denise turned around, "Fine, I'll tell mom about the..." Before Denise could get the words out, Vicki gasped and stood up, "You wouldn't."
"Yep, I was the one who got it fixed, remember."
"No way, that's black mail, De-De."
Denise smiled, "I know, isn't blackmail a beautiful thing?"
Victoria growled at her, cutting sharp hazel eyes at her. "What ever!" With that, she stalked outside. Just as she reached the front porch, Denise heard a scream. Furrowing her brows, Denise wondered which idiotic friend had stopped by today.

chapter five

Jordan blinked his eyes, not believing that girl's vocals. Wow, talk about surprise. He watched as she ran down the stairs, to the drive way and then finally stopped at him, throwing her arms around him in a hug. "OMG, where the hell did you come from?"
Jordan laughed, "I was in Chicago."
Vicki laughed, holding him tightly. "OMG, I've missed you like crazy."
Jordan tried to pull out of her bear hug, but found it difficult.
"Vicki, I believe you can let the man go, he's about ready to pass out." Denise's voice was heard from the porch. Jordan glanced over at her, feeling his heart skip a beat. Why couldn't she hug him this way? Why couldn't she be this ecstatic to see him? Finally, feeling Vicki's arms slacken up, he pulled away from her. "It's good to see you too, Victoria." She ran her gaze up and down his frame, taking in the lean but built frame. "You look even better now than you did two years ago." She nodded.
Jordan sighed, "Thanks."
"What are you doing here?" Denise inquired, curious to know?
"When did you get here?" Vicki pondered, her smile reaching her eyes.
"I came to help you unload the groceries, Denise. Or did you forget you couldn't carry them by yourself?"
At his teasing grin, Denise felt flutters in her stomach, "Me and Vicki can do it."
Jordan narrowed his eyes, What was her problem? She had been so nice before, but now, she stood there glaring at him from the porch.
"Don't listen to her, Jordan. We need your help too." Vicki stated, her eyes glowing.
Once Jordan helped the girls move everything into the house, and they began putting away the groceries, Victoria, who was bursting with questions, began with her first one. "How old are you now, Jordan?"
Denise scowled at her. That wasn't any of her business.
"I'm twenty years old, Vicki."
"Oh, wow, so is Denise. I always thought you were older than her."
Jordan shook his head, "No, she's older than me by three months."
Glancing over at Denise, who sat on the kitchen stool, a bland facial expression across her features,she said, "I can't believe you never told me that."
Denise sighed, "I wasn't aware that I had to."
"So, why'd you go to Chicago?" Vicki inquired, grabbing a fresh apple off the counter.
"Because I needed a change of scenery." He smiled at her.
"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about baby Nicholas, and your mother." Vicki stated, her tone sympathetic.
Jordan's gaze went to Denise, who just sat drawing imaginary circles on the counter top. Jordan could tell by her demeanor a certain part of her was jealous.
"Thank you."
"So, what was it like there?" Vicki continued to probe.
"It was alright I suppose."
"Jordan Williams, is that you in my kitchen?" Mrs. Richards came into the kitchen and wrapped him in a hug, if not tighter than the one Vicki had given, around the same amount of strength.
Denise glanced up from her spot and rolled her eyes, great, now her mother and step father were here.
"I found him standing in the driveway, he'd seen Denise at the supermarket and followed her home," Vicki replied, happily. Denise grinned at her summary of events. She made him sound like some kind of stalker.
"I'm glad. Denise, honey, did you know that he was following you?" Her mother glanced over at her, a knowing look in her eyes. Denise shook her head no. Her mother laughed, moving away from Jordan, so that her husband could shake his hand. "Hi, Jordan, sorry about all the fuss."
Jordan smiled and grasped his hand, "Oh, no, it's ok. It's not bad sir."
Garrette smiled at the young man standing before him now. "So, how have you been?" He greeted him.
Jordan nodded, "In good spirits."
Garrette laughed, "That's good."
Vicki was joking when she asked, "Please tell me you've come to abduct Denise?"
Jordan laughed, fighting a much wanted flush from coming to his cheeks.
Denise on the other hand, glared at Vicki, "Shut up, he came back to take care of the house."
"So, are you going to sell it?" Garrette asked.
Jordan cleared his throat, "I'm not sure yet."
"No? Are you going to live in it?"
Jordan shook his head no, "I'm only in town for a month, afterward, I'm going back to Chicago."
"Why don't you stay down here?" Victoria inquired, her gaze on him.
Jordan sighed, choosing not to answer this question. Victoria's gaze went to Denise, who looked to be in deep thought. She wondered what was going through that brain of hers.
Denise was infuriated. Why did they feel the need to always barge in? She wanted to find that information out on her own, not hear it while everyone else was there. Why did they all have to come around anyway? She wanted to get some information herself. She couldn't believe Victoria had gotten out more information in him within two minutes, while she still hadn't even gotten the area in Chicago. As if reading her thoughts, her mother asked that question. Biting down on her lip, Denise sighed and scooted out from the stool. She needed to go to her room, this was stifling.
About an hour later, a knock to her bedroom door caused her to look up from her diary, which she'd been writing in. The door to the bedroom opened and she stood up, crossing her arms over her chest. "What are you doing in here?"
"I knocked," He answered, his gaze hitting hers.
"I didn't say you could come in." She stated, her tone a bit nasty.
"What's wrong with you, Denise?" His expression looked concerned.
Jordan nodded, "Hmm." Coming into the room, he closed the door behind him. Going to sit on her bed, he glanced up at her. "Want to talk about it?"
Denise laughed and shook her head, "There's nothing to talk about."
Although she spoke these words, her posture and facial expression said other wise. Jordan stared up at her for a minute, a smile on his features. He'd gotten thirty seconds into the second minute, when Denise let out a sigh and furrowed both brows, "Stop it, please."
"Why are you mad?"
Denise folded her arms, defense arising. "I'm not mad."
"Oh you're just pouting for nothing. Your eyes are squinting and your hands are on your hips just because you feel like it?"
Without thinking, Denise yelled, "Yeah."

Jordan raised a brow in alarm. Reaching out for her hand, he ignored the lively flow of blood that infused with just one touch. "What are you doing?" She quarried, her eyes darting between him and her hand frantically. Slowly, he pulled her to where he stood. She followed. This was the only reaction her beating heart and dry mouth would allow. When she was nestled in between his legs, he whispered, "Sit down Denise." Immediately her body obeyed what she wanted so desperately to deny. A drop to her knees and she was kneeling in front of him. She averted her gaze from contacting with his eyes. He grasped her chin, "De-De, please, look at me."

His voice held plenty of emotion. Denise's eyes went to his. She stared into those shiny dark emeralds with awe. Why did they have to be so beautiful. "What are you jealous about?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "It's not that important."
Jordan cleared his throat. "If it's bothering you, then it is."
Denise sighed, "Whatever."
Jordan smiled, "Did you want me all to yourself for a while?" Jordan teased.

Denise's body temperature increased, leaving a full blush to her features, showing a radiant glow. Jordan's eyes took in the flushed face and natural pout to her lips as she just stared at him, her wide brown eyes sparkling. He swallowed and ran his fingers over her face, outlining each feature carefully. Her eyes told him things that she didn't want to voice out loud. Things that made his body feel as if it'd been shot up with the latest hit of endorphins. Inhaling sharply, he ran a thumb over her lip, feeling its tenderness. In a soft whisper, he stated, "Denise Calloway, there's no need to be jealous. You know my attention's always focused on you. If not in the forefront of my mind, then certainly in the back. He'd ran his hands around her mouth in circles about three times and watched her reaction as he did this, long thin lashes swept down to her cheeks at the close of her eyes, breathing became laborious, "Baby," His voice was so soft, she'd almost lost the word. He pulled her up into him.

Denise's brain screamed stop, but as usual, her heart pulled her closer to him and she didn't object to the gentle pull of her form. When his lips were just centimeters from hers, she felt the breath of his mouth, the sweet scent tantalizing, "You still have my heart, Denise." He whispered. She felt the loud thump in her chest. Without saying another word, his face leaned into hers and graced her mouth with a soft touch.

Immediately, her mouth responded back, gently caressing against his. More pressure applied, made the flutters in her stomach turn to sparks, that resonated through out her entire being. He caressed her cheeks, as his heart pounded wildly in his chest, while his mouth fed off her sweet, delicious scent. Denise tried to tell herself to slow down, but the feel of his mouth against hers brought so many memories flying in at once. Their first kiss, which greatly multiplied into many, the first time he'd ever grazed her body with those lips, even the hard angry kisses he'd delivered over time, all of those reflected a part of him.

She unknowingly reached up around his neck and pulled him into her, just so she could deepen the kiss. There was no tongue action, this was not a kiss of passion, each push of his mouth against hers, only built up memories, emotions and decreased the tension they'd been building between them since he got here. She felt her soul come alive within her, stirred to life by the man who seemed to give it purpose, a reason to live. After a few minutes, their mouths feeling as if they wanted to fall off, she swallowed and looking him in the eyes at close range, she whispered, "Why didn't you tell me some of the things you told Vicki?" He licked his lips, feeling the pain began to weigh in his heart, "Sometimes, Denise, it's easier to tell her, when I'm not in love with her. She's like a little sister to me, and I always feel like I can talk to her." This brought tears to Denise's eyes. She ran her fingers along his neck, "Why can't you tell me what happened there? I want to know, Jordan. I want to know what helped you get passed this. What helped you get past Us."

Jordan shook his head, "I didn't get past us, I'm just able to live with the idea that we may not be together now. I can live with the idea that we have both hurt one another as well as ourselves over the years. I can live with the fact that you and I had a child together and we lost him together." He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. These were things he never wanted to tell her. These were things he wanted to keep only to himself.

Denise's heart swelled with that familiar ache she felt when ever thinking of him. She wanted to be closer, she wanted to know about him, get to know him again. She wasn't even sure how long that would take, but knew she wanted too. She wanted anything and everything that had to do with him. Inhaling sharply, she whispered, "Tell me, baby. I want to know."
Jordan's cheeks reddened when he thought of the three girls he'd tried to replace her with, each girl turning out to be a bigger mistake than the last. "Denise...I..." He struggled against himself. Denise shook her head no. "Baby, don't close me out, I want to know."
Jordan closed his eyes, "You are not the only girl I've been with, Denise."
Denise closed her eyes, feeling as if a heavy weigh had been dropped on her. Swallowing the lump that seemed impossibly large, she gasped, "I want to know."

Ignoring his own tears, Jordan began his story, "When I left here, I was a wreck. I was invited to Tanya's and Andrew's place to stay for a while, and did nothing but party and smoke. Not cigarettes, but weed. How I got to doing that, I met this girl named April, she talked in the same animation you did and she wore clothes that I could see you in. Plus, she didn't seem to have a problem speaking her mind. We chit chatted for a little while and then she asked me if I wanted to go to a party. I said yeah. She and I went to the party and I slept with her that first night. That was something I hadn't ever done and I liked it.

"I liked her because there was no emotional attachment between us. She never pried, she never asked anything about me or where I was from. There were no questions. I thought it was just a casual thing you know, just a fling. Well, she would pop up at the house from time to time. Not really tell me anything, just come by. I was ok with that, but Tanya and Andrew didn't like that. They thought she was nasty, dirty, but me, all I could see was long black hair, equally dark eyes and a nice tanned body. So, I allowed this to continue, till one day, I went to her house and found out she was married with a daughter. Her husband was a drunk and all she did was leave the baby with a sitter. When I saw this, I left her alone. She didn't like it, she told me she'd leave her husband for me. I told her no, don't do that, because I didn't want to be with her. She just got angry and started accusing me of thinking she wasn't good enough for me." Jordan exhaled and glanced up at her, to see attentive eyes on him, full of compassion. This Denise he had a hard time believing could exist. Sighing once more, he continued, "That lasted about a month."

I met this girl named Carene and she was bookish just like you. She always had her head in something. I met her one day at the park. There was something in the way she sat their on the bench, looking at that book that reminded me of you. I loved the way she seemed to be paying such hard attention. So, I sat beside her and started up a conversation. Her replies were one worded. Becoming more emboldened, I asked her for a pen. She gave me one after looking at me like I was crazy. So, I grabbed the book from her, wrote my number in it and told her to call me. She just stared at me, not really saying anything. I smiled at her, and the next thing I knew, she was calling me. We hung out a few times, were intimate and well that's when I was introduced to weed. She'd been smoking it in a public restroom when we met up one day. I smelled it on her clothes when she came out. I asked her what the hell she was doing. She said, oh relax, it re leave my stress, so that's why I smoke it. I smoke it in either blunts, or roaches. Never a lot.

"I became curious, tried it and found that it did release a lot of my tension and I didn't think about you so much. So, I began to smoke it whenever Carene and I had sex. It worked, at least I thought it had, till she asked me who you were one day. I said, why, did I accidentally call you her? She said, no you said her name in your sleep. I told her it was none of her business. After that, between her obsession with finding out who you are and her change in attitude, she became very clingy, I left her alone. I had too. She was smothering me.

"The third girl, Phyllis, Ironically enough, reminded me of you in a bad way. She was the type that liked guys because of what they could do for her. I found out she had more than one lover. That I was just another dip in the pot for her." He stated. Denise listened for any type of sign that he still wanted these girls, forlornness, but came up empty handed. They'd been decoys. Sighing, she cleared her throat, "That's not too bad I guess." Jordan smiled, not believing his ears. "Really? You're willing to be in love with a guy that has slept with three other girls besides you.?"

Denise smiled, "Wasn't it you who said that you couldn't choose who you love? I mean, you were looking for me through them and although that's a dumb thing to do, I really have no say as to what goes on in your personal life. It's not like you cheated." He licked his lips, staring her in the eyes, "It feels like I have."
Denise raised both brows and whispered, "Well, you haven't. Don't think that. You may have been wrong for trying to convince yourself those girls were me, but there's no rules against pretending."
Jordan grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug, "Thank-you, Denise."
Denise smiled, "Thank-you too, Jordan."
Together they stayed that way, till her mother called them down for dinner. Almost like old times.

Chapter Six

Over the next couple of weeks, Jordan and Denise got to know one another all over again. Jordan exchanged the date of his ticket for a week extension, just so he wouldn't have to leave so soon. Jordan knew he wanted to come back, but had a lot of loose ends to tie up in Chicago. Saying goodbye to Andrew and Tanya, as well as working with his job, plus the apartment, he had to do something.

On a Tuesday evening, Denise was sitting on top her desk, legs crossed, wearing a three piece blue and beige suit. The beige blazer was covering a sky blue quarter sleeve blouse underneath. The beige skirt she wore went to her knees, but when she sat down in it, the skirt slid up to mid thigh. She was balling up pieces of paper from her printer and shooting them through the hoop. A knock sounded on the door, she figured it was just Quinton, coming in to gossip about incompetent staff, that he somehow always managed to hire. She answered the knock, "Come in."

"Is that appropriate?" Jordan inquired, closing the door after himself. He stood there taking in her position on the desk. Strappy beige colored sandals adorned beautiful feet, accentuating nice ankles. Her chocolate toned legs began with the calf muscles that still were even better shaped than what he remembered. Her calves led up to beautiful curvy thighs. He swooped his gaze upward to the blazer that catered to her shapely hips, waistline and covered a size c cup. Though the top she wore was an ordinary silk blouse, you could see her chest playing peekaboo. His eyes stayed there for a while, as he felt parched. Once they manage to complete their mission, scooping up a lovely long neck and finally hit an oval shaped face, he took in full beautiful lips, that held no suggestive tone what so ever, but didn't necessarily need one either, for there was already one embedded in the small dimple resting in her chin. His eyes soaked up prominent cheekbones a wide yet delicate nose, and the sexiest almond shaped eyes he'd ever seen. The coffee bean colored irises haunted his dreams every night from the moment he'd first met her. Now, five years later, he was still getting a hard on. This caused a dreamy smile to form.

Denise flickered her eyes, pushing herself out of her stunned state. She'd forgotten that thirst that seemed to explode through one lingering gaze of his. His eyes had taken in so much of her and as a result, her stomach was churning, her nipples hardened into like pebbles, and the throbbing in her center went from tingling, into jump mode. She hadn't had sex in so long. Just remembering the feel of his mouth over her body or the feel of his member inside her, brought an intensive vibe that threatened to shatter what sanity she did have left. She swore that her need for him now surpassed that in high-school. She couldn't help but wonder just how much he'd grown in two years. Hearing a throat clear, she came back down to earth, her gaze meeting with his. He had a perfect smile greeting her. "Hey, De-De."

She smiled back and was about to push off her desk, when he arrived in front of her and settled in-between her legs. She stare at him, "What are you doing?"
He raised a brow, his hands touching her ankle. "Nothing." His fingers massaged around it and went upward, trailing her shins, then calf. He squeezed there. Tension was felt throughout her leg. He took in her response. She stared at him all the while saying nothing. He inched his hand further up her leg, to the top of her thigh. His eyes on hers, he waited for her to stop him as he pushed his hand further. She didn't. Her eyes became smoky with passion.

He watched the deep coffee brown light up as he brushed his fingers over the top of her womanhood. He did it so slightly, with his fingers barely touching the silky underwear. As if giving permission, he watched as her legs unfolded and she opened them slightly, not giving him complete submission, but enough for him to slide his fingers down, feeling the moistness of her panties. It was during this time, he recalled the scent of her woman hood, the slipperiness of her flesh as it was bathed in her own body fluids. Grasping the side of the underwear, he slid his forefinger underneath. He felt her move up a little as his finger slid over her. The flesh there was really hot and moist. He stared as her eyes turned darker while his hand moved in gentle motions up and down the lips of her vagina. He massaged that area, feeling the heart beat in his chest accelerate and warmth began in his entire body, starting with his groins. He closed his eyes as his fingers ran over the different areas of her womanhood, feeling the soft skin become hotter with each stroke. This in turn had his body responding to hers, lighting up every area possible. A soft moan escaped her lips, causing him to open his eyes at hearing such a beautiful sound. She had her hands leaned back on the desk, while she'd pushed her bottom forward, almost off the desk.

He brought his bottom lip into his mouth at the visual display before him. Her skirt had been pushed upward and her legs were open more than they had been when he first started. He saw the blue silk underwear with rhinestones covering the waistband of the underwear. He moved his hand from inside her, and grasped the band of her underwear and slid them off. He watched her bottom lift up, giving him a full view of her womanhood. Pulling them down her legs, he was caught up in the motion as they slid down to her ankles.

Once they came off, he put them beside her on the desk. His eyes went to her chocolate beauty, taking in the dark sprinkle of curls there. He licked dry lips. Grabbing her legs, he whispered in a soft, deep voice, "Lay down, De-De." She did. When she did, his hands pulled her forward. He placed kisses on the inside of her thighs, inhaling a sweet scent mixed in with the hotness of her. This was enough to make him heady, caught up in the sweetness.

Denise didn't know what to think. she couldn't grasp beyond the fact that he was going to taste her. The strangest thing to her was that there was no rejection of the idea in her mind. She'd always been a what if type of girl, but now, there wasn't any. From the day she'd allowed him to step foot inside her vehicle, there hadn't been one single caution or idea that she was doing something wrong. As a matter of fact, the only thing she felt during the whole time he was here was right. Everything for once felt right. Even now, as he'd teased her and pulled her underwear down, there had been no with drawls and nos.
As he delicately pressed kisses to the lips leading to her insides, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the soothing touch they brought. She had no idea that her body had been smoldering. After the kisses, came the smooth stroke of his tongue over her clitoris and then sliding down her insides. She felt his tongue cover the second skin inside, moving over the area. This brought on small tingles. He swirled it around in circles, moving in medium set strokes. She gasped, for the pleasure was exquisite, leaving her pulsating, her juices flowing even more rapidly. When his tongue lifted up and he began to stroke the bottom of her, licking over the hole of her vagina, she moaned softly, feeling the tremble in her legs began. He moved his tongue around in rapid circles and then pushed it down on the second flesh inside.

Her heart beat sped up and she grasped his head, pulling him forward to her, wanting him to taste all of her. Finally a stroke upward and then a smooth movement over the clit, sent her into a climax. To intensify the moment, he swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud and then applied the pressure of his lips to it, suckling gently. She gasped his name as her body locked and then waited for the feel of the smooth liquid to run down her vaginal folds. She didn't have to wait long as they did. Instead of getting up, he lapped up the liquid with his tongue. She moaned softly, enjoying the heightened sense of touch as he did this.

When he finished, he blew on it gently. This caused the tingles to become burning sensations and she whispered, "Oh, God, Jordan, baby, I think..." She was interrupted by another blow, this one very soft and hitting her clitoris. She closed her eyes and arched her hips forward, letting out a groan. He watched as more liquid came out, this time squirting. He stared in fascination as her body finally calmed down. He glanced at her panties and then back at her womanhood. He was throbbing so bad. He wanted to be inside her. Grabbing the underwear, he tucked them into his front pocket of a pair of jeans. She whispered, "I have to put those on."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Staring her in the eyes, with deep set green irises, his voice deepened, becoming husky, "Come and get them."
Denise swallowed, feeling the twitch in between her legs. The burning sensation was still there, reminding her of what she wanted. He licked his lips. She watched in irritation as his tongue went around the movements. She closed her eyes, let out a shaky breath and whispered, "Jordan, I can't walk out of here with out any underwear. It was then, he leaned in, kissed her lips and whispered, his mouth extremely close to her ears, "I'll be waiting, Denise. If you come, I'll know you want me and if not..." He left that hanging in the air. She watched with irritation, and her sex burning with need as he walked out of her office.
Jordan stood underneath the shower stall, his face connecting with the blue tile. He wanted her so bad, that all his methods of trying to rid himself of the hard on he'd gotten while tasting her, weren't of use. He'd never felt a need so heavily, that it left him weak, breathless and with a thundering pulse.

He tried to imagine all the different ways he could take her, all the different ways he could feel her. He knew she would be a perfect fit. Imagining how tight that skin was when he entered, was enough to almost bring him to his knees. He'd assumed that she'd come already, but no, that wasn't happening. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. The ferocity of his heartbeat could be heard through his ears, coming out in the sound of bongos. There was a severe pressure filling his ears. Trying to swallow the ache in his chest, he stood up in the shower and made his body comply with his will. Grabbing the bar of soap, he wet it and lathered it all over his achy body.

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Denise's gaze flickered to the clock above the television. She couldn't believe that it was only Nine o'clock. Her eyes stayed on the clock, feeling anxious as the large hand took forever moving it closer to her set departure time. She wanted to make sure everyone in the house was asleep, before she headed over to Jordan's. Every-time she thought of the scene that took place in her office, she had to squeeze her legs tightly shut to press out the ache that tried to push it's way in. She tried not to think of the way it felt having his tongue glide over her, but that wasn't happening.

Her mind swarmed against her will, with thoughts of what had taken place two days ago. These had been the longest two days of her life. When she first came into the house, she had decided to ignore what he'd said, surely she was strong enough to get over what had taken place. She was older than she'd been at sixteen, her hormones wasn't a raging symphony as it had been back then, at-least that's what she'd thought. She'd been proven wrong on more than one occasion, having it impossible to concentrate on anything that wasn't him. She'd even driven by his house a few times, hoping that he was there, so that she could see him. He hadn't come out.

There had been no movement then. Sighing, she got up, letting out a frustrating squeal. She didn't know what she'd do about this. She didn't know if she could wait for the next four hours. Sighing, she cleared her throat and went into the kitchen, where she grabbed the jug of iced tea and a glass. Pouring the tea in the glass, she took both back to the counter with her, where she sat on her stool and drank the delicious liquid, hoping to cool herself off and focus her thoughts off him. Just as she was doing this, footsteps were heard on the stairs and a few seconds later, she was greeted by Vicki, who grabbed a glass and sat in the stool directly from her. Grabbing the jug of tea, she poured herself a cup. Denise, who'd finished her glass, reached over and grabbed the jug, pouring a second glass. She sipped this one slower.

"What's up with you lately?" Vicki inquired, her face perplexed.
"What do you mean?" Denise facaded. Vicki laughed, "He's got you already."
"What are you talking about?" Denise fidgeted with glass of tea.
"Jordan, he's got you already."
Denise lifted her eyes to Vicki's. "What do you mean?"
Vicki smiled, "I always wondered why you never gave that Derrick guy a chance. He seems to really like you and he's not that bad looking either."
Denise raised both brows. "Why can't you ever stay on one topic? Who's got me and what's that got to do with me going out with Derrick. I'm not interested in pursuing anything other than friendship with him."
Vicki sighed, "Yep, he's got you whipped, so I take it you two had passionate hot sex already?"
Denise felt her body stiffen up at the mention of them together. "Why are you on the prowl?"
Denise likened Vicki to a cat, very smooth, but vicious if crossed. "I'm not on the prowl for information, just confirmation. So, have you two screwed each other yet, or is it coming?"
Denise felt her face flush slightly. The Lord knows she wanted him. "How is that any of your business?"
Vicki shrugged, "It's not, but I just want to know if you guys are doing the nasty, cause you know how you used to be."
Denise rolled her eyes upward, "How would you know?"
Vicki laughed, "Because I used to hear everything you guys did, including prom night."
Denise's eyes widened, "I thought you were asleep?"
Vicki shook her head, "I started out that way, but seeing as how my bedroom was next to yours, I was awoken by the moans of you both. I swear there was a moment where I thought you would scream. You always seemed so close."

A heat began in Denise's center first, but then worked its way to her belly, and then upward, to her stomach, chest and then neck before finally reaching her face. "That's none of your business."
Vicki sighed, her gaze on Denise's. "So, anyways, I figure if he used to make you feel that way, as you say, it won't be long before you do screw him, I mean, if he wasn't my future brother in law, I would screw him myself, but unfortunately, you got to him first."
Denise narrowed her brows. "We're not going to get married."
Vicki smiled, "That's what bugs me about you, you always try to control the inevitable."
"There's no inevitable." Denise whispered.
Vicki nodded her head, "Yes there is."
"We're not going to get married."
Vicki rolled her eyes and leaned forward across the counter, "Yes, you are. The sooner you open your eyes to fate, the better off you'll be."
"Fate?" Denise inquired, thinking this a foolish belief.
"Yes, fate. It's fate that you two are together Denise. He's your soul mate. I bet if you went to another country, he'd find you without even trying."
Denise laughed at this ridiculous notion, "There's no such thing as fate or soul mates or whatever. There's just chemistry."
"Tell yourself that lie." Vicki stated, setting her glass down. She pushed her stool out of the counter top and got down, "I'll see you in the morning."
"Going to bed early?"
"I have class tomorrow."
Denise sighed, "Alright, good night."

After Vicki disappeared up the stairs, Denise listened as her door opened and then the light into the bathroom illuminated the hallway. Denise sighed as she heard the shower run. Sitting there, she put her hand in her head, hating that although Victoria Richards was not her full blooded sister, the girl could read her like an open book. Was she that predictable? She blushed when thinking of the many encounters she'd had with Jordan, thinking of the many times they'd both loved one another. Swallowing sharply, she got up and pushed her stool into the counter.

As Denise walked to the corner of Grisham and Terrace, and then made a right, where she continued to walk up that block, stopping when she came to his house. Going up to the door, she raised a hand to knock on the door, but stopped in midair. She couldn't do this. Wouldn't. Ridiculous. Why did she want to all of a sudden throw caution to the wind? Why was she suddenly willing to work things out with him after all the time they spent apart? Just go home! Her mind screamed. She needed to go home. Clearing her throat, she turned to make her escape. Just as she hit the bottom step, his voice called out her name. Glancing up, she watched as he came up the driveway. A frustrated expression was on his face. Feeling a lump embed itself in her heart she attempted a smile, "Hi." Her tone came out soft, yet scratchy.

"Hey." He stopped in front of her as she set foot on flat ground. Dark brown eyes flittered to everything except the masculine frame that stood in front of her, dark green eyes smoldering with lust.
"I..." She started, frustrated. "I just wanted..."
Jordan leaned in close to her and without saying a word, placed a kiss on her mouth. Immediately she accepted it. He pulled her close to him, wrapping strong warm arms around her. After the kiss broke, he held her in his arms, not moving. "I understand if you don't want to De-De." Her body trembled within his grasp, her words jumbled in her head. "I want...but I don't...This is silly." She whispered. He swallowed, running a hand down her hair, not sure he liked the smooth texture of it. There wasn't any definition to it. Sighing, he whispered, "Why is it silly?"
Sighing, Denise whispered, "Vicki asked if we were having sex."
Jordan smiled, nodding, "What did you tell her?"
"I told her no."
"So you didn't fancy her ideas?"
Denise's eyes widened, "Why would I? We haven't had sex."
There was a twinkle in his eyes, "Because it would've been fun."
Denise sighed, "I'm sure you would've done better." She stated, her tone sarcastic.
Jordan lifted a brow in question. "What's up with the attitude? You scared?"
Denise shook her head, "No."
"Why the attitude then?"
She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him, "I have to go." She attempted to make her way down the driveway. He grasped her by the hem of her shirt, preventing her from leaving, "What's wrong with you, Denise?"
"This is Silly, Jordan. Absolutely insane. What idiotic person would do this? I don't even know if you're coming back once you go back to Chicago. We're not in a relationship. Shit, I shouldn't be acting like a high-school kid anymore."
Jordan laughed, his green eyes twinkling, "You're twenty years old Denise."
"Yeah, so? I'll be twenty one in November. I'm old enough to not be making these mistakes."
"Mistakes?" Jordan caught this, the hurt expression in his eyes.
Denise put a hand over her face, sighed and then put them down, her expression sorrowful. "I'm not saying you're a mistake Jordan. I just don't want to do something I'll live to regret."
Jordan ran his hand over her face, "So, you think you'll regret this?"
"Yes, come morning, I'll regret it." She whispered.
Jordan stared into her eyes again and said, "Why?"
"Because, we're not together anymore. We're not in a committed relationship."
"Who's to say we won't be, Denise?"
"Well, we can't. You'll be going to Chicago in a couple of weeks, and I'll be going off to NYU."
Jordan's brow raised, "You are?"
"Yes, I got accepted into there History Program on a partial scholarship."
He smiled, feeling saddened by this information, "Congratulations."
Denise sighed, and shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, thanks." For some reason, Jordan didn't hear the same amount of enthusiasm as her voice held senior year in high-school. This was perplexing.
"So, that's why I think this is a big mistake," She stated truthfully.
Jordan leaned in and kissed her lips again, this time with more aggression than he had the last time, igniting her senses. When it was completed, she was left with a lot more electric bolts than the last one. Her legs felt as weak as Jelly and her body ached in all the right places, not to mention the sweet tingles that came from her lips. Jordan sighed, "ok. Let me walk you home."

Denise turned around, her feet heavy on the pavement as she made her way out of the driveway. Jordan sighed, irritated because he wanted her bad. He'd been able to think of nothing except the sweet pressure of her body underneath his that whole night. When he'd seen her, his heart began pumping fast and he'd been excited, but the expression on her face had stopped him. Walking beside her, Jordan wished for once that she'd take a chance. Did being in a relationship always have to be a component with her? Couldn't she just let him make love to her? Sighing, he shoved his hands into pants pockets.

Denise sighed, still thinking about the kiss. Why couldn't she just take chances? What would be the worst to come of their reunion? So what they weren't in a relationship. They didn't have to "be together" to be together. Sure, she still loved him, but they were living two different lives now. Plus, it didn't matter what Victoria Richards thought, because Victoria wasn't her mother or any authority figure over her. Glancing over at Jordan, she watched as he pushed his hands into his pockets, deeply in thought. She needed this. She wanted a release, and at-least with him, she knew what she would be getting, why not? Inhaling sharply, she heard her own voice call out his name.

Jordan turned his head to the sound her voice. She'd stopped a little bit behind him, her body a little anxious, shuffling feet, her bottom lip pulled into her mouth. When he went back to her, he stood there. She whispered, "I can't believe I'm going to do this."
Without a word, he reached around her hips and pulled her to him.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine:

Laying her down on his bed, he ran his hands through her hair, kissing her forehead. Denise swallowed, waiting for his lips to reach hers. When they did, she let out a moan. He ran his hands down her hips, to her legs. She moved them up, giving him better access to her bottom. When his hands applied pressure there, she moaned again, whispering to him that it felt nice. He ran his fingers up to the top of her pants and undid the buttons. She felt a moisture build between her legs. When his hands ran over the trimmed curls, she let out a gasp, trapping his hands in between her legs. He kissed her harder, letting her know that this turned him on, just as it always had.

He felt himself get harder. She pushed her tongue into his mouth. His responded to the tugging of hers. She whispered his name again. He pulled his mouth from hers and grabbed her pants with both hands. Tugging them down, he discarded them along with her underwear to the floor. He kissed her chin and then her neck. In a whisper, his tone raspy, he stated, "De-De, you taste sweet." He paused to remove his pants as well. Once they were off, he pulled her legs up, pushing himself in between them. To feel his hardness, brought about a slippery wetness Denise hadn't even felt in high school. The ache she felt was so great, that it enticed her into pushing her hips up to his, so that he could feel her own need. He leaned down to her mouth and kissed her lips. She grasped his head. He whispered, "I have to get a condom."
She whispered, "Hurry up."

This made him smile. She smiled back. He swallowed and got up. Going to his desk, he clicked the lamp on. Denise turned to glance at him, seeing the muscles rip throughout his body. She'd never seen any man so sexy. His work out showed. He wasn't built in a way that the muscles bulged obscenely, but in a nice toned way, just like a pro basketball player. "Take off your shirt Jordan."
Jordan turned to look at her, "Still telling me what to do, are we?"
She teased, "And you still are putting on those condoms mighty fast."
He sighed, "Sure."
"I can't believe you can fit the same ones, she whispered.
"I had to go to the drug store and pick up new ones."
This caused a brow to raise, "So you've been taking Viagra?"

Jordan grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. Denise's eyes got bigger as she took in the muscles along his chest. And stomach. How much did he work out? As if hearing her question, he answered, "Three times a week, De-De." She couldn't take her eyes off his chest. He smirked at this. Leaning over her, he whispered, "You next." She raised her arms as he grabbed the hem of her blouse and pulled up the shirt. Taking in her breast, he was drawn speechless. She was not wearing a bra, her chest more beautiful than the last time he remembered. His hands ran in between them, his eyes on hers, passionate. She licked her lips, becoming antsy. He leaned down and ran his tongue over her nipple, the skin was extremely tender. Grasping a hold of it, he pushed it into his mouth, pulling her breast in too. She moaned, as he suckled gently, tasting the mixture of lilacs and her scent. He pulled it out, loving the feel as it grazed his teeth. Suckling, he moaned softly, loving it.

When he opened his mouth and ran his tongue around the Aeriela. When she pushed her hips up to his again and grasped his head, he smiled, feeling his own excitement. There was something about the way her voices sounded that really made him want her. He switched and went to the right breast. She gasped when his tongue flickered over the Aeriela again and again. He grabbed the breast in his mouth and suckled applying some pressure. She whispered, "Oh, Jordan." He continued this for a few minutes and then trailed kissed down her breast bone, to her stomach and then to her navel. When he got to the bush of hair, he felt himself harden even more than his throbbing member already was. Unable to resist, he trailed kisses around there and then worked his way to her vaginal lips. When he did, he pushed them back and ran his tongue in speedy motions over it.

She gasped. Grabbing her thighs, he bit down into them, applying pressure. She gasped really loud. He released the skin slowly, suckling hard. He couldn't explain the hunger he felt. He wanted her so bad. His eyes went to her sex and he licked his lips. The throbbing was even more intense. Taking his hand, he ran it over her, feeling the wet juices flow over her. "God." He whispered, pulling himself over her.

Taking the tip of his penis, he guided it into her. Although the entry was easy, she was significantly tight as he made his way inside. Glancing down at her, he looked her in the eyes as he pushed in, loving the tenderness and warmth of her woman hood. She gasped, not wanting to cry out at the tightness that wrapped around him. His length was thicker and longer than she remembered. When he began moving though, instinctively, she grabbed a hold of his neck and pulled him down to her. His weight bearing down on her, she closed her eyes, her breathing becoming fast. He pushed her legs up some more, loving the way she felt, the way her juices flowed out with him. He moaned along with her, getting wrapped up in her sweet sound. He continued like this for a while, and then felt her began to stiffen up with him. He felt the shift in her body and groaned, trying to hold his own climaxed. Pushing into her a few more times, he was met with a tingling sensation that picked up. He whispered, "De-De." She whispered, "Hold it, baby."

He pushed another time, "I'm trying." When he felt her walls constrict, he pushed in deeply one more time, feeling the tingles become uncontrollable before finally exploding. He felt her own climax cover him. He loved the feel of her liquids pouring down him. When it finally stopped, she was shaking. He kissed her mouth and whispered, "Thank-you."
She ran her fingers through the wet hair that had grown into bangs on his forehead and looked into beautiful green eyes. Tears shimmering in hers, she whispered, "Thank-you."

Hours later, sometime in the night, when Jordan had discarded three condoms and they were beyond exhausted and Denise lay with her feet wrapped around his as he had his own wrapped around hers, he whispered, "Good night." Denise had her arms circled around his waist, while his was on her shoulders, she tucked her face as close to his chest as she could with out suffocating. she whispered, "Goodnight."

Birds chirped in through the open window, while a gentle breeze whipped through the curtains. Jordan sat there with Denise in his arms, staring down at her as she slept. He smiled and thought she looked just as she had in high-school. The way her body seemed to curl around his, like a feline. He'd swept some of her hair off her fore head, just so he could get a look at her closed lids and relaxed mouth as she slept peacefully. He couldn't understand how she didn't snore. How her body seemed to move together in a oneness whenever she slept.

His eyes went down to her chest as he watched it suck in a deep breath and then exhale. Her breast rose and fell with each movement. Reaching out, he slid his thumb and forefinger over her and captured the small bud in his fingers. When he did, he allowed the gentle movement of her chest to slip it through his fingers. Immediately the bud puckered. Sighing, Jordan circled his thumb around it until it tightened in his finger. He'd never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. Leaving her chest alone, he ran his fingers down her ribcage, feeling intricate bone structure. Over to the area that protected her esophagus, and then further down, feeling tender skin that seemed to mold to his with just one touch. He continued on further downward, feeling his heart beat accelerate.

He'd never told her this, but after they'd had Nicholas, he wanted more children from her. It was then he thought things could work out between them. He'd thought perhaps God was going to show them a little mercy. He'd also known that he'd wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He'd loved her so much back then. He'd been so angry when she'd left, because that would've meant that they couldn't, wouldn't be together and at the time, that was something he couldn't handle.

He'd known he'd get through the death of his mother and the death of Nicholas with her on his side. He'd just needed a way to dim the pain. He wanted it to go away right then. He didn't want to spend years in counseling, years telling some people he'd never met about what he felt when his baby and his mother died. He wanted to do things his own way. His fingertips pressed lower over her abdomen, stopping at her belly button. He remembered that the first time he'd felt Nicholas kick, it had been here. His little foot jumped out against the skin. That had caused Jordan to laugh. God, how beautiful that felt. He'd wanted to take Denise up in his arms and kiss her and hold her and show her how much he really did love her. But...that wasn't what happened. He laughed a little and for some reason, distanced himself from her even more than he'd already been at the time.

Clearing his throat, he felt a tear come down his cheek. She deserved more than that. Than what he'd offered her. Glancing up at her, he felt his heart melt with compassion, sorrow, and love for her. He still loved her. He still wanted her. Although he had no right, he felt as if she was his. Reaching out to her hand, and grasping her fingers in his hands, he placed delicate kisses on each one, running his thumb over her ring finger.

She should have a ring on that finger. His mother's ring. Swallowing softly, he whispered, "You deserve better."
"Hello to you too." Her tone came out raspy, her New York accent had long since been given a softer current while living in Hampton. The interesting part was, he'd never heard it until now. Glancing up into her face, he broke out into a smile, trying to match the one she held on her own.
"Did you sleep well?" He inquired, his southern drawl sweet to her ears. She shifted her body and stretched, sounds escaping her mouth like a cat. "I slept like a baby."
He laughed softly, "More like a kitten."
Denise laughed, "Yeah, if you say so."
Jordan continued to stare at her fingers, taking in the oblong shaped nails. "I do say so." His thumb ran over her fingernails, feeling the softness of them.
"What are you doing?" She inquired, her gaze drawn to his lips.
"Thinking." He stated.
"About what?"
He smiled, "I can't say just yet."
"Why not?" She inquired.
His eyes went to hers, "I'm thinking about how I want you to marry me."
Denise's stomach dropped and she stared apprehensively. "What?"
"I was thinking about how my mother's ring would look on your nice, long, beautiful fingers."
Denise stared wide eyed, shocked. Since when?
As always, he answered her question without her asking. "Since, we had Nicholas."
Denise felt the lump form in her throat and her chest thump out the rhythm of her heart. :"Jordan."
"Denise." His eyes darkened and he whispered, "I still love you, Denise. You know that." Denise tried to inhale, but couldn't seem to get that breath to go further than her throat. Giving up, she closed her eyes, told herself not to panic and counted to ten. She couldn't understand why she was panicking,
when he was the one whom her heart belonged to. The one she'd always wanted to be with. None of this made sense.

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten:
Some time later that afternoon, when they'd both gotten up to make lunch, Jordan opened the door to his mother's room. Flipping the switch, he glanced around and stared at the clothing that lay on the unmade bed. He could still smell his mother's perfume in clinging to the air. Going to the bed, he ran his fingers over a pair of slacks she'd worn when cleaning. He could see her tall thin frame standing in the stretch pants, a t-shirt and a scarf tied around dark brown hair that hung at her shoulders. He inhaled deeply and went around the room, touching a bit of everything. He really missed her. She'd been a great person, inside and out. The most beautiful woman he'd ever known. Taking a deep breath, he stooped below the bed and pulled out a box that was lodged underneath the right corner of the bed. Pulling it upward, he opened it.

Denise finished making the fruit salads with hotdogs for their lunch. She grabbed two glaces and set them out on the table. In front of them, she sat forks. Grabbing the towel that hung on the bar of the stove, Denise wiped her hands. Turning around, she made her way up the stairs and to his room. When finding his room empty, she turned to his mother's room. Knocking on the door, she called out his name. There was no answer. She knocked on the door a second time, calling his name louder. "Jordan, it's time to eat." After a few minutes, she heard movement in the room. Pulling away from the door, she stood in the hallway as it opened. Jordan glanced down at her with red rimmed eyes.

He cleared his throat and with a bright smile, inquired, "What's for lunch?"
Denise sighed, ignoring the tale tell signs of tears. "Food."
He laughed, "What do you mean food? I bought some stuff a couple of days ago."
Denise shook her head disagreeing, "No, I saw what you had with you and that wasn't food. That was scrapings."
Jordan sighed, "Scrapings?"
"Yeah. I didn't like that."
"What did you do?"
"I went home and stole some of the food I bought for our house."
Jordan swallowed, putting a hand on her back, "Don't you guys need that?"
Denise shook her head, "Nope."
"What did you get it for then?" He inquired as they walked to their chairs at the table. Denise sat down in front of him. Glancing up at him, she answered his question, "I'm an impulsive shopper Jordan. If I see a sale, no matter how much I may not need, I always get it."
Jordan laughed, "When did this start kicking in?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders, "It's always been there. I've just never had the money till now to get what ever I want."
"Oh. You're making the big bucks now, huh?" Jordan teased.
Denise glanced up with a flirtatious grin. "I guess you could say that. What about you, Jordan?"
Jordan shrugged, "I work back in Chicago."
"Yes, I work for a small company."
"Really? What kind?"
Jordan sighed, "A company that constructs buildings."
"Yeah, it's called Rinsdor Construction Company."
"Yeah, it's a company that just took off about five years ago."
"Is the money enough to live off of?"
Jordan raised a brow, pausing in the middle of his second hotdog. "That's an inappropriate question, Denise."
Denise felt her cheeks sting with embarrassment. "Sorry."
Jordan watched her with a smile on his face. Some things never changed. "Yes, it's enough to live off of and then some."
Denise nodded, "Good."
"What about you, Denise? Are you and Derrick dating?"
Denise shook her head no. "We're not dating."
"Why not? He seems like your type."
Denise cleared her throat. "He's ok, I guess. So, are you still going to school for Law?"
Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I'm majoring in civil studies and then I'm going to go for Civil Law."
"Hmm, that's interesting." Denise stated, pushing her empty plate away, so that she could reach for her fruit salad.
"Why do you say that?" Jordan sat back in his chair, both plate and bowl empty, his stomach simi full.
"I just thought that lawyers were all criminal law."

Jordan shook his head rebutting, "No, not all of them. There's way more than criminal law."
Denise smiled at his fuse of passion when talking about Law. He went on into all the details of law and although she was supposed to be listening, she couldn't concentrate on his words, because his body was taking over the spotlight with dramatic gestures, a determined gleam in his eyes and the most sensual of all was the way his mouth moved. She tried to zoom in on his words, but for the life of herself, couldn't focus. Instead, she turned her attention away from him, to the fruit bowl. Just when she was starting to decipher some of his words he stopped talking. It took her a minute to feel the stare he was giving her. She glanced up to see his eyes shining with irritation. Swallowing, she said, "I'm sorry."

"If law's too boring for you, Denise, just say it." He stated, grabbing his dishes and taking them to the sink. Denise rolled her eyes, annoyed that he'd think she'd be that foolish. "I was trying to concentrate." She defended herself.
"You were doing a great job." He replied sarcastically. This caused Denise to laugh. Jordan glanced over at her, his cheeks heated, "You know, I don't like history all that well, infact, I hate history but I atleast provide you the curtesy of listening to the most dry subject there is."

Denise sighed and stood up, "History is fundamental ok. And anyway, I couldn't concentrate on what you were saying because the way your body moved when describing that was quite interesting. I was drawn in to that."

Jordan set the dishes into the sink and turned around, facing her. "What?"
Denise began chewing on her bottom lip, her tone soft "I was distracted because I was too busy watching your hands move about, the twinkle in your eyes, the smile that looked so enthralled by it and your mouth as you spoke."
This caused him to narrow his lids, speechless. Denise swallowed her anxiety. "I love the way you were so animated. I could see the happiness there, it's beautiful."
Jordan felt something in his heart loosen up. Exactly what, he wasn't sure. He hadn't even known there was something weighing him down. Staring at her, he said, "Denise Renee Calloway. I do believe that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me."
Denis smiled, "Yeah." She turned away from him, her gaze going to the wall next to the doors that led into the living room. She couldn't explain why, but she felt really embarrassed.

Jordan stood there by the sink for a few seconds smiling. She really did have a heart. Sweet. Sighing, he walked up behind her. He watched as the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up. He let out a deep breath and laid a kiss on the back of her neck. A soft sigh was heard. He whispered, "Let me hold you." Denise didn't say anything. She didn't move. He slowly wrapped her in his arms. Immediately, her body relaxed into his, the tension in her shoulders was released. He stood over her, placing kisses in her hair.

Denise closed her eyes and reveled in the sweet feel of his strong arms wrapped around her. She couldn't explain it, but she felt a sudden gulf of pain grip her heart. Swallowing, she placed her hands on his arms, signaling to him that she wanted this, needed this, she released the pain, tears falling down her eyes. His arms held her tighter. He listened as she bawled her eyes out.

Chapter Ten

Jordan felt the ache in his heart unlike ever before. It decended upon him in that moment like a tidal wave crushing the tiniest sea creature. Grasping Denise's shoulders, he turned her around to him, pulling her into his arms. Reining kisses all over her head, cheeks and face, he whispered, "I'm sorry, De-De. I'm so sorry." He felt the tightness she wrapped him in, her body racking with sobs, letting out everything she'd kept in over the past two years.

I cried so hard today. Harder than I ever had over the past two years. I thought I was done with those tears, but I guess not. I had been saving them up. Ironically enough, for not having seen him in two years, I feel closer to him than I did the last time we were together. I am glad I did get a chance to do that, because he was so sweet. He held me and apologized the whole time. When I finally did stop crying, we talked about reasons why I was crying and then we talked about the house and why I'd been keeping it clean. Stuff like that. By the time I left from over there, it was around seven o'clock. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I just came up to my room to get ready for bed. Now, I'm sitting here an hour later and thinking what am I doing? Should I be doing this? Should I be this comfortable after all this time? Should I? I don't know. I have to go to bed now though. Work's tomorrow.
June 15, 2003

"I would ask you when, but I'm not going to do that. The important question is are you?" Quinton stated, coming into her office. Denise was bent over her desk, looking over some assignments she'd given the students who were in the high-school level in the history program. She'd taken over for their teacher Audrina, to make sure they'd been complying with all the rules of the thesis paper they'd been instructed to write on William Shakespear.
"Well, hello to you, too." She stated without looking up from her present paper.
"Hi, Denise, so tell me, are you?"
Denise paused her pen in mid air, glancing up at her bestfriend of three years. "Am I what?"
"Are you and Jordan back together?"
Denise smirked, "Do you know how gossipy that sounds?"
Clearing his throat, Quinton leaned over her desk, staring her in the eyes. He was presenting her with his intimidation stare. Denise rolled her eyes heavenward and let out a bouncy laugh, "Quinton, your eyes are shrewd enough, that if I didn't know you, I'd take you seriously, but no, it's not working."
With this out, Quinton sighed and pulled himself up erect, folding his arms in a pout across his chest, "How about this?" His medium toned pitch inquired. Denise laughed, "Yeah, ok. Why are you asking if Jordan and I are together any how?"
Quinton laughed, "Well, I called your house one morning miss thang and Vicki told me that you'd gone over there the night before and hadn't come back home. Two and two together, and..." He stopped right there.
"I can't say for sure if anything's going to happen between us just yet." Denise confirmed, her tone confidential.
"So, you two have been screwing the hell out of eachother lately?"
"No, but...we did sleep together that night." Denise felt her skin flush with excitement upon remembering.
Quinton let out a huge grin, a devious smile coming to his features. Taking a seat in a chair, across from her desk, he said, "So, tell me, was it anything like those highschool days?"
"What do you mean?" Denise inquired, her eyes going down to her pens.
"You know what I mean! Remember three years ago fourth of july? You two snuck..."
"I know what happened...wait, do you know?" Denise interrupted, her face flushing with heat.
Quinton laughed, "Hmmn, let's see, maybe because you two walked right past me and snuck off to another side of the park. I being curious followed you."
Denise's jaw dropped open, "What?"
Quinton laughed more, "Oh come on, Denise, practically the whole town knew what was going on with you and Jordan. Plus, you were always lousy at hiding anything. So, ofcourse, I just wanted to see what kind of idea you had this time, so I followed you."
"That makes me feel safe, Quin." Denise replied sarcastically.
Quinton laughed, "So, was it anything like highschool?" He persisted.
Denise sighed, "Young ladies never tell, Quin, you of all people know that."
"Well, atleast tell me if he did it right or not. Did he do his thang?" Quinton inquired, his eyes narrowed at her.

Just then, her cell phone went off in her purse. Denise smiled, how convenient. Sighing, she grabbed the phone from her bag and glanced at the caller id. It blinked Anita Williams. Denise raised a brow. How did he get this number? Flipping open the phone, she greeted, "Hey, Jordan."
"Caller id is amazing, isn't it?" He inquired. His voice brought her rustled nerves into relaxation. Denise loved the fact that she'd never really felt tense around him. She loved the fact that with him, she was allowed to feel and be herself.
"Yeah, it is. How did you get my number?" She smiled from the other end, her eyes glazed over coffee beans.
"I'm surprised your mom still likes me." He replied, a hint of tease in his voice.
"So, she gave it to you?"
"That she did."
Denise sighed, "What is the emergency that it can't wait?"
Jordan laughed, "It has to be an emergency? I can't just want to hear your voice?"
"Emergencies only Williams." Denise stated, her tone playful. Jordan laughed, "Alright, then I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight."
"I thought you were on e?"
"I had money forwarded from my account."
"Why couldn't you do that to get real groceries?"
"Because I didn't have anyone other than myself to think about at the time."
"Since when do I fit into the equation?"
"Why do you always have to ask questions? Can't you just say yes or no?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders and leaned over her desk, unaware that Quinton was still listening with keen interest.
"That would be too easy."
"Ok, well, can you atleast just trust that dinner won't be hotdogs and bologna sandwiches?"
Denise laughed, "Where are we going?"
"We're having dinner at my house."
"Dinner at your place?"
"Yes, I want to talk to you afterward, that's why."
"I guess that blemishes out any naughty thoughts." Denise stated, her tone really low. As soon as she spoke those words, she felt her skin flush horribly. Why had she said that? It sounded worse than what she was thinking. Maybe wrong choice of words?
Jordan just laughed, a deep rumble emitting from his throat. She had no idea what his thoughts were. Absolutely none. "I'll keep you in suspense." Denise let out a sigh of frustration as she felt the undeniable signs of lust filter throughout her body. One time definitely wasn't enough.
"Alright, Jordan."
"Come straight here from work."
"No changing or anything?"
"Did you shower this morning?"
"Did you wear one of those sexy suits?"
"Sexy suits?"
"Maybe Jeans and a t-shirt. It doesn't matter, you look good in anything."
Denise chuckled, "Alright Mr. Williams, I'll be there right after work."
As Denise hung up the phone, Quinton laughed, "I knew it, you are sleeping with your ex boyfriend. Soon to be new boyfriend. I wonder how Derreck's going to take this?"
"Jordan and I are just friends."
Quinton shook his head. "Naw, that will never be possible between you two, you know that."
"Well, we seem to be doing a fine job of it right now."
"No, what you guys are doing is repairing something that was broken."
"Repairing what's broken. I mean all couples go through a period of breakdowns, but only the ones who are truly meant to be together can actually rebuild on a very solid foundation."
Denise stared up at him, her expression curious. "And what else Dr. Quinton."
"Well, when you guys do decide to reconcile, you'll put the past behind you and move forward, but the only way to do that is to deal with ailement, so that when you guys do come together, the old will be your foundation and the new memories will be the cohesive that hold you together, keep you steady when you need it."
"How do you know this?" Denise inquired, perplexed.
"It's a gift." Quinton teased.
"Well, I want the gift you have."
Quinton laughed, "No, you have the man."
Denise laughed herself. "Why do you say that?" This is what had built up the relationship between her and Quinton the first time. He seemed to always know what to say and when to say it and for some unknown reason, make her pop it into action.
Quinton sighed, his eyes connecting with hers, telling her something from his heart, "Because Denise, despite the many times you and Jordan have had it on and off with eachother, your love and chemistry have remained intact. That excitement that you two both shared in the earlier years of your relationship has always been there."
Denise sighed, "Not always Quinton. When his mother died, he became unbearable."
"Yet you stayed with him Denise."
"I left, Quinton. During that time when he needed me the most."
Quinton sighed, "Sweety, you left because you were heartbroken over the alcohol abuse. Not because you didn't want to be there. I mean think about it, you could've gotten an abortion and left for N.Y.U. that fall, but you didn't. You went through nine months of strenuous pregnancy, only to endure one of the most intensive moments of any woman's life and then lost your child, and then watch the only man you ever loved become a walking nightmare. I know for a fact Jordan wasn't all beans and cornbread when he started drinking. Matt used to work as manager at the marriott he was fired from."
Denise raised a brow, "Was matt the manager who fired him?"
"No, that was Keith. He's a rotten son of a bitch." Quinton stated.
"Oh. ok."
"Anyway, De-De, you only left physically. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you guys are still connected."
"Really?" Denise furrowed her brows. He wasn't talking about that soul mate crap, was he?
"Yes, Denise, you and Jordan built a bond that was so strong, even distance couldn't seperate it." Quinton stated.
"So, you believe in Soul Mates too?" Denise inquired.
Quinton laughed, "Fate? hmmn? No, I believe in God."
Denise laughed, "How can that be? I thought you were an atheist?"
"I never told you I was an atheist, you just assumed I was."
"But isn't it contradictory to believe in God, when the bible says something about hating gays in it?"
Quinton sighed, "No, it doesn't say anything about hating gays. It says that Homosexuality, the life style is a sin."
Denise raised a brow, "If homosexuality is a sin, then why do you practice it?"
"Because it's what I like. I can't help it if I'm not attracted to girls. Maybe if I did find a girl interesting enough, I would give her a chance, but right now, the only people I find even remotely attractive and doable are men."
Denise nodded, releasing her most current thought. "I still think that's un natural."
Quinton sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe so, but I love men. I can't help that."
Denise cleared her throat, "Yeah. I love men too."
"Correction sugar, you only love one man. Jordan's the only lover you've ever had." Quinton stated.
Denise narrowed her eyes, "Just because I love him and haven't messed with other men, doesn't mean that I don't look and I don't think about it."
Quinton raised a brow. "Ms. Purity has actually thought about being with other men?"
Denise shrugged, "Don't call me that, and yes, I have thought about what it would be like to actually go out with another man."
Quinton waved her statement away, "So wait, you haven't been tempted to be with another man?"
"Define tempted."
Quinton shook his head, "If I got to define it for you, then hell, you haven't wanted another man. When you come to a place where you find yourself wanting a man other than him, then maybe we can talk, maybe then we can get on that subject, but until then..." He paused and then switched topics, "So, what's for dinner tonight?"
Denise let out a wistful sigh, "He wouldn't tell me."
"OOOOH, I like surprises." Quinton stated, sounding like a child in a candy store.
"I don't." Denise replied.
Quinton smacked his lips, "I bet he got more than one for you."
Denise rolled her eyes despite the pitter patter of flurries in her stomach. She hoped he did. But, she wouldn't give Quinton the satisfaction of knowing that. She'd just have to wait and see.

Jordan grabbed the wine bottle and sat it inside the ice box next to the fridge. He didn't even know if Denise liked champagne. He wasn't even sure if he liked it himself, having never tasted it, but hoped it would be as good as the store clerk had said it was. Something called Tropical. It was supposed to have a more sweet taste to it than chamagne, which had a higher alcohol content. He had dimmed the lights in the kitchen and living room, set on some music he knew she would like. A soft jazz station, elimminating the need for cd's and their inconsistant scratching. Sighing, he glanced over at the timer. It read five thirty. She was due to get off work in half an hour. He'd put the ribs in about a half an hour ago, just so they could soak in the honey barbeque he'd swept over them after taking them off the grill.
Using his mother's old recipe book, he'd found a barbeque meal calling out his name. Barbequed spare ribs, with southern styled potato salad and homemade Macaroni and cheese. He knew this was not the kind of meal you had over candle light, but he wanted to make this night special for her. There was no particular reason, he just wanted her to feel good. He wondered how good it had been since she'd felt good about being her. A smile and a sigh both came over him as he thought about her. He wondered if loving her more than he had in high-school was possible. He'd been crazy about her then, but now, he felt somewhat different. He loved her more, that he was sure of, without the whirlwind of ups and downs. He was solid in what he wanted now. He knew if she told him she didn't want to see him anymore, he'd do the same thing he'd done in high-school with more persistence. He wasn't going to let her get away this time. Not even if she wanted too.
Clearing his throat, he heard the timer ding and came out of his thoughts.

Denise knocked on the door to the living room entrace. Immediately the door opened and Jordan smiled at her, his green eyes flushed with an emotion she recognized all too well. Just seeing it brought back a flood of memories, the first time they met, the first time they'd kissed, even the time she'd spent when they were just friends. He was on a mission. Licking her lips, she smiled, "Good to see you too."
Jordan nodded, "Yep, come on in." He moved to the side of the door and allowed her entrance. Immediately, her nostrils were asaulted with the beautiful smells of barbecue sauce and Macaroni and cheese. Her stomach growled. Turning to Jordan she inquired, "You cooked?"
He smiled, "Yes, I did." He closed the door and followed her as she made her way to the livingroom. She heard the soulful sounds of Anita baker coming from the record player.
"Jordan, this is..." She took in the soft glow of the candles lit on the table, giving the room a romantic feel to it. She felt the warmth radiate in the room.
"Do you like it?"
She smiled, "God, this is beautiful."
Jordan reached out to open the door that led into the kitchen. Putting a hand on the small of her back, he swallowed, "Thanks." The gasp he got when the door was opened, made him smile. He knew that he'd made the right decision.
"Are those wine glasses?" She questioned, going over to the wine glasses and picking them up. He laughed, "Yeah, they are."
"You bought wine?"
"Yep. Something called Tropical."
"Oh, that stuff is good." She placed the wine glasses back in their spots and then took a seat at the table. This warmed his heart to know that she felt comfortable enough to sit there without asking.
"hmmn, I've never tasted it."
"You've picked the best one."
Jordan laughed, "I didn't know you drank wine?"
"I'll drink it for dinners and stuff. Other than that, nothing else."
Jordan nodded his head, "oh."
Jordan went to the fridge, took out the potato salad and sat it on the counter. Opening the oven, he grabbed a mitten hanging on a nail hook above the stove and grabbed the pan of ribs from inside. When he pulled them out, Denise's stomach rumbled. "It's a good thing you're hungry, De-De."
"I haven't eaten since lunch."
"And what time was that?"
"Around eleven thirty this morning."
"Oh yeah, you're definitely in need of some real food." He set the ribs on the stove top to cool off. The mac and cheese was already there.
"What's for dessert?" She inquired.
He glanced over at her and with a twinkle in his eyes, asked one of his own, "Do you really have to know everything?"
"Does everything always have to be a surprise with you?" She smiled flirtatiously.
"When concerning you, yes."
Denise raised a brow, "What are you trying to say?"
Jordan shook his head, "You're nosey."
"Not nosey, inquisitive." She corrected.
Jordan laughed, "No, sugar, inquisitive is when you ask to get a better understanding."
"Nosey, is when you ask stuff that is just none of your business-stuff that really has nothing to do with you."
Denise stood up out of her chair, hands on her hips, both brows raised, ready for war. "How is having dessert none of my business when you invited me over here?"
Jordan stepped up to her, stopping a few inches in front of her face, his eyes sparks now. She was really turning him on. "Because, I clearly stated that it was a surprise. Everything I do for you tonight is a surprise."
Denise's lips became pouty. "Why does it have to be a surprise?"
Jordan smiled. She was really cute like this. He liked it when she was riled up. She actually thought they were arguing. "I want it to be because I thought you could use one. A nice relaxing evening with wine, a nice dinner and company. Is that a horrible thing?" Denise's heart was thumping in her ears. She stood there, processing his words, processing this idea, not really knowing what to say or do. With a trembling voice, she whispered, "Ok."
When her lips relaxed and the poutiness was gone, he ran his eyes over her features, feeling recognition as he hit every curve of her face. Why did she have to be so beautiful? Taking a deep swallow, he looked into coffee brown eyes and felt his heart melt over. As he did this, her eyes seemed to become brighter. She swallowed, and that was when he saw the quickening pulse in her neck. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to that spot. A different scent hit his nostrils than the lilac.
"What is that?" He inquired, his mouth still on her neck.
"Jasmine." She whispered.
His nose traveled down the length of her neck, feeling the blood pump through him furiously. He felt a stiffening in his groin area and then a desire to flicker his tongue over the soft curve of her neck. This scent was tantilizing in a different way than lilacs. Lilacs was sweet, it seemed to draw you into it. Jasmine was different. It teased your nostrils floating up and around, creating heavy swirls within your mind. When mixed with her scent it caused a stronger reaction. He exhaled sharply. This caused her to step back abruptly. She placed her hand on the spot where he'd breathed at. He grinned, "What? Did I bite you or something?"
Denise shook her head no. "The ribs are cooled off now."
H0e lowered his eyes at her and left his thoughts in the air. What's wrong?

Chapter Eleven

Once they'd eaten dinner, had conversation and waited for the food to digest, Jordan grabbed the bottle of wine and took it into the living room, where Nina Simone was playing on the radio. Denise, without a protest, got up and followed him. He sat the glasses down on the table and opened the bottle. Denise watched as the light pink liquid filled up the glass. She picked up her glass, thanked him for it and took a sip. She sat the glass back down. Jordan set his glass down on the table as well and stood up. Going over to the radio, he switched the dial up, cranking up the melodic sounds of black street’s, don't leave me girl. Going over to Denise, he held a hand out to her, his eyes on her. She grasped his hand in hers and pulled her up from her seat on the couch. Pulling her in his arms, he held her while they danced to his favorite song. A minute into the song, she brought her head up from against his shoulder and inquired, "So, how's everything going with getting the Nicholas and your mom's room squared away?"
Jordan glanced down at her, "I've done Nicholas room already."

Denise swallowed the grief that pressed its way into her throat. "And your mom's?"
A forlorn sigh escaped his mouth. "I haven't had the strength to even began that one yet."
Denise gave a small smile, "Maybe you need a little push to get things rolling."
Jordan sighed, "Every time I go into her room, I feel over exhausted and walk right back out."
Denise licked her lips. "Maybe I can help you out with that." She volunteered.
Jordan raised a surprised brow at her, causing a smile to capture her features.
"You'd seriously help me do that?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders, "Why not? She would prefer my help than allow you to go through this alone."
Jordan sighed, "Yeah. She would."
"So, I'm offering it, if you want it." Denise stated, her fingers began kneeding into his kneck, she absent minded.
"Alright, that's cool." He agreed as she rested her head on his shoulder a second time. As this song faded, a remake of the song Just my imagination by Baby face and Gwyneth Paltrow came on. Jordan ran his hands along her back and up to her shoulders. Listening to the lyrics, his fingers trailed up her shoulders, to her neck. He ran them in circular patterns across her neck, giving her the same pleasure she gave him. She sighed and closed her eyes.

Denise awoke later that night to find shadows surrounding her every move. Wiping her eyes, she glanced out at the full moon in the window. Stars twinkled in the sky, lighting up the darkened space. Sighing, she glanced around, bringing back memories of Jordan and her dancing in the living room. Sighing, she looked down, expecting to see him beside her, but instead, saw that she was laid out in bed by herself. The covers had slid off her shoulders and to her waist. She noticed for the first time, that she was wearing a purple and white striped pajama pants, which she hadn't seen since moving into the house. Running her fingers along the material, she smiled, thinking of the day she'd gotten these in the mall. Right before she found out she was pregnant. Her old pajamas had gotten too small and she'd bought ones that were elastic around the waist, that way she'd be able to grow into them so to speak. She hadn't known how true that statement had been back then. A few weeks afterward, she'd found out she was pregnant. Inhaling a deep breath, she pulled the covers back off of her and felt her way to through the room. Finding the door, she pulled it open and discovered that she wasn't in his room after all. She was in Nicholas old room. Glancing around, she saw an old antique bed set up in there, a dresser and small tiny couch completed the ensemble. Turning out of the room, she pushed the door open and walked across the hall to the bathroom, wondering what time it was.

After going to the restroom, she took the stairs to the living room and went to gather her things from off the couch. When she made her way down there, Jordan was sitting on the couch, watching a movie. When he heard her reach the last steps, he asked, "Did I wake you?"
She smiled, "No. I came down here to get my stuff." She went past where he sat on the couch, to the edge of the sofa, where her blazer and purse was sitting. She grabbed the bag and put it over her shoulder. Hearing laughter come from the screen, she glanced over at the television. A young woman stared back at her, dark black hair down to her waist and charcoal gray eyes vibrant. "I think I'm going to love this man for the rest of my life." She stated into the camera.
"How do you know you're going to be with Patrick for the rest of your life, Anita?"
The young Anita Williams glanced at whomever was filming the footage and smiled sweetly, like she had a secret. "Because I just know that if I'm not with Patrick, I won't be with anybody. He's my sun, my moon, he's the stars that light my path, the reason I breathe."
Denise glanced back at Jordan shock across her features. "How did you come by this footage?" She inquired. Jordan stared at the screen, "I grew up in this house Denise."
"You never told me you had tapes of your mother's younger days."
"I didn't know they were even here till last week, when I was cleaning out the attic."
"How many of these does she have?" Denise inquired, taking a seat next to him.
"Quite a few. This was a shot during her sophomore year of college by a girl named Deborah."
"Yeah. They went on a camping trip, all the students for a three day nature hike in one of her geology courses and Debra here, brought a recorder."
Denise raised both brows, "Wow."
Jordan sighed, "Wasn't she beautiful?"
Denise smiled, staring up at a young Anita. "She was gorgeous."
The girl filming the video, Deborah asked Anita one last question, "What would you do if you and Patrick ever did split up?"
Anita laughed in the camera. "That's not a possibility."
"Why not?"
"Because he loves me more than life itself."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because I know my man."
"What makes you think he won't go off and be with another woman when you least expect it?"
Anita sighed, pointing toward the south. "Look."

The camera moved and they were greeted with image of beautiful trees and grass. When the camera rested on a group of people talking, the person working the camera called out the guy named Patrick. Denise stared as a man glanced up from talking to two guys within the group. She felt her breath catch in her throat, and her heart beat speed up. His eyes were the exact same color as Jordan's, long curly hair framing his features, along with a trimmed beard. His eyes twinkled as they looked into the camera, "What do ya want lass?" He inquired in a thick Irish accent. Denise felt her heart slam into her chest, overcome with an emotion she couldn't quite name. The girl behind the camera giggled, "Anita Marcellus says that you and her are going to be together forever, and that you would never leave her."

Denise watched, stilled as Patrick stood up amongst the group, his frame, tall yet muscular, much Like Jordan's and the red wavy hair made him stand out amongst the other guys. His hair hung at his shoulders. But when his gaze went to Anita who stood at least twenty feet away from him, his green eyes darkened to a rich green Forrest color. Denise almost swooned at the passion she saw in them. He laughed and walked over to Anita. Picking her up in his arms, he said, "She's right. I love this girl with my life."
Deborah, the camera girl heaved out a sigh and said, "Anita you are so lucky girl."
Anita, who's dark olive complexion was feverish due to the happiness she radiated. Her arms around Patrick, she laughed, "That I know."

The camera was suddenly flipped. A girl with copper toned hair, eyes a deep opal color and cheeks that looked as if they had a rosy glow to them smiled into the camera. "There you go folks, Anita Marcellus and Patrick Williams will be together forever." She paused, smiled and sighed, "That's our latest edition of love in the works with me, your host, Deborah Carson. Have a great night." Just like that, the camera went blank.

Denise sat on the couch silent, not sure as to how to respond to the video. Jordan just got up and pulled the tape out of the VCR. Sighing, he turned the light switch on located next to the television. Light flooded the dark room. Putting the tape back in its case, he grabbed another one and opened that one. When he did, he inserted it into the VCR. Turning out the lights, he came back and sat down on the couch. Denise swore he came and took the seat closest to her. The screen in front of them went from blank to a white screen. In orange letters, it read, NITA GIVES BIRTH. The camera turned and the girl with the copper colored hair and deep opal colored eyes began video taping again, "Listen folks, in case y’all don't know, Anita Williams is my Aunt. Of course, because of her marriage to my uncle Patrick Henry Williams and I am about to tape their birth. The last time I'd recorded Uncle Patrick and Aunt Nita, they were getting married. Now, Anti Nita's about to give birth to a boy. Her first child of hopefully many."
Denise felt him inch a little closer to her and put his arm around the couch where her head rested. Pulling herself in to meet him, she laid her head on his chest, to feel his heart racing a mile a minute. She put her hand up to his chest and sighed. In return, his hand began rubbing her shoulder. In silence, they sat and watched the documentary in front of them.

"And that folks, is how you give birth. Thanks for joining us tonight. Again, this is Deborah Carson. Thank you for watching Love in the works and good night to all." Again, Jordan and Denise were greeted with a blank screen. Denise sat there staring at the screen tears running down her face, thinking about their lost child and then how happy Anita and Patrick looked when they held their baby boy in their arms. It was the most beautiful thing Denise had ever seen. Wiping her eyes, she pushed up off the couch. In a whisper she said, "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Jordan stood up from his seat on the couch and said, "I agree. I'd forgotten how handsome my dad really was."
Denise laughed, grinning up at him, "You look just like him, just different hair and face shape."
"I have my mom's hair and face shape."
"I can see that."
Jordan smiled at her, "Speaking of hair, why'd you straighten yours?"
Denise sighed, "I thought it was time for a change in my look."
"Why? You were beautiful with your hair natural."
Denise put a hand on her hip. "I'm not beautiful with my hair straight?"
Jordan sighed, "No, you're beautiful either way, but I absolutely worship those curls."
Denise gave a smile, "Why?"
Jordan came and stood in front of her, once he'd put everything back in its proper place, "Because, they represented you and who you really are; individuality. I loved that."
Denise raised a brow, "Most guys don't like the natural."
Jordan shook his head, "I'm not most guys."
Denise felt a wave of dejavu. Him saying those words, brought her to the state of having been in the scene before. So, when he reached out and ran a hand down her face, tracing her features, she remembered. A deep release of breath and she absorbed the weakness she felt in her heart. The love she felt wash over her. His hands stopped and he smiled tiredly. "Good night Denise."
Denise swallowed, her throat parched, "Don't I get a kiss?"
He raised both brows. "A kiss?"
Denise nodded, "Yes, a kiss. I want one. Can I have one?"
Jordan cleared his throat. "Are you sure?"
"It's almost midnight, De-De, you probably are just tired."
Feeling slightly enraged, Denise grabbed Jordan and pulled him to her. Grabbing his neck, she pulled his head down till their lips met. The kiss was soft, leisurely." When it finally broke, she stood there her skin flushed and heart thumping hard inside her chest. He just stood there staring at her, his emeralds stormy. "Good night."
Denise smiled, "Good night."
He stayed there, lingering for a minute or two, contemplating, but decided against something and continued upstairs.

Denise tossed in bed, unable to sleep, unable to think of anything except what she'd seen in Mr. Williams eyes. She'd seen that look of utter adoration in Jordan's eyes plenty of times before. Seeing that look in his father's eyes made her regret all that she'd taken for granted with Jordan. Seeing how his mother was interacting with his father really touched her heart, making her wish she could take back all of the nasty things she'd ever said to Jordan. Wishing she could take back all of those times she'd been such a bitch to him, when all he'd done was try to love her. Feeling a tear roll down her cheek, she cried.

Jordan listened as Denise cried in the other room. He felt heaviness of heart hearing her cry. He didn't know what was wrong, but he bet it had something to do with the videos she'd seen. Sighing, he pushed the covers off of himself and went to the door, opening it, he walked out into the hallway. Knocking on the door, he called her name.

Denise sighed heavily and said in a small voice, "Yes."
"Are you alright, Denise?"
Denise sniffled, "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm OK." She stated, her throat aching. She steady swiped at the tears that refused to quit running.
"Well, you know where I am if you need me." With that, Jordan turned away from the door and went back to his room. He got under the covers and stared up at the ceiling.

Denise brushed the last of the tears from her eyes. Staring up at the ceiling, she thought about how much she really did love Jordan, even after two years, she still was weakened at the knees. She'd never thought she'd miss him as much as she did now. Being in the room across from his. Taking a deep sigh, she whispered, "If I had a chance, I'd show him how much I love him, how much he really does mean in my heart. I love him so much. I'm sorry for all the stupid things I did. I'm sorry for taking him for granted. I'm sorry that I left when I shouldn't have. I should have stayed and loved him in the way I was supposed to." Sighing, she laid in the dark, wondering what he would do if she went into his room and kissed him, showered him with her love. Would he like it? Would he reject it? Did she even have a chance? Gulping, she sat there for ten minutes turning the idea in her head. Pushing the covers away from her, she climbed out of bed and went across the hall. Knocking on the door, she waited for him to answer. When didn't answer, she twisted the knob.

Chapter Twelve

Jordan felt the speed of his heart beat when he heard her enter his room, her footsteps tender on the carpet. He threw the covers off of his body and sat upright. She stopped in front of him and stood there. He glanced up at her. "What are you doing?" He whispered. She swallowed the agitation that gathered itself in her heart and exhaled. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" He whispered.
"For being such a bitch." She whispered. Jordan watched a tear fall down her cheek. He sighed and grabbed her hands. Standing up, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her tightly to him. "Hey, it's alright De-De. I forgave you for that a long time ago."
Denise swallowed the lump in her throat, "I know, but looking at your parents, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with me."
For a reason unknown, this struck Jordan as funny. He let out a snicker, "We all had issues in high-school Denise. Part of being a teenager is having retarded reasons that seem like obstacles get in our way."
"Yeah..." She sniffled, "But your mom and dad refused to let anything stand in their way. They saw they had something good, and they let it be."
Jordan ran his fingers along her back, consoling her, "De-De, they weren't in high-school when they started dating, they were in college. I mean everything wasn't al l bliss when they first met. My mom was very much like you in fact." He stated.
Denise wrinkled her brow. "No."
"Yes. She was timid about even dating my dad. He talked her into their first date. She said she didn't trust him."
"Really?" She whispered.
"Yeah, Dad pursued her relentlessly though, showed her that he was indeed worth her time and then before he knew it, he couldn't get her to leave him alone."
Denise laughed, "Are you serious?"
Jordan smiled at her laughter, bringing his fingers up to the nape of her neck and then across her shoulders. "Yep. Before dad knew it, he was the one running away from her, scared because she would stand outside his window reciting sonnets."
Denise wrinkled her brow, her laughter heavy in her throat, "Sonnets?"
"Yep. Mostly some Italian poetry, but then she managed to find one written by an old Irish Poet and quote that to him. It worked. He stopped being fearful and dated her like a real man. That's how mom put it."
Denise giggled at this, "That's crazy."
"Well, this family's always been crazy. Wait till you meet my Aunts and Uncles." He stated.
Denise felt her heart beat accelerate. Was that any indication that she would be in his life for quite a while? Jordan glanced down at her, "Do you feel better now?"

Denise glanced up, "Yes, some what." Her eyes connected with his, boldly for the first time since he'd come back to town. The green orbs were lightened by the stretch of light coming in from outside, where the lanterns were lit up on the street. Denise swallowed, feeling her heart squeeze tightly. He let out a sigh and began running his hands along her shoulders again. Scooping up the back of her neck, he ran his fingers through her hair, "Denise, you're safe with me." He whispered. Her eyes were beautiful in the glow of light. Gulping, she whispered, "I know."
"You can trust me." He whispered.
"I know."
"I'm not going to let you just leave." His tone was soft, yet authoritative. His eyes darkened and Denise's heart paced faster. His hands were stroking the front of her pajama shirt. As if explaining himself he whispered, "I can't anyway. Not again."
Denise swallowed the ache in her throat. Grabbing his head, she pulled it down to hers. Staring him in the eyes, she whispered, "Don't."
Jordan felt his heart pause and then began again. The rush of blood to the device, made him feel like it'd completely melted. "I won't."
With that, she wrapped his mouth in the most sensuous kiss, eager, yet patient. As he opened his mouth, he heard her sigh as her body came into his and molded itself there. He was taken back to the day he and she had gotten back together Junior year, when he'd accused Quinton of being her new boyfriend after she'd broken up with him. Ironically enough, it made him smile to think of this.
"What's so funny?" Denise inquired, feeling his mouth change positions. Jordan licked his lips, staring into beautiful brown eyes, "You are. I can't believe you had me believing that you and Quinton were dating."
Denise narrowed her eyes confused. "What are you talking about?"
"Back in high-school. Remember that time I punched him out in the parking lot of that restaurant?"
Denise laughed, "Yeah. I told you he wasn't my boyfriend. Nobody told you to go crazy anyway."
"Well, if you'd been clear with me, I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions."
Denise rolled her eyes, laughing some more. "Clear? Jordan, the guy told you he was gay when he first started training you in weight lifting."
"It never looked that way to me, you guys always seemed so close."
Denise raised a brow teasingly, "Were you jealous?"
"No." Jordan lied, his cheeks becoming red with embarrassment.
"Then why'd you hit him?"
"He called me a pussy. That's such a vulgar name and I am not a wimp. I can defend myself just fine."
Denise laughed, "How cute, you were jealous."
"No I wasn't."
Denise poked his nose with a teasing finger, "Yes you were."
Jordan raised a brow, "Did you just hit me?"
Denise broke out into a wide grin, putting her hands on her hips. "What are you gonna do about it?"
He narrowed his eyes at her and Denise eyes sparked at such a sexy glare. In a deep voice, he said, "I'll show you. Picking her up, he grabbed her and carried her out of his room and down the stairs to the living room, where he threw her down on the couch. Pulling herself up into a corner of the couch, she giggled and yelled that doesn't hurt."
"You want a spanking?" His eyes had darkened so much, that she felt herself come to life.
"No." She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck out her tongue at him.
He grabbed her legs and pulled her out of the corner and up to him. Leaning over her, he whispered, "How about a kiss?"

Denise felt shivers run throughout her spine. "A kiss? That doesn't sound too bad." Without delay, Jordan leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. She intensified the kiss with steady movements over her lips. Jordan's hands went to the flannel top she wore. Undoing the buttons, he pushed his hand on her chest, covering the dark skin with enthusiasm. This caused her to push herself up to him. When he ran his thumb over her nipple, he felt a small bite on his lip. He continued in short motions, till the nipple puckered. When it did, he imagined running his fingers over it. His tongue emerged itself into her open mouth and she gasped. He moaned and grabbed her breast in his hand and squeezed tight. She pushed her hips up to him. He closed his eyes, feeling the adrenaline rush go through his pants, the blood flow there too, causing an erection. Denise felt her whole body heat up.

Jordan ran his hand from her breast, to her stomach and then further down to her vagina. Inserting a finger inside, he moved it around slowly. He listened as she moaned, creating waves of tingles throughout his body. He moved his fingers, becoming excited by her sounds. The feel of her on his hands made him even harder than he already was. He began to move at a faster pace, steady out his movements. When he did this, her body began to arch upward and she began to moan really loud. He continued on until finally she gasped and he felt the pressure of her vagina contracting on his fingers. This sent a pleasant chill down his spine, leaving him with an intense ache that begged to fill her entirely. Sighing, he pulled his fingers out of her.

Glancing down at the sticky substance on his fingertips, he licked his lips and then glanced up at her. "Did you like that, De-De?"
Denise pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. "I'll like it better when you're inside of me, loving me."
Jordan smiled at her frankness. She always had been like that. He enjoyed it. Grabbing her pants, he pulled them down and stared in awe at the silver colored underwear she wore. They sat on her waistline in the most provocative of ways. Taking his hands, he ran them over the material, feeling the silkiness of the fabric. "What is it with you and silk?" He inquired, his mouth began to drool at the beautiful sight of luscious brown thighs and what he knew was under there. His hands ran down the front to her clitoris rubbing it underneath the fabric. She whispered, "How is it that you know what to do every single time?"

Jordan laughed and leaned in to kiss her stomach. His breath was hot on her body, "I've known you for more than four years De-De. I know you better than I know myself."
Denise sighed, not really caring about that at the moment, he was slowly trailing kisses down her stomach to her belly button. "You don't have to do that again, Jordan." She whispered. His mouth continued past there to the fabric panties. Opening his mouth, he ran his tongue along the panties, wetting the fabric. Denise shivered, her toes already curling. He whispered, "Baby, you're my girl, I can do what ever I want to you." Denise's eyes closed as he pulled on the skin covered fabric, his lips suckling gently.
"Jordan, I don't know if I can take this." She whispered.
He laughed, "You can baby girl, you can."

Denise inhaled sharply, feeling the wetness inside her throb as he moved his mouth from the top of her vagina, to the vulva, the lips and licked there. She swallowed sharply, "Oh, Jordan." He pulled on the waist band of her underwear and slid them down her legs. There was something about the way they moved down them that turned him completely on. Over strong shapely legs that begged for kisses, giving him an idea for next time. He watched as they slid to her ankles and then off her feet.

This caused him to want to suck her toes, but he wanted to wait. Sighing, he went back to her vagina and licked the vulva again, this time feeling the wetness that had soaked through the silk. He lapped at her taste, loving the infusion of liquid that poured out of her body. Grabbing her legs, he held them while he pulled the sweet skin into his mouth.

He wanted to taste all of her, even if it meant making her quite uncomfortable. She often had gotten overheated in high-school and tried crushing his head with her thighs. Had he not been holding them, she would've probably done severe damage. Immediately as if on cue, she grabbed his head and pulled him to her, trying desperately to squeeze her legs together. He quickly switched to running his tongue around her lips, trying to pacify her. She gasped, her legs stiffening up. He then switched to licking the insides, turned on by her behavior. She cried out his name, telling him to stop. He didn't. Instead, he moved his tongue up higher, to her clit and whirled it around and around. She half moaned half cried. He loved when she got like this, because that meant she was close to cumming.

He switch tactics and began licking her again, applying a little pressure on the insides of her vagina. He felt her heat up there. When he did, he pushed his tongue into the hole and was rewarded with a tight squeezing very much like the one he'd gotten from fondling her, except this time around his tongue. He pulled away from her and swallowed. Her eyes were staring up at him, amazed, yet happy at having been given a second orgasm. Being Denise though, this only fueled her passion. Jordan licked his lips, his green eyes boring dangerously into hers, "Now, you're ready." With that, he removed his clothes, pants, shirt, underwear, socks and shoes and then climbing over her, he lowered himself, his head connecting with her raised legs. He loved that she always ended up opening herself to him. This was the only time she didn't try to lead herself.

He felt the sweet tender heat she'd succumbed to during the oral sex. Now, as he covered her with his head, he let out his own groan of ecstasy and pushed in slowly, enjoying it as she stretched for him in only the way that she could. He was glad that the couch was big enough for two people, thus making it easy for her to fit underneath him. He reached out and placed a hand over her shoulders, holding his own weight while filling her with himself. She reached under his shoulders and grasped him tightly. There was no other people in the world as they both rocked to each other rhythm.

Chapter Thirteen

Denise laid underneath him, holding his head to her breasts. She ran languid fingers through dark hair. "I love you, Jordan." She stated breathlessly. Jordan sighed and listened to the rhythm of her heartbeat. "I love you too, Denise." Denise sighed softly and immediately felt her eyes drift close. A short while later, upon hearing the consistent breathing, Jordan himself found sleep.

A dark haired girl with mousy features slid the key into its lock, confident that the device would turn. It always turned. Twisting the knob, she pushed the door opened. He hadn't been home in more than two weeks and she wanted to find out why. Where had he gone, who had he gone to see. He'd taken a trip without her? This she hadn't liked. He was hers. That's how it was. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. That's how it was supposed to be. Anytime you gave yourself to someone, they became bound to one another in spirit. That's what her father had always told her. He always said that the person she gave her virginity too was supposed to be hers. Todd, that was her first love name, she'd never forget. Todd was such a handsome guy. Short brown hair, intense gray blue eyes and a perfect face, angelic face, but Todd had gotten bored with her, told her she was too clingy. She'd tried to work things out with him, but he hadn't wanted to. He'd left her for another girl, who later had become his wife. Carene Hated her for breaking them up. She hated her for being so...beautiful. What did she have that Carene didn't? Carene was nice. She was a good girl, did everything the right way. She knew how to treat a man once she got them. But, Todd didn't understand that, didn't see her for the loving and affectionate person she really was. So...Carene left this thought unfinished as she found a drawer located on the east wall of the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by two large pillars that decorated the entrance of the kitchen. This drawer was located underneath the counter top that held the built in microwave. Carene wondered how much he paid for this nice place?

How much had he spent trying to get away from Andrew and Tanya's place? She frowned when thinking of them. They'd had absolutely no reason to not like her. She hadn't done anything to him. They weren't better than her. They had no right to think they were. Sighing, she pulled out the drawer and shoveled through the papers that littered the inside. The words United Air Lines caught her eyes. Raising a brow, she opened the sheet of paper. She read that he'd purchased a round trip ticket for three hundred and seventy-five dollars to a place called Richmond Virginia.

She remembered him saying something about Virginia, but wasn't too sure that the place was Richmond. She couldn't recall the location of the place, but knew it was somewhere located on the eastern side of the state, near the bay. Clearing her throat, she saw that he'd be returning within a couple of days. She figured she'd stop back by then just to riddle some feathers. A sigh came into her heart when she thought of the fire filled green orbs. He may have only glanced at her with that deep passion, but she knew it existed. She knew that he loved her. He wanted her just as much as she loved and wanted him. But, she had to make him see that they were right for each other. She had to make him see that no other girl could do for him what she could. No girl. Including that bitch Denise. Whoever she was. Although he'd refused to talk about her, Carene couldn't stand her. She hated her for breaking his heart. There were many times when she'd seen him sitting in his room staring at her picture. He hadn't known she was there of course, but she'd felt his pain, felt his heartache. Every bit of it and knew that whoever this Denise was, she hadn't deserved him then.Putting the papers back into the drawer, she pushed it closed and walked through the apartment.

Denise ran her fingers through her hair, once it was wet in the shower. She noticed about an inch of new growth underneath the straight. As soon as the water hit the strands, they fused back into the curly original pattern she'd had most of her twenty years on earth. As soon as they'd done that, she grabbed the shampoo held in a basket that was attached to the shower head. She poured some in her hands and washed her hair. Her thoughts immediately going to the wee hours of the morning. There was something about the way her hair felt that brought back visions of the two of them on the couch. She couldn't believe she'd said what was in her heart. It had felt good to say the first thing that came to mind. It had felt good to relieve all of the tension she'd stored up. It had felt good to be reckless.

They hadn't once thought of a condom. Although she was sure that he'd cummed inside her, because of how sensitive she was in that area, she wasn't worried about being pregnant. She'd been on birth control since she'd had Nicholas. That was a recommendation of PCP- (Primary Care Physician). She'd headed to his words due to the fact that she really hadn't wanted any more children at the time. He'd told her that once she'd finished breastfeeding Nicholas, she'd be able to start whatever method she chose. Because of her height and weight, he recommended the shot.

A week after Jordan had stumbled in drunk the first time, she'd gotten on birth control. She hadn't wanted to have any more kids with him at that point in time. She hadn't wanted to bring any children into their already disintegrating relationship. Swallowing, she grabbed a peach colored sponge and body wash. She knew that he didn't use a towel or anything to wash his body. As she worked the soap into a deep lather, she wondered what he was doing down stairs, whether he was awake or still asleep. She'd gotten up early because she had to be at work around One pm. today. Fridays were always the laid back days. Half days at the office. She enjoyed it.

Jordan awoke that afternoon stiff and sore. He knew Denise was gone. He'd been awaken when she'd tried to move him that morning. He'd gone right back to sleep, too tired to protest or even get up on his own. He'd felt it when she'd draped the blanket he'd long since kicked to the floor, over him- right before leaving for work. He'd even heard the car start and pull out of the driveway. Opening his mouth in a yawn, he opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. The scent of her perfume still lingered in the air. The taste of her flesh still filled his mouth. He felt an instant erection take place at this thought. He remembered the feel of soft moist skin as he entered her, the feeling of oneness. He laughed at this thought. Oneness? He was really getting mushy. He'd never used that word before or even allowed his mind to slip that one in there. That was the truth. He loved Denise and felt-oneness- if that could be the accurate idea. He felt complete with her.

Even that sounded ridiculous to him. Could someone make you feel complete? She does! His mind stated rationally. He still loved Denise, loved her more than he had two years ago when she'd left. He'd never felt a sense of home with any of the other three girls he'd been with. He'd only loved her. He'd never felt he needed someone the way he did her. Was that even a rational feeling? Was it healthy to need someone the way he felt he needed her? He couldn't even have a proper day if something was wrong there. His mom had always taught him to rely on God for everything. What would his mother say if he felt like he needed Denise more than he needed God? As if answering, he heard his mother's voice and smelled her perfume, "God's the one who gave you Denise."
"God didn't give me, Denise." He whispered.
"You sure didn't do it by yourself," She stated firmly in his mind.
He smiled. Yeah, that was his mother. She'd definitely make sure that he knew Denise was a blessing and the only person to give him that blessing was God. Glancing up at the ceiling he smiled up at an invisible God. "Maybe you do love me after all?" There was no assuring reply back. Only the steady flow of blood that filled his heart. God, he loved that woman.

"Hi Terry," Denise greeted the receptionist that morning as she went to her office, a pep in her step. As soon as she made it inside the office, she was surprised to see Derrick leaning up against her desk, playing with a few pencils that littered the area.
"How did you get in here?" She inquired, slightly annoyed at his presence.
"I haven't seen you in weeks. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Denise smiled, "Well, I'm alright. How about you?" She placed her purse on the coat rack sitting in one of the corners adjacent to her desk.
"I'm doing good. I would be better if a certain somebody returned my calls every now and again."
Denise sighed, "I've been busy."
"With what?"
Denise pulled her chair out from under the desk, "That doesn't really concern you Derrick."
Derrick laughed sarcastically, "You've been hanging out with him! Haven't you?" He accused.
Denise put a hand up to her face, "He has a name and I really don't see how that's relevant to this conversation."
"Whatever, Denise. I just came to see if you wanted to go to a movie or something tonight, you know, chill out?"
Denise sighed, "What time?"
"Around Nine o'clock."
Denise nodded, "Only as friends, Derrick, nothing more."
Derrick held up two hands in truce, "No more than that. Believe me, I've given up on that status for now."
Denise glanced up at him, "What? No's bothering you now?"
Derrick shook his head irritated, "No, I know that you're with him and that's enough for me to back off."
Denise stared at him, her eyes surprised. Not sure what to say. With that said, Derrick stood up and exited the office.

Jordan clicked his answering machine on, checking the messages. "Hey, Jordan, this is Denise, I just wanted to let you know that I will be there tonight. I just have some business to take care of. I'll call you when I'm on my way." The answering machine beeped, signaling the end of the message. Jordan grabbed the keys he'd left next to the machine and went upstairs to his room.
Denise couldn't believe she was here. She couldn't believe that she was in a dark movie theater with a guy whom she considered a friend. A guy whom she had zilch feelings for. Sighing, she stared up at the vacant screen, wondering if she'd really done the right thing. Was she really supposed to be here on a date with a guy she knew had feelings for her, but wasn't him? Was she cheating? Were she and Jordan even together? Yes, they'd discussed things with one another, but hadn't really made anything official. It was liked they'd admitted to the past and some of the things that happened. They'd admitted their love for one another and even slept together. Did that mean they were together? Denise inhaled. Was anything to become of what was going on now?
Jordan flickered his light out after his shower. Setting the keys on his desk, his gaze settled on the clock. It read ten o'clock. How long was she going to stay at the office? He cut out the lights and went to bed.
Later that night, not even a half an hour later, Jordan felt the covers rustle as Denise slid into bed next to him. Reaching up and running a hand along her arm, he whispered, "How’s it go?"
Denise exhaled softly, feeling her weariness drain away. She felt as if she was on safe ground now. "It went fine."
"That's good."
Denise pushed her body as close to his as she could get it. When Jordan felt her body connect to his, he tried to think of something other than the feel of her skin next to his. "Jordan." She whispered.
"Yes." He answered.
"I love you."
He leaned in and kissed her hair. "I love you too, De-De."
With that, they both fell asleep.

A week before Jordan was to leave, Jordan and Denise cleared out his mom's room. They took the furniture and clothing to the attic. Opened the windows and then cleaned the carpet. They'd started early that morning around six am. and then continued on until three o'clock. Now, before Dinner was to be prepared, Jordan and Denise lay in the room, catching their breaths and relaxing.
"That was a lot of work," Jordan replied.
"That's nothing compared to what mom had Vicki and I do when we were kids. She used to have us hauling stuff out of our duplex to the dumpster, wash the walls down and pick our rooms up. Sometimes she even had us do lawn work, when Garrette couldn't get to it." Denise stated, a smile coming to her face.
"You know, " Jordan stated, turning to his side, so that he was above Denise. "I always wondered why you call Garrette by his first name and Vicki calls your mother mom."
Denise licked dry lips, "Well, Vicki was a baby when her mother died. So, she never really got to know her. She didn't have a female role model, so when my mom came along and started working with her on how to be a girl, Vicki took to calling her mom."
"Didn't that make you jealous?" Jordan inquired, a leisure look in his eyes.
"Heck yeah at first. When we first started hanging around them, Vicki was six in the first grade and I was seven, in the second grade. I had always wanted Stacy as a sister, because she and I got along great. Stacy lived with her grandparents because she'd been abandoned by her real parents at birth. But, that wasn't who I got. When my mom first started dating Garrette, I refused to even talk to him. I would sit in my room and stay as long as I could, till mom forced me to come down."
Denise laughed at this memory. She'd been such a selfish child.
"How did Vicki and her dad respond to this?"
Denise gave a lopsided smile, her gaze reminiscent, "Garrette continued to try and include me in conversations and take me along with them on some dates. He never once raised his voice."
Jordan's hands went to her neck, circling his forefinger around the front. It trailed down her throat to her clavicle bone.
"And Vicki just ignored me, till one day, we were left at home together, with Mrs. Jacobs our next door neighbor, while mom and Garrette went out on a date. I was in my room doing homework, and Vicki came in there to see what I was doing, to pester me. I told her to get out. She said no. I told her to get out again. She stood her ground. I told her that if she didn't get out, I was going to put her out. She challenged me.

I took it and we started fighting. We fought from upstairs in my room, down the staircase, and into the living room, where Mrs. Jacobs was sleeping. Vicki popped me in the eye. I guess it must have made me mad, because I yelled at her and then grabbed her by her head and pushed it into the floor. She then started crying but instead of giving up, the little twerp managed to pull me down too. We fought like that for an hour. She was biting and punching, I was kicking and hitting anywhere I could. When we finished, we both lay there crying and shaking."
"What about your babysitter? Surely she must have heard you." Jordan stated, his gaze on Denise.
"She'd tried to break us apart, but we were too strong for such a frail woman."
"You were in first and second grade, Denise." Jordan replied, disbelieving.
"Yeah, and our weight combined equaled hers. She was really small.

When she couldn't get us away from each other, she called our parents. They told her to let us fight, and they'd be home to deal with it. Well she did. When we did finish fighting, Mom and Garrette came through the door. I don't think I'd ever seen either of them pissed off before. Mom asked Garrette to spank us. He said he didn't know if he should, considering that he wasn't my father. Mom told him he was going to be her husband and my step father, so he may as well break me in. When mom said this, I was so angry, I kept thinking if that jumbo giant put a hand on me, I'll kill him. Well, he took me and Vicki both to the room he and mom shared and grabbed a brush off the dresser. He wore my butt out. I couldn't get away from him although I tried and everything. When he finished, he talked to me and said that I needed to learn how to accept him and Vicki, because we were going to be a part of each other lives whether I liked it or not.
I told him I hated him and he wasn't my daddy."
"Why would you say that?" Jordan was curious.
Denise sighed, a tear falling down her cheek. "Because he was around more than my real daddy and I hated that. I hated that he showed more interest in me than my own father."
"oh." Jordan's hands undid the button on her blouse.
"I was a force to with at that age." Denise sighed.
"Did you and Vicki get into a fight after that?"

Denise licked her lips as his fingers got to the last button. "Not for a long time. For about six months we put up with each other. The last fight we got into was when I was in fifth grade and she was in fourth. What made it bad was that a couple of her friends were over. They were having a sleep over. I tried to stay in my room and mind my own business, like normally, and she came up to my room when I had taken a bathroom break and took a sweatshirt and a pair of pants from my closet. That made me so mad, because she was always grabbing stuff from my closet and never asking. So, I marched down there, confronted her about it. She said she wanted to borrow the pants and shirt. I said why? I don't want you borrowing my clothes. She said she and her friends were going to the mall that morning and she wanted to borrow it. I told her that she was only ten. What could she possibly get at the mall? She said she wanted a new c.d. that had come out. I told her no and to give me my clothes back. She grabbed the clothes from her bag and threw them at me. Maybe if her friends hadn’t laughed at me, I would've left it at that, but I went up to her and smacked her so hard in the face, she had a red print left when I was done. She just stared at me, not really saying anything. I mean, she looked shocked, like she really hadn't expected it you know."
Jordan sighed, "Did she hit you back?"
Denise gave a sour smile, "No. She just left me alone." After that, her friends didn't like me at all. What changed my mind about Vicki, was she stopped talking to me. She wouldn't even acknowledge I existed. She'd talk to mom and Garrette and that was it. Finally one day, I went into her room and asked her why was she mad at me, when she'd thrown my clothes at me."
She said that she only wanted to borrow the outfit, she was going to give it back."
I asked her why did she take it? I didn't like her taking my things without asking.
She said, we were sisters and that we should be able to borrow stuff from one another. She'd always thought she'd have a sister like punky bruster."
Jordan laughed, "Punky Bruster?"
Denise laughed, "She was absolutely obsessed with that show. I was equally bad with Francine Pascal's sweet Valley Twin Series."
"Oh really?" Jordan laughed again. Francine Pascal? He could imagine Denise into those books.
"Yeah, those, R.L. Stine, The hardy boys Mysteries and Lurlene McDaniel."
"I thought you said you didn't like Romance Novels?"
"Lurlene McDaniel always wrote about kids dying and romance."
Denise laughed, "Maybe so, but she spoke to the heart, that's what I love."
"You know she still writes."
"I know."
"Anyway, tell me what happened after that?"
"Well, I sat down and talked to her. I apologized to her for behaving irrationally like I had. She said that she just wanted someone who could be nice and fun to hang out with."
Jordan sighed, "Ok."
"I felt really bad then. After that day, I made an effort to at least be cordial to her."
Jordan shook his head, "Even then you were feisty." He gave a soft laugh.
"Ha, ha, ha. I was greedy back then ok? I don't like to share. I didn't want to share my mom with anyone else. I was used to being with her and me. That's a hard thing for a child to accept."
Jordan pushed open the blouse. "I'm tired of talking now."
Denise laughed, "Well, thanks for caring."
He blew over her bare chest, running a finger over a nipple. "I do care, I'm just distracted at the moment."
Denise shook her head, "Yeah, ok." She closed her eyes and felt it as he covered his mouth over that same nipple.

Chapter Fourteen

The day that Jordan departed for Chicago, Denise stood with her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly. Jordan who'd bent down to return her hug, let out a wish of air, hoping to still the pounding in his heart. He didn't want to leave, but new that he had to take care of the business in Chicago, before he could even make it back to Hampton. Closing his eyes, he whispered, "I'll be back."
Her voice sounded cracked as she responded, "I know."
"I have to get all this stuff wrapped up with the apartment, my job and then register for school. Once all of that is completed, I'll be back."
Denise wanted to ask why he couldn't just quit everything and stay down in Hampton, but she knew he thought of that as irresponsible and that he wouldn't do. Sighing, she grasped his neck tightly, "I love you, Jordan."
"I love you too, De-De. Keep yourself, ok?"
Denise swallowed and glanced up at him. Looking into beautiful passionate eyes, she whispered, "Don't I always?"
He licked his lips, "For me."
"Definitely." The shivers that went through her body felt like a cold wind had enraptured her body. She kissed his lips again.
"Now boarding for flight 1072 for JFK airport in New York City." The airport attendant called over the loudspeakers.
"That's my flight," Jordan stated, pulling away from Denise. She cleared her throat. "How many flights do you have?"
"Two. One to New York city, and then another to Chicago."
"Will you call me when you get back home?"
"Yeah, I should be getting back around five thirty this evening. I'll call you."
"Yeah, I promise. Now, I have to go." Jordan placed one last kiss on her lips and whispered, "I'll be back."
Denise watched as he went through the terminal. She noticed that a lot of girls took in his muscular form. He'd worn a pair of blue jeans, gray and white striped polo shirt with matching loafers. Denise had to admit, with his hair freshly cut and him shaven, he was quite the image.

As soon as Jordan arrived at his apartment, he opened the door, walked in, threw his bags down and walked over to the phone. Picking it up, he dialed Denise's phone number. When she answered, he let out a sigh of relief, a smile coming over his features, "Hey, I was just calling you to tell you I made it." He listened to her greeting as she asked how the trip coming back was. He was about to answer, when he heard a noise in the bathroom, and then the toilet flush. Crinkling his brow, he asked Denise to hold on. Putting the phone on the counter, he went to the nearest closet to grab a bat.

"You know, if I had come to rob you, you would be dead right now." A voice stated, her tone soft and sweet. Jordan felt his body tense up. Turning around, he glared at the young girl, "What the hell are you doing in my house?"
The girl smiled over at him, coming near the counter. Picking up the receiver, she spoke into it, "Hello?"
Jordan ran to the phone, grabbed it from her and his tone rushed, told Denise he'd call her back. Without waiting for a reply, he hung it up.
"Why did you do that?" She inquired, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "I wanted to see who you went back to Richmond for."
"It's none of your damn business. How did you get into my house, Carene?" Carene laughed, her brown hair bouncy, "I had a key made, silly."
Jordan stared at her as if she'd lost her mind. "Give me the key Carene." Another laugh, and the girl backed away from him. "I was going to give it back after we talked, Jordan."
Jordan narrowed his eyes, "I don't want to talk to you. Now, give me..." He reached out for her, she pulled away, moving toward the living room, "No, baby, I'm not till you talk to me. I want to know why you don't want me anymore."
Jordan didn't say anything, he just threw his hands up, "Fine keep the damn key. I'll have my locks changed, just get out of my house."
Another laugh came from Carene, "See, that's why I love you so much, Jordan. You're so sweet. You'd rearrange your whole life for little ol' me."
Jordan's jaw jerked, "Carene, there is no us. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you need a doctor."

Carene scowled at him, "There's nothing wrong with me, I'm perfectly fine, ok?"
Jordan went to the door, pulling it open, he said, "Get out." His tone was firm. Carene laughed and came up to him. Standing in front of him, her five ten inch frame perfectly meeting his, she leaned in and caressed his cheek, " Why Jordan? Why not me?"

Jordan pulled her hand away from his face, "Go, please."
Her expression pout y, Carene laughed again, "You think just because you saw her that things are going to work out between you two? You think all the pain and suffering that you've endured over the past two years will go away just by getting back together with her?" Carene shook her brown curls, laughing, "No, baby, life doesn't work like that. She's going to break your heart again. She's going to spit you up and chew you out, just like before. She'll say sweet things to you and not mean a damn thing."
Jordan inhaled sharply, "I love her." He stated, firmly.

Carene nodded her head, "Of course you do. You're a good man, you don't need someone like her in your life. You don't need her. You need a real woman, someone to take care of you, to love you, to need you in the same way that you need her." She whispered, her tone soft.
Jordan swallowed the saliva buildup in his mouth. "I have that with her."
Carene shook her head objecting, "No, you only think you have that with her. What are you going to do if she tell you she doesn't want to be with you anymore? Where are you going to go then?"
Jordan took a step away from the doorway, leaving her there, enclosing the wall that connected the door to the frame. "That's not going to happen."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know Denise like I know the palm of my hand."
Carene laughed at this again, "Come on Jordan, don't be naive. If you know her so well, then you'll know that this time she's going in for the killer. This time when she breaks your heart, she's going to kill you. She's going to hurt you so bad you may not recover from it at all." Carene swallowed. Her gaze turning serious, "I don't want that for you, Jordan. You deserve better."
Jordan sighed, "I love her." He stated again.
"Does she love you?"
Jordan felt a small sting of fear grip his heart. Did she love him? of course! His mind screamed. His heart ached. "Of course she loves me." He stated more for himself than Carene.

Carene felt a tiny smile began in her heart. There was a hint of doubt in his words. Did she or didn't she? How sweet a game this would be. How sweet. Shaking her head yes, she whispered, "Alright Jordan, if you say so, but know that I love you too. If things don't go to well, you need help, advice, something, just call me."

Jordan raised a brow. Call her? Why would he call his ex girlfriend over the one he loved? The one he knew without a shadow of doubt he wanted to be with? The one he felt was indeed his soul mate, if that could be described as her.

Two days later:
Denise tapped her foot against her desk, trying to focus on the trip planner in front of her, but was failing miserably. She couldn't stand the idea that another woman had been there. Who was she and why had she been there. His voice had sounded slightly vexed by her presence. She knew this was a silly reason to not take his calls, but she couldn't. Not just yet. She wanted to identify the woman. She needed to identify the woman. Had he been serious about their coming back together? Was he really sure that he wanted to come back to Hampton and be with her? Were they both getting what happened between them mixed up as something real when it was nothing more than a fling? Had it been an attempt of his to get back at her for leaving him? Did he really love her, still? Did he really want to be with her?

Taking a frustrated breath, Denise tried to swallow the lump of fear that had risen in her throat. She loved him so much. She wanted to be with him so much. She'd never felt so completed with one person in her life. It had been that way in high school. She'd always felt the same way he'd felt toward her. She'd always felt as if they were quite the pair. Their chemistry was strong, that she was sure of. Glancing down at her watch, she saw that she was going to be off the clock in a matter of minutes. Sighing, she gathered her stack of papers and placed them back into their proper place in the filing cabinet. Locking that drawer, she grabbed up her purse and keys.

I've never been so fearful in my life. Who is that woman and what was she doing at his house? He'd said that he had no girlfriend. He'd said that I was the only girl he wanted, so why was she there? How had she gotten in? I'm sure he'd seemed irritated that she'd said anything to me over the phone. I didn't like the fact that he cut me off so abruptly. You'd think he'd want to handle things on this end first, but no. He's been calling. He's called at least twenty times in the past two days. That's literally. The first couple of calls I answered, but hung up quickly because the sound of his voice had been enough to make me cry.

Isn't that pathetic? How could I love him more than I had in high school? We've been apart for two years, without so much as a word, but I love him so much. I want to be with him more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. More than that scholarship that was reinstated to New York University this year. I don't know how I'll get through the years up there and then come back down here every weekend. I hadn't realized how much I missed his presence till that first day I turned to see him staring at me. I hadn't even known how starved I was for his affection till the first time we'd slept together at his house. How ironic...(a giggle) The same exact place we'd been when he and I slept together that very first time years ago. I was so scared then. I couldn't even breathe straight. Everything felt closed in and I thought I would die when he penetrated that first time. I didn't think I'd enjoy sex as much as I had then.

God, Diary, when we were together last month, it felt as if I would die of pure ecstasy. Is that even possible? I'd never enjoyed sex that way before. His mouth, his hands, his body and the way it formed to mine. Diary, (I sigh now), I love that man. I love him so much that it hurts to even think about being with someone else. It was horrible when he sent me that one sentence letter (a smile). It was horrible because it was then I began counting the days he'd come back. I thought he'd be back sooner than two years, I thought I'd give him a year. If he wasn't back by then, I wouldn't dwell on it. I had done that. I had put away everything he'd ever given me. I'd taken his pictures off my desk, even removed them from my wallet. For eleven and a half months, I was sure I wouldn't see him again. I was so sure that he was gone for good and he wasn't coming back for me, that it surprised me when I did see him at the house.

I wanted to run over to him and wrap him in my arms that moment when I'd first seen him. He looked a little like the guy he'd been in high school, but with more attitude. He looked to have matured a lot in the past two years. I was tripping out because he'd left a boy and came back a man. I know, a man really doesn't show signs of maturity until their at least twenty five years old, but he did. He even looked older than twenty. He just turned twenty in February. On the twelfth to be exact. I turned twenty in November of 2002. So, in others words, I'll be twenty one this November on the twenty third. Anyway, I wasn't expecting to see him standing there looking so sexy and then when he gave me that same boyish grin he'd given in high school, I was kind of taken back to that day when we went to the fair. He'd given me that same grin when we were on the Rocket.

Anyhow, Diary, I know these are supposed to convince me he loves me right? All of these memories. But, I can't help it but be curious as to who is she? What was she doing there? Do you think I'm being...

Denise stopped her pen in mid air and sat it down on top the open book. Going over to her desk, she reached into her purse, lifting out her phone with the Stephanie Mills ring tone playing. Jordan's name flashed across the screen. She stood there in place staring at it. Heart thumping in her chest. He still wanted to talk to her. This caused a brief sigh of relief. She watched it ring four times, before it stopped. Exhaling another sigh, this one anxious, she took the phone back to her bed. Laying it down on the mauve colored comforter, she cleared her throat and picked up her pen. Just as she did this, the ring tone went off again. Swallowing hard, she grabbed the phone. Pick it up! Her heart whispered. No, don't. You'll make him think that what he did was ok. Her brain stated. Pick it up! Her heart screamed. No! Her brain disagreed. The war waged back and forth until the ringing ceased.

Denise sighed a breath of relief. Her heart was saddened but her mind was gloating. Telling her she'd done a great job. Sighing, she put the phone down and grabbed her pen. She was just about to finish her last sentence, when a knock sounded on her door. The door opened and her mother poked her head in, "Denise, telephone."
Denise sighed, "Tell who ever it is that I'll call them back," she stated.
"I think you may want to take this call."
"I'm writing, I'll call back later."
Mrs. Richards sighed into the phone, "Jordan, Denise says she'll call you back later, when she finishes what ever she's doing right now."
Denise grabbed her notebook and was about to start back writing, when her mother cleared her throat. "He says it's important."
Denise sighed, "So is my diary right now."
Mrs. Richards narrowed her eyes, "Jordan, sweetie, she said her diary's more important at the moment."
Denise turned her eyes to her mother disbelief over her features. "I never said that, mom. I just want to finish what I'm doing. Tell him I will call him back.
Mrs. Richards sighed, spoke into the phone. "He said he really wants to talk to you right now."
"What's so hard about waiting till I'm done?" Denise pouted.
"Jordan, she says you're just going to have to..." Her mom cut off. And nodded her head listening. Finally, she turned back to her and said, "He says he's sorry about the girl. She made a copy of his key and snuck into the house. He didn't even know she was there."
Denise sighed and placed her diary on the bed, "Ask him how did she get the key to copy it?"
Mrs. Richards asked Jordan about this all the while staring at her daughter, a perplexed expression her on her face. "He says her name's Carene. She's one of the girls he was telling you about. She'd been the clingy one."
This caused a smile to appear on Denise's face. "The clingy one, ey?" She whispered softly. Mrs. Richards talked back into the phone. She's sitting there with this goofy grin on her face." Mrs. Richards smiled at the sparks in her daughter's eyes. She'd never seen Denise happier than when she was talking to him. Sighing into the phone, she said, "He says he loves you and he misses you really bad."

Sighing, Denise got up off her bed and grabbed the phone from her mother, "Hey, Jordan."
Denise was shocked at the sigh he let out. He'd been holding his breath? This caused an even wider smile to form across her mouth.
"Hi, Denise." The sound of deep vocal waves made her stomach flutter with butterflies.
"How are you doing?" She spoke back into the receiver, hoping her voice sounded a lot more calmer than she really was.
"I'm good. I thought that was why you hadn't answered my calls." He stated, his tone relaxed.
Denise laughed softly, "Twenty one."
"So, you've been counting them?"
She sighed and sank back onto her bed as her mother closed the door and exited her room.
"It was hard not too, considering you're only one of five people that have this number."
Jordan laughed, "Alright then, so what's the chocolate butterfly up to tonight?"
Denise raised a brow, "Chocolate Butterfly?"
"Yeah, chocolate butterfly."
"Why butterfly?"
"Because they are some of the most beautiful colorful creatures in the world."
Denise laughed, "You're sweet. did Carene get your key?"
"Honestly, I don't know."
"Didn't you say that you guys broke up before you moved out of Andrew's and Tanya's?"
"Yeah, and we did. That's why I was so startled when I heard her voice."
Denise furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"
Jordan sighed, "Well..."
Denise listened till he finished. Once he did, she gave her opinion. "She sounds sort of crazy if you ask me."
"You have no idea. I've tried everything I can think of to get that girl disinterested in me and nothing works. It seems the more I turn her away, the more forceful she becomes."
Denise smiled, "You do have that dark look in your eyes when you're serious. It's very sexy. She probably gets turned on every time you tell her to leave you alone."
"It's not my fault God cursed me with beautiful eyes."
Denise laughed, "They're not a curse, they're a gift."
"A gift you say?"
"Yep. God blessed you with them through your father, you should be happy, feel lucky about that."
A smile was heard in his voice, "I am happy about that. My dad was an awesome man."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, so what was your day like?"

Chapter Fifteen

 Mid August winds were cooling down the sweltering heat of summer as the season made its transition into autumn. The tree branches and their leaves were beginning to drain of deep piercing colors and turning a dry yellow due to the swift change in conditions. Jordan inhaled sharply, placed the keys of his apartment in the place he'd found them in and moved away from the door. Excited that within hours, he'd be back in Hampton.


He and Denise had talked none stop since the day he'd finally gotten a hold of her on the phone. They'd talked about everything from their high-school days to what was happening between them two. He'd manage to get everything taken care of in two months. This he couldn't believe. He'd given a month's resignation, on both his apartment and his job. Now, as he made his way out to his car, his mind settled on exactly how was he going to get into Hampton. He doubted that the scholarship they'd offered back in high-school was still valuable, considering the fact that he was long past the acceptance phase. Two years was a long time to expect a scholarship hold. Sighing, he thought of his plans for college. He knew he wanted to be a lawyer.

He'd always wanted to do so, ever since he'd visited his grandfather's law library as a youngster. He'd grown up sitting beside his grandpa during the summer months in Ireland. The thing was, The Williams' clan in Conacht Ireland were among few Irishmen who'd developed into wealthy land owners. They didn't own the island or anything like that, but they profited enough in renting out some of the acres they had, as well as defending citizens in Northern Ireland.


The lands up there were really wealthy. His grandfather had attended his first trial experience when he was nine up under the wings of his father, who'd been a judge. So, it was custom that the Williams' men were lawyers. What made Jordan's dad, Patrick Williams so different was that he'd rebelled in that since when he'd come to America, on his father's money of-course and became a chemical engineer first and then a pilot in the United States Army.


Patrick had gained redemption because of the fact that four year old Jordan Williams hung on to his grandfather's every word, enthralled at some of the stories the older man would tell him about some of the men he'd defended. It was at six when Jordan had decided to become a lawyer. Sighing, Jordan sighed considering both Mel and Arlyn lucky to have gotten the inheritance after their father's death, which ironically enough happened around the same time as his own father's. Jordan exited the building and hopped into his car. On the way back to Hampton, he'd have plenty of time to consider what his options were about starting school the upcoming spring semester.

Denise sat in course H104, bored to death. She'd already learned all about American history and figured she really didn't need to take this course on the structure of the American colonies. A whole course dedicated to the American colony? She wasn't going to work in Colonial History. She was geared more toward the reconstruction period and civil rights. That's what she wanted to do. Sighing, she slumped further down in her chair, pretending to concentrate, but really starring off into space.

"You do know he likes to call on students sporadically, right?" A voice whispered from next to her. Denise jumped a little, startled. Glancing over, she smiled at the girl who'd spoken. "Really? You've had him before?"
The girl shrugged, her makeup around her eyes dark, "Professor Owen Adams, you'll learn to despise him." Denise laughed softly, "Denise Calloway."
"Neema Elizabeth." The girl stated, a grin on her face.
"Which one's the first name?"
"Neema is my first name, Elizabeth is my last name."
"Oh, wow. It's a beautiful name."
Neema laughed, "Yep. I have been told that since I was little." She whispered.
"Where did it come from?" Denise inquired, curious.
"It's Egyptian."
"Your parents Egyptian?" She whispered.
Neema laughed, "Nope. They were looking for something unique and a friend of theirs, suggested the name. We thought it was made up, but then I looked it up and whola! It's Egyptian and means born to wealthy parents. I guess I got lucky in that aspect, because my family's not exactly poor."
Denise smiled, "That's cool."
"Denise, Neema, would you two care to elaborate what's absorbing your attention?" Denise closed her eyes, feeling a blush come on.
"Oh, we were just introducing ourselves Professor Adams."
"Try to do it on your own time and not on mine Ms. Elizabeth, you know the rules." Professor Adam stated in a crisp tone.
Neema saluted the professor, "Sorry about that, Professor."
The professor's gaze lingered upon the two girls before going back to his lesson. Immediately, the class's attention went back to the board.
Neema rolled her eyes, "t.t.y.l."
Denise narrowed her eyes, "What's ttyl?"
"talk to you later. ttyl."
Denise smiled, "Cool."

After class, Denise shoved her papers into her bag and zipped up what was inside. Pulling the straps over her shoulder, she got up from the desk and made her way out of the classroom. As soon as she did, Neema met her at the door. "So, where are you from?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders, "Originally New York. I moved to South Hampton when I was fifteen."
"You look like you should be in New York. Why are you here?"
Denise narrowed her eyes at Neema. "Because I wanted to be here." Together they walked down the hallway and out of the H (History) building.
"Ha, ha, ha. I mean, what brought you here, to Richmond?" Neema stated, her light chestnut colored eyes staring into Denise's coffee brown ones with peculiar interest. Denise sighed, "Well, I've been in Virginia for about six years now. I came here in June of 97' with my mom and step dad along with my sister Vicki. I had always planned to go back to New York but life intervened and now I'm here."
Neema sighed, "How interesting that is."
"What other classes do you have?" Denise inquired.
"Anatomy, is next, beyond that point, I really don't know." I only have two courses today. Tomorrow is supposed to be three, but I'm not sure which three."
"Oh. How many times a week do you go to school?"
"Tuesdays and Wednesday. Anyhow, enough school chitchat. You going to the party their throwing tonight?"
Denise narrowed her brows, "It's the first day of school and they're throwing parties?"
"That's the college life, you going or what?"
Denise sighed, "Probably not, I have a class tomorrow and I need to study."
Neema raised a brow? "Study? Why would you want to do that when you can party?"
Denise laughed as the two girls made their way across campus to their cars. As they stopped next to each others vehicle's, Denise raised a brow, checking out Neema's car. A red and white 2000 Saturn. "Seems like we parked next to each other," Neema stated with a wink.
"Yep. Pretty cool."
"So, you coming to the party tonight?" Neema inquired one last time before opening the door to her Saturn.
"Nope, homework." Denise stated, as she opened hers.
"Ahk, you need to have fun, do something, homework's not due till Friday."
"And, we still need to get it done."
"Denise, you have at least a week to get the assignment done."
"I know, but I like to have everything done early."
"Well, I don't really want to party."
"Why not? You might actually enjoy yourself."
"I've never been a partier."
"Never been a partier?"
"No. I mean I didn't have reason too."
"Well, shit girl, you need to get your experience in before you graduate."
"It's cool. I don't feel like partying any how. I'm going home and study."
Neema shrugged, "Suit yourself darling, but please note, I will have a blast. See you next week."
Ending the conversation, both girls got into their vehicles and closed the door, driving off in different directions.

Denise opened the door to her dorm and looked around. Two beds sat on a side of each wall, far away from each other, while a desk sat up front by the wall that was connected the doorway. Closing the door and walking straight past the two beds, Denise came into a room that had a door on the right of the entrance. Inside that door was a bathroom. Her room mate had put up peach colored bathroom decorations, a rug, shower curtain and a couple of towels that hung on a towel wrack located next to the door. The bathroom was small.
There was a book shelf located further down the room with a couple of books on it. The book shelf was big enough to carry many books. Denise nodded her head, grateful she'd have somewhere to place her books. Clearing her throat, she noticed a wall that was covered in a light gray color, accentuating the beige carpet.

There were two small gray blue lounge chairs, one in each corner of the room, with a tall lamp located in the middle of them. Denise went to the lamp, flickered the switch and watched as it illuminated the room. Shaking her head with a smile, she sighed, not bad. Not bad at all. She flickered the light off and then made her way into the last room of the place. There was a small counter and sink with granite counter tops A microwave was built in the middle of the cabinets located above the sink. Denise raised a brow surprised. A microwave built in the middle of the cupboards? That she'd never seen.
Sighing, she turned away from the room and walked back through the sitting room and then into the bed room. She'd packed her stuff in the drawers that was attached to the bed. Sighing, she laid down on her made up bed and sat there staring up at the ceiling.

Thinking, her mind went over the invitation to the party that Neema had given her. When was the last time she'd had fun? It wouldn't kill her if she did go, because she'd have tomorrow and the rest of the week to do her homework. The ringing of her phone inside the purse she'd laid on the bed, startled her. Going inside the bag, she pulled it out and flipped open the lid, "Hello?"
"Hey, baby." The deep voice on the other end caused a smile to appear.
"Hey, what's going on?"
Jordan let out a wistful sigh, "Well, I made it back to Hampton."
Denise laughed, "Are you serious?" Her tone joyful.
"Yes, I'm serious."
"How long have you been back?" Denise inquired, pulling her feet over the bed. Stepping into her flats, she cleared her throat.
"About five hours."
Denise laughed, "No way."
"Yes way."
"For good?" She inquired, her heart accelerating a thousand beats per minute.
"Yeah." His tone was filled with amusement.
"Where are you? I want to come and see you."
"I'm at Hampton University registering for my classes."
Denise brows widened in shock. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I decided I may as well forge ahead with my education too. I can't let you beat me on that."
Denise laughed, "Yeah, I bet." She got up and walked out of her dorm. Closing the door, she locked it with her key. The purse she'd pulled her cell phone out of hung on her shoulder. "So, do you know what you're taking up?"
"Yep. I'm going to major in Criminal Justice, a minor in Political science and then off to law school." By the time he'd finished that sentence, Denise had already made it out of the building and was making her way to the car.
"That's cool."
"How about you?" Jordan inquired. "School going good?"
"Yeah, it's going great. I mean I'm taking a course called Colonial History and it's as boring as it sounds."
"I thought you loved history."
"I do, but geez, we had our first class today and this guy droned on and on, dragging the hour and a half we were in there." She stated, making a right into the parking lot of the administration building.
"Oh yeah? Meet any new friends in the class?"
Denise licked her lips, her tone soft, "I met this girl Neema, she's a junior and she invited to the first campus party tonight."
"Oh yeah?"
"Celebrating the beginning of the year."
"You should go, you need a little fun."
Denise laughed, "That's what Neema said, but I told her I had homework."
"Homework? De-De, unless you got a class on a Saturday morning, A Friday night party isn't going to kill you."
"I know. I just wanted to get it done early."
Jordan laughed, "Get it done early. Do you always have to be prepared?"
"Just as you always have to be unprepared." Denise stated with laughter in her voice.
"Ha, ha, ha. Denise. At least I know how to juggle between being prepared and partying."
Denise was now walking up to the registration building. She looked inside, throng of students. She saw a guy standing in the line off to the right, where a woman was talking to another student in front of him. There was a relaxed smile on his face. He was dressed in a blue and white jogging suit, turtleneck and white tennis shoes.
"If you know how to juggle parties, why don't you come with me?" Denise watched as his body shifted and heard the laughter come from his mouth. "I would love to but seeing as to how you are in New York, that would be impossible."
Denise smiled tenderly. "Who told you that?"
Jordan's had shook, giving her a great visual of the words he spoke. "You did of course."
"Did I?" Denise teased.
Denise sighed, "What if I changed my mind?"
His body shifted slightly to the right and he put his free hand underneath his chest. Denise eyes roamed his body. Licking her lips, she thought there couldn't have been a finer looking man. He looked so sexy standing there with his six foot three inch frame hovering over the students.
"That would be a dream come true for me, baby. You know that."
Denise laughed, "Well then, I'm glad I made your dreams come true." She stated, her tone soft and silky. This caused Jordan to lick his lips, "I've never heard sexier words before."
"Oh really?"
"Yep. You sound so good, you make me want to jump through this phone and commit unspeakable acts."
Denise laughed, "Hmm, that sounds nice. What would you do to me if I was there?" She licked her lips again.
"I'd kiss you like crazy."
"Would you?"
"Hell yeah."
Denise laughed again. "What else?"
"You have to be here for the what else parts. You know I only like to show my work."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway. "Turn around and look out the window."
"Why?" He inquired, suspicious.
"Just do it." She demanded.
"Do you always feel the need to tell me what to do?"
"In occasions like this. Now, turn around please."

A sigh was heard as she saw him turn around. When his eyes connected with hers, she broke out into a smile He laughed while speaking into the phone, "You're such a tease." Denise saw broad shoulders make their way toward her. "I like being a tease."
His eyes sparkled as he walked the rest of the way across the room, "Really?"
"Yes, baby. I'm really good at that sort of thing."
Jordan laughed, "You want to go back to your place or should we go back to mine?"
Denise smiled seductively, her eyes never leaving his, "Mine's closer."
"Is it now?" He crossed the thresh hold between the glass door way and into the area where she stood. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he snapped it closed and grabbed her around the waist. Not a second later, he put his mouth over hers. Her arms went up to his face, grasping the beautiful frame into her hands. Kissing him back, she felt the sparks well up in her.

He kissed her hard, pushing his tongue into her open mouth. She moaned sweetly.
"Get it girl, get it." A voice called out. Startled, Denise pulled away from him and glanced over to the sound of the voice. A group of girls were sitting around a large tree that had been encased by bricks. A blush crept to her cheeks upon seeing the way the were staring at them. Grasping Jordan's hand, Denise led him away from their prying eyes. She'd forgotten all about everyone else. Sighing, she whispered, "Welcome back, baby."

They stopped in between her car and another car, parked in the back of the parking lot away from the building. He pushed himself up against her and kissed her again. This time her eyes fluttered closed and she forgot all about her purse. The feel of him against her seemed to set off everything within her. He kissed her so much, her lips were loosing calories from the contact. He ran his hands down her neck and down her blouse, pushing up against her chest with anxious fingers. After a moan escaped his mouth, and Denise thought her body would die with need, she grasped the front of his jacket. "Baby, let's go back to my room. Please?"

His fingers trailed along her body. When his fingers found the hem of her pants, he pushed them inside, "Do you know how much I've missed you, baby? Do you?" Denise's legs opened slightly as he ran his hands over the soft curls inside the slacks. Just as his hand touched the lips of her vagina, she pushed him away a little, mean while holding onto his shirt. "We can't do this in public." Jordan pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. "I guess. Let's take your car, we'll come back to get mine."
Denise shook her head, feeling irritated as he trailed his hands up her thighs and around to her bottom. "we have to go. We will get a fine if we do it here."
Jordan squeezed her butt, loving it's lusciousness, "But, you look so sexy. Why not?" His hands were squeezing her bottom and running over it. Denise inhaled sharply, "It's against school policies. We can even get in trouble for the little bit that we have done."
Jordan was no longer paying attention to her words, captivated by the beautiful curve of her lips. After a while, she realized he wasn't and pushed him away. "Come to my place, ok?"
"Where do you stay at?"
"Don't you have a room mate?"
"She's left on a camping trip with her friends this morning, so we got the whole room to ourselves."
"Isn't there a policy against bringing guys up there?"
Denise shrugged, "Who's gonna tell? No one's ever in the door around the same time." She grabbed his waist and pulled him to her. Touching his body with hers, she whispered, her mouth pouty, "I thought you wanted it as bad as I do?"
Jordan laughed and leaned in close to her. Running his tongue over her ear, he whispered, "From head to toe, Denise."
She grasped his neck, pulled him down to her and wrapped his mouth in a kiss, "Well then, stop whining and follow me now."
Jordan laughed and cleared his throat, "Crazy girl." She smiled up at him, "Yep. Now, let's go."
With that, she turned around to get her keys out of her bag. Jordan watched her while she did this, not saying a word. She had a very round butt. Bubblicious. This brought a smile on. Not able to resist, he reached out and smacked her on it. She jumped, loosing her focus and turned to him, "Get in your car, now."
She hissed.
Jordan laughed, raising both brows. She must have wanted it bad. He licked his lips, staring into dark brown eyes elecrified, "Damn." That look always made him weak in the knees.
"Stop playing and go!" She stated, her tone firm. Jordan shook his head, "Woman, woman, woman." His eyes were ablaze with fire as he stared into her flushed face and pushed lips. Sighing deeply, he turned around, walking to his car. He tried not to loose his focus but the feel of her butt in his hands was enough to drive him crazy with need.

chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen:

Later that evening, Denise and Jordan both lay wrapped up in her covers, their bodies laying flat on the surface of the bed. Jordan had his hands holding up the back of his head, while Denise had hers down at her sides, contemplating whether or not this day was a dream. Was he really here? Had he really just made love to her? Sighing, she stared off into space, her mind going over all these thoughts.

"Denise?" He inquired, thoughtful.
Swallowing her saliva, Denise whispered, "Yeah?"
"Did you miss me?"
"Are you really here?" She countered.
He gave a deep chuckle and turned over on his side, his face close to hers, his body brought into alignment with hers through this action. His hands went to her cheek. "Can you feel this?"
She giggled softly.
"How about this?" His lips touched below her cheeks, to her jaw. A smile spread across her features at the sweet tingles that rippled through her body.
"Or, if that's not good enough, maybe, this will convince you that I'm here." His mouth went to the corner of the right side of her mouth and planted a soft one there.
A sigh was given as she reached up and touched his face, her hands going over the smooth heart shaped flesh, including beautiful plushed lips. Dark green eyes stared at brown ones with ravish intent. Denise let out a soft giggle. Jordan's face leaned closer to hers until it hovered above her mouth, "So, what do you think, Denise? Am I here or am I not?"
As her mouth split into a wider grin, he placed a kiss on her nose. This caused her to sigh and allow her mouth to sink back into it's full state. When he saw that her mouth wouldn't move anymore, he leaned in and placed a deep kiss on her lips.

Denise's eyes fluttered opened and she glanced over next to her. Jordan was laying on the left side of the bed, the sheet twisted around his great anatomy. Denise sighed and turned her face to the wall.
Bang! Bang! Two rapid sounds on the door, caused her heart to jump in her chest. Who was at the door? Sighing, she got up, slid into clothes and just as a third knock sounded, reached the door. Pulling it open, she stared into Neema's face, which was half covered by sunglasses. She wore a black colored pantsuit, blue shoes and a matching blue scarf around her neck. Denise took in the coach bag hanging over her shoulder.

"You ready to go?" She inquired.
"Ready to go where?" Denise stared at her, annoyed that she'd been awakened.
"You know to the party. I told you this is the beginning of school bash. Where they introduce the new pledges for the year, the skanks come out and who knows what else." Neema stated, laughter in her voice. Denise sighed, running her hands over her hair, "What ever, I'm going back to sleep, see you on Monday."
"Puhleeze girl, I drove all the way over here to pick your black ass up."
This made Denise laughed, "Don't you know that's a discriminatory remark?"
"Shut up, you know black folk be calling us crackers and what not. So why can't I say get yo black ass up and out. We're gonna go party!"
This made Denise giggle again, "I have company."
Neema took off her glasses and pushed them on top her dark hair. Dark eyeliner brought out the beautiful golden tone in her brown eyes. Denise knew that she wore no facial make up, for she didn't need it. Her flawless skin was a natural bronze color. "Dressed like that?"
Denise narrowed her eyes, "What?"
"The only way you going to have company with your head looking like that, is if you got a man in there and y’all just got through doing some business." She stated.
"Neema!" Denise hissed at her.
Neema narrowed her eyes, "What? Tell him to get his black ass up too."
Denise bit down on her bottom lip. Why did Neema have to assume he was black? As if answering the question himself, the door opened and Denise felt Jordan's body align with hers.
A smile coming over his features he said, "Sorry to burst your bubble sugah, but I'm not black." Neema took a step back and stared into a beautiful yet masculine face. His dark green eyes flashed with amusement.
"Damn, Denise, I thought you may have been doing homework or something. Here you doing something else. I see you like variety, huh?"
Denise felt her cheeks become heated. Jordan let out a deep rumble. "Hello, I'm Jordan Williams."
Neema held out her hand, liking the joviality in his laughter. "Neema Elizabeth. Nice to meet you."
Jordan nodded toward her, "You too, Neema."
Neema cleared her throat. "So, you guys gonna come to the party tonight?"
He glanced down at Denise, who stood there frozen in the door way. Glancing back up at Neema he sighed, "Yeah, we'll go to the party. Denise can do her homework over the weekend or something, you know?"
Neema laughed, "At least one of you know how to have fun."
Jordan laughed, "Yeah."
Neema cleared her throat, "See you guys later. Denise."
Denise, who'd finally recovered said, "Yep."
With that, Neema turned and left the building.

Clearing her throat, Carene made a phone call outside of the house. She punched in the number she'd remembered by heart since the first day he'd given it to her. When he answered, she sighed into the phone.
"Hello love." She greeted her voice cheerily.
The irritation was evident in his voice as he spoke into the receiver, "What the hell do you want?"
"Come on, is that anyway to treat an old lover?"
She heard a stressed filled growl. "It is when she's stalking you, now what do you want?"
"I just wanted to see how you're trip was down there."
"Why? It's not any of your business."
"Oh, come on." She pouted, "I just wanted to make sure you got to Hampton ok."
"Everything's fine, now don't call this number again!" With that, he hung up.
Carene laughed softly, "Yes, my love, everything's absolutely fine." Getting out of the car, she went up to the door of the house. She lifted a flower pot, sure the key would be under there. There wasn't anything. She let out a swear. She new there was a spare key, but the question was, where?

About twenty minutes later, she found it taped underneath the drainage pipe on the side of the house. Pulling the tape loose, she grabbed the key and went to the front door. Opening it, she let herself into the house. Going through the house, she walked through the hallway and came into a beautiful oak floored living room. She gasped at such quaint beauty. The living room was small, with an entertainment system in front of the front window that allowed you view of the street from its vantage point. A coffee table sat ontop a black throw rug. A floral printed couch along with a matching love seat was placed adjacent to one another. The couch being in the middle of the room and the love seat in the right hand corner of the room.

Carene went upstairs and stopped outside a room located nearest the stair case. It was the master bedroom. The room was vacant. Next to that room was another room. This one was vacant as well. Going to the door across from there and opening it, she stared in awe at the room. For some reason, she knew this was his room. It looked like him. The blue walls with a blue bed spread made over the bed. There was a desk on the west wall with pictures hanging above it. Carrine took a look at the pictures. There was one of Jordan with a girl. His arm was around the girl and both were smiling. There were also pictures of an older woman, whom Carrine thought to be his mother. She and he had the same face shape and hair. Carrine's eyes went over the hatch, and then inside to the partica board.

The party had been in full swing since the moment Jordan and Denise had arrived. Jordan had dragged Denise into the crowded livingroom and started dancing as soon as they got there. Denise laughed at his poor effort to dance. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've gotten worse than when we were in highschool."
Jordan laughed, "You're one to talk, at-least I'm moving."
Denise giggled, "Yeah, sure if you say so."
"I do say so." Jordan stated, a tender shine in his eyes. Denise laughed and began moving her body to the sway of the music.

After the third song, Jordan offered to go get drinks for both of them. Denise stood there, wiping the sweat from her face, trying to catch her breath. She'd been standing there for a good two minutes, when a guy approached her wearing a gray hoodie with a white stripes going down the shoulders to the wrist band. He smiled nice pearly whites at her. " Hey, sexy mama."

Denise glanced over his suit with interest. Black sweat pants, a white wife beater and the sweat jacket he wore. His light brown skin and dark black curly hair was the most striking features about him. "Hi, and I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that." She stated, staring the guy in the face.
"Why not?" He inquired, his brown eyes teasing.
"Because my boyfriend wouldn't like that." Denise stated.
"I should've known you had a man, why'd he leave a pretty young thang like you out by yourself?"
Denise wrinkled her brow curious. "Just how old are you?"
He smiled, stroking his bear chin, "Why would I tell you that?"
"I'm just curious, because you talk like you're set in the eighties or something." She stated.
The guy laughed, "Ahh, maybe it helps that I like Michael Jackson, The Pointer Sisters, Tina Turner, I was crazy about New Edition in elementary school."
Denise laughed along with him. "Oh, that explains it."
The guy licked his lips, his gaze traveling along her body. "Nice package."
Another laugh came to the forefront. She ran her hands along her body, "Thank you."
"So, where you from?"
"Didn't I just tell you I got a man?" Denise inquired, glancing down at her watch. Where was Jordan at the moment? He should've been back by now.
"The guy shrugged, "Well, it doesn't hurt a brother to try and get some info, does it?"
Denise shrugged, "It does when he's trying to get into my pants."
The guy lifted a brow. "Now what makes you say that, sistah?"
Denise crossed her arms over her chest glaring at him, "Because I understand men these days and I know what they all want."
The guy laughed, "I hope that analysis includes your man, too."
Denise narrowed her eyes, "My man is not like you."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, he never even approached me the way you're approaching me."
"What's wrong with the way I'm approaching you? I haven't asked you for a number, I haven't said one offensive word to you..."
"Wait a minute now," Denise cut him off, "You called me Sexy mama and you said I had a nice package."
The guy raised his brow. "What's wrong with me calling it like I see it? You got hips, ass and thighs, not to mention nice tits. Why can't I appreciate the value of a good looking black woman?"
Denise rolled her eyes, "Why am I even sitting here listening to this bull shit that's coming out of your mouth?" Running her tongue over her lips, she said, "I gotta go. My man's somewhere and needs to be found."
The guy rolled his eyes, "Aren't you going to ask me my name?"
Denise turned hard eyes upon him, "Why would I even waste my breath?"
The guy cleared his throat, "Anton, if you're ever interested baby."
Denise snorted and then turned the opposite way to where Jordan had walked off.

Jordan shook the young man's hand who'd just introduced himself. It was very few men who could look Jordan in the eye standing directly in front of him. "Nice to meet you, Kwan. I'm Jordan."
"You too, Jordan. So, where you from?"
"Excuse me."
Kwan turned his eyes on the pretty darkskinned sister that walked up to him. The light in his eyes spoke that she'd been the girl he was about to bring the drink too, but ended up in a conversation with Kwan.
"Sorry, De-De. I got caught up in the moment." Jordan handed her the cup of punch he'd gotten her. Denise exhaled, "Can we leave baby?"
"We've only been here an hour Denise." Jordan pointed out.
"I know, I just want too..." Her voice trailed off as she glanced over at the guy he was talking too. "How'd you get over here so fast, and why are you wearing a different outfit?"
Kwan furrowed his brows, "What?"
"Jordan, this is the bone head that was just talking to me in the other room."
Jordan shook his head, "No, he and I have been talking for atleast ten minutes De-De."
Denise shook her head, "No, he's the guy that tried to hit on me." The guy laughed. Denise scowled at him. How could he be so smug? The bastard.
"Ah, you are talking about Anton? My brother."
"You're Anton." Turning to Jordan she whined, "Baby, it's him. I promise."
"Yo, Kwan, you ready to go man?" Just then a guy came up to the small group and without seeing Jordan or Denise first, he said, "Check it, Kwan, I saw this chick right. Her body was banging, and she was a little cutie, so I asked her where she was from cause she had this sexy ass accent, but she told me she had a man. So I asked her what was the harm in knowing and she told me that she knew what I wanted. So, I said to her what makes you say that, and I was spitting mad game at her. That corny shit you be using and she said, I know what men want. I thought to myself, I'm sure you do. She was sexy as hell, made me want to bend her over right there and just drill her..."
"Anton, you do know there are people behind you right?"
The guy who riveled his brother's height shrugged his shoulders, "So, what. This my party, I'm the one throwing it, fuck who's ever behind me."
Denise voice grew thick with anger and she threw the cup of punch at the back of his head. The guy turned around, "Aye, now who ever the f..." He trailed off as his face connected with hers. Denise glared at him. He smiled, "You needed to get my attention that bad huh?"
Jordan who stood there not knowing whether to be angry or burst out laughing just watched this scene unfold.
"You're a jerk, you know that?" She growled out.
"You sound sexy when you do that." He gave a dimpled smile. If looks were deceiving, you'd think she'd just said the nicest thing to him.
Denise narrowed her eyes, "Do I? How about when I say you're an egotistical bastard that have to use your brother lines just to get a lay, how about that?"
The guy came closer to her. "I don't know what you bitching about, you should be happy that somebody holla'd at yo' fat ass."
Denise's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe the many personalities this guy had. "Fat ass? You just mad cause you ain't getting none with yo' scrawny thimble weed ass."
Jordan's gaze went to Denise's not sure he'd just heard that.
"You must be from the projects talkin' like that."
Denise felt her temperature rise so high, she wanted to punch that smirk off his face.
"Boy please, I didn't grow up in the projects. Where I come from if you wanna act ghetto I can get ghetto. It's your kind I'm not afraid of, cause it's all for show."
Just then, a tint in his cheeks became noticeable. "Please, b..."
Jordan, who'd been surprised, immediately stepped in, "Look man, don't call my girl no bitch. That's one thing I won't allow."
Anton's eyes flashed up at Jordan's. "What the hell you gon do wonder bread?" The guy immediately balled his fist up.
"You call her a bitch and I'm gonna lay you out."

The guy mimicked Jordan. Glancing down at Denise, he laughed, "Oh, shit, you got a country white boy!" With that he laughed. Denise, who'd had enough, reached up and smacked him so hard his face whipped to the left. This caused those in the kitchen to stop what they were doing and spectate.

He quickly retaliated, swinging his body back around to hit her. In mid air, his brother's hand caught his wrist, "Look, Anton, you deserved that."
Anton, who'd gotten so angry, his entire face had reddened, and he yelled in a heated tone, "Naw, Kwan, it don't go like that. I didn't hit that bitch, she had enough nerve stepping to me like that."
Kwan held his wrist, "You had enough nerve talking to her like that. She didn't say anything that you didn't bring on, and then you insult her man. That's bullshit and you know it."
Anton turned heated eyes upon Jordan, "What she think she the shit now cause she got wonder bread here? That nigga ain't nothin'."
Kwan stepped in between the two. Speaking to his brother in a soft tone, he whispered, "Look, bro, we need to go take a walk."
"Naw, man, they need to get the hell outta here. Her and wonder bread. This is my spot."
"If that's what you want, alright."
"Hell yeah, that's what I want, now get them out." He stated, his tone hysterical. Kwan, who hadn't let go of his brother's wrist, turned to Denise and Jordan, "Maybe I'll see ya'll around campus or something."
Jordan grasped Denise's hand, "Alright."
Denise took one last glance at Anton before she allowed Jordan to escort her out of the party.

Jordan grabbed a blanket from out of the car after they'd parked in a parking space at Crescent Bay, right above the river bank. Denise allowed him to wrap it around her chilly shoulders as they walked along the shore line. "I can't believe you smacked him."
"I can't believe you let him say all of those things." Denise snapped, her tone irritated.
"What do you mean?"
"You stood there while he said all those things about me, talked like I was a peice of meet or something."
"I'm sorry about that."
"You weren't like that before, Jordan. You never allowed anybody to talk to me like I was crap." Denise stated, her voice trembling.
"I didn't know what to say, exactly." He stated.
"How is that, Jordan? You never let Lamont disrespect me in highschool and now we're in college and you let anybody say those things."
"Look, I'm sorry. I'm not used to just jumping on guys because they talk like that." He stated.
Denise stopped, "Then why did you jump on Lamont? Why did you fight him? Did I mean more to you back then?"
Jordan stared into hurt brown eyes, "No, De-De, I was stupid back then, ok. I was really sensitive."
Denise narrowed her eyes, feeling her heart break. "What you're not as sensitive now?"
Jordan swallowed, "I can control my emotions now, I couldn't back then."
"What ever." She stated, pulling the blanket around her tighter.
"Denise, come on baby, don't be like that. You know I love you."
Denise's jaw clenched and she swallowed, "I want to go home."
"Denise." He stated firmly. Denise turned and began to walk off. Jordan grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her to him, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't jump in when you thought I needed too, but I'm older now, Denise. I know everything can't be solved with my fist. I can get angry, but fighting won't solve everything."
Denise tried to pull away, tears spranging into her eyes, "Whatever. I don't care Jordan. I don't care."

Jordan sighed, and pulled her tighter to him. Turning her body around, he stared into her eyes, watching as the tears fell down her face. "I'm sorry baby. It doesn't mean I don't love you as much as I did then, it's just I can't go around beating people up because they say things I don't like."
"Jordan, he was talking about me in such a vulgar manner. I didn't do anything to him, I just said I had a boyfriend. He kept trying to get further."
"I know baby, but I also know that men think and say things like that at times. I know I've thought the same thing myself a time or two."
Denise wrinkled her brow. "what?"
Jordan narrowed his eyes, "You are sexy Denise and sometimes I just want to bend you over and..."

This caused flurries in her heart. Butterflies to pit themselves in her stomach. Why did it feel different when he said it? Why did she want it more when he said it? Sighing, she pulled his face down and pushed her lips against his, albeit, this didn't make any since to her, but it made her feel better to know that he thought the same thing.
When the kiss broke, Jordan whispered, "Nice."
Denise wiped her eyes. In a whisper, she said, "Why do I like it when you say it? Why can't I take it when someone else says it?"
Jordan gave a monstrous laugh, teasing, with a hint of truth, he said, "Because you belong to me."
Denise laughed, "I do, don't I?"
Jordan reached out and stroked her face, "Yeah, that's the way it goes. You're mine."
Denise sighed, "I love that."
Jordan strung his fingers through hers, "I see I'm not the only one who's changed."
"Come on, Jordan, I've had two years to decide whether or not I want to be yours."
"Have you now?"
"Yes. Two years of frustration, tears, heartache, lonliness and a longing for the man I love. Don't you think that's enough time."
Jordan sighed, "I suppose, but when we were in highschool, I thought you'd never permit that, let alone say it."
Denise tugged on his hand, "Permit it? You're right. Naturally I wouldn't, but love's different. Real love make you do things you wouldn't normally do."
"Sounds like someone's acquired wisdom over time." Jordan stated.
Denise swallowed, "Yeah, it's from all those conversations with Quinton."
Jordan laughed, "I bet, Quinton the wise one."
"Quinton the wise, the brave, the smart one."
"Since when is Quinton brave?" Jordan inquired. "He's always backing down with me."
Denise smiled, "He took that punch you gave him for me."
Jordan laughed, "Yeah, when I thought he was your boyfriend?"
"Yeah." Denise laughed, "What makes it funnier is that you knew he was gay the whole time."
Jordan shrugged his shoulders, squeezing her fingers. "Denise, you have no idea the hold you have over me."
Denise sighed, "Is that a fact?"
"I don't believe it's possible for me to love another woman as much as I love you."
Denise licked her lips. "Are you serious?"
Jordan brought her hand up to his mouth, kissing the brown skin. "Since when have you known me to play games?"
Denise swallowed, her heart seeming to trip over itself. "Never."
"Alright, so you know that my heart is undeniably yours. How could it not be? All the hell you and I put each other through."

Denise sighed, "Maybe we'll be able to actually have a normal relationship this time."
Just then, Jordan's phone went off in his pocket. He stopped walking and pulled it out. Holding it up against the light of the moon, he saw that it was Carrine. Just seeing her name there, brought a queasyness to his stomach. Releasing Denise's hand, he said, "I will be right back, ok?"
Denise glanced up at him. "Is something wrong?"
Jordan sighed, "No, it's just my grandpa." He felt weird about lying to her, but knew he needed to, in order to protect her.
"At this time of night?" Denise whispered. It was around one o'clock in the morning.
Jordan shrugged, "Gramps is in Ireland."
Denise nodded, "Oh, ok, I get it."

Jordan flipped the phone open. "Yeah, we're like eight hours behind them."
Denise nodded. "Ok." With that, she made her way to the shore line. Jordan moved away from the shore line and with his back turned away from her, whispered, "What the hell do you want Carrine?"
A laugh came from the other end, "How sweet, you're even lying to her on my behalf. I knew you loved me."
"What do you want?"
"I just wanted to say goodnight, and let you know that I was going to bed."
"I don't give a crap where you're going. Why are you still calling me?"
"Come on, baby, why do you have to be like this? You know you still love me."
"I don't love you. I told you back in Chicago that I didn't want to be with you."
Carene laughed, "I know you said that, but I don't think you meant it."
"I'm serious Carrine. Leave me alone, you call my phone again, I'm calling the police to file a harrassment suit against you."
Carene laughed, "How are you going to do that? I haven't said anything to harm you or such."
Jordan's jaw clinched with irritation. The twit was right. She hadn't said anything horrible to him that would get him a harrassment suit filed, or a restraining order. "I love you, Jordan."
Jordan felt the agrivation push itself into a fiery ball. "I don't love you, and don't call my phone ever again, I mean it."
"What are you gonna do, Jordan? You can't file a lawsuit or anything. I'm here and you're in Richmond."
Jordan growled, "I can get my phone number changed!" He yelled, feeling his nerves grate.
Carene laughed, "I will always be able to locate you baby."
"Stop calling my damn phone, now!" He yelled, snapping the lid shut harshly and putting it back into his pocket. He let out a hard sigh and then closed his eyes a moment so he could breath. After a minute or two, he walked down to where Denise was and wrapped his hands back into hers. She was putting her feet into the water that had been rolling in waves up against the shore. "Ready to go?" He asked softly.
Denise sighed, pulling her body closer to his and dropping her head on his shoulder. "I love you, Jordan."
He smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head, "I love you too my chocolate butterfly."
Denise sighed and whispered, "Do you really?"
Jordan grabbed her around the shoulder, pulling her close to him, "With all my heart, baby."

Denise sighed and tried to stifle out the feeling that something was wrong. She knew his grandpa had lived in Ireland all his life until he passed away. He probably didn't remember telling her that he'd passed when he was younger. Although she'd remembered, she didn't want to even think of the possibility that he could be lying to her that he'd really been talking to another girl. She'd spent too much time over the years thinking about what it would be like if she'd gotten a second chance. She'd sworn to herself that she would never allow her doubts to come between them again. She knew he loved her. She knew it. But why did it feel like something was wrong? Why did he lie to her? Why? As she contemplated this, her heart beat faster and she held his hand tightly. More tightly than she had ever before.

Chapter Seventeen

chapter nineteen

A month later, three weeks into the course, Jordan poured his mind into his studies. He'd never been so enthralled in one course in all his life. He was taking a course called introductory to criminal Justice and loved it. He couldn't say that much about his trigonometry course. It was way too easy and also every other course he was taking. He'd complained to Denise about the crazy instructor they had for their English Lit course. She'd told them to write a 200 page paper on the most memorable moment in their life and although he thought and thought, he couldn't think of anything that could fill two hundred pages. But then, he thought about the time he'd been on earth. He'd gone through so much since his birth. Things he'd never thought he'd go through. So, what he finally decided on was a biography. Twenty years was long enough to forge into 200 pages. He'd write one on what mattered the most to him, his family.

On a Tuesday afternoon, he'd been in his dorm room for about thirty minutes when a knock was heard at the door. Expecting to see Denise there, considering that she was the only person he kicked it with on campus, Jordan opened the door and greeted her.
"Hey, baby."
"Sorry man, but I don't swing that way." Came a reply.
Jordan laughed and held out his hand to the visitor, "What's up? Sorry, I thought you were my girl."
The guy shrugged, "You expecting her or something?"
"Naw, she's just the only one I know on campus and there's only two people she kick it with. Me and a girlfriend of hers."
"Oh, that's straight. I thought you might want to go play some b-ball."
Jordan raised a brow. "Basket ball? How do you know I can play?"
The guy shrugged, "A wild guess. A guy with your height and build can only play b-ball or baseball and you don't look like the type to even go near that game."
Jordan stared in amusement at the young man he'd met at the party. "What'd you say your name was?"
"Kwan Jamison."
"Just Kwan?" Jordan inquired.
"Yep, just good old Kwan. So, you wanna ball or what?"
"Who's playing?"
"A group of us. My team's one player short."
"Oh yeah? What are we playing for?"
"Yes, you have heard of that before, right?" Kwan teased.
"Yeah. Give me about twenty minutes and I'll be down."

Twenty minutes later, Jordan, showered, dressed and feeling good, grabbed the gym bag with an extra set of clothing inside and left his dorm room, with Kwan leading the way out the building and to his car. When they got into the vehicle, Kwan popped a c.d. in and blasted DMX to the whole world. Jordan listened to dmx and sisqo sing " What they really want." He turned his attention to the window, allow the lyrics of the song take him into another world.

By the time they reached a park located within the city limits, Jordan was ready to get out and stretch his muscles. Grabbing his bag, he closed the door and made an effort to follow Kwan out to the park. When they got closer, Jordan immediately noticed the size of the guys. They were all either his size or bigger. There was four of them standing there. Jordan stared at one guy in particular, Kwan's twin, Anton.
"Well, if it isn't wonder bread." Anton sneered, glaring at Jordan. Jordan turned heated eyes upon him.
"Anton, why you gotta start trouble man. You shoulda just squashed that shit a while back. It's been over a month. Get over it already."
Anton raised a hand, "Whatever man, wonder bread is on your team."
"Alright, Jay, come on."
Jordan followed dutifully beside Kwan, who stood there with the basketball between his ankles, resting it.
"Gary." Anton stated, his voice firm, offering no objections. Gary, another caucasion male with deep peircing blue eyes, a sandy blond hair and a square shaped face that carried an out of shape nose. He glared at Jordan, looking him up and down. Jordan narrowed his gaze as to tell him he wasn't one to be messed with.
"Trey." Kwan picked a tall slim guy that looked as if any type of wind would blow him away. He and Jordan were about the same height. Trey looked Jordan in the eye. "Sup." Eyes the same color as Denise's stared back at him. Come to think of it, he was about the same chocolate Denise was too.
Jordan smiled, "Nothing."

Jordan turned his head back to the other players. Anton and Gary now stood over there with some guy named Willie as their third pick. Willie was a hugely built guy with dark brown hair that hung in braids at his shoulder. He wore an earring in one ear. He stood to be at-least six feet. Jordan pegged him as the pretty boy of the bunch. He looked too clean.
"Sammie, I got you." Kwan stated, greeting the long haired hispanic guy. Sammie was a dark skinned hispanic, with deep black opal colored eyes. He was one of the shortest players they'd come up with. He stood in at five ten. Sammie made his way over to the group.
Jordan turned his head to back to Trey, who'd been staring at him. "Are you ok, man?"
Trey narrowed his brows. "Do I know you?"
Jordan raised his in surprise. "I don't think so, why?"
"Have you ever played ball before?"
This brought a laughter from Anton, "Shit, Kwan, I told you Trey was a faggot."
Trey glared over at Anton, "I'm not a faggot."
Anton laughed and said. "Wonder bread and the faggot."
Jordan felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Can we get this game on the roll?" He inquired irritably. He didn't like Anton anymore than he had the night he'd been drunk at the party.
"Yeah, let's go." Kwan threw the ball to Anton, who caught it swiftly. "Check it."
Anton threw it back to Kwan.

Jordan blocked the elbow jab that Gary continuously threw his way. He bounced the ball from his right hand to his left hand and then went down court. He threw it to Sammie, who was open nearest the basket. He threw it upward to go into the net, but a hard smack came and pushed it out of his hands. The ball bounced toward Willie, whom Kwan was guarding. Quickly, Kwan grabbed the ball and led it back down the court, Jordan, who had sweat in his face, hair in his eyes, swept back the slick strands and fell in line next to Kwan, who pushed the ball his way. When Jordan bounced the ball into himself, he lost it to Gary, but when Gary went to bounce it through his legs, Jordan hit the ball out of them and moved quickly to cover him. Bouncing the ball the rest of the way to the court, he stopped swiftly and shot the ball toward the net. Anton tried to catch it, but the ball swirled through the air and hit nothing but net.

By the time the game ended five hours later, everyone was tired. That included Anton, who'd long since stopped making cracks at Jordan or any of the other team members on Kwan's team. After all, he didn't have much to say about being whipped by three points. Jordan, who's muscles ached horribly, felt exhausted, yet great because it had been two years since he'd even been on the court. It felt good to still acquire any of the skills he'd developed over the years. If anything, he'd honed those skills.
"Man, I didn't know you were that good at balling, Jay." Kwan commented.
Jordan just opened his door, put his bag in the back of the vehicle and got inside.
"Did you ball in high-school or something?"
Jordan sighed, "A little."
"So you were on a team?" Trey stated from the back seat. He'd opted to go with Kwan instead of Anton. So did Sammie.
"Yeah, I played for the Tigers at Tiger Hill High."
Sammie laughed, "Is that a real school?"
Trey cleared his throat, "Oh, now I see. Your school was rival against brown, huh?"
"Your school rivaled Brown?"
"Yeah, we did." Jordan answered Sammie's question.
"Oh, man, my cousin went to Brown. Her name was Clairese. She was a cheerleader."
"Clairese huh? Did she happen to go out with a guy named Maurice Longford from Tiger Hill?"
"I don't know. I'll ask her though."
" What player did you rank in your senior year?"
Jordan sighed, "I ranked MVP."
"Number one." Kwan turned to glance over at Jordan in shock. "What?"
"I thought you said you played a little ball." Trey threw into the conversation.
"That was two years ago." Jordan stated, turning his gaze out of the window.
"What happened between now and then?" Sammie was impressed. He would have never thought that looking at Jordan. He was so mellow.
"Alot of things, now, if you'll excuse me," Jordan stated as he watched Denise and her friend Neema come up to the dorms. They were walking and laughing. Apparently, he wasn't the only one to notice.
"Damn..." Trey stated, pushing the seat up, once Jordan got out the car. Jordan shook his head irritated. Why did guys have to act like vultures on this campus? He was about to pull the seat back when Sammie stopped him, "Let me out too." Jordan held the seat to the front open and allowed him to get out. Kwan glanced over at him and busted out laughing, "Looks like your girl is the talk of campus."

Jordan glared at him. His cheeks flushed. He really didn't like the idea that now that they were older, Denise seemed to be getting more attention. He'd only been here a month and he'd had to fend off more than one guy trying to "holla." Didn't they have any respect to keep on walking when they saw a guy and girl together? Kwan just shook his head and laughed, while Jordan slammed the door to the vehicle.

As he approached both Denise and Neema, he noticed that Sammie was talking to Neema, while Trey was trying his best to get at Denise, who looked bemused. She didn't quite understand what it was with campus guys liking her type. She wasn't super model thin like Neema. She was full figured. She'd thought Jordan was the only guy who'd find her attractive up here, considering he'd been the only guy in high-school to even try to get her number, other than Lamont and Chuck who'd found her to be a beauty. Thinking about this caused a faint blush to appear.

"So, what's your name Sista?" Trey inquired.
Denise glanced into his eyes, seeing the warmth there. If his eyes spoke, they said he really was a genuine fellow. "I'm Denise."
"Denise?" He smiled, holding out a hand. "Nice to meet you."
Denise grasped it and shook it.
Jordan, who'd always found this time irritating yet fascinating, paused in his steps a few feet from their line of view. Sammie, who was spitting hard game at Neema, had the girl giggling profusely. Jordan smiled at that. Turning his attention back to Denise and Trey, he heard Denise laugh, "Wow, Trey, you're funny."
Trey grinned widely, "Thanks, sista. So, with an accent like that you have to be from New York, right?"
Denise nodded her head, her brown eyes sparkling, "Yeah, I am."
"Very nice. Where about?" Trey inquired.
"Albany." She stated. "How about you? Are you from here?"
"Nope, I'm from Iowa."
"You're really beautiful."
"Thank you."
"Do you have a man?"

Denise cleared her throat, her head down. She glanced back up at him. "Yeah, I do." She stated, feeling guilty. She knew Jordan would flip out if he found out she was actually enjoying conversation with another man in the same proximity in which she enjoyed their time together. This caused her to laugh. Why should he feel inferior? He's the one she want.
"Nice to see someone who knows how to laugh."
Denise sighed, "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about how my boyfriend would react if he caught me talking to you."
Trey smiled, holding his hands up, "He need not to worry, I don't go around stealing other men women. I prefer to find my own."
Denise nodded, "Right on. He'd respect you more for that one."
Trey nodded, "Alright, thanks, well, I should go if you know what I mean."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, alright, it was nice talking to you."
Trey nodded his head, withdrawing from their conversation, "Yeah, you too." With that, he removed himself away from her. He started walking toward Kwan's car. Denise watched him go, curious.

Jordan took this time to walk upon her. Denise's face brightened, "Hey baby."
Jordan grabbed her hand and tucked it into his. "Hey, love." He raised his mouth up to her hand and kissed it. Sammie and Neema were so deep into whatever conversation they were having, that they didn't even notice the couple. Jordan pulled at Denise's hand, signaling to her that they were going for a walk.
"How was your day?" She inquired, just as they reached the gates of the dorms. Jordan sighed, "It was alright."
"You stink." Denise commented.
Jordan glanced down at her, "I hadn't noticed. You want to go to dinner?"
"Not with you smelling like that."
Jordan raised a brow. "Aww, come on De-De. You know there's nothing better than smelling like sweat and must. The stinkier, the better."
Denise laughed. "Yeah, I should be thrilled right?"
Jordan laughed, "Yeah, it's proper ettiquette to go to dinner smelling like an old gym locker."
Denise licked her lips, "There's nothing like showing up and smelling like someone's dirty socks."
Jordan laughed and leaned in, placing a wet kiss on her forehead. Despite the stench, Denise felt her heart jump a bit.
"I went and played ball with the fellas."
Denise smiled softly, inquiring, "The fellas?"
"Yeah, Kwan, his brother, Gary, who really don't like me, Willie, Sammie, the guy who went up to talk to Neema and Trey."
Denise felt her heart do a dive. "Trey?"
"Yes, Denise, Trey."
Denise inhaled sharply, "So you heard us talking?"
"Does he know you and I are dating?"
"He may not know it's me you're with, but at-least he knows you got a man."
"Why didn't you come up and say something?" Denise inquired.
"You look like you were doing well on your own."
"Weren't you afraid of the same thing happening as it had with Anton?"
Jordan stopped and turned his attention to her. Running his fingers over neatly arched eyebrows, he whispered, "No."
"Why not?" Denise stared into deep green eyes that were full of beauty.
"Because, he's not like Kwan. He won't press the issue."
Denise narrowed her eyes. Reaching up to touch his forehead, she said, "Are you ok?"
He smiled, "Yes, I'm fine, De-De. I trust you. I know you won't do anything like that."
Denise sighed, "Have you forgotten everything that happened in high school?"
Jordan swallowed, "I haven't, but that's what destroyed us the first time, Denise. Lack of trust in one another. Why do you think we spent all that time bickering back and forth? Why not love each other since we get the chance too?"

Denise pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. Where was the Jordan that was always protesting even the slightest hint of any guy being interested in her? Where was the Jordan that she knew? The passionate, possessive guy she'd been crazy about? Had their experience really changed him that much? Did she like this change in him? Her coffee brown eyes stared perplexed. Did he really, honestly love her as much as he said he did? How could he love her and yet act so trusting? Did he really think she was going to be as good of a woman to him as his mindset seemed to have? Her eyes stared at him, not sure what was happening?

Jordan stared into her beautiful eyes, not exactly sure he'd done the right thing. Had he given her too much trust? Had he caused an open door of unfaithfulness to flood in? She seemed to kind of lost when it came to his knew thoughts about giving her the space and trust she needed. He remembered all too well what happened the last time he'd been overly possessive, suffocated her. It caused her to pull away and he didn't want that. He wanted to believe that she could be trusted. He knew she could be trusted. Sure, it was more than what he could handle, but he didn't want to loose her. He didn't want to smother the love she had for him. He wanted it to flourish. He wanted it to grow strong and steady. Leaning down to her, he whispered, "Denise Calloway, I love you. I just want you to know that I trust you and I believe you're capable of making the right decisions."
Denise swallowed, feeling her heart swell, "Really?"
Jordan let out a haggard sigh, his breath hot. Running his hands through her hair, he nodded, afraid he'd voice the fear he held.

Neema sighed, "Please tell me there's a legit reason as to why you interrupted my favorite show in the whole world, King of Queens, Denise."
Denise swallowed, "This is important." Two days after Jordan had told Denise that he'd trusted her, she'd run to Neema, not able to stop thinking about what had been said. "I need some help, Neema."
Neema patted the cushion next to her, handing Denise the can of sour cream pringles she'd been eating. Denise pulled a few out.
"What's up?" Neema inquired, muting the volume on the television."
"I don't think I can handle this."
"Handle what?" Neema inquired, her gaze going to Denise's honey colored hazel eyes questioning.
"This. I can't handle..." Denise swallowed the chipped she'd just chewed, "he says he trust me." She stated.
"What's wrong with that?" Neema was confused. What was she talking about.
"Nothing, but I don't know if he should trust me because Trey is really handsome, just the type of man I always fancied myself with."
Neema narrowed her brows, "What?"
"Jordan says he trust me with Trey. I don't think that's a wise decision."
Neema cleared her throat, "Just because a guy's your type, doesn't mean you got to sleep with him. Have you been seeing trey behind his back?"
"No, but who knows, I mean we could accidentally run into one another, start up an affair and then I'd end up leaving Jordan heart broken."
Neema caughed, covering up her laughter. "If you're not seeing him, De, don't worry about it. I'm sure the attraction will fade."
"That shows how much you know." Denise stated.
"What do you mean?"
Denise swallowed, "When Jordan and I first met in high-school, Neema, it was an instant attraction. Very much so like the one I feel toward Trey."
"You and Jordan have been dating since high-school?" Neema was surprised.
"Well, we broke up two years ago, but we got back together this summer."
Neema lifted a brow, "You got back together this summer after two years of not even being together?"
Denise swallowed, "Yeah, but you have to understand..." She sighed, feeling a heaviness in her heart. Her love strong. "We've been like this since high school. I mean, when I first met him, I swear I couldn't even think straight. I was liking this other guy too, you know? His name was Lamont, but he was abusive. Jordan and I were friends. We started dating about three months after I'd been dating Lamont, right before he and I broke up."
Neema swallowed, "So, wait, you dated this Lamont guy when you knew you liked Jordan?"
Denise shrugged, "Yeah. I mean, I liked Lamont too."
Neema laughed, "That's funny."
"It's not funny, because Lamont turned out to be bull shit. He was abusive. During the whole relationship, he basically controlled me and what people I could hang out with."
"I take it Jordan was a no, no."
Denise sighed, "Yeah, he hated Jordan's guts. They got into a fight sophomore year."
Neema raised a brow, "Really?"
This caused Denise to laugh girlishly. She remembered how nervous she'd been, but how noble it all sounded now. "Yeah, Jordan didn't like the way he treated me, so he told him. They got into it and that's how we began."
"So, you and Jordan started dating after the fight?"
Denise sighed, "Not necessarily. We weren't officially dating. We just kind of snuck around here and there, kissing and stuff."
"Oh really, so you mean to tell me there is a little bad in those perfect bones of yours?" Neema teased.
Denise laughed, "Wait till I finish the story and then you can tell me whether you think I'm a good girl or bad girl."

Neema stared at Denise, not sure as to how to take in all of what she'd just told her. "Wow. That's alot. No wonder you're the way you are."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you and Jordan had just met on campus or something, because you don't seem like the type to have a boyfriend with as much emphasis you put on school, but then again I'd sooner believe that than to believe you'd sleep with a guy without knowing him."
Denise rolled her eyes, "So, what do you suggest I do?"
Neema put her hand up to her cheek, "Well, you love Jordan, right?"
"Of course."
"So, if you love him, just take the trust he's given you and treat it like gold. It takes a lot for a guy like him to trust after what you've guys been through, but apparently, he wants to make things work for you, so if he does, then why not try to?"
"I know, but what about Trey?"
"What about him?"
"Well, I am attracted to him..." Denise stated, her tone soft.
"So what. There's no law against being attracted to a guy. You two will only see each other around campus, right?"
Denise humphed her shoulders. "Of course."
"Then, there's nothing to worry about. Just let your doubts go." Neema stated, staring at her friend, curiosity taking hold. "Besides, isn't the very thing you're wanting now, the very thing you hated then?"
Denise ran her arms over her body, "Yes, but now it seems different, because it makes me feel as if he doesn't care."
Neema squinted her eyebrows, momentarily confused. "So you mean to tell me that his possessiveness actually made you feel loved?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders. "It was his passion. That's how he showed he cared. I knew without doubt that he loved me."
Neema cleared her throat. "So, why can't you be sure that he's more secure in his love for you now that he knows what you like and what you don't like?"
"What do you mean?"
"De-De, obviously he saw that whatever he'd done before hadn't worked, so he wants to make up for it now. Sit back and enjoy the gentle well mannered, confident man in him. When it comes time for him to show his attachment to you, it will be shown."
Denise sighed, "Ok, whatever."
Neema snickered, "You're weird. I have a feeling Denise that when he shows you that side again, you won't feel love or security. You'll probably feel the way you did before. Wishing that you could breathe."
Denise licked her lips, "Sometimes you never know what you have until it's gone."
Neema raised a brow, agreeing,"You're right. You're absolutely right."

chapter Twenty

Chapter Nineteen:
November 15, 2003
Neema opened the door to her dorm room and stopped in her tracks. There was a girl unpacking her things on the extra bed. Neema watched quietly as the girl unpacked a cd player and head phones. A white set of sheets were pulled out, along with a green comforter. Neema watched as the girl removed the rest of the items out of her bag and stocked them on the shelf as well. Neema stared at the stuffed animals she'd forged on to the shelf. Was it normal to carry stuffed animals with you to college? Her gaze going to the girl's face, she noticed brunetter colored hair cut in a short style, deep set brown eyes and cherry red lips. Her face looked squeaky clean. Neema stared, not sure about whether or not the girl could be considered beautiful or pretty or what. Her face was diamond shaped with whispy bangs in front. The girl's eyes came up to meet hers. She gave Neema a smile. Neema supposed a smile could do wonders for such a plain face." I'm Carrine, you call me Carrie."
"Carrine?" Neema quarried, her gaze flickering over the girl's long coat.
Neema narrowed her eyes. "Ok, well Carri...where are you from?"
"Some place cold." She stated, her attention going back to the box she was unpacking.
Neema heard the chill in her voice. This perplexed her. "Sounds nice."
Carrine turned cold eyes to her, "It's too cold, that's why I moved here."
"I'll have you know, that Virginia has some of the coldest winters there are anywhere."
Carrine sighed and grabbed the box off the bed. Sitting it beside her desk, she murmered, "I'm sure I'll find somebody to keep me warm."
Neema sighed, "Yeah, there's plenty of guys around here for that." She went into the sitting room in the back of their dorm room and grabbed a book she'd gotten from Denise's collection and opened it. Going to her bed, she dropped down on top the spread and wondered why a student would transfer universities in the end of the fall semester.

Carrine flickered her phone open and dialed Jordan's number, a smile on her face. Her room mate was absorbed in whatever novel she was reading.
He picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"
"Tag, you're it." She stated with a laugh.
"As of right now, my number's changed." Just like that, the dial tone was heard and Carrine felt the rage begin in her. What the hell was his deal? Why did he have to hurt her like this? What did she do to deserve this? Sighing, she threw her cell on the bed and went to the door. Opening it, she went out side the dorm room, shutting it behind her.
She cleared her throat and made her way outside. She had to find a way to fix this. He didn't have much time left. He reminded her so much of Todd. She'd loved Todd to the fullest, only to have this very thing happen to her. Inhaling sharply, she whispered, "Damn it Jordan, get it together."

"I think we should at-least give Jordan a shot at another scholarship, coach, he's really good and we could use him on the team."
"Kwan, you know scholarships are only given out at the beginning of the year. It's too late for him to apply now."
"I know, but he's really good. He could actually help us get to the championship."
Coach Alan Trine looked Kwan in the eyes. "I understand that, Kwan, but it's out of my hands till next semester."
"Do you know who he is? Jordan Williams?"
"I know who he is, Kwan. He'd been offered a scholarship two years ago, but had declined. It's not that hard to remember him, considering out of a town of about eighteen hundred people, he was the mvp out of the district."
"Look, bring him in for a practice run with the rest of the team and we'll see how he does. I can't promise that he'll get a scholarship come next fall, but I can prepare him for that."
Kwan smiled, "Thanks Coach."
Kwan dropped the basketball and made his way out of the building.

Jordan flipped the lid to his phone closed and placed it inside the jacket that hung inside his closet. He would definitely have to get his number changed now. He already knew that if any of this type of activity came anywhere near Denise, she would be pissed at him, thinking that he'd kept in touch with Carrine, when that wasn't even the case. Going to the fridge, he pulled out a can of soda.

Going to his roommate's computer, he pulled out a chair and turned on the device. Going to a yahoo website, he checked his email. There were three different messages there. One from Lasaire, his cousin, another from A job he'd applied for in downtown Richmond and a third from the school, telling him of his acceptance into the fall year with partial financial aid. He sighed, atleast he would be able to pay for half of his tuition, now he'd need the other half. Sighing, he opened the email and found the four classes he'd registered for that fall and found that only three of them were covered and with the remaining two, the total was equal to thousand dollars per course. That was not including the remaining materials that were needed. Paper, Pencils, and a bag plus any other materials that would be added to the course once it began.

Sighing, he closed out that email and went into the second one, in which Lasaire had written him telling him that she was into her senior year at California State. She was also engaged to her boyfriend of two years now, Kyle Forsicth, who was a junior. From her other letters, it was known that Kyle was a british guy with brown hair and light brown eyes to match. He also was very smart in mechanics. He was going for a degree in Mechanical Engineer. That was the perfect match for her. He couldn't remember what degree she was going for, which sucked because they emailed each other often. He closed out that one and went into the third one.
It was from a company in downtown Richmond, who was looking for a secretary in their construction company. Someone not only to do paperwork, but run errands and help out with moving the construction if necessary. Jordan sighed, he didn't know if he wanted to go into that again. Sure the pay was great, but it wasn't all that cracked up. He decided to take a trip down town later in the week to go see what the job looked like. There was never a confirmation better than the company itself. He would go and talk to the manager maybe tomorrow or the day after that.

Jordan closed his emails and switched off the computer manually. Getting up, he went back to his room and did the one thing he had to do. Study.

Kwan locked the door to his vehicle and climbed the stairs leading to the guys facilities. Grabbing the door, he tried to pull it open. It wouldn't budge. Glancing down, he noticed there was a buzzer for each room. Pressing the one that was Jordan's,he waited a minute before he heard his voice. "Hello?"
"Jordan, it's me Kwan, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What's up?"
Kwan ran his hands along thick leather, " I know you don't expect me to stand out here in the freezing cold and have a conversation?" the buzzer beeped and Kwan was let into the place.
Once he was upstairs to his dorm, Jordan opened the door. Together they walked inside. "What's up?" He asked as soon as he entered the house. Jordan shrugged his shoulders. "Studying."
Kwan laughed, "I thought you had a girlfriend?" He teased.
"I do, she's just gone right now."
"Why is it that every-time I happen to come over here, she's just gone?"
"Because you always seem to want to show up when she leave." Jordan threw back at him.
"Oh, well, guess what?"
"What?" Jordan inquired, making his way back to his desk.
"I got you an audition with coach for Monday, pertaining to a scholarship for next fall."
Jordan stopped in his tracks, turned to face Kwan, his face in shock. "What?"
"I said I..."
"I know what you said, man, but why?"
"Well, I wanted to help you get back on track Jay. I know how it is out here with no family and I see that you could be a valuable commodity to the team."
Jordan frowned, "A valuable commodity? And how did you know I didn't have any family out here?"
"Trey said that he and Denise happened to be in the same course on Thursday mornings and they got to talking and he found out that she was your girl. Well, the conversation went further and she told him that you didn't have any family."
For some reason, hearing this briefing was enough to cause Jordan a lot of irritation. He didn't need anyone feeling sorry for him. "I appreciate the effort Kwan, but I'm perfectly capable of paying my own way through school." The words came out a little harsher than he wanted, his tone hard.
Kwan humped his shoulders, "Look man, I just thought you could use the extra cash considering your circumstances."
Jordan turned heated eyes upon him, "What circumstances?"
"Come on Jay, I'm not trying to give you a pity party or anything, just let you know, I know what it's like for you to be without your family."
Inhaling sharply, Jordan stood up, "Will you leave please?"
Kwan swallowed putting his hands up in a truce, "Look man, there's no need to be ashamed to ask for help when you need it."
Jordan swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat. Going to the door, he opened it. Glancing at Kwan in the eyes, he said, "I don't need your sympathy, I can do it on my own."
Kwan narrowed his eyes, intrigued. He'd never seen anyone turn down free money, especially when they needed it. "Come on Jay."
"I appreciate your help, Kwan." These words were final.
Kwan nodded his head and then exited the room.
Jordan closed the door and went to his phone, picking it up, he dialed Denise's number.

Denise was in the dressing room of a Victoria's Secret, trying on a black silk corset with matching underwear and a pair of knee high panty hose. Sheer as usual with gold streaked hearts going down the back of the hose, matching the gold hearts that were embroidered in the top of the rounded cups that held her breasts. The corset was really nice, it tightened in the back with a strap that went around the neck. Sighing, she adjusted the cups to fit her bust size and smiled. This looked great on her. Jordan would surely love this. Just then, the phone clipped to her pants went off. She fumbled around the dressing room to reach the pockets. Once grasping the phone, she pulled it out of her bag and seeing that it was his number, a grin came to her features as she said in a chipper voice, "Hey baby, what's up?"
"Do you and Trey have a class together?" His voice sounded heated.
"We have a couple together, why?"
"I don't need you telling my business Denise." He sneered.
Denise glanced in the mirror, frowning, "What?"
"You told him that I didn't have any family up here?"
Denise shook her head irritatedly. "I didn't see any harm in saying that, it was just conversation."
"Conversation? Denise, do you know any of these people here?"
Denise shrugged, "I was being friendly Jordan."
"You don't know what his motive is when it comes to you."
Denise put a hand on her hip, "I thought you didn't have a problem with him talking to me?"
Jordan sighed, frustrated, "I do when you talk about my personal information. What else did you tell him?"
"It was just conversation Jordan." Denise stated. Already debating on not getting the corset.
"Conversation, it doesn't matter. He doesn't need to know anything about me or our relationship, it's between us two."
"I didn't think it would upset you, I'm sorry."
Jordan gave a fake laugh, "Sure you didn't." With that, he hung up.

Denise pulled the corset off, almost ripping the precious silk. What the hell was his problem? She hadn't told Trey anything that would set off alarms with him or anything. All she'd told him was how long they'd known each other and that as far as Jordan was concerned, she was his only family. There was nothing bad spoken about him or his mother or his father. She'd also told him about the relationship his parents had had with one another and how she wanted the same for them. Was there anything harmful in that? Sighing, she pulled her clothing back on, piece by piece. When she was fully dressed, she grabbed her phone off the dressing bench and made her way out of the dressing room. She clipped it onto her belt loop. When she took the material back to the check out lady, the blonde haired woman smiled at her with blue eyes, "Hi, will you be taking this today?"
Denise shrugged, "I was going to, but my boyfriend pissed me off, so now I won't be needing it."
"It's on clearance today."
Denise sighed, "I know, but he's so pig headed."
The lady leaned forward on her arms, "What did he do?"
Denise shook her head, "Nothing ma'am, I think I'm just going to return this and go." She stated.
"You know, make up sex is the best there is." Another voice stated.
Denise stopped where she was and followed the sound of the voice. There was a girl sitting at the far end of the counter. Had she been there when Denise had come out?
"What?" Denise inquired, glancing at the tall thin girl. She had dark red hair, deep brown mousy eyes and a set of crooked teeth. This girl wasn't pretty by far.
"Yep, I said it, make up sex is the best sex there is girl, and if you buy that, your man will be clamoring all over for your attention."
Denise licked her lips, "That's not what I care for right now."
The girl gave a flippant smile, "Come on, don't tell me that when your man yells at you, you don't feel any type of passion for him."
Denise started thinking about Jordan's eyes. There were no set of eyes that could set her body afire the way his did. Especially when he was angry.
"When he starts to moving his hands around and strut about in that I'm the man kind of way. You know, the one where he's like, Why did you do this? Why did you do that?"
Denise smiled, imagining Jordan ranting and raving about her talking to Trey. He did strut around like he was Mr. Big stuff when he was mad.
"Imagine what his look will be like when he see you come out in that little number." The girl's voice seemed to get softer.

Denise licked her lips again, but this time slower. She always did want to try that anger thing just to see if it worked. Her gaze went back to the corset. It was beautiful...and she filled it out nicely.

"He'll forget all about being angry at you." The girl stated, her tone seductive. Denise glanced up at the girl. "Honey there isn't a man in the world that will pass up a good piece of loving, even if they're angry. They'll just make it worth your while."
Denise giggled at this. She was right. Denise had never known Jordan to say no to sex. Sighing, she glanced down at the corset, yep, this was definitely worth it. She felt goose bumps up and down her arms just thinking of what it would be like to have him be a little bit rough. This, she liked. Taking out a fifty, she handed the bill to the lady. The lady took it, bagged the item and then gave it to her in a store bag. Just as she did, she turned to girl who'd been speaking and said, "Welcome to Victoria’s

Denise narrowed her eyes in confusion. The girl just smiled shyly, shrugged her shoulders and stated, "She told me if I could get you to buy that I would have a job."
Denise smiled, "Congratulations."
"Thanks." The girl laughed and stood up, turning her attention to the manager, she stated eagerly, "So, when do I start?"

Denise placed her bagged item on the front passenger seat and then opened the driver's side door. Sliding into the seat, she buckled herself in and ignited the engine.
Jordan pulled his door open later that day, to find Denise standing there, her hair hanging down to her shoulders in curls.
"Hey, baby."
He folded his hands across his chest, "I'm still mad at you De-De."
"Come on, get over it already. So what, he knows that you don't have any family out here. That's not going to effect the process of you coming to Hampton is it?"
"Well, no, but I still want to keep my life private. He asked me if I wanted to try out for a basket ball scholarship."
Denise paused as she sat on his bed. "And...what did you say?"
Jordan cleared his throat. "I said no."
Denise raised an eye brow. "No?"
Flabbergasted, the words tumbled out of her mouth, "What do you mean no? How can you say no, when you know you need that money."
"I don't need it that bad. I can work and pay my way through college. It's not that serious."

Denise glanced up at him, her eyes an electric brown. "Not that serious? Jordan, why would you want to exhaust yourself before you even go through law school?"
Jordan wrinkled his brows. "Why can't I support my self? Why do I have to rely on others?"
Denise ran her hands through her hair, "You're not relying on someone else, it's called grant money. Why not take the chance to be financed?"
"Because I don't want to play ball anymore, Denise." Jordan stated, his tone harsh.
Denise licked her lips, "Why not? You need some form of money. How are you going to pay for tuition and room and board?"
"If it comes down to it, I'll go back to Hampton."
Denise's eyes went big. Standing up, she got up in his face, "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds right now? Do you?"
"I can handle it."

Denise shook her head, putting a hand up to her face, "You can handle it? Jordan, why suffer through all of that when you can have a scholarship pay for room and board as well as tuition?"

Jordan licked his lips irritated, "I want to be self-sufficient."
"You have plenty of time for that. You need to go to that practice."
Jordan cleared his throat, "There you go, telling me what to do again."
Denise's voice got loud, "Apparently someone needs to, because what you're doing is ludicrous. How in the hell do you expect to pay for all of this?" She gestured around the area of the room with her hand.
"I can and I will."
Denise sighed. Putting a hand up, she said, "Whatever Jordan, I need to get out of here right now."
Jordan narrowed his brows. "Why does it have to be such a big deal to you?"
Denise sighed in frustration, grabbed the bag she was about to leave and turned to exit out the door.
Jordan grabbed her arm. "Are you going to answer my question?"
Denise licked her lips a second time. "If you have to ask then I shouldn't have said anything."
Jordan held her closer to him. Her body was now positioned so that it was turned to the side and she was looking him in the eyes. "I think it's dumb. Absolutely dumb."
"Why can't you let me make my own decisions? Why can't you say yes to anything I do?"
Denise shook her head no. "Because Jordan, you're making an irrational decision. The funds would be provided for you and you refuse them."
Jordan narrowed his eyes at her. "Is it too much to want independence?"
Denise exhaled deeply. "It always is when you're not thinking things through clearly. I want you to finish school, I don't want you to take the hard way out."
Jodan shrugged, "Maybe the hard way's better for me. I want to do it. Why not let me?"
"Because it doesn't make since."
"It's my choice, Denise Renee Calloway. I'm a man now, let me be one."
Denise heard the tenderness in his voice. They'd long since calmed down.
"There's nothing wrong with that, baby. I support you being a man, but it's a scholarship, one you'd easily maintain if grasped."
Jordan's eyes glanced down at the floor, giving Denise a view of sweeping long lashes. She felt her heart sink in her chest when he glanced at her. "I know you want to make things easier on me my chocolate butterfly, but..." Grabbing her chin, he tilted it toward him. "I want to do it on my own. Let me do it myself."
Denise sighed, vexed, yet feeling a sensitiveness in her heart. "Ok. If you want that, go ahead, but I still think you would do better with a scholarship."
Jordan lifted her hand up to his for a kiss. "It's my decision Denise, let me make it. If it goes wrong, that's something I'll have to endure."
Denise swallowed the lump full of dread in her throat. "Ok, ok."
Jordan sighed, "Now, can I have a hug?"
Denise grasped him arond the neck. He held her around the waist. "I love you Denise. I love you so much."
"Denise sighed, "I know Jordan. I love you too. I just want what's best for you."
"Thank you for thinking of me." He whispered.
"You're welcome baby."

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter twenty:

Denise fanned the cigarette smoke away from her face, starring up at Jordan in disgust. "Uhk, you still smoke those?"
Jordan shrugged his shoulders. "You don't expect me to quit because of you do you?"
Denise narrowed her brows, "If not for my health, at least for yours." She pushed a button and watched as the window on her side came sliding down. "Besides, I didn't realize you smoked as much as you do."
Jordan took one last draw off the tiny bud that was left and flickered it out of the window as they drove along Perry Boulevard, the road that would take them to interstate sixty four, the one that would take them to Illinois. From there, they would hop on interstate eighty one, which would take them into Chicago. Jordan sighed, it was definitely a long road ahead of them.
He licked his lips and supplied a reason as to why he was smoking so much at this time. "I'm nervous, De-De, when I get nervous, I become a chimney."
Denise glanced over at him, "Really?"
"Yes. For the past week, I've been a nervous wreck."
A nod of the head showed that she understood. "Are you afraid of what they'll think of me?" She whispered. Jordan swallowed the queasiness in his stomach, "The Irish and African Americans don't get along all that well. Especially in Chi town where my family's from."
"What area are they from?"
"Bridgeport. There's not many Irish descendants there anymore."
Denise sighed, "Really?"
"No, they all started to migrate elsewhere by the early nineteen hundreds."
"How long has your family been there?"
"Since the late 1800's. My dad's uncle came to America when he was seventeen and that just happened to be where he landed."
"Connacht Ireland, right?"
"So, what other reasons do you have to believe that your family may not like me?"
"I'm not sure how they'll respond to you."
"Why's that?"
"Because, as far as I know, you're the first African American to be brought home."
"Oh." Denise continued to focus on objects outside her window. She was the first African American they'd ever had introduced to their family?
"They did accept my mom, De-De and she was Italian, so maybe they'll accept you too."
Denise swallowed sharply, "It's not that simple for me, Jordan."
"Why not?"
"Because," Denise sighed, "You're mom didn't look too different than the Irish."
"She had dark skin."
"Her skin wasn't as dark as mine." She stated softly, trying not to be offensive.
Denise sighed again and closed her eyes, not sure if she'd made the right decision to come along with him.
"It's too late to change your mind, De-De." It was almost as if he'd heard her thoughts.
Denise whispered, "I don't know if I can handle it if your family doesn't like me."
Jordan grasped the hand nearest his seat in hers. "Denise, it's the twenty first century. I'm sure they can learn to accept you if they do have any notions. Besides, even if they are suspicious of you at first, they will learn to see beyond your color."
"I love you, Denise. They'll respect you because I'm family and you're my girl. In time they'll come to love you just as much as I do. Besides, there is one person I think who will readily accept you."
Denise turned her gaze back to him. "Who?"
"My uncle Arlyn."
"Why's that?"
"Because you'll probably be the only person willing to sit and listen to his stories of being a boy in Ireland."
Denise's eyes grew huge, "He grew up in Ireland?"
"Yes, he did. Plus, Lasaire will be there, so she'll help lighten the mood. She has that affect on everyone, if her fiance doesn't kill it."
"Lasaire's getting married?" Denise's eyes widened.
"Yep. to, Kyle Forsicth, the most stuck up, over bearing, judgmental brute there is."
Denise mumbled to herself, disbelieving that Lasaire was getting married. "When is she getting married and how old is she?"
"She's twenty one and will be getting married when she's twenty two. She's a senior at the University of California."
"Really, it seems like she just went off to college."
"Lasaire's a year older than us De-De, or did you forget?"
Denise shrugged, "I did forget. So, how'd she meet this beau of hers?"
"I'll let her tell you that one."
Sometime later, Jordan glanced down at the clock. He saw that they'd been traveling ten hours. Another four hours and they'd be there. Releasing a loud sigh, he glanced down at the gas bar and noticed that it was about one quarter to empty. He continued on Interstate eighty one till he came to a sign that read, Red Water, Indiana. Denise had nodded off about three hours ago, too tired to stay awake. He'd driven for about six hours and then she'd driven for about four hours so that he could get to sleep, and now he was driving the rest of the way. Just as he pulled into a gas station off the interstate, Denise stirred awake.
"Are we there?"
"Not yet, four more hours, and we will be." He stated, pulling the parking break up and stepping out of the car. Getting out, he glanced up into the night's sky, feeling the slight drop in temperature. That was one thing he hated about driving in the winter, it was extremely cold. He'd learned that the temperature was around twenty five degrees and would be steady dropping till dawn, where it would finally set. They were supposed to arrive in Chicago by six thirty later that morning. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was eleven thirty at night. Four more hours would place them at three thirty, four o'clock when they'd get there. The perfect timing. Sighing heavily, Jordan leaned into the window and instructed Denise to roll up the windows and lock all the doors for safety. Denise sighed, "It's hot in here."
"Why don't you roll up the windows lock the doors and then come inside with me, that way we can grab something to eat."
Denise did as she was instructed before getting out of the vehicle herself. Meeting Jordan around the driver's side of the car, she grasped her hand in his. The air felt good on her cheeks.

Once the gas had been pumped and they'd grabbed something from inside, two chimichanga's, a bag of Doritos a piece and two fountain drinks, they were on the road again. Twenty minutes into the drive, after both had eaten their meal, Denise sighed, "So, Jordan, what is your family like?"
"Well, my Aunt Marissa is a born and bread Irish girl. She and uncle Mel married one another when they were teenagers."
Denise raised a brow. "Really?"
"They allow that in Ireland?"
"They did back then. If the parents gave consent, then yes, they allowed it. They still do here."
"Anyhow, she and my uncle Mel's been married for thirty plus years."
"Wow, that's a long time."
"True. They're also really nosy, so they may try to get information out of you about how long you and I have been together and stuff like that. And the correct response to their prying eyes and ears is to say nothing, because once you open your mouth, they have ways of getting you to talk without even trying too."
"Oh, do they?" Denise inquired, balling her wrapper up and placing it in the plastic bag they'd been given with their dinner inside.
"Yes, they do." He stated firmly.
"Ok, so who else should I watch out for?"
"The rest of the family is somewhat alright I guess. My Uncle Arlyn likes to tell stories of being in Ireland as a boy. I suspect you'll like that. He's a great story teller too, the only problem is that he doesn't know when to stop talking. Plus, half of the stories he tells are in dispute as to whether or not they are true. He and uncle Mel are brothers, so what uncle Arlyn says is true sometimes, uncle Mel swears up and down he's lying."
"Uncle Arlyn has never been married, therefore, he tends to be a bit shy around women." He took another breath and continued on. "There's Lasaire's mom and dad. Adrienne, known as Addy. She's English and her father, Dezmund Gregory is Irish. He's my dad's real brother, the only real brother. Addie's more adventurous, while he's a bit of a prude. Everything has to be done properly at all times. He's an accountant for a law firm in England. He and Aunt Addie usually swing by during the holidays. It's quite an interesting spectacle, to see how those two get along. They do a lot of compromising because without it, their marriage wouldn't have gotten as far as it has these past years."
"Oh, ok." Denise cleared her throat, "What about Lasaire's boyfriend?"
"Fiance," Jordan corrected, answering her question. "Kyle is a dick. He complains every year about something, if it isn't the food, then it's something else. He's not used to eating Irish dishes, so of course, he feels the need to become the all American ass hole by saying something vulgar about the food."
"Yes, I don't see why he and Lasaire are even together. He's so much of an arrogant guy. Everything always has to be to his liking. Lasaire can do much better than that, that's for sure."
Denise smiled at Jordan's obvious distaste for Kyle. "Well, maybe he won't be that bad this year."
Jordan just shook his head, a tight smile at the corners of his mouth. "When you meet him De-De, you'll see what I'm talking about."

Around four thirty that morning, just as he'd calculated, they arrived at a new housing development in one of the many districts of Chicago, the Bridgeport district. They arrived at a two story house, made with white and baby blue paneling. The door itself was made out of white wood. The house stood in a small lot with a few acres of play area. Next to it was an equally beautiful house made of stone. They went up the cement made porch and Denise watched as Jordan rapped on the front door. After the third rap, the door opened and a woman with graying red hair appeared at the door. She gave him a hearty welcome, wrapping arms around him. "hoigh gramach" Hello Grandson. A hard kiss on the cheek was given as she laughed softly, happy to see him.
"Hoigh, grandma. How are you doing?"
Jordan's grandmother grinned at him with light hazelnut colored eyes, "I am good, and you?"
"I'm good."
"That's good, I see you brought a visitor?" Her Irish accent was thick as Denise tried to make out exactly what she was saying. She glanced up at her and then back down at him. "She's black."
Jordan felt his face grow hot, "I know grandma."
"I thought you were told to bring an Irish girl home?"
"She's Irish at heart." Jordan stated, his tone teasing.
"I guess that will have to do then." His grandmother laughed and grabbed him around the shoulders, "Welcome home, Jordan."
"Thank you, grandma."
Jordan walked through the door. Denise was about to follow, when his grandmother stopped her, "What's your name?"
Her tone sounded quarrying, but firm.
"Denise Calloway, ma'am."
The lady stared at her with serious eyes, "What a lovely name, Denise. My name's Leigha.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Williams." Denise held out a hand.

Leigha grabbed Denise's hand and shook it. "Like wise, dear."

"Why don't you two take a load off, Jordan? I'm sure you guys have been driving all night." Mrs. Williams suggested as she took Jordan and Denise to a room located on the second floor, in the back. This room was facing the hallway.
Denise placed her bags on one of two twin beds inside the room. Jordan was about to place his bags down on the other, when his grandmother said, "And your room Jordan will be down the hall from this one."
His grandma turned away from the doorway of Denise's room and made her way to a room, located across from the bathroom. This room was papered with blue and yellow flowered wall paper, with bunk beds. The bunks were made with a blue and yellow striped comforter, with matching pastel yellow sheets. Jordan sat his bag down in the closet sitting directly across from the beds and cleared his throat. "Who am I sharing this room with?" He inquired.
"Your cousin Elliot."
Jordan raised a brow. "Who's Elliot?"
His grandmother raised a brow. "Elliot is the little boy that your aunt Marissa and uncle Mel adopted last Spring."
"Elliot? How old is he?"
"He's fifteen."
Jordan narrowed his brows at this fact, "Fifteen? Why would they want to adopt a fifteen year old, when they already have a thirty and thirty two year old?"
Mrs. Williams shrugged, her hazelnut eyes sparkling, "They wanted to give him a home. Marissa says he's a lost soul."
Jordan cleared his throat. "Ok." He didn't understand this, but if that's the way she saw it, whatever. He rubbed his eyes, "So, judging by the empty bunk, they haven't made it here yet?"
"They're supposed to be here around nine or ten in the morning. When she gets here, we'll start dinner."
Jordan sighed and leaned over next to his grandma to give her a peck on the cheek. She touched her face with a grin. "What did I do to deserve that?"
A shrug of his shoulders and a smile displayed there was no reason. "I love you, nana." His grandmother smiled. "I love you too, Jordan. I'm going to go see if I can help the young lady you brought with you."
Jordan laughed, "I thought you'd be suspicious of her." he shared.
"Suspicious?" The milk colored face frowned with beautiful age lines.
"Yes, grandma. Denise is black."
"And?" Mrs. Williams stood there puzzled.
"And...our people have never gotten along with African Americans, so I just wanted to know how you'd perceive her."
Mrs. Williams sighed, "Maybe your grandpa would've had a problem with her, but to me, people are people. There is no one race that's better than any other."
"I accepted you didn't I? Your blood isn't a hundred percent Irish."
Jordan grinned, "I guess so."
"So, I'll accept her now as far as your uncle Mel and uncle Arlyn goes, that's a questionable if."
" I thought Uncle Arlyn would love her, considering the fact that she could probably listen for hours and hours about him growing up as a boy in Ireland."
"She likes history huh?"
Jordan smiled, "She's majoring in History at the University we attend."
"Oh, really? So, she's educated too?"
"Did you meet her at the college?"
"No. We met in high school."
Mrs. Williams raised a brow, "In high school? I bet you never thought you'd date her some time in the future did you?"
Jordan shrugged, "I guess."
"Anyhow," Mrs. Williams stood up, closing out the conversation, "I will go see if she has everything she needs and then I'll be on my way down stairs for a cup of coffee. You know your uncle likes fresh coffee."
Jordan cleared his throat. "Yep."
On that note, his grandmother gave him one last peck on the cheek, before heading downstairs.

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty One:
Lasaire Gregory came into the house, dropped her bags into the only room that was still vacant and immediately went to find her favorite cousin.
After a long luxurious nap, Denise awoke well rested and ready to start her day. As she pushed her arms out and made the sounds of a cat, she enjoyed the taught stretch of muscle within her body. She glanced around the room, automatically remembering that she was in Chicago, meeting the rest of Jordan's family. A wide, toothy grin spread across her joyful face. She couldn't believe that she was finally getting to meet his family. All of them. It was amazing.
When they'd been in high school, she'd been apprehensive about the meeting, but once they'd split up she'd began wandering what it would be like to be on the end of the spectrum. The longer they'd spent apart, the more aggressive her daydreams had become. Sighing, she sat up in bed, still dressed in her clothing from the day before. Grabbing a mauve colored sweater, a pair of underwear and a pair of skinny jeans, she made her way to the restroom. Knocking on the door, she waited to see if anyone was inside. The door opened and Jordan stepped into the thresh hold where she stood. "Taking a shower I see."
Denise smiled sweetly, "You know how much I hate to smell bad."
Jordan laughed and leaned forward. Denise, who knew how horrible she did smell, moved out of his proximity, a few steps away. He pinched his nose and with a squinted up face, said, "You ain't lying either Denise, you smell like Fritos."
Denise narrowed her brow, "what ever sweaty gym socks."
Jordan let go of his nostrils and grinned cheekily, "Sweaty gym socks smell better than fritos."
Denise rolled her eyes playfully, "How do you figure that?"
"Fritos smell like feet. Sweaty, smelly, dirty feet."
"And sweaty gym socks don't?"
Jordan shrugged his shoulders, loving this useless conversation. "Sweaty gym socks smell delightful."
Denise giggled, "Sure they do."
Jordan grinned displaying a dimple. He was leaned up against the doorway. Denise smiled, her face glowing. He met her gaze, his eyes showing how much love he had for her. Jordan reached out and was about to plant a kiss on her cheek, when he heard a voice from the stairwell. "Awww, isn't that cute."
The tone was sarcastic with a hint of bitterness to it. Jordan turned his attention to the voice.
A tall lanky guy, who wore blue rimmed eye glasses with even light gray irises behind them and a black leather jacket was coming toward them. The hair on his head fell to his shoulders in soft straight strands. He looked like a mixture of a nerd and bad boy type.
"Let me guess, you're the new kid grandma was talking about?"
The kid rolled his eyes and hunched his shoulders. "And you must be the dildo I have to bunk with?"
His accent held tone and sound native to chicago.
"You need to chill out with the attitude." Jordan stated.
Again a pair of gray eyes were rolled behind the black rimmed glasses. "You're not the boss of me man, I can do whatever I like."
"You are in my house, with my kinfolk, so you need to cool it with the attitude or I may have to adjust it for you."
"Kinfolk? Where the hell are you from, Georgia or something?"
Jordan glared at the young man.
"Aren't you one to talk with an equally funny accent." Denise spat out, irritated with the young man herself.
The sound of her voice seemed to perk the young man's ears up. Turning to face her, he grinned. "Hello and who might you be?"
"Denise. What's your name?"
"Elliot. Are you from the east coast?"
Denise raised a brow, "Yes."
"Nice to meet you, Denise. I'm from New Jersey. It's good to know that I won't be the only east coast resident over here."
"Blah, blah, blah. Don't you have to put your bags away before you can spin a bunch of lies?"
The young man narrowed his eyes back at Jordan, "Nothing I say is a lie."
"Yeah, sure it isn't. Anyhow, there's still other people I have to introduce Denise too." Jordan stated, his tone hard.
"Don't let me stop you."
Jordan rolled his eyes at Elliot and with a protective arm drawn around Denise, he attempted to lead her away from the insufferable teen. Denise put an arm on his and stopped him. "Jordan, in case you've forgotten, I was about to take a shower."
Jordan stiffened up a bit. "Can't it wait?" He just wanted to get her away from Elliot.
"No." Denise replied, her nose wrinkled, "I stink."
Elliot smiled at her, "Cute."
Denise pulled away from Jordan and sighed, "Now, please let me take care of this. I'll be right down when I get out."
Jordan turned and gave a soft smile, "Promise?"
Denise gave a full one, "I promise."
A groan was heard and they turned to see Elliot rolling his eyes. Putting his bag upon his shoulders, he sighed, "You're such a dweeb."
This only caused Jordan's brows to furrow even more than what they already were doing.

By the time Denise made her way down stairs, she was a bundle of nerves. It was around eleven thirty in the morning and the last of the guests had arrived. She had not seen Lasaire yet, Nor had she met any of the other family members. She paused at the entrance to the kitchen, took a step back into the living room and closed her eyes, reminding herself to take a deep breath. She could hear the laughter coming from the kitchen as A male's deep voice filled the space, sounding like echoes off the wall.
"So, where's your lass, mate?" Another voice inquired, that of a male.
Jordan's voice was heard in reply. "She's taking a shower."
"That's odd, I don't hear any water running." Another voice stated.
"If I know Denise, unc, she's listening to the conversation we're having right now."
"This came from Lasaire."
Jordan smiled, "How would you know, Lasaire, having only been around her one whole year?" The smirk could be heard in his voice. She knew he was right.
"Because, Denise is a peculiar apple. She's the type you meet once and you never forget her."
"Ah, kind of like my Dezmund." A female voice stated.
"Yep." Jordan stated.
"Then she just may be shy." Lasaire's mother stated.
Lasaire laughed, "I'll go get her before she decides to leave and go home."
"She's not like that any more Lasaire." Jordan stated.
"She doesn't run anymore, she confronts her issues now."
"And all of this time, I thought her hanging around Quinton was a bad idea." Lasaire commented.
Jordan sighed, "Quinton's got more balls than you'd think he would have."
"Jordan." His grandmother reprimanded. "Watch your mouth."
Jordan cleared his throat, "Sorry Grandma."
Swallowing her nerves, Denise decided it was time to make her presence known and stepped into the kitchen. It was a lot bigger than what she would have guessed from the outside. There was a huge wooden table in the center of it, where everyone held their perspective places. There was a man with graying temples and hair the color of black ink sitting next to a woman with long ash blonde colored hair. The man was tall and thin, while the woman was of medium height with more than enough weight on her. Her cheeks were a rosy pink color, while her skin was naturally flushed. She sported freckles along her entire frame. She glanced up at Denise and Denise was taken aback by the sky blue eyes that studied her with unabashed curiosity.
"Why hello, Denise, my name is Adrienne Gregory, Addy for short and this is my husband," The lady held out a hand toward the tall man referred to earlier, "Dezmund Gregory." The lady spoke politely in her English accent.
Denise smiled and stood in the kitchen, her gaze going over everyone.
"Hullo, I'm Melvin Archer. You can call me Mel." Such a difference in sound brought Denise eyes to an older male who looked to be atleast fifty, with curly gray hair. He was pudgy with an affectionate, yet aloof set of eyes. She thought he was really hearty.
"Aye, you can call me Arty or Arlyn. It doesn't matter." This Irish tone was so different than the one who'd spoken previously. This was one of a man who was authoritive. One who knew what to say and when to say it as well as how to say it. Denise turned to the voice and find that it belonged to a man who was at least two inches taller than the first man she'd seen, with a stealthier build. Uncle Arlyn had wavy red hair, blue eyes and dream like quality to him.
"And, you already met me. Elliot." Elliot stated.
As the introductions got to Lasaire, Lasaire came up and grabbed her shoulders in a warm hug, "Hey girl, how have you been?"
Although Lasaire's accent still remained the same, her speech had changed.
Denise smiled at her and wrapped her in a hug as well. "Hello, Lasaire." She spoke, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears.
"You don't sound any different than you did in high school." Lasaire stated, letting her go. Bringing her over to the group with a smile on her face, Lasaire said, "Everybody, this is Denise Calloway, Jordan's girlfriend."
"Wasn't that supposed to be my job?" Jordan inquired, slightly annoyed.
Lasaire gave him a smile, "I'm sorry, cous. I couldn't help it."
Jordan sighed, "It's cool."
"So Denise, where are you from?"
"New York." Elliot answered for her. Addie's gaze went over to Elliot's. "Why thank you, Elliot, but I asked Denise, not you."
Denise gave a shy grin. She liked Addie's response to Elliot answering her question. "I'm from New York."
"Which part?" Addie inquired, showing interest in Denise's background.
"Really, I have family up there." She stated.
"Do you?"
"Yes, Tammy and Oris Walker."
"Oh, ok. My mom and dad lived up there till I was two and then my dad moved out to Oregon while my mom stayed till she met my step dad and remarried."
Addie sighed, "My parents were married during their entire lives."
Jordan cleared his throat softly and thought to himself. It was a good thing she could hold a conversation with Addie without getting irritated, because most people couldn't.
"How old are you, Denise?"
This question came from his uncle Arlyn. Arlyn glanced at Denise with cautious, yet curious eyes.
"I'm twenty."
"Are you interested in marrying my nephew?" His Irish accent was so thick with the word Marrying, the sarcasm couldn't be missed in his tone.
Denise turned her gaze over to him, her eyes finding his. "If he asks me to marry him, I won't say no."
This caused his Aunt Marissa to jump in, "So, how long have you two been dating?"
Jordan, who's face was already a bright shade of red, answered. " Five months."
"You've only known each other for five months, and already you are ready for marriage?" Disbelief came from his uncle Dezmund.
A laugh was heard as Lasaire, who'd been chopping up carrots since Denise's entrance, took her chopping board to the pot, to dump them inside said, "They've known each other for five years dad."
Dezmund stared at the two with a new interest. "You've known each other for five years and are just now starting to date?"
This caused Jordan's cheeks to become even redder. "No, Uncle Dezmund."
"We dated in high school too." Denise whispered, her tone so quiet, the words were almost missed.
Grandma Leigha cleared her throat. "Oh really?"
Elliot turned to Denise surprised, "How did you put up with him back then?"
Jordan hissed at him, "Mind your own business brat, you weren't around then."
Elliot smirked at him. Jordan stared across the table from him.
"They were in love in high-school." Lasaire stated, her expression dreamy.
"Lasaire, do you necessarily have to tell our business?" Jordan inquired, already fuming. He had wanted to keep that bit of information private. He had wanted to see how well his family had taken to her first.
Lasaire looked up at him, "Oh come on, Jay, why hide it? You were in love then and from the looks of things still are." Her tone was firm, scolding toward her cousin consuming need for secrecy.
"You were in love with her?" His uncle's Arlyn's tone caused everyone at the table to turn and stare with raised brows. His tone was incredulous mixed with disgust. Denise raised both brows, feeling a sadness come over her.
"Arlyn!" His mother scolded him.
"Don't act like everything is peachy kean mum, you know that Jordan's supposed to marry within the culture. If he wants to have a little fun and dabble, there's nothing wrong with that, but marry her? Her?
Denise swallowed, suddenly angry. Feeling a heated warmth come over her, she turned around and excused herself from the room. She went past the living room and to the front door. After hearing it open and close, Jordan turned to his uncle. "Why did you say that in front of her?"
His uncle shrugged, "It's true. You both come from different backgrounds. What could you possibly want with one another? What could there be between the two of you?"
"You accepted Addie and she's not Irish."
"Addie could pass for Irish. That girl out there couldn't. Not in a million years."
"Should it matter whether or not Denise is Irish?"
"It's tradition Jordan, you're breaking tradition."
"Tradition? Uncle Arlyn, dad didn't marry an Irish girl, he married an American girl."
"Who could still pass if she needed to."
Jordan narrowed his eyes, "You're saying that Denise isn't good enough to be in this family because her skin is dark?"
"She's a negro, in case you haven't noticed."
"I know what color she is, but her ethnicity shouldn't have anything to do with her being a part of this family."
"So, you are planning to marry her?" This question came from his uncle Dezmund, who had a bemused expression over his features.
"In the future yes. I know what it's like to be a part from her and I don't want that to happen again." He stated, his tone sure.
"Aww, that's sweet." Addie put in, cradling her arm inside her husband's.
"I love her uncle Arlyn, I love her alot and I don't want to let her go. I've been there, done that and believe me, it's not fun."
His uncle Arlyn stared at him with contempt. "She's not even half Irish. She has none of our blood in her. She's probably not even familiar with our culture."
Jordan rolled his eyes, "She knows alot about Ireland uncle. She's studying to become a historian." He stated in Denise's defense.
"What ever lad. I do know that if you do happen to marry her, don't count on me to come to the wedding. It's an abomination!" His accent was thick as he spoke these words, his tone feverish with passion.
Jordan, who's face had become a beet red with anger, shouted out to him, "I don't care, don't come. I love her and I want to be with her. It doesn't matter if she's brown, purple, black, yellow or white. She's still a human being and she deserves to be treated like one." Turning his attention to everyone else, he said, his tone a lot calmer, but still raging with anger. "If anyone else feels that way, I'll be happy to scratch your name off the list too."
With that, he got up and left the kitchen. He had to go find Denise and apologize for his uncle's behavior.
When he was gone, Lasaire glanced over at her father's brother and said, "She's a sweet girl, uncle. She may not be Irish by any means, but it doesn't mean she's not human. She's the one he chose. At least you could try to be happy for him, even if you disagree with his choice of heart."

Jordan walked out of the house, just as Denise had reached the corner of the house. Calling out her name, he watched as she stilled. Going over to her, he wrapped her in a hug and apologized for his uncle's behavior.
"Jordan, perhaps my coming was not such a good idea."
"Shh, don't say that De-De. Uncle's Arlyn always held pride in being Irish and knowing alot about our culture."
"But that doesn't give him the reason to push me out because he feels I'm unfit to be apart of your family, be a part of you." She whispered, her head pushed into broad shoulders.
"I agree with you. It shouldn't matter what cultural back ground you come from. If I've chosen to love you then he should accept it, not bash it."
"I can't believe he said that you could fool around with me but that's it." Denise stated, her tone filled with acid.
"I don't even know why that popped up in his head." Jordan whispered. "I wouldn't do that, couldn't."
"I know."
"I love you, Denise. It doesn't matter if I should or shouldn't. I do."
"I love you too, Jordan." Denise stated, feeling the pain ease a bit. She pulled her head up from his shoulder. He ran a hand over her cheek, wiping away the tears there. "I'm going to marry you, Denise. Regardless of what he thinks, I'm still going to be with you."
"Awww, thanks." She smiled up at him.
"No objections?" He teased, shocked that she hadn't disputed the marriage part as she had two years ago.
Denise shook her head, "Not this time around."
"What changed that?"
"I grew up."
Jordan inhaled sharply. "Good, Denise Calloway, very good."

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Two:
By the time thanksgiving dinner began, everyone who'd been invited was sitting down at the table. Denise and Jordan both found out that Addie's sister, Marrian and her husband Zachary along with Lasaire's fiancee, Kyle came up from the Den. They'd been downstairs the whole time watching thanksgiving football. Denise was astonished that Marrian seemed to know more about football than her husband did.
"Alright everyone, it's time to eat. Jordan, would you do the honor of saying grace?" his grandmother inquired. Jordan cleared his throat and said grace.
After dinner, there was a game taken out of the closet. Of a list that included charades, monopoly and twister among other choices, the game family feud was chosen. Teams were chosen and Jordan and Denise found themselves on opposing sides. The girls against the guys, with Grandma reading off the categories.

Halfway into the game, the guys leading and a lot of laughter going around the living room, Grandma called out a category that Denise happen to know by heart.
"Name the parts of a paragraph."
This caused everyone to laugh, because other than Mel and his brother, everyone knew this one by heart. Denise smaked her hand on the buzzer that just happened to be provided for her group. "There's the introduction, the body and then the conclusion."
The guys all laughed at her enthusiasm. "Good grief, Denise, you weren't taking any ponders on that one was you?"
This question came from Lasaire, who'd propped herself up against the couch located behind the girls side of the coffee table the game sat on.
Denise laughed, "Sorry."
"It's cool, just relax." This came from Elliot.
Denise smiled at him, "Ok." With that, she took a deep breath and then exhaled. This caused Jordan to laugh. Denise glanced over at him.
"What's so funny?"
"It's just a game, De-De, not a final or something."
Denise rolled her eyes, a very stressful game."
Lasaire raised a brow. "Stressful?"
"Stressful, you know to be...
"I know what stressful is, but I can't believe you said the game is that way. What's so hard about it?"
Denise just smiled secretly and said, "You'll never know."
Both Jordan and Elliot raised their brows, "Ok." They spoke in unison.
"Anyway." Lasaire stated, clapping her hands together. "Who wants desert?"

Later that night, Leigha Williams went into her son's room. Arlyn was seated at his desk, going over a coin collection he'd had since he was a boy.
"Do you remember when your father first gave you that collector, Arlyn?"
"Yes, mum." Arlyn stated, staring at the images through his magnifier.
"You were nine years old at the time."
"We were living in Ireland back then."
"You know what I never understood, Arlyn?"
"What mother?"
"Why you didn't just return to our homeland when you became old enough. Surely we could've sent you back."
Arlyn cleared his throat, turning a page. "I didn't want the rest of our family to not know our culture, to not embrace it as we have."
"I'm told that Jordan's girlfriend, Denise, likes history."
At the mention of the girl, Arlyn's jaw tensed up. "She's not a part of this family."
"She will be when she and Jordan get married."
"No she won't. She'll never be a Williams of Connacht."
"She will if she marry into this family, Arlyn."
"I don't have to accept her, mum. I won't."
"Why not?"
"She doesn't have any of our blood running through her."
"What if they have kids?"
"The kids will be bastards." He spat out. Turning to gaze at his mother, he said, "Surely he doesn't intend to mate with her either."
"Arlyn Williams, that is not excusable in this house and you know it. I will not tolerate you saying such things about Jordan's guest. He loves her."
"You don't know that mother." He stated. "He's just offended because we insulted his pick."
"I can see it in his eyes. Hers as well. They love one another and are happy together."
"Whatever mother, I wish to not talk of this."
Mrs. Williams sighed. Going to her son's shoulders, she leaned down and kissed him on the head. "I understand what you want, but son, we are in a different land, amongst different peoples. Jordan comes from an entirely different culture than our own."
"One he really doesn't acknowledge."
"How do you know that?"
"Mother, he can't even speak Gaelic for crying out loud. That's probably the doing of his mother. She was Italian."
"Arlyn, you're no better than anyone else in the world and I don't understand why you persist on with this our culture is better than your culture attitude."
"Can't I be proud of my heritage?"
"Of course, there's nothing wrong with being proud, but when you treat everyone as if they are lesser than you are, that's when you go wrong. If you were so proud of our culture and people, then you would tell anyone who'd listen about it. But, saving it only for our family is quite prejudice."
"I'm not prejudice, I just believe Jordan should be with an Irish lass."
"Why can't you past your stories down to those who will listen instead of those who won't. I bet anything that girl would probably be more interested in your tales than any other family we have. Pass along our heritage through those who want to hear it."
"She couldn't possibly understand, Mother."
"Because she's black. You never know. Some people are more Irish at heart than color. Some people are less Irish at heart than color."
"What do you mean?" Arlyn's spat out?
"I mean that you, Arlyn williams are supposed to be Irish yet you don't have the heart of the Irish to welcome others."
"I am too Irish inside and out."
"Well, if that's so, have the heart to welcome others when they don't come from your background. Denise bleed as we bleed, and is the chosen mate of your nephew. Treat her as you do the other women in this family. At-least for Jordan's sake, he's grown into quite the young man, wouldn't you say?"
Arlyn sighed, listening to his mother. On some point, Leigha Williams was right. The Irish did have opening arms. Clearing his throat, he glanced up at his mother. "Alright mother, for yours and Jordan's sake, I will treat her like one of us."
Mrs. Williams nodded, "That's a good boy."

Jordan came out of the restroom and went into the room which had been his father's, that he now had to share with his new cousin Elliot.
Elliot had taken the bottom bunk and had earphones in his ears. Jordan sighed and went to the top one.
"Have you and Denise really been dating since high school?"
Jordan cleared his throat and laid back on top the covers. "Yes."
"And you still haven't married her? She's a really pretty girl."
"I know."
After the brief conversation, they were quiet. Jordan laid his head back in his arms, thinking about Denise, wondering what she was doing.
"You're a lucky guy for a pin head."
This caused Jordan to raise a brow. "What do you mean?"
"It's amazing how she would even go for someone like you. You don't even seem like her type."
"Well at-least I know she likes me for me."
"Hmmn, and for that you are lucky. She seems cool."
Jordan turned over on his stomach and buried his head in his pillow.

"I'm going down... Since you ain't around..." Mary J. Blige crooned from the speakers in Denise's headset. Denise sighed, laying back into the covers. Closing her eyes, she became immersed in the music. So much so, that she didn't notice the shadow that opened her door and came into her room. In fact, she didn't notice until she felt movement on her bed. She turned over to her right to face the person. As she looked into brown eyes, her heart about jumped out her chest. Pulling away from the person, she almost fell out of the bed till she was grabbed and her headphones fell off.
"Calm down girl, it's me."
Slowly, Denise's heart beat calmed. It was only Lasaire.
"Girl, what the hell did you do that for?"
Lasaire giggled, "What? Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark?"
Denise swallowed, her chest still pounding. "I am when people enter my room without saying anything."
"Well, I suppose had you turned that blasted radio off, you would've heard my knock." Lasaire stated, sounding more like a mother than she had intended.
"Well, what's up?" Denise changed the subject.
"I just wanted to apologize for my belligerent uncle. Sometimes he can let this Irish culture thing get to him to the max."
Denise shrugged, "I almost forgot about it, Lasaire, but thanks for bringing it up."
A smile was on her face. "See that's why I love you, your sarcasm is great."
"I feel lucky." Denise whispered with a smile. "Who would've known that Lasaire Gregory, as Irish as they come, would adore Denise Renee Calloway."
"Soon to be Denise Renee Williams." Lasaire stated.
Denise sighed, "We don't know that, Lasaire."
"Yes, I do, but you can pretend you don't if it makes you feel less like hyperventilating."
"How do you know?" Denise whispered.
"Because the summer before last Jordan came to visit me and let's say, he was completely gone."
"What do you mean, gone?" Denise inquired surprised.
"I mean the boy wasn't in his right mind. He was smoking and I think he'd been dating someone back in Chicago or whatever, but it hadn't worked out. He actually broke down and cried because he wanted to forget you but couldn't."
"Really?" Denise whispered.
"Yes. I think he would've sold his soul during that time if it meant having not known you."
Denise eyes went wide in the dark. "Is that supposed to be a complement?"
Lasaire shrugged her shoulders. "I thought he was sick. You know. One time he came home and tried to hang his self."
"What?!" Denise hissed.
"It didn't work though, because he was sitting down when he got the bright idea."
Denise laughed, "Wow. How do you try to hang yourself sitting down?"
Lasaire shared this laughter, "I don't know. I always heard it worked better when you stood up."
Denise laughed some more. "Oh, my God. I didn't know that. He never told me."
"He didn't?" Lasaire whispered.
"Wow. He's always been crazy about you, girl."
Denise swallowed, "I guess that makes me lucky, right?"
Lasaire sighed, "On some aspects, yes, but on others, hell no."
"Why's that?" Denise whispered.
"Because Jordan's very soft hearted and kind in a way that he can look and see that anything is your fault. He can't handle heart ache. He's too sensitive."
"So, what I'm saying, De-De, is that I don't think it'll be easier for you to get away from him this time."
Denise pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and then released it. "I'm not trying too."
Lasaire sighed, "But you will. There's always something that stand in you guy's way."
Denise sighed euphorically, "Everything's going great, Lasaire. Way better than it had in high school."
Lasaire nodded her head. "What would you do if something did pop up. Something did test your love for one another?"
"I'd stay with him. It wasn't easy for me either when he and I split up after high-school."
"Oh really?" Lasaire whispered sarcastically.
Denise sighed. "I cried so much. Too much. I cried every day all day for a year. I had my hopes up that he would come back. I wanted him to come back because I knew if he did, things would be different for us. I knew I'd left him because I was angry. I'd been so angry the day I left. We'd gotten into it because he'd stumbled home drunk. I hated smelling the liquor on his breath."
"I heard."
"It was horrible Lasaire. he would come in so plastered at times that he wouldn't even make it to the bedroom. There were some nights I'd hear him crash out down stairs. I hated it. Plus, he became mean. It was like dealing with an entirely different guy. He was so mean and honery toward me. I swear he thought it was my fault because of what happened with Nicholas and his mother."
"I don't think that was the case Denise. I've known Jordan all of our lives and I can assure you, that he would never blame you for something that was not your fault. He always owned up to his mistakes. He may have blamed himself or been so grief stricken that alcohol seemed to be the only thing that dimmed the pain."
Denise inhaled swiftly, her heart going out to him. She had not thought about any of this.

The next time Denise awoke, it was almost two in the afternoon. She awoke with a startle. She and Jordan were set to leave at Six o'clock that night to head back to Virginia. She hopped out of bed, grabbed some clothes from the bag she'd bought and went to the bathroom.

When it was time to leave, Denise gave everyone a hug. Elliot held onto her tight, suffering glares from Jordan, who looked as if he wanted to kill him. When it was her turn to hug Jordan's grandmother, she smiled and grasped the woman's shoulders and whispered in her ear, "Thank you for inviting me." The woman smiled back at her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You're welcome, sweetie. I hope I get to see you again."
Jordan smiled. He kissed his grandmother on the fore head. "I love you grandma and I will see you later."
"See you later, son. You two have a safe trip."

chapter Twenty Four

December 2, 2003

Chapter Twenty Three

"Let's go ice skating." Jordan suggested one morning after both he and Denise awoke after an all Nighter. Denise, who was tired out of her mind and suffered an already achy body, groaned, "Jordan, come on. After that work out last night, why go skating now?"
"It'll help you complete the rebuilding of your muscles." He stated, leaning in to kiss her for
e head.
"My muscles don't need rebuilding, they feel like they're about to fall off." She complained.
"Ahh, come on De-De, let's go ice skating."
"There isn't a place to go ice skating here, Jordan."
"There's Amorose Park."
"That's like way out there in the boonies."
"Please, De-De. I promise you'll enjoy yourself."
"Jordan, I haven't gotten on the ice since I was seventeen."
"Come on, De-De, don't be a hard ass."
"Jordan, you can't expect me to just give in like that. I'm not being a hard ass. I'm being realistic. You seriously can't expect me to want to go ice skating after last night."
"Not even if I have a surprise for you?"
Denise raised a brow. "A surprise?"
"Yes, but it requires you getting out of bed and going ice skating with me."
"Well, I can afford to miss it today."
"You may not want too." Jordan stated, getting out of bed.
"Why's that?"
"Because it won't be too much of a surprise with out you there."
"Oh, it must be something really special." These words were pure sarcasm on her breath.
"It is, now get up." Jordan said forcefully. He left her room and went into the bathroom. Denise groaned again as she heard the shower start up.

Neema had gone over those pictures more than once, to see if anything was out of the ordinary with them. There wasn't. Nothing looked pasted or glued or as though there'd been any tampering. For a whole two days now, she tried to find out whether or not what her room mate said was true or not. Sighing, Neema threw the photo book at the wall. This meant that she'd have no choice but to tell Denise what Carrine had said about her and Jordan. Giving a big sigh, she glanced down at her watch. She really didn't want too.

Begrudgingly, Denise finally weaned her way out of bed. As soon as he took his shower and started the water for herself. "This better be worth my Saturday Morning, Jordan Williams."
"Don't worry, it will be." Jordan called from the living room. He sat down on the couch and shuffled his feet back and forth.
By the time Denise came from the bathroom fully dressed, Jordan had dosed off. He glanced at his watch, she'd been in there for one whole hour, wow.
"Denise, the morning's half gone."
"Nobody told you to wake me up at six in the morning, wanting to go ice skating."
"Well, I'm just happy you're dressed, let's go." Jordan pulled on his coat and gloves.
"Dang, I don't even have my coat on and you're out the door."

Two hours and forty five minutes later, Denise and Jordan were both tired and out of breath. The hot air from their mouths was meshing with the cold of winter. Denise gasped, "Jordan, there better be a good reason for me to be in so much pain right now."
"Trust me De-De, there is."
"I haven't seen it yet. Why did you want to bring me out here?"
Jordan cleared his throat. "When they do something like this on television, they make it look so easy and professional." He whispered.
"Do, what?"
Jordan rubbed his gloved hands together and breathed in them."I have something for you."
"An early christmas gift perhaps?"
"Yes." He whispered. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a box. Denise's eyes went wide, hands covering her mouth. "No."
He smiled, "Yes."
She shook her head. "No."
He opened the velvet box. Denise stared at the silver band with tiny diamonds studding it.
Jordan smiled, "Yes. It took me for ever to find the perfect one for your fingers."
"Are you sure it's going to fit?"
"Are you going to say yes?"
Denise felt her entire body flush. "Jordan."
"You don't have to worry Denise, we aren't going to go jump the broom now, I'd rather wait for a little longer, but I do want you to know that I am serious about making you my wife one day."
Denise's features spread in a grin, "Why?"
"Because I don't want to be with out you. I love you and I'm happy with you."
Denise inhaled sharply, "Oh, somehow in the movies they always make it seem sensational."
Jordan raised a brow, his cheeks reddening slightly, "This isn't sensational?"
Denise laughed softly. Taking a hold of Jordan's hands, she said, "It's great Jordan, I'm really happy. I mean my heart's pounding a mile a minute. I am totally ecstatic."
Jordan laughed, "So are you telling me yes that you will marry me?"
Denise shrugged with a huge grin on display, "Why not?"
Jordan grabbed the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger. Denise was surprised that it fit perfectly.
"How did you know my ring size?"
"Didn't you ever wonder why I was always messing with your fingers?"
Denise shrugged, "Not really."
"Not once?"
"Well, now you know."
Denise giggled. She glanced down at the ring, wondering how much it had cost him.

Neema rang the bell one more time, sure that Denise would be home. She was always home, or over Jordan's one. Neema sighed, irritated. Why did she not be home on this one important occasion? A thought jumped into her mind. Maybe, just maybe she wasn't meant to tell Denise about Jordan's other girlfriend and their baby. Maybe she was to let them live out their life in peace.
"Neema, I'm so glad you're here." She heard a high pitched tone.
Immediately her enthusiasm fell. Maybe she was supposed to tell. Turning around, Neema stared at Denise coming up the stairs she'd just came up. Jordan wasn't far behind. As usual, his cheeks were a rosy warm color. "Hi, Neema."
Neema waved, saddened by the fact that he would have to be here for this.
"Look at what I got." Denise stated, holding her hand out to Neema, her giggles giddy.
Neema stared at a beautiful circular band with diamonds on the silver metal. "Nice." She spoke, her tone soft, her heart already breaking. She glanced over at Jordan, who looked as if he had sparks in his eyes. He looked just as happy as she did.
This couldn't be the same Jordan as in the pictures with the other girl. He and whom ever else was in those pictures looked so much alike, yet their personalities seemed different. If a picture could give you a glimpse of the person's personality.
Neema glanced down at her bag. She wouldn't do this. She couldn't break her friend's heart. Surely this was a mistake. Surely it was. Clearing her throat, she glanced back up at Denise, with a smile on her face, "Congratulations girl."
Denise was grinning so hard, she looked as if her face would crack any minute now.
"Come help us celebrate." Denise stated, grabbing Neema by the arm.
"Well...I...I... have a class to attend." She stuttered.
"Neema, you don't have class today." Denise stated, grabbing a hold of Neema's shoulders.
"I mean, I have something really important..." Neema took a step back. Just as she did that, Denise's hold slid off her shoulders and onto the bag. In Neema's haste to grasp the bag so that Denise wouldn't see what was inside, the bag flew up in the air and then came down. Everything inside came clattering or rolling out onto the ground. Including the photo album. Denise grabbed it before she could do anything. "Aww, how cute. Let's see what's in here..." Denise stated, opening the album.
"I don't think you should..."
Too late, Denise's gaze scanned over the photographs and then glanced up at Jordan. "This is a joke, right?"
Jordan narrowed his brows in confusion. "What?" He came over to where Denise was flipping the photo album. A startled expression canvassed his features. The girl in the photos was Carrine. The guy...him. He stared, not recognizing any of them.
"Who is she, Jordan?" Denise hissed, still staring with both shock and rage inside her.
"That's an old girlfriend."
"How old are these pictures?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know?"
"I mean I don't know, as in I've never seen them before."
Denise's head turned up sharply, staring him in the face. "What? Jordan, that's the dumbest lie I've ever heard. How can you not know about these when you're in them?"
"I don't know. I mean, I've never taken pictures with Carrine before."
"Carrine?" The name came out a hiss on her lips. As soon as he spoke the name, he was sorry.
"Yes, the girl in the pictures is Carrine, but I never took any photos with her at all."
Denise took a few steps back, "How can you say that and yet they're right here?"
"I swear Denise, I've never taken photos with that girl in my life."
Denise threw the book down on the ground, "Whatever." With that, she stumped up to the door.
"I wouldn't lie to you, Denise." He stated.
"Neither would a picture." She yelled back as she shoved a key into the lock on the door knob. Turning it to the right, she twisted the door knob, pushed opened the door and walked up the stairs to her room.
Jordan reached down and grabbed up the album. He thumbed through the pictures. They looked like him, but he knew they weren't.
"Jordan, I'm sorry." Neema whispered.
"That's what you came over here for, right? To show her the pictures?"
"Well, they look like you."
"It's not me, Dammit." He stated, his breathing heavy.
"Calm down." Neema instructed.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down when my fiancee just stormed up those stairs? You want me to calm down when it took me four years to prove to that woman that she could trust me, just to have you throw it back in my face? Calm down, Neema?" By the time he finished, he was yelling.
Neema who was backing away from the angry screams stared up at him in horror. His eyes looked as dark as tornado clouds. It was both intriguing and scary. "Look, my room mate showed me those. She said that her boyfriend had left her and their baby. The guy looks exactly like you."
"He's not me." Jordan stated. I don't know who the hell this is, but he's not me and further more, her being pregnant is bull shit."
Neema stopped, her back against a gated entrance. "How do you know?"
Jordan cleared his throat. Staring down at her with a menacing glance, he roared, "Where is she? Where is she? I told her to stay away from me."
"I think she said something about going to the library." Neema's voice was rushed.
"The library." With that, Jordan turned to his car without a backward glance. He was going to kill her.

Twenty Five

chapter Twenty Four:

Jordan stormed up to the oldest building on campus, the University's Library. This building was where the very first class had been given by Darnell Hampton, the school's founder. The school had first started out as an all boy's school in 1907, but fifteen years later was commuted into a university through federal funds.
Pulling the metal doors opened, he went up to the receptionist. "Will you please page Carrine Brichman for me?"
"I'm sorry sir..."
"Please, it's an emergency." He stated, trying desperately to hold onto the fiery temper that had welled up inside him. The receptionist, sensing his urgency, picked up the phone and asked what section a Carrine Brichman would be in. After telling her the information he'd gotten from Neema, the receptionist had the young lady paged. Within a few minutes, Jordan caught glimpse of her dark brown hair moving toward the double doors.
When he was able to make out her features, there was a big grin over her face. As he looked her over, he wondered what had he ever seen in her. He couldn't believe that he'd slept with her. She was no where near his type. Standing at five ten, a hundred and ten pounds, she was as thin as a rail, the last person he'd ever think to go out with. He wasn't really all that attracted to thin girls, let alone someone as skinny as her.
"Hey, Jordan." She greeted him.
Jordan smirked. When she stepped into his space, he grasped her arm. "You have some nerve." He hissed softly. The receptionist at the front desk glanced at both of them, her eyes upon Jordan's grip. Seeing this, Jordan led Carrine outside. "It's good to see you too, baby."
Jordan led her away from the entrance of the building to a secluded spot. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm studying." Carrine answered.
"No, what are you trying to do to me, Carrine? What the hell do you want from me?" Jordan yelled, his breathing heavy.
Carrine reached out and taking a hand, she ran it across his enraged features. "Come on, Baby, calm down."
Jordan stared at her disbelieving. Pulling away from her, he said, "What's wrong with you?"
Carrine smiled, her hand pausing in mid air, "Why do you have to be so clueless Jordan? It's obvious that you want me here, otherwise, I wouldn't be here."
Jordan shook his head profusely, putting a frustrated hand over his face, "No, I don't want you here. I don't want you anywhere near me."
Carrine shook her head, that ever present grin of denial on her face. "You don't mean that."
"Yes, I do." Jordan stated, his expression irritable. "Look, I love Denise ok. I love her, I want to be with her. She's the one I want. Not you." The look in his eyes were full of luster as he spoke his heart. His voice softened, "I've waited a long time for this moment, Carrine. A very long time and I am not going to let you mess that up. Now, you're either going to leave me alone and leave her alone or I am going to the police."
"I haven't done anything, Jordan. All I did was show her the truth."
Jordan raised a brow. "Show her the truth? Carrine, I don't know who the hell that man is in those pictures but I can guarantee it's not me. He may look like me, but he's not me."
Carrine laughed, "Why are you in denial about us? Why can't you accept it?"
It was then Jordan realized that no matter what he said, she wasn't going to listen. She wasn't going to hear him.
"I don't know what your problem is Carrine, but you need to get help. I've never seen a girl so obsessed about a lie."
Carrine narrowed her eyes, "There's nothing wrong with me, Jordan. I know what is reality."
"Reality to you doesn't exist." He stated, his tone becoming harsh.
Carrine licked her lips. "She's the one coming between us. She's the reason you're doing this."
"She's getting in the way of us, Jordan." Carrine stated, her tone now cold. This threw Jordan off. First she was giggly like a little girl and now she was cold. Crisp.
He stared, not saying anything. He watched her eyes go dark, "You better do something about her before I do." She stated.
"Are you threatening Denise's life?" Jordan inquired, feeling angry now.
"I'm simply stating that I don't like to share and I won't share. Not with her, not any girl."
Jordan swallowed, "You're crazy. If I catch you anywhere near me or her I am calling the police. I will tell them what you just said."
Carrine laughed nastily, "Like they'd believe a man over a woman."
Jordan stared at her, not really believing what he was witnessing. Was this the real Carrine?

Denise threw the photo album at the door. She'd been staring at that album for hours. All of those pictures. Although she wanted to cry, she didn't. She was so confused. She felt like the album was a lie, but there was no way for her to prove it. These pictures were too much for her to ignore. Sighing, she stared up at the wall, on the brink of tears but being unable to release them. Glancing down at the ring that still rested on her ring finger after three weeks of disputing those pictures. She knew what was in her heart, that he wasn't in those pictures, but what she saw and what she felt were two different things. The only other possible explanation for these pictures was that they were either him or someone else who looked a whole lot like him. She didn't know which one and wasn't sure, therefore, she just waited.
Carrine followed Denise with a scowl on her face. The girl's daily routine consisted of class, going to the library and then going into town for some free time. It was amazing that she hadn't noticed that Carrine had been following her for two days now. Sighing, she followed after Denise as she went into the mall. She watched the girl go to the food court and sit down. A book was taken out. Carrine rolled her eyes. Of all the nerve.
Denise felt the girl's presence before she saw her. Glancing up from her book, Denise looked into a sullen face. Raising a brow, Denise inquired, "May I help you?"
"What's the name of the book?"
"Friend or Foe." Denise stated, staring up at the girl curiously. How did she know her? As if sensing this question, the girl cleared her throat, "I work at Victoria's Secret, remember?"
Denise's eyebrows shot up in recognition, "Oh yeah, how's it going?"
"Pretty good." The girl took the seat in front of her. She just stared at Denise, a blank look on her face. Denise narrowed her brows, "Um...are you ok?"
The girl shrugged, "I'm sure I'll be fine."
Denise's eyes slowly strayed to her book.
"Well...actually..." The girl started.
Denise glanced up from her book. Unsuspecting brown eyes on her unknown enemy.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor." The girl's vision found hers once again. This time, allowing Denise to see the bold coldness in them.
"I want you to leave Jordan Williams alone." The girl stated, glaring at her.
Denise raised a brow. "Who the hell are you?"
The girl leaned forward, her face inches from Denise's. "Remember those pictures that Neema showed you?"
Denise felt her insides turn to butterflies. Now she remembered. Denise licked her lips. "How am I getting in the way of you and Jordan?"
"He's with me now and you need to back off." Carrine stated, her tone fierce.
Denise raised a brow and held up her hand, displaying the diamond band around her ring finger. "That's sort of ironic, since I'm the one he gave the engagement ring too."
This seemed to cause Carrine to turn three shades darker than her already cream colored skin. "What ever, it won't last long." She snarled. Leaning even closer to Denise, so that she was directly in her face, she said, "I'm only going to warn you once. Stay away from him, because if you don't, there's going to be a lot of hell going on."
Denise cleared her throat, grabbed her book and left the table, not commenting on what Carrine said. Carrine stared after her with a hatred to the core for her.

Neema stopped outside of Denise's door. The last time she'd talked to Denise was at the beginning of December. Now, Christmas decorations littered every where, carrol after carrol was song, as well as movies up to the adams about santa clause being shown on television. She was constantly being reminded of what she'd done to Denise and Jordan. If she hadn't had those photos in her bag, they would still be a couple.
Sighing, she rapped on the door, three sharp taps. There was no answer. Another quick succession of raps. Still no answer. She sighed, not blaming Denise for not wanting to speak with her. Pulling her purse across her shoulders, she turned to leave the building. Just as she got to the stairs, Denise was coming into the building.
Denise stopped in her tracks. She glanced up at her friend.
"Hi, Denise."
"What do you want, Neema?"
"I wanted to apologize." She stated.
"Apologize? For what?"Denise folded her arms across her chest in defense.
"Apologize for showing you those pics. That was not my place."
Denise sighed, "You're right, that wasn't."
"But...I thought it was him in those pics, De. I really did."
"And...I believe that I was wrong. I'm sorry."
Denise sighed, "Ok, I forgive you for that. Now, I'm going to my room, it's cold out here." Denise stated, pulling her coat around her waist. She side stepped Neema and walked up to the door. Entering the code, she waited for the buzzard to sound and then opened the door.

Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Five:

Jordan flickered his cigarette out and then threw it into the waste basket. He hadn't planned on spending Christmas alone, but over the past couple of years he'd grown accustomed to being alone during the holidays. This year would not be any different. That's what he told himself. Taking a deep sigh, he glanced around the park. He had grown up in this park. As he watched a woman nearby play with a young boy on a nearby slide, he was reminded of his own mother. His parents had lived in Hampton three years prior to giving birth to him. He imagined his mother grabbing a hold of his knee and taking a peek at it, to make sure that he hadn't suffered any damage from the slide he'd so carelessly slid down at one year of age. He could remember falling off off the monkey bars at seven, not only skinning both knees, but his elbows as well. He'd been shaking and crying. His mother had grabbed a wet tissue out of her purse and put it on his knees. She had then done the same to his elbows.
His eyes went from the mother who'd been watching her child come down the slide, to the swing set located on the eastern side of the park from where he sat adjacent to the slide. A man was pushing a little girl of about eight in one of the swings. Jordan smiled and for some reason was reminded of Denise.

A chunky Denise laughing and playing just like this little girl was, having fun. Conjuring up this thought, compelled him to pop open the locket he'd gotten a while back, when he'd just graduated high school. Right before Nicholas had been born. He'd gotten the locket when Denise had been seven months pregnant. Sighing, he stared at the photo that had captured a beautiful smiling girl. This photo had been his favorite. It had been taken during the last time Denise would smile. Ironically enough, she'd been so full and swollen then. This caused another smile to form. Her eyes had been bright and warm. Her hair had been put up in a ponytail away from her face.

In the other picture across from hers was a picture of the little boy she'd given birth too. A little boy who looked as pale as white bed sheets, with a soft sprinkle of freckles along his cheeks and nose. His brown eyes had been the same as his mother's. A beautiful coffee color. His eyelashes had been long and fanned his cheeks. He'd had a heart shaped face like his father, with his full lips to match. Tears welled up in Jordan's eyes as once again. He wondered if he would ever have a family. His mother had said before passing that she'd dreamed he and Denise would have kids and be happy, but he couldn't see that any time now.
He couldn't help but wonder why things were going horrible between them all the time. They'd been great their first year. After that, things seemed to get worse. He was even upset with himself for not leaving her alone. She was always out of his reach, yet close enough for him to wish for more. Standing up, he realized that they weren't perfect, not by a long shot. As a matter of fact, the only thing he was sure of was his love for her and her love for him, which made absolutely no sense at all, but was there.

Denise knocked and knocked on his door, but there wasn't an answer. Sighing, she pulled a pen and slip of paper from her purse. Scrawling, she wrote:
I need to talk to you, please:
Sticking the note between the door jam, she turned to walk away.
"Why is it that every time I'm thinking of you, you show up?" A voice inquired as she made her way down the stair case that separated the top floor from the bottom.
Glancing up, Denise came face to face with a Antone. "Why is it that you always seem to appear when I want you to disappear?" She inquired in a vexed tone.
Anton stopped in front of the stair landing. "Because we both know that's not what you want." His eyes held more mischief than normal.
"You wish! Now, will you please get out of my way?" Denise asked as she tried to side step him. He grabbed her arm as she tried, "Can't you at-least be nice?"
"Can't you at-least skip the formalities? I think we both know that dislike is an honest chord between us."
"I do like you." He stated. "Alot."
"I don't like you."
"Are you still bitchy about the party? That happened four months ago, let it rest."
"My distaste for you has nothing to do with that party."
"Don't you think that's a little biased considering I haven't been out with you not even one date yet?"
"I'm not that bad once you get to know me."
"I bet."
"Let's say you and I hook up some time?" He asked.
Denise pulled away from him, "I don't do hook ups."
"I bet you didn't say that to wonder bread when he asked you out, now did you."
Denise rolled her eyes, "What ever." She pulled her purse closer to her body. Her eyes narrowing. "I bet you just hate the fact that he's white and I'm black, don't you?"
Anton laughed, "I could care less about color, sweet heart. I don't like the idea that you think you're better than me. You're too good. You've been like that since the party."
"So, I hurt your ego, is that what's bothering you?" Denise's tone was crisp.
Antone leaned down into her face, his breath smelling of something sweet, "I can have any girl I want."
Denise raised a brow. "Except me."
Antone grasped her chin in his hand, "That's why I like you. You're so tough."
Denise tried to pull away from him. He held onto her chin, "Kind of like a wild animal that bucks. Like all animals, you need to be tamed."
Denise's eyes widened, feeling her body heat up in anger. "I'm not an animal."
Anton's eyes went to her mouth. "Cute. Real cute." He let her go. Taking a step back, he said, "I'll see you next time Denise."
"What ever." She spat out irritated because she knew now that she couldn't handle him. Not on her own anyway.
"Next time be ready."
"Ready for what?"
He glanced up at her, his eyes void of emotion. "Your date with me of course."

Just as Jordan pulled his car up to a parking space next to his building, he saw Kwan exiting the building. Getting out in a hurry, Jordan called out to him. Kwan turned, glared at him and then walked away. Jordan wondered what his problem was.
After Anton Left, Denise had scurried into the bathroom, her blood pumping furiously, her anger vivid in her dark brown eyes. He had no right to assume that she'd be with him. There was nothing she found the least bit attractive about him. Even his looks could not make up for a vicious personality. he was a cold guy. This, she could tell. Wiping her eye lids, she turned and exited the bathroom.
Jordan grasped the knob and was pulling it open, when he ran into a figure, or more likely, she ran into him. Looking down, he saw that it was Denise. Her eyes were red as if she'd been crying.
"Are you alright?" He inquired.
"I don't want to talk about it." She stated, her tone hard.
"Hmmn, okay." Jordan obliged. She stood in the doorway not speaking, not moving. Jordan exhaled. "Did you come to see me?"
"Of course, Jordan. Who else would I be here for?"
Jordan raised a brow. "If you move out of the door way, maybe I can come in."
Denise stepped back and shoved her hands into her jean pockets. Without saying a word, Jordan came through and then walked up the stairs to his dorm room.

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't care," Denise stated.
Jordan cleared his throat, his eyes meeting hers. A flickering of life in them. "What a way to start a conversation." He grabbed to cups from the cubboard and poured both of them glasses of hot water, which he'd started in a coffee pot. Grabbing to packets of hot chocolate from the cabinets, he pushed one across the table to where she was seated. They were seated at a round table in the kitchen. She grabbed one of the cups and emptied her packet into it. "I know."
"So what's this love confession about?" He teased.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I behaved over those pictures. But the guy in them look so much like you."
"Don't I know it."
"But..." Denise stated, taking another sip of the warm brew. "I know he's not. He's not even dressed like you."
I concur. He's way too uppity for my taste. Not too mention his hair is way too neat. I play basket ball, remember. Third, I'm a little bit more solid than he is. Last but not least, his eyes change colors, mine don't. In some of the pictures they even look blue."
Denise narrowed her eyes,"So, who is this guy?"
"I don't know, De-De."
"Any ideas on how we can find him?" Denise asked.
Jordan shrugged his shoulders, "No."
"Don't you know anything about Carrine?" Where she grew up? How old she is? Stuff like that?"
"I didn't ask."
Denise raised a brow. "How about her last name?"
"At-least you got that," she commented.
"I wasn't interested in her whole life story, ok."
"So, you just used her for sex."
"It was a mutual agreement."
Denise licked her lips, "Please don't expect me to laugh, I'm not in the mood." Her tone was mundane. She seriously didn't find that funny.
Jordan reached out and ran his fingers over her hand. "I love you, De-De. Only you."
Denise frowned, "Pretty bad timing, Jordan, pretty damn bad timing."

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight:
Neema pulled over to the side of the freeway, put on her hazards and then pushed the locks down in their proper space as she curled up in her seat. Of all the dumb things she'd ever done, leaving her phone at home had been one of the worst. By the time she'd noticed this fact, she'd already been within city limits of the town she'd been traveling to. She'd been going to her boyfriend's place for the weekend. This had happened on Friday, now it was Sunday. Now, as she sat waiting for someone to recognize her car and pull over, she wondered how her car had ran out of gas so quickly. She'd just refilled the tank. Glancing down at her watch, she wondered how long it would be before someone came along.
She fussed at herself for not thinking that although she only lived an hour away from her boyfriend's, there was the possibility of breaking down. Her boyfriend, Jonathan Miller had graduated with his name on the dean's list, with a bachelor's degree in fine arts. He was a drama teacher for Hardine High School, located about twenty minutes outside of Falsom Virginia. He and Neema had been dating since she was a sophomore in college. He'd already been out of the university for two years. So while she was only twenty three, he was thirty but looked younger. He was also ready for marriage, something she hadn't thought about too much. Clearing her throat, her mind wandered back to the present.
Denise cleared her throat. "So, what's her name?"
"What?" Jordan had been sipping his chocolate, just staring at her, wondering when he and denise could actually talk about the status of their relationship since he wasn't there.
"What's Carrine's last name?"
Denise sat down at the computer desk, pulled up the internet and did a search on Zaba.
"Tell me something, De-De," Jordan stated softly. Denise typed in Carrine's name. "What's up?"
"Did you run into Kwan on your way back to your place?"
Denise's shoulders tensed. "No, why?"
Jordan could tell by the way she answered that it was a lie. "I saw him leaving and thought maybe you'd run into him, since you came out a short while later."
Denise cleared her throat, "Nope. Where's Carrine from Jordan? There are a lot of carrine Brachmans."
"Try the most current listing for Chicago Illinois."
Denise did so and an adress popped up: 231 E. Tuckard way, chicago Illinois.
Denise wrote the adress down and handed it to Jordan. "Where is this located?"
Jordan grabbed the paper but intentionally brushed his hand against hers. Denise felt the pitter patter of butterflies in her stomach. She watched as he read off the paper and then stated, "It's a duplex located on the North side of chicago."
"We need to call before we go out there." Denise stated.
"Go out there? Denise, we're in Virginia. I know you don't expect us to go out more than fifteen hundred miles."
"We can stop by Andrew's and Tanya's on the way."
"Denise, come on, christmas is right around the corner."
"Yep, we can go to your family's again for christmas and I can show off my new ring."
She held up her hand. Jordan stared at the diamond that sparkled on her ring finger. This filled him with pride at seeing the golden band that held the ten carrot together.
"We'll leave campus the day after finals and then return a couple of days before next semester begin."
"De-De, are you sure you want to go back, after experiencing my uncle Arlyn's response?"
Denise smiled, "How else will I be able to show off my ring?"
Jordan shrugged his shoulders. Silent.
"Plus, I want to find out more on Carrine. I don't understand why a woman would follow a man half way around the country when she's only known him for three months."
"Some women are like that," Jordan stated.
Denise raised both brows conveying her doubt, "No girl is like that unless she's psychologically impaired. How many girls do you know have done something like this? She considers me a threat when she's not even in the picture."
Jordan sighed and dropped his head into his hands. "You're right. She is a little melodramatic."
"Aww come on Jordan, you know that girl is crazy. If we don't do something, we could be her victims or something. Haven't you seen fatal attraction?"
"Have you seen the ending?"
"Jordan, this is real life." Denise stated, "Crazies do get away with this kind of thing, I mean come on, you had to change your phone before the girl stopped calling you. What kind of mess is that?"
"We should go to the police."
"And do what? Tell them that she's passing around pictures that look like you? I mean we don't have any evidence and you know they won't do anything without any proof of foul play."
"I guess."
"Anyway..." the vibrating of her phone went off in her purse, letting her know that someone was calling. She walked into the kitchen where her purse was and opened it. Pulling the phone out, she pulled the flap open.
"Denise, thank God you answered," Neema's voice poured out over the line.
Denise smiled, "Hey, what's up?"
"I need to ask you a favor."
"Well, my car went out on the shoulder of the freeway right outside Falsom and I need a ride home."
"Are you calling from your car?" Denise inquired, glancing over at Jordan, who was staring at her intently.
"No, I did a stupid thing and left my phone at the dorm."
Denise narrowed her brows. "Why would you do that?"
"I didn't think to bring it, that I would need it."
"Well, damn girl, the next time you'll know to bring it. It's dangerous out there, you never know what kind of loonies are out there."
"Yeah, I know. I waited for twenty minutes with my flashes on, but when no one came, I cut the engine got out and walked to the nearest ramp."
"Neema, that's even more dangerous."
"De-De, you know it's freaking cold out there. The heater wasn't on and no one was even driving along the freeway."
Denise glanced at the clock on the book shelf, in the right hand corner. It read ten thirty. She'd been at Jordan's this long? Two hours more and she would be locked out the dorm. At twelve o'clock at night, they usually turn off the door codes, not allowing anyone exit except the lady who ran the dorm. The school had decided that this would be safer than allowing everyone out late at night, prey to predators lurking around the school grounds. Denise thought it was stupid due to the fact that if they had a fire or something, everyone would be locked inside the dorms and burn to death.
"Ok, Neema, where are you?"
Without her having to ask, Jordan stood up, went into the sitting room, where the computer was located, opened the desk and then grabbed a slip of printing paper. Grabbing one of the pens off the top of the desk, he went back into the kitchen where denise sat.
Denise wrote as Neema spoke her where abouts.
"I'm right outside the city limits entrance ramp to Falsom Virginia. Right on the freeway, a quarter of mile into the town, there's a red roof inn. Turn into the parking lot and come inside. I'll be waiting in the lobby."
"Ok. I'll see you in a few." Denise stated.
"Yep. Thanks."
"You're welcome." With that, Denise hung up the phone and stood up.
Ten minutes after they'd pulled out of the parking lot, Denise inquired, "How far is Falsom from here?"
"A good thirty more minutes." Jordan answered
"Ok." Denise turned on her turn signal and got into the turning lane leading up to the free way.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Eight:

When Denise pulled into the Red Roof Inn located off the main highway, she wasn't surprised that Neema was just inside the doorway, glancing out the window. Denise cut the lights, grabbed her door handle pushed it out and as the door opened, exited the vehicle.
When they came back to the car, Neema got into the back seat and Denise took the passenger's seat.
"Hey Neema. Jordan greeted as he put the car into drive."
"What's up," Neema responded.
"What I want to know is how you got up here." He inquired as Denise shut her door and cut on the engine.
"I walked."
"Neema, it's less that zero out here and there's rumored to be a blizzard on its way and you walked up the ramp?" Jordan's tone was scolding.
"Well, let's see, my car ran out of gas, plus the heater wasn't working, so it was either stay in the car and freeze or try to get to a phone."
"Where was your phone?"
Neema sighed, irritated. She knew how dumb her decisions were, she didn't need him to bring that obvious fact out. "I left it ok. Look I know I did something stupid, so I don't need you ragging on me about it, besides Denise already beat you to the punch."
Jordan looked at her through the rearview mirror and let it drop. "Did you call a mechanic?"
"Ofcourse, tripple A is supposed to come in and haul it in a couple of hours and take it back to the dorm."
" are you going to do then?"
"Just let it sit till I can afford a mechanic to have a look at it."
"I can do that for you." He stated.
Both Denise and Neema turned to him. "You can?"
"Of course. I know basic procedures, plus I know where everything is located under the hood. It shouldn't be that difficult to at-least tell where the damage is coming from."
"Didn't she just say she ran out of gas?" Denise inquired, with a raised brow.
"Well, we can never be too sure."
"That's true." Neema said, although she didn't know anyone who would harm her in a way that would involve her loosing her gas.

After they reached town and dropped Neema off at her dorm, Jordan glanced at his watch. It read Nine o'clock. "So, what do you want to do?"
Denise glanced over at him. "Didn't you say a blizzard was heading our way?"
"Unfortunately yes."
"Then what else is there to do than to go home?"
Jordan smiled. "Ok, I can take a hint."
Denise laughed, "I'm just saying if we do something, we could end up getting caught in the storm."
"Alright, Denise." Jordan sighed.
Denise glanced over at him. "We can always stay in doors and do something."
Jordan let out a sheepish smile. "Such as?"
"There's a whole lot of games in the rec room of the girls dorms."
"Aren't guys off limits there after Ten p.m.?"
"That never stopped you before."
"True." Jordan glanced out the window.
Denise sighed and turned a right in stead of a left. When they made it back to the girls dorms, she said, "Don't forget to lock the doors." With that, she made a right and pulled into the girls dormitory.
The following day after leaving Denise's dorm and getting a shower at his place, Jordan made a call to Neema's dorm, to see how everything was going. He was surprised when Carrine answered. "Well, hello sugar, her voice stated flirtatiously. Jordan cleared his throat. "Let me speak to Neema, please."
"What's the hurry? Can't say hi?"
Jordan felt a twitch on his insides. "Put Neema on the phone." He stated firmly.
"Awww, sugar, I know what you're up too, I know what's going on."
Jordan raised a confused brow, "What?"
"I'm not stupid, Jordan, I wasn't born yesterday. I know what you and Denise are planning."
"Do you?" Jordan inquired sarcastically.
"Of course I do." she replied, clearing her throat. "You are planning to look into my past."
Jordan sighed, "Yep. We have nothing better to do."
"I'm betting you're going to start at the last known address and work your way backward, right?"
Jordan sat down at the desk, unsure how to answer that one. How did she know?
"It's what they all do. Jennifer Chen did that with Todd. Right before she stole him from me that is."
"Who is Todd and what are you talking about?" Jordan wondered.
"Todd darling was my fiancee."
"Is he the guy in the picture?"
"The guy in the picture is you, Jordan."
Jordan shook his head, "I've never taken pictures with you before."
"Don't be silly, Jordan. Of course you did. It was a while ago that we took them."
"That's not me in those pictures."
"If it's not you, then who is it?" Carrine asked, making him seem silly.
"I don't know."
"You don't know? How convenient. Anyhow, I have to get ready for a class, here's Neema." With that, Carrine threw down the phone and he heard footsteps leaving the area. As soon as the door closed, he heard shuffling and then a voice cleared their throat over the phone, "Hey Jordan."
"Neema, Carrine is seriously crazy."
"I can tell. She kinda had this wide eyed look on her face when she left a twisted happy face. I wonder who is in the pictures."
Jordan sighed, already tired, "I don't know."
"So you and De are going back to chicago?"
"Yeah, over the christmas break."
"Ya'll going to do some searching then?" Neema sounded excited.
"Yeah, but that's not why I called." Jordan stated, trying to get to the reason for his call.
"I wanna go, can I go?"
"Neema. Girl, Denise and I are going to stay with my grandma's doing christmas break and she won't have enough room with the family coming and all."
"I can stay in a hotel or something, besides I want to go sight seeing and stuff."
"It's not a trip to go around town on, it's business."
"Yeah, I know, but there is always the night time. Maybe you could show me some tight spots since you've been there a lot of times."
"Neema, I just called to see if your car was towed in yet."
"Triple A towed it in this morning. Aww, come on Jordan, I just want to see the town and help you guys look into that possessed girl's past."
"She's not possessed Neema."
"Jordan, have you seen her face lately? It's like she's looking for someone's skin to crawl under."
"That doesn't make her possessed."
"It does when she is trying to convince herself that a man who doesn't want her is with her."
Jordan sighed, "What ever you say Neema. Look, I just wanted to let you know that I will be out there as soon as the storm passes to take a look at your car and see what's going on, ok?"
Neema sighed, "What time ya'll leaving over the break?"
"I haven't decided yet, probably after finals are done."
Neema smiled, "I'll be ready."
Jordan closed his eyes, hoping that all would go well. He had a feeling they were in for more than they bargained. Who was Jennifer Chen and this Todd guy she kept talking about? Sighing, he said goodbye to Neema and hung up the phone.

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Nine:

A week before Jordan, Denise and Neema left for Chicago, Jordan checked out Neema's vehicle. The results were that her gas line had been slit and a small hole leaked the fuel from the vehicle. He explained to Neema that she was lucky that she'd pulled over when she had because if she hadn't, there was no garantee that she would've made it home without severe damage to the vehicle, nor blowing something of importance in the vehicle, which perhaps could've ended up taking her life.
Both Neema and Jordan were leaned over the hood looking on the inside of the car. He pointed to the gas line that was connected to the gas tank. "See that?"
"That has a tiny leak in it which is why your car died out."
"I take it that's not a good thing?"
Jordan sighed, removed himself away from the engine of the car, waited for Neema to do the same and then shut the hood.
"No, just the fact that your gas line was nicked proved that someone else has been under the hood."
Neema cleared her throat. She already knew without even asking who it was. A confrontation was a must, but the big question was when. "Thanks Jordan."
He nodded, "No prob."
Glancing down at her watch, Neema cleared her throat, " I have a class that's starting in Ten minutes, I'll see you later."
"Yep, later." Jordan whiped greasy hands off on the towel he had. Turning around, he made his way to his vehicle.

Denise stared at the picture again. It was then that she noticed. Right there on the cufflink of a sweater the guy was wearing were the initials, TL. Denise laughed, well, if that wasn't a link. She flipped through another picture. She now knew that whomever this guy was, it could not certainly be 's initials were JW and she couldn't imagine Jordan wearing any of these clothing. This was not his style. He was too laid back. This guy looked like he may have had money or expensive taste. She studied another picture in depth. Who was this guy and the girl, Carrine. Denise knew Carrine was crazy, there was no doubt about that. The question was how crazy? Denise glanced at pictures with a critical eye, trying to spot any other clue that she could.
Jordan rapped on the door outside of Denise's dorm, a towel hanging from his shoulders. It was a good thing that he had only been checking a specific area in Neema's car, otherwise, his hands wouldn't have been the only source that needed cleaning. When the door opened, he saw that she had the photo album in her hand and was still staring at it intently.
"Still where I left you this morning are we?" He watched her make her way back to the same spot she'd somehow made an area of comfort. As of lately, she'd become obsessed with those pictures. Closing the door behind him, he said, "De-De, don't you think you're going a little overboard here?"
"No, not really, Jordan. I found a clue this morning."
Jordan sighed and sat on the wall opposite her, observing the way her fingers slid over the pages. "And what might that be?"
"The guy has initials on the cufflinks of a sweater."
"Come again?" Jordan raised a brow. Could you have cufflinks on a sweater? As if answering his question, Denise pushed a photo up to his face and allowed him to glance at the small gold attachment on the neck of a grey men's cashmere sweater. Jordan stared at the picture, the man's attire making him shiver. He could not see himself wearing anything so fancy. She pointed to the tiny letters engraved on the gold pendant. TL. "How do you know that those are his initials? TL could stand for anything."
"Like what?" Denise inquired, her gaze moving to his face.
"Um...a girl's initials."
"The girl in this pic, doesn't have TL as her initials."
"How do you know that isn't a mother or sister initials, or he could be swinging it both ways."
Denise raised a brow at him, "Swinging it both ways? Jordan, come on now, that doesn't make any since. Why would he wear his lover's initials on his sweater? Most guys like to be discreet about such a thing. It's not like they're going to broadcast it."
"What would you call this then ma'am? It took you a whole day to even find the cufflinks."
"The cufflink was overlooked thank you very much."
Jordan smiled at her sassiness. "Well then, maybe you should let an expert handle this."
Eyes were cut at him, "Sure. I don't think we're doing anything wrong here." She stated.
"Ok, say these were the guy's initials, how would we determine who he is?"
"When we go visit the apartment complex she lived in, we can ask the manager if they know anything about Carrine's social activities."
Jordan raised a brow, "Denise, they're not allowed to disclose that kind of information to civilians."
"We will find a way to get it." She stated, her tone determined. Jordan rolled his eyes as her gaze went back to the photo albums. Once she made up her mind, there was no changing directions. "Besides," She began, "We have their pictures. There is no law against neighbors divulging information."
"That's if any of the original neighbors still inhabit the place."
"There's got to be an old lady or someone that will be able to give us another clue, Jordan."
Jordan sighed, changing the topic. His eyes lowered to the ring that was on her finger. "Denise, how's the ring?" Denise cleared her throat. "It's great, thank you."
"So you like it?"
"Why wouldn't I? You gave it to me." She flipped another photograph.
Jordan scooted closer to her, till he was sitting directly in her line of shadow. "Does that mean you are still going to marry me?" Denise glanced up at him and after a minute of contemplation, put the album on the floor. "Maybe."
"Maybe?" This brought a smile to his face, "Maybe when?"
"Maybe when you and I decide on a date."
"Oh really?"
"When do you want to get married?"
"I've always wanted a spring wedding." She answered. By now, Jordan had taken her hand in his and was twisting the ring around her finger.
"Details please."
Somewhere between her describing her plans and the animated tone in her voice, he lost the words she was speaking and was enthralled with the animation aspects of conversation. The way her eyes lit up when she talked about the flowers. The glow in her cheeks when she spoke about the wedding gown she wanted and overall, the shyness her eyes held when she talked about her nervousness at going down the aisle. He thought it was all adorable and when she finished, he smiled and said, "That's nice." She cleared her throat and was about to go back to the photo album but he grabbed her face and pulled it into alignment. With her brown eyes glowing with radiance, he felt his blood began to pump furiously in his veins. His eyes captured hers in a fiery battle of admiration. When she tried to look away, he held her gaze there. Running his fingers along her face and down to her neck, he felt the tenderness of skin there, enjoying the rapid increase in blood flow.
Taking a deep breath, his fingers trailed a path down to her collar bone and then even further to her breast bone. Just as quickly as it had before, her pulse quickened even more. He said, "Hmmn, we know about the wedding. What else do you see in our future, Denise." She swallowed softly and tried her best to concentrate. His fingers were undoing the buttons on her blouse. "I...Well, I..." Her mind was blank. She couldn't think straight. After the buttons were undone, fingertips began a slow dance over her chest. The blouse was taken off and she was pulled up onto her feet. Jordan's fingers tapped underneath the edge of her bra, making their way to the back. "Tell me what else you see in our future Denise." He whispered. Her mouth was frozen as deft fingers slid underneath the clasp and undid the three rings that held it together. Why was it so hard for her to even gather an intelligible sentence? Her brain was moving but the words wouldn't communicate to her lips. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he pulled her closer to him and locked her lips in a passionate kiss with his. The bra fell to the floor and his fingers made their way back around to her chest. She ran her fingers along the side of his face and felt the texture of skin underneath her palms. As if strumming music, the tips of his fingers ran over taught nipples. When the kiss broke, Denise felt her head begin to drift. She closed her eyes and took in the feel of his mouth going over her neck, laying delicate kisses on the quickened pulse.

Later that evening, after Neema finished her last class for the day, she trekked her way to her dorm. Although it was only six p.m., the skies had already taken to a brilliant dark evening that hadn't it been for campus lighting, would have been a black enshroud over the campus. Sighing, she unlocked her building and quickly made her way inside. Once the doors closed behind her, she ran upstairs to her room and put her books in the closet. Heading straight for the kitchen, she proceeded to gather water into the coffee pot and turned it on. Once the water heated up, she opened two packets of cocoa and in the largest mug she could find, mixed the contents together, adding a little milk and cream to the brew. Grabbing a chair at the table, she pulled it out from the table and sat down.
Sometime later, after she'd finished her cocoa and was about to go take a shower, the door opened and her beloved roommate entered the room.
"Today was a rough day," The young girl stated. Neema sighed, "I'm sure it was."
"I have so much homework, I'm not sure..."
Neema cut her off, "You know, you can stop with the bull-shit, Carrine, I know you don't like me."
Carrine, who'd been putting her things in her closet located at the base of her bed, glanced up at Neema. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Carrine. I know you don't like me and I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to play pretend."
Carrine stared at her perplexed, "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't I like you?"
Either this chick was a great actress or Neema was jumping to conclusions. She didn't want to be called a bluff though. "Because you know that I'm friends with Denise."
"Denise?" Carrine squinted her brows in confusion.
"Jordan Williams fiancee. I know that you hold a grudge against him for not being with you and you hate her for being with him."
Despite the blood that began to boil in her veins, Carrine cleared her throat. "What does that have to do with you?"
"Maybe you could tell me. Someone cut the gas line to my vehicle last night and the only person who could've done it is you, because we are the only two here for christmas break."
Carrine raised both brows, "What? Why would I do something so trivial? I'm not crazy."
"I beg to differ. You can fool whomever you want Carrine, but I know your type."
"What do you mean my type?" Now Carrine was starting to get furious. It was beginning to surface.
"Your type, the type that is so deranged that you think that Jordan is someone he isn't. That's what I'm talking about."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Carrine managed to feign a seriously confused look.
"Those pictures Carrine. The guy in those pictures is not Jordan and you know it."
"What pictures?"
Neema was starting to doubt herself just a second. "Don't act stupid, Carrine." She walked up to the girl, her face inches from hers. "I know that you're up to something, i just don't have a clue what. Those pictures and now cutting my break line."
Carrine furrowed her brows. Giving the girl a light shove, she said, "First of all, get the hell out of my face and second of all, I don't know what you're talking about. I showed you those pictures with Jordan and me together. They were taken when we were together in chicago, back when he claimed he loved me." Carrine glanced down and touched her hand to her belly, "I mean us. When he claimed to have loved us. I may be angry at him for deserting me and his child but I'm not so sick as to cut the break line in your car. Why would I do that? Neema, I don't have anything against you." Carrine stated, her tone growing calmer. She rubbed her belly again and took a step away from Neema. "I was in good mood and actually decided to be nice to you for once, since I know it's not your fault he's a liar and a schemer, but I see that's not working." Grabbing her jacket again, Carrine sighed, "I'm sorry about your car Neema. I really am, but I really didn't have anything to do with it." With that, Carrine put on her jacket and glanced up at her room mate. I'm going to grab something for dinner. I was going to invite you along, but that's ok. I'll see you later." By the time she'd finished this little spill, Carrine's voice had gone from very angry to a soft self pitying tone. She grabbed her car keys and opened the door. Going out into the hall, she locked the door behind her. Neema stood there feeling confused. What if it hadn't been Carrine who'd sabbotaged her vehicle?

Chapter Thirty One

chapter 30:

Carrine Brachman was easy enough to find just by researching the internet, however, there were extensive fees for any of the information that was offered, so knowing that she refused to pay for information on anyone she could get for free, Denise clicked out of the webpage and turned her attention to her school books that were lying ontop her desk. Pulling out the one for her college math course, she opened it to the page they'd been working on in class. She had two days to get the work done because in two days she, Neema and Jordan were leaving for Chicago. She was really exited because she'd finally get to the truth of who Carrine Brachman really was.

Jordan shoved his clothing into his bag anxious to leave. They were to leave for chicago in an hour and a half. He'd kept putting off the packing thing because he figured he could pack everything with his eyes closed since he'd taken the trip out midwest so many times. Sighing, he grabbed a pair of shoes and tossed them in along with his clothes. He was bringing two pair of sneakers. Light gray Jordans and the pair he wore now, Black and White Nike High tops. Grabbing everything and his keys on the way out, he rushed toward the front door. Just as he entered the hall way, he noticed kwan was coming toward his direction. "What's up?" He greeted the young man. kwan paused outside the door, "I was coming over to invite you to a frat party this weekend, but I can see you are really busy. About to take a trip?"
"Yeah, Denise, Neema and I are going up to New York to visit the family."
"Neema too, huh?" Kwan smiled while mentioning her name. Jordan narrowed his eyes at him, "You know I only have one woman, man, don't even go there."
"Hey, you said it, not me." Kwan laughed.
"I'm just letting you know. I don't do that double dating thing. I can barely handle one, let alone two."
"I heard that. I thought you would be interested in the frat party."
"I would if I was going to be here, but I'm not, so I'm heading out." Saddling his luggage over his shoulder, Jordan walked with Kwan down the stairs toward the front entrance. Once they exited the building, Kwan offered to hold the luggage while Jordan opened the trunk. Once the luggage was inside the trunk the two men went their separate ways, with Jordan agreeing for them to hang out after the new year.
"Denise, you got that Destiny's Child C.D.?" Neema inquired of the c.d. that she swore that she'd sat down on the desk fifteen minutes earlier.
"I already packed it girl, chill out." Denise stated, zipping up the last suit case she had. Neema had brought one big one with her, while Denise had brought three small ones. "Jordan's going to be here any minute now, so you got all your stuff?" Neema asked, pacing the room back and forth, now that she wasn't going through Denise's desk. Denise stared at her with a raised brow. " Girl, what are you so nervous for?"
Neema brought her hands up to her face. "I always get nervous when meeting new people." Denise sighed, "Well, look at it this way, you're not the one marrying Jordan so you have nothing to worry about."
Neema glanced up at her, "I don't know these people and they don't know me De, all they know is that I'm a third wheel."
Denise giggled at this and shook her head. "They will probably be just as welcoming to you as they were to me, including his uncle, who happens to not like me by the way because I am black. He may even suggest that you and Jordan get together instead of me and him. I don't even want to tell him that Jordan and I are engaged because he may want to kill us then."
Neema stopped pacing and looked over at her friend, "I think you are being a little too dramatic at the moment Denise. It doesn't change the fact that you and Jordan are in love and you will be getting married. I couldn't get Jordan to notice me even if I tried. That man only has eyes for you. I'm kind of envious because you guys are only twenty years old and feel the way couples usually feel in their thirties and forties. It's really sweet. That's something that doesn't come by for many people, so in reality, you guys have something that's extremely, extremely rare. Who would be able to say that they've gone through half the stuff you two have and still come out strong? Not too many people your age."
Denise sighed, "I know, Neema, but how long do you think we will last? How long do you think this will last?"
Neema smiled and shrugged, "I know what you mean De, sometimes we can want all we want too, but that doesn't mean it will last. I don't know girl, but I do know that you and he got something that's real, tangible, something you both have struggled and fought to keep. That's what should be looked at. I can only imagine what you will go through as the years go by Denise. If this is any indication of what's ahead."
Denise smiled wearily, "Yeah, starting with his family."
Neema nodded in agreement, knowing this would be a challenge for the young couple. Furrowing her brows after a second or two, she asked, "How does your family feel about him, Denise?"
Denise inhaled a deep breath, "My mom and sister and step dad all think it's great. My sister believes that he's my "soul mate", and my mom loves him. My step dad too. However, my real dad hasn't met him."
"I thought you guys dated for two and a half years in high school?"
"We did."
"And he didn't meet your dad then?"
Denise shook her head no. "My dad lives clear across the country." Denise stated.
"And so does his family, De, but he still took you to meet them."
Denise nodded her head, "I know."
"So what's the problem? You scared to let him meet your father?"
Denise exhaled, "In a sense, because I don't know how he will respond to him."
"Has he ever made it known how he feels about white people?"
Denise bit down on her lip, her nervousness being shown through this. "Well, no but I'm not sure he will be too welcoming."
"Why not?"
"My dad's a traditionalist. He believes that the color lines shouldn't be crossed. He's always asked if I have met any handsome young black men in this town."
Neema cleared her throat. "Does he even know that Jordan is white?"
"We never got to that part because he's never asked."
Neema nodded her head again, "So, he has no clue that you are about to marry a white guy? When were you planning to tell him Denise?"
"I wasn't. I was just going to invite him to the wedding."
"Do you think that's fair, I mean De, he's taken a chance with letting you meet his family. What about him meeting yours?"
Denise sighed, "I don't want him to go through what I'm going through Neema. What if my dad and his wife act like he's not good enough? That would crush my heart and I know it would piss him off. He'd be hurt and what if he decided he didn't want to be with me because of it?"
Neema laughed at this. Denise narrowed irritated brows at her friend, "What the hell is so funny?"
Neema laughed until she couldn't anymore, leaving Denise frustrated. Neema looked at her and sighed, "You silly girl, if Jordan was going to leave you, he wouldn't be where he is now. He sure as hell wouldn't have taken you to meet his family. He sure as hell wouldn't have stood up for you to his uncle. He would have buried his head between his legs and left you to fend for yourself. I can't believe you don't see that he's in for the long hall. Why else would he take the time to be come back for you? Why else would he put a ring on your finger? That man is serious Denise. He's very serious about you."
Denise sighed, "I know, Neema."
"So if you know that, why are you sweating stupid shit. Take him to meet your dad and his family before you end up making a grave mistake. If they don't like him then they are just as shallow as his uncle is. It shouldn't matter that you are black and he's white. That's stupid. Too stupid."
Denise nodded in agreement, "You know what, you're right. I should just take him up there because they are not the ones who are going to be with him, I am and only I can decide what's right for me."
Neema nodded. "Yep, you are a grown woman, don't let no one else tell you you can't have your man, besides you love him just as much as he loves you."
A big grin came to Denise's face, "You're right."
Neema smiled at her, "Of course I'm right. If they don't accept him that will be their own fault, not yours and definitely not his."
Denise laughed. "You are so right, Neema." A weight lifted off Denise's heart. Opening her arms to her friend, Denise said, "You deserve some love for that one girl."
Neema laughed. "Alright now." As she said this, she went to Denise and wrapped her friend in a hug.
Jordan got to Denise's dorm and was about to knock, when he heard laughing and Denise say, "You are the best girl."
Neema laughed as he heard her say, "I know, I know." Going up to the door, he opened it and saw that the two girls were wrapped in a hug and both were laughing. Jordan smiled, "I must've missed a lot."
Denise and Neema turned toward him, their arms around each others neck, "Yep, a lot." Neema stated. Denise stared at him with a twinkle in her eyes. Letting go of Neema, she walked over to him and stood up on her tip toes. Wrapping her arms around his neck she leaned in close to him. "You know I love you, right?" Jordan smiled and in a teasing tone, he stated, "If I wasn't sure before, I stand corrected." The look in her eyes changed and for the first time sine he'd known her, Denise allowed him to see just how much she loved him. He stared at her speechless, the thudding began in his heart and made its way out to his blood stream. She sighed, "I love you Jordan Andre Williams, I always have and I always will and I'm thankful that you are mine."
Jordan inhaled and exhaled, his voice becoming ragged. The passion in her eyes and her voice had him at a stand still he couldn't really think straight at the moment. His eyes went to her mouth and then as if following behind, his head leaned down to have their lips meet.
Neema smiled at them and then glanced down at her watch. There was an hour till they were scheduled to leave. Grabbing her bag, she walked to the front door and exited it, making her way toward the dorm kitchen. They still had an hour.
When Jordan's mouth touched hers, Denise reached up and gently stroked the side of his face. Every emotion that flowed through her was like a tidal wave, causing her knees to weaken and an increased heart rate, causing her breathing to pick up. His hands ran over her body, stopping at her backside. Pulling her into him, he said, "It's about Got damn time."
Denise laughed, "Yeah, it is, huh."
On the drive out toward the freeway, Denise had her hand wrapped in Jordan's. He grasped it tight while the other hand was on the wheel. Neema had stretched out on the back seat and gone to sleep, while they were both thinking. Denise felt so good it was unbelievable. Her body and her heart and her mind were all at peace. She for once was calm and settled. Her body was shimmering from their time together. This time when they'd made love, they'd been very quiet, very focused. Her mind had went on a trip of it's own during this time. She'd been so wrapped up in the feeling that she was shocked when her body yeilded to his over and over again. She'd had to bite down hard to keep the scream she was sure wanted to come out from coming out. When they finished her body was left trembling and satisfied at the same time. Sighing contently, she was glad that the day had turned out the way it did.

Chapter Thirty Two


Denise, Jordan and Neema all grabbed their luggage from the trunk to the front porch where his grandmother waited for their entrance. Grabbing a hold of Denise first, she gave her a big hug. "Hey honey, how's it going?"
Denise grinned wide and said, "Good, how are you?"
"I'm good. It's nice to see you darling."
Denise was genuinely happy to see the woman. "You too ma'am."
The woman waved her hand at her, "You may as well call me na-na like Jordan since apparently you two are getting married now." Denise furrowed her brows questioning.
"The ring dear."
Denise laughed and looked down at the band on her hand. Looking back up at Mrs. Williams she said, "Yeah, I didn't think you'd notice that soon."
"Well, I did and congratulations. When is the wedding?"
"We haven't decided that yet."
"When you guys do, let me be the first to know, ok?"
"Yes ma'am." Denise replied.
Mrs. Williams allowed her to go into the house. Furrowing her brows, she said to Neema. "Who are you deary?"
"Neema Elizabeth, ma'am, I'm a friend of Denise's. Jordan invited me to be here with you all this christmas."
Immediately Mrs. Williams wrapped her in a hug, "Hey honey, just go in and get settled."
Neema inhaled sharply and walked around the woman with her luggage. Finally it was Jordan's turn to hug and kiss his grandma. In an affectionate welcome, he opened his arms to her and wrapped her in a hug, "Hey nana."
"Hey grandson, I see that you proposed." Jordan released her as she said this. Glancing down at her, he smiled and said, "Yes, I did."
"She's not pregnant is she?" His grandmother inquired.
Jordan laughed, "No, grandma, she's not pregnant."
"So, you're marrying her because you want too?"
"Yes, I'm marrying her because I don't want to be without her. I am seriously one hundred percent in love." He smiled.
"She seems like she feels the same way."
"She does."
Mrs. Williams smiled at her son, "That's good." Jordan picked up his bags as his grandmother walked into the house. He followed behind her, greeting everyone as he did.
Neema struggled to get her suitcases up to the top floor to the room she and Denise would be sharing. Taking a deep breath, she loosened her grip and allowed them to rest in the middle of the stair case as she did so.
Elliot smashed the bud out and was about to throw it onto the grass when he heard a voice say, "Ey Elliot, you better throw that in the trash can or I'm coming out there to whip your butt."
Elliot laughed and said, "Ok, Uncle Dez, I'm doing that, see." He walked over to the trash can and took the lid off and threw the bud inside. When he got into the house, his uncle nodded at him. "Good." Now go upstairs and help one of those young women out with their luggage. "
Elliot sighed and shrugged, "Alright uncle."
"And straighten up your walk too."
Elliot didn't think he need to straighten up his walk. It was just fine to him. Clearing his throat, he continued on toward the stair case. Just as he got to the foot of them he heard a loud bang as something hit the stairs and continue toward him. "Hey, watch out!" A voice shouted. He grabbed a hold of the suit case and glanced up. Standing in the middle of the staircase was a girl who looked to be no more than nineteen years old. His gaze went back down to the suitcases and he caught them as they tumbled down to him. Grasping both handles he picked them up and carried them to their destination. Once he set them on a bed, he noticed that the other bed had all sorts of items sprawled out on top one of the covers. "Thank you for the help, umm..." He turned toward the voice held out his hand and glanced up into one of the prettiest faces he'd ever seen. "Elliot." He stated. The girl smiled, "Elliot." She shook his hand. Neema tried to not get lost in those beautiful gray eyes. "Nice to meet you. I'm Neema." Elliot smiled, "How old are you, like nineteen or something?"
Neema giggled and brushed her hair behind her ear, "I'm twenty three."
Elliot stood back. "Twenty three huh?"
"Yeah. How old are you?"
"The weasel is fifteen years old." Jordan brought in. Elliot felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up in irritation. He couldn't stand him.
"Jordan that's not nice, he doesn't seem like a weasel." Neema stated.
"Don't let that fool you, he's not as nice as he seems."
Elliot glanced up at Jordan with cold gray eyes, "You don't know me so don't go acting like you do."
"I know you're a brat who likes to get his way."
Elliot glanced at Neema. "You are welcome. I will see you later Neema."
Neema smiled at him. "Ok, thanks again Elliot."
With that, Elliot walked out of the room. Neema turned to Jordan as he was exiting to. "What's your problem Jordan, he's just a kid." Jordan shook his head, "That boy is a grown man trapped in a kid's body. He's not your average fifteen year old."
"He looks older. I thought he was at least nineteen."
Jordan sighed, "No, he's not. You have to watch out for him."
"Why's that?"
"He's charismatic." He stated.
"How's that?"
Just then they heard Denise say, "Aww, Elliot, you're a sweet heart."
Jordan felt his nerves on edge.
Neema laughed, "Jordan's jealous of a fifteen year old. Ha, ha."
Jordan shook his head and walked out of the room.
Elliot walked out onto the front porch the following night, thinking of the girl Neema he believed was her name. She was so cute and had a beautiful laugh. Her long dark hair was always down and flowing over her shoulders. He thought about the nice bronze skin tone she had. She looked exotic. Like a person who wasn't from here. He'd found out through conversation at the dinner table that she wasn't from here. Her family was from Florida somewhere. Sighing, he glanced up at the stars and tried to put her out of his mind. He was fifteen too young for her. What could he possibly have to offer her. His mind went to Denise and Jordan the way they interacted with one another had become annoying to him. If that was what it was like to fall in love, he wanted to stay as far away from it as possible. Jordan was like puddy in her hands and he couldn't stand any of it.
"It's beautiful out here tonight, isn't it?" He stiffened, his heart beat accelerating. He willed it to stop. He'd never had that happen and he didn't want to start it now. "It's ok." They both stood out there in the awkward silence, each staring up at the moon. "I'm sorry about what Jordan said to you earlier." Neema stated. Elliot glanced over at her, "It's cool, I'm used to it."
"Just between you and me, I think he's jealous."
"Of what?"
"You are very charismatic and are able to charm women. I don't think it was that easy for her to let her guard down as she did with you. He had to work twice as hard just to get her to feel at ease with him."
Elliot rolled his eyes, "It's a wonder they didn't suffocate each other."
Neema laughed, "I know right, if that was me, I couldn't do it. Too much contact can't be good for a relationship. You need your breathing room."
"Tell me about it." Elliot inhaled and then exhaled.
"So, what kind of stuff do you like Elliot?" Neema inquired.
Elliot raised a brow, looking at her. "You do know that I'm fifteen right."
Neema shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not trying to hook up with you."
Elliot cleared his throat, "So then why do you need to know all that?"
Neema looked at him, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Curiosity. I thought you were a nice guy, but I guess I was wrong." Elliot listened as her footsteps left the porch and then the doors opened and shut. Closing his eyes, he inhaled sharply and then exhaled. She couldn't offer him anything he couldn't get from home.
Denise wrote down the name of Jennifer Chen. A name that Jordan had given her before they'd left Virginia a few days ago. It was a couple of days after Christmas and she was in the library jotting down information on Carrine Brachman. She checked the yellow pages online for a Carrine Brachman. She found an address listed in Washington Heights, a mostly residential area native to the dutch. There was a Jennifer A. Chen was listed in Albany Park. Making sure that she had all her information, Denise threw her purse over her shoulder, exited her page and then left the library. When she got back to the car, Uncle Arlyn was waiting for her instead of Jordan. She stopped. "Where's Jordan?"
"He went into the bank lass, he'll be out in a little while."
"Oh, ok." She opened the door leading to the back seat. He said, "Why don't you sit up here, lass. I won't bite."
Denise closed the door, hesitated for a minute and then got into the front seat. While they were waiting on Jordan, Uncle Arlyn said, " Jordan says you like History." Denise nodded. Feeling a little uncomfortable. "You know, our family have a rich culture. I could tell you some." Denise glanced over at him, unsure what to think.
"If you're gonna be a part of this family, you may as well know, that's if you're interested."
Denise exhaled. He reached over and touched her hand. When he did, Denise froze. He patted it and said, "It's ok lass, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just trying to apologize." Denise glanced up at him. "Apologize?"
He nodded. "I was downright ignorant to be rude and mean to you the way I was before and I must say I am sorry. If Jordan loves you, that's all that matters."
Denise sighed, feeling for the first time since seeing him that she could breathe. "Thank you, it means a lot to know that you accept me and him as a couple."
Arlyn nodded, "You're welcome. I am sorry for the way I treated you."
Knowing how he felt made Denise feel better about being around him. She felt the tension ease. Sighing, she asked, "What was it like growing up in Ireland?"
When they got back to the house and into Denise's room, Jordan commented on what he'd observed in the car. "I noticed you and Uncle Arlyn were hitting it off in the car.” Denise was bent over taking her shoes off. "Yep."
"I thought he was playing when he said he wanted me to come pick him up. I see now he wasn't."
"Nope. I don't know what happened between this visit and the last, but I like it. That's the Arlyn I like."
Jordan smiled, "Grandma, that's what. She's always making people see the errors of their ways. She's the mediator in the family. Everyone has their purpose. Uncle Dez give everyone routine. His wife she's a really happy go lucky type. Uncle Arlyn knows the history. Aunt Marissa and Uncle Mel are the glue that holds us together. They are the ones who adopted Elliot. I mean we have a lot of cousins and aunts and Uncles in this family, however, they all live in Ireland. One day I will take you there."
Denise smiled, "Ireland huh?" She knew from the books that it was a beautiful place and she didn't think she would mind going. "Before I forget, Jordan, I need to give you those addresses so that we can go check them out tomorrow." She stated while reaching into her bag.

Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Two:
The residency in Washinton Heights was very nice with a mixture of different ethnicity all around. Denise liked it. The lawns were neatly manicured. This she liked as well. The apartment building she and Jordan went to was a three story building with balconies on the upper floors. Grabbing a hold of the door, Jordan pulled it open and then walked in with Denise. A lady was sitting at a desk with a dark green long sleeve shirt and a black skirt to go alongside it. Immediately the lady spoke, "Hello, my name's Maria, how may I help you?" This lady had long brown hair and wore minimum make up. "I needed to find out some information about someone." Jordan stated.
"I can't help you there. It's against the law and company policy to give information of a tenant unless it's the police."
"What about previous tenants?" He inquired. The lady looked at him, "Like who?"
"Carrine Brachman."
The lady's eyes widened she said, "Is that girl up to her old tricks again?"
"What tricks?" Denise asked.
"When Carrine was in College, she lived here," the lady stated.
"What do you mean when she was in college? She's in college now." Jordan stated. The lady shook her head disagreeing, "No, no, she graduated from Chicago State ten years ago."
Jordan furrowed his brows. "We must have the wrong one, Denise. I don't think she's the girl we're talking about."
The woman stood up and grabbed her purse off the coat rack. Pulling her wallet out, she flipped it open and showed them a photograph. "Is this the girl you're talking about?"
Jordan ran a hand through his hair flabbergasted while Denise stared at the photo in shock. How could she still look the same after ten years?
"Carrine Brachman's my niece and I suggest that if you know where she is that you tell me."
"She..she enrolled in Hampton University where we live."
The lady looked at Jordan and asked him to take off the hat he wore. Jordan did so. When he did she put a hand up to her mouth. "Um, oh, wow. She followed you didn't she?"
Jordan swallowed, "She's not only followed me, but she has been stalking my fiancee as well."
Jordan grasped Denise's hand and held it in his.
"Oh, how long has this been going on?"
"We broke up in April of this year and she followed me out to Virginia where I'm going to school and has been calling and stalking the both of us since..." Just then, his phone rang. He paused and grabbed the phone. He saw that the number was blocked. Opening it, he already knew who was on it.
"Jordan, you think you're slick, I told you to let her go and come be with me but no, that's not the way you want things to go. You want to mettle in my business, so now I'm mettling in yours."
"Carrine, what did you do, girl?"
"Come back to the house and see. I wanted us to be together. I wanted you and I to be the only ones in each other life, and now because of you, there are innocent people involved."
Jordan felt the air knocked out of his body. "What have you done to my family, Carrine?"
"Come back to the house, Jordan and when you do, don't bring anyone except Denise. No police, nobody, just you, me, and her, we can settle this on our own. With those words spoken, Jordan heard the dial tone in his ear. Glancing over at Denise he shook his head, "We have to go De-De."
"What is it Jordan? What did that bitch do?"
"Just come on." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the building.
When Jordan pulled up to the house, he noticed it was dark. All the curtains were closed. Looking over at Denise, he said, "You stay in the car."
"Jordan, she said..." Denise started, but he cut her off. "I don't give a fuck what she said. You stay in the damn car and don't come out. If anything, you call the police. I don't want you in this, I want this between me and her. That's it."
Denise grabbed his hand, "Jordan, no, I don't want..."
Again he interrupted her, shaking his head firmly, "No! Call the police,"
With that, he got out the car and went up to the door of the house. As soon as he entered, she grabbed her phone and dialed nine one one.
"Where's Denise?" A voice stated as he opened the door and came into the hallway. Carrine was sitting on the bottom stair.
Jordan cleared his throat and said, "This has nothing to do with her. Where is my family?"
"Don't worry, they're safe."
"What's all this about Carrine? I'm lost for words." He stated, trying to deviate her attention away from Denise.
"What's this about?" Getting up, she walked over to him. This is when he noticed the gun in her hand. "You know damn well what this is about Jordan. I loved you. I wanted to be with you."
Jordan took a step back. "You loved me? Carrine you barely knew me for three months."
Carrine's eyes flashed wildly and she began waving the gun around in the air, motioning her hands. "It doesn't matter Jordan. I loved you from the moment we both met. I've loved you when she didn't love you."
Jordan stood silent, trying to think of something to do.
"But you..." She poked him in the chest with the butt of the pistol. "You chose to be with her. Why?" She inquired, hitting him again in the chest. Jordan inhaled sharply, taking another step back. "Why dammit, why?" She backed him into a wall. "You know what, none of that matters now because I have you here. We can be together. You and me can be together."
"What do you mean we can be together? Carrine, we never were together." Carrine laughed, her thoughts irrational. Her brain was not functioning in the right way at the moment. Some would go as far to call her crazy. "Jordan, you and I will be together. No one can stop that now." Carrine brought the pistol up and Jordan watched her cock it before bringing it in front of him. Out of natural instinct, Jordan lunged forward and tackled her to the ground. Together they rolled around, fighting over the gun.
Denise's heart thumped hard in her chest the minute she heard the shot being fired. Pulling open the door, she decided she couldn't wait for the police. He may be dead before they even got there. Running from the van she ran up to the house and opened the door. The door crashed against the wall and she ran into a scene of Jordan holding his leg after having wrestled the gun away from Carrine. He pointed it out at her, " I can't believe you shot me." She laughed, her sound bizarre and high pitched. "That's what you get you snake." Denise called out to Jordan. He glanced over at her. "I thought I told you to stay in the car. Don't you ever listen?" Just then, Carrine took this opportunity to run up and grab the gun from his hand. Holding it firmly, she pointed it at him and cocked the barrel. Denise ran toward Jordan. Just as she hit him, Denise felt a sharp pain hit her right calf. Jordan, who'd fallen to the ground got up and at break neck speed went up to Carrine who pulled the trigger of her gun again. Nothing happened. Even if it would've, Jordan didn't let it stop him from hitting her so hard in the face that she fell to the ground, out cold. The gun fell from her hand and then slid out away from her toward him. He crawled over to the weapon and scooped it up in his hands. When he did, he went over to where Denise was and saw that she was out herself. He called out her name. Just as he did, he heard a voice say, "Freeze, don't move and drop your weapon." Jordan threw the gun away from where he and Denise were.

Chapter Thirty Four

Part Two:

A Test of Love:

After Carrine had awoken from the punch Jordan gave her, she'd found herself arrested and taken to the nearest precinct. The officers asked Jordan why he didn't report any of her stalking. He'd replied that he thought changing his number would have been enough and since she hadn't made any real threat of bodily harm against him or Denise, he felt as if he really didn't have anything solid to go to the police with. He explained that that night was the first time she'd pulled out a weapon on him. She'd also been charged with trespassing and use of a deadly weapon. By the time they finished filing charges against her, Carrine had a total of fifteen years to look forward to in the state penitentiary.

eight months later:

Sophomore year

Maybe to most people, having your relationship go right for eight whole months is not really worth much of anything, you kind of get accustomed to it, however with Jordan and Denise, it was always in the back of their mind that things could be worse or just as difficult as it had been for the both of them in high school. Mostly in part due to Denise's inability to make a decision, but also due to unsavory characters. So, in response to all the trouble they previously had, they were extremely grateful that the relationship was finally headed in the right direction. She and he spent the whole summer in oblivion. Around the fall semester, Denise signed up for a course in College Algebra. Although she wasn't good at the subject, she figured she may as well get it out of the way. So, on her first day of class, she got there just as everyone was filling in, Imagine her shock when she saw that she and Trey had the class together. Because they knew each other, she figured her safest bet was to sit next to him. There was enough time for them to greet one another and that was about it as the teacher came into the class room, a large shoulder bag wrapped around her shoulders. She sat the bag down, opened it and pulled out a set of dry erase markers and two text books. One was a study manual while the other was an actual text book. Going up to the board she wrote in big letters:
Professor: Lynda Goodman
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m to 12 p.m. (TL 212)
MA 125 : College Algebra
08/2005 – 12/2005
"Hello students", she stated as she finished writing and opened another book on top her desk. "I'm professor Lynda Goodman, this is College Algebra and you have one week to decide if you would rather transfer to another course."
She opened the notebook and pulled out a stack of papers. Stepping up to the first row of students she counted out several papers and handed them to each student.
"I'm handing each of you a syllabus which is to be read on your own free time. I expect each one of you to hand your assignments in on time. Due to the fact that I know not everyone has developed math skills, I have put together several groups of twos. He or she will be your math partner during the entire semester so that if either of you have any problems, you may go to one another for help. If you are unable to solve the problem together, you may then come to me."
She came up to the row Denise and Trey occupied and handed out the papers. Denise took one and passed the rest down. "I wish for everyone to succeed in this class, so I will try my hardest to make sure that you are helped. If any of you have any problems with this course feel free to come by my office between the hours of 8 a.m to 12 p.m. On either Tuesday or Saturday. I wrote my cell number and the hours allowed for calls in the left hand corner of your syllabus. Please, only call me during those hours unless you are in dire need and I do mean dire."
Denise found this funny. She laughed to herself. Trey looked over at her wondering what was so funny. She looked down at her syllabus and noticed that there were thirty students in the course. She looked for her name. She was paired up with Treyvon Matthis. Bringng her head up she glanced over at him. He was browsing through the syllabus itself. Softly she whispered his name. He turned to her. "What's up?"
"How good are you in math?"
"I'm decent, why?"
"Well, we seemed to have gotten paired up. I just wanted to know because there is no way I can be compared with someone who don't know how to do math good enough to get a passing grade."
Trey laughed, "Hmm, we could always trudge through the trenches together."
"I guess so, huh?"
"..Anyhow, I will give you group assignments to work on together." Professor Goodman was saying. "These assignments are due every class session. Your first assignment will be expected back next week along with your individual work. Any assignments submitted after their due date is minus five points per week until the third week afterward. If the assignment isn't turned in by then please do not bother turning it in. Your grades will be given by attendance, in class participation, group assignments, individual assignments, quizzes and then the final at the end of the semester. Any questions?"
Denise exhaled sharply, thinking that this course was not going to be as easy as high school was.
Jordan had an interview at ten o'clock that morning Denise was in class. The place he had gotten the interview from was a meat packaging company in the Richmond area. When he received the phone call, the interviewer told him that they needed people who wouldn't mind
delivering meat products around the state of Virginia, so they wanted someone who new Virginia really well. He also told him that he would be explained everything else during the interview, so at ten o'clock on Wednesday, August 15th, he sat in the office of the packaging manager, who's name was Curtis Wallace. Curtis was a dark skinned African American man who wore a suit and tie. He offered Jordan coffee before the interview. Jordan declined the offer, already trying to calm his nerves. "I see that you worked for a construction company back in Chicago for the past two years."
"Yes, sir." Jordan confirmed.
"What type of work environment was it?"
"It was very fast paced and required you to be able to have certain documents ready during certain times."
"Ok, well the job that you would be doing requires an 12 hour working days. You will be going to several different stores within that period of time and it requires you to take inventory of your stock. Every store that you go to during your shift hours, you need to cross off your list because you are only given one schedule per week, it's up to you to determine which store you hit first. You are required to have a driver's license. Do you have one?"
Jordan nodded. "Yes, sir."
"You are also required to have drug screening test every two months, do you think you can manage that?"
"Yes, sir."
"The last thing it requires is a company uniform. Insurance will be covered by our company. You are allowed two violations per year. Are you able to comply with that?"
"Yes sir." Jordan answered confused. This was the interview? He thought it would be harder.
"Good Mr. Williams. Welcome to the Wallace Meat Packaging Corporation."
Jordan looked over at Mr. Wallace. "That's all?"
"If you filled out the application on line, that's all you needed to do. I need to do a back ground check and I'm sure you will get an overview of the company at the orientation."
Jordan smiled and stood, "Well, alright, thank you."
Mr. Wallace smiled back at him and grasped his hand in a firm handshake, "Thank you Mr. Williams. Are there any questions for me?"
Jordan was about to say no when he remembered the pay. "How much is the pay per hour?"
"Eleven dollars an hour, 40 hour week days. You are off any one day of the week and on the weekends."
"Ok. Would I be able to pick my own shift?"
"The shifts are first, second or third and yes, you can pick your own shift."
Jordan knew he had classes early in the morning at about eight on Mondays, and Tuesdays and then around noon he had basket ball practice til about two on Thursdays and Fridays, then once he got out, he could work from three and on. "When do I have to decide by?"
"During your orientation you will decide what hours you want to work."
"Any more questions?"
Jordan shook his head no.
"It was a pleasure interviewing you Mr. Williams."
"Thank you Mr. Wallace."
"You are welcome."
When Denise got home around three o'clock that afternoon, she found out that she'd had a few calls on her answering machine. She pressed the play button as she stripped down and got ready for a shower. One was from her mother asking her about her plans for labor day weekend. She wanted her and Jordan to come to her house for labor day weekend because they were having a cookout and she had missed them during thanks giving, Christmas and fourth of July. She wanted them to come because labor day weekend was actually her sister Victoria's birth day too. Denise sighed. She figured the least she could do would be to show up on labor day weekend for the family. She missed her family anyway. The next message was from Neema asking her to have lunch with her next weekend. The third and final message was from her dad telling her to give him a call when she got the chance because it was really important. After listening to all the messages, she walked to the bathroom and opened the door to turn on the water for a shower.
Jordan knocked on the door first. When there was no answer he took out his key and unlocked it himself. Opening the door, he heard the shower running. Shutting it, he went into the kitchen and checked the cabinets for food. There was some left over food from the dinner they'd had at Catino's, an Italian restaurant they'd eaten at the night before. Grabbing a bowl, he dumped the food in there and then put it on one minute in the microwave. Just as he was getting ready to fix their plates, the shower stopped and he heard the sliding doors open. A few minutes later, Denise came out with her hair and body both wrapped in separate towels. She walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby," She greeted.
"Hey, De-De. You hungry?"
"Starving." She went out the kitchen to the area where her closet was. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from the closet.
Jordan finished dishing out the food and then threw the containers in the trash can. Denise came back to the table and sat down in front of him. She grabbed her plate and one of the forks next to it. "How was your day?"
"It was good. I got a job today."
"Really?" Denise perked up. "Where at?"
"A company Called Wallace Packaging Corporation."
"Are you a meat packer?"
"No, I'm a delivery driver for them. I will be going around to stores within the state delivering meat."
"That's cool. Sounds like fun."
"Yep, it should be interesting. It's something new." He replied.
"That's good."
"So, how about your day? What's it been like?" He asked, switching the subject to her.
"My day has been alright. I had three classes. I had a Renaissance History course, An English Literature course and a College Algebra course. My professor for College Algebra assigned the whole class partners to work together with. It's just my luck that Trey's in my class and he and I were assigned to be partners. We have to get together at-least once a week for group work assignments."
Jordan nodded. He was tempted to inquire more about this but didn't. Instead he held off. "So, you guys will only be required to work together one day a week?"
"At minimum, yes."
"He said, ok. My classes don't start until Tuesday of next week."
Denise sighed and grasped his hand, "I wanted to go to the mall today because I want to get a new outfit. Do you want to go?"
Jordan furrowed his brow. "How is it that you're getting money? From what I can tell, you've been doing school year round."
Denise shrugged her shoulders. "The past summer I worked enough hours to save up for stuff I needed for this semester. I also have been getting money sent from Garrett, my dad and mom."
He brought her hand up to his mouth and placed a kiss on it. "You are a very special girl indeed."
She smiled, "Am I?"
He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her up on her feet he said, "Yes, you are." He took her in his arms and pulled her close. "From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet."
Denise sighed with a smile on her face. "So, why don't you show me already."
"I thought you wanted to go to the mall?" He inquired his face seemingly innocent.
"I still do, however, we have some business to tend to first."
Jordan shook his head. "We better get started then."

Chapter Thirty Five

Part Two:

A Test of Love:

After Carrine had awoken from the punch Jordan gave her, she'd found herself arrested and taken to the nearest precinct. The officers asked Jordan why he didn't report any of her stalking. He'd replied that he thought changing his number would have been enough and since she hadn't made any real threat of bodily harm against him or Denise, he felt as if he really didn't have anything solid to go to the police with. He explained that that night was the first time she'd pulled out a weapon on him. She'd also been charged with trespassing and use of a deadly weapon. By the time they finished filing charges against her, Carrine had a total of fifteen years to look forward to in the state penitentiary.

eight months later: Sophomore year
Maybe to most people, having your relationship go right for eight whole months is not really worth much of anything, you kind of get accustomed to it, however with Jordan and Denise, it was always in the back of their mind that things could be worse or just as difficult as it had been for the both of them in high school. Mostly in part due to Denise's inability to make a decision, but also due to unsavory characters. So, in response to all the trouble they previously had, they were extremely grateful that the relationship was finally headed in the right direction. She and he spent the whole summer in oblivion. Around the fall semester, Denise signed up for a course in College Algebra. Although she wasn't good at the subject, she figured she may as well get it out of the way. So, on her first day of class, she got there just as everyone was filling in, Imagine her shock when she saw that she and Trey had the class together. Because they knew each other, she figured her safest bet was to sit next to him. There was enough time for them to greet one another and that was about it as the teacher came into the class room, a large shoulder bag wrapped around her shoulders. She sat the bag down, opened it and pulled out a set of dry erase markers and two text books. One was a study manual while the other was an actual text book. Going up to the board she wrote in big letters:
Professor: Lynda Goodman
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m to 12 p.m. (TL 212)
MA 125 : College Algebra
08/2005 – 12/2005
"Hello students", she stated as she finished writing and opened another book on top her desk. "I'm professor Lynda Goodman, this is College Algebra and you have one week to decide if you would rather transfer to another course."
She opened the notebook and pulled out a stack of papers. Stepping up to the first row of students she counted out several papers and handed them to each student.
"I'm handing each of you a syllabus which is to be read on your own free time. I expect each one of you to hand your assignments in on time. Due to the fact that I know not everyone has developed math skills, I have put together several groups of twos. He or she will be your math partner during the entire semester so that if either of you have any problems, you may go to one another for help. If you are unable to solve the problem together, you may then come to me."
She came up to the row Denise and Trey occupied and handed out the papers. Denise took one and passed the rest down. "I wish for everyone to succeed in this class, so I will try my hardest to make sure that you are helped. If any of you have any problems with this course feel free to come by my office between the hours of 8 a.m to 12 p.m. On either Tuesday or Saturday. I wrote my cell number and the hours allowed for calls in the left hand corner of your syllabus. Please, only call me during those hours unless you are in dire need and I do mean dire."
Denise found this funny. She laughed to herself. Trey looked over at her wondering what was so funny. She looked down at her syllabus and noticed that there were thirty students in the course. She looked for her name. She was paired up with Treyvon Matthis. Bringng her head up she glanced over at him. He was browsing through the syllabus itself. Softly she whispered his name. He turned to her. "What's up?"
"How good are you in math?"
"I'm decent, why?"
"Well, we seemed to have gotten paired up. I just wanted to know because there is no way I can be compared with someone who don't know how to do math good enough to get a passing grade."
Trey laughed, "Hmm, we could always trudge through the trenches together."
"I guess so, huh?"
"..Anyhow, I will give you group assignments to work on together." Professor Goodman was saying. "These assignments are due every class session. Your first assignment will be expected back next week along with your individual work. Any assignments submitted after their due date is minus five points per week until the third week afterward. If the assignment isn't turned in by then please do not bother turning it in. Your grades will be given by attendance, in class participation, group assignments, individual assignments, quizzes and then the final at the end of the semester. Any questions?"
Denise exhaled sharply, thinking that this course was not going to be as easy as high school was.
Jordan had an interview at ten o'clock that morning Denise was in class. The place he had gotten the interview from was a meat packaging company in the Richmond area. When he received the phone call, the interviewer told him that they needed people who wouldn't mind
delivering meat products around the state of Virginia, so they wanted someone who new Virginia really well. He also told him that he would be explained everything else during the interview, so at ten o'clock on Wednesday, August 15th, he sat in the office of the packaging manager, who's name was Curtis Wallace. Curtis was a dark skinned African American man who wore a suit and tie. He offered Jordan coffee before the interview. Jordan declined the offer, already trying to calm his nerves. "I see that you worked for a construction company back in Chicago for the past two years."
"Yes, sir." Jordan confirmed.
"What type of work environment was it?"
"It was very fast paced and required you to be able to have certain documents ready during certain times."
"Ok, well the job that you would be doing requires an 12 hour working days. You will be going to several different stores within that period of time and it requires you to take inventory of your stock. Every store that you go to during your shift hours, you need to cross off your list because you are only given one schedule per week, it's up to you to determine which store you hit first. You are required to have a driver's license. Do you have one?"
Jordan nodded. "Yes, sir."
"You are also required to have drug screening test every two months, do you think you can manage that?"
"Yes, sir."
"The last thing it requires is a company uniform. Insurance will be covered by our company. You are allowed two violations per year. Are you able to comply with that?"
"Yes sir." Jordan answered confused. This was the interview? He thought it would be harder.
"Good Mr. Williams. Welcome to the Wallace Meat Packaging Corporation."
Jordan looked over at Mr. Wallace. "That's all?"
"If you filled out the application on line, that's all you needed to do. I need to do a back ground check and I'm sure you will get an overview of the company at the orientation."
Jordan smiled and stood, "Well, alright, thank you."
Mr. Wallace smiled back at him and grasped his hand in a firm handshake, "Thank you Mr. Williams. Are there any questions for me?"
Jordan was about to say no when he remembered the pay. "How much is the pay per hour?"
"Eleven dollars an hour, 40 hour week days. You are off any one day of the week and on the weekends."
"Ok. Would I be able to pick my own shift?"
"The shifts are first, second or third and yes, you can pick your own shift."
Jordan knew he had classes early in the morning at about eight on Mondays, and Tuesdays and then around noon he had basket ball practice til about two on Thursdays and Fridays, then once he got out, he could work from three and on. "When do I have to decide by?"
"During your orientation you will decide what hours you want to work."
"Any more questions?"
Jordan shook his head no.
"It was a pleasure interviewing you Mr. Williams."
"Thank you Mr. Wallace."
"You are welcome."
When Denise got home around three o'clock that afternoon, she found out that she'd had a few calls on her answering machine. She pressed the play button as she stripped down and got ready for a shower. One was from her mother asking her about her plans for labor day weekend. She wanted her and Jordan to come to her house for labor day weekend because they were having a cookout and she had missed them during thanks giving, Christmas and fourth of July. She wanted them to come because labor day weekend was actually her sister Victoria's birth day too. Denise sighed. She figured the least she could do would be to show up on labor day weekend for the family. She missed her family anyway. The next message was from Neema asking her to have lunch with her next weekend. The third and final message was from her dad telling her to give him a call when she got the chance because it was really important. After listening to all the messages, she walked to the bathroom and opened the door to turn on the water for a shower.
Jordan knocked on the door first. When there was no answer he took out his key and unlocked it himself. Opening the door, he heard the shower running. Shutting it, he went into the kitchen and checked the cabinets for food. There was some left over food from the dinner they'd had at Catino's, an Italian restaurant they'd eaten at the night before. Grabbing a bowl, he dumped the food in there and then put it on one minute in the microwave. Just as he was getting ready to fix their plates, the shower stopped and he heard the sliding doors open. A few minutes later, Denise came out with her hair and body both wrapped in separate towels. She walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby," She greeted.
"Hey, De-De. You hungry?"
"Starving." She went out the kitchen to the area where her closet was. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from the closet.
Jordan finished dishing out the food and then threw the containers in the trash can. Denise came back to the table and sat down in front of him. She grabbed her plate and one of the forks next to it. "How was your day?"
"It was good. I got a job today."
"Really?" Denise perked up. "Where at?"
"A company Called Wallace Packaging Corporation."
"Are you a meat packer?"
"No, I'm a delivery driver for them. I will be going around to stores within the state delivering meat."
"That's cool. Sounds like fun."
"Yep, it should be interesting. It's something new." He replied.
"That's good."
"So, how about your day? What's it been like?" He asked, switching the subject to her.
"My day has been alright. I had three classes. I had a Renaissance History course, An English Literature course and a College Algebra course. My professor for College Algebra assigned the whole class partners to work together with. It's just my luck that Trey's in my class and he and I were assigned to be partners. We have to get together at-least once a week for group work assignments."
Jordan nodded. He was tempted to inquire more about this but didn't. Instead he held off. "So, you guys will only be required to work together one day a week?"
"At minimum, yes."
"He said, ok. My classes don't start until Tuesday of next week."
Denise sighed and grasped his hand, "I wanted to go to the mall today because I want to get a new outfit. Do you want to go?"
Jordan furrowed his brow. "How is it that you're getting money? From what I can tell, you've been doing school year round."
Denise shrugged her shoulders. "The past summer I worked enough hours to save up for stuff I needed for this semester. I also have been getting money sent from Garrett, my dad and mom."
He brought her hand up to his mouth and placed a kiss on it. "You are a very special girl indeed."
She smiled, "Am I?"
He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her up on her feet he said, "Yes, you are." He took her in his arms and pulled her close. "From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet."
Denise sighed with a smile on her face. "So, why don't you show me already."
"I thought you wanted to go to the mall?" He inquired his face seemingly innocent.
"I still do, however, we have some business to tend to first."
Jordan shook his head. "We better get started then."

Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Four:
Two weeks later.

Denise was in the Library, looking up homework for her first research project that had been assigned in her renaissance course on Tuesday. She had to research different people who contributed to society during that time, whether they were an artist, scientist or mathematician or any other type of person who had a pivotal role in history during that time. She'd narrowed it down to St. Clare of Assisi and Michelangelo. Although she knew St. Clare of Assisi was not necessarily part of the renaissance, she decided to do one on her anyway. Her real interest was in the Poore Clares, who were a group of nuns who were active during the renaissance. Sighing, Denise looked for literature on the Poore Clares and St. Clare. After finding it, she chose a table to sit down at and opened the book to read. About an hour into her book, she heard a chair being moved out from under the table. Thinking nothing of it, she continued reading the book.
"Is that book good?"
A smile immediately forming, she sat the book down face up on the table. "Well, here I thought basketball players never came to the library."
"Why would you assume that?" The young man who sat down in front of her inquired. Denise inhaled softly, taking in his features. He had a beard that was trimmed along the face. He had dark brown eyes that were the same coffee brown as hers and dark skin as equal to hers. His mouth was full and luscious with a nice trimmed mustache. He was now leaned down to get his book out of his bag.
"I haven't met one ball player that went to the library on his free time."
The young man laughed, "Well, Denise, I guess you can say I'm not the average basketball player."
Denise chuckled, "I guess not huh. What are you here for?"
"I actually come here to get my work done."
"Oh yeah?"
"My room mate is always playing his music too loud, so I had to get out of there. He likes rock, so naturally, I had a splitting headache."
"Hmmn. I just came here because I needed to do some research for my Renaissance course."
Trey nodded, "Oh, ok. I know you always be hitting the books."
"It's like an internal clock. I have to do my work or else I get antsy toward the due dates."
Trey nodded at that, "You sound a lot like my little sister Shania."
Denise looked up to him again, "Really?"
"Yep, she's just entering her senior year. She has nothing but straight A's. She's going to go to John Hopkins University to become a doctor."
Denise raised a brow. "Impressive. Isn't that where Dr. Benjamin Carson studied?"
Trey nodded, "Yeah, I'm impressed that you know that."
"Dr. Benjamin Carson is the most famous Pediatric Neurosurgeon in the country and not to mention the fact that he's black."
Trey agreed, "Right, that's awesome isn't it?"
"Yep, so your sister's determined to become a doctor at John Hopkins huh?"
"Yep, she wants to become a doctor and figure she'd do her registry there after she complete's her undergraduate at the University of California."
"She already knows where she's going?" Denise asked, curious.
He nodded, "Yep."
Denise nodded and sighed, turning back to her book. Looking back up at him after a minute she said, "So what are you going for?"
"My bachelor's in Business Accounting."
Denise narrowed her brow, "An accountant?"
"Yes, surprised?"
Denise laughed, "Astonished."
"Didn't expect that from a basketball player?"
"Not necessarily. Most of them want to go into the pros."
"Is that what Jordan wants to do?" He asked.
Denise's heart fluttered at the mention of his name, a grin formed wide on her face, "He wants to go into Law."
"That's interesting..." He stated, sitting his pencil down, knowing that he wouldn't get that far at this point.
"What?" Denise asked.
"I just never saw him as that type."
"What did you see him as?"
"I don't know. I thought maybe an officer and only this because of his field. I also thought maybe a teacher or something."
Denise raised a brow, "How weird. I can see him as a teacher. He has a great amount of patience and he's a good tutor."
"See that's what I mean, he's kind of soft." He quickly added, "Not in the bad way, just sensitive."
Denise sighed, "You have no idea."
Trey nodded, "That doesn't sound too good."
"It's not a bad thing, but he can get quite emotional at times. I love it but I hate it too."
Trey laughed, "Women. you guys always say you want someone who's sensitive and caring, and loving, and all that jazz and then you change your mind when you get it."
Denise reached out and touched his hand, "That's not true. I absolutely, positively, love Jordan and I think he's a wonderful guy, but sometimes he can be a bit much."
Trey's eyes darkened and he said, "So what you're saying is that you need someone who's not as sensitive, caring and loving." Denise sighed, "You're mixing my words. I'm just saying that he's not the type of guy I'd normally go for."
"What's your type, Denise?"
Denise cleared her throat. "I am usually attracted to the type of guy who can hold their emotions in check. The kind that can take charge."
"Someone who can take the lead every now and again?"
Trey nodded his head, understanding.
Denise looked up into his eyes and when she did, there was a strength there she hadn't noticed. Removing her hand from the top of his, she placed them on her lap, "You know what I mean."
Trey nodded, "I know exactly what you mean." Somehow, the tone of his voice unnerved her. Grabbing her bag, she picked up her book.
"Where are you going?"
Denise shrugged her shoulders, "I have some stuff I need to take care of."
Trey leaned back in his chair and took in her demeanor. Her body language said she was lying, but he let it slide, "Alright Denise, I'll see you on Monday."
Denise glanced up, "We don't have class till Wednesday."
He nodded, "I know, but we have that worksheet that's due before class and if you need any other help, I'd be glad to assist."
Denise felt as if her throat was dry. She had the feeling it wasn't just work he was talking about. "Thanks Trey, I'll see you on Monday." She put the bag over her shoulder and was about to walk toward the door when he stopped her, "What time on Monday?"
"I'm free about twelve."
"I can do twelve."
"Cool, Monday at twelve."
He nodded, "Monday at twelve."
On that note, Denise made her way toward the exit.

Trey thought as she left the library, wondering what type of partner she would make. Just as easily as this thought entered, he immediately was filled with guilt. He thought of Jordan who was a friend and for his sake, he didn't want to even go down that road and not to mention the fact that Denise seemed to really love him. Another thought entertained itself into his mind. What if she wasn't in love with him? If she was in love with Jordan would she have been so kind to him? Would she have put her hand on his and then removed it once she realized that on some deep level he was hinting at her that he was the type of man she was looking for?
This, among other things had him seriously thinking about her.

Before Denise decided to go home, she made a stop at Jordan's place. When she got there, immediately his 2000 Pontiac was noticed in the parking lot. She parked her vehicle, got out and then walked up to the door. Once inside the building, she made her way to his dorm room. Although she had a key, she chose to knock first, just in case his room mate was there. As expected, his room mate answered the door. He was going for a degree in Engineering. He was a junior this year. When he opened the door, Denise greeted him. "Hi Yen."
Yen was a second generation Chinese man. His family had migrated to the United States during World War II. Yen Li was of average height but with a slender build. He smiled and greeted her back, "Hey, Denise, Jordan's knocked out."
"That's cool, I'll just wake him up."
Yen stepped aside to allow her in the room, "I doubt that will happen, he just got in about 10 minutes before you showed up."
Denise nodded, "Well, in that case, I'll just crawl into bed right next to him. With this, she removed her shoes and socks. Chen sighed and said, "Well, I'm going to go find a place to study. I'll let you guys be alone for a while."
"Ok." By now Denise had removed all necessities that needed to be removed and climbed into bed next to him. Immediately his arms curled around her body. Denise snuggled back into him and closed her eyes. Within minutes, she was asleep next to him. Maybe she'd been a lot tired than she'd expected.

He couldn't stop staring at her. He wanted too, but he couldn't seem to get pass the milk chocolate skin tone, huge round brown eyes and the most luscious body he'd ever seen. She was curvacious in all the right places. It didn't matter what she wore, Denise Calloway looked edible. Today, she'd worn a dark brown wool turtleneck sweater with dark colored jeans that had a washout faded look to them with white boots that looked good on her. Her hair was done up in a thick ponytail with its curls hanging down to her shoulders. She had on diamond earrings that he was sure he'd never seen her wear before. She also had a butterfly necklace in white gold nestled in the middle of her chest. The necklace did nothing but accentuate the full breasts that lay beneath her sweater. Inhaling a sharp breath, Trey felt the blood rush to his head again and a bulge rise in his pants. They'd been in class for two months and the only thing he could think about was wanting to feel her lips against his. Immediately, his gave went to the ring on her left hand and he felt guilty. Why did he have to lust after a woman he knew would never be his? He doubted that she even noticed him in that way.

"She's fine as hell ain't she?" A voice was heard as the young man stood next to him. Anton had come out of the guys locker room and now approached Trey.
"She's off limits. Don't you see that damn rock on her finger."
Anton shook his head, "It never hurts to look. Shit give me a chance with her and I guarantee you she would never put it back on."
Trey glanced over at him. "She's off limits."
Anton laughed, "Are you telling me that or trying to convince yourself that? I know she got that damn rock on her hand, I ain't stupid. I still don't think that white boy tappin' that ass right. If I was given the chance, I would hit it so hard it would knock her ass unconscious."

Trey stroked the beard on his chin. He knew Jordan was in the locker room still getting changed from the practice session they had and thank God that he was, because if he'd heard Anton's words he probably would've beat him down. Trey already knew from that look in his eyes that Jordan was crazy about the girl. Denise was even crazier about him, which is why he knew that his thoughts would never come to fruition, but damn she always looked and smelled good. He didn't know what she was wearing but he found it extremely arousing. He'd been finding it harder and harder to concentrate on his school work with her next to him in the class. Shaking his head, he turned away from where she stood at the bleachers, and walked out of the gym. As he did, Anton was cordial. Trey stuck up a peace symbol telling him bye. Anton shook his head, hating Jordan all the more. He couldn't stand the fact that a sister like that was with him. What could he possibly give her that Anton couldn't, or Trey for that matter. He knew she couldn't stand him, so the only brother he could picture with a stuck up sister like that was Trey. He was all smart and shit. Geeky in the same way that Jordan was, but Anton would sooner except Trey than he would Jordan. Glancing back at her, he got even angrier.

Jordan stuck his ball in his duffel bag and made his way out of the locker room. He'd changed into the same clothes he'd come into practice with and then headed out. When he did, he watched as Denise's eyes perked up upon seeing him. He smiled at her. Her grin became even wider. When he walked past Anton, he heard a growl of hostility. Turning to him, he said, "Why do you do that when ever I walk by you?"
Anton focused his attention on Jordan, the object of his fury. "Because you think you bad because you got that stuck up bitch."
Jordan's face reddened displaying his own animosity, going up to him, he yelled, "Call her a bitch one more time. You're hating cause she's not with you." Anton snarled out at him, "You fucking people think the world is yours for the taking. The jobs, the money, the houses, the cars, fuckin' everything, including our women. What the fuck do you have that she can't get from any black man?"
Denise, who'd been alerted when Jordan had yelled, took in the interaction and put a hand up to her mouth. She ran over to where they were. She knew that his hatred of Anton was real. Just as Anton's hatred for him was real. She didn't want this. Jordan reached out and grabbed the collar of Anton's shirt seeing red. "You fucking prejudice bastard!" He'd had enough of Anton. He hated him just as much as Anton hated him. He was always trying to come in between him and Denise, because he couldn't stand that he wasn't black.
"Jordan, baby, don't!" Denise screamed as she made her way toward them. Just as she said this, she watched as Anton slammed a fist down into his gut.

Immediately, Jordan released his shirt but took a swing at him with the other hand. His fist connected with his jaw. This seemed to fuel the young man's anger. Denise screamed no as she came to a short stop. She knew there was nothing she could do now. They were going to duke it out whether she liked it or not. Jordan's voice boomed at the top of his lungs, sending chills down Denise's spine as she observed what was taking place. "You want to see just how much of a man I am? Huh? I'm going to show you what you want to see." Jordan flung his bag onto the ground and walked over to Anton. Both boys then proceeded to beat each other senseless. Denise reached into her pocket with shaky hands and dialed campus security. In tears she gave the police a brief description of what was going on. By the time they got there, both boys were battered and bruised and it took at-least six of them to pull both boys apart. When they did, Jordan's chest was heaving and Anton was screaming, "This ain't over you fuckin' pecker wood." Jordan glared at him, hating him with every fiber of his being. "Shut the fuck up, you just mad because you're not me." He yelled back. At this, Anton tried to break away from the officers to get to him. Jordan balled his fists up, "Let him go, ooh, let his ass go and I'm going to set fire to him real quick!" The officers pulled at Jordan too, who was trying to look over at Anton. They said, "You two need to calm down. Jordan watched as Anton became irate, fueling so many degrading names at him, he wanted to just beat him till his hands bled, but because he knew the officers who held him wouldn't let him go, he calmed down instead. Denise was still there trembling, scared and sad at what she'd just witnessed. She'd never realized they hated each other that much. Tears still ran down her eyes as a female officer came over to her and ushered her over to the bleachers.

Once Jordan calmed down, he felt the pain of his current fight. The officers finally let him go after fifteen minutes and explained to him that they were taking him down to the station where he would have to give a statement of what happened. As they were leading him out of the building, he noticed Denise with the lady officer and body shaking from the intensity of having witnessed that, he felt ashamed. Ashamed that she'd been there to see it. Although he loved her, he was still witnessing looks of hostility and anger of some of the black guys in the school. Even the white guys were giving him looks of disgust. He didn't care. To him, she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen and evidently several guys were taking notice of that beauty now. He'd often over heard the catcalls and damns whenever she went somewhere. In a sense he was proud but he was getting irritated that every time he turned around, there was some other guy drooling over her or trying to approach her. At first she'd come to him with stories of how men would approach her, however once seeing the look of sheer agitation on his face, she'd stopped. Now, he was angry at himself for letting his anger get the best of him and letting her see it. He walked out with the police men, his head hung in shame.

When Jordan was finally released about an hour later, he went to his dorm room to take a hot shower to get rid of the pain that had been caused externally. Internally was another matter. When he got there, he saw Denise standing outside his room. This caused him to hang his head as he made it to his dorm room. Her eyes were puffy and red from the crying and shaking she'd been doing. When he got to the door, Denise grabbed his arm, "Jordan, baby, it's not your fault." She stated. He pulled away from her, not saying anything. Opening the door, he went in and cut on his light. His room mate's bed was still the way he'd left it that morning. After she saw her self in, she closed the door and stood next to it, unsure of what to do. He hadn't said anything to her. He just went into the bathroom, turned on the shower head and closed the door. Denise went to his bed and sat down on it.
When Jordan got out of the shower, he wasn't surprised to find her still sitting on the bed quietly. ""
He refused to look at her. In the shower, he'd gone from feeling guilty to feeling over exasperated. He was tired of the looks, tired of the way people looked at them. It wasn't 1949 anymore, it was 2004 and everywhere he looked there seemed to be animosity from every angle. He hated it. He hadn't done anything but love Denise but it seemed as of lately all he'd encountered was hostility and for the most part, the people who were doing it were mostly black men.
"It wasn't your fault Jordan."
Jordan looked up at her, a pained expression in his eyes. "I know that Denise. You don't know how many brothers have been looking at me like they want to kill me lately. Especially the ones on campus. It's alright for them to talk to white girls but I can't talk to you?" He put a frustrated hand through his hair, "What kind of shit is that? What makes them think they're better than me?"
Denise inhaled, "It's because of slavery and the way everything was..."
Jordan cut her off. "That's bull shit Denise. If slavery had anything to do with it, they wouldn't like white girls."
"You know what Jordan, baby.." Denise got up and went over to him and ran a hand over his shoulder. "It doesn't matter because we're going to be together regardless." Jordan shook his head no. "What if you and I shouldn't be together, Denise? What if we are meant to be with someone else?"
Denise turned his body toward hers, "What do you mean?"
Jordan inhaled a sharp breath. "I mean, what if we aren't supposed to be together? It seems that every time we are together, there's nothing but drama."
Denise's voice rose a fraction, "That's dumb Jordan."
Jordan glanced into her eyes, "Is it?"
Denise nodded her head vigorously, "Don't Jordan, please don't." She grabbed his hand and pulled it up to her mouth. "I love you, Jordan. Don't you get it?"
"In life Denise, love is just a four letter word. It doesn't matter if you love me or I love you, people still are going to talk. They're going to be unacceptable of us. Maybe you should be with a black man."
Denise shook her head no. "Jordan, I understand..." Her voice shook as she tried to get out the words. They squeezed in her throat. "I understand that it's difficult for you but we have love baby, that's all we need."
Jordan pulled his hand from hers. "No it's not Denise. If it was, people wouldn't act a fool every time they see us together."
"Jordan, the only people who do that are Anton and his cronies. I don't care what they say."
Jordan shook his head, "Denise, I got into a fight tonight because he hated seeing us together. Do you know how that feels? Do you know how it feels to have someone hate you because you're dating someone of a different color than yourself?"
"I went through it with your uncle the first time I met him."
"Denise, it's been a year. Twelve whole months since he and I first met and it seems like he hates me more and more. It seems like there are more and more people with each growing month. Do you know what it's like to have other guys ogle you and then look at me like I'm the worst man on the planet because I have you and they don't?"
"Jordan, none of that matters to me. I love you, I'm with you, not them."
Jordan shook his head, "No, you know what; I don't think we should get married Denise." Denise raised her voice this time, hysterical. "WHAT!"
He looked up at her, his eyes hard, "We shouldn't be together, De-De. This is a mistake."
"Jordan, but..but..all the stuff.." Her voice cracked and she felt tears well up in her eyes. "I'm going to leave, just need to calm down and think things through more, you are over exaggerating everything...I..I...I'm going to go." She ran to the door before he could finish ripping her heart to pieces.

Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter 35
Mid September.

Jordan felt a heavy weight in his heart when ever he looked at her photo, which sat on his desk and in his wallet. He was sitting there at his desk staring at her photo, but when he thought about what happened with Anton, he was still furious. Grabbing her photo, he took it and placed it in the bottom drawer. Looking around the room, he took anything that reminded him of her down. He even went through everything she'd given him the past year. He was rummaging through the closet when he heard a knock at the door. A black scarf with gloves she'd bought him was draped across his arms. Another knock sounded. Going to the door he opened it. The person of his thoughts stood there, staring back at him with a smile. Because he couldn't conjure one up, he just stared at her and then turned back to the task of what he was doing. He took the scarf over to the garbage bag and dropped it in there. Denise looked over at the walls. They were bare of all the cards she'd bought and given to him over the past year. Looking over to his desk, she noticed that her picture was gone. Closing the door, her heart beat sped up, "Are you redecorating or something?"
Jordan said in a flat quiet tone. "Something like that."
"Why'd you take everything off the wall? Where's my picture?" She walked past him, to where he went through the closet again and grabbed the clothing she'd brought him. When she saw him take it down, she asked, "Jordan, what are you doing?" Her voice was trembling and you could hear the tears coming up to the surface. She ran into the living area off the dorm and noticed the books she'd bought him on non fictional crimes were gone. Turning to where he stood, she grasped the necklace that hung around her neck and pulled at it. It broke. "While you're at it, don't forget this." Pursing her lips together, she wiped her eyes as the ache became overbearing, "An..and..." She couldn't even get the words out as she pulled off the ring he'd given her and threw it in the bag as well. He listened, as she walked to the door. The sobbing she was doing became louder; against her wishes as she'd tried to hold back the pool of tears that cascaded down her cheeks. She opened it and walked out. A few seconds later, she opened the door again and came back into the room. Reaching up, she landed a hard slap across his face. This whipped his head to the side. She gasped, her heart split in two, "Don't ever, ever call me again."

Three months after Jordan officially broke up with her, Denise was still crying. Although she went to class, she was so lost and so hurt that she could not tell you anything she'd been instructed in the classes. She tried so hard to forget about him, but it seemed that as the days went by, her love for him grew stronger. She missed him so bad. She still was in shock over the fact that he'd broken up with her. This time it wasn't her fault. Inside she felt as if her life was dying out. She slept more, ate more and became increasingly moody toward everyone. She was depressed. She wouldn't talk to anyone, not even Neema, who was the closest friend she had on campus. To top it all off, she had been missing her period for a good thirty days. This she knew was due to stress. Not because she'd been to the doctor, but because it had to be. There was no way she could get pregnant while on birth control, especially when she took it regularly. She was scared to even think that she might be. Never mind the fact that her breasts were always sore, there was a regular bloating in her stomach and certain foods made her throw up. She could barely stomach being around anyone when they cooked. But, no, this stuff didn't mean she was pregnant. There was no way in hell she would raise that Jerk's baby on her own. Taking a deep breath, she stared up at the wall, her eyelids heavy, but unable to fall asleep. She wished so hard that she didn't think about him. She wished so hard that she didn't smell his scent at the oddest times and she wished even harder that she could die. She knew a quick death would make her pain go away. She'd thought of all the possible ways of killing him before finally coming to the conclusion that maybe she was the one better off dead.

Getting up, she went into the kitchen to see what her chosen weapon would be. She knew she wanted something quick, something painless, however, she didn't know what. A glance at the knives, and she knew from in the movies that that wouldn't work. She continued to look around for stuff. She opened the bottom cabinets of cleaning solutions and sighed melancholy. Which was quicker? Death by bleach or death by Pine sol? At this point she didn't really care. She grabbed the bottle of pine sol and twisted the cap off. Just then a knock came at the door. She paused. Glancing at the pine sol, she tilted it up to her mouth.
After knocking, Neema gathered the idea that if Denise was not answering any of her calls she wouldn't answer the door. Just out of thought, it occured to her to twist the door knob. She did so and when she did, just her luck, it opened. She called out Denise's name. Letting her know that she was there.

Denise's head turned toward the sound of Neema's voice. Just as she did, Neema peered around the corner. A loud gasp escaped her lips as she raced to help her friend, "De, no, girl, no, don't do that. Going over to Denise, she grabbed the bottle from her hand and inspected it to see what was left. There was no way to tell if she had drank any or not. Neema glanced down at a despondent Denise, “De, did you drink any of this?” Denise glanced up at her, lips trembling, tears pooling at the corner of her eyes, “I would have had you not interrupted me. Neema exhaled, relieved. Reaching down, she grabbed Denise's hand and pulled her up to her feet. "De, honey, that's not the way to do things girl."
"I don't care." Denise stated, her tone soft. .
"What about your family? Don't you think they would miss you?"
Denise shook her head no.
"What about school?"
"It doesn't matter. I don't care anymore. I just want to die." She pulled away from Neema and dropped down onto the bed. Her heart aching so bad she was sure it would explode at any minute.
"Denise, Jordan was a jerk."
"I wish I never met him, Neema. He did this to me." The pain that engulfed her only made the ache intensify even more. God she wished Neema hadn't shown up.
Neema swallowed and knelt down in front of her friend. "I know, sugar, but killing yourself won't make it go away."
Denise shrugged her shoulders and expelled a sharp breath. " I won't think about him anymore. I can stop crying and not miss him so much. If I was gone, I wouldn't hurt. I hurt so much I didn't think I'd ever hurt like this."
"I know love, but you got to be strong."
"Strong? I used to be strong before I met him, I never let any guy come near me, let alone talk to me, but then after I met him it all changed. I became weak and feeble."
Neema inhaled sharply, "You are not weak and feeble."
"If so, then why can't I get past this? Why is it that it hurt worse than when we were in high school and we broke up? Why do I feel like dying? I want to die, Neema. I hate that he broke my heart. I know I did a lot of stuff in high school that broke his heart too, but he forgave me for it, because he came back. Neema, he loved me so good that I was convinced that he really did feel something for me. When we got a second chance Neema.." Her lips started quivering and she gasped out a soft cry, "Neema, he told me that he was not going to ever let me go." Neema watched as even in heart break Denise struggled against the tears that fell like a steady rain on her face. She felt her friend's heart ache. Sympathized with it. "He took everything I'd ever given him and put it in a trash bag. He took my picture and put that in there too. I ripped that butterfly necklace off and threw it in the bag, even the ring went into that bag."

Neema nodded as her friend turned into her and sobbed uncontrollably against her. She hated Jordan for what he did. Inhaling sharply, she sat on the bed next to her friend and held her close. She knew that there was no way she'd leave her alone over the next few days. She wouldn't leave her alone again until she stopped talking about suicide.

Jordan took a deep breath, sighed and went back into the solemn expression on his face. He tried to work himself to the bone in school and work, so that he wouldn't think of her; but he couldn't stop. The smell of her fragrant perfume seemed to seep into his nose at the oddest times, tantalizing his senses, giving him a serious blood flow in a region he didn't want it to. The kiss of her lips still were like a shadow on his mouth. Even the feel of her body against his was like an imprint that walked with him everyday. If that wasn't enough even when he slept, he dreamed of her. Lately he'd been dreaming of her non stop. He closed his eyes and let the pressure of the water hit his back so that it could ease the ache of his muscles. He knew that he wouldn't love anybody else for the rest of his life. He couldn't see himself getting over her any time soon. As a matter of fact, he didn't feel any more relieved about breaking up with her than before they were separated. He'd felt so compelled at the time to do it, but now that he was away from her, he wished she was there. He wished that he could take it all back, but he knew she wouldn't want to talk to him. He knew she wouldn't want anything to do with him. The way she'd cried, he was lucky she hadn't killed him yet. Turning the shower off, Jordan pushed back the shower stall and grabbed his towel off the towel rack and wiped his body of the dripping water.

After he'd dressed and was about ready for bed, a knock at the door sounded. Jordan glanced down at his watch. It was ten thirty at night, who could be here. Going up to the door, he pulled the door open. To his surprise Neema was standing there with her arms folded across her chest, "Can I talk to you ass hole?"
Jordan didn't have the spirit to fight with her. Moving aside, he allowed her entrance.
"You know, you're a world class ass hole." Neema stated furiously.
"Ok." He stated.
"I thought you were a decent guy? I thought you loved her?"
"I do." He whispered.
"So, why the hell did you break up with her? What did she do?"
He shook his head no. "Nothing. She didn't do anything."
"So why? You fucking cut my best-friend's heart into little pieces." Neema stated, her tone firm but low and also deadly.
"She will be alright."
"She will be alright? She'll be alright?" Coming up to him, Neema said, "Did you know that I found her in the kitchen about to drink a whole gallon of pinesol."
Jordan felt his heart drop and the bottom of his stomach fall, "Is she ok?"
"She didn't drink anything, but she cried and poured her heart out to me." He closed his eyes and expelled a breath. His tone shaky over the news, he inquired, "Why are you telling me this then?"
Neema glanced up at him, "Because you dumb ass, she loves you. She wants to be with you."
"And..." Jordan inquired, his eyes glossing over.
Neema cleared her throat, "You may be able to fool everybody, including Denise, but I know that you love her, Jordan. Was that fight not over her in the gym?"
Jordan's jaw locked, "What's your point?"
"So, if you fought for her, why not be with her? None of this makes since. Why the hell would you let some people you don't even know tell you that you're not good for her when you wouldn't even let your uncle tell you that?"
Jordan's face shot up. "What?"
"You heard me. Why would you let those guys intimidate you into not being with her when you knew your uncle didn't even like her but you stuck to your guns then."
"What ever, Neema, I'm not intimidated by any body."
Neema rolled her eyes, "You guys and this macho bull shit!” She spat out disgusted, “ Cut the crap Jordan. You were scared for one reason or another."
Jordan's eyes darkened, "I was not! If I was scared of those guys, why would I fight the ring leader?"
Neema glared up at him and said, "I guess if it's not the guys it has something to do with the girl. So, what's it about Denise that got you being a wimp?"
Jordan's face flushed. He felt embarrassed. "That's enough Neema," He countered, ushering her toward the door.
"What the hell?" Neema paused and turned around to him, "I thought you were different Jordan. I thought you really did love her?"
Jordan shook his head no. "She doesn't need me, Neema."
Neema crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him. "She needs you now more than ever Jordan. She needs you because you are the glue that hold you guys together. She's miserable without you. If you love her like you say you do, you chock up this stupid shit you're tripping over and marry the girl. It's what you set out to do in the first place. Who cares what other people say about you two being together. It's you and her who have to live your lives, not those people." Neema turned and walked away from him and out of the door.

Denise knew something was wrong, because her period was now past due two months and she felt bloating was only getting worse. Going over to the mirror that hung along her door, she glanced into it. She couldn't be pregnant, right? Her doctor told her that if she continued to take the birth control, she wouldn't get pregnant. He assured her that the birth control was a great prevention of pregnancy. Clearing her throat, she glanced at herself in the mirror. Her size eight jeans were now a size ten. Her face seemed fuller than it already had been. She removed her shirt and her bra too. Her areas surrounding the nipple were large around round. Her breasts were even bigger and she was sore. She ran her hand over her stomach. Feeling the roundness underneath, her heart beat accelerated as she felt the heaviness in her stomach. She closed her eyes and leaned against the mirror. Tears were coming down her cheeks. Inhaling sharply, she knew she couldn't deny it. She was pregnant and there was nothing she could do. She knew she didn't want to raise a child by herself. As the tears cascaded down her cheeks, she felt the burn in her throat began.

Sliding down the frame of the mirror, she put her hands in her face and thought about how much she hurt. Every time she thought about having a baby that she and Jordan made together it seemed to shatter her heart all over again. She prayed that the child didn't have his eyes or his personality or any part of him. She wished that the child would in no way remind her of him because if it did, she didn't think she could handle it. If she could get rid of it, she would. Anything, so that she wouldn't be reminded. Swallowing the ache in her throat, it occurred to her that she didn't really have to have the baby if she didn't want to. The only problem she needed to worry about was the fact that she needed the money for it, but she could get that from her parents or Quinton, provided that she didn't tell them what it was for.

Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Six:

Denise stood at her mother's door, her body trembling. She was so scared and so nervous to ask her mother for the money. She felt the adrenaline flow through her entire body in one big rush. The door opened and she stood facing her mother. "Denise, hey, baby!" Her mother greeted, immediately pulling her into a hug. Denise wrapped her arms around her, and replied, "Hi mom. How are you doing?" The two women released each other after a moment. "I'm doing good. How about you?"
Denise shook her head, "I'm fine." Even to her own ears , Denise's tone of voice sounded flat. Mrs. Richards grasped her daughter's hands and pulled her into the house. "I see that you brought a few things to stay the weekend."
Denise cleared her throat, "If that's ok with you."
Her mother nodded, "Baby you know you're welcomed here, this is just as much your home as it is everyone else's who live here."
"Right. Speaking of everyone else, where is everybody?"
Her mother shrugged, following her daughter into the living room from the hallway. She noticed the slight widening in Denise's hips. This caused her to speculate. Bringing some questions to mind.
"Your father is at a meeting this morning and Vicki is a way at school. She'll be back around seven tonight, that's if she doesn't sleep over at Candice's."
Denise laughed, "Whoever thought that they'd last beyond high school?"
"The same could be said about you and Jordan, speaking of which, how is he by the way?"
Denise sighed forlornly and sat her luggage down by the stair case and turned to face her, "I wouldn't know."
Immediately, Mrs. Richards saw the pain appear in her daughter's eyes. "Not again, Denise."
Denise shook her head and swiped at a tear, in a tight voice, she whispered, "You'll be happy to know it wasn't me this time."
Her mother narrowed her brow, "What?"
"Yeah, he said he couldn't stand the dirty looks and sneers people were giving him when ever they saw us together. Mainly the brothers."
Mrs. Richards came over to Denise and grasped her hand in hers, "What?"
Denise gave off a sarcastic laugh, "Yep. He hated that anytime we were out there were always men staring at me. He hated knowing that they were jealous of him being with me."
Mrs. Richards cleared her throat, "That doesn't make any sense baby."
"That's what I said. He was having a hard time because one brother in particular made it clear to him that he didn't think Jordan and I should be together."
"What brother?"
Denise licked her lips, "The one I'll tell you about after I get something to drink."
"Lead the way."
Once Denise had gotten her drink and they settled down at the table, Denise began the conversation. Once they were well into it, her mother exclaimed, "Oh, wow, so this guy went as far to tell Jordan that he hated him for being with you?"
"Yeah, I mean I had made it clear to the guy I wasn't interested, but he just kept on."
"Well, when was the last time he made a pass at you?"
"About ten months ago."
"Really?" Her mother seemed to be deep in thought, before she finally said, "Do you remember how that cooper girl was with you in high school, Denise?"
"How it seemed that she was jealous of you?But it turned out to be something deeper than that?"
Denise took a sip of her grape juice, "Yes."
"Perhaps this character at school is taking Jordan through the same thing you went through during high school. Some people believe that the color lines shouldn't mix and he sounds like one of those people."
"That still doesn't explain why he chose to break up with me."
"Denise, you saw how you were in high school and with men being ten times more aggressive than women, I'm pretty sure it was more than just his words that affected Jordan. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot more going on than what you think."
"Why would he fight for me and then give up? Mom, do you know how much I had to go through just to get to where I could trust him?" Denise stated, her heart beat accelerating in her chest.
"I know, but did you ever think about what he may be feeling Denise? Stop for a second and remember how you felt. A man can only fight for so long before he gets tired. College is not high school and as I said before, men are a lot more aggressive than women are and I wouldn't put it past one to bully him."
Denise inhaled sharply, "Why are you defending him, mom?
Mrs. Richards cleared her throat,"I'm not defending him baby. I just wanted to give you an idea of how it may be for him; not make him seem like he wasn't in the wrong, because I believe he was, especially considering he made a commitment to you and now this child."
Denise's eyes widened and she whispered, "How did you know?"
Mrs. Richards smiled, "Because I can tell. I had the pleasure of seeing you before. Your hips have spread a little and it looks as if you may be putting on a little weight."
Denise exhaled sharply, "Maybe."
"So what are you planning, to do with it?"
"The only thing I can do right now." Denise stated, feeling fresh tears well up in her eyes. Her heart felt as if it would burst with the pain it was subjected to.
Mrs. Richards reached out to touch her daughter's hand, "Denise, he made that baby with you, no woman should have to raise a child alone. I understand if you are angry with him, but don't take it out on the baby, ok? That won't solve anything. It will only leave you with guilt."
Denise shook her head, "No, mom, it will leave me with the opportunity to finish school. I don't want to be a single parent."
"I'm sure he will be there to help you once he finds out baby."
Denise slammed her hand down, "I don't need his fucking pity, mom. I don't want to raise this baby alone and I sure as hell don't want to be some charity case of his. If he doesn't want to be with me, believe me, I'm not going to stop him." With that, Denise stood up and went into the living room. Taking the suit cases she'd brought with her up the stairs, she made her way to her room.

Jordan shot the hoop in the basket one more time before gathering his things together and walking toward the bleachers. When he saw Trey, he stopped short and looked over at him. Trey just stared at him. Jordan chose to ignore him. He took a seat in the bleachers and opened his gym bag. When he did, he grabbed a water bottle out and a granola bar. Chugging the water to cool his sweaty body down, he ignored the looks that Trey was giving him and opened the granola bar. As he bit into the snack, Trey finally spoke to him, "How is it that a brother like you got a girl like Denise?"
Jordan turned to him and shrugged his shoulders. "For me it was love at first sight. I know I'm not that bad looking."
"Maybe you aren't, but the way she dress, the way she talk, the way she act is extremely urban. She's all quiet, observant, funny, smart and beautiful. Cultured in a way if you know what I mean."
Jordan raised a brow. "So?"
"And you, you're..."
"I know, I'm white, right?" Jordan interrupted, his tone irritated. How many times was he going to hear that from people?
Trey laughed, "No, I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say that you're smart, athletic, a bit more down to earth and somewhat arrogant in a way. You seem like the all American boy. The goody too shoes type. I bet you were the golden boy in high school. You are so well mannered and so preppy it's just different. Denise seem to be intellectually superior, so I guess in other words, an urban nerd. You are not though. Why is that?"
Jordan sighed, "In answer to your questions, I am not arrogant. I'm confident. I am a good guy, I was not preppy in high school, nor was I the all American boy. I was just me. As far as Denise being superior in intellect, that my friend is false. She's not smarter than I am. She just happens to get pleasure from learning. I on the other hand only do it as a means to get by. It's not my life."
"That's what make you guys so mismatched. She's like extremely punctual, uptight and has to have everything done on time to a t. You're not like that at all."
Jordan smiled, "I know. I love that about her though. She's always thinking ahead instead of the here and now. Everything she does has to have a purpose."
"What else do you like about her?" Trey inquired, his tone speculative.
"I absolutely love her hair in it's natural state. I love her skin tone. I love her book smartness, the way she smells like lilacs all the time and I love the fact that she can be tough yet gentle at the same time."
Trey cleared his throat, "So why did
you break up with her?"
Jordan froze for a second and then shrugged his shoulders a second time. "I thought you'd be happy about that."
Trey exhaled, "Under any other circumstances I would be, but the fact of the matter is, her heart belongs to you. No guy in his right mind would compete for a girl who has already given her heart."
"Tell that to Anton." Jordan stated dryly.
Trey got up from the bleacher he was sitting on and walked down to where Jordan was. "Anton is an airhead. You shouldn't pay attention to him. It doesn't matter if Denise had been with someone else, he still would've hated it because he couldn't have her."
"Right," Jordan stated.
"So, if you knew this, why did you allow him to get in between you and her? Why allow bullshit to separate you two? From what I've been told by her, you guys have been through some pretty rough times and you worked hard to show her you were different."
Jordan licked his lips, "I am different."
"If you're so different, why'd you let someone who is a hater break up a good thing. For crying out loud, you were going to marry the girl. Just the fact that she said yes, should have told you that she was not going to let words or anyone come between you."
Jordan sighed, "Trey, you don't understand."
"You right. I don't understand why you broke her heart. I don't understand why you allowed someone to come in between you two because of jealousy. I don't understand why you are not with her. If you love her that much, why not be with her. Fuck everybody else."
Jordan shook his head, "You don't understand..."
"You know what, I got to go to class.” Trey stated becoming irritated with his lame excuses, “I'm just telling you what I observe and I think you're an asshole for making her finally drop her guard, only to tell her she's not good enough. If you want her, fuck everybody else. If you scared, so what. Do it anyway and if you doubt any love she has for you, open your damn eyes, man. She's one hundred for what she feels."
Jordan glanced up at Trey, "Why are you telling me this?"
Trey sighed, "Because you need to make this right because Denise loves you. She needs you there with her."
Jordan stared at Trey, curious as to why he was doing this. "What's in this for you?" He inquired.
Trey shook his head, "I don't want to see her heart broken. I know what happened that day her friend found her. I think that shouldn't have happened. There is no reason for the girl to want to kill herself over you."
"I agree. She shouldn't have done it."
"Have you told her that?"
"Why not?"
"Because it's hard."
Trey crossed his arms over his chest, "You really need to man up Jordan. Man up before you loose the one person who really matters."
"I already broke up with her."
"As long as you love her and she loves you, you can get her back."
Jordan stood up, "Man, Trey, that's easier said than done. I know Denise. She's not too forgiving."
Trey stood up and looked Jordan in the eyes, "That girl you knew in high school has matured a lot Jordan. She can't suffer through loosing a child and not have a change. She can't suffer through having loved and lost that love to not change. She's not the same girl."
Jordan narrowed his brows. "How much did Denise tell you?"
Trey shrugged his shoulders and answered Jordan, "Enough for me to see that she's been through so much just for you to give up on her."

Denise shoved her head into her pillow, wishing that she could stop thinking of him. The very center of her started throbbing as images of his hands, mouth and penis took over. She wished the ache that was there and all over her body would go away, but they wouldn't. It was a nonstop throbbing. She felt as if everything he'd ever done to her from touch her, to make love to her had been imprinted on her body. He'd made his claim on her ten fold. This she hated. She hated that she couldn't get his scent out of her nostrils, or rid herself of the feel of his warm liquid pouring into her body. She hated not being able to sleep because she wanted him so bad. As if remembering, her hand reached up to run a light caress over her lips. She squeezed her lips together tightly as tears fought their way down her eyelids. God, she missed him. The sting in her throat wouldn't go away either and neither would the pounding in her heart. She ached, ached very fiercely for him. Swallowing softly, she inhaled and then whispered in a sleepy tone, "Jordan...I need you. Oh, I need you so bad." Gently, a tear slid down her cheek and she wished with one last thought that he was here.

Jordan gasped and jerked upright, his heart hammering in his chest and his pulse thundering in his ears. Reaching at his heart, he clutched it. The pain that stabbed through was so severe, he felt as if he would pass out right then and there. He had thought he'd been dealing with the break up good, but it had been a whole week since he'd spoken to Trey and had heard from Neema, who'd said that Denise had left for the two week break. He'd gone over to her dorm room to find that no one was there. Once that hadn't worked, he'd gone to Neema's. Inhaling sharply, he whispered, "God, please, I'm begging you." He closed his eyes tightly and then had the overwhelming urge to call her. He needed to hear her voice. Reaching over onto the night stand, he grabbed his phone and opened it. Dialing one, he waited for the phone to dial her number. When he heard the ringing, he panicked and was about to hang up, when he heard the most depressed sound ever. "Hello," Her tone sounded sleepy. His voice caught in his throat and he couldn't say anything. "Hello," She whispered again. Still his voice was not responding. There was a sharp pause, and then rustling heard on the phone, "Jordan, I know it's you." She stated, her tone trembling. Jordan whispered, "I love you, Denise."

Denise's heart beat sped up and she thought her pulse would jump out of her temples, "What?" A little louder, Jordan whispered, "I love you Denise and I'm sorry."
Denise closed her eyes as tears ran down her face, "Jordan, please."
"I know I was stupid. I know I was a jerk." He stated.
"I know you're probably mad at me and I would be too, but, baby, I love you and I made a dumb decision. I tried to get you out of my heart because I was so scared that someone would take you from me." He stated, still not hearing her. "I want you with me. I want us to be a family. I wanted to die when I heard what you tried to do to yourself. I mean, I told Neema..." Jordan ranted on. Finally, after a minute, Denise spoke more firmly, "Jordan, please, listen to me." Jordan stopped rambling and listened.
"I don't care." She stated.
Jordan's heart seemed to break in two. "I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I love you Denise, if I have too."
Denise exhaled, "I don't care, Jordan. I don't care as long as you come back. None of it matters."
Jordan paused, "What?"
"I'm at my mom's ok. I came up here for the Christmas break. If you mean what you say, I want you to come up here first thing in the morning."
Jordan nodded his head, "Ok."
"Make sure you bundle up because it's really cold out there," She whispered.
Jordan smiled, "I will De-De." The way he said her name caused chills to go down her spine.
"Hurry up and get here, ok, baby? I know that everyone will be happy to see you."
"You're not mad at me, Denise?" He inquired.
"Mad doesn't even begin to describe how I feel Jordan. I know I love you and I want you up here, so go back to sleep and get here as fast as you can."

Jordan cut on his light. He'd been going in and out of sleep since that call to her. He still couldn't describe the urgent need to get to her. Looking at his watch, it read four thirty. he decided it was never too early to get to the woman he loved. Clearing his throat, he grabbed the items that mattered the most and left the dorm, locking it in a hurry and then running down the stairs, into the lobby and out the door. He couldn't get there fast enough.

Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Seven

When Jordan got there, he went up to the door and knocked. After about five knocks, he heard footsteps on the stairwell and then down in the hallway. When the door opened, he was met with a frowning, Victoria Richards, "Jordan Andre Williams, you better have a good explanation as to why in the hell are you on my doorstep at five thirty in the morning."
"Where's Denise," He whispered.
"In her room asleep."
"I need to see her."
Victoria stared at him through sleep deprived lids. "I should leave you there to rot in the snow."
Jordan stood there as she turned away from the door. "What are you standing there for come in and close the damn door, You know where her room is."
Immediately, Jordan went in and closed the door. Quickly he removed his boots and took the stairs two at a time. Vicki had already gone back to her room. Opening the door to the right of the stairwell, he was greeted with the sound of loud gagging. Closing the door, he whispered Denise's name.

Denise tried to will herself to stop vomiting but couldn't make it happen. She stuck her face into the bowl and continued on, even as Jordan came around the corner and into the bathroom. Kneeling down to where she was, he ran a tender hand over her hair. This agitated her. She pushed him away from her. Jordan looked at her for a minute and then reluctantly went back into the bedroom. Five minutes later, after hearing her gargle, he watched her enter the room. "Are you alright?" His tone was full of concern. Denise felt her heart melt inside her chest at the softness etched in his voice. She nodded, "Nothing a little saltines won't cure."
"Crackers?" Jordan inquired.
Denise nodded, her gaze locked on his, "It helps with the nausea."
Jordan wrinkled his brow in confusion.
"There are some crackers over on the dresser. I thought they'd be close enough to reach, but apparently not.”
Jordan went to the dresser and grabbed the crackers from off top, “Why is your stomach upset?"
She swallowed saliva and forced the nausea down as he handed her the crackers, “Because I'm pregnant.”
"You're pregnant?"
She nodded, her gaze intense as it steadied him. "Yes, I am." He stared down at her stomach, “How far along are you?”
“I'm not sure. I think I'm somewhere between twelve and fourteen weeks. I haven't gone to the doctor yet.”
He glanced down at her and sighed, feeling the blood pump through his veins, “Really?” He questioned her with his eyes. Denise folded her arms across her chest, “I can't believe you'd even go that far Jordan, who else have I been with besides you?”
He put a hand up to his head, suddenly getting a headache. “Denise...” It was then she could hear the fear in his voice. Grabbing his hand, she pulled it away from his head and wrapped it around her waist, “We're older now baby. The circumstances have changed, we've changed."
“I know, was so hard back then.”
“It probably won't be any easier this time around but it's not impossible.”
Jordan glanced down at her face, it was round and adorned the beautiful full lips he'd fallen in love with long ago. Her coffee bean colored eyes showed her maturity. He could see the love in them. He could see the hope. He reached up and stroked the side of her face, “A baby.” She nodded, leaning into the tender feel of his hand. He grazed his thumb over her cheek. It was then he felt the slightest tremble in her posture. Pulling her face up, he could already see the glow in her cheeks forming from the stimulation of a simple touch. His finger slid over her lips as they opened to his fingers. He watched as her mouth covered it. A twitch occurred in his pants. The sensations of her tongue made Jordan's stomach flipped flop. He exhaled, “I came here to apologize and set things straight with you, De-De.”
She pulled his finger out of her mouth and kissed the palm of his hand, “Yes and you are.” Her hands went up to his chest and she raked her fingers over it. His nipples went taught through the gray t-shirt he wore. “Denise.”
She paused and looked up at him, “If you don't want to make love to me Jordan, we can just sit and talk but I miss you.” She paused and he watched as she untied the robe she'd wrapped around her and it slid off her shoulders to the ground. He shook his head, “Denise...” His tone came out breathless. She whispered, “I miss you.” He felt his legs pull him closer to her. She backed into her bed and sat down on the edge. Parting her legs, She whispered, “Maybe it's not protocol to make love before you discuss everything first, but baby...” He watched as her teeth grazed her bottom lip, “I fucking missed you.” Jordan felt the heat gather inside his entire body. He couldn't argue with that. Reaching out to her, his hands, attacked her crotch first. He heard a sigh when a finger entered her. She felt so moist and warm, it stirred the fire inside him. He continued to stroke and as he did, added another finger. She moaned his name.
He leaned in and his lips fell upon hers. Eagerly she kissed him back as he moved faster inside her. She moaned into his mouth, feeling her body begin to move. He kissed her hard and moaned against her mouth and when she tried to move her head away to say something, he whispered, “No.” Her hips began gyrating against his fingers and he felt her juices slide down them. He felt himself harden to his fullest length now and there was a deep pulsating. He grasped her clitoris and strummed his thumb over the sensitive piece of skin. She grabbed the back of his neck and arched her hips up, moving her mouth away from his, she gasped, “Oh, God.”
He whispered, “You shouldn't have done that.” Just as she let out a deep breath, his mouth went to her neck and he suckled on the soft skin there. She yelped. He removed a finger off her clit and pushed the other two into her more forcefully. She gasped and he felt it as her body slicked even more and his fingers were bathed in her fluids. He could smell her as she let her liquids gush out onto his fingers in an orgasm. This only sufficed to intensify his need to mark her as his own. He couldn't explain the desire to constantly brand her as his. He felt tears gather into the corners of his eyes as his mouth turned away from her neck and went back to her lips. He swallowed and felt a constriction in his throat. She pulled his face away from hers. “Jordan...” She whispered, starring into his eyes, confused at the tears. He whispered, “Don't ask, Denise, I don't know why, except I love you that much.”

She nodded, "Ok, I won't, but I love you just as much Mr. Williams."
He whispered, “You just turn my world upside down. I've never wanted a woman the way I want you.”
“Maybe it's some sick and twisted way of wanting to own me.”
He laughed, “hmmm. I think it's more of the fact that of everyone I've lost in my life, you're the one I still have and after what I did, I didn't think you'd take me back.”
“Aren't you glad I'm no where near where I was two years ago?”
He laughed, “Yeah, I can see the headliners now, woman butchers ex.”
Denise laughter was soft and light, “I would never do such a thing.”
He smiled at her, “What did I do to deserve you?” His hands were now stroking the inside of her thighs. She licked her lips, “Alot.”
“Including smack you, get you pregnant twice, and then break your heart. That sounds like a lot to me. A lot of craziness.”
"It's forgiven Jordan." She gazed up at him, pure love and adoration her eyes, "I'm not completely innocent myself, I kind of spurred on a lot of the arguments we had and I had to learn to not think about me so much. It just got to a point where I didn't want to think of myself first anymore. It's like you began to matter to me more than I began to matter to me.”
“That's how it started out from day one for me. I was so awed by your beauty.”
“So the first reason you even talked to me was because you thought I was pretty.”
“Yes and then shortly after that I wanted that beauty to be mine.”
Denise laughed, “That's weird.”
“The first time we kissed I began to think of you as mine.”
“A little presumptuous right?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Only if I'd been wrong.”
Denise inhaled sharply, “Jordan, you're kinda crazy.”
He glanced down at her and laughed, the sound very masculine and hot to her ears. This caused her to push her hips into him. He growled and captured her mouth yet again in another kiss. She pushed her hands between his pants and pressed one across the front of his jeans. He felt himself begin to strain with his desire. She grasped the button and undid it and then immediately seized hold of his man hood. He felt a shudder run through him. She whispered, “Jordan.”
“Can I have this?”
He smiled, and said, “I'll gift wrap it for you.”
She laughed, “I got a better idea.”
“What's that.”
“Just put it where it belongs.”
He pulled his pants down and then his shirt followed. She just sat there starring at him.
“What?” He asked as she relished in the sight of him.
“I think you have the most magnificent body I have ever seen naked.”
“That's because I'm the only body you've seen naked.”
Denise laughed, “I've seen other men naked.”
“Quinton don't count, he's like a brother to you.”
Denise wrinkled her brow, “It wasn't Quinton sugar.”
“Stilling my words are we?” He inquired in that familiar drawl.
“it's universal. Anyhow, we went to this male strip club once and there were tons of naked men dancing and everything.”
He laughed, “ A male strip club. I guess if you want to see the best bodies that may be a place to go.”
“None of them looked like you. I look at you naked and I want you to be on my plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I definitely would make room for dessert.”
“How about that. There's a lot of freak in you ms. Prude.”
“I'm not prude.”
“Unless you're naked you are.”
“Is that necessarily a bad thing?”
Jordan grabbed his male genitalia and rubbed it against her. She moaned as he stroked it along her vaginal lips. “Definitely not. It's like having my own little secret.”
“And you like that?” She moved back on the bed some to give him room to climb in.
“I love that.” He got up onto the bed and rubbed himself against her again. She bit down on her bottom lip and croaked out “Why?”
He whispered, “Because I get to have you all to myself.” With that, he pushed himself into her slippery wetness. She felt her woman hood clinch around him immediately. He pushed in deeper until he was in all the way. She whispered,”I like being all yours.” He smiled, “Good, that's real good.” Slowly he began moving in and out of her.

One year later:

"Jordan Andre Williams, do you take Denise Renee Calloway to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer? In health and in sickness? Until death do you part?" Jordan stared at Denise with a shimmer in his eyes that wasn't there before. He stared at her in awe, because in her wedding gown, she looked gorgeous. It was white with yellow lace trim covering the bottom and the veil was made with yellow trim with pink rose buds forming a crown on top her head. She wore her hair in spiraled curls down her back. Her lipstick was the perfect shade of plum for her beautiful chocolate skin tone. He grasped her hand in a soft squeeze, "I do." He proclaimed boldly.
"And do you, Denise Renee Calloway take Jordan Andre Williams to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold for richer or poorer and in health and in sickness, until death do you part.?"
Denise stared at him with an equally matched amount of love in her eyes for him, "I do." She stated. The pastor nodded his head to give Jordan the go to put her ring on, with slightly shaky fingers, he placed the ruby wedding band on her hand. Although his mother had given it to him in high school, he had had her new name, Denise Williams inscribed on it the minute he'd set foot in Chicago two and a half summers ago. Denise put his gold band on his hand. The ring he had was a 14 karat gold band with his name inscribed on it. Covering her hand with his, they listened as the preacher stated, "I now pronounce you man and wife. Son, you may kiss your bride." Jordan's grin was from ear to ear as she met him halfway and he grasped her around the waist and dipped his head down. Her hand reached up and cupped his neck. Once the kiss was broken, Denise released his head and turned toward the front of the church. With his hand still on her waist, he grasped her free hand in his. She squeezed it as they both looked out at the church. The pastor said, "Before these witnesses today, I proudly present Jordan and Denise Williams."
Denise smiled as everyone clapped. She looked out into the crowd, recognizing very familiar faces. She was shocked to see that even her sworn enemies had flown into to town to attend the wedding. Sherry Cooper now known as Sherry Walker, who had long since changed her red hair to an ash blonde and was now saddled up next to a handsome young Pediatrician, Arron Walker. Denise had heard that they'd been married since Sherry second year of college. They had two red headed green Eyed twins next to them. Both boys were one years old. There was Pamela Rivers who'd gone on to own her own gown shop, which was where Denise had gotten her gown. She'd fallen in love with the specially hand made gown. She had never expected Pamela to be good at sewing, let alone grow up to own her own dress shop. Candice and Vicki both sat in the front row, each with their own date. Who'd ever thought they'd both end up dating brothers, Maximus and Cornelius Harris. Both boys played basket ball for the local community college. One was going for counseling and the other computer engineering.
Denise waved at all of them. She even spotted Tanya and Andrew, with their two children, Anastasia and Andrew Jr. Anastasia was the oldest at five years old, while the second child was three. Jordan had just found out that Tanya was pregnant with a girl and they were going to name her Denise Andrea. There was Quinton there with his family and his new boyfriend a guy named Luke. Even Nathaniel and his sister Sebrea were there. Although he and Amerie were broken up, you could see the feelings between them were still there. Every time they looked at each other, it was a sight to behold. Although Denise had no idea why, she could tell that what ever it was, it was enough to cause a deep wedge between them. His whole family had shown up and sat on the opposite side of the church. Her family sat on the other side, the baby had ended up in Garrette's lap. She'd turned out to be a girl and they decided to name her Vanessa Patricia Anita Williams. She was a beautiful girl with eyes as green as Jordan's and hair a dark curly do and full lips like Denise's. As Jordan and she came through the church and to the reception area, Jordan leaned into her ear and whispered, "I love you Denise Williams." Denise's heart pounded at the way he said her name. She wondered if she'd ever get over that, but judging by the fact that every time he looked at her, her heart skipped a beat, she seriously doubted that would happen. "I love you too Jordan Williams." As they sat down at their table at the front of the reception area, Jordan whispered, leaning in close to her, "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"
"Only a million times."
"I guess this makes a million and one then."
"Denise laughed, "And you look quite edible in your tux."
Jordan laughed, "Edible, that's the best you got?"
"I could say fetching."
Jordan shook his head, "Edible is fine."
Denise leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "I'm going to love being your wife for the rest of my life."
"And I will love being your husband, there will never be a dull moment."
Denise gave a loving sigh. "I'm sorry your mom couldn't be here to see it."
"She can see it from heaven, Denise. Her and my father, I'm glad that they've got each other up there."
Denise smiled lovingly, "Of course baby, they're both are looking at us down here, even Stacy I bet."
Jordan grasped her hand in his and brought it up to his lips. He didn't know if it was possible to love her any more than he already did. Time and time again their love had been tested. Even during the times when he thought they wouldn't make it, they had. All of this had only served to solidify their love. It had strengthened Denise into a better woman and him into a better man. Not to mention the fact that they had Vanessa now. He'd never thought he'd be a father to a sixth month old baby girl. She was so beautiful. He felt lucky. He'd graduated H.U. the previous May and was heading out to George Mason University of Law School in Arlington Virginia come fall. It finally felt as if everything was coming into perspective for him.


Texte: Brandy Mundy
Lektorat: Brandy Mundy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2012

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