The diary of an angel

The diary of an angel
This is the diary of an 15 years old angel and her adventures.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

well actually this book is finished ...but i have also two other stories ,two books similar to this in my profile, read them if you want and thanks for your heart. I hope you like them too. :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Totally got a Twilight-meets-heaven feel from your Diary. Really liked it. I agree with Felix. With a few spelling fixes I think it will flow a lot better. :) Good luck!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm not quite sure what to say, mysteriousgirl1.
It's absolutely charming! I can say that:)

Perhaps if you did a spell check (advisable:), capitalized, used beginning and ending quotes...all those nasty rules...much of its simple beauty might get lost! Yes, I think it would:)

Such a neat little "diary"! Bravo!

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