
Dear diary,
My name is Angelique and i am an angel but not a normal one. In fact i am the angels princess . I actually live in earth , the reason is because in my kindoom is in war with devils and to protect me they had send me here. I live here with my servant miss Ammy . She is the one who protect me. I decide to keep a diary cuz here in Earth is very popular that a girl keeps a diary . I am in high school in the first year. The girls there told me that a diary is very good to express yourself to tell secret ect ect ....
So i will call you Paradise !
I hope that this war will end soon ! I can t wait to turn back . Bye then Paradise !

Dear Paradise ,
Today miss Ammy told me that in Heaven the devils had made big advancements.They had found where i am ! They know who protect me and in which citty i live. But the notice isn t over , the worst thing is that they know how to come here. I am afraid not for myself but for this world . I don t know what can they do here and who is the person that they had sent here. The strange thing is that the last night i dreamed about a war but not in heaven ,here . I know that the predicions of a princess are always right . I hope this time i am wrong!!!! BYE

Hi Paradise,
Something very wired happened today. I was in school when i had a headache ,not a normal one ! I n that moment i saw the dream that i make this times. Until now nothing strange but in the same moment in our class came a new boy that will stay with us .He sitt down next to me and i had a familiar presence but i don t know why !I told miss Ammy about that and she recomanded me to stay away as possilbe from him , but how can i stay away from him when he is next to me ?! I really don t know what to do. He had black eyes just like me and black hair too. He is very hot and his name is Nyx. Who is he ???
Bye bye !

Hello Paradise!
I am very happy today cuz miss Ammy said that we will go to my kindoom for my birthday that is tomorrow! I am so exciting ! I finally will see my family and i am very happy!!!!! I will be 15 years old tomorrow and i will have thfull controll of my extraordinary powers ! I will be in form to help my place in the war !
I am an hidden weapon that we have! After my birthday i will return here again to develop my powers cuz in my kindoom is inpossible ! The devils atac every time! I am so happy that i can wait anymore to open my wings and fly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye bye !

Hi Paradise!
I need to tell you some things!
As i told you today is my birthday. I and miss Ammy went to my kindoom to celebrate my 15 th birthday . I was so glad to meet my parents! The gave an enormos party for me !
Then after the party begun the ceremony of my full powers ! Since that everything was ok but then ........ the devils attac ! All my lifeguards tried to save me but...... they all died. I was so anry about , that i used my powers to protect everyone ! Suddenly they go back and that was my adantage cuz when they went away i fell down without sense.
Then i found myself here in Earth in my bed .
The stange thing is that ne of the devils that were in front was very familiar to me but i cann t remember him cuz they all had masks , but he ,his eyes.....
Miss Ammy said that now i can control my powers and our training will start tomorrow !
I am so tired now , bye!

Dear Paradise ,
I would like to tell you what happened today in school!
First of all, today i started my training which was very hard ! Miss Ammy didn t let me a minute to breath . Certainly we live in a hill where aren t people so we can train .
After our training early in the morning , i had a shower and then i went to school .
You know that i and nyx are next each other and our teacher gave us a project in chemistry to do with each other ! I know it that it would be inpossible to stay away from him , so tomorrow he will come here to study with me for the project and it s theme ! Why happened this to me?!!!!!!
See ya!!!

Dear Paradise,
Today was a very hard day. Nyx came to my home for the project . Miss Ammy wasn t at home cuz she had to go shopping. So we two were alone. It was very difficult to hide my secret cuz he had such an aurea that made me frozen , and it was like there was danger to me. We started talking but he made me nervous , i don t know maybe the way he looked at me with his deep black eyes . I love those eyes!!! Well at this moment nothing happened but then when i tried to take a pencil our both hands were touched cuz he wanted to take that pencil too. I started brushing all over my face and he noticed that. He should let my hand but he didn t he just came nearer and rise my check high so i could see him in the eyes . He came nearer to kiss me but then miss Ammy interupt us . He were as long as possible away from me . I was shocked , like hypnotized and if he had kissed me my wings will appear and he would knew my secret . Fortune that miss Ammy came in that moment . Why didn t i stopped him ?! Maybe am i falling for a human that i don t know?!?! No i should not like him !!! I am a princess and to love a human is forbidden!!!! No no no!
See ya Paradise!

Hi my dear Paradise ,
The devils had advanced a lot . I was called by my father to return to my kindoom cuz i will take my place as the princes of angels .Now i am speaking from Heaven . It is nice to return home ,but i am sure i will miss my earth friends , perhaps him too.......
Well all the day my father showed me the battle plan and led my to my solders. Sometimes i think my father would like to have a son insted of a daughter. It is just an opinion cuz for the battle are prepared only male angels , i am the only female presence in the army and it is not that anyone like this idea . Today i heard some solders saying behind my back "And a girl will led us in the battle??? Are we going to a secure death???"
Heh i really don t like this things but i accept that i am a bit afraid .Well i will do my best. Now i am going to train .
See ya later paradise!

Hi Paradise ,
I am alarmed cuz my father told me that in 3 days the devils will attack the kindoom . My father had evacuate all the angels in Heaven near the kindoom to protect them . We are late for preparations because of my missing. I , no everyone is trying to be as good as the force let is trying the best . It was really hard to fit in in the army . All solders looked at me very strange .What are them and my father waiting me to do??? I really mess it all with my special powers , i am not able to controll them at all! I am very upset :(
I should go now Paradise ! Bye!!!

Hi paradise,
All is going wrong! I don t know i am really upset about all that is happening ! I don t know , i can not do anything good ! I am really really really upset!!! Change theme miss Ammy told me that she will bring me back to earth to see my friends and perhaps this will help me!
I don t know , i am very confused. I am happy to see my friends again but perhaps this will be the last time to visit earth ! I am sure i will miss them all!!!
I should go now ! Bye!!!!

Hi Paradise ! Last day was very hard . I will tell you what happened in earth:
Good morning prof!
OH hi miss Angelique! Good morning , what is this?
I will go away from this school prof . I will change place for a while !
(my friends)What ???You are leaving??? But why?
I am sorry my friends but i should go away today in midnight but if you want we can go to a place to greet each other good when you finished school , what do you think?
Sure!(they said)
You can come too if you want Nyx!
I will !(he said)
So Angelique tell us why are you going away ?! Please tell us the truth!
Thanks for coming , yeah i will tell you the truth ! I am not just a teenager ! I was sent in this city to be protect from bad boys. Now they found me and i will not try to escape anymore . I will face the reality and return to my place .End of the story!
(my friends) What for a story !!! So you will not return anymore here? We will not see you anymore?This is the end of our friendship???
No sure not, your friendship will be very precious for me , i will not forget no one ! You are very precious memories to me! But,i don t know if this is a we will see us sooner or later or if this is a goodbye forever! (i said with a fake smile in my face)
Don t worry , we will not forget you too .We will be with you in heart and in mind. We hope we will see each other one day ! (they said)
That was what happened Paradise! Bad story he?
Yeah i am crying too. But what was strange was that even if Nyx came he just stayed there and didn t say anything.
The good thing was that when i was trying my powers today all what i did was perfect . I didn t mess nothing. It was good to meet my friends ! I will fight and for them too . So they can live in peace in earth !
Bye than Paradise!

Dear Paradise,
Today is my first battle! I will be in the head of the mission. My mother was against this but i convinced her to let me go. Well i am really nervous .I would like to be in earth rather than here. Will i be able to protect all my castle or will i delude all? What will happen tonight? Will i be able to fight ? Will i onore my father? Will i do the best ? I don t know , i am too confuse! I should go now to prepare for the battle!
I hope to speak again with you dear Paradise ! Until then Goodbye!!!

Dear Paradise,
I don t know where i am! All i see are deep caverns , dark places and a cage where i am.
All i remember is the battle:
My father told me to interfere only if the devils advance again us. I follow his advice stayed watching how the things wee going. Then suddenly the devils took a big advance so i left my place and went to the highest place of my castle to have a better view. I was shocked when i sow all the fallen angels and devils. I was so so angry and sad that i relased an enormous power that kept our castle and the angels protect from devils , i was glad but then suddenly i fell from the tower and.....
i got up here . I am really scared but i don t know how could i call you from my room. Strange !!! I am hearing noises . I will transfer you again in my room ! Bye!!!

Hi Paradise,
I know now where i am , i am in the castle of devils. It seems that their prince had held me when i fell and took me here. Today they made me a visit listen our conversation:
It seems that our little precious princess in awake! (one of them told me )
Where am i ? Who are you ? Why are keeping me here? (i said)
OOO these are to many questions don t you think princess?
I will respond all of them ! First you was captured by the devils . We are the guards .
You will stay here as much as our king will order hahhahah! (they respond)
OH come on you are scaring her!(a familiar voice said)
Nyx is that you? But ... how is that possible ? Who are you? (i asked)
I am your worst enemy ,i am the devil s prince! Hahahha how does this sound to you little Angelique??? Are you surprised??? (he said)
You.... you jerk ! How could you ? And i trusted you! I thought that you were my friend! All the time you were doing just your job! You are disgusting!!!! I hate you!!! (i said)
Heh you are ridiciulous ! Rest my dear angel for a while ! You will need it! See us tomorrow little princess ! (he said)
Oh i hate him ,i hate him Paradise! Why ? Why?
And i that was starting to fall for him!!! Oh stupid Angelique , stupid me !!! Why , why happened this to me? Why ? I can write anymore i can stop crying from the anger that i sensate! Bye Paradise!!!

Hi Paradise,
I will tell you what happened today in the meeting with the heads of the devils!!!
Hey you , wake up! (one of the guards say)
What s up? (i ask)
Our head want to see you so come on!(he said)
I followed him.
See, see isn t she our little worst enemy?
Hi i am the king and this is my son Nyx ! You can each other right? (their king spoke)
And you want from me .... what? (i asked)
See , see you don t waste time right? OK i will tell you ! From you we don t want anything else that to convince your father to atack you castle? Pretty simple heh? (the king said)
Never ! ( i answer)
Why will you to get hurt? I am nice with you!
Do you really want me to get angry? (he told me)
What ever! I will not do anything you need me to do! You can t do me anything!!! (i say)
Hear me little princess! Now we will let you speak with your father ! It is better for you to obey!!! (he said angry)
Ok but with one condition! I will speak with him alone! (i say)
Yeah ok! Now speak with him! (he said)
Hi my dear how are you? Did they hurt you? What do they want from me to do to have back you?(my father said)
Hi daddy ! No i am ok! They want me to convince you to break the power that keep our castle safe! They don t know that i do that power!
Oh swetty tell me what to do to brake your power?!( my father said)
No my lord you will not do anything! Don t think like a father think like a king! I know the truth! I know why i am different from the others! It is my duty! It is my fate! I know that i am untouchable ! They can t hurt me ! We two are the only persons that knew my weakness! I will stay here for a while to observe !Please don t worry dad! I know that now you are shocked but i will be ok! Tell my mother that i love her! (i said)
Tic tack time is over ! So what did you decide to do? Will you break your power to save your daughter? (the devil s king said)
No ! I will not do such a thing! (my father said)
What will you really hurt your only daughter to protect your angels??? You ask that!
Guards to her! (he said angry)
I will not let you touch me! (i said and a bright , warn light came from my soul and sorround me)
We are sorry master but we can t touch her ! This light is the same of the light that protects their castle! If we touch her we will become ash! (the guards said)
What ? Broke the line with her father!! (devil s king said)
I am unreachable ! Did you ask yourself why my hairs are not silver or gold ,but dark?
Did you ask yourself why all protect me until i was 15? Or did you ask yourself who did that power? (i said laughting)
I am different ! I was always different since i was born!I have a duty! I have a precious fate! I am really your worst enemy ! I am the only female who was born in our family throught generations! This because i am the only one who will protect this universe! I am the only one who will protect the humans world and those paralel worlds! I am untouchable from all of you! The only person who knows my weakness is me! Hahahah and i am not so girly like all te other angels ! I mean i am female but i am cruel too!This is a quality that the angels don t have! I can hate , the angels no! It all depends of the way i use my powers! (i continued)
They didn t say anything , they just took me here again! I hope they don t find my weakness that is.......shshshsh a secret!
Bye Paradise!

Hi my dear Paradise,
I am speaking from a room whee devils keep me .
You will not belive what happened today!
Today you will move on an other place. ( Nyx said when he came )I don t know why my father had decide this but whatever!!!Now come on ! I will take you to your new room!
I followed him without speaking a word. He bring me in a suite next to his room! I should admit that the room was very nice and comfortable !Yeah it was devil s style bu i like it! I went to the window and looked outside . It was full of devils that were on their routine day.
This isn t fair !(i said) I mean , they are like us! Why , why should this fight go on? Why can we just live in peace? Tell me why ? (i asked in front of nyx) Suddenly i saw my light came through my body and appear .
Stop it , stop it! It hurt ! AH i can t stand anymore! (i scream)
What s the matter ? What is happening? (told me nyx and grab my hand)
Then in front of our eyes we saw a party for my birth, all devils and angels laughting, and Nyx a little devil boy staring at me as a baby.Then we came from that strange "dream" here , in this room again. I felt very weak and i fell unconcious .
When i woke up i was in his arms. He was helding me and staring at me . I brushed all over my face and went away from him.
Tell me Angelique what was that? What happened ? Respond to me ! What did i saw now? Why ? Clear me up , because i am very confused!!! Tell me!!!(he started asking)
Have you ever asked yourself why you have silver and black hair??? I can t respond to your questions!If i do so , i can put my life in danger and my people life too!Don t ask me !I will not respond! (i told him)
Fine ! I will find it myself!!! (he said and closed the door behind him locking me in this room)
I couldn t belive what i saw Paradise!I am the cause that the fight begin! I shouldn t birth! I should be a boy! I broke the first rule between angels and devils , no female epigone should be allowed , but my father didn t respect this rule! He didn t kill me! Oh why? Why ? Why happened this to me Paradise !
I can t write anymore ! I am so confused!

Dear Paradise,
I will tell you what happened today!
I was sleeping in the room when suddenly Nyx came in and told me:
Why ? Why didn t you say me that you were the one who caused this fight between angels and devils? Why didn t you say me that you are responsable for all this? Tell me you damn angel!
So you know the truth now ? (i told him and got up ) He just brushed all over his face and turned around! I realised that i were only with my trasparent night dress that i had from my room. I brushed too and changed in a second.
Yeah i know now that i am the cause of this fight ! Please turn to me now i am changed.(i told him)
I would kill you if i could for that , trust me!(he said angrily)
Then do it !(i told him grabing his sword and line it in front of my heart.)
Yeah , if this were possible! (he said to me)
It is possible! Do you remember that i have a weakness ? If you promise me that the fight will over if you kill me then i will tell it to you so you can defeat me! (i beg him)
I am listening! So? (he asked)
My weakness is you! The reason that you have also silver hairs is because it is your destiny to kill me if you will!You have a part of your soul angel cuz you can prove all emotions!You are the only one who can kill me! (i told him)
And you are trying to convince me that this is all my destiny? There is more isn t it?( he asked)
Yeah there is more ,but it is only an impossible way ; the way that you can love each other , thing that is not true! And that our "love" can bring us to a new solution that is peace between us so we can guide our two castles together , but this isn t possible! So please kill me ! (i told him)
He just stayed there and then went away without saying a word! I don t know why i told him my weakness cuz he can betray me and kill me and then defeat my castle! I don t know what else to do Paradise ! For now Bye!!

Hello Paradise ,
Last night i was very sad . I am such an idiot ! I put my people life i danger making him know the truth! Now that he know my weakness he can use it ! Stupid me ! Stupid me !Stupid me! Then Nyx came in .
What do you want? (i told him) Why are you here? What should i do?
Stop it you damn angel or whatever you are!I am here cuz i wanted !You can not stop me! Remember where you are! (he said , but his words were so distant)
SO....... you came here ,why? (i asked him smiling )
Heh..... i can t belive you! You are about to die and you still smile ! What are you? (he said surprised)
So you decide it right? You will kill me! This is the right decision but first you should inform my father that i asked you that , so it wouldn t be another war! (i said quiet)
I....... i have not decide yet! I will think about it a little more and if so... i will keep my promise! (he said)
I was so happy to hear that, that i hug him and said :Thank you for keeping your promise! I am relived! Then i let him go and returned to the window saying: You should really kill me ! I can t live with this pain!What for a fate irony! I wanted to stop this war when i was the only one who begin it!!! Pretty strange heh? (i told him and suddenly tears came from my eyes)
He stop my tears saying : It is not your fault! It is not that you had a chance to be male and not female angel! All protect you from the cruel truth just to not hurt you!
Then he went to his room.
I was shocked by this conversation. I didn t know what to think! I was i can t describe it ! And my feelings for him were in chaos too. I don t know what to do! Somebody help me!
Bye Paradise!

Dear Paradise,
I had a very strange dream ! It was like my friends on earth were in danger! I know it was just a dream , but i had a feeling that something was happening there ! A should get out of here , but i didn t want to escape , so i ask to see the devils king!this was our conversation:
Why would you ask to see me? Is something you want ?( he ask me)
I wanted to return for a few hours in earth! I have something to do there please! (i said)
Heh , how can i trust you ? I mean you can try to escape right? (he asked) I grab Nyx sword and cut my hand :
I swear in my blood that i will not escape!
So they let me go but with one condition, Nyx will acompain me . Well i should go now!
Bye !

Dear diary,
I was right ! My friends were in danger! In fact they were captured by some criminals.
I just wore a mask so they couldn t regonize me , and i went there to help them in my angel form. I help them to escape and gave them a letter that Angelique (me) had wrote. Everything was going fine until the criminals discovered me and one of them shoot me. In that moment Nyx stand in front of me and .... he was the only one who was shoot. I started crying but he just transport us in his house in earth. I helped him to lye in the bed. His injury was very deep! He was hopeless ! I didn t know what to do so........ i though i would be time to use one of my special powers!
I am sorry Nyx , this is the only way to save you! (i told him and gave him a soft kiss in his lips) Then i fell without energy next to him .
I am really sorry but it was the only way to save you! I am also sorry that i can t move either , please forgive me! i told him ad were unconsious .
When i woke up , i was in my room . He was there too.
I .... i am sorry for doing that! i said.
He left without saying a word.....
Bye !

Dear Paradise,
Listen what happened today:
The head devil s family want to see you! one of the guards said. I follow him without saying a word.
Why did you call me? i asked.
I know that you have special powers and one of them is the power to save souls! the devils king said. I was very nice with you so i want you to save my injured devils. Would you help us?
I will do it but it will take me some time !i answered. I can save both devils and angels with a heart song :
Moon s curse
in this icy dream........
In a world without words,
I profess my love
Until it will reach you
The intense wish that fell from this lips
That i held close with wounded arms
I wanted to unravel it for you !
Because if I throw away the beauty,
Of our love that existed in the past ,
I can go towards a more
Beautiful night tomorrow!
Moon s curse
from this icy dream!
I wanted to take you far away,
How far can we go,
Until we reach a place
Where we can believe in love???
Beyond the night,
Just the two of us.........

After singing that i was captured to the past where i saw a painful truth.
What is happening ? i hear their king speak.
I used all my power to save all injured souls! i said.
Ah , by the way how could the most powerful angel sings a painful song like that? he asked again.
Because.....because i ... i am love...loveless! i answered . They were shocked just like me.
LOVELESS?????? How could that be possible? they asked.
Yeah , i am loveless;a soul without love ,unique in this gender. i answered. I don t have the most important thing of being an angel; the power to love.
I left without saying a word.
I am so upset right now Paradise , so much that is impossible to think. What am I ?
I am dropped in tears now that i can t write anymore so :Bye !

Dear Paradise ,
Hear what happened today:
This is impossible! Nyx jelled at me when he came to my room. How? I can t believe any of your words! Who or what are you for a creature?
Tell me the truth! I want to know the truth now! An what about the KISS? Was that unreal too?! Answer to me !
I didn t answer . I was confused by myself.I hardly heard what he said.
You wont answer? Fine! he said and closed the door and went away.
What for a monster am I? I don t know what to think!

Dear Paradise,
I don t know what to do anymore. Nyx came over to my room today and asked me for a duel .
The rules were simple:
If i win i can return home, if he win i should tell him the truth.
I really don t know what to do. I don t want to go home . With which face should i go ? Now that i know anything about me i just want to disappear ! I think that I will accept the battle and let him win! I really don t want to go home ! I want him to kill me so all the suffer will end!
I........ hmmmm Bye !

Dear diary,
He didn t kill me after all!
We were fighting and I said you before i let him win. He was about to kill me but he didn t do it. He just said to e that he wanted some answers that i should give him. But what answers should i give him??? I don t know what to say , where to start! He said that he would came tonight in my room so i can explain him everything. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh damn i am so confused that i don t know what to do !!!
He is coming !

Dear Paradise,
Listed what happened last night:
Are you awake? i heard Nyx voice.
Yeah! i answered. I will try to answer to all your questions! Hear me:
First , I discovered that i was loveless after i sang the song. I was transported to the past when i was birth. It was the moon s curse .
Second , i am creature between an angel and a devil because is my destiny to became the most powerful creature in this dimension , that depends on me.
Third, i can like just one soul ;but if he is the right one.
Fourth , the kiss was the only way to save you!
You was very bad injured so it was the only way and hey i am sorry if it caused you problems ,but i am the one who broken the rules!
And i told you it doesn t matter for me , it was just a kiss !Don t worry about it! Was that enough for you? I answered all your questions .
No , not to all! he told me. Tell me , what do you think , how am i felling about this?
I think it is only an answer: you hate me now!i told him trying to smile.
No it wasn t the right answer ! he told me .
But , what should i think about ? i asked.
Try with this! he told me and kissed me . I brushed all over my face . Why did he kissed me? Now i really can t understand!
No... no you shouldn t do that! i jelled him and pushed him away. Why ? Why did you punished yourself? You know it is forbidden to kiss an angel! And what do you think you were doing? Answer to me right now!
Now you know how i felt when you didn t gave me an answer! he said laughting.
And what ? Should i force you to a battle so you can answer me? i told him.
No, no i will tel you the answer tomorrow night! he said me and went away.
Ahhhh i am more confused than ever! What was he thinking? I want to know the truth now! He was very cruel with me ! He is coming now !

You will not even imagine what happened :
Have you waited long for me? Nyx said.
Noooooooooooooooo just a couple of hours! i said him with irony.
Hhahahha you are funny when you are angry! he told me. Now you will hear me:
First, you are not an angel so i didn t broke any rules.You said that you aren t an angel!
Second , why are you so angry about? You said you can t love so what is the big deal?
Yeah, this may be true but you have no right to kiss me! i jelled him.Besides why did you do that?
Because i enjoyed it ! he told me smiling.
You damn devil ! You jerk! i told him and slapped him in the face. He grab my hand and pull me closer to him. Then he kissed me softly . The strange thing was that I kissed him back . We were kissing each other without realizing it. Then he let me go and went away.

Dear Paradise,
You won t believe what happened today!
Hi Angelique! he said me. Are you very angry with me? If not can we speak please?
Yeah i am angry with you , but tell me what s up? i told him.
I was thinking about last night and........ i realized that you kissed me too. You told me that you are not able to love ,but i don t understad this. Can you?
First tell me what do think about me Nyx? i asked him.
I.... I love you Angelique! I had loved you since we met each other , since i tried to kiss you on earth.
But now i want to hear you! Tell me ! he confess to me.
I , I am also confused . I like you Nyx . You were the one who i was telling before. But love? This is .... i don t know what to think! I am very confused .
He hugged me and in that moment we were transported in the past again.
Under the moon s curse was a legend! The legend said that i will be able to love only if the person who i liked had pure love feelings for me . And that explain why i had two chances: the first to be killed by Nyx and second to be loved by him.
Finally we knew what we feel for each other . We were transported to the present .
I think i should transport you to your castle . I will explain all my father and i will try to end all this !Nyx told me hugging.
But ..... but what about us? i asked him.
Angelique i truly love you and i know that you like me ! I want you to love me so i will stay by your side until you have the same feelings as I . I love you no matter what! But first I should protect you ! Now please go ! he told me and gave me a quick kiss.

Bye !

Dear Paradise ,
I am speaking from my real room ! Hear what happened:
Oh my daughter you finally came!How are you? Are you hurt? Oh tell me what happened! my parents said as they saw me.
I hug them and told them my adventures .
It took us a whole day to speak with each other .
In midnight when we finished they told me that a big surprise will wait for me tomorrow and i should be dressed in my best outfit that they had for me as another surprise in my room. I hug them again and went to my room . Who knows what was the surprise!
Now i am tired Paradise i will go to sleep .

Dear Paradise ,
You will not believe what surprise was!
I woke up in the morning and after breakfast i wore the dress my parent told me .It was a very beautiful dress! It was a dark purple dress (my favorite color) covered in sparkle. I went in front of my castle and......... all were waiting for me.
Today my dear daughter i will led you the royal kingdom . As my heiress to the throne i led you my crown. From now on you will led this kingdom and me and your mother will be your adviser. Do you want to say something darling?
Sure father! I thank you for all that you have done for my my parents and i am greatly respected for this and i accept to reign only if you two will have your place as king and queen in my side !I want to reign with you! I want to be a very good princess and led this kingdom very good. i told them .
My coronation will be this dew fall . I wander what is Nyx doing ! I miss him so much! Well now i should go ! All are waiting for me! I am so happy!!!
Bye Paradise!

My dear Paradise,
I will tell you what happened:
I was laurelled .In the party of my coronation the royal family of devils came to us . All were scared.
See , see looks like the little princess is big now! their king said.
Good that you came because i have to discuss some things with you . Please take place and enjoy the party! i told them.
We are hearing! the king spoke.
Fine because i want to discuss with you about the war. It is useless ! I want to end this war between our kingdoms! i told them but my eyes were searching for my lover.
I think it is a good idea but you have to discuss it with our new king : prince Nyx. Suddenly Nyx came in front of me .
My princess ! he said and kissed my hand. I am happy to see you again. I think the war can be called over! I hope that our kingdoms from now on will work together! he said.
I am sure ! i said. Hope you enjoy the party! You are my guests.
Now can i have a few minutes from your time my princess? Nyx asked. I want to discuss with you about something.
Sure ! i said.
So we were for a walk and stopped at the park.
I missed you so much! i told him and hug him. I am so glad to see you again. What do you want to discuss with me? i asked him.
I missed you a lot too . I wanted to ask you :
Will you be my affiance? he asked me holding a ring.
Yes , i will ! I told him and giving him a quick kiss.
He took my hand and then kissed me...................

Now we are like boyfriend and girlfriend because we are too young too marry but it is fine. We see each other all the time and we go to visit our friends in earth once a week . Sometimes we stay together for days in earth and visit a lot of place but we also reign our kingdoms. We are happy so. Finally i am not loveless anymore because i have someone to love.
Love is such a wonderful emotion !!!!!
Goodbye my dear Paradise!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2011

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