A Dark Grace

A Dark Grace
As the sole heir to the legacy of a Great Royal Fallen, Luca had shouldered many responsibilities in his long existence. However, as a Prince of Hell, he should have never been given the charge of caring for an Angel sealed to Hell with the Hundred-Year Seal . The responsibility of such a task was like holding the only flame in a world of darkness, yet a flame he wanted to possess. M/M


Hey, Guys~ :D ♥

I'm taking a semester off from college, to save up some money, so other than work and life I'm a free man- er… woman~ ♥ So, please be patient as I go through and craft the ending of this story.

I've already decided on how I want ADG to end, but I feel like I need to re-work a lot of it~ so, be kind, review, and please put up with my OCD tendencies~ ♥

Much Love,

(^3^)/ ~♥♥♥


PS: I've decided to start each chapter of this with a selected passage from John Milton's Paradise Lost, complete accreditation for these goes to the original authors~ and blah, blah, blah…

The original source of these passages was taken from:


Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Omg i loved this book u need to keep going and adding to it its gotten to me like gluei just cant get away frome it ive read it 4 times now in the last week i love it so much

4 Kommentare

Aw~ Thanks so much~!! :3 ♥♥♥

I'm currently trying to focus on A Witch's Hunt, but be assured I haven't given up on A Dark Grace just yet~!! :)


Thank u message me when u update it plz


Promise~!! :D

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Gelöschter User

Very interesting. In the beginning the poetic prose was so thick I got overwhelmed by the adjectives. However the scenic view was colorful and beautiful at the same time. Well done. I enjoyed delving into a fantastic nether world. As time went on the dialog had the perfect grounding effect to draw me in and keep the me interested. The sex scene seemed shortened and could have used a few more words so that the reader could see... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Thanks for the Review~!! :) I'm planning on re-writing the prologue~ hopefully I can open the story a little better~!! I'm just a total adjective person~!! ♥♥♥ I get what you say about Aries... I have a hard time with his character, in 'real life' we'd never get along~!!

Lol,... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

In general this seems much more professional than a lot of books that I have seen on bookrix, I enjoyed what I read so far, so I will favorite it and try and get back to it when I have the time. Nonetheless there are still some recommendations I can make that you can do with as you please:
1. On page 3 this sentence caused me to stop reading for a second and read it again:
Earth became more a battlefront, than a possible... mehr anzeigen

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