


"Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit

Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast

Brought Death into the world; and all our woe,

With loss of Eden, till one greater Man

Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,"

–John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book One: 1-5).



Purgatory, Tartarus, the Netherworld, the Underworld, Hades, Makai, Sheol, Anaon, Uffern, Peklo, Tuonela, Gimokodan, Kalichi, Naraka, Hetgwauge, Kuzimu, O le nu'u-o-nonoa, Mictlan, Adlivun, Shobari Waka, Xibalbá, Jahannam… Hell.

Regardless of its many names and horrific descriptions, seldom ever is it stated that Hell is a world of hellish beauty. A world, independent of both Earth and Heaven, Hell is a home that welcomes those of the damned.

Vividly, its deep auburn skies burn alight, radiated by the strange purple suns that fill its sky, echoing the mournful cries of Demons and entrapped souls alike. It burns with a heated core, eternally churning the tormented souls that fill its atrocious lakes of fire. Yet, Hell is much more than just hell-fire and brimstone.

Hell is a world of its own… a planet in its own system of stars. Lush with oceans and colorful foliage, where only a small portion of Hell burns with eternal fire.

It is a world filled with many an extreme climate; overgrown with nightmarish jungles, thick with carnivorous plants, scorched desert plains, high volcanic ridges, rolling with endless mountain ranges, lying alongside its many tundras. Hell's vast lands overflow with countless beastly creatures, whose harrowing eyes can shatter lesser souls with only a glimpse into their depths.

Fortunately, for its inhabitants surviving Hell's horrific world is easy –given their immortal nature. Other than the beasts of Hell, the only surviving occupants of Hell's rugged lands are the damned souls of corrupted man and their Demon overseers.

Demons –Immortal Angels cast from Heaven's glory during the time of the Fall. These Fallen Ones were banished and damned following the Great War. Leaving many of the immortals wishing for the reprieve of death, yet even the cycle of rebirth was taken from these treacherous beings.

Disgraced and left barren of all hope, those of the Fallen evolved into Demons. Beings, who gladly fed from the misery and despair of their surroundings. Yet, in a twist of the divine, their great abundance of nourishment came not from the tormented souls of mankind, but from the select members of the Fallen's own.

Worms –members of the Great Fall maddened and overwhelmed with their loss and grief. After losing the War, many of the Fallen had crawled deep into Hell's cavernous pits longing for either death or eternal solitude.

Those who followed this pitiful practice became known as Worms. Though their eternal practice was scorned, the beings themselves became revered by the future generations of their kind. For, from the grief filled struggle of the Fallen's inability to cope with their eternal damnation, there came a new form of Demons: the Children of the Damned, or the Children of the Fallen. All of whom, felt none of their parent's longing remorse for a world they had never known.

These Children were not damned for an eternity, caged within Hell's boundaries, like that of the members of the Fallen. Instead, these Children were bestowed a chance of redemption and given a promise from God himself.

Though, while they were banished from the sanctity of Heaven, these Children were given a special passageway to the World of Man, the Human World, Earth. Where, once there, the Children of the Damned were free to do either good or evil.

Assured at the time of their birth, these Children of the Damned were given a promise, a prophecy from God that ensured that one day they could all be redeemed.







His vow was:


"Should a Child meet an Angel...

With a heart that is heavy...

One-Hundred years be damned.


Should a Child meet an Angel

With a heart that is light...

Damned be the Angel who would smite.

Forgiven be the Child...

With a heart that is light."



Yet, this chance of redemption brought only outrage from the Angels who had fought and suffered throughout the Great War, and, in either spite or ignorance, the Angels of Heaven refused their given task. Ignoring their preordained mission of condemning the Heart's Sin of a Damned Child.

Instead of a chance for absolution, Earth became battlefront for the Children of the Damned. For, once seen on Earth by a Guardian –an Angel sent to protect the masses of mankind, a Demon will be sealed to Hell for one-hundred years.

Since the prophecy was ordained by God, no Child of the Fallen has yet to be forgiven. For every Angel has refused to acknowledge their task of peering into the heart of a Child of the Damned.

Once marked by the Holy Seal, the Child of the Damned becomes trapped within Hell's boundaries. Encaged for one-hundred years, the sealed Demon is confined to Hell, much like the Fallen themselves. Yet, only for the Children of the Damned will their damnation eventually end.

Chapter One


"To Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve,

A Summers day; and with the setting Sun

Dropt from the Zenith like a falling Star"

–John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book One: 743-745).



Luca stood still, his gaze studying the magnificent creature that had fallen from the Heavens. Unconsciously, he rubbed at the dull ache above his bare chest where the remnants of his pounding heart still throbbed. How surprising it had been to see an Angel Fall from the very sky. Then, above all else, to feel the mysteriously still organ of his heart lurch to life at the sight of the Angel's form?

Curiously, Luca drew close, cautiously making his way towards the grounded form of the fallen, battered, being. Philosophically, he studied it's every curve as he guardedly approached its small form; even though it went against his very nature.

Never before had he been curious of Angelic beings, they were creatures best avoided even at the best of times, Luca thought sagely. Yet, with a slight frown, his dark brows angled as he delved deeper into his thoughts.

Yet, here, right at his feet an Angelic subject lay on the very edge of this staggering bluff. Its pitiful form, unconscious and curled into a ball, still visibly trembling from the pain of its Heavenly Seal on its back.

Luca leaned closer, almost apprehensively, for a better view of the area beneath the base of the Angel's wings. Eyeing the circular pattern that marked the freshly branded Seal, now marring the being's flesh.

Surely it was a prelude, Luca rationalized, an explanation to the creature's mysterious appearance in Hell, perhaps?

Logically, it seemed that the Angel was sealed here by one of its own, he concluded.

How odd, Luca couldn't help but think as he continued his observations.

He took note of the being's tattered remains of white silks, grimly stained black by the soot of the ground's volcanic ridges. Then, he silently examined the being's wounds, assessing the multiple lacerations visible on the Angel's frail form; each, still bleeding from the fall the creature had taken just moments prior.

From there, Luca went on to consider the Angel's positioning. Where, one pale, thin, arm hung haphazardly off the side of the bluff's edge. The Angel, lifeless, completely unaware of the dangerous fall one wrong turn would undoubtedly send it plummeting.

Briefly, Luca debated pushing the creature off the edge himself. For surely, this unexpected interruption of his study would result in more trouble than the Angel could be worth. However, even at the mere thought of harming such a creature, Luca was dismayed to find his heart clenched argumentatively within his chest.

Yet, everything about the being was too delicate …and covered in filth, Luca sniffed unsympathetically; more distressed by the idea of touching the Angel's grime, than concerned for its well-being.

Instinctively, Luca edged away from the dirty Angel, his aversion to such things becoming more prominent in the Angel's presence. Regardless of his compulsions, he knew those pale wings would have been a pristine white, if not for the soot that made them appear a dull and lifeless gray.

It clearly wasn't the Angel's fault. Yet, Luca couldn't help but think, he would never stand for such filth to mar his person. The very idea of his raven wings coated in such filth sickened him with bile.

Decidedly, moving past the Angel's sad condition, Luca studied the figure more closely. Only then did he note how similar the Angel's wings were his own. Frowning slightly from his unease, Luca crossed his arms and grabbed his chin just as his brows furrowed with his contemplative thoughts.

In Hell's creation, when the Fallen were cast from Heaven, each of the Fallen had their Angelic wings burned. Their beautiful feathers, scorched into black webbed-wings like that of the chiroptera order.

Even the Children of the Damned, who refused to merge away from what was left of their Angelic Forms, inherited the webbed, bat-like, wings of their Damned predecessors. While, not all Demons of this age still carried their winged forms, each of those who did, bore this cursed trait.

All save Luca. He, who was borne to the most infamous Great Royals in all of Hell, Luca thought towards himself with an unpleasant note. The shadow he lived in, was enough to make even him fearful. Yet, even with the great sin his lineage carried, Luca had been born with Angelic wings, blackened only by their color.

"It was a sign," many of the Fallen said at the time of his birth. "It was the sign of the Redeemer." Scoffing he- Luca shook his head to clear his thoughts. It seemed once again his habit of philosophizing had overtaken his mind.

Yet, how could he not wonder?

Though he was certain his sinful lineage revoked any chance of said redemption, he was however, stunned by the similarities between his wings and the creature's own. For, this was the first time, in all his thousands of years, to see an Angel outside the pages of his many books and scrolls.

Once more focused on the comatose Immortal, Luca gazed lengthily at the creature's wings one last time; before he was suddenly struck with a realization.

Here, at his very feet, was a living specimen not some creature in a book or written passage, it was real… it was present. With a sudden wonderment, Luca grasped that he could physically touch the being before him, and even as unscientific as it seemed, Luca longed to do just that.

Kneeling with a thoughtful look upon his face, Luca hesitantly reached out a clawed hand to touch the tip of the Angel's wing. There was a brief, wondrous, moment, where nothing happened.

Then a warm pale-light enveloped the Angel's form. Momentarily, Luca found himself awed, feeling Heaven's light for the first time in his dark life, before he cringed away in pain. With a yelp, he yanked his hand back. Retreating from the stinging surge of Holy Power, pouring from the Angel's form, which had attempted to burn away Luca's hand.

Gingerly holding his wounded, charred, hand with an angered face. Luca's heated scowl softened slightly when a soft pain-filled moan from the Angel met his sensitive ears. It seemed the being felt the pain of his touch as well, Could it be the clashing of their spiritual powers? Luca wondered tersely.

Once again, Luca glanced down at the Angel's scorched seal.

A century in Hell? Luca pondered thoughtfully to himself. …it would surely make the Angel go as crazed as the lost members of the Fallen!

Luca considered the situation at great length, Angels, were beings who nurtured themselves from sentiments of happiness and love.

Emotions hard to find in a place for damned souls, he thought harshly.

Only then did Luca realize the severity of the Angel's predicament. For, without any intervention the Angel would likely starve throughout its Damnation.

Yet, as an Immortal it would continue to live in immense pain, too weak to leave Hell even at the end of its condemnation.

Luca briefly wondered how long the Angel's sanity could last... His scowl hardened as he pictured the lifeless, mummified, remains of the Angel in one-hundred years.

His fist clenched at the thought and once again Luca felt the strange tug in his chest, as his lips thinned into a frown at the image of the Angel in such a state. Surprised at himself, Luca paused. While, he was taken aback by the possessiveness he felt for the creature; he was, in fact, more than pleased with the idea, for surely it had some merit.

To possess an Angel

The thought alone was an opportunity he refused to relinquish. Without any further deliberation, Luca bent once more towards the fallen being. Careful of his hands touching the Angel's skin, he lifted the small form of the Angel from the ground by the tattered remains of its silk cloths.

Then, Luca stood to his full height, the Angel's hanging limply at his side, as he focused his Demonic Power and allowed his wings to spread.

To an onlooker, such a thing would have appeared as though he had spontaneously sprouted wings from his bare back. However, Luca had only willed his wings to take their natural form, relinquishing them from their binding glamour.

Facing the East, Luca paused to admire the two green moons that had just awakened in the glimmering sky. Moment by moment, Hell's auburn sky had turned darker, until now, only one of its purple suns still burned in the horizon.

The pressing need to return home only grew with the creeping darkness. Fully aware of the dangers awaiting them in the darkness of Hell's night, Luca leapt into the air.

Their take off was slow and sluggish, yet Luca hurried up the ridged volcanic mountain, hastening awkwardly with his load. He was careful of the mountain's sharp edges and bluffs; as well as his hold on the Angel's person.

Inwardly, Luca hoped such actions would prevent any added torment to the wounded creature's person. Knowing, assuredly that when the Angel finally did awake, the being would be in enough pain without any added discomfort from Luca's own misdeeds. For one-hundred years he would keep the being, studying it, and maintaining its needs.

He would want the Angel comfortable enough to be open to his discussions. Yet, Luca pondered with pause, he was unsure of how the Angel would react to living in his residence, for his palace… his home… resided near the Gates of Hell, built over a hot spring boiled by the Lakes of Fire.

For, even the hellish places Demons themselves avoided, his Sire called home.


His Sire…

Glancing briefly down at his bothersome load, Luca realized the answer to his problem. For surely, if any would know of a way to keep such a being as an Angel of the Lord, it would be his father, Luca decided. He would see his Sire as soon as he arrived, and hopefully he would gain the answers he sought.

Crossing over the open ranges of the Lakes of Fire, Luca was thankful for the reprieve of his beating wings as the fanned his form. Yet, even the strong gales of his wings was no match for the fiery temperatures of the lakes flames. Feeling the heat of the fiery lakes upon his skin, Luca blew out a saved breath as the foreboding sight of his Sire's palace came into sight.

Deadened to the sight of burning souls screaming in anguish as their flesh burned away into noxious scented smoke, Luca soared high above the souls. Ignoring their cries for help and their pleas for his mercy.

His palace sat high above the lakes, past even the dark clouds above him, yet Luca could still make out the outline of his father's palace. Pacing himself to fly up the sheer cliff of the palace walls, it wasn't long before his powerful wings pushed him past even the high tower of his room.

Tiredly, Luca flew into the tall open window of painted glass adorning the high ceiling of his room, before callously tossing the Angel onto his large bed. Only, after stretching his aching shoulders, did Luca turn to ring the bell cord at the head of his bed. The action, ushering a servant from outside his hall into the room.

"You will clean this," Luca commanded of the maid, motioning towards the sleeping Angel, who lay on his bed. "Yet, refrain from touching its form," he warned grievously, showing the maid his wounded hand.

At the sight of his now charred extremities, the maid gave a startled gasp. Her yellow, wolfish, eyes widening with both surprise and concern, Yet, Luca was already gone from the room, expertly avoiding her prying questions. Knowing all the while he could trust the maid to see through her duty, while following his commands.

As he predicted, only the soft padding of his own leather boots followed him out into the hall as Luca made his way to his father's room. It was only a short trip, down the stone hallway to the right of his own. Without bothering to knock or even announce his presence, Luca went inside the dark room.

"Father," Luca greeted the unseen figure as he entered.

Peering around in dark, unlit room, when no answer came, Luca tensed at the sound of a voice from behind him. "Yes?" the chilling voice questioned at his back.

Luca turned sharply at the sound, watching briefly as the door to the room shut firmly, and his father appeared from behind it in a casual manner. Deciding to be curt, rather than follow any expected pleasantries between his Sire and himself, he answered shortly. "I have found an Angel," he reported.

Even in the dimly lit room, Luca could see his Sire's eyes become lidded, his face clearly unenthused by such seemingly deplorable news. Instead of meeting Luca's expectations of relentless questions, his Sire simply sighed dismissively, "Adrian has been here since the Fall, he is the Keeper of the Gate," he answered with a wave of his hand, signaling for Luca to leave.

Luca bit down on his lip, trying to quell his ire at such a dismissal, all the while he worked to school his features and dim his scowl. Did his Sire really think him to be daft enough to have not to have already come to that realization? Luca thought heatedly, Of course someone with the power to open a gate between Hell and Earth would be appointed by the heavens above, mayhap even God himself!

Seeing a tired look cross the Fallen One's face, Luca shook his head to clear his thoughts. Keeping his concern to himself, Luca watched patiently as his Sire turned unsteadily on his feet towards his large canopy bed.

Only once his Sire was seated comfortably did Luca continue, forcibly cutting the edge from his words. Luca replied, "The Angel was not the Keeper of the Gate, instead, I have found an Angel sealed here by one of its own."

In the cold silence of the dark room, there was a swirling moment of tension between Luca and his Sire, as the later went rigid at Luca's words. Slowly, his Sire lifted his head, his tired green eyes glowing as an unfamiliar notch shaped his father's brow and a sudden revival awoke in the usual listless eyes of his Sire.

Luca shifted uncomfortably as he became the sole focus of his Sire's attentions. Yet, a hand suddenly cupped his face to quell his fidgeting, forcing Luca's gaze to meet his Sire's. Staring into his father's eyes, Luca was suddenly aware he was being studied by his Sire's green orbs; as if being frisked down to his very soul.

He stood with his mouth agape, slightly fearful, even as his Sire disappeared before his eyes, as quickly as he had appeared. "Luca, come and sit before me," his father called, once again seated on the bed.

Disorientated, Luca stared blankly, mouth still agape at his Sire. Yet, he was met with the same lethargic look that always haunted his Sire's eyes from where he sat on his bed, once again at the opposite side of the room.

Struggling to regain his poise, Luca peered queerly at his Sire, taking in the striking figure surrounded by the bedding's silken sheets of red.

How easy it was to be awed by his Sire, Luca relinquished. For his Sire truly deserved his given titles. His Sire was after all, none other than the Morning Star, Star of the Dawn, the Morning Sun, Son of the Dawn, Prince of Pride, Crowned Prince of Hell, The Royal Fallen, the fiend, Lucifer.

Chapter Two


"No light, but rather darkness visible

Serv'd onely to discover sights of woe,

Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace

And rest can never dwell, hope never comes

That comes to all; but torture without end"

–John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book One: 63-67).



Luca crossed the room still, if only slightly, disorientated. However, he was guided only by the beckoning hand of his Sire outreached in his direction.

Before he had even grasped the awareness of his trajectory, Luca found himself positioned to kneel before his father. His knees exposed to the harsh chill of the stone floor through the parted folds of his sarong's black silks.

Hesitantly, Luca looked up at his Sire with cautious eyes, still dazed from the power his father had exerted just moments beforehand. Like all Fallen, his Father seemed able to control a moments length.

For the thousands of years he had lived, his Sire had only spoken of the power once. "My life is played in moments much slower than your own, and a year for you is a hundred of my own," his Sire had confessed.

A curse, God granted to each of the Fallen, surely.

Despite his Father's age, he looked the same as Luca always remembered. The Prince of Hell was always clothed in black silks, his raven locks falling down his shoulders, even past his waist.

His toneless skin made the depths of this green eyes glow from beneath his dark ringed lids. His lips were such a glistening shade of pink, yet even as he stared at them they some home whispered into Luca's ear as if in two places at once...

"Luca, don't let power control you," his Sire ordered and Luca flinched. The daze that had hung so heavily over his mind lifted in an instant at his Sire's command.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts once more, Luca kept his eyes downcast as he once again struggled to address his issue with his Sire.

The other allowed the time it took Luca to gather his senses, staring down patiently at his son, as Luca formed his reply. "Father, I want to keep the Angel," Luca's words came out slurred when finally spoken.

Still light headed, Luca warred within himself to gain his composure. With a steady voice, he finished his train of thought. "Yet, there is no nourishment for the Angel in Hell," Luca explained, glancing unsurely up at his Sire.

There was a brief flicker of mirth that went through his father's eyes at Luca's unasked question, and the surprise of seeing it silenced Luca's next inquiry.

"There is only one way an angel will survive in Hell," his Sire stated, answering the question fully as he uncrossed his legs to tap the front of Luca's silks, above his heir's groin with a single foot. With a soft tone, he finished his reply, "… you will have to satisfy your Angel's hunger for love with a more physical means."

Completely ignoring the visionary onslaught his father had plighted him with, Luca rushed to argue. "Father, the Angel's Holy Power will-…"

"It's Holy Power will drain the longer the Angel is here in Hell," his father finished for Luca with a bland assertion. Luca stilled under the cut gaze of his Sire's eyes, looking like a punished child with widened eyes.

His Sire's eyes softened at his expression for only a moment, before the Morning Star's attention was caught elsewhere. With eyes that looked past Luca, the Prince of Hell thoughtfully thumbed at his lower lip, his head tilting from the hand that grasped at his chin. "However," the Fallen stressed the word, "… if the Angel was Sealed by another, its body is likely overflowing with Angelic Power," his sire theorized.

"The reason Angels are kept from physical satisfaction between one another is because a sudden increase of Spiritual Power will tear apart an Angel's body and soul." Anxiously, Luca's back went ridged at his Sire's words, "How do I drain the excessive power?" he asked.

His Sire let out a tired sigh. Then, with a cool touch, his father took Luca's wounded hand into his own. Just before an orb of green light enveloped both of their hands, radiating with the Fallen's powers. Before his eyes, Luca watched as the grotesque burns disappeared from his hand under his Sire's healing touch.

When the burns had completely disappeared, his Sire closed his eyes, bringing Luca's hand to his lips to lightly brush a faint kiss upon Luca's knuckles. Though rare, it wasn't the first time his Sire had treated Luca with such tender care, yet he patiently awaited his Sire's answer.

"The pain you feel when you touch the skin of the Angel," His Sire motioned, taking Luca's now healed hand between both of his own, "…is the Angel's Angelic Power seeping out to push you away," he responded.

Almost immediately after wording his reply, his Sire fell asleep where he sat. Luca warred with himself once again, having so many questions, yet knowing his Sire needed his rest. Deciding to leave things as they were, Luca gently took his hand from his Sire's own, and laid his father back to lie properly upon the bed.

A break from the madness should do his Sire well. Too often those of the Fallen went mad from their lack of rest. The bed itself, had been a gift from Luca to help his Sire avoid the madness that plagued so many of the Fallen.

He glanced back only once as he made his way from his Sire's bedchambers, noting the child-like innocence that sleep gave his father's face. The Morning Star was such an odd character, in all his years Luca had never met another like his Sire.

Even with the strange rift between the two of them, he cared endlessly for the slumbering being. As he left his Sire's room, Luca made sure to whisper his thanks towards his Sire. Knowing, even in sleep, the Fallen could hear his words.

Chapter Three


"So spake th' Apostate Angel, though in pain,

Vaunting aloud, but rackt with deep despare:

And him thus answer'd soon his bold Compeer."

–John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book One: 125-127).



Leaving his Sire to his slumber, Luca had meant to go to his father's library to research more on Angels. Yet, as he crossed the stone floor outside his Sire's hall, a surge of Angelic Power pulsated throughout the wing of the palace with enough force to vibrate its very foundation.

Dreading what his father had speculated may in fact be correct, Luca rushed back to his room. Where there upon he found the Angel still unconscious on his bed, it lay on its stomach with its wings spread outwards, its muscles of its thighs and back visibly rippling from the pain that was ravishing its form.

Its top half was shirtless and bare, save all but for the gauze wrapped around the Angel's middle tasked to protect the frayed skin of the burned seal on the being's back. On its hips, a sheet of black silks hung low, contrasting beautifully against the Angels' white skin, yet keeping the Angel's more intimate regions from his view.

Now clean from the volcanic soot, the Angel's white skin and wings seemed to glow majestically in the dark lit room of Luca's chambers. Yet, as his father had predicted, the power coming from the Angel seemed too much from the frail being.

Rushing to the figure's side, Luca attempted to console the creature by smoothing back the Angel's gold hair. Yet, Luca was physically thrown back by the wave of Angelic power that flew from the unconscious beings body.

Luca hissed lowly as his skin burned away along his arms. However, Angel's own cries seemed to be in even greater pain from the explosion. Risking to touch the Angel again, Luca was shocked when nothing happened.

Not knowing how long this interval may last, Luca turned the creature over onto its back, careful of its wings and many wounds. Aptly, with both skill and experience, Luca tied both of the being's wrists to the headboard of his bed.

Then, gently cupping the Angel's face he kissed its soft lips, forcing open its mouth, he twined his tongue with the Angel's unresponsive one.

A startled pain filled moan cried into his mouth, and looking down Luca saw the Angel's eyes blink and then open. The Angel looked both dazed and confused.

The clear pools of its blue eyes and the slow steady lick of its pink tongue tracing its lower lip made Luca swell with desire. He was in silent awe of the small figure. Yet, when the Angel's gaze met Luca's, finally aware of its surroundings, the small creature's face drained with fear.

Bewildered it cried out at the sight of a Demon on top of its person. Suddenly struggling to loosen its bound wrists from their bindings. Ignoring the Angel's incomprehensible babble, Luca silenced the Angel with another painful kiss, attempting to make as much contact with the Angel's skin as possible.

Trailing his hands over the Angel's delicate body, Luca winced as the brief interlude of the Angel's powers creased and the burning pain of their clashing auras steadily grew sharper. Though the pain was bearable to him, beneath him the Angel cried out.

Now conscious of its own pain and the strange state of its body, Luca could see the fear in its eyes growing as the Angel's struggles against his hold increased. What had started as a slow, yet bearable, dull ache of pain quickly raged into an overwhelming wave of agony between the two Immortals.

All around them the room pulsed with Holy power as the Angel screamed in pain. Holding his breath through the worst of it, Luca tried to internalize his agony as his skin blistered from the touch of the Angel's skin.

When the sudden pulsation came to an end, Luca breathed a sigh of relief. With his forehead resting against the Angel's own he forced the small creature's eyes to meet his own. Waiting, until the being could focus, he Angel.

"It's my intention to help you," he whispered against the Angel's lips, even as yet another burning pulsation of Angelic power ripped its way from the Angel's body, to resonating through both Luca and the room.

"Ah-.. God it hurts," the Angel screamed, thrashing wildly.

"I can help you," Luca tried to explain, roughly pinning down the creature, yet the Angel was deaf to his words. Whimpering, the creature cried out, obviously in pain from Luca's touch, "Please God, please- Help-!" it prayed.

Easing his grip, careful of the Angel's frail form and state of mind, Luca tried to quell the Angel's struggles by speaking in a soothing voice. "You were sealed by another Angel," Luca attempted to explain.

"As of right now, you have too much Angelic Power inside your body," hoping that the Angel could hear him over its own ear cringing wails. Feeling the need to rationalize with the Angel, Luca continued, "The more I touch you, the more energy your body will release from the clashing of our Spiritual forms."

The Angel's face was a blotchy red streaming with tears and snot alike, and with a dejected realization, Luca understood nothing he had said had gotten through to the Angel. Other than its wailing prayers, the Angel only begged Luca for its freedom.

Clearly, the Angel understood enough of the situation to grasp that Luca's touch was the sharpened edge of its pain. Yet, even Luca had begun to wonder if his touch was truly helping the Angel.

As another wave of pain hit its body, Luca worriedly watched the Angel's eyes roll back and its body begin to shake violently. His heart clenching from the being's pain, Luca held the Angel tightly against him, holding it through the worst of the pain while whispering comforting words.

When the agonizing wave finally creased its onslaught, Luca attempted to focus the Angel's attentions. In a different approach, he asked the Angel, his voice both breathy and pained "What is your name?"

The Angel's pinched gaze opened, seemingly shocked by Luca's question. In an almost inaudibly soft voice, the creature stuttered out "A-Aries".

The answer escaping the being's lips just moments before another wave of pain hit the pair. At the agonizing pulsation, Angel's eyes shut tightly as more sobs escaped the being's throat. "The Ram?" Luca groaned low, his face pressed into the crook of the Angel's neck, as his jaw clenched. Even despite his pain, Luca found he could not help but scoff at the strange creature beneath him.

"Aries," he addressed with a strange familiarity, "… this will hurt," he apologized unsympathetically, before cupping Aries' face to lick along the long pointed shell of the Angel's delicate ear. Surprised to find, yet another similarity between the Angel's form and his own in the shape of the Angel's ear.

From there he kissed down the jaw line of the Angel's face, all the while running his hands over the Angel's body to prolong their contact. Knowing both the touch of his hands and tongue was like fire caressing the Angel's flesh, just as the Angels flesh burned away at his own skin.

Beneath him, Aries' small body trembled, his eyes flashing wildly at the pain. Yet, the longer Luca touched the Angel the more power flew out of Aries' form; he shared the Angel's pain, ignoring the burning sensation raging on his lips and hands.

He stripped himself of his shirt and ripped the bandages that covered the Angel's chest with his sharp-clawed fingers, taken aback at his discovery.

The Angel was undoubtedly male, as beautiful as he was, the slight definition of muscles in the boy's upper torso gave way to Luca's discovery. Often, he had heard that Angels were notoriously ambiguous in concern of their gender.

Yet, in the many millennium he had lived, the boy was the first Angel he had ever touched, and it was certainly was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes upon. Ignoring his surprise, Luca held the Angel under its arms, cupping the being's thin ribs between both hands to circle its pink nipples with his thumbs.

Bending his head, Luca suckled each of the puckered nubs, biting one with his elongated fangs. At the pain, Aries horrified eyes flew wide open, watching in distress as Luca licked the dribble of blood from the bottom of his lip.

Keeping the boy's gaze locked with his own, Luca smirked and licked the tiny trail of blood he had created from the boy's own chest.

"What are you-" the Angel panicked, thrashing beneath him once again. Yet, just as the Angel asked, Luca latched onto the bleeding nub and suckled hard, drawing the metallic liquid into his mouth.

The purity of the Angel's blood burned its way down Luca's throat. Releasing the abused nub with a wet smack, he enjoyed the sight of it throbbing as blood began to fill and pool inside the nipple beneath the skin. The agony of their encounter and his frustration, left him completely unstated, to the point of his needless aggression.

The Angel cried out as he bit the other in a similar fashion, struggling as Luca removed the silken sheets that had, until then, kept the Angel covered. Luca sat up, sitting astride the Angel's thighs to look down at the creature beneath him.

Completely bare to his gaze, the Angel's arms were bound, it's eyes fearful as the boy's thighs rolled under Luca in an attempt to hide its soft sex from his view. The Angel trembled as Luca's clawed hands slid down the boy's ribs and to grip Aries' hip in one hand and its flaccid sex in the other.

He had started it only to tease the boy, a few short pumps of his hand to ease the Angel's suffering. Yet the thought of his hand, which had easily ripped out a hundred throats in his lifetime pleasuring a being of pure innocence for the first time in its Immortal life had Luca ridged beneath his silks. It turned him on to see an Angel in this state, to know this was how he would feed the boy for the upcoming century.

Numb to the pain that still coursed between them, Luca continued to pleasure the Angel. Even as the boy struggled beneath him, the frail being now arched towards his touch that had brought only pain just moments beforehand.

Keeping his hand steady with teasingly slow pumping strokes, Luca freed himself of his silk sarong with the other, throwing the cloths from the bed in a backwards toss. The Angel's half-lidded eyes widened at the sight of Luca's sex, fear still prominent on the boy's face, the boy went soft within Luca's hand.

"Ahh-Stop," Aries begged struggling in his bindings.

Licking his lips seductively, Luca peered down at the Angelic boy with a cut gaze. The boy lay, trembling his pain clearly a forgotten memory in wake of his fear. The Angel was panting frightfully, his chest rose high, breathing so deeply his golden curls seemed to breathe alongside him with a life of their own. Yet, most assuredly, Luca was certain he was going to enjoy this...

One of the Angel's nipples was a deep purple-black, bruised from misuse and the other was bleeding a trail of blood down the boy's ribs with each panting breath the Angel took. "Don't worry," Luca breathed as he kissed the boy.

Licking the trail of blood his bite had made, he paused, enjoying the feel of nothing between their skins. "Please don't," the Angel begged him with tears filling the boy's blue eyes. "Sorry," Luca murmured unapologetically against the Angel's skin.

He kissed his way down the boy's navel, nipping at the juncture of the boy's thighs and grasping the boy's cock in his hand. Luca traced his tongue along the underside of the Angel's sensitive cock. Loving the gasp and jumping reaction of the boy, as he used long broad strokes with his tongue, flicking it, as he drug it upwards.

One hand massaged the Angel's sack as the other stroked the boy alongside his tongue's ministrations. Clearly feeling both the pleasure and fear, the Angel, Aries cried out as he shook his hips unsure of his direction. Yet, all the while, his legs flailed outwards, his toes clenching the silk sheets at the onslaught of feelings that were coursing through his body.

The boy moaned aloud, hesitantly. Unsure of the new sensations he was feeling, the Angel groaned madly clearly fighting both himself and his pleasure. Luca didn't pause as he engulfed the Angel's cock, rolling his tongue alongside each of the motions, all the while sucking and swallowing with his lips and throat.

"Oh God," Aries screamed. The Angel threw back his head, and thrust his hips forward into Luca's mouth. Yet, Luca continued, his tongue ravishing the Angel's until the boy's pleas disappeared altogether, and the Angel came down Luca's throat with a bursting cry of wonderment. Much like the Angel's blood before, the Angel's cum burned its way down his throat, yet Luca took it all until the boy was finished.

In the afterglow of the Angel's first passions, Luca attacked, pushing, the Angel, Aries' knees upwards with one arm, and inserted his thumb into the boy's ass as he rode the aftershocks of his pleasure. He thrust his thumb into the boy with each swallow of his mouth, until the Angel withered beneath him.

Pulling away, giving the Angel neither time to catch his breath nor protest. Luca pushed the Angel's knees up to either side of its face, and gave a long drag of his tongue over Aries puckered hole, making the Angel jump and cry out in shock.

The Angel, Aries cried out as another, long absent, wave of pain wracked through his body. In comparison to the previous pulsations, Luca felt it as only a powerful aftershock of the boy's depleting Angelic powers. Yet, to the boy, it seemed as if this wave was the most excruciating yet.

He held the Angel close, kissing the boy's neck as the pain continued. Luca stroked the Angel's cock, keeping him hard and withering throughout the worst of the pain. Then, just as the painful spasm had ended, Luca thrust forward into the boy.

He overwhelmed the Angel, slamming into the boy with Demonic speeds without any reprieve. Moans filled the space between the two, the pain and pleasure had long since merged together within their minds. In their heated abandon, Luca could feel the Angel becoming responsive to his every touch. Relentlessly, Luca stroked him in front and while ramming the Angel from behind, like a tyrant controlling the boy's every reaction under his skillfully taught hands.

Luca began to place strategic bites across the boy's body, feeling the Angel beneath him thrashing in need. As he felt his own release near, Luca sped all his actions to envelope the boy all at once, and as the boy twitched inside his hand, and clamped around Luca's cock, he caught the Angel's throaty moan with his lips, and finished the boy with a deep searing kiss.

As they came, one last surge of Angelic Power overtook them, and they collapsed on the silken beddings next to each other. He wasn't surprised to find the boy out of sorts after their strenuous engagement. Yet, he was surprised the lovely Angel had completely sedated both his Demonic and sadistic natures.

Luca was left entirely satisfied, something rare to him, and even as much of a bother it was he made sure to untie the unconscious Angel's wrists. Looking forward to waking with the boy in his arms the next day after a well-rested night's comfort,.

He fell asleep holding the boy, enjoying the feeling of holding the boy without the constant attack of the Angel's Holy Power on his person.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2014

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