The Courting Games

The Courting Games

Aldwyn is reaching the age of eighteen. As part of the Fae Kin, she is often seen below other bloodlines as she is a half elf, and lives within the poorest parts of the city of Menagreve.


The Courtin Games are an incredibly challenging set of events that are only put forth when a royal member of the Elf bloodline has reached the age of eighteen, and daughters and sons are seeking an appropriate individual to marry.


Ten women or men are carefully selected by the Royal family to enter into the game, with or without consent.


Aldwyn, by chance, meets Prince Bronn, who is part of the Silmarillion bloodline - the most powerful and wealthiest of all, and of course, part of the Royal family of Elves. Bronn is soon to reach the age of 18 and is roaming the City to seek his wife.


Aldwyn catches his eye, and though she wishes to have absolutely nothing to do with the Prince, is placed into the very mists of the Courtin Games, and her only options are to either fight or die.

love, romance, elves, elf, fantasy
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