"I need you to fetch me some fish from the market, Aldwyn," my mother said. She's bashing potatoes in a bowl while drizzling some milk in with the other hand. "Don't get cod, maybe some trout?"
"Sure," I replied. "Can I take Obi?"
Obi is our dog, he's beautiful and gifted with a luscious deep brown coat and big, round eyes to die for. I found him on the street five years ago, abandoned and ill. We thought he was going to die at one point - but he pulled through.
My mother nodded, though I could tell she didn't hear what I said.
I would usually take to the market with my sister, Willow, but she had caught a fever earlier this week and was in bed resting herself back to health. She looked a little better than yesterday, and could now sit up properly; but walking for her would take at least another couple of days. She'd caught a nasty bug from an Elf, and didn't have the immune system to fight it off as easily as full-blooded elves.
I grabbed my duster coat and head out. It's snowing heavily and most people are at home by now. The streets are empty, but the flickering streetlamps guide me to where I need to go. Obi is following beside me, tongue hanging and ears bouncing as he pads across the snow. We make it to the market in less than twenty minutes. Stannis, a kind fishmonger was sat behind her wooden stool, most of the fish she offered was gone now, but I could see a few trouts left rumpled on the blocks of ice.
"Aldwyn, good eve, how are you my dear?" She asked, her eyes lifting at the sight of me.
"Very well thank you, Stannis. I'd like a couple of your finest trouts please." I replied, stopping by the stall and observing the stock she had left. "How is everything?"
"Nothing to complain about," Stannis chuckled, grabbing a bag and wrapping it around the fish. "Theon is still asking about you."
Theon was Stannis's eldest son, and was very much interested in me. We had met at the Tirian Elf event a few years back. It was an annual commemoration where many elves would gather around a massive fire and dance until the early hours of dawn. It was a celeberation of our city and the many wars we had faced.
"I see," I replied, and hastly take the fish from her, replacing it with a few coins in her palm. "Well, do tell him I said hello." I pull the lead and Obi perks up. "Take care, Stannis."
I was about to head west to go straight back to the cottage, but I halted when I saw a young man with a few older men by his side. Usually I wouldn't notice such things, but it was empty in the market and they were the only people lingering around.
He wore dark trousers and a top of a similiar colour, his hair was outstandingly shiny and curls dangled across his forehead. I could tell by the amount of men around him that he was wealthy.
He turned and caught my eye, and I immediately felt myself redden; I had been caught gawking. How embarassing. I pulled Obi along and was about to start down the little path when I heard a loud, "Excuse me!"
I stopped and turned; the well-groomed man and his men were approaching me.
Had I done something wrong? Did he know I was a half-elf? Was he going to yell at me for staring?
"I'm sorry," I blurted.
His face was midly confused. "For what?" He asked.
I was silent for a moment, what could I say? I'm sorry for staring at you? "I... don't know."
A smile creeped across his face. "You're quite amusing, you don't need to be sorry if you don't know what you're sorry for." He laughed.
I let out a small breath of relief, glad that he seemed less intimidating than his appearance.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Aldwyn," I replied hesitantly. He was a stranger, afterall.
"Bronn," he replied, putting out a hand to shake which I take in mine. "I'm roaming the streets of Menagreve, you see, Aldwyn, I'm soon to turn the age of 18, and I'm looking for a wife."
My eyes widened - why is he telling me this? "Uh, I see." I replied. "Well, I wish you all the best Bronn, but I really must be going. Its quite late and my mother will be wondering where I am." I try to excuse myself but the hunched men step in my path and prevent me from leaving.
"Sweet Aldwyn, you must not walk away from the prince," Bronn said, though a smile still rests on his face. "I'm still speaking, and you will listen."
My throat tightens. He's a prince? Of course, it makes sense now. The deeply anticipated Courting Games are upcoming, in fact, its all the town can talk about. My friend, Brienne, had kept me filled in. There are apparently 9 women selected so far, and it will take only one more until it reached the max number of participants; that's what I last heard, at least.
"I'm sorry," I said.
Bronn laughed again. "Now you really do you have something to be sorry for." He looked at me for a while, and I feel myself become clammy. "See, Aldwyn, I'm looking for my last participant for the Game, but I've had no luck these past few days, no woman seems to hold a spirit I'm looking for - it was just about hard enough to find the current nine. But you, you're beautiful. You've caught my attention, and finally, I've found you. You will be by tenth participant."
I feel my body numb. Obi's lead fell from my hand but he doesn't move from my side, he's resting again, clearly tired of waiting and has found a place to settle.
"W-what?" I stuttered.
"Yes, Aldwyn, I wish for you to be my last participant."
I expect that he expects me to be happy about this, because the smile upon his face is still existent.
"B-but I can't," I replied, and his expression faultered. I say quickly, "It's just - I'm a half-elf, I could never be part of the royal family." This is partly true, but its mostly because I don't wish to have any involvement with the royal family. I'd heard reckless stories of their families torturiously murdering half elves just because they 'felt like it'.
There family were evil and wholly entitled.
"Nonsense," Bronn replied. "I get to pick my wife, and there's nothing to say half-elves can't be a part of the royal family. I suppose its more that its not particularly... welcomed." Bronn was close to me now, he put a hand out and stroked the side of my face with his glove. I wanted more than anything to move away, but terror halted me from making any rash movements. "You will participate, do not worry of your status. I'm a prince, and no one will dare speak against it. Otherwise I will personally deal with them myself."
There was something about Bronn that scared me. Perhaps it was his smile that sat on his face while he spoke so ruthlessly, or maybe it was how entitled he came across - picking any woman he desired off the street and forcing them to battle to become his wife.
"I see," was all I said.
"Take me to your home." Bronn demanded, and all the colour in my face drained. What was my mother to think?
"Now." Bronn stated.
I was speechless. Wired with thousands of emotions at that point, and I simply nodded, not sure of how I was going to explain this to my mother and sister.
I grabbed Obi's lead and we silently treached back to the cottage. I felt my heartbeat fasten as my home came into view. Just behind the dimly lit window of the cottage stood my mother, her glasses hung on the end of her nose as she flicked through pages of her recipe book. Tears pooled across my eyes. Would I ever see her again? Would this be our last meal together?
I knocked gently on the door and my mother opened it, she smiled warmly at me but it dropped when she realised I wasn't alone.
"Who is this?" She asked, grabbing my arm warily.
"Prince Bronn, part of the Royal Elves, I have come to inform you that your daughter will be participating in the Courting Games this year. Congratulations." He smiled.
My mother's face was shocked, she looked between both me and the prince, and then at the three men that stood behind us.
"Can we come in?" Bronn asked, althought it wasn't really a question.
My mother stood silent for a moment longer and then, slowly, pulled the door open. Bronn brushed past, followed by his men and took a look around the small cottage. He then pulled out a wooden seat from the table and sat, crossing a leg over and linked his fingers together.
"Lovely home you have. What is your name?" He asked my mother.
"Elora." My mother said quietly, she was still by the open door.
"Beautiful name." Bronn said, smiling. "Well, Elora, I shall send my men back for Aldwyn tomorrow eve. I've put a containment spell over the house, so Aldwyn won't be able to leave until she's formally escorted out by us. It's just for precaution. She won't need to take anything either, we have everything at the palace, and do not worry, you will be formally invited to watch the Games when they commence. Perfect seating and outstanding food service." Bronn says, as if speaking from a script he had used so many times before.
"Will I see my daughter again?" My mother asked, her face a mixture of worry and desperation.
"Well, provided she wins, yes of course. You and your family will be put into a proper home as you will be a new part of our family. We treat family with honour."
"And if she doesn't?" My mother asked quickly.
Bronn looks down at the floor for a moment, knowing full well he couldn't just spurt out that she wouldn't see me again because if I didn't win the Games, I'd be dead.
"Then no, you will not."
My mothers eyes are glassy, and she turns away. "Must she do this?"
"Yes. You should feel honoured that a Prince has taken such a liking to your daughter, and that your daughter has a chance of becoming a princess," Bronn replied nonchalantly.
My mothers lips pursed, an expression she so often did when she was angry. "I see."
Bronn ran his hands across his trousers and then got up, placing the chair neatly back under the table. "I should be heading off now. Do take care. I will see you tomorrow." Bronn looked over at me and nodded his head before him and his men left.
My mother and I looked at one another, no words came from us, and for most of the night, we drowned in tears and sorrow, and spoke words of love, as if we had accepted a fate of death.
I said goodbye to my mother in the morning. My sister wouldn't look at me, either angry that I had agreed to leave or angry that there was nothing we could do. I wasn't sure. I kissed her on the head and pushed a thick blonde strand behind her pointed ear. Her eyes were teary, but she didn't wipe them.
"Try to win," was all she said, glancing at me and then turning away to rest her head back on the pillow.
I was trying my hardest to not get emotional, but it was hard. I closed my eyes for a second, taking a slow breath in. "I'll try."
There were three guards waiting for me by the door. My mother sat helplessly at the table, biting the skin around her nails. Her eyes were heavy, but she was able to bring an empty smile to her lips. We both knew what it meant.
I bent down and gave Obi a stroke, ruffling his ears gently and he snuggled close to me. "I'll see you soon, Obi." I didn't know if it was true, but telling myself I was going to be okay helped, a lot.
"Here." One guard placed a long shawl across my shoulders. I wasn't very tall, so it came down to almost my feet. "We have a long journey ahead."
We rode in a berline carriage, a black horse pulled us along, and we were moving fast. The snow was heavy, and I had to say; it was a fairly unpleasant ride. I counted two hours that it took to get to the palace. It sat guarded behind wrought-iron gates and two guards stood on either side of it. They wore black tunics and bearskin hats with force pikes resting on their shoulders.
"We're almost here." A guard said.
I nodded.
The gates were opened and we were in. The grounds were huge and filled with luscious grass and masses of trees and shrubs. It was crawling with servants, some carried buckets of milk from the farm area, while others with woven baskets of eggs.
We followed a crushed gravel path for a few minutes and stopped just before the doors to the palace. There were nine women standing in a perfect straight line at the foot of the steps. They watched as I was removed from the carriage, beside them, Prince Bronn and some other people who looked expensive were waiting.
"Aldwyn." Prince Bronn comes over, beaming. "It's so lovely to have you here, how was your journey? Pleasant I hope?"
"Yes, thank you," I lied.
"Do come and meet my mother and father, I've told them wonderful things about you." Prince Bronn guided me to them, there expressions didn't look welcoming, I assumed they knew I was half-elf.
"Hello." I said.
His mother nodded and replied in a mocking tone: "Goodluck, my dear."
"These are the rest of the participants." Prince Bronn guided me towards the line of women. They looked over at me, all with faces like his parents, except one girl, who offered a polite smile. "You will be sharing your time with them for the weeks to come. There will be two beds per room, I'd like to offer you the chance to pick your own partners now."
The girls instantly formed into a formation of two's; beside the girl who had smiled at me. She looked over and nodded in encouragement for me to join.
Prince Bronn directed us to follow him, shouting as though we were sheep in a sharp tone: "This way!"
Me and the girl were the last to reach our room, it was on the highest level of the castle. I looked past one of the windows and noticed how far we were from the ground. I turned away immediately; I was quite terrified of heights.
"The best room in my opinion, you can see endless views of the gardens" Prince Bronn laughed as he pushed open the door and we were taken into a dimly-litted room with two single beds. "Now, supper will be at seven-thirty sharp. It is on the ground floor, if you get lost just ask one of the maids. I will also be explaining, in detail, the Courting Games and the rules, you're training will start tomorrow."
We nodded, and he left us to settle in.
I placed myself down on the bed furthest from the window. I watched as the girl pulled a pin out of her red hair and it flowed loosely down her back, she ruffled it and then twisted it into a tight knot.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Aldwyn." I replied.
"I heard you're half-elf."
I feel my stomach knot.
"Yes," I said nervously.
She looked over at me. "I don't mind, I think they're cool."
I was surprised, and I think she noticed because she giggled softly. "Yeah. I was with a half-elf, his name was Galudriel."
"What happened to him?" I asked.
She shrugged. "Nothing, I was brought here."
She knew she would never see him again, regardless of if she won or not. Her fate was sealed to either death or marriage.
"What's your name?" I asked, changing the subject as I could see her sorrowful expression in the dressing mirror.
"Did you wish to come here?" I asked, and felt fairly silly for even considering such a thing when she gave me a look.
"No. I was forced to, most of us were - beside Rina. Her family requested that she be put in the Games." Lavendar looked out the window for a moment. "Prince Bronn had taken a trip down to Pletinia, a small city on the outskirts of Menagreve. I was with Galudriel and we had decided to take a trip to the meadows," she said, a smile of the memory appeared across her face. "Prince Bronn was in his carriage and stopped just beside us. We were forced back home and told that I was to join the Courting Games." Lavendar's eyes faced the floor. "I didn't even get to say goodbye to him properly."
"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.
"It doesn't matter now." Lavendar said, offering a gentle smile then turned to lie on the bed, curling herself into a ball. "We're here and that's all that matters."
By seven-thirty, we had made it downstairs. The girls were already there and had found a seat around the table. Lavendar and I took the last two empty seats and a servant came round to fill our cups with water. Prince Bronn brushed through the door, taking his place at the head of the table. His parents were there too, alongside a younger boy and girl who I assumed were Prince Bronns' siblings.
"Good eve." Prince Bronns' father, the king spoke. Instantly the subtle murmuring of the girls died down. "I hope you've taken the time to settle in well." He paused, none of us responded. "I thought it would be a pleasant idea to sit down and get to know one another, and your husband, of course. Tomorrow, you will start training. We have excellent grounds filled with professional elf trainers which means you will be expected to use both your magic and combat skills for the Courting Games."
I swallowed. As I was only half-elf here, I knew that my magic was a lot less effective and strong as those who were full elf. There was little I could do, but knowing I was heading into a battle that I was going to lose terrified me.
Prince Bronn had probably put me in the Games because he knew I was going to die, and it would be another excuse to kill off a half-elf.
"Your training will last exactly five days. On the sixth day, the Courting Games will commence. The Games will last for a maximum of three days. It could be shorter depending on the circumstance." The King continued, taking a sip from his brass cup and wiping at his beard with a handkerchief. "So eat well, and get ready for tomorrow, it will be intense, but this will be for the priviledge of becoming a royal. You must show your power and that you are a worthy princess."
I looked over at Lavendar, her eyes were on the table, she didn't carry an expression but from what she had told me earlier, I knew she was deeply unhappy.
"Now, let's eat, and celebrate." The King boomed, before taking his fork and knife and dug into the crispy breast of a rosemary-coated duck.
It was six in the morning when we were woken by one of the servants. She poked her head round the door and spoke loudly. "Time to wake up, training will begin in 30 minutes."
I looked over and was surprised to see Lavendar on the end of her bed, training clothes on and her nightgown lay deflated on the duvet covers.
"You're up." I say.
She nods. "I live on a farm, I have to wake up earlier than this."
It takes me fifteen minutes to have a shower and get ready. I pull my hair into a tight knot. I don't feel ready for today but I wanted to at least look presentable.
Once I'm done, Lavendar and I head to the dining room, scoff down our breakfast and are sent to the grounds. We find the eight women lined up on the grass. Prince Bronn is already there, as is the King and other three men.
"Aldwyn, Lavendar. Welcome. Do join us." Prince Bronn says, coaching us to come over and line up. "I've rounded up three of our most experienced trainers. They are part of the Nyloia bloodline. This is Balin, Elrand and Theadon. Most of their family have worked as trainers for the royal family for decades. You ladies will get only the best training. Now, why don't we share our names with one another."
Each girl took turns:
"Excellent." Prince Bronn clasps his hands together in excitement. "Now that we know one another a litte better, let's get to it, shall we?"
We were split up into groups of five. Me, Estel, Melian, Lavendar and Ornelia were taken to one side while the others were taken somewhere else. Prince Bronn would alternate between groups, watching intently as the trainers would teach us the proper ways to dodge, punch and kick. I'd never really learned how to fight, most poor people in Menagreve didn't have that priviledge, and even with abilities, our schools focused more on learning out of books than anything physical.
I was partnered with Rina. She was beautiful, with long swaying hair, most of it was brown with specks of blonde and her eyes were a piercing cold blue. She looked wealthy.
"Aldwyn, I want you to try and dodge Rina's attack," spoke one of the trainers, and moved back. "Rememeber, move your shoulder downward and then inward across your chest. Go."
Rine came at me fast, raising a fist and I quickly tried to move out the way, but she was fast and her knuckles slammed into my jaw, sending me flying backwards. The girls, beside Lavendar, all let out a small laugh.
"That's enough." The trainer said, sending a warning glance to the group. "Here." The trainer offered me a hand and I took it, moving my jaw around to ease the pain. "Just make sure you're faster next time, you'll get the hang of it."
"Will she?" Rina scoffed, hand on hip. "She's a half-elf, no matter how hard she trains she'll never be faster than full elves."
"Rina," I heard Prince Bronn gasp, and came over to us. "That's not a very nice thing to say is it? Say sorry to Aldwyn, now."
Rina rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. Prince Bronn's face suddenly changed; he looked immensely displeased. He raised a hand, and clenched his gloved fist. Rina suddenly began to look very red, and quickly put a hand to her throat as if unable to breathe.
"Say sorry, Rina," Prince Bronn said again through gritted teeth.
Rina gasped for air, eyes wide and laced with fear. "I-I'm sorry, Aldwyn."
Prince Bronn let his hand go and Rina gasped in air desperately. His smile returned. "Excellent, now let's try again. Aldwyn, try to dodge Rina's attack."
Rina looked dazed but positioned herself to fight. Again, she was fast, but this time I was able to dodge and Rina fell to the ground, letting out a small sqeal.
"Well done Aldwyn, see, it just takes practice," Prince Bronn said, winking at me.
I looked down quickly. Had he just strangled Rina? I looked over at her, her face was still flushed and her eyes were bloodshot.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
She glared at me. "I'm fine," she spat.
We trained for exactly three hours, then took an thirty minute break which gave us time to roam around the castle grounds. By the time the day was done we had been filled with mountains of food and was sent off to bed.
"I'm tired," Lavendar said, yawning. "I wonder what we'll encounter tomorrow."
I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care."
Lavendar laughed. "I saw what happened to Rina today. She's so up her own arse its ridiculous. You should have heard some of the things she was saying before you got here yesterday. 'Oh, I'm the perfect match for Prince Bronn, I have princess blood in me, my family are so rich, blah blah blah'."
I laughed, out of all the girls, I had to say, Rina seemed the most entitled. Which fitted the whole royal status perfectly. Although, I still couldn't remove the image of Rina's eyes bulging as Prince Bronn suffocated her.
Lavendar and I prepared for bed, and when I had just taken to laying down a servant knocked gently on the door and peered in. "Aldwyn, dear, Prince Bronn is calling for you."
My body tensed and I looked over at Lavendar, she was already asleep, lips parted and letting out a gentle snore.
"Now?" I asked nervously and the servant nodded.
I followed her down the hall, across a few stairs and up to a candle lit area. We stopped just outside some wooden block doors. The servant knocked and stood back.
"Come in." I heard a faint reply.
The servant opened the door and waited for me to go through. I hesitantly stepped in and looked round, it was a massive chamber. A bed sat in the room upon a small platform. Prince Bronn was resting on the edge, looking over at me.
He gave me chills.
He observed my clothing, and I noticed that all I was wearing was my nightgown and immediately my cheeks began to redden.
"Come," he says gently, extending a hand for me to take. "I wanted to speak to you."
I took his hand - although I didn't want to - and sat down beside him. He simply looked at me for a moment. "You're very beautiful, Aldwyn."
"Thank you," is all I say.
"And just because you're a half-elf, it doesn't mean anything to me. In fact, you're equally just as important as everyone else here." Prince Bronn said, his hand was still tightly clutching mine. "If Rina or anyone has a problem with who you are, do let me know, and I will sort them for you."
I nodded, though his words caused a shiver to run along my spine. Sort them for me probably meant causing incredible pain and I certainly didn't want that to happen. Prince Bronn was cruel. The idea of marrying him made me feel sick.
Prince Bronn then brought his face close to mine and placed a kiss upon my cheek. I closed my eyes tight. Waiting for him to send me away.
"Goodnight, Aldwyn, I do hope you and I can speak more later on." Prince Bronn whispered into my ear.
I got up quickly, offered a small curtesy and left.
Although he hadn't done anything I felt completely unsettled.
The next day, we were taken back to the grounds to continue our training. Only this time, it was more intense. There was an array of bows set against a long wooden pole. We were told to take one each. There were also ten fighting dummies lined up for each of us, and we had to stand behind a marked line to practice our aiming and shooting.
"Take your time." Theoden, one trainer, said. He watched as each of us took turns trying to hit the dummies with our arrows. Most missed, except for Rina, Lia and Melian.
"Well done, the three of you," Theoden praised, and the three girls shared a toothy grin with one another. "You'll all have another chance to have a go and then we'll practice on one another."
I gawked. "You mean, we're going to shoot at each other?" I asked.
"Obviously, but you should think about hiding rather than shooting," Rina shot. The girls sniggered.
"Yes, but we'll be shooting with round foam tips, they're safe and won't harm you," Theoden reassured, sending a stern look at Rina.
Prince Bronn didn't join us today. We were told that he was busy attending matters regarding the palace. Although his sister and brother checked in on us at one point.
We took turns shooting at one another, I, of course, missed entirely, and by the end of the activicty, had pretty much given up.
When we were told we could take a break, I found a seating spot underneath a cherry blossom tree. I drank from an icy bottle of water, relieved to have finally got the chance to rest. I'd been training for two hours.
For most of the girls here, it was a competition, even though the Games hadn't commenced yet, they seemed eager to prove their strengths to one another, and it was exhausting.
Prince Bronns' sister comes over to me. She takes a seat on the ground beside me, and offered a smile. "Hi, Aldwyn."
I look over at her. "You know my name?"
She laughed softly. "Of course, Prince Bronn speaks about you the most."
Why was Prince Bronn so keen on me? His fascination scared me, his coldness offered no comfort and I didn't want anything to do with it.
"Oh." I reply.
"My name is Angel," she says. "How are you finding it here?" She asked.
"I feel out of place," I reply honestly.
"Because you're half-elf?"
I nodded.
"Well, if it doesn't bother Bronn then I shouldn't worry," she replied, leaning back and resting her head on the trunk of the tree. "My parents despise half-elves, they say there's absolutely no purpose in them and they might as well live in the human world. But me and my brother have always found half-elves quite fascinating," Angel says, she picks at the grass by her legs and lets them flutter away in the breeze. "We would go to the library when we were younger and read books about the power of half-elves - you'd be surprised at your abilities."
I looked over at her, slightly surprised she was so forthcoming. The stories I had heard about her family suddenly became harder to believe, although, I would guess it was probably her parents that committed most of them.
"What do you mean?" I ask, curiousity overcoming me now.
"Why don't you meet me in the library after your training and I'll show you some books, perhaps it might help you in the Games."
For the first time since being here, I felt a sudden urge of hope run through me. "Okay."
Five more hours we trained, and by the time we were done I was drenched in layers of sweat. I'd missed most of my shots on the fighting dummies, but it was due to the lack of motivation I had developed and was no longer trying. We'd also taken more time to practice our dodging and punching techniques, and of course, I'd had little success in defeating anyone.
A small headache reached the side of my temples and I massaged them gently with my fingers.
"Are you going back to our room?" Lavender asked, following close behind me.
"No, I'm heading to the library."
"Okay, I'm going to go and take a bath, my muscles are on fire," Lavendar replies.
It took me a couple of tries to locate the library, entering a couple rooms where high-class strangers sat, observing my messy state with raised eyebrows and I would quickly apologise and carry on to the next room. The library was massive, filled with frontline shelves and a few seating areas with green glass bankers lamps that rested on oak tables. Glass skylights hung over us, letting in the evening sun.
Angel was sat in the far corner, it was almost difficult to distinguish her, she looked different compared to earlier. Her bleached white hair was pulled tightly up now and she wore wire-framed glasses.
She spotted me as I headed toward her and gave a small wave. "Hi, Aldwyn," Angel says. She has a stack of books on the table. "I've got a couple guides for you. They're based mostly on the abilities of the half-elves. I won't make you read them all, you haven't got time, but I'll direct you to the important pages that you should try and read before the Games. Some of them have guides on abilities and others have tips on how to use them properly."
I nod, sending her a smile of appreciation.
Angel flicks through a page from a dusty leather-coated book. It's thick and its pages are tattered and ripped, although its still readable, it looks like its been read many times.
"Here." Angel points to a page with the heading: THE MAGIC OF HALF ELVES: LEARNING HOW TO USE YOUR POWER.
I look at it, surprised there was even anything like this in the world, I'd never come across teachings involving helping half-elves before.
The text where Angel pointed read:
Half-elves, despite lacking certain core elements to be as diverse in power as full-elves, are still able to focus on their specific abilities they possess, and at times, can use these abilities to outstrengthen full-elves. Practice is essential here, and can take up to a number of years to properly master.
"Years?" I say outloud, disappointed.
Angel tuts. "Nonsense, not when you've got a good teacher to teach you." I look over at her, she beams. "I'm great at it, my parents put me in the top elemental school for abilities. I know I'm full-elf, but I'm certain I can teach you. We just need to find your specific power abilities."
"How long will that take?" I ask worriedly.
"Not long at all, meet me at the grounds after the servants do their last checks on you. Here." Angel passes me a small bronze key. "This is for the door to the gardens. You'll have to go through the kitchens, its right at the back - a wooden door. You won't miss it." She gets up, and takes the books on the table, handing them to me. "Take these to your room and read, I've put paper on each important page I think will help you the most."
"Thank you," I say, shocked by how helpful she was being. I looked at her, biting my lip. "Is this cheating?"
Angel locks eyes with me. "No."
Two servants had completed their rounds on us. Lavendar was already asleep and I waited until I could no longer hear any footsteps. I slid out from the covers and wrapped a gown around me, then pulled some moccasin shoes on.
I opened the door and it let out a startlingly loud groan, I paused, glancing back at Lavendar who remained in deep slumber. Then, I took the moment to peek round the corner to check if anyone was close. The hallway was empty. Now was my chance.
I was able to locate the spiraling stairs right at the end of the corridor. I took each step as quietly as I coud, and I was almost at the bottom when I heard a familiar voice.
Prince Bronn.
"I think she's excellent," he says, I can't see who he's speaking to. "She's beautiful, and different. I don't know what it is about her. But I want her to win."
I wonder who they're speaking about, I think to myself, crouching on the step. Waiting for them to walk away.
"You know mother and father would be furious if she won," a younger boy says, I was certain it was Prince Bronn's brother. "They don't even consider her a part of the Games."
Prince Bronn sighs. "I couldn't give a damn what they think, they've been so keen on controlling everything I've done all my life. Tradition has done me a favour, this is the one thing I can pick without their input. I want Aldwyn to win."
I froze. He was talking about me? I couldn't believe it. But why? There were so many considerably stronger participants, why was he so focused on me?"
"Come, we must not talk so loud," I hear the younger boy say and they walk towards what I assume is a living area.
When I thought it was safe, I pad across to the kitchen, remembering Angel's instructions. I could see through a massive doorway to where some stoves and countertops sat. The kitchen was empty, and spotlessly clean. I went straight to the back and found the wooden door in the mist of sheer darkness, and pushed the key in, it clicked open and I was met with a cool breeze.
"Psst." I turn and see Angel, she's wearing a thick wool coat and silk glove liners "Follow me."
I close the door and hastly catch her pace. "Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you to the back of the garden, there are large hedges and cypress there, no one will see us." Angel replied.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"Oh, do stop asking so many questions." Angel replied irritantly.
It was dark and hard to properly see, but we make it to a secluded area. "This should be perfect."
Angel has a large book tucked under her arm, she pulls it out and flicks through a few pages. "I want to first understand your abilities," Angel says, taking a seat on a straight marble seat with scroll-carved legs. "Let's see if you have the ability of fire. I need you to place the palm of your hand out, focus on it. Say the words: 'radix ignis', It's latin for 'root of fire.'"
I place my hand out, looking directly at my palm then say: "Radix ignis."
I stare at my hand for a few moments, but nothing happens. I glance at Angel, who is still intently watching.
"Again. Envision the fire in your palm."
I say it again: "Radix ignis." Nothing happens.
"Okay, lets try water. I want you to say 'radix aquae.'"
I say it. Again, nothing happens.
"Okay, we've tried the least complex abilities, now lets try some more intense levels." Angel says, again, flicking through a couple of crinkled pages. "This ability allows for the creation of objects from your mind, this could be anything, like weapons. You must say: 'mens particularum'. I want you to focus on the ground, think of a brass cup, picture it."
I nod. Taking a deep breath in and focusing on the ground, imagining one of the brass cups used in the palace that we drink from at supper. "Mens particularum." Nothing happens.
I sigh. "It's hopeless, I'm half-elf, I probably don't even have abilities."
Angel sends me a disgruntled look. "Nonsense, all elves, whether full or half have abilities, whether its one or many. We just have to find yours. Don't give up so easily."
Angel gets up, placing the book on the seat and goes over to a shrub. She uses her boot to stamp on something, then picks it off the ground. She's squished a slug, and liquid oozes from it. I turn away, eyebrows pressing together.
Angel places the dead slug on the ground by my feet. "Now for the ability to bring things back to life. I want you to say: "Animari."
I look down at the murdered snail, and think of a normal healthy slug. "Animari." I hope more than anything the slug comes back to life. But again, nothing happens.
"Animari," Angel says and in a flash the slug is moving again.
I look at her. "That's your ability?"
"One of them." She says, grabbing the book. "Now, there is one ability I'm curious to see if you have. I don't think there's any point waiting until last. It's worth a try. Of course, its going to be a slim chance considering you are half-elf, afterall. Its a power absorption ability, it will allow you to take on anyone's powers close to you."
My eyebrows raise. This is silly. If I haven't got any powers so far, what would be the point in attempting this?
"You must say: 'absorbere potestatem.'"
"This is ridiculous," I mutter, but I say it, nonetheless. "Absorbere potestatem." I look around, but nothing happens. "See-"
"Shh," Angel says, coming over to me and stamping on the slug again.
I groan. "Is that really necessary-"
"Say it again." Angel says. "Look at the slug and say it, imagine it alive and moving."
I look down at the slug, again, liquid seeps from it. "Absorbere potestatem." I say, and I am shocked to see the slug moving again.
Angel scoffs, closing the book shut. "Well, Miss Aldwyn, you're certainly special, aren't you."
We found I possessed the power of absorption. I was shocked. That night, I didn't get much sleep, I had books heaped at the end of the mattress and flicked through each of them. There were many pages on abilities and how to use them, but none on power absorption itself. Having power absorption meant I would need to learn how to use them all.
"What are you reading?" Lavender asks, its now morning and she comes out of the bathroom in a towel with an array of thick steam following her.
"Books on abilities. If we're going to be learning how to use them, I thought I'd read into it," I reply.
Lavender nods. "Good idea."
"Do you know what your ability is?" I ask.
"I can summon an ally to fight for me and I can also teleport," Lavender explains, clipping in a purple flower hair-clip to stop her fringe from falling across her face. "But my parents forbid us to use them anywhere outside of school."
"I only figured mine out yesterday."
Lavender looks at me through a mirror. "You have an ability?"
I nod. "Power absorption."
Lavendar stops picking at her already perfectly neat hair. Attention directly on me now. "Seriously? You have the power of absorption? I've heard its a rare ability to have even for a..."
"A full elf," I finish, and Lavendar looks embarassed. "Yeah, I guess I got lucky."
"That's pretty amazing."
After we get dressed, we head downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. The table is stocked with different food today: Pumpkin bread rings topped with chopped walnuts, quiche, baked french toast with freshly-picked strawberries and oatmeal scones. My mouth watered, the food served here was rather different to home, where we would often eat fresh bread from the bakers with butter and jam.
"Take a seat," one of the servants said to us and our plates are quicky stockpiled with food, and drinks filled with ice and apple juice.
Prince Bronns' chair is empty. I see the King whispering to one of the servants who nods her head obediently as she listens to him. She then quickly scurries off to, I assume, search for Prince Bronn.
"What's up with Rina today," Lavendar whispered, sending a look across the table.
I looked over, Rina's face is pinched. She tuts and said: "I don't like scones with butter, I said I wanted mine plain, but look," she pointed to the puffed pastry on her plate. "It's filled with mountains of butter!"
"Please forgive me Madam, I'll get you a new one right away." The servant quickly took the scone from her plate.
"Fetch me a new plate too, you've put your greasy hands all over it. Don't you have any manners?" Rina asked, sending her a look of disgust.
"God, she's work," Lavendar muttered, rolling her eyes.
I contemplate over what Rina's power is - I expect it to be powerful. She carries herself as though she's a god.
"Good Morn to you all." Prince Bronn steps in wearing a white tunic and trousers. A black cloak made of cashmere hangs from his shoulders, he looks outstanding. I blush, why would I think such a thing? "I do apologise for being late... I had certain pressing matters to attend to." Prince Bronn sends a look to his father who is too busy chomping on scones to notice. "It's day three of your training, which means we'll be focusing more on your abilities today. This will take a lot of energy out of you, so do eat well."
"I'm sure you'll be interested to know what my power is, Prince Bronn," Rina voiced, she flutters her eyelashes and her face glimmered from excitement.
"Well, I'm excited to see all of your capabilities." Prince Bronn turned and looked towards me, the eyes of the girls follow him and their faces form a scowl. I look down, poking at the flaking quiche on my plate with a fork.
We were taken to the grounds after we ate. There were ten wooden stools lined up for us and the trainers assigned each girl a seat. Balin, a trainer, had a book clasped in his hand, it looked like one of the old traditional types that Angel had lent me from the library.
"Today, we are going to focus on your abilities," Balin said as we settle down. "I'm sure you are all aware and capable of using them. But, practice is essential for the Courting Games. There will be an Abilities Event on day two, which means you will be using your powers against one another - it will be demonstrative of your strengths. A true princess is powerful, and strong."
I'm nervous. Although my ability is strong, having only two more days to learn how to use the abilities of my participants was terrifying.
"I'd like each of you to tell us your abilities, Missalder, I'd like you to start," Theodon says.
Missalder is shy, and keeps mostly to herself. She has fluffy black hair and eyes that match; she looks harmless. "Malleability, the ability to alter my appearance into any living form." It's almost hard to hear her with such a soft tone.
"Excellent, a great power." Balin acknowledged.
Ornelia is next. "Voodoo. The ability to control a person for thirty seconds."
Hushed voices creep across the group, Balin settles them quickly. "Impressive, I'm sure it will be of great use for the Games, Ornelia.
"Shapeshifting into any living form or inanimate object," Pamelia said.
"Accelerated regeneration. The ability to heal from physical damage quickly and reality warping; changing a person's sense of surroundings for sixty seconds," Lia said.
"Summoning of an ally and telekinesis," Melian speaks next.
Then Rey: "Enhanced strength and agility." Rey was an exceptional fighter, her moves were fast and controlled; none of the girls could successfully match her combat skills, it made sense why now.
"The ability to bring dead things back to life," Estel said.
"Resistant to all powers," Rina said cockily. She sits upright in her chair, head high, smiling as the girls look at her in awe.
"I don't believe I've come across an elf with abilities such as yours," Balin said, his eyes are glinting now. "Very good Rina, I look forward to seeing it in practice."
Lavendars next: "Summoning an ally and teleportation."
Then its me. "Power absorption."
There's silence for an extended moment. Balin is watching me. Probably trying to determine whether I'm telling the truth.
"Lies," Rina scoffed, breaking the silence and gets up. "Power absorption? From a half-elf? I don't believe it for a second. Prove it."
I think that Prince Bronn will step in to settle us but he too looks at me in disbelief.
"Okay," I breathed and got up. I didn't know what I was going to do. "Who's power shall I use?"
"Mine, of course." Rina cuts in before Balin could speak. She turns to Ornelia. "Ornelia, control the half-elf with your powers."
Ornelia's eyes dart between her strands of black hair. She gets up slowly, stalks me for a moment. She has a clunky necklace loosely hanging from her neck, its lined with black stone charms. I turn my focus on Rina. Resistance to all powers. How was I suppose to do that? I know it worked with Angel, but she was the only elf that had been close to me at the time. I was around a dozen now.
"Imperium." Ornelia said in a hushed whisper. I look around, waiting for my arms to flail like a puppet or to take a step forward without wanting to. But nothing.
"That doesn't mean anything," Rina stated after a full minute has passed. "Ornelia, are you sure it's not just your foolish powers?" Ornelia turned, and instantly Rina is forcefully bent to her knees, and flipped over onto her back. She coughs as she meets the ground and cries out.
Theoden and Eldrand come running to her side.
"Enough. Back to your seats" Theodon says and checks to see if Rina's okay.
I took my seat, but could feel the girls' eyes burning on me.
"Well, it seems you group of girls have a great set of powers on you," Prince Bronn says after a moment, rubbing his gauntlet gloves together. "I'm impressed, and look forward to seeing you use them. Before we really start working your powers though, I want to share with you some information on how you will be expected to use them." Prince Bronn is close to us now, the girls wait eagerly for him to proceed. "After day one, you will go face to face against one another in the Control Room. You'll stand and fight each other using your abilities. The Control Room is ability-proof, which means everything you do will stay in that room."
"And how long does it last for?" Lia asked.
"Well, until one dies of course," Prince Bronn laughed. His face drops when concerned voices begin to stir. "Let's not act like we don't know whats going to happen, now."
I watch Prince Bronn. He treats us like cattle, preparing us for slaughter. We, like fools, sit and wait out our destiny, in the hopes we might be able to survive.
Balin steps in. "Pamelia and Melian, up you girls get. Face each other. Now, on the mark of three, I want you to use your abilities. Don't take it too far, just enough to prevent the other from using their power."
They face each other. Balin let's out a loud "Go!" and Melian uses her ability of telekinesis to throw Pamelia to the ground. Pamelia then shifts into the form of a leapord, lunging with outstretched claws at Melian who is quickly able to forcefully throw her back and she thumps to the floor.
Pamelia shifts back. She's naked, and tries to cover herself. Theodon comes over, a throw forms in his hand and he places it around her, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. She looks shaken, but otherwise fine.
We train for hours. I'd proven my ability of power absorption once I'd fought against Lia, and was able to heal a cut I'd developed on my cheek when Lia's boot collided into my face. Rina wasn't impressed - or didn't show it - and didn't say anything. Prince Bronn appeared rather excited, as did the trainers. By the time we were back indoors, it was dark. We'd taken plenty of breaks, and a few of the servants had brought out tea and raisin scones earlier.
"Aldwyn, may I speak with you please."
I turn, its Prince Bronn. His hands are behind his back, a smile placed on his face.
Texte: MissxFreedom
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2021
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