Vamp Gel:The Odyssey

Vamp Gel:The Odyssey

In a realm of deities of terrifying faced shadows roaming. Four divided countries exist in the realm the first one is Dama the human side, Tesa the Angel side, Sud the wolf side, and Nilvay the land of the undead of vampires. Though humans believed that all the monsters were long gone from the war. But they couldn't be more wrong. On the day a woman who was claimed to be the Virgin Mary she gave birth with no man by her side. It was a miracle a baby girl born with white hair, red eyes, and white blood. But the woman did not see her child as good but as a monster. The day the baby girl was born was the day all monsters awakened. The odyssey of Ann Pire...

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♥ ︀➪

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i like it

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♥ ︀➪

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Gelöschter User

It is a lively tale you've created, Mel. It's highly imaginative and a bit fascinating. I'm sure the story will be a favorite when you complete it There are a lot of errors in structure and grammar but they do not seriously detract from the story. Of course you will have to correct them before you can release this story but a serious edit will catch many of the errors and if you can convince a friend to read it over with you... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar
Pink Pastel

thank you very much please tell where you found bad grammar it would be very helpful for me. And please enjoy<3<3<3

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