
My Life

This is my story.My name is Ann Pire. Yeah, I know freaky name right. Now I will tell you who I am? And what my fate will bring. I was born in Tesa a land where the angels used to live, so they say. I didn't believe it till I turned twenty-one. In Tesa there lived a beautiful woman named Mary Lane. Conceived a miracle, me. I was a miracle because she had no lover. She conceived me with no man.While, everyone in town thought I was a miracle. My mother thought I was a demon, a monster and all the above. My mother took me to Nilvay a place where vampires wander. Its very cold and snowy. I kinda miss Tesa is warm with lots of sunlight. Nilvay is too dark. My mother told me she was going to take me to see birds that cannot fly and that is very big and cute.So, back then I was three years old.My mom left me in Nilvay and disappeared. That's all I remember of her.


I was three when Master Golch found me in Nilvay.He's an older looking man, but somehow ancient in way. He took me in his train.Treated me well. For some time I thought of him as my father. Master Golch would tell me stories of monsters and about his life and other things. I love stories.When, I was five. I saw Master Golch go to the back of the train and then to open a secret dark room. I was small and curious. In front of the door there was a banner that said The Orael drop circus. I think he used to own a circus. Or was in one. But back then I did not know what it meant, in till I met Moon Ex. That was the day I met my first true friend.

Moon Ex


I walked into the dark room. Saw things I have never seen before, the stuff looked really gross. Then I saw a girl that seem to be about my age. Caged with shackles on her wrist. Blue hair that seem like bright watery blue diamonds. She seem sad so I approach her. She seems like a nice cute girl. I asked her why did Master Golch cage her?"Run away and never come back please save yourself,"she said. "No I am not going to leave till you tell me why are you here?who are you?"I asked. "Okay but promise me you will leave okay,"she said. "My name is Moon Ex like a blue moon, and you are?" she said. "Cool well my name is Ann Pire," I said and smiled. "But why are you in there?" I asked her. "I have this power of touch, where I can touch you and see or have your information"she said. "Oh so are you some kind future girl,"I said. "Yea something like that,"she said. "But you have to stop seeing me or coming here or else Master Golch won't be happy, he will do things to you, that you will not like,"she said. "But he's nice to me,"I said. "No wrong,"she said with a very tortured face. In that Instant I knew she was right. But Master Golch why. So, he's a bad man. I was wrong.


Now and then I would secretly visit Moon Ex. She's so smart she would tell me stories. I would ask her questions now and then I would always learn from her. Even though, she always tells me to not come back. I always had the urge to see her. I felt as if she was a bigger sister to me. I would feel sad and more for her. When, the train would stop at the towns. He would tell me to stay on the train and wait, because is safer he said. I knew he was up to something. But I only stayed for Moon Ex my friend. So, he leaves and I go to see Moon Ex. One day I asked her where are your parents? She said my mom killed herself and my dad passed away before I was born I really don't know much about them. I started to cry. "Ann don't cry your so cute" she said wiping my tears through the cold bars of the cage.


On the day I turned five, two years passed with Moon Ex and all I wanted was to save my friend Moon Ex. On that day I decided to escape with Moon Ex, Away from Master Golch. In the night I went into the dark room. I woke up Moon Ex and I told her today you will have your freedom. Hurry Ann I don't want you to get caught okay. Its funny how she cares about me and not about herself. At that moment I tried to open the cage I got cut by one of the sharp blades the cage has on the sides. I notice I started bleeding a lot, but white blood. What is this?, is this mine? "Ann!" screamed Master Golch "Slam". "What are you doing here?  He asked and got cut off of what he was saying shocked by the sight of my white blood. He found out I was trying to escape with Moon Ex. Mad at what he saw he put me in the cage with Moon Ex. closing the door of light and into the dark bars that are cold. He said so you were a monster. Uh funny you will be my new spotlight toy in my circus. "Rot you white monster". Moon Ex hugging me in the cage wanting to keep me warm.  Just like him to leave. Moon Ex did you know I was a monster, I am ugly and bad I said crying. Your not and yes I knew the moment I wiped away your tears I touched you and saw what you really will be. But no one is bad nor ugly or a monster. The real monster are bad men like Master Golch you are too sweet and kind to be a monster she said pinching my cheeks. I love you Ann and we will get out of here soon she said.


Years passed and I was never the kind child no more I was more quiet and serious. But I still cared for Moon ex. At my fifth-teens my eyes changed to the color of blood red, and my hair pale white. I used to be a dark blonde with blue eyes when I was smaller. Master Golch saw my changes, scared and curious of what I might be. On a day we were going to have a show in Nilvay. Master Golch found a teenager boy bleeding in the cold snow of Nilvay. Master Golch saved his life and said he might be useful. How mean of him I thought. There were days I wanted to kill Master Golch but never had courage to do it. But the teenager boy that was brought into the train was different too. Back then I did not know this but this teenager boy will change Moon Ex life and Mine forever.

Slash Hammer


Sixteen years old he was when we found him. We took great care of him. I asked him "who he was"? But he did not answer. Every time I looked at him he would turn his face. I remembered the first time he met Moon Ex. He's eyes sparkled in a way. Master Golch had us in separate cages, now that we are bigger. We did shows for him now and then. We are Master Golch's personal slaves.


Strangely he looked like he wanted to say something, but did not know how. Moon Ex and me always talked, but I knew that she knew we were leaving him alone. So she spoke to him, and she asked "what was your name and do you have any powers?" I don't remember my name, but what I do know is that I was attacked by vampires. I hate vampires they killed my parents and my little sister he said. Oh I am really sorry I said crying."Hey why is she crying ?" he asked. It's okay, Ann might look like a scary monster but she's actually sweet and naive said Moon Ex."Oh he said"."Funny I thought you were a blood sucker he said."thanks Moon Ex and no I might look like this but its actually not might fault I"said wiping my tears away."If you want to remember who you are I can show you" Moon Ex said."But your gonna have to let me touch you okay" she said sliding her hand and reaching to him. In the moment they touched. Moon Ex said "you defended your self with a hammer cross, a really big one" she said. "Then I will call you Slash Hammer, do you like it?" Said Moon Ex."I thought you were gonna tell me who I am" he said."I only tell fragments of information" she said. "But Slash Hammer trust me you will be great" she said. "Slash Hammer I love it but okay"he said."How did you guys get caged up here"? he asked."Well it's a long story" said Moon Ex. But to simply put it we are supposedly monsters and we are a circus for  Master Golch. "Yeah he kinda gave me something weird when I was outside the train, when he found me" said Slash Hammer. "Whatever it is don't accept anything from him" said Moon Ex.


More year's passed by, and I was twenty years old still in Orael drop circus. Men stare at me with disgusted faces. Slash was more talkative now, In the years that have passed we became friends. But he was planning revenge on the vampire that attacked him. He started to master fighting skills with his cross hammer. While Moon Ex is more motherly everyday. She started to have black vein lines showing up on her skin. I am just more monster looking than them. Master Golch more evil than ever I notice in the years of his greed for gold and fortune. Now on my birthday that's coming up we are gonna have a show in Dama where humans live. I hope they won't hate me.

Free Tragedy


Here in Dama even though I came through here before it still feels like the first time.All the women, men and children here always seem happy.

Before starting the show we have to set up and fix everything.Slash is helping the other weird members in are circus. Moon Ex is stuck in her cage lately she's been more quiet and serious.

 I am in my cage too.After the little thing that happened when I was five now he just locks me up more.


And we are about to start the show, tickets handed out to everyone.Faces with emotions of happiness, I wish I had.Though I do have friendship and that's what's keeping me sane now.

"Hello"Why are you in there? Asked a curious little girl.

"Well I am here because I am different from you I said looking at her cute blonde short hair and blue eyes(how cute I thought).

"How are we different, we both have hair, eyes, a nose we are both the same said the little girl getting a little mad.Funny she looks like the kind of girl who would accept anyone or anything(cute).

"Well for one I have white hair and red eyes are you not scared of me? I asked her.

"No"Why should I be if  you're a beautiful woman and kind too she replied.

"Oh no you're a beautiful little girl, I am not I said.

"Well I am Sam and you are? Asked Sam.

"I am Ann Pire, the weird girl in this circus I said.

"Oh I hear someone Sam hide I said.

Sam hid, and someone did come Master Golch came for me to show me off in the show.He dragged me out with me inside the cage.Everyone looked at me scared, disgusted and anxious.While, Master Golch said a made up story that scared the people more.In Act two he cuts me on my wrist.I would start to pour white blood.

"HEY YOU DICKWAD!!! stop your killing Ann! Screamed Sam in her face it looked like she couldn't watch anymore torture.

"But little girl she's a monster, not real see how she healed said Master Golch a little mad about how the little girl knows Ann's name and is defending her.

"She might be able to heal but her pain doesn't and she's my friend said Sam crying with tears drawing down her face.

I noticed that the little girl named Sam was backing me up and up high on a ledge wooden high up long stick, that Moon Ex would dance on in the circus for Master Golch.

"Sam!"That's very dangerous get down I screamed.

"Sorry Ann but I want to save you from that monster said Sam.

"Forget about me, I am fine I said.

"Never replied Sam.

Right then one thing led to another an in an instant Sam trips and falls down to her death.

"ANN!" screamed Sam.


Everything was a blur I notice I was holding Sam in my arms.Then I hear screaming and people shouting and running away.I open my eyes and notice I am in the air.

"I am flying" I said.

"Wow Ann you have beautiful wings she said touching them.

I have big white wings but how? And from where? How did I even get out of the cage I thought looking at it up in the air.

I notice the metal bars pushed aside as if an angry monster broke them.

I look down to see Master Golch in shock looking at me.

"Hey" you better come back here or you will roo this day! He screamed.

I flew as fast as I could I broke Moon Ex's cage with my new strength and took Sam,Moon Ex and Slash hammer even though he was resistant on leaving.I flew through the tent making a hole in it.

I had Moon Ex on one of my wings and Slash on the other and Sam in my arms.

I flew as far away as possible and landed in a very dark weird forest.

Tired from the flight I fell unconscious.

Sud and Wolves


"Ann wake up! said Moon Ex shaking the heck out of me.

"What..w..what happened? I asked and trying to process everything.

"Ann, you have wings? how? when? you never told me you had that side of you? asked Moon Ex very excited.

"I don't know where they came from? and I swear I don't know anything about the wings I said very lost.

"You're an angel! screamed Moon Ex holding my shoulders with excitement.

"Wait, Moon, I thought you can foresee everything? asked Slash.

"No only little things but I knew you were special said Moon Ex happy.

"Hey, where's Sam? I asked looking around.

"Who's Sam? asked Slash.

"Stupid, Sam is the little girl that Ann was holding in her arms said Moon Ex.

"Oh, that little girl she went into the woods hours ago said Slash.

"Are you kidding we need to keep her safe I said anxiously.

"Don't worry Ann we will find Sam said Moon trying to comfort me.

We searched almost every corner of the woods. and Sam did not turn up. even though I knew her only for two days I feel like I should protect her. and then I hear.

"Ann! help! a scream that sounded like Sam.

Weirdly my white wings came out and I took Slash and Moon with me and flew as fast as I could.

"Sam! where are you? I screamed.

"Over there look said, Moon.

"Slash! wait screamed Moon.

I saw Slash rush to get the man away from Sam pulling her away from him. I run to Sam and I start hugging her.

"Crazy girl where were you? you know your parents must be worried. there gonna kill me I said scared.

"Slash! screamed Moon with tears falling down her face so shocked.

We rush over to him. and the man ran off. I was so worried about Sam that I forgot Slash was fighting with a bad man.

"That's no man I tried to tell Slash the man is a werewolf. oh my god Slash you are losing a lot of blood. Slash, you got bitten said Moon terrified.

"I am sorry Ann It's all my fault if I didn't leave you. I only wanted to help you like you did to me said Sam blaming herself.

"No it's not your fault don't blame yourself I said.

"Ann! give me something to hold his blood screamed Moon ex very scared of losing him.

"Okay wait I will be right back I said and flew away.

"Can I do something? asked Sam sad.

"Yea umm where are your parents? asked Moon Ex.

"There dead said, Sam.

"Sorry for your loss, but that does not mean you can be reckless okay said Moon Ex very serious.

"And that stunt you pulled out yesterday was very dangerous you know you could have died and Master Golch could have killed you double times than death. so listen to me think before you act. even though your parents are not in this world you still should respect and not be reckless they care for you okay said Moon scolding Sam very mad.

"Okay, here I found rope I said swishing in fast.

"Okay thank you said Moon tying Slash's leg.

"Hey, why are you sad Sam? I asked.

"Because I scold her said Moon serious.

"Why did you do that? I asked.

"Because she needs to keep her head on straight you are never too young to protect yourself and just so you know in this world you have to be tough said Moon getting more mad.

"Okay, it's true Sam you should be more careful. and Moon don't be too harsh okay we are all friends I said trying to keep the peace between us.

"Guys! shut up! I hear someone coming screamed Slash in pain.

"Sam quick! hide with Slash behind that bush I said pointing at it.

"Are you ready Moon I said serious and ready for anything.

"Ready said Moon looking at me and back at the direction Slash said something is coming.

And then we hear taps like an animal walking toward us. and I was right and we see a white wolf.

"Wolf! screamed Moon signaling to Sam and Slash to keep hiding.

Right, when we were gonna start fighting the wolf it turns into a man. with short dark brown hair, light brown eyes and muscular white skin.

"Miss are you okay? asked the man.

"You are a werewolf why are you not attacking us? asked Moon.

"Because I am a guardian werewolf. and my name is Wes Kent nice to meet you. do you need help? asked Wes.

"What is a guardian wolf? I never heard of it. oh and I am Ann Pire I said.

"I do know, they are like dog knights to angels. and I am Moon Ex. and yes we need your help are a friend has been bitten can you help him? asked Moon desperate.

"Yes please bring him I will take you guys to the Sud cave said, Wes.

"Sud cave? asked Sam coming out of the bush.

"yea you guys do know you are in the land of Sud said, Wes.

"Sud? I asked.

"The land of wolfs said Moon Ex.

"Oh, but are you sure we should trust him. we might be walking into a trap I said worriedly to Moon.

"No, we are not I know guardian wolves I met one before. It's okay don't worry Ann okay said Moon so sure of herself.

Wes turned back into a wolf and carried injured Slash onto his back.

On our way to the Sud cave.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.05.2017

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