Love Stories

...For the soft-hearted fool Von:
Love Stories

Claire, in her lovely champagne colored dress and her hurting ballerinas, was now really headed for home. She’d left the stranger behind. Yes, it was tough to do that, considering his persistence, and her strange and fast-growing liking for him. But, in the end, Claire just said “I’m sorry I can’t! I just have to go”

She never turned back to see the very hurt Mr Charles gape at her in exasperation. It was clear that this lady wanted no more of him. But Larry couldn’t make any more excuses to accompany her, as the sun was shining again, and it was time Larry headed home too for an important meeting.

Claire walked back home, all alone. She so liked walking, but, suddenly she felt lonely. Larry, with his amazingly strong presence and extremely magnetic personaliy, had definitely touched her heart. Was she in love? She barely knew.

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