
Under the Stars…


By Megna Mainy


  Chapter 1


Anita’s Wedding


Gillian couldn’t believe it. 33 years of her life had passed. She was bridesmaid in her friend Anita’s wedding. She felt like crying and smiling at the same time. She had no regrets, except for the fact that she’d been so busy building a career in marketing, that she’d hardly found any time for herself. And now, suddenly, she was 33 and not married, and everybody else in the world seemed to have a partner. She felt lonely and whenever the topic of love and marriage was discussed she felt out of place, panicky and tearful.

There were times when she’d fallen in love. She’d shared coke with her boyfriend, Bryan in a crazy park in the outskirts of the city and laid her head on his shoulders and woken up into sunrise.She’d dated a handsome professor from Wilburgh university and spent an entire summer falling in and out of love with him, for he was too busy working on a college project on the expansion of the universe to fulfill his ambition of winning the Nobel Prize. He probably loved her, but his love for the universe somehow exceeded his love for Gillian, and on being constantly neglected, Gillian went back into her shell. And a hard, hard shell it was.

As Gillian switched her cell phone on and off the night before Anita’s wedding, she felt restless. In a minute she had packed her bag with her drapy grey chiffon dress and other little things and drove to Anita’s place. On entering her house, Gillian found Anita and her parents discussing the wedding . Anita got up from the sofa and said “Wow! You’re already here”

“Yeah I’ll sleep here and in the morning I’m going to help you all out. I’m going to miss you, Ani, when you’re gone. Uh…and give me the honor of doing your hair and makeup tomorrow , will you?”

“Oh yeah, you can always help out. Oh! And that is my cousin Tom.”

Gillian noticed a man, probably in his forties, quietly working in the balcony with a string of little sparkly lights. He was hanging them around the roof.

“Yeah, he’s working on the décor for the Sunday night Party after my wedding.”

“I know”said Gillian.

Just then, Tom’s and Gillian’s eyes met. It was surreal. He waved at the family from far away as the balcony was way down outside the room across the corridor. He looked at Gillian again with a fixed stare. Gillian wanted to smile and act so he knew she was saying “Hello”, something in her made her feel awkward and shy and she shifted her glance back to her friend.

“Uh huh…I think I should introduce you to him and then maybe you can help him do the lights and let’s carry your stuff to the guest room on the left of the house…you know, the one with yellow curtains?”
“Hmm” Gillian nodded.
So, soon enough, the two friends walked up to the guest room, got Gillian’s stuff in place and then went up to the balcony where Tom was standing working on the lights and the music system.
“Hey!” Anita gave her cousin a friendly box on his shoulder.
“Ouch! You get a husband, that doesn’t mean you slight your extremely hardworking cousin, does it?”joked he”And this must be Gillian”
“Oh! Hi…You know a little about me?” joined in Gillian
“A little? An amazing lot, I’d say. Your friend here’s always talking about you-how you helped her select her wedding dress and how you two became friends while working together in the same company. Of course, Anita’s going to stop working after getting married. What about you? Are you going to do the same” his eyes sparkled in the light from the night lights and Anita came to the rescue…
“Alright, Tom, would you like some help in your party décor…”
“Yeah, I could use some help. “
“Alright, so just keep going , and, Gillian, please tell me if you need anything”
Anita was gone pretty soon, and Gillian started helping the jovial, slightly mysterious cousin to test and attach the lights to the edge of the roof.

Chapter 2

Lion’s heart

It was already late in the night. Most of the work was done quietly as Gillian felt really nervous in the presenc e of the bright, sophisticated and smart Tom. She did not like the way he joked at times. It was rather curt, she thought. Nonetheless, she liked him enough to be able to work with him. At least he wasn’t boring.
“Would you like me to drive you back home?”asked Tom when the decoration work was almost over.
“Um…I forgot to tell you…I’m sleeping here. I want to be with Anita and her mom and help them the whole day tomorrow. I think you don’t need my help anymore. I’d better go to sleep.”
She walked out into the corridor.
“Hey!”came his voice ”Hold on, just a sec”
“Well?”She swirled back on her heels ”Did I ruin the lights?I hope not”
Tom shook his head to say she hadn’t. Then he walked up to her slowly. “Oh my God…what…is he going to attack me” thought she.
He came forward and spoke to her in a low voice.
“Gillian,did anyone ever tell you that the best thing about you is that you smile with your eyes?It’s really pretty”
“I-I dunno. Uh..I have to smile again in front of the mirror to find out. Um…”she laughed. It was a shy laugh she was using to hide her nervousness.
She turned towards the window. He followed her and they stood looking at the midnight sky. Someone, probably God, had painted it dark blue and purple. Little stars sputtered their fire. Everyone was fast asleep. Yes. Everyone else; and here stood Gillian with a man she had just met, a very intriguing man indeed. Someone who understood the universe in a more emotional way than Gillian had imagined when she first saw him.
“Back in the small town in Italy where I live…the stars are brighter…the sky is sometimes crimson at night, and I sometimes just go out driving all the way till 4 am. You think we could do that sometime?”
“You-you mean you and me?”
“Yeah. Obviously.”he smiled
Gillian didn’t like him for his blunt behavior. But she liked the way he looked at her. It was innocent, but it looked as if he was searching for an answer in her eyes. He had sparkling eyes. It reminded her of a sea that had blue pearls in it. It was always watery, always dreamy. Mystery was probably a part of him.
They both sood there spreading their silence across many long moments. The evening was so still Gillian could almost hear the ocean that roared some miles away. The corridor was partially dark and looking out into the sky and the fields in front of Anita’s House was a beautiful experience. Gillian was sure there were stars they couldn’t see behind the stars that could be seen, just as the feelings of nervousness that she had were camouflaged by her apparently brave exterior.
She did not have a lion’s brave heart. She hesitated.
“You want to go for a drive now?”she murmured
“You bet!”
Soon the two were climbing down the stairs quietly and hastily. Tom took out his blue car and Gillian climbed in, feeling lost and looking back as the house disappeared behind them.
For the first time in life, Gillian felt like she had the heart of a lioness. Someone had made it that way. She wanted to find out how.

Chapter 3
Pearls and Pebbles
Little pebbles crinkled underneath as the car sped up the driveway. All around the few houses in the residential area of Bloomshire were beaches and the sea. Tiny hills rose in an ascending manner a little way up the road and the path snaked slyly up the border of the beaches and the sleeping highlands. As Gillian flew past these lovely nature’s hangouts she felt a surge of emotion welling up her heart.
“You want the radio?” asked Tom.
“Yeah , why not?” she answered.
The music was alternate. One fast peppy club hit coupled with a slow but cute country number. And then there was this fascinating sound of a flute. The car advanced and gathered speed and Gillian heard the wind whistle and bite her ears.
“Would you like to hit the beach? Maybe we can sit in the starlight and eat pizza…there’s a cool little takeout place I know”
“I dunno”
“Oh C’mon…I love sitting in the sand”
“You’re not very particular about your car’s seats getting soiled , are you?”
“Am I not?”He laughed and closed the door behind Gillian as she stepped out of the car.
They took two pizzas from a rustic looking takeout corner near the beach. It had grey stony walls and a red roof. This reminded Gillian of school, and she smiled thinking of all the water fights she used to have with her friends.
The silvery ocean waves were gushing into the sandy beach. There was broken foam all over the place. They sat on the sands and pulled out their pizzas from the packet. They talked for hours on end. Then, morning came. It was fun to look at the glowing sunrise. Then, they huddled together leaning on a wall close to the sea. To someone who didn’t know them, they’d look like bosom friends.
Gillian talked about her past relationships and cried. Tom wiped her tears and told her he was no good at relationships either, as it always ended poorly for him.
Then, as the sun rose higher and people started walking into the beach, Gillian and Tom went back to the car…took the front seats and slept in a seated position. They didn’t want to go back.
Back at Anita’s house, the whole family was worried…The two were not reachable. They had fled somewhere no one knew about. Worse. Their cellphones were switched off.

Chapter 4
The Wedding Bells
Anita had to get married without her friend or her cousin attending her wedding. She was very upset, but, she had no clue what could possibly have gone wrong.
So, the two runaways never heard Anita’s wedding bells. They went back to Gillian’s house as they were already looking awful from staying out in the sun and sand for too long. No, they didn’t get too close. They were still just friends.
But, they liked each other’s company so much they couldn’t stay apart.
“Will you come with me to my town? Just for a few days. Maybe you’ll like the place”
“uh…I’m already answerable to a lot of people for having eloped with a certain friend called Tom” she smiled as she waved goodbye to Tom.
Tom got into his car and went back to Anita’s Sunday Party. Gillian had called Anita back to tell her how sick she was that night and how Tom had taken her to a doctor. It wasn’t true. But she’d have to make do.

Chapter 5
There was so much toil involved in the marketing business. Gillian walked up and down her office, preparing presentations and making plans. She was hardly able to concentrate on her work. But, she was a serious person. She overcame the attraction she had for Tom. Or at least she thought she had.
It was all a matter of practicality and reality. Gillian turned this thought over and over in her head. Tom was a good friend. But he was too careless. Too carefree. He probably wanted to spend more time with her, but his father was unwell and he had to go back to Italy where his parents lived.
For the days that followed ,Gillian felt rather empty inside. He had only left a message on the answering machine….
“…Gill…my dad’s sick…I’m flying to Italy in two hours. I don’t know when I’ll get to talk to you again…I have your number …I’ll call you…jus..just…er…take care…ok? Bye”
Gillian kept her stuff on the table and washed her face with ice cold water. Then, she went out for a walk in a nearby park. There were children in the park. How she wished she had a child like that. Her heart felt a little broken. It was almost fall and burnt orange leaves were falling all around her. There were amazing swans in the lake and the people were sitting and relaxing on the edge of the lake. Some looked so peaceful that Gillian was forced to wonder how very perplexing her life was. Just when she thought she liked someone God would take him away from her to test her patience and strength, and she would be all alone again. She had come to this park almost everyday in her life with a different feeling each time.
Back in Italy, Tom was writing an email to Anita
“Hi Anita,
You know how much I like Gillian, don’t’ you? But, I know if I ask her to visit me here, she would never agree. Can you ask her for me?
Your loving brother,
5 days later, Gillian was boarding a plane to Italy in the hope of meeting someone she had met very recently but someone very amiable and full of life. Tom.
Chapter 6
Gondolas and Masks
Everything was arranged. Gillian had a reservation in a nice hotel in Venice. Tom wanted her to meet his parents, and invited her to lunch . Venice, with its pretty little pink houses and swirling waters, its endearing people and its old-world bridges, its impressive food shops and wonderful shops, everything was perfect.
It was on a gondola ride that Tom expressed his love for Gillian. It was the afternoon after the lunch at Tom’s lavish house. His parents were really sweet and friendly, and Gillian couldn’t have asked for more.
The afternoon sun was ready to dip down into the seas near Venice. It was strange how some people were carrying umbrellas on the boats. As Tom helped Gillian into the boat, for the first time she was so close to him she could feel the touch of his hands and the warm smile on his face. He was no longer a criticizing, grumpy man. They were seated next to each other and Gillian, in her lovely flowery skirt and lace hat looked as stunning as usual.
The glorious golden sun lay low. Molten gold was falling from the sky and. for some time, only, the sounds of oars plopping in the water could be heard. The venetian water, with its wicked green moss, was even more fascinating than water from a crystal clear lake. It was like the moon. Not flawless, but mysterious. Gillian wondered how many colorful slippery fish swam below, deep in the water as the boat glided gently swaying in the gorgeous, rippling waves.


Chapter 7



Tea time



About a month before easter, the mask festival took place. It was called the Carnival of Venice.
“I’ll take you to one of the shops. We can get a mask made for you. I’d like you to stay on until the carnival.Will you?”
“Why are you so sweet to me? Sometimes I forget I’ve known you for such little time”
“One day you’ll know. Maybe you’ll fall in love with me too.”
He stared at her for two continuous minutes, took her hand and kissed it. His touch was soothing, but, Gillian felt angry at his bluntness. Did he really love her? If he did, then why did he not express his love directly? Why did he always hint at it in a playful manner?
Was he playing with Gillian’s heart? Gillian saw a small tea shop on one side of the waterway and asked the boatman to stop. They hurried into the tea shop and took a seat near the edge so she could see the pretty venetian windows with flowers jutting out . It was like a picture from an old fairytale book…
It was common in Venice to have a midafternoon snack.
As the lady and the gentleman were biting on a hot cup of lemon tea and some beautiful tiramisu, Gillian turned towards the other tables and ,over Tom’s shoulder, saw Bryan, her ex boyfriend. She paid quickly and left with Tom and didn’t breathe a word about Bryan to him. She was so surprised!
When Gillian returned to her room, she found a bouquet of daisies on her pillow.
It said
“We meet tomorrow at 2 pm and I’ll take you to a mask shop”
The next afternoon, as Gillian entered the mask shop with Tom, she found Bryan there.
“uh…Can we go to another shop?”
“But why…you know we want to get masks made…”
But it was of no use, as Bryan had already spotted Gillian.
“I can’t believe it! I tried calling you so many times. But, you don’t take my calls…and what are you doing in Venice?”
“What are YOU doing in Venice?”
“Ah …after my divorce…”
“Divorce? I’m sorry..”
“Yeah, It’s a long story. Are you participating in the festival too. I know it’s silly , but…”he suddenly realized that Gillian was in the company of Tom.
“ my friend Tom. Tom already knows about you”
Chapter 8
It was about a week after the chance meeting. Bryan had started meeting often with Tom and Gillian. Gillian insisted that she did not want to meet Bryan, but, Tom joked, saying he knew she would fall for Bryan again, so, he wanted to confront it..and win her heart anyway.
But, Gillian didn’t know how it hurt him to see Bryan give her so much attention; nor did she know that Tom secretly wanted to kill Bryan everytime he touched her.
They met for teas and dinners and lunches and for walks. Gillian was working as a freelancer in a small office. This was only temporary, though.

Chapter 9





It was time for the carnival. That morning Gillian dressed in the most exquisite silver gown and looked like a doll. Her mask reflected her real features and she looked beautiful even in a mask.
Tom, who was dressed in a classic venetian suit looked handsome and they spent a good deal of time laughing and walking like fellow italians together.
All of the town’s streets were full of masked faces and graceful gait. It was like a dream.
Tom slid his hands in hers. It was comforting.
It was her last day in Venice.
Bryan was there too. He had brought his friend Anne along.
Suddenly , Tom asked Anne to accompany him for a walk. He wanted to show her the city around.
So, Gillian was left with Bryan, who, was the happiest man in the world. He led Gillian to the center of the city where the carnival was taking place. He took Gillian by the arm, put his arms around her waist and kissed her hair. Gillian couldn’t take it any longer. She turned to Bryan
“I’m..I’m sorry I have to go!”
She ran. She ran so fast she’d never run in her entire life. Thoughts of Tom going around the city with Anne burned her heart. Tears fell on her lovely dress. She ran back to the hotel and to the utter amazement of the hotel staff had packed in half an hour and checked out.
When Tom called her, there was no return. No one in the hotel could tell him how she’d left, which flight she’d taken and what time. Tom went back to his house, took out his laptop and wrote to his best friend…
Chapter 10
“Gillian…when you read this email, I will already be on my way to your place. Remember, I still love you. I was just trying to make you jealous”
That’s how the email read.
But Gillian had switched off her phone and had stopped using the internet. She was back to work and was working as hard as she could to forget all the pain.
She couldn’t eat. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t watch TV. The only thing that helped was to work.
She heard a knock on the door.
Tom came in. Without any warning, he picked Gillian in his arms…She screamed.
“Stop. I know you love me. You were jealous of Anne coz I took her out. Girl, you love me more than I love you. But, my love for you will grow forever and ever”
Then he carried her downstairs, seated her in his car and drove her to the shops to help her choose her wedding dress.
In the evening she got a gift from him. On opening the wrap she found a little bracelet that said…
And a ring that said…

Book 2

Love you Larry


1 Catwalk and Coffee

2 A Walk in the Rain

3 Love’s Failings

4 Claire in Paris

5 Sweet surprise

6 Confessions in the moonlight

7 Kissing Tears Away…

Chapter 1

Catwalk and Coffee



Claire couldn’t help feeling dizzy. She’d walked the whole night for Lana’s exclusive line of clothing. Pretty as she was, she had no problems getting modeling contracts from the best names in town.

Well, that is not all. Claire was also a shopaholic and a persistent walker. The doctor had asked her to avoid walking too much for it could cause more injury to her legs. But, in keeping up with the fashion industry,she had forgotten that she was also human. Being doll-like was just not enough.

In the morning, as the 27 year old, was sitting in a café drinking hot chocolate, she noticed a man, probably in his thirties staring at her continuously.

Claire felt uncomfortable. She swiftly got up and changed position , so she could sit with her back towards the gentleman, but in vain. Soon enough, The strange man was standing right in front of her.

“May I sit down? I’ve got something interesting to tell you!” said the man.

Claire had had enough experience in the professional world to be able to speak to a stranger without feeling awkward. So she replied

“Yes, if you wish to. Is it something important?”

“Uh, yes, I like to think that way” said the man, while quickly taking a seat in front of her.

Claire took another sip of the chocolate, while still feeling shy

“Would you like to take a cup of coffee or something? I mean, I don’t know what you prefer”

“uh, yes, I’ll go order something and bring it back . You can read my card ‘til then”

He handed over his card to her in a very business-like way. With this, he went away to the counter, and Claire could see him pointing at the menu board and talking animatedly with the owner.

Claire smiled and glanced at the card. This is how it read …

“Larry Charles

Jewellery Designer with a boutique called Pretty Heart

12 Bentinck Street, Pretty Heart Boutique….”

In a moment, Larry was back. He smiled warmly at Claire.

“So what did you order?”

“Coffee with chocolate. I thought I’d match it with your chocolate drink”

Claire smiled shyly. Why was she giving in to this stranger? She put on a serious look again

Chapter 2

A Walk in the Rain



Larry was sipping on his coffee. He probably knew what was going on in Claire’s mind. Claire nervously glanced outside and said

“I don’t know. I think I’d better leave. It looks like it’s going to rain.”

It was true, as, lots of milky grey cotton was up in the sky. Claire quickly gathered her jacket and shot out of the café as quick as lightening.

Her umbrella was hardly opening as she stood under the shade outside, when she felt someone pull it away from behind her.

“May I?”said the deep voice of the tenacious gentleman. He opened the umbrella for her and briskly started walking beside her, outside the rim of the umbrella.

There was a bridge in front with silver water rippling beneath. The lady was so perplexed about what she should do next that she preferred to keep shut, and follow the course of the road. What a strange day, she thought!

“At this rate, You’re going to catch a cold.” She mumbled.

Pearls of pretty rain fell all around. As usual, Claire was wearing high heels and that was making it even more difficult to walk. But she was also worried about Mr. Charles, so willing to get drenched in the rain just to walk beside her. He wasn’t talking to her anymore, just walking, as if buying time to think. He was thinking really hard, thought Claire as she saw his well-chiselled face.

“Are you going to any particular place?” asked Larry.

“At least I intend to , yes. In fact I have to turn into this little lane here” She said pointing to a crooked little lane that emerged a few steps ahead of the bridge.

“Please don’t . Please come with me to that seat near the fountain over there.I’m new here. Maybe you can tell me something about your city. I don’t want to go back home just yet”

With this he turned towards Irene, with a deep gaze. Claire burned in its flame. This man was making her go mad.

“Here! You can share the umbrella with me”

But, unexpectedly enough, Claire and Larry were soon seated on Larry’s favourite perch next to a wonderful ly sparkly fountain.

For a moment Claire had forgotten all her troubles.Her modeling assignments. Her crazy makeupman who made fun of her sharply upturned nose. The two were hardly talking. But, all of a sudden, even sitting watching a beautiful fountain with a stranger was such a treat. Claire didn’t know if she’d ever meet this gentleman again, or why she was constantly giving in to his pleas. But, one thing was for certain.

It was truly an unforgettable day.

Chapter 3


Love’s failings



Claire, in her lovely champagne colored dress and her hurting ballerinas, was now really headed for home. She’d left the stranger behind. Yes, it was tough to do that, considering his persistence, and her strange and fast-growing liking for him. But, in the end, Claire just said “I’m sorry I can’t! I just have to go”

She never turned back to see the very hurt Mr Charles gape at her in exasperation. It was clear that this lady wanted no more of him. But Larry couldn’t make any more excuses to accompany her, as the sun was shining again, and it was time Larry headed home too for an important meeting.

Claire walked back home, all alone. She so liked walking, but, suddenly she felt lonely. Larry, with his amazingly strong presence and extremely magnetic personaliy, had definitely touched her heart. Was she in love? She barely knew.

On returning home, Claire smiled at the sweet scolding of her doting mother and retired to her room, only to find her cheeks unusually flushed and rosy that day. Afterwards,she spent a long time in front of the mirror just thinking about all that had passed. The singing fountain. The crooked road. The all-encompassing rain. She couldn’t get Larry off her mind.

The next day, at work, Claire was surprised to find Larry standing backstage with the dress designer. “How in the world did he get here?” thought Claire.

Claire was resolved to avoid being seen. She had had a very sleepless night and regretted having grossly puffy eyes. She wondered what the makeup guy would say. With her back turned towards the group she started taking out her stuff from her sequined tote bag. A golden comb. Lots of makeup removal wipes. A nail file.”Gosh!Who cares about paraphernalia”thought Claire.She couldn’t concentrate on anything.

“Hi!” came a familiar voice, obviously Larry’s,from behind her.”I’m surprised to find you here! Is this a chance meeting or did you manipulate my day’s plan so I could be with you again?”joked Larry.

Claire stared at him blankly. She didn’t know what to say, as she was quite surprised by his presence there herself.So he continued-“Well, uh, actually I’m designing for your show today. I mean, you’re wearing my jewellery today on the show.”

Suddenly, Claire was pushed away by the makeupman. The show was about to start. All the models were being seated quickly. Loads of mascara. Sprinkles of powder. Dainty Lipgloss. All fell into place like in a painter’s paradise. Claire glanced back to see Larry talk to one of the models, Jenna while still looking at Claire sometimes.

Her heart was fluttering like a butterfly. She could feel it beneath her skin. Claire walked the ramp, rather furtively that day, wearing one of Larry’s crystal ensembles. There was applause , but, she was barely paying attention to it. As Claire packed for the day,and it was no longer day but almost midnight, she thought of the clinking,glasslike fashion jewellery that Larry had designed for the show. She didn’t particularly like it, but, that hardly mattered.

Suddenly, Jenna came up to her ,holding Larry’s hand and looking very happy.

“Meet my fiancée, Larry. Larry, this is Claire.”

They both exchanged perplexed glances. “Pleased to meet you.Uh…Jenna …I’m really sorry. I have to go now. I have an important business meeting tomorrow early morning”said Claire.

With this, Claire stormed out of the room, her eyes almost full, her bag falling off her shoulder, and she had begun to feel a strange headache take over her like a hurricane.

At home, Claire buried her face in a pillow crying until she fell asleep.

Chapter 4

Claire in Paris

Claire’s grandparents lived in Paris. So, she planned to spend a few days away from home not only to get her life right back again, but , also to avoid Larry. Granny had sent her a box of colorful French chocolate croissant. She gulped it down like it was a binge of emotional eating.

Mom knew something was wrong with Claire.

“It’s better to paint your toe nails than to take your anger out on food, honey”

Claire looked up, understanding what her mother meant and quickly went up to hug her dear mom.

“Oh! Mom..”she sobbed.

It’s strange how mothers can understand their children’s pain almost telepathically.

Then, Claire went out with her mom shopping for her trip. They bought little gifts for granny and granddad. They ate at the best pizza shop in town with windows that looked onto the river. Mother cracked silly jokes to make her young girl superhappy. She knew something was wrong with her girl. She didn’t ask, as Claire was a girl who liked thinking her own way out of problems. Mrs Scott was so proud of her good-hearted, self-reliant daughter.

Not long after, Claire had left for Paris. The plane was not late. She stepped onto French soil with a certain love she’d never felt before. On meeting her granny she was overjoyed. She drove home with her to her lovely taupe and gold mansion. On the way she noticed men and women cycling their way about the city. They were mostly dressed in black. They passed the tower and she saw couples cuddling on french park benches with curved legs. She couldn’t help thinking of Larry. She drew back and smiled at granny Louisa. She didn’t want to spoil Granny’s day by letting her guess something was wrong.

Once within the premises of her grandparents’ house, Claire forgot her troubles for a moment as she opened the window to let the crisp wind blow into her hair. There wasn’t any traffic there. Only vines, some pretty flowers, a fountain and a cute old round shed with hanging flower pots and carved pillars. She was enjoying the ride and it was a long way to the building. Soon, the car swept into the doorway of the magnificent Scott mansion. Claire hurried out of the car to scream at the top of her voice and hugg ed her darling grandpa who had been waving at her overjoyed to see his sweet little granddaughter.

It was almost a family reunion. In the evening, granny held a quiet family meal with her cousins Bettina , Leslie and Anne. They laughed so much the cook said she was shocked at the ladies’ lack of discipline, At which the young girls hugged nanny dearly for they knew that the only time Madame Charmont complained was when she needed lots and lots of attention.

The rest of the evening was spent listening to Mdme Dupont’s funny stories about her adventures in the beautiful French countryside. Cheese, wine and old-time fashion. Claire had a hearty conversation with the others and retired for the night, feeling a lot better.They had planned a whole day of activities together and, soon enough, Claire called her mom to tell her she was alright, kissed her granny goodnight and slid her feet into warm blankets. Very ruffled. Very soft. Very chic.

Chapter 5

Sweet Surprise



The next day was spent on buying extraordinary stuff with her cousins. Perfume for mom. Sweater for dad. And lovely sweater and cashmere dresses for themselves. As evening drew near and the sky was a deep crimson,Claire ran back from the grand shopping spree to get dressed for the party at granny’s place. Lots of family friends were coming in. Claire couldn’t help feeling excited and upset at the same time. She could still feel Larry’s face emerge in her mind occasionally, and sometimes she would just wipe this image off and bubbles of happy images would pop up in her head. They were having a party. Her family loved her so much. Her career wasn’t disappointing. Life was good!

Was this a transition? She hardly knew.

The piano was playing loud and the little group of guests were having a gala time in the lovely shed outside the mansion. There was soft pink and maroon tablecloth and dainty French cutlery on the table. One or two families that had come were french and said words like “Excusez-moi” and “enchante” that Claire had learnt in her previous visits to France. She loved the night lights twinkling in the hedges, and adored the lights in the mansion hall shining through the peach and grey curtains her granny had selected. Granny had such good taste, I can never be like her, thought Claire, while settling her sky blue satin dress. Not that she was badly dressed, for, Pierre, her childhood friend, could hardly take his eyes off her and was exceptionally gallant that day.

Soon , there was karaoke. First , Leslie sang. Then, it was time Pierre’s turn. He was singing with so much passion Claire couldn’t help but notice. Suddenly, Pierre jumped towards her , took her hand and pulled her towards the clearing where he was performing. Claire, with flushed cheeks and a surprised gasp was soon swept off her feet as Pierre sang while staring at her.

The others started clapping. “What a strange applause! I don’t know him enough”.-thought Claire

For a minute or two Pierre kept doing waltz steps with Claire, something she found crazy , but this seemed to make the audience quite happy. The golden lights from around dazzled Claire’s eyes and before she knew what was happening Pierre swept her around the shed in a princelike fashion and held her very close with one of her hands in his. He looked into her eyes as if to tell her something. What language was it he was speaking?

All of a sudden,Pierre got down on one knee and said something she couldn’t believe he was saying.

“Claire, I love you .I have loved you ever since I first saw you as a twelve year old when you came to visit here. I don’t know if you love me. But I love you with all my heart .Tell me , will you marry me?I’ m not afraid of saying this in front of all your family members. I really love you, and I’d do anything to win your love!”

Claire was so surprised she drew back instantly stammering”I-I don’t know what you’re talking about..I dunno…” She looked at her granny’s face which seemed to say”Accept him. He is an old family friend. I know him. He’d make a good husband .”The others were standing in quiet appreciation of Pierre’s brave proposal.

Claire, in her shining glass stilettos, stood in the middle of the shed, her hair flying gently in the evening moonbeam breeze.She was as taken aback as ever a woman can be.

Chapter 6

Confessions in the moonlight



She ran her eyes behind the crowd only to see a very strange sight. There, behind her grandpa stood Larry. Was this real? How could Larry be here? Was she dreaming? “What are you doing here?”she gasped almost in tears.

“I’m here for you”said he. I found out where you lived from your friends and asked your mother where you were, and she said she understood now why you were so upset and what you were upset about. She gave me your address here”

“But why are you here? You were going to marry Jenna .”

“Yes, I was. But that is what my family wants, not me. I told her this while coming here”

“Why are you doing this to me? You don’t know me. I don’t know you. Why are you complicating things by coming near me?”

“Because I love you. Claire, I loved you the first time I saw you sitting serenely in that café. I saw you were a sweet soul. I love you, Claire.”

By now the crowd had started dispersing and granny, who was quite taken aback by all the sudden and awkward attention her dear granddaughter was getting and this intruding guest claiming to love her , prayed for the guests to follow her back into the mansion.

Claire looked at Louisa”Grandma, can I please walk around the garden with Larry for a bit?”

“You sure can , my child.Is everything alright ? I thought you liked Pierre. You used to spend hours playing with him when you were a child.” Claire glanced at Pierre , looking very sad and making his way quickly towards the path that led out of the Scott House.

“Grandma trust me, please. I wouldn’t make a decision you would regret…ever!”

Grandma sighed”Ok. As you wish” looking really puzzled and slowly walking into the house leaving Claire and Larry all alone in the garden.

Chapter 7


Kissing Tears Away…



Larry and Claire walked quietly for a while. By now the moon was shining brighter, the garden pathway was well lit up and the flowers in the garden were shining like fairy dust. “

Then, suddenly, Larry held Claire by the hand and , very softly, touched her shoulder. He pulled her nearer and stood facing her so that she couldn’t hide her face or look away shyly as she usually did.

“Face me, Claire. I know you love me”

“I ..uh…I don’t. How can you leave your to-be bride just before getting married. You should have told her earlier. Jenna’s going to cry!!!”

“All three of us are going to cry if I marry someone I don’t love. I love YOU , Claire. “

With this he stared at her. So deep was the stare that Irene felt the mansion disappear behind him and the moon seemed to melt onto her face and for the first time, ever, Claire looked straight into Larry’s eyes.

“Tell me, do you love me? Will you love me back? I can’t control this feeling I have for you . It’s a bond. I want to see you again and again and again. “

A drop of tear ran down Claire’s eyes like pearls from a necklace.

“I know you love me. You do.Don’t you?”His eyes were probably watery too, and Claire could see her own vague reflection in them.

“I do”

And they kissed under the deep purple sky of a starry night. Their tears became one and their hearts pressed against each other. True love’s embrace.


Texte: Lindsay S alias Meghna Sonkar
Bildmaterialien: Lindsay S
Lektorat: Lindsay S
Übersetzung: Lindsay S
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2013

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