Only You

Only You

6 years passed. Evelyn Austen also known as Anne or Ross become one of the famous painter and writer on her generation. She receive different awards and she feels contented and happy. What if she meet again the man she fall, Ted? Would she feel the same or not? Or all pains are coming back.

Ted Park famous bachelor in his generation. When he meets again Evelyn in a gallery he was determine to love her again. He was willing to be in a relationship again with her. Will Evelyn allow her heart to love him again or she will keep the distance between them?

Find out the love story of these two. Will they end in a happy ending or not?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Till it was you"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Only You
arts, literature, love, money, family, past
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