
Chapter 1

“Lady Evelyn please be careful!” shouted by Martin

“Don’t be silly Martin. I’m just riding Raven.” I smirked at him. I gently rubbed Raven my horse to calm him.

“But my lady, we both know if you get hurt Madam Lizzy will scowl at us.” He said worried

Then I realized he was right. He will be scolded again by grandma poor Martin. Last time he was scolded by grandma because of me, I was injured because of driving reckless. ”Sorry Martin I don’t mean to harm you again.” I said mortified.

“I know that my lady. You were just enjoying your youth. I understand you.” He said with compassion

I nod and smiled at him. I stepped down to Raven and landed into a grassy field. I gazed at the view and it was lovely. It was a sunset night is coming in a short minute.

“Let’s go home lady Evelyn.” Said Martin

“Please… let us finish the sunset. It’s beautiful” I said while staring at the sun.

He nod and waited. As the sun came down he accompanied me back to the castle. He hold Raven’s rope until we reached the stable.

“Martin I go ahead. Please take care Raven.” I said

He nod and smiled.

“Raven, be a good boy okay. I will see you tomorrow together with your doctor.”  I said cheerfully. Raven made a sound, he told me his farewell. I waved at them and leaved. When I reached the castled I saw grandma fuming. Perhaps I must run away but in the end she would found me and scolded me.

“Where were you?” she asked furious

“Am… I was with Raven and we take a ride in the grass field.” I whispered

“You should ask permission. I was worried because of you.” She said

I nod at her and ashamed with myself. She enfolded me in her arms telling me she forgave me already. That’s why I love grandma so much, she understood me well. Even I’m naughty still she forgave me ‘which I appreciated it.

“Come on dinner is waiting for us.” She told me

I smiled at her and nod. We walked together and proceeded in the dining area. As we reached it foods were already prepared. We sat on and I saw Martin standing behind us. We ate quietly. When we were finished I said my good night to Martin and grandma. She allowed me to go to my chambers. I was tired and shattered because of traveling with Raven. I changed my clothes into a satin night dress. I rested down on bed and I glanced at the calendar. Next week will be my third art exhibit and book signing. Yes I am an author and painter. In college I got the course BS Liberal Arts and I graduated as valedictorian lucky for me. My 2 exhibits were done last year in spring and winter. It was successful and I earned lots of cash from it, while my books were also good. My first book was sold out within the country now the second book was released and the third one was in worked. I didn’t notice I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 2

“Good morning my dear.” Greeted grandma

“Morning grandma.” I said while my eyes were still closed.

“Dear, wake up breakfast is ready in few minutes. We will be eating in the garden.” She said and leaved

I woke up and yawned. I glanced at the window and saw the sun. It was bright and mesmerizing. 6 years of living here in England many things have changed even my career flourished. I stood up and changed. I combed my hair and tied it into a ponytail. When I was ready I went downstairs and proceeded in the garden. I saw grandma sipping her tea while Martin was behind her.

“Good morning lady Evelyn.” He greeted

“Good morning Martin.” I said. I kissed grandma’s cheeks as a greeting.

Martin served me oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries together with my milk.

“Thank you Martin.” I said cheerfully

“Grandma, Doctor Black will be here.” I said

“Why?” she questioned

“For Raven, I wanted to know if he is in good condition.” I continued eating

“Very well… You could ask her for lunch since she is your close friend right Martin?” She said and smiled

“Of course Madam.” He said graciously

I smirked at Martin and grandma and continue eating. Martin’s oatmeal was really the best well luckily I still stayed in shape even I ate like a horse. When I lived here I learned how to eat many all the foods prepared by Martin were really delicious. After that conversation we the atmosphere was quiet.

>>11’o clock in the morning>>

“Raven is in good health as the usual.” Doc. Black said

“Thank you Clarissa as always.” I said

“Oh by the way grandma was inviting you for lunch.” I added

“Really?” she questioned. We both giggled. Clarissa Black 27 year’s old woman happily married. As I defined her she was tan with blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair, very conservative and beautiful. I met her when my first book signing happened she told me she was my huge supporter. She portrayed my book as an inspirational one full of excitement, emotions but more importantly lessons.

We travelled to the dining hall and were just right in time. I kissed grandma’s cheek as a greeting. When she saw Clarissa she gavel a quick hugged as a greeting.

“How are you auntie?” Clarissa asked politely

“I’m fine. How about you?” replied by grandma

“Never been better.” She said

We sat down and ate. Martin was behind me when I glanced at him I gave a satisfying smile for the foods and he nod.

“Evelyn, are you joining us in the banquet next week?” asked Clarissa

“Thank you for reminding me Clarissa. I’ve almost forgot to tell her.” Said grandma

“If you will join us my dear you will be accompanied by William Louis de Vergua” she added

“Unfortunately grandma on that week I will have my art exhibit and book signing,” I said sadly

“I understand. “ She said and gave a tight smile.

I nod we ate while our conversation was about our careers and success. Until, Clarissa opened up the topic about relationships.

“You Evelyn are you still single?” she smirked

 Is she smirking at me? She was being childish again. “Yes I am” I said arrogantly.

She chuckled and continued. “Your 23, you should have a man in your life” she said

“I cannot find the right man for me…” I teased

“I’ll help you what can you say auntie.” She sipped her soup

“I think you must besides she’s old enough to be married.” grandma said

All of us laughed. Well yes I’m old enough to be married. When we finished, Clarissa said her farewell to us. “Thank you for the lunch everyone.” embracing me and grandma. We smiled at her and she left.


I was in my art gallery creating another piece of art. Critics told me, my art works were very emotional and they were mesmerized. I was the youngest in my generation to attract critics and they commented I was the best in my age. They asked me who was my inspiration to all my artworks but I couldn’t say it. I didn’t notice grandma entered the room. I smiled at her and waiting for her to say something.

“Dear, are you still in forlorn?” she asked

Whoa! That was a blow. I stared at her curiously.

“What I meant was, are you still in love with him?” she renounced her question.

I never thought she was going to ask that. All these years I tried to forget about this and in just minute everything will came back. When she saw my uneasiness she cuddled me and she tried to soothe me.

“Forget my ridiculous question Evelyn.” She apologized

Before I knew it tears were falling in my eyes. I knew in my heart all these years I’m still with him. I loved him dearly and I knew I missed him so much. If there is one thing I regretted to do was hurting him.

“Yes grandma. I do love him” I said

“Oh dear.” She said worriedly

I continue to weep until I wanted to stop. Yes I’m successful but still I’m tormented with my past I couldn’t forgot it. He will be still in my heart as reflected to my works.

Chapter 3

This is it! My third exhibit here in England. I was wearing a simple cream dress with matching shoes. I remembered this morning grandma and Martin praised me.


“You look gorgeous dear. Right Martin?” grandma said

“Yes indeed. I praise you lady Evelyn.” He acknowledged

“Thank you for the both of you. It’s my first day. I need to go now.” I said cheerfully. I kissed grandma’s cheek and told her my farewell. She waved her hand while Martin accompanied me in the car.

 I checked the place before the opening time all were cleared and perfect. The paintings were arranged by its emotion and message. Most of my works are abstract but ironically you could easily identify the message being told. We started with the ribbon cutting as the usual press in the prominent newspapers and magazines are here, well- known critics and some of my batch mates in college.

As I travelled around I saw bunch of people admiring one of my work. I heard there praises some said this was the most stunning piece others said it was the most emotional piece. To be franked it didn’t matters if they were good or not because I only wanted to show my insights by my feelings. One of the reporters approached me. “Ms. Austen we would be happy for an interview.” She said

“No problem. I would be delighted.” I smiled at her. The way I examined her she looked new to this industry. She came from British Daily Journal one of the most prestigious newspaper in the country luckily for her.

“First question, based on the critics review to whom you thank your success?” she asked

Same question as before. Well I needed to answer. “Well to be frank its 75-25 percent. 25 for my family and friends, they were the ones who supported me at the end and they give advices or suggestions. While 75 was for me I was the one who decide about it. I give all my time and hard work for each artworks and I based all to my experiences.” I said then I smiled

“Ms. Austen what will you like to tell your supporters about your works? Give us some insights.” She requested

“Well the main advice I can give is learn from the experiences. You can’t forget the past because it will urge you instead live within but don’t use it for your misery we always have choices.” I said

“Thank you Ms. Austen.” She said cheerfully

“You’re welcome. Have fun.” I said. I gave her a quick hugged.

Another one approached me. He came from the Loubourgh Cuz magazine, a well-known magazine because of its taste in lifestyle and how well they featured an artist.

“Ms. Austen what particularly of theme are you engaged?” he questioned

 “Well to be honest, everything depends on my mood and plans.” I said

“Critics told most of your artworks are gloomy. Would you deny it? ” he asked

“No I won’t deny it. In fact it was an insight of my past.” I told him

“Ms. Austen, are you in a relationship?” he questioned with curiosity

I chuckled before I answered. “No I’m single and happy.” I said

He thanked me for the interview and leaved. That was the funniest question I answered for today. He was asking about my relationship. Well I was 6 years single since my last relationship.

When the interviews were over I looked around and I went to my favorite artwork. I called this as the “Sunset” it was memorable for me. Memories were coming back, this was the first time I saw the sunset in Seattle and it was stunning. I was interrupted when a cold shiver passed into my spine I felt someone was staring at me. This feeling I felt this before. He went nearer to my place now this person was standing beside me.

“I love this painting.” A manly voice said which I could recognized

“Me too I remember something when I stare at.” I said anxiously

When I gazed him I was surprised it was Ted. He grinned at me which I became more uneasy. Why is he here? What does he wanted?

“Anne.” He said

“Ted” as I replied.

Chapter 4

“Anne.” He said

“Ted” as I replied.  I was shocked that he was here.

“Why are you here? And don’t called me with that name” I snapped.

“Sorry. What am I supposed to do here? “ He smirked

“I mean are you also like the others want to be amazed or something?” I said. Irritation filled our conversation. He became more handsome the last time I saw him 6 years ago. But he didn’t change at all he was still the same the Ted I know. All the pains are coming back and somehow love.

“How rude…” He smirked

He’s smirking before I got furious I thought I should leave him. “Very well I hope you enjoy your staying here. Please excuse me.” I said and wore my fake smile. I turned my heels and walked away. Geez! It’s supposed to be a good show not like this. Anyway while I was walking someone called me a familiar voice that I could recognized, I turned around it was my very own friend Patrick.

“Ely!” he shouted. All heads turned around.

“Sorry!” I said. I returned my attention to the man who was running through me.

“Trick…” I giggled. He gave me a bear hugged which I was happy to take it. Patrick James Brooke my best friend since college. His features were a brunette with smoky gray eyes, well- built body and 6 ft. tall I guessed. He was known for his dazzling smile that captured women’s heart as they said and all in all he was handsome. He was popular in college not only he was attractive but also he was bright. We both graduated with honors. Our first encountered was lunch when I accidentally bumped him. All the food in the tray went to his shirt.

“You okay?” he asked seriously

“You’re kidding right? I was the one who hit you and mess out. Then you’re going to ask me if I’m okay?” I enraged. Was he alright how could he be so kind liked that? Mostly in US when you hit something you will received a punch from someone.

“It’s just only a shirt and besides your food is more important than my shirt.” He smirked

I’m fascinated. “Sorry… I mess out, and how rude I am...” I said embarrassed.

He chuckled “It’s alright! How about I treat you lunch since you don’t have?” he offered

I nod and smiled at him. He giggled while eating he asked my name which I answered kindly. “Ross Evelyn Austen, how about you?” I asked then continued chewing

“Me… Patrick James Brooke just called me Patrick” he said

“No. I would rather call you Trick or Patrick Star” I joked

“Really ha….Well I should call you Ely? Since Ross or Evelyn and it sounds old.” He teased

“Deal…” I said

We both chuckled and finished our lunch.  We were both surprised when we found out we were in one course. How unpredictable. He was the only person I could trust in college because I was afraid of being mess out and he knows that. Now he’s back he became more handsome than I expected.

 “How are you Ely? You seems more beautiful last time I saw you.” He said

“I’m good Trick. How about you seemed…” I examined him. “Change”

We both laughed. Uneasiness came through me blazing eyes staring at us. I suspected that it was him but it seems I’m assuming but only one thing to find out. I turned around my doubts were correct it was him. His eyes were icy like ice and he seemed furious. Why was he envious? I returned my attention to Patrick the man I trusted a lot.

“No I don’t because I’m afraid you will beat out of the shit in me…” He teased

“You remembered ha.” I laughed

I remembered when he was saying his farewell before going to the airport. “Don’t ever change or else….” I wept

“You will beat the shit out of me. I won’t change.” He mocked

“Damn you… I’m crying already. I’m going to miss you a lot Trick.” I said

“I know same as you. I promise I will come back to see you again the only problem is I don’t know when?” he joked

We both laughed. Before he left he whispered something in my ear which I could not understood because of the honk.

“Farewell Trick…” I gave him my last hug before he leaves.

“No Ely. It won’t be a farewell.” He kissed my cheeks and left.

He gave me another hugged. It seems he really missed me so as I. He looked at me with his serious eyes.

“You okay?” he asked

“Yeah I’m fine. You know just nervous.” I joked

“Come let’s go out since you’re in here in hours.” He said

I nod at him. He hold my hands and we walked through the exit.

Chapter 5

We went to the park nearby and sat in a bench. I could feel the rays of the sun in my skin, laughter’s of the children and birds chirping merrily a view of a happy spring. I placed my head in his shoulders and heard him chuckled.

“I missed this…” I started

“You are quit nervous. Just breath Ely everything will be fine.” He assured

He knows me well. When I’m doing this it means I would like myself to calm and breath. Self- confidence lacks to my personality as he said before which I was convinced.

He stood up and run. Where was he going? I waited and waited for minutes until he came back. He bought two chocolate ice creams. He gave me one and gestured his hands to the ice cream man. I plant a kiss in his cheek for my appreciation. We ate our ice creams quietly when our eyes locked we just burst into laughter. When we finished he asked me to watch a movie after that we would go to carnival until we were both satisfied.

As we walked I overheard people talking about us.

“Look at them is it the woman was Evelyn Austen?” said the woman

“Yes while the man with her was Patrick Brook the famous model.” Said the other woman

“What’s their relationship?” asked the first

“I don’t know…” answered by the second

Patrick squeezed my hands asking me to ignore it.

“I don’t know you entered modeling?” I asked

“So rude you didn’t know your best friend’s work?” he snapped. He was serious.

“Sorry…” I whispered

He began to laugh. Damn him! I stepped his foot, he groaned of pain.

“You deserve it.” I said

He came back from laughing. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing also. I embraced him which he was bemused.

“I forgive you.” He whispered

We were really close. Back in, college students thought we were in a relationship even grandma and Martin thought Trick was my boyfriend but I clarified to them.

When we felt our stomach sang we went to a restaurant nearby in the carnival. People were looking at us because of our sweetness. A waitress accompanied us to our table. We sat in different direction so I was facing him then the waitress came back together with the menu list. She handed us, after over looking at she asked us. I think the waitress likes Trick and she wanted to get his attention. Trick was looking at the menu list and he gazed at her and smiled.

“You, Ely what would you like?” Trick asked

“Wait… I would like some plain lasagna with matching garlic bread, and umm….” I said

He stared at me and smirked. “Add some 7 kinds of cheese pizza chocolate mousse and 2 bottles of soda. That’s all thank you.” He smiled at the waitress. The waitress took the menu list and she grinned like an idiot teenager. I glared at her and she went off. Trick gave a looked asking me for an explanation.

“What?” I snapped

“Nothing.” He smirked

“Come on Trick what is it? You’re not going to smirk if nothing amazes you.” I said cruelly

“You caught me. Is my best friend jealous? Is she in love with me?” he mocked

Am I jealous? Am I in love with my best friend? No it couldn’t be he was my friend he knows that why would he asked that. Yes we were close to each other but being in love it’s a doubt. I stared at him with blank expression and he got alarmed. He knows he said something sensitive. When we were in college I told him that I’m afraid to fall in love again with someone deeply after what happened to Ted and me.

He sat beside me and embraced me with his strong arms. “Hey Ely listened, don’t think of those questions I’m just joking. I’m sorry if I offended you.” He said softly

I stared at him and nod assuring him I’m fine. “I’m sorry did I worried you?” I asked

“A little but I understand. Sorry” he said sincerely

I chuckled. He planted a kiss in my head. Exactly our food came it looks mouth-watering.

“Looks delicious…Dig up.”  He said

I nod and ate. Now I’m confused do I see him not only as a friend but also a lover? I’m afraid of these feelings I’m afraid to see or feel it. While eating something came through my mind.

“Trick can I ask you something?” I asked

“Sure… It seems serious ha.” He said

I breathe deeply and tried to calm myself. “Are you in a relationship?” I asked seriously.

He stared at me with clouded eyes. He took a sip before he answered, “No Ely, I’m not in a relationship actually I’m in love with this girl I know.”

“Oh… Can I know her name?” I’m bemused

“Not yet… but you know her very well.” He said

Now I’m puzzled. I could not read him maybe he was really serious.

“Whoever she is, don’t she dare hurt you or else I will beat the shit….” He cuts me

“Out of her, I know.” He snapped

We continued eating as soon as we done we left the restaurant. We went to the cab lane. When we got one I entered inside and waved at him but surprisingly he went inside as well.

“You’re coming with me?” I asked confusingly

“Yes. Apparently I wanted to see grandma and Martin.” He smirked then squeezed my hands to his.

I saw the driver glanced at us he was thinking we were lovers as I could read in his eyes. We traveled quietly while I fell into a sleep. I felt Trick moved his other hand to placed my head in his shoulders and gave a kiss in my top head. When we arrived it’s already 8 in the evening.

“Ely wake up were here already.” He said softly

I just nod. I was really exhausted both physical and emotionally too much revelation for this day. He smirked at me. When I didn’t wake up he carried me like a bridal style. The driver laughed at us and I felt my cheeks were burning. “Okay I’m up.” I snapped

“I thought you won’t” he smirked

“Mr. Brooke, Are you smirking at me again? And please let me go down.” I protested

“Am I in trouble Ms. Austen no I won’t let you down.” He smirked and started to walk.

“Yes you are.” I shouted. I tried to protest but he carried me very firmly. When I got tired he glanced at me and smirked. I could not stop myself to smirk also he was so warm and strong. He let me down when we were already in the doors.

“Thanks.” I said

“As always.” He said

We walked inside the castle and found Martin.

“Good evening Lady Evelyn.” Said Martin

“Good evening Martin.” I answered

“Good evening Mr. Brooke…” he said surprisingly

“Martin. Long time no see you don’t need to be formal as always.” He said

“Yes of course. I’m sorry my lady we did not prepared anything for this evening we thought…” I cut him. I could see he was worried.

“It’s alright we already ate and forgave us for this sudden event.” I said to him then I smiled

 “Me and Trick will be in my gallery.” I added. He nod and leaved us alone.

We went to my gallery quietly. When we arrived I showed to him some of my artworks.

“It’s beautiful.” He said

I nod and smiled. “I want to show you something.” I said. We went to one of the portraits hung in the walls. He was amazed it was a mosaic of us looking at the skies in spring time.

“You liked it?” I asked happily

He nod and smiled at me. He touched the portrait and looked at me. His eyes became unreadable I could not distinguished his emotions anymore.

“Do you know what I wanted to do that time?” he asked utterly

“No, I don’t” I said.

He came nearer to me as I could feel his breathe in me. I was tense in this sudden changed of the atmosphere. He whispered something in my ear which I could not understand until I felt something in my lips his lips kissing me passionately which I kissed back.

Chapter 6

I looked around in this gallery, I wanted to see Anne no she was Evelyn Austen this point of time. As I scanned the whole place the portraits were hung in the walls. I could hear the critics how they complement each of her art works that made me feel proud. They were right even I, I’m fascinated with all of these. The portraits showed her different emotions inside her heart they were beautiful as her but most of these are grieve and sorrow. She could not forget the past she was tormented by it. As I roamed paparazzi came through me. They asked interviews which I refused and walked away. I hate them I hate it when they pestering my life. I wanted my life to be private as possible as I could. I didn’t care if they put something in their papers about me. Once more I searched around until I found her staring dreamily to a portrait.

6 years passed, inside those years I tried to forget but I couldn’t, I had 15 girlfriends inside those years I made love or fuck each of them. I tried to love them and be contented but I couldn’t. I ended up breaking their hearts or receiving slaps from them, I didn’t want to betray them but I must because I knew they will end up miserable. I’m always empty until Anne came to my life she was my sunlight who filled me. Her smiles and laughter’s brightens my life. I wanted to see those things. Until one day, I found her in the newspapers she was famous not only as a painter but also a writer. I asked my secretary to buy me one of her books which she did diligently. When I received the book I cancelled all my meetings for that day just to spend time reading the book. As I read the book entitled “TORMENTED” very ironic. The story was about an orphaned girl who doesn’t know anything about herself until she met a boy who was fund of magic, as the story progress in the end she was left alone in a dark forest. According to news, the book earned billions of dollars all around the world and there will be a sequence of it. When I was reading I felt more guilt to what I did to her. I hurt her a lot and I realized I need to see her again. I need to be with her even I knew all the risks but I will take any chances. In all those years my love for her never vanished instead it bloomed more.

Now I’m here in this gallery staring at her. She grew up into a fine lady and became more attractive than before. Memories were coming back her soft lips, black eyes, and mostly her beautiful smiles I missed her a lot. I felt guilt when I did not trust her 6 years ago that cause pain to the both of us. Even I’m just staring at her it felt like the first time I saw her. I walked through her and felt her uneasiness. I placed myself beside her.

“Anne.” I said

“Ted” she replied.  She seems surprised that I was here in her exhibit. She’s more beautiful than I expected.

“Why are you here? And don’t called me with that name” she snapped.

She’s still the same, the Anne I had loved all those years. “Sorry. What am I supposed to do here?” I smirked

“I mean are you also like the others want to be amazed or something?” she answered. Irritation filled our conversation. I remembered when we first encountered each other both of us teasing each other and how I dragged her just to be with her.

“How rude…” I smirked

 “Very well I hope you enjoy your staying here. Please excuse me.” she said and wore her fake smile. She turned her heels and walked away. I stared at her the whole time and saw some man giving her a bear hug. It seemed they were really close her bright smile could brighten the whole room. Blood rushed through my head. Damn! Put his damn arms down and get away from her. I wanted to punch the guy with my owned strength. She sensed my jealousy and left instantly. If this is the game, I need to fight until the end until I felt her in my arms. I gazed at the portrait in front me. It was entitled as the sunset it looks familiar, yes, I remembered we watched together the sunset in Seattle. I remembered her expressions back then. She never forgotten me I smiled at myself. I leaved the gallery and went to the parking lot. The battle of hearts was starting right now. I had many opponents the giant ass man, the emotions especially the past. But liked I said before I will risks any chances I had just to have her even it takes time to fixed the broken pieces. I tilt my head and gazed at the clouds.

Chapter 7

He kissed me passionately until it deepens. It felt so good but no sparks appeared it’s different from the kisses of Ted. I stopped and stared at him with blank emotion. No! This is wrong I’m kissing my best friend. And why the heck Ted came through my middle of this situation?

“I’m sorry.” He whispered

I’m speechless I don’t know what to say. All these things were just sudden I didn’t expect all of these. I just only wanted to see my best friend but ending like this. I continued to stare at him. His expressions were unreadable like mine until I recovered myself.

“It’s alright. Let’s just forget about this. You know I don’t want to be awkward.” I joked

I started to move away until I felt him grabbing my arms. I glared at him. “What? Let go of me!” I jerked

“Don’t you have any idea?! You said forget all of these, how could I do that if I am in love with my best friend?” He shouted

I’m astounded with this sudden revelation.

“Yes I’m madly in love with you Evelyn Austen! You’re amazed! I loved you since the day you bumped me with your lunch tray, I loved you since the day you teased me most of all you had bewitched me Ely all those sweetness and rudeness of yours.” He said furiously

“I don’t know what to say.” I whispered then I suddenly felt being betrayed

“Don’t you mean all those years you’re betraying me? How could you? I thought you were my friend but all this time you’re fooling me around.” I snapped. I slapped his face and glared at him. “That’s for kissing me without any permission. Please just leave I don’t want to see you right now.” I said

He walked towards the door and glared for minutes until he spoke, “You’re still in love with your ex ha? I thought when I become sweet to you I can capture you but it’s only just a waste of time.” He snapped.

Blood rushed to my brain. “How dare you accuse me?  You don’t know anything at least him he asked permission to me unlike you. Please just leave.” I begged before I became broken then he left. I embraced myself and tears starting to fall down. I couldn’t stop I was grieving for the loss of my dearest friend. He wanted more which I couldn’t commit. I left my gallery and proceeded outside the castle. I went to the stable and freed Raven. I rode at him even and went to the grassy field. I screamed very hard as I could I wanted the pain to come out it’s too much for me. This day is full of unexpected events no it was a shitty day. I’m broken again like the past; I hold my head which was filled with many things. For now I should give space for the both of us. It’s the only way to breathe at this situation. I’m only worried for the future which was waiting for us. I put my hand in my pocket and touched something I looked for it, it was the pocket watch. When I opened it, a melody burst out it made my heartbeat stop for a minute. Even I hated the person who gave me this in the end he was still inside my heart. He made me feel calm and sorrow by the used of this thing every day. “Please let me go.” I whispered to myself as I continued to moan.

Chapter 8

It’s the fourth day of my exhibit I was expecting him, Patrick but unfortunately he didn’t showed up. 3 days ago, after that incident we were not communicating maybe he was really upset. Am I really that mean? I need to settle this issue but grandma advised me “give him time and space.” she said. Perhaps she was right Patrick was really seemed offended of what I did. I was roaming around when I saw him, Ted memories came back just like the first time I encountered him in Seattle. His blue eyes were shining with mixed emotions what was he thinking? I found myself staring his lips, those impeccable and soft lips which I enjoyed kissing before. I wanted to feel it again in mine. Suddenly, I felt embarrassed when he locked his eyes at me, those lips curving into a grin. He didn’t change even a bit. I walked towards to join him which I saw his face in amusement. I started to smirk he responded me with a chuckle.

“Like my works?” I joked

Still staring at the portrait, “Yes, they were all pretty.” He commented

I felt happy and nervous at the same time. I tried to apologize…“Umm… I’d just want to apologize for treating you 3 days ago and…” but he cut me

“There’s one portrait I like the best.” He said. I gave him a questionable look. Excitement and anxiety burst in my veins. Which portraits does he like?

He led me the way until we found ourselves in the third portrait hung in opposite wall. I was shocked it was the same like mine “Sunset” I turned my head to see him and in my amusement he was dreaming.

“I like this… no, I love this painting so much.” He said dreamily

I don’t know why? But tears started to fall from my eyes. What was he telling me? Does he still love me? When I thought on the idea I doubt it but my heart keeps jumping. I tried to calm myself but I couldn’t until I felt warm arms squeezing my whole body they were his. His scent gives back time.

“Come. You need fresh air.” He offered

I nodded he gave a soft smile. We went outside he holding my hand what was he thinking? I kept staring on our hands, on him but he was unreachable. We reached a café near the gallery he released my hand to open the door. Inside was a cozy place rattan chairs, tables with serene atmosphere and the smell of different kinds of coffee.

“Good afternoon. How may I help you?” a clerk asked. She was a brunette with hazel eyes in her uniform. Interesting...

“A black coffee, two blueberry cheesecake and an ice coffee with extra milk.” He said and turned his head giving me a smile. He still knows my coffee. He gestured telling me to find a seat while waiting for our meal. I nodded and found one near in the windows, while looking around I studied the different portraits hanging and I found mine. It was a portrait… suddenly he came.

“Love the portraits?” he asked and gave a genuine smile

“Yes.” I said still staring at it.

“Do you know it?” he asked while he took a sip of his coffee

I nod. “It was one of my paintings during my second exhibit entitled “the black” I did not expect I will see it here” I said

He smiled. “People love you especially your different ideas about the world.  You give light to them.” He said

I flushed and smiled at him. Like me he turned red and embarrassed. I tried to hide my amusement but I couldn’t. I started to laugh while him staring at me with annoyance but in the end we were both laughing. We ate our food. I took a sip of my drink until he spoke.

“So, how’s life? You’re famous all around the world.” He said and took a sip again

“I’m fine…” Am I? I raised my head to look at him exactly what’s in my mind he gave a worried look asking me to confide my problems. “I get it… I’m not good.” I started telling my problems he listened to me patiently and never interrupted me. When I was done I was already sobbing but the tears falling in my eyes were actually I felt better. He moved his chair and sat beside me. He embraced me, gave a kiss in my head and telling me everything will be alright. I regained my composure and smiled at him. We finished our meal and I suggested we go to the music hall. He stills holding my hands squeezing it the entire time. When we arrived I led him to the piano area. I offered him to sit beside me which he nodded and I started to play. The entire time he was listening patiently while I played different music and theme. When I was finished it was already 6 in the evening I turned my head to him, gave a genuine smile telling him I’m fine now. I tried to peck his cheek until he captured my lips by his. The kiss was full of need and sorrow, I could feel butterflies in my stomach it was passionate enough to feel right. I could feel his love and how sorry he was, it gave back memories when I was his and he was mine. We ended up catching our breaths. I enfolded my arms in him while he squeezed me more tightly.

“Thank you.” I whispered

“I love you.” He said. I hugged him tighter.

“I miss you so much” I confessed

He gave a small laugh.

Chapter 9

Ted drove me way back home. I’m grateful for his confession. Are we that fast? I asked myself, before I was angry at him now I’m happy being with him my feelings were unpredictable same as his. I remembered how we ended up it was painful in my side but I didn’t know it also cause grieve to him. Life was really impulsive we never knew what will happen in the future. As I arrived home I caught him staring at me.

“So…umm…what are we now?” he asked nervously.

“You never change a bit.” I said and smirked

“Are you smirking at me? And…” I kissed him which he returned. When I stopped he grinned revealing his pearly white teeth.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He said and laughed. I pecked his cheek and came down the car.

“Good night Ms. Austen” he said

“Good night Mr. Park” I said and waved at him.

As soon as I entered the door I heard his car leaving. I couldn’t stop smiling all over and over again. Yeah, I’m still in love with him all these years I couldn’t forget him. Maybe it’s time to forgive each other. I’m 23 already. “Yes that’s it!” I shouted myself. After this event I realized I’m more worthy if they are with me it’s time to go back in that place and faced my past and tried to forgive them. A sight of relief came through me.  My eyes caught Martin as the usual waiting for my arrival.

“Good evening Martin.” I greeted

“Ms. Evelyn” he acknowledged. “Mam, Mr. Brooke had arrived earlier this evening and he was waiting you together with your grandmother.” He added

I nodded and he led me towards the living room. Anxiety came through my body thinking many things about me and Patrick when we arrived I saw him talking to my grandmother seriously. Martin acknowledged my arrival both of them turned their heads in my way. I walked toward grandma pecked her cheek and greeted her same as to Patrick but the moment was awkward.

“Patrick is there something you need to tell?” I asked seriously not leaving his eyes.

“I will leave the both of you to give privacy. Good night.” She said and leaved

“Ely…” he started

I waited for him to speak until he kissed me. He stopped himself and I stared him with horror. The kiss was a mixture of lust and love different from Ted. He spoke while I tried to understand every word he said. “I’m sorry for this and the other day. I didn’t mean to blast out its just it I was hoping when I kiss you we could be more. But apparently things didn’t change especially your feelings”

I took a deep breath before I answered. “Listen okay. Trick we both know that I love you but it’s not the way you want but nothing’s going to change even this thing happened. Forgive me because I cannot give what you want.” I paused he stared at me with hurt eyes. “I’m sorry but I only see you as a brother figure no, my dearest friend.” I corrected myself. ”I know it sounds awful but that’s the truth I don’t want to form another relationship with guilt I want to be honest with you.”

“Are there no any chances?” he asked

I nodded at him and embraced him telling him how sorry I am.

“If you want to cry go ahead.” I offered

“Are you still in love with him?” he whispered

I nodded. He burst into tears which I widely understood. When he stopped I gave an apologetic smile he did not say a word but looking through his eyes I understood him already. After those minutes he decided to leave my house which I accompanied him. We reached the door and embraced him again.

“Were still best friends right?” I asked nervously

He nodded. I gave a genuine smile which was the only thing I could offer. He waved his hand and left sadly which guilt attacked through me. What have I’d done? I tormented my dearest friend the only person I trusted.


I woke up annoyingly because of the phone ringing non-stop. Who the hell is this? Does he or she know it too early to disturb people? I tried to answer the phone calmly but irritation overcome. “Who the hell are you?” I shouted “Do you it’s only 6 am in the morning and you’re already disturbing other people’s privacy!” I added

“Privacy ha?” he said and laughed

I stared at my phone until I realized it was Ted. I sat tried to compose myself anxiety came through me. “Sorry…” I whispered. Damn! I could hear my voice trembling.

He laughed at me which I got annoyed. “Go to hell!” when I was going to turn down my phone he stopped me immediately.

“Okay, sorry.” He apologized still laughing

“What is your problem? If it is nonsense your dead! Speak up!” I shouted over my phone

“Alright…I just want to tell you I’ll be there at 20 minutes to pick you up.” He said “For our breakfast date.” He added

“You didn’t tell me were going to have an early date?” I frowned

I heard him giggling over the phone. “I’ll. Be. Waiting... For You.” he hung up. I stared at my phone with disbelieve. Geez! He drives me crazy. After a minute I was already laughing to myself. “What am I going to do to you?” I asked myself staring happily at the phone.


Texte: none
Lektorat: none
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2013

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This the sequence of the first book entitled Till it was you. Hope you enjoyed^^

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