Dachau`s Gettysburg or the imminent downfall of an offenders`town

expanded english language edition Von:
Dachau`s Gettysburg or the imminent downfall of an offenders`town
The town of Dachau in Upper Bavaria is a town of great historical shame
and of many recent scandals. In other words, Dachau is an offenders`town. Despite all this, Dachau has experienced in recent decades perceptible demographic and economic growth. Now, however, there are first signs, that this undeservedly positive development might come to an end. In all probability, in retrospect, 2014 will have been the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg. The year, in which the hand of fate turned the tide of Dachau`s fortunes, and in which Dachau`s downfall began. This ebook outlines the reasons for this development.

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