

Those well acquainted with American history know, that the battle of Gettysburg in 1863 was a turning point in the US-Civil War. Its defeat in this major battle put the until then somewhat victorious Southern Confederacy on the defensive and ultimately led to its capitulation in 1865. There is now much evidence, that in retrospect the year 2014 will turn out as the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg, e.g. the year, in which the irreversible downfall of this morally prostituted town in Upper Bavaria began. In this English language edition, a much expanded version of the german original, which I published just a few days ago, I will outline the reasons for the downfall of this morally uninspiring and hypocritical town.

2)The tactical conspiracy of offenders` town Dachau

In offenders` town Dachau they know quite well, that in particular due to their morally prostituted concentration camp history they have an reputation problem. This poses many problems for the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau. On the one hand, they are deep down in their heart quite greedy and egoistic. On the other hand, an offenders` town is expected to show much humanity and idealism. The traditional answer of the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau always has been to behave on weekends, when television cameras are switched on, as if they were by now the morally sensibilized archangel Gabriel. Furthermore, on surface, most inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau are at first glance very friendly and open minded to foreigners. However, if one looks somewhat behind the façade of pretended respectability, it becomes quite clear, that Dachau`s humanity is underdeveloped und Dachau`s material egoism is overdeveloped. Large sections of offenders` town Dachau are a town of hypocrites, which has regrettably developed well with this strategy.

3) Dachau- the town of nazi-murder-shame

In Dachau concentration camp tens of thousands of people were killed at the instigation of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-8360-4

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