Fallen Goddess

Fallen Goddess

Celine isn’t necessarily defined as an ordinary 17 year old not only because she endures the power of immortals but her beauty is never left unnoticed which can be an extremely dangerous weapon. She has long silky black hair that’s shimmers in any light, sparkling blue eyes, a magnificent smile, and a slim curvaceous body.Yet there is a problem when she turns 17 her full powers submit and her transitioning stage will take place needing to be with her real parents but she herself doesn’t know how powerful she is or who they are. So a messenger is sent for her where unexpecting twist occurs.

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Review - You have an interesting concept here. I can tell you've been studying Greek history. You have described her homecoming well and develop some questions in me, the reader. For instance, how can she leave her earth parents so easily? You described them as very interesting, down to earth people. I wonder why she isn't worried that they might be worried about her disappearance.

Your strength is developing an interesting... mehr anzeigen

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Gwinevere Keethley

Alright, the only words I can find right now are these: I, love, this, awesome, wonderful, exciting, story. Keep writing!! ^v^

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I like it. Just remember to revise and all. The plot is mesmerizing and it pulls me into realization that this might just be real. ^-^ Add more and keep me interested, eh?

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i loved this book and since ur righting about goddess could you look at my books The Fire Goddess and The Wind Goddess. Plus, also for me could you look up Hunters and Huntresses that would be wonderful please and thank you. Oh, please comment and favorite

-Angel4ever xoxoxoxoxoxo

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This book is awesome!!!! you should finish it so i can become addiced to it! omg excited.....loooooovve it!

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